
Open source crypto trading bot

GPL-3.0 License


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OctoBot - Open Beta - 0.2.0

Published by GuillaumeDSM about 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.2.0-beta

Released date : September 5 2018

Major version: OctoBot Open beta

Concerned issues :

#288 [Binance Websocket] Handle exchange maintenance and websocket reconnection
#291 [RestExchange] fill return data with default values if missing values and items
#344 [Notifications] handle market orders price
#353 [Exchange Simulator] Add fees 
#359 [Web Interface][Configuration] Improve user interface
#376 [Tentacles] Trading_config.json
#377 [Web interface] Advanced evaluator config (TA, RT, Social)
#378 [Web interface] Display errors and warning (icons topmenu)
#379 [Web interface] Trading mode and strategy config page
#385 [Web Interface] add bot profitabily
#389 [Web Interface] add market status page
#393 [Web Interface] add info on trading modes and evaluators

New features :

- First version of the full web interface
- Binary versions of OctoBot and its launcher are now available
- Fee simulation on simulation mode
- Web sockets auto reconnexion on exchange maintenance
- Improved first use default setup

Bug fixes :

- Market order without price notification
OctoBot - Beta - 0.1.7

Published by Herklos about 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.7-beta

Released date : August 15 2018

Warning :

Concerned issues :

#218 [Bin] Thinking about octobot binary 
#288 [Binance Websocket] Handle exchange maintenance and websocket reconnection
#305 [Refactor] refactor overall code 
#321 [Web Interface] add backtesting section 
#342 [Web Interface] Handle save and reset features in font end
#343 [Web Interface] Handle removal of card elements
#347 [Web Interface] Add strategy optimizer in backtesting
#355 [Bug] StopLossOrders set negative portfolio when backtesting 
#356 [Web Interface] Octobot doesn't restart onclick 
#359 [Web Interface][Configuration] Improve user interface 
#360 [Web Interface] Add data recording section
#368 [Experiment][Web interface] without dash 
#369 [Configuration] Split trading settings into trading section instead of trader
#373 [Interface] Create launcher 
#374 [Configuration] Remove websocket from configuration and use if by default when available 

New features :

- TK app
- Installer App
- Web interface : backtesting & data collector
- Startegy optimizer improvements
- Web interface : reset & remove in config
- Web interface : home with custum dashboard

Bug fixes :

- StopLossOrders set negative portfolio when backtesting 
OctoBot - Beta - 0.1.6

Published by Herklos about 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.6-beta

Released date : July 30 2018

Warning :

Concerned issues :

#310 [Web Interface] Notification configuration
#335 [Notification] Refactor notification-type system
#340 [Strategy optimizer] add trading mode and average trades count in final report
#341 Web Interface] Currencies and services configuration
#345 [Notification] Add web notification type

New features :

- Web Interface : Services, Exchange, Symbols configuration improvements
- Improve Startegy optimizer
OctoBot - Beta - 0.1.5_3

Published by Herklos about 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.5_3-beta

Released date : July 26 2018

Warning :

  • All config keys with "_" changed to "-" (for example crypto_currencies -> crypto-currencies)

Concerned issues :

#312 [Web Interface] Services configuration
#311 [Web Interface] Symbols configuration
#334 [Strategy configuration] create a strategy configuration otpimizer

New features :

- Web Interface : Services & Symbols configuration
- Startegy optimizer
- Encrypter command
OctoBot - Beta - 0.1.5_2

Published by Herklos about 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.5_2-beta

Released date : July 24 2018

Warning :

  • You have to encrypt your exchange token : please run python tools/temp_encrypt_tool.py
  • Notification type key changed from "type" to "notification_type"

Concerned issues :

#269 [Tool] Implement ConfigManager
#307 [Tentacle Installation] Add new key in description
#309 [Web Interface] Exchange configuration
#331 [Security] Encrypt user api key

New features :

- Api key encryption
- Web Interface : Exchange configuration
OctoBot - Alpha - 0.0.4

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.0.4-alpha

Released date : Apr 12 2018

Concerned issues :

#54 initialized loggers with only class names
#55 [EvaluatorCreator] move evaluator creator's setters/getters to evaluator
#56 [Portfolio][update_portfolio] add fees in currency part
#57 documentation fix
#58 removed permanent thread in final evaluator
#59 [Strategy] Create TA relevancy by timeframe
#61 [Evaluators] Init eval note with string to produce an exception

New features :

- Added twitter simple webhook
- Implement twitter notification

Bug fix :

- Fix mail notification content
- Fix twitter notification
- Fix finalize when notify
OctoBot - Alpha - 0.0.7

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.0.7-alpha

Released date : Apr 21 2018

Concerned issues :

#26 added bollinger momentum and advanced util management
#48 [Portfolio] Manage availability of currencies
#51 [Trade / Trade Simulator] Implement profitability
#68 Create Advanced list manager
#69 fix availability and create mail notification profitability
#70 [Trading Simulator] Manage stop loss order / Create limit + stop loss 
#72 add OrderManager per exchange 
#73 Write exception into log file
#76 refactor advanced util classes management 
#83 Create CONTRIBUTING.md
#85 issue templates 

New features :

- Advanced Manager
- Order Manager
- Portfolio currencies availability
- Portfolio profitability measurement

Bug fix :

- Fix twitter notifications
- Fix gmail notifications
- Fix candle evaluator when no pattern is detected
- Fix RealTime Evaluators creation
OctoBot - Alpha - 0.0.8

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.0.8-alpha

Released date : Apr 24 2018

Concerned issues :

#26 optimized moving average evaluator 
#90 added can_create_order() method to check if an order is issuable
#91 refactored dispatchers
#93 [Profitability] Fix calculation error
#97 [Order] Fix order cancel when state change
#99 [Symbol evaluator] Symbol evaluator fail to manage multi exchanges
#100 [Exchanges] Implement automatic instanciation of exchange when keys are in config.json

New features :

- New TA evaluators : DoubleMA, BollingerBand, ADX, MACD
- Risk trading management (order price, order quantity, final state thresholds)

Bug fix :

- Fix constants in order creation
- Fix order end notification
- Fix Limit price 10% to 5% max
- Fix gmail notifications
- Fix evaluator final & add startup notification
- Fix portfolio profitability
- Fix order cancel when state change
OctoBot - Alpha - 0.0.9

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.0.9-alpha

Released date : Apr 30 2018

Concerned issues :

#20 added reddit service and started reddit dispatcher 
#22 added webpage news retreiver 
#47 backtesting 
#76 data collector
#92 [Evaluators] Enable / disable with config file
#102 added advanced evaluator in dispatcher handler
#103 [Portfolio] Implement pytests last 
#104 Exchange Manager
#105 fix cancel notification
#107 factorized refresher threads into one per symbol
#113 Fix portfolio bug management

New features :

- Backtesting
- Data Collector
- Data Collector Parser
- Exchange Manager
- New social evaluator (reddit, twitter posted media & websites)
- Tests implementation and coverage

Bug fix :

- Fix Portfolio management
- Fix critical bug on symbol evaluator
- Fix critical bug in order creation
- Fix trader join
- Fix tests
- Fix real time constants
- Fix new dependency raspberry install
- Fix realtime instant fluctuation evaluator pending note
- Fix notification style end order
- Fix portfolio concurrency access
OctoBot - Alpha - 0.0.10

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.0.10-alpha

Released date : May 5 2018

Concerned issues :

#63 Calculate evaluator divergence note 
#86 [CI] Implement third party
#117 auto adapt symbol configuration for backtesting 
#119 TA test architecture
#120 [Backtesting] Test Zipline lib implementation
#121 added sudden pump data and described bank data 
#122 added test_reaction_to_over_bought_then_dip to all TA 
#123 added rise after over-sold test for all TA
#124 added flat trend tests on all TA 
#125 [Notification] Double notification when an order linked is cancelled
#127 Add in price graph and out price graph indicator list plot 
#126 [Order] Too much canceled orders when RealTime Evaluators are created
#128 [Notification] No notification of profitability
#129 [Web] Create web interface prototype 

New features :

- Web interface prototype
- Full TA patterns tests
- Data Visualiser
- Performance Analyser
- Bot starter with options
- Multiple new tests to improve code coverage

Bug fix :

- Fix risk logic with market orders
- Fix notifications : only concerned symbol
- Fix default config
- Fix datavisualiser style
- Fix RedditEvaluator overriden method param names
- Fix portfolio profitability notification 
OctoBot - Alpha - 0.0.11

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.0.11-alpha

Released date : May 11 2018

Info :

  • Config : "simulator" root key changed to "trader_simulator"

Warning :

  • Real trading is in pre-alpha version

Concerned issues :

#87  [Interface] Prototype telegram interface
#132 [Web]: add portfolio view
#133 [Backtesting] Implement report 
#134 [Order Creation] Fix negative quantity 
#135 [Simulation] Fix order and trades manager 
#136 [Tests] Improve trading tests coverage
#138 [Trading] Implement real trades
#139 prepare evaluators tests
#140 [Trading] Implement real portfolio management
#141 [Trading] Implement real order management
#142 [Timeframe manager] Implementation

New features :

- Web interface improvements
- Telegram interface
- Telegram notifications
- Pretty Printer tool
- Eval note expiration management
- Beginning of real trading implementation
- Multiple new tests to improve code coverage
- TimeFrame Manager

Bug fix :

- Fixed trader simulation order creation
- [Order Creation] Fix negative quantity 
OctoBot - Beta - 0.1.2_4

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.2_4-beta

Released date : June 22 2018

Concerned issues :

#256 Implement multi decider trading mode

New features :

- Multi-decider management for trading modes

Bug fix :

- Fix linux installer
- Fix Subportfolio
OctoBot - Beta - 0.1.5_1

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.5_1-beta

Released date : July 17 2018

Concerned issues :

#305 [Refactor] refactor overall code
#318 [Candles management] adapt candles timestamp to have second timestamp everywhere
#319 [Web interface] trades are displayed for all symbols, display only for the selected one
#320 [Backtesting] do not start unecessary services on backtesting mode
#322 [Web interface] Create portfolio page
#323 [Web interface] Create orders page
#324 [Web interface] Create trades page

New features :

- Backtesting multi symbol support improved
- Backtesting report at the end of a backtesting
- Web Interface : New pages (portfolio, orders, trades)


- Improved readability of web interface

Bug fixes :

- Backtesting trades timestamps were wrong on multi symbol backtesting
OctoBot - Beta - 0.1.5

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.5-beta

Released date : July 15 2018

Concerned issues :

#265 [Web Interface] Create web evaluator_config.json edition interface
#266 [Web Interface] Create web tentacles manager interface
#302 [Web Interface] setup architecture
#270 [Web interface] Create advanced web interface
#308 [Backtesting] Improve backtesting accuracy 
#304 [Trade Manager] Ensure get_average_market_profitability resilience
#294 [Trader simulator] StopLoss orders triggered when they shouldn't
#252 [OrderManager] "Timed Out" raised during _update_orders_status

New features :

- New features in web interface : tentacles configuration, trades displayed on Dashboard tob
- Backtesting now fully operational
- Optimized String operations

Bug fixes :

- Fixed rare exceptions on order notification through Telegram
- Fixed backtesting randomness
- Fixed wronly triggered orders in simulator mode

Notes :

- Deactivated Google stats indicator by default while looking for a request limit solution
OctoBot - Beta - 0.1.4_3

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.4_3-beta

Released date : July 3 2018

Warning :

  • Update your trading mode tentacles

Concerned issues :

#286 [Trading Mode] Refactoring

New features :

- Refactoring in trading mode that makes it multi symbol
OctoBot - Beta - 0.1.4_2

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.4_2-beta

Released date : July 3 2018

Concerned issues :

#281 [Tentacles] handle in development tentacles
#283 [Tentacle Strategies & Trading Mode] add constants to config files

New features :

- In development tentacles
- Strategies and Trading Mode config creation with tentacle creator
OctoBot - Beta - 0.1.4_1

Published by GuillaumeDSM over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.4_1-beta

Released date : July 1 2018

Concerned issues :

#279 [Trading Modes] prepare bot for high frequency treading mode 
OctoBot - Beta - 0.1.4

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.4-beta

Released date : July 1 2018

Info :

  • New pip package to install "gitpython"

Concerned issues :

#188 [Exchange data] clean order list (closed and canceled) and other old data after 1 day
#263 [TentacleCreator] review tentacle creation
#273 [Web interface] Implement commands
#274 installation issue
#276 [Bug] Web interface exception when no exchange specified

New features :

- Update / Restart / Stop Octobot from Web interface

Bug fix :

- Fix tentacle Creator (-c)
- Fix config no exchange or no cryptocurrency specified (web)
OctoBot - Beta - 0.1.3_2

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.3_2-beta

Released date : June 27 2018

Concerned issues :

#264 [Web Interface] Create web architecture
#267 [Web interface] Manage octobot status
#268 [Web Interface] Manage notification from bot
#269 [Tool] Implement ConfigManager
#270 [Web interface] Create advanced web interface

New features :

- Web interface skeleton
- Notifications in web interface

Bug fix :

- Fix reddit reconnexion
OctoBot - Beta - 0.1.3_1

Published by Herklos over 6 years ago

Changelog for 0.1.3_1-beta

Released date : June 25 2018

Concerned issues :

#251 [Tests] Improve tests coverage

Bug fix :

- Fix telegram commands
- Fix exchange symbol data
- Fix reddit watcher