
Mapsui is a .NET Map component for: MAUI, WPF, Avalonia, Uno, Blazor, WinUI, Xamarin and Eto

MIT License


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Mapsui - 1.4.4

Published by pauldendulk over 6 years ago

Only bug fixes

  • Fixing issue on iOS where top map was only shown at the top left part of the screen.
  • Calling RefreshGraphics on the render thread to prevent certain error when calling from other thread.
  • Fixed exception that could occur during debugging in WPF.
  • Fixing high GPU on UWP for #429.
  • Fixed bug where semi transparency effected other layers #422.
  • Fixed exception that could occur on widget touch.
Mapsui - 1.4.2

Published by pauldendulk over 6 years ago


Just bug fixes


  • Removed upper limit for newtonsoft.json package #358
  • Fixed Map Info in iOS #417
  • Fixed Map Info in UWP #417
  • Fixed inverted RotationLock #413
  • Fixed polygon style of one layer applied to another layer #412
  • Fixed performance bug that would occur on coordinate transformation #414
Mapsui - 2.0.0-beta.2

Published by pauldendulk over 6 years ago

  • Fixed nuget references to SkiaSharp
Mapsui - 2.0.0-beta.1

Published by pauldendulk over 6 years ago

This is the first release where the core assemblies are .NET Standard 1.3 (instead of PCLs). Internally there were quite a few changes in the csproj's which increases the risk of bugs. We expect a few other beta releases with breaking changes to follow this one. This version is functionally equivalent to 1.4.1.

  • Mapsui, Mapsui.Geometries, Mapsui.Rendering.Skia are now .NET Standard 1.3.
  • Mapsui.Rendering.Wpf and Mapsui.UI.Wpf are now .NET Framework 4.6.1.
Mapsui - 1.4.1

Published by pauldendulk over 6 years ago

  • Fixed lockup during wms fetch #395
  • Fixed white border that could occur with skia rendering in wpf #403
  • Prevent null exception when polygon outlines are set to null. Related to #401
Mapsui - 1.4.0

Published by pauldendulk over 6 years ago

This release was mainly pushed by the community that gave valuable feedback or PRs. Thanks in particular to Dirk Weltz (charlenni) for doing an amazing amount of work.


  • Added support for SVG symbols
  • Added support for sprite/atlas symbols
  • Fixed pixelated images in Skia
  • Many features added to Skia rendering
  • Added functionality to allow editing of features

Breaking changes

  • Skia is now the default renderer for the WPF MapControl. This is not necessarily breaking but could produce slightly different graphics.
  • Renamed AllowPinchRotation to RotationLock
  • Renamed ZoomLocked to ZoomLock
  • GetMapInfo return MapInfo instead of MapInfoEventArgs


  • Adding sprite and atlas functionality (see atlas sample)
  • Adding color functions to apply standard colors
  • Added SVG support for SymbolStyle
  • Inflated bitmaps do not look pixelated in Skia
  • WPF MapControl defaults to Skia rendering
  • Adding Polygon fill pattern to Skia rendering
  • WPF MapControl defaults to Skia rendering
  • Adding PenStrokeJoin
  • Adding StrokeMiterLimit
  • Adding line styles (dashed)
  • ScaleBar widget is now using the Map's transform so it could work with any projection
  • Added WritableLayer which can be used for feature editing (see Mapsui.Samples.Wpf.Edit)
  • Adding Rotate support for linear ring and polygon
  • Added MapInfo for lines
  • Adding PanLock
  • Adding GetMapInfo method to WPF MapControl
  • Adding Distance overload to Point
  • Some performance improvements
  • Improved samples

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed MapInfo's screen poisition on iOS #389
  • Panning fires info event #325
  • Scalebar now using generic transform instead of SphericalMercator
  • Delay for image fetch #330
  • Added error handling for data changes #313
  • Fixed iOS layout constraints for #342
  • Fixed MapInfo for StyleCollections and ThemeStyles
  • Copy of feature now also copies Geometry and Styles
  • Removed e.Handled = true in wpf mapcontrol to fix #384
Mapsui - 1.3.2

Published by pauldendulk over 6 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Prevent crashes that could occur on iOS with multi thread access
  • Fixed opacity for vector symbols in skia #317
  • Fixed BitmapRegistry.Unregister #315
  • Fixed a bug where screen coordinates for widget touch we not correctly scaled
  • Fixed bug in z order for widget touch
  • Fixed a bug in WPF widget touch
  • Fixed disposed exception that could occur in feature layers
  • Make Info only invoke on single tab (by @radderz)


  • Added scalebar widget (by @charlenni)
  • Added widget for zoom in/out buttons (by @charlenni)
  • Added rotation snapping to all platforms.
  • Added opacity to all Styles (by @radderz )
  • Added PenStrokCap and PenStyle to skia (by @charlenni) #320
  • Enable invoke info on double tap (by @radderz) #307
  • Adding support for transparent layers in skia


Mapsui - 1.3.1

Published by pauldendulk almost 7 years ago

New Features

  • Rotation snap and unsnap on iOS and Android to prevent unintended rotation #273 Thanks @radderz

Bug fixes

  • Preventing dispose exception by removing event handlers
  • Catch possible exception in iOS MapControl.MapDataChanged #272
  • Catch exception that could occur when attribution was null
  • Fixing info event positioning on Android when MapControl is not aligned to top #274
  • Fixing label positioning in skia for lines and polygons #275
  • Using touch down in pinch rotation #263 Thanks @radderz

Nuget updates

  • To BruTile 1.0.0
Mapsui - 1.3.0

Published by pauldendulk almost 7 years ago

New features

  • Adding PenStrokeCap options for lines. Thanks @radderz.
  • Adding viewport limiter to WPF MapControl for #265.
  • Adding Features.Delete that does reference compare, with overload that takes a Compare method for #241.

Bug fixes

  • Fixing crash that could occur with iOS pinch zoom for #267.
  • Fixing a bug on Android where pinch zoom did not use the correct origin. #270. Thanks @radderz.
  • Fixing a bug on iOS where pinch rotate made a sudden jump on a new rotate action. #269. Thanks @radderz.
  • iOS MapControl is now derived from UIStackView and SKGLView.ClipsToBounds is set to false to mitigate a 1 pixel border on iOS. #245. Thanks @Sebastian1989101 for noticing.
  • Adding a null check on Label.Text to prevent rendering issue. #262.

NuGet updates

  • Updated BruTile NuGet to 0.22.2.
  • Updated Skia NuGets to 1.59.3.
Mapsui - 1.2.2

Published by pauldendulk almost 7 years ago

  • Fixed Hyperlink does not open on iOS #260
  • Fixed AssemblyVersion #259
Mapsui - 1.2.0

Published by pauldendulk almost 7 years ago

  • The Attribution text is now drawn by the renderers, not using native widgets anymore. It can now be positioned by the user. Positioning can be changed on a random moment during runtime. See the sample here. Imlementing #254. Fixing #249.
  • Added the TriangleSymbol. Thanks @Skymirrh. See sample. See PR
  • Fixing Dispose of the WPF MapControl using weak references for #251
  • Counter rotating symbols to keep them upright when map is rotated. WPF renderer only. #253
  • Fixed map refresh after rotation (portrait/landscape) in iOS #250
  • Map now refreshed after removing a layer #246
  • Removed FpsCounter. A Mapsui Widget should be added to replace this.
  • Nuget update of Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform to 6.0.5
  • Nuget update of SQLitePCLRaw to 1.1.9
Mapsui - 1.1.3

Published by pauldendulk almost 7 years ago

  • Fixing a bug where touch info did not work properly on iOS #233
  • Fixing a bug where the map was not updated correctly after a size change on iOS #238
  • On iOS attribution now shown on the top of the screen to avoid collision with the iPhone-X on-screen home button for #237
  • Fixing a glitch that could occur when repeating pinch zoom on iOS #243
  • Fixing a bug in TileLayer where fetching was broken after AbortFetch was called #242
  • SkiaSharp to 1.59.2
Mapsui - 1.1.2

Published by pauldendulk about 7 years ago

  • Fixed refresh bugs that showed on UWP and when using the Map.NavigateTo(x, y) overload.
Mapsui - 1.1.1

Published by pauldendulk about 7 years ago

  • Adding ConcurrentHashSet dependency
Mapsui - 1.1.0

Published by pauldendulk about 7 years ago

  • Introduced new data fetch mechanism that fixes a problem with MapDisposal #227 (Thanks @JoeCooper)
  • Changed map control to use the OpenGL based Skia view (Thanks @JoeCooper)
  • Android and iOS MapControls now supports map rotation by user pinch - turn on with AllowPinchRotation = true (Thanks @JoeCooper)
  • Adding functionality to limit panning with Map.ZoomMode and Map.ZoomLimits
  • Adding functionality to limit zooming with Map.PanMode and Map.PanLimits
  • Added a Transform object to BaseLayer that contains everything needed for the transformation
  • Fixed bug in iOS rasterizer using code provided by #221 (Thanks @jshield)
  • Fixed bug: InvokeInfo now works with Touch on Android (thanks @gklamm)
  • Fixing a problem with touch-info by adding WorldToScreen and ScreenToWorld to MapControl that take into account scale #230
  • Fixing a NullException occurring in GetFeaturesInView() when BoundingBox is null (Thanks @Skymirrh)
  • Fixed bug in Attribution view on iOS (Thanks @JoeCooper)
  • Fixed bug: Multipolygon not working in InfoLayers #219 (thanks for reporting @Sakker)
  • Fixed a hang that could occur when initializing from capabilities using WMS on desktop
  • Updated json.NET to 10.0
  • Updated SkiaSharp to 1.59.1
  • Updated BruTile to 0.22.1
Mapsui - 1.0.11

Published by pauldendulk over 7 years ago

  • Fixed a bug where point symbols were not shown when rasterizing in WPF #204
  • Fixed a bug where horizontal alignment of labels was displaced in Skia #209
Mapsui - 1.0.10

Published by pauldendulk over 7 years ago

Mapsui - 1.0.9

Published by pauldendulk over 7 years ago

  • Fixed feature info bug where layers drawn underneath other layers were returned. #191
Mapsui - 1.0.8

Published by pauldendulk over 7 years ago

  • Fix: Memory leak fixed in skia renderer #197
  • Fix: Info event does not always return the feature drawn on top #191
  • Fix: TileLayer will now be disposed after calling AbortFetch #190
Mapsui - 1.0.7

Published by pauldendulk over 7 years ago

  • Bug fix: Corrected Android Info event for screen density
  • Added screen coordinates to Info event when feature is null
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