
Microsoft Azure PowerShell

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azure-powershell - Az.Tools.Installer v0.1.1

Published by msJinLei almost 4 years ago

Changes since last release

  • Fix bugs for Install-AzModule
  • Fix syntax errors when run in Windows Powershell

To install Az.Tools.Predictor from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az.Tools.Installer

The module needs to be imported manually via

Import-Module Az.Tools.Installer

For more information on Az.Tools.Installer, please visit the following:

azure-powershell - 5.1.0

Published by dingmeng-xue almost 4 years ago

Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell :

To install Az from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force

To update from an older version of Az, run the following command:

Update-Module -Name Az

Docker images


5.1.0 - November 2020


  • Fixed an issue that TenantId may be not respected if using 'Connect-AzAccount -DeviceCode'[#13477]
  • Added new cmdlet 'Get-AzAccessToken'
  • Fixed an issue that error happens if user profile path is inaccessible
  • Fixed an issue causing Write-Object error during Connect-AzAccount [#13419]
  • Added parameter 'ContainerRegistryEndpointSuffix' to: 'Add-AzEnvironment', 'Set-AzEnvironment'
  • Supported interrupting login by hitting CTRL+C
  • Fixed an issue causing 'Connect-AzAccount -KeyVaultAccessToken' not working [#13127]
  • Fixed null reference and method case insensitive in 'Invoke-AzRestMethod'


  • Fixed the issue that user cannot use service principal to create a new Kubernetes cluster. [#13012]


  • General availability of 'Az.AppConfiguration' module


  • Improved error message of 'New-AzDataFactoryV2LinkedServiceEncryptedCredential' command



  • Added new MSIX Package cmdlets and updated Applications cmdlets.


  • Fixed Cluster commands for EventHub cluster without tags
  • Updated help text for PartnerNamespace of AzEventHubGeoDRConfiguration commands


  • Add parameters 'ResourceProviderConnection' and 'PrivateLink' to cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster' to support relay outbound and private link feature
  • Add parameter 'AmbariDatabase' to cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster' to support custom Ambari database feature
  • Add accept value 'AmbariDatabase' to the parameter 'MetastoreType' of the cmdlet 'Add-AzHDInsightMetastore'


  • Allowed tags in IoT Hub create cmdlet.


  • Supported updating key vault tag


  • Fixed for Get-AzLogicAppRunHistory only retrieving the first page of results


  • Updated below cmdlet
    • 'New-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigCommand', 'Set-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigCommand', 'Add-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigCommand':
      • Added PublicIpAddressPrefix property
      • Added PublicIpAddressPrefixId property
  • Added new properties to the following cmdlets to allow for global load balancing
    • 'New-AzLoadBalancer':
      • Added Sku Tier property
    • 'New-AzPuplicIpAddress':
      • Added Sku Tier property
    • 'New-AzPublicIpPrefix':
      • Added Sku Tier property
    • 'New-AzLoadBalancerBackendAddressConfig':
      • Added LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationId property
  • Updated planning to deprecate warnings for the following cmdlets
  • Added planning to deprecate warnings on the argument 'RouteTable' for the following cmdlets
  • Made arguments '-MinScaleUnits' and '-MaxScaleUnits' optional in 'Set-AzExpressRouteGateway'
  • Added new cmdlets to support Mutual Authentication and SSL Profiles on Application Gateway
    • 'Get-AzApplicationGatewayClientAuthConfiguration'
    • 'New-AzApplicationGatewayClientAuthConfiguration'
    • 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewayClientAuthConfiguration'
    • 'Set-AzApplicationGatewayClientAuthConfiguration'
    • 'Add-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate'
    • 'Get-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate'
    • 'New-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate'
    • 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate'
    • 'Set-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate'
    • 'Add-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfile'
    • 'Get-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfile'
    • 'New-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfile'
    • 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfile'
    • 'Set-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfile'
    • 'Get-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfilePolicy'
    • 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfilePolicy'
    • 'Set-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfilePolicy'


  • Specifying policy BackupTime is in UTC.
  • Modifying breaking change warning in Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupJobDetails cmdlet.
  • Updating sample script help text for Set-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectionPolicy cmdlet.


  • Fixed an issue where What-If shows two resource group scopes with different casing
  • Updated 'Export-AzResourceGroup' to use the SDK.
  • Added culture info to parse methods


  • Fixed issues where Set-AzSqlDatabaseAudit were not support Hyperscale database and database edition cannot be determined
  • Added MaintenanceConfigurationId to 'New-AzSqlInstance' and 'Set-AzSqlInstance'
  • Fixed a bug in GetAzureSqlDatabaseReplicationLink.cs where PartnerServerName parameter was being checked for by value instead of key


  • Added support for new access restriction features: ServiceTag, multi-ip and http-headers

Thanks to our community contributors

  • John Q. Martin (@johnmart82), Adding firewall prerequisite information (#13385)
  • Manikandan Duraisamy (@madurais-msft), Corrected the PublicSubnetName argument (#13417)
  • @mahortas, Update for -HostNames parameter values (#13349)
  • @MariachiForHire, added supported TrafficAnalyticsInterval values (#13304)
  • Michael James (@mikejwhat), Allow Get-AzLogicAppRunHistory to return more than 30 entries (#13393)
  • Shashikant Shakya (@shshakya), Update (#13404)
azure-powershell - Az.Network v4.2.0

Published by VeryEarly almost 4 years ago

Version 4.2.0

  • Added warning messages for upcoming breaking change for Virtual Router Peer Routes
    • Get-AzVirtualRouterPeerLearnedRoute
    • Get-AzVirtualRouterPeerAdvertisedRoute
  • Added new cmdlet for virtual router
    • Update-AzVirtualRouter: to allow branch to branch traffic
  • Updated New-AzFirewallPolicyNatRule cmdlet:
    • Added parameter Translated FQDN
azure-powershell - Az.StackHCI v0.3.1

Published by isra-fel almost 4 years ago

Release Notes

  • Fixed an issue that may block Stack HCI registration.

azure-powershell - Az.DigitalTwins v0.1.0

Published by isra-fel almost 4 years ago

Release Notes

  • First preview release for module Az.DigitalTwins

azure-powershell - Az.Storage v3.0.1-prevew

Published by isra-fel almost 4 years ago

Release Notes

  • Supported resource access rule in NetworkRuleSet
    • 'Update-AzStorageAccountNetworkRuleSet'
    • 'Add-AzStorageAccountNetworkRule'
    • 'Remove-AzStorageAccountNetworkRule'

azure-powershell - 5.0.0

Published by dingmeng-xue almost 4 years ago

Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell :

To install Az from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force

To update from an older version of Az, run the following command:

Update-Module -Name Az

Docker images


5.0.0 - October 2020


  • [Breaking Change] Removed 'Get-AzProfile' and 'Select-AzProfile'
  • Replaced Azure Directory Authentication Library with Microsoft Authentication Library(MSAL)


  • [Breaking Change] Removed parameter alias 'ClientIdAndSecret' in 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'Set-AzAksCluster'.
  • [Breaking Change] Changed the default value of 'NodeVmSetType' in 'New-AzAksCluster' from 'AvailabilitySet' to 'VirtualMachineScaleSets'.
  • [Breaking Change] Changed the default value of 'NetworkPlugin' in 'New-AzAksCluster' from 'None' to 'azure'.
  • [Breaking Change] Removed parameter 'NodeOsType' in 'New-AzAksCluster' as it supports only one value Linux.


  • Added 'Get-AzBillingAccount' cmdlet
  • Added 'Get-AzBillingProfile' cmdlet
  • Added 'Get-AzInvoiceSection' cmdlet
  • Added new parameters in 'Get-AzBillingInvoice' cmdlet
  • Removed properties DownloadUrlExpiry, Type, BillingPeriodNames from the response of Get-AzBillingInvoice cmdlet


  • Added cmdlets to support multi-origin and private link functionality


  • Updated SDK to 7.4.0-preview.


  • Added '-VmssId' parameter to 'New-AzVm'
  • Added 'PlatformFaultDomainCount' parameter to the 'New-AzVmss' cmdlet.
  • New cmdlet 'Get-AzDiskEncryptionSetAssociatedResource'
  • Added 'Tier' and 'LogicalSectorSize' optional parameters to the New-AzDiskConfig cmdlet.
  • Added 'Tier', 'MaxSharesCount', 'DiskIOPSReadOnly', and 'DiskMBpsReadOnly' optional parameters to the 'New-AzDiskUpdateConfig' cmdlet.


  • [Breaking Change] Updates API version to 2020-05-01
  • [Breaking Change] Removed SKU 'Classic' and parameter 'StorageAccountName' from 'New-AzContainerRegistry'
  • Added New cmdlets: 'Connect-AzContainerRegistry', 'Import-AzContainerRegistry', 'Get-AzContainerRegistryUsage', 'New-AzContainerRegistryNetworkRule', 'Set-AzContainerRegistryNetworkRule'
  • Added new parameter 'NetworkRuleSet' to 'Update-AzContainerRegistry'


  • Fixed a bug that may cause updating databricks workspace without -EncryptionKeyVersion to fail.


  • Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.12.0
  • Updated ADF encryption client SDK version to 4.14.7587.7
  • Added 'Stop-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerRun' and 'Invoke-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerRun' commands


  • Require Location property for creating top level arm objects.
    * Made ApplicationGroupType required for New-AzWvdApplicationGroup.
    * Made HostPoolArmPath required for New-AzWvdApplicationGroup.
    * Added PreferredAppGroupType for New-AzWvdHostPool.


  • [Breaking Change] Removed 'IncludeSlot' switch parameter from all but one parameter set of 'Get-AzFunctionApp'. The cmdlet now supports retrieving deployment slots in the results when '-IncludeSlot' is specified.
  • Updated 'New-AzFunctionApp':
    • Fixed -DisableApplicationInsights so that no application insights project is created when this option is specified. [#12728]
    • [Breaking Change] Removed support to create PowerShell 6.2 function apps.
    • [Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Windows for PowerShell function apps from 6.2 to 7.0 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.
    • [Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Windows and Linux for Node function apps from 10 to 12 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.
    • [Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Linux for Python function apps from 3.7 to 3.8 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.


  • For New-AzHDInsightCluster cmdlet:
    • Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
    • Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' with 'StorageAccountKey'
    • Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountType' with 'StorageAccountType'
    • Removed parameter 'PublicNetworkAccessType'
    • Removed parameter 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType'
    • Added new parameters: 'StorageFileSystem' and 'StorageAccountManagedIdentity' to support ADLSGen2
    • Added new parameter 'EnableIDBroker' to Support HDInsight ID Broker
    • Added new parameters: 'KafkaClientGroupId', 'KafkaClientGroupName' and 'KafkaManagementNodeSize' to support Kafka Rest Proxy
  • For New-AzHDInsightClusterConfig cmdlet:
    • Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
    • Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' with 'StorageAccountKey'
    • Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountType' with 'StorageAccountType'
    • Removed parameter 'PublicNetworkAccessType'
    • Removed parameter 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType'
  • For Set-AzHDInsightDefaultStorage cmdlet:
    • Replaced parameter 'StorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
  • For Add-AzHDInsightSecurityProfile cmdlet:
    • Replaced parameter 'Domain' with 'DomainResourceId'
    • Removed the mandatory requirement for parameter 'OrganizationalUnitDN'


  • [Breaking Change] Deprecated parameter DisableSoftDelete in 'New-AzKeyVault' and EnableSoftDelete in 'Update-AzKeyVault'
  • [Breaking Change] Removed attribute SecretValueText to avoid displaying SecretValue directly [#12266]
  • Supported new resource type: managed HSM
    • CRUD of managed HSM and cmdlets to operate keys on managed HSM
    • Full HSM backup/restore, AES key creation, security domain backup/restore, RBAC


  • [Breaking Change] Updated parameters naming conventions and associated examples


  • [Breaking Change] Removed parameter 'HostedSubnet' and added 'Subnet' instead
  • Added new cmdlets for Virtual Router Peer Routes
    • 'Get-AzVirtualRouterPeerLearnedRoute'
    • 'Get-AzVirtualRouterPeerAdvertisedRoute'
  • Updated New-AzFirewall cmdlet:
    • Added parameter '-SkuTier'
    • Added parameter '-SkuName' and made Sku as Alias for this
    • Removed parameter '-Sku'
  • [Breaking Change] Made 'Connectionlink' argument mandatory in 'Start-AzVpnConnectionPacketCapture' and 'Stop-AzVpnConnectionPacketCapture'
  • [Breaking Change] Updated 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndPointObject' to remove parameter '-Filter'
  • [Breaking Change] Replaced 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndpointFilterItemObject' cmdlet with 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndpointScopeItemObject'
  • Updated 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndPointObject' cmdlet:
    • Added parameter '-Type'
    • Added parameter '-CoverageLevel'
    • Added parameter '-Scope'
  • Updated 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorProtocolConfigurationObject' cmdlet with new parameter '-DestinationPortBehavior'


  • Fixing Workload Restore for contributor permissions.
  • Added new parameter sets and validations for Restore-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem cmdlet.


  • Fixed parsing bug
  • Updated ARM template What-If cmdlets to remove preview message from results
  • Fixed an issue where template deployment cmdlets crash if '-WhatIf' is set at a higher scope [#13038]
  • Fixed an issue where template deployment cmdlets does not preserve case for template parameters
  • Added a default API version to be used in 'Export-AzResourceGroup' cmdlet
  • Added cmdlets for Template Specs ('Get-AzTemplateSpec', 'Set-AzTemplateSpec', 'New-AzTemplateSpec', 'Remove-AzTemplateSpec', 'Export-AzTemplateSpec')
  • Added support for deploying Template Specs using existing deployment cmdlets (via the new -TemplateSpecId parameter)
  • Updated 'Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentOperation' to use the SDK.
  • Removed '-ApiVersion' parameter from '*-AzDeployment' cmdlets.


  • Added DiffBackupIntervalInHours to 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy'
  • Fixed issue where New-AzSqlDatabaseExport fails if networkIsolation not specified [#13097]
  • Fixed issue where New-AzSqlDatabaseExport and New-AzSqlDatabaseImport were not returning OperationStatusLink in the result object [#13097]
  • Update Azure Paired Regions URL in Backup Storage Redundancy Warnings


  • Removed obsolete property RestorePolicy.LastEnabledTime
    • 'Enable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
    • 'Disable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
    • 'Get-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty'
    • 'Update-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty'
  • Change Type of DaysAfterModificationGreaterThan from int to int?
    • 'Set-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy'
    • 'Get-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy'
    • 'Add-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyAction'
    • 'New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyRule'
  • Supported create/update file share with access tier
    • 'New-AzRmStorageShare'
    • 'Update-AzRmStorageShare'
  • Supported set/update/remove Acl recursively on Datalake Gen2 item
    • 'Set-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive'
    • 'Update-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive'
    • 'Remove-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive'
  • Supported Container access policy with new permission x,t
    • 'New-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
    • 'Set-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
  • Changed the output of get/set Container access policy cmdlet, by change the child property Permission type from enum to String
    • 'Get-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
    • 'Set-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
  • Fixed a sample script issue of set management policy with json
    • 'Set-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy'


  • Added support for Premium V3 pricing tier
  • Updated the WebSites SDK to 3.1.0

Thanks to our community contributors

  • @atul-ram, Update (#13176)
  • @dineshreddy007, Get the App Roles assigned correctly in case of Stack HCI registration using WAC token. (#13249)
  • @kongou-ae, Update (#13217)
  • Lohith Chowdary Chilukuri (@Lochiluk), Update (#13150)
  • Matthew Burleigh (@mburleigh)
    • Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13203)
    • Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13190)
    • Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13189)
    • add links to referenced cmdlets (#13137)
    • Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13204)
    • Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13205)
azure-powershell - Az.Databricks v1.0.1

Published by isra-fel about 4 years ago

  • Fixed a bug that may cause updating databricks workspace without -EncryptionKeyVersion to fail.

Package was published to PowerShell Gallery:
Install it by Install-Module -Name Az.Databricks

azure-powershell - 4.8.0

Published by dingmeng-xue about 4 years ago

Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell :

To install Az from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force

To update from an older version of Az, run the following command:

Update-Module -Name Az

Docker images


4.8.0 - October 2020


  • Fixed DateTime parse issue in common libraries [#13045]


  • Added 'New-AzCognitiveServicesAccountApiProperty' cmdlet.
  • Supported 'ApiProperty' parameter for 'New-AzCognitiveServicesAccount' and 'Set-AzCognitiveServicesAccount'


  • Fixed issue in 'Update-ASRRecoveryPlan' by populating FailoverTypes
  • Added the '-Top' and '-OrderBy' optional parameters to the 'Get-AzVmImage' cmdlet.


  • General availability of 'Az.Databricks' module
  • Added support for virtual network peering


  • Fixed typo in output messages


  • Added optional switch parameter 'TrustedServiceAccessEnabled' to 'Set-AzEventHubNetworkRuleSet' cmdlet


  • Added warning message for planning to deprecate the parameters 'PublicNetworkAccessType' and 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType'
  • Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
  • Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' with 'StorageAccountKey'
  • Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountType' with 'StorageAccountType'
  • Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageContainer' with 'StorageContainer'
  • Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageRootPath' with 'StorageRootPath'


  • Updated devices sdk.


  • Provided the detailed date of removing property SecretValueText


  • Updated breaking change warnings on cmdlets of managed services assignment and definition


  • Fixed the bug that warning message cannot be suppressed. [#12889]
  • Supported 'SkipMetricValidation' parameter in alert rule criteria. Allows creating an alert rule on a custom metric that isn't yet emitted, by causing the metric validation to be skipped.


  • Added Office365 Policy to VPNSite Resource
    • 'New-AzO365PolicyProperty'


  • Added container name validation for workload backup.


  • Made 'New-AzRedisCache' and 'Set-AzRedisCache' cmdlets not fail because of permission issue related to registering Microsoft.Cache RP


  • Added BackupStorageRedundancy to the following:
    • 'Restore-AzureRmSqlDatabase'
    • 'New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy'
    • 'New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary'
  • Removed case sensitivity for BackupStorageRedundancy parameter for all SQL DB references
  • Updated BackupStorageRedundancy warning message names


  • Supported enable/disable/get share soft delete properties on file Service of a Storage account
    • 'Update-AzStorageFileServiceProperty'
    • 'Get-AzStorageFileServiceProperty'
  • Supported list file shares include the deleted ones of a Storage account, and Get single file share usage
    • 'Get-AzRmStorageShare'
  • Supported restore a deleted file share
    • 'Restore-AzRmStorageShare'
  • Changed the cmdlets for modify blob service properties, won't get the original properties from server, but only set the modified properties to server.
    • 'Enable-AzStorageBlobDeleteRetentionPolicy'
    • 'Disable-AzStorageBlobDeleteRetentionPolicy'
    • 'Enable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
    • 'Disable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
    • 'Update-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty'
  • Fixed help issue for New-AzStorageAccount parameter -Kind default value [#12189]
  • Fixed issue by add example to show how to set correct ContentType in blob upload [#12989]

Thanks to our community contributors

  • @felickz, Clarify escaping special characters in Subject (#13028)
  • Martin Zurita (@Gorgoras), Corrected some typos in messages. (#12999)
  • @kingsleyAzure
    • Add managed hsm uri in regex matching (#12912)
    • Add Managed HSM support for SQL (#13073)
  • @MasterKuat, Fixed complaint on Managed instance's system database for vulnerability assessment (#12971)
azure-powershell - Az.Sql v2.11.0

Published by VeryEarly about 4 years ago

  • Added BackupStorageRedundancy to the following:
    • Restore-AzureRmSqlDatabase
    • New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy
    • New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary
  • Removed case sensitivity for BackupStorageRedundancy parameter for all SQL DB references
  • Updated BackupStorageRedundancy warning message names
azure-powershell - Az.Sql v2.10.1

Published by VeryEarly about 4 years ago

  • Added warning for BackupStorageRedundancy configuration in select regions in New-AzSqlDatabase (Ignore Case for BackupStorageRedundancy configuration input)
  • Fixed for bug in New-AzSqlDatabaseExport
  • Removed case sensitivity for BackupStorageRedundancy parameter for `New-
azure-powershell - Az.Network v4.0.3-preview

Published by VeryEarly about 4 years ago

  • Updated Connection monitor endpoint cmdlet
azure-powershell - Az.Storage v2.6.1-preview

Published by VeryEarly about 4 years ago

Changes since last release

  • Supported enable Smb Multichannel on File service
    • Update-AzStorageFileServiceProperty
  • Supported Blob Last Access Time
    • Enable-AzStorageBlobLastAccessTimeTracking
    • Disable-AzStorageBlobLastAccessTimeTracking
    • Add-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyAction
  • Supported enable/disable Blob container soft delete
    • Enable-AzStorageContainerDeleteRetentionPolicy
    • Disable-AzStorageContainerDeleteRetentionPolicy
  • Supported list deleted Blob containers
    • Get-AzRmStorageContainer
    • Get-AzStorageContainer
  • Supported restore deleted Blob container
    • Restore-AzStorageContainer
azure-powershell - Az.VMWare v0.1.0

Published by VeryEarly about 4 years ago

First preview release for module Az.VMWare

azure-powershell - Az.Tools.Installer v0.1.0

Published by VeryEarly about 4 years ago

First preview release for module Az.Tools.Installed

azure-powershell - 4.7.0

Published by dingmeng-xue about 4 years ago

Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell : link

To install Az from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force

To update from an older version of Az, run the following command:

Update-Module -Name Az

Docker images


4.7.0 - September 2020


  • Formatted the upcoming breaking change messages
  • Updated Azure.Core to 1.4.1


  • Added client side parameter validation logic for 'New-AzAksCluster', 'Set-AzAksCluster' and 'New-AzAksNodePool'. [#12372]
  • Added support for add-ons in 'New-AzAksCluster'. [#11239]
  • Added cmdlets 'Enable-AzAksAddOn' and 'Disable-AzAksAddOn' for add-ons. [#11239]
  • Added parameter 'GenerateSshKey' for 'New-AzAksCluster'. [#12371]
  • Updated api version to 2020-06-01.


  • Showed additional legal terms for certain APIs.


  • Added the '-EncryptionType' optional parameter to 'New-AzVmDiskEncryptionSetConfig'
  • New cmdlets for new resource type: DiskAccess 'Get-AzDiskAccess', 'New-AzDiskAccess', 'Get-AzDiskAccess'
  • Added optional parameters '-DiskAccessId' and '-NetworkAccessPolicy' to 'New-AzSnapshotConfig'
  • Added optional parameters '-DiskAccessId' and '-NetworkAccessPolicy' to 'New-AzDiskConfig'
  • Added 'PatchStatus' property to VirtualMachine Instance View
  • Added 'VMHealth' property to the virtual machine's instance view, which is the returned object when 'Get-AzVm' is invoked with '-Status'
  • Added 'AssignedHost' field to 'Get-AzVM' and 'Get-AzVmss' instance views. The field shows the resource id of the virtual machine instance
  • Added optional parameter '-SupportAutomaticPlacement' to 'New-AzHostGroup'
  • Added the '-HostGroupId' parameter to 'New-AzVm' and 'New-AzVmss'


  • Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.11.0


  • Added new Cluster cmdlets - 'New-AzEventHubCluster', 'Set-AzEventHubCluster', 'Get-AzEventHubCluster', 'Remove-AzEventHubCluster', 'Get-AzEventHubClustersAvailableRegions'.
  • Fixed for issue #10722 : Fix for assigning only 'Listen' to AuthorizationRule rights.


  • Removed the ability to create v2 Functions in regions that do not support it.
  • Deprecated PowerShell 6.2. Added a warning for when a user creates a PowerShell 6.2 function app that advises them to create a PowerShell 7.0 function app instead.


  • Supported creating cluster with Autoscale configuration
    • Add new parameter 'AutoscaleConfiguration' to the cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster'
  • Supported operating cluster's Autoscale configuration
    • Add new cmdlet 'Get-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleConfiguration'
    • Add new cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleConfiguration'
    • Add new cmdlet 'Set-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleConfiguration'
    • Add new cmdlet 'Remove-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleConfiguration'
    • Add new cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleScheduleCondition'


  • Added support for RBAC authorization [#10557]
  • Enhanced error handling in 'Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy' [#4007]


  • General availability of 'Az.Kusto' module


  • [Breaking Change] Updated below cmdlets to align resource virtual router and virtual hub
    • 'New-AzVirtualRouter':
      • Added -HostedSubnet parameter to support IP configuration child resource
      • deleted -HostedGateway and -HostedGatewayId
    • 'Get-AzVirtualRouter':
      • Added subscription level parameter set
    • 'Remove-AzVirtualRouter'
    • 'Add-AzVirtualRouterPeer'
    • 'Get-AzVirtualRouterPeer'
    • 'Remove-AzVirtualRouterPeer'
  • Added new cmdlet for Azure Express Route Port
    • 'New-AzExpressRoutePortLOA'
  • Added RemoteBgpCommunities property to the VirtualNetwork Peering Resource
  • Modified the warning message for 'New-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig', 'New-AzPublicIpAddress' and 'New-AzPublicIpPrefix'.
  • Added VpnGatewayIpConfigurations to 'Get-AzVpnGateway' output
  • Fixed bug for 'Set-AzApplicationGatewaySslCertificate' [#9488]
  • Added 'AllowActiveFTP' parameter to 'AzureFirewall'
  • Updated below commands for feature: Enable internet security set/remove on VirtualWan P2SVpnGateway.
  • Updated 'New-AzP2sVpnGateway': Added optional switch parameter 'EnableInternetSecurityFlag' for customers to set true to enable internet security on P2SVpnGateway, which will be applied for Point to site clients.
  • Updated 'Update-AzP2sVpnGateway': Added optional switch parameters 'EnableInternetSecurityFlag' or 'DisableInternetSecurityFlag' for customers to set true/false to enable/disable internet security on P2SVpnGateway, which will be applied for Point to site clients.
  • Added new cmdlet 'Reset-AzP2sVpnGateway' for customers to reset/reboot their VirtualWan P2SVpnGateway for troubleshooting.
  • Added new cmdlet 'Reset-AzVpnGateway' for customers to reset/reboot their VirtualWan VpnGateway for troubleshooting.
  • Updated 'Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig'
    • Set NSG and Route Table properties of subnet to null if explicitly set in parameters [#1548][#9718]


  • Fixed the Delete State for workload Backup Items.


  • Added missing check for Set-AzRoleAssignment
  • Added breaking change attribute to 'SubscriptionId' parameter of 'Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentOperation'
  • Updated ARM template What-If cmdlets to show 'Ignore' resource changes last
  • Fixed secure and array parameter serialization issues for deployment cmdlets [#12773]


  • Added new cmdlets for managed clusters and node types:
    • 'New-AzServiceFabricManagedCluster'
    • 'Get-AzServiceFabricManagedCluster'
    • 'Set-AzServiceFabricManagedCluster'
    • 'Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedCluster'
    • 'Add-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterClientCertificate'
    • 'Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterClientCertificate'
    • 'New-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType'
    • 'Get-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType'
    • 'Set-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType'
    • 'Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType'
    • 'Add-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeTypeVMExtension'
    • 'Add-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeTypeVMSecret'
    • 'Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeTypeVMExtension'
    • 'Restart-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeTyp'
  • Upgraded Service Fabric SDK to version 1.2.0 which uses service fabric resource provider api-version 2020-03-01 for the current model and 2020-01-01-preview for managed clusters.


  • Added BackupStorageRedundancy to 'New-AzSqlInstance' and 'Get-AzSqlInstance'
  • Added cmdlet 'Get-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication'
  • Added cmdlet 'Enable-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication'
  • Added Force parameter to 'New-AzSqlInstance'
  • Added cmdlets for Managed Database Log Replay service
    • 'Start-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay'
    • 'Get-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay'
    • 'Complete-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay'
    • 'Stop-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay'
  • Added cmdlet 'Get-AzSqlInstanceActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication'
  • Added cmdlet 'Enable-AzSqlInstanceActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication'
  • Added cmdlet 'Disable-AzSqlInstanceActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication'
  • Updated cmdlets 'New-AzSqlDatabaseImport' and 'New-AzSqlDatabaseExport' to support network isolation functionality
  • Added cmdlet 'New-AzSqlDatabaseImportExisting'
  • Updated Databases cmdlets to support backup storage type specification
  • Added Force parameter to 'New-AzSqlDatabase'
  • Added warning for BackupStorageRedundancy configuration in select regions in 'New-AzSqlDatabase'
  • Updated ActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication cmdlets for server and instance to include ResourceId and InputObject


  • Fixed upload blob fail by upgrade to Microsoft.Azure.Storage.DataMovement 2.0.0 [#12220]
  • Supported Point In Time Restore
    • 'Enable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
    • 'Disable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
    • 'New-AzStorageBlobRangeToRestore'
    • 'Restore-AzStorageBlobRange'
  • Supported get blob restore status of Storage account by run get-AzureRMStorageAccount with parameter -IncludeBlobRestoreStatus
    • 'Get-AzureRMStorageAccount'
  • Added breaking change warning message for upcoming cmdlet output change
    • 'Get-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
    • 'Set-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
    • 'Set-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy'
    • 'Get-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy'
    • 'Add-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyAction'
    • 'New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyRule'
  • Upgraded Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table SDK to 1.0.8

Thanks to our community contributors

  • Thomas Van Laere (@ThomVanL), Add Dockerfile-alpine-3.10 (#12911)
  • Lohith Chowdary Chilukuri (@Lochiluk), Update (#12807)
  • Roberth Strand (@roberthstrand), Get-AzResourceGroup - New example, and cleanup (#12828)
  • Ravi Mishra (@inmishrar), update Azure Web App runtime stack to DOTNETCORE (#12833)
  • @jack-education, Updated Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig to allow NSG and Route Table to be removed from subnet (#12351)
  • @hagop-globanet, Update (#12784)
  • Joshua Van Daalen (@greenSacrifice)
    • Update spelling of Property to Property (#12821)
    • Update examples (#12806)
  • Eragon Riddle (@eragonriddle), Corrected parameter field name in the example (#12825)
  • @rossifumax, Fix typo in (#12701)
azure-powershell - Az.RecoveryServices 2.12.0

Published by dingmeng-xue about 4 years ago

Changes since last release

  • Azure Backup added a new cmdlet Copy-AzRecoveryServicesVault for DS move feature.
  • Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupJob cmdlet now supports operation type 'BackupDataMove'.

azure-powershell - 4.6.1

Published by dingmeng-xue about 4 years ago

Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell : link

To install Az from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force

To update from an older version of Az, run the following command:

Update-Module -Name Az

Docker images


4.6.1 - August 2020


  • Patched '-EncryptionAtHost' parameter in 'New-AzVm' to remove default value of false [#12776]
azure-powershell - Az.Storage v2.5.2-preview

Published by msJinLei about 4 years ago

Changes since last release

  • Supported Container access policy with new permission x,t
    • New-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy
    • Set-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy
  • Change the output of get/set Container/Share/Queue/Table access policy cmdlet, by change the child property Permission type from enum to String
    • Get-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy
    • Set-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy
    • Get-AzStorageShareStoredAccessPolicy
    • Set-AzStorageShareStoredAccessPolicy
    • Get-AzStorageQueueStoredAccessPolicy
    • Set-AzStorageQueueStoredAccessPolicy
    • Get-AzStorageTableStoredAccessPolicy
    • Set-AzStorageTableStoredAccessPolicy
  • Support set/update/remove Acl recursively on Datalake Gen2 item
    • Set-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive
    • Update-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive
    • Remove-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive
azure-powershell - 4.6.0

Published by dingmeng-xue about 4 years ago

❗ This version contains a critical issue in Az.Compute [#12776], we recommend you upgrade Az to the newer release Az 4.6.1

Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell : link

To install Az from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force

To update from an older version of Az, run the following command:

Update-Module -Name Az

Docker images


4.6.0 - August 2020


  • Loaded all public cloud environments when discovery endpoint doesn't return default AzureCloud or other public environments [#12633]
  • Exposed SubscriptionPolicies in 'Get-AzSubscription' [#12551]


  • Added '-RunOn' parameters to 'Set-AzAutomationWebhook' to specify a Hybrid Worker Group


  • Added '-EncryptionAtHost' parameter to 'New-AzVm', 'New-AzVmss', 'New-AzVMConfig', 'New-AzVmssConfig', 'Update-AzVM', and 'Update-AzVmss'
  • Added 'SecurityProfile' to 'Get-AzVM' and 'Get-AzVmss' return object
  • Added '-InstanceView' switch as optional parameter to 'Get-AzHostGroup'
  • Added new cmdlet 'Invoke-AzVmPatchAssessment'


  • Added missing properties to PSPipelineRun class.


  • Supported creating cluster with encryption at host feature.


  • Added warning messages for planning to disable soft delete
  • Added warning messages for planning to remove attribute SecretValueText


  • Added optional schedule related fields to 'New-AzMaintenanceConfiguration'
  • Added new cmdlet for 'Get-AzMaintenancePublicConfiguration'


  • Added breaking change warnings on cmdlets of managed services assignment and definition


  • Extended the parameter set in 'Set-AzDiagnosticSetting' for separation of Logs and Metrics enablement [#12482]
  • Fixed bug for 'Add-AzMetricAlertRuleV2' when getting metric alert from pipeline


  • Updated 'Get-AzPolicyAlias' response to include information indicating whether the alias is modifiable by Azure Policy.
  • Created new cmdlet 'Set-AzRoleAssignment'
  • Added 'Get-AzDeploymentManagementGroupWhatIfResult' for getting ARM template What-If results at management Group scope
  • Added 'Get-AzTenantWhatIfResult' new cmdlet for getting ARM template What-If results at tenant scope
  • Overrode '-WhatIf' and '-Confirm' for 'New-AzManagementGroupDeployment' and 'New-AzTenantDeployment' to use ARM template What-If results
  • Fixed the behaviors of '-WhatIf' and '-Confirm' for new deployment cmdlets so they comply with False and
  • Fixed serialization error for '-TemplateObject' and 'TemplateParameterObject' [#1528] [#6292]
  • Added breaking change attribute to 'Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentOperation' for the upcoming output type change


  • Fixed 'Restart-AzSignalR' and 'Update-AzSignalR' help files errors
  • Added cmdlets 'Update-AzSignalRNetworkAcl', 'Set-AzSignalRUpstream'


  • Supported blob query acceleration
    • 'Get-AzStorageBlobQueryResult'
    • 'New-AzStorageBlobQueryConfig'
  • Updated help file, added more description, and fixed typo
    • 'Start-AzStorageBlobCopy'
    • 'Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item'
  • Fixed download blob fail when related sub directory not exist [#12592]
    • 'Get-AzStorageBlobContent'
  • Supported Set/Get/Remove Object Replication Policy on Storage accounts
    • 'New-AzStorageObjectReplicationPolicyRule'
    • 'Set-AzStorageObjectReplicationPolicy'
    • 'Get-AzStorageObjectReplicationPolicy'
    • 'Remove-AzStorageObjectReplicationPolicy'
  • Supported enable/disable ChangeFeed on Blob Service of a Storage account
    • 'Update-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty'
Extracted from project README
Az AzPreview
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