
Bootstrap 4 shinydashboard using AdminLTE3

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bs4Dash - v2.3.3 Latest Release

Published by DivadNojnarg 9 months ago

Breaking change (potential)

  • Fix #302: both dashboardSidebar() and dashboardControlbar() default skin value is NULL. This allows them to inherit from the parent dashboardPage() dark parameter and have either a full light or full dark skin. Therefore, it won’t be possible anymore to apply a light sidebar background with the dashboardPage() when the main theme is dark and inversely. If you want to do so, you have to set dark = NULL, for instance:


  ui = dashboardPage(
    dark = NULL,
    header = dashboardHeader(
      title = dashboardBrand(
        title = "My dashboard",
        color = "primary",
        href = "",
        image = ""
    sidebar = dashboardSidebar(skin = "dark"),
    body = dashboardBody(
      box(status = "danger"),
      box(status = "primary"),
      box(status = "orange")
    controlbar = dashboardControlbar(skin = "dark"),
    title = "DashboardPage"
  server = function(input, output) { }

Bug fixes

  • Remove unused headTitles parameter from bs4Table().
  • Fix #315: alert title is not added to alert body and if Alert is not closable the header contains “undefined” key word. Thanks @MohammedFCIS.
bs4Dash - bs4Dash 2.3.0

Published by DivadNojnarg over 1 year ago

bs4Dash 2.3.0

New feature

New navbar navigation menu.

  • navbarTab(), navbarMenu() and updateNavbarTabs() to create navbar navigation.
    This will close #108.

Minor change

  • New dropdownHeader() function to display Bootstrap 4 dropdown headers.
  • Adjust dropdownDivider() as it was invisible.
  • tabItems() has .list parameter to pass tabItem() elements as list.
  • Fix #342: better title alignment in tabBox(). Increase padding for card with pills. Thanks @HugoGit39
    for reporting.

Bug fixes

  • Fix #349: allow to pass list of accordionItem() with .list parameter in accordion(). Thanks @vladimirstroganov for reporting.
  • Fix #330: allow to use input elements (or any not menuItem element) in the sidebar.
  • Fix #343: Refine help parameter behavior in dashboardPage(). If NULL, no icon is shown. If FALSE, icon and toggle are shown but not checked. If TRUE the toggle is checked.


  • Change dark/light switch CSS class for consistency.
bs4Dash - v2.2.1

Published by DivadNojnarg almost 2 years ago

Happy Christmas break to everyone!

bs4Dash 2.2.1

New features

  • New pagination() and updatePagination(). Bootstrap 4 implementation of

Minor change

  • Fix #323: remove sidebar collapse animation on app startup. JS code moved
    back to R. Thanks @lucas-alcantara for reporting.

Bug fixes

  • Fix #325: menuItem() applied wrong class to any nested element that is not
    a menuSubItem(). Thanks @echoplaza for reporting.
  • Fix #322: notificationItem() href does not work.
  • Fix #306: Dynamic menuSubItems() with apply() adds some extra text. Added .list
    param to menuItem() to programmatically pass menuSubItem() as list.
  • Fix #297: tabsetPanel() renders below the list of tabPanels when vertical = TRUE.
    Changed layout to fluidRow. Thanks @lucas-alcantara for reporting.
  • Fix #296: Documentation issue for valueBox() and infoBox() in the render function section.
    Thanks @corderoortiz for reporting.
  • Fix #293: Navbar stays keeps white background, even when dark mode is selected/toggled. Related to a previous PR. Thanks to @JJohnson-DA for reporting.
  • Fix #290: don't set data-toggle="tab" when href is not NULL in tabsetPanel(). Thanks @veer0318 for reporting.
  • Fix #243: tabsetPanel() id's not properly generated when inserting tabs to non-empty tabset. Thanks @DarkSideOfTheMat for reporting and giving hints.
bs4Dash - v2.1.0

Published by DivadNojnarg over 2 years ago

bs4Dash 2.1.0

Breaking change

Minor changes/fixes

bs4Dash - v2.0.3

Published by DivadNojnarg almost 3 years ago

bs4Dash 2.0.3

This release is a patch to fix an issue preventing the release of Shiny 1.7.0.

Minor changes

Internal change regarding the {waiter} package but no user impact. Thanks @JohnCoene.

bs4Dash - v2.0.2

Published by DivadNojnarg about 3 years ago

bs4Dash 2.0.2

Patch to fix CRAN warning on Mac M1.

Minor changes

  • Move away from shiny:::processDeps in favor of htmltools::renderTags. Does not
    impact end user.
bs4Dash -

Published by DivadNojnarg about 3 years ago

bs4Dash 2.0.1

Minor changes

Bug Fix

  • Fix #220: Disable badgeLabel in SidebarMenuItem when collapsed. Wrong tag structure fixed.
  • Fix #219: icon appears after header in bs4Card/box.
bs4Dash - bs4Dash 2.0.0

Published by DivadNojnarg over 3 years ago

bs4Dash 2.0.0

Breaking changes

This is to align with shinydashboard and shinydashboardPlus.


  • navbar param becomes header.
  • Remove old_school, sidebar_mini, sidebar_collapsed, controlbar_collapsed,
    controlbar_overlay, enable_preloader, loading_duration and
    loading_background. These parameters move to dashboardSidebar, controlbar ...
  • New freshTheme parameter to pass {fresh} powered themes.
  • New options parameter to configure AdminLTE3.
  • New preloader to use {waiter} as a preloading engine.


  • ... becomes left.
  • right_text becomes right.


  • controlbarIcon accepts shiny::icon instead of the icon name.
  • sidebarIcon accepts shiny::icon instead of the icon name.
  • add title, titleWidth and disable


  • src becomes image.


  • Add collapsed and overlay.
  • Remove title.
  • Rename inputId to id.


  • inputId becomes id.
  • New alias: updateControlbar.
  • session is not mandatory


  • inputId moved to the end.
  • inputId renamed to id.
  • Added collapsed and minified.
  • Add width.
  • Remove opacity, title, brandColor, url and src.


  • child_indent becomes childIndent.
  • Add .list to pass programmatically generated bs4SidebarMenuItem.


  • Add href and newTab.
  • icon expects shiny::icon.


  • img and text become image and name, respectively.


  • Change solidHeader behavior.
  • Remove all sidebar related parameters from bs4Card(). This is now part of
    the new bs4CardSidebar().
  • Remove dropdownIcon parameter from bs4Card(). It is now part of the dropdownItemList().
  • Remove labelStatus, labelText and labelTooltip params from bs4Card(). This is to reduce the number of parameters of cards.
  • By default, closable is now FALSE for bs4Card().
  • Rename dropdownItemList by cardDropdown
  • Rename dropdownItemListItem by cardDropdownItem


  • inputId becomes id.
  • icon expects shiny::icon.


  • Change solidHeader behavior.


  • status becomes color.
  • icon expects shiny::icon.


  • status becomes color
  • Remove ... for subtitle
  • Remove iconStatus.
  • Add href and fill.
  • Rename gradientColor to gradient.


  • src becomes image.
  • status becomes color.


  • rework component
  • add userBlock() to pass on title.


  • src becomes image.
  • titleUrl becomes href.


  • icon expects shiny::icon.


  • This component has been removed


  • rework component. Like tabBox() from {shinydashboard}


  • badge becomes badgeStatus
  • Add type.
  • icon expects shiny::icon.
  • Replace labelText by headerText.
  • Add .list and href.
  • Remove align.


  • This has been replaced by notificationItem() and messageItem()


  • Reworked bs4Table() API.
  • In bs4Stars(): grade and maxstar, respectively become value and grade.
  • In listGroupItem(), remove type and put it in listGroup(). src becomes href.
  • status becomes color in blockQuote.
  • Remove src from carouselItem()
  • In bs4Ribbon(), status becomes color. Remove size.
  • In bs4Badge(), status becomes color.
  • In userMessage(), src becomes image and side becomes type.
  • In timelineItemMedia(), src becomes image.
  • In timelineItem(), timelineStart() and timelineEnd(), icon expects shiny::icon.
  • status becomes color in timelineItem(), timelineLabel(), timelineStart() and timelineEnd().
  • In userPost() and userPostMedia(), src becomes image. Removed collapseStatus.
  • In bs4Stars(), status becomes color.
  • Remove bs4ShowTab(), bs4HideTab() and bs4RemoveTab(). shiny vanilla function should work well now.
  • Remove bs4TabPanel().
  • bs4TabSetPanel() becomes bs4TabsetPanel() and is built on top of shiny::tabsetPanel.
  • In cardProfile(), add bordered. src becomes image.
  • Remove cardProfileItemList().
  • updatebs4TabSetPanel(): selected takes the name of the tab instead of its index. This is more convenient (same as in shinydashboard)
  • value is now mandatory in bs4InfoBox()
  • change attachmentBlock() title_url to titleUrl (to match with a new upcoming package...)
  • descriptionBlock(): number_color, number_icon, right_border and margin_bottom become
    camel case parms (numberColor, numberIcon, rightBorder and marginBottom)
  • numberIcon in descriptionBlock() only need the name of the icon ('times') instead
  • bs4Jumbotron(): btn_name becomes btnName
  • userPost(): collapse_status becomes collapseStatus

New features

  • Add easyClose param to boxSidebar() to allow to close sidebar on outside-click. Thanks @predict42-patrick for the suggestion and JS code.
  • New gradient parameter to valuebox().
  • New help mode in dashboardPage() to automatically toggle all tooltips and popovers. Use
    with bs4TooltipUI() and bs4PopoverUI().
  • New useAutoColor() leveraging new Shiny features and {thematic} to automatically
    style plots depending on the dashboard background color.
  • New bottom area for dashboardSidebar().
  • Add fullscreen widget to dashboardPage().
  • New updateAccordion().
  • actionButton() is updated to provide Bootstrap 4 features.
  • New appButton().
  • New updateUserMessages().
  • New userList() and userListItem().
  • New productList() and productListItem().
  • New userDescription() and userBlock().
  • New built-in skinSelector.
  • New built-in dark/light mode switcher.
  • New "go to top" feature.
  • New dashboardUserItem(), userOutput() and renderUser().
  • New bs4DashBrand for better dashboard titles.
  • add bs4ShowTab() and bs4HideTab(): thanks @fmmattioni for the reminder ;)
  • New bs4CardLayout(): simplify the way to deal with bs4Card()!
  • New bs4CloseAlert(): programmatically close bs4Alert()
  • New bs4Toast(): include the builtin AdminLTE3 toasts!
  • Add options to select bs4SidebarMenuItem() and bs4SidebarMenuSubItem() at start.
  • Now bs4DropdownMenuItem() may act as an actionButton
  • Whenever a bs4Card() is maximized, the collapsible icon is hidden (does not make sense to have it)
  • new bs4CardLabel() to add text labels in bs4Card()
  • new bs4CardSidebar(): access the status via input$id. Add updatebs4CardSidebar() to toggle the card sidebar
  • add bs4PopoverServer(), bs4PopoverUI(), bs4TooltipUI() and bs4TooltipServer()
  • bs4TabSetPanel(): you may access the currently selected tab with input$id
  • add type parameter to bs4TabSetPanel() and bs4TabCard() so as to select
    between pills or tabs (cosmetic choice). If type is not provided, the behaviour is unchanged (pills are the default)
  • add fixed param to bs4DashFooter()
  • add fixed parameter to bs4DashSidebar(). Thanks @mppallante
  • re-add fixed parameter to bs4DashNavbar(). This is reintroduced by adminlte with a new css class name
  • add animated, label parameters to bs4ProgressBar()
  • add iconStatus parameter to bs4InfoBox() to allow icon color
    to be independant from the card status ( Thanks @rolando-gsw

Minor change

  • bs4Sortable() is initialized each time a new sortable element is added. Fixes #198.
  • New taskItem().
  • Add indicators and .list to carousel().
  • insertTab() is using more shiny vanilla elements.
  • bs4UserMenu() does not close when clicked inside.
  • Add glyphicons as an html dependency
  • New legacy parameter in bs4SidebarMenu(): to use old AdminLTE2 styling for
    item selection
  • Now, clicking outside the bs4DashControlbar() when it is opened will close it.
    To keep it open, see below
  • New pinned option for bs4DashControlbar(): allow to block the controlbar state
  • New expandedName param for bs4SidebarMenuItem to align with shinydashboard
  • id is NULL in bs4TabSetPanel() by default
  • side is default to left in bs4TabSetPanel()
  • change bs4TabPanel() param order to align with shiny

Bug Fix

  • Fix #200: simplified bs4Table() API.
  • Fix #189: hidden type is not available for bs4Dash::tabsetPanel that uses an old version of the
    shiny::tabsetPanel. Thanks @zilch42.
  • Upgrade AdminLTE to 3.1.0. This fixes many sidebar issues!!!
  • Fix issue #110: due to the fact that the bs4Controlbar() now collapse when clicked outside, clicking on an input triggering the updatebs4Controlbar() would toggle it twice. Thanks @dwhdai
  • Fix issue #112 with sliderInput z-index and bs4DashPage() preloader. Thanks @analytichealth for the report
  • Fix issue in bs4DashSidebar() url link. Thanks @pvictor
  • Fix #30: programmatically close bs4Alert()
  • Fix #47: Control bar not showing top elements when collapsed is FALSE
  • Fix #99: rework the way sidebar items work. By default, when sidebar items has subitems and is selected, the first item is not selected. We leave the choice to the user. Thanks @analytichealth
  • Fix bs4DropdownMenu() example
  • fix #94: cannot render element with dependencies in bs4InsertTab()
  • fix #93: set default inputId when it is not provided in bs4DashControlbar() so that
    renderUI works. Thanks @artemklevtsov
  • fix #86 : cannot use updatebs4TabSetPanel() with renderUI. Thanks @jyjek
  • add condition argument to bs4SidebarMenuItem(). See Thanks @aldomann
  • some vignettes examples were not up to date
bs4Dash - bs4Dash

Published by DivadNojnarg over 3 years ago

Note: this is not an official release and has never been published on CRAN.


Breaking changes

  • updatebs4TabSetPanel(): selected takes the name of the tab instead of its index. This is more convenient (same as in shinydashboard)
  • remove all sidebar related parameters from bs4Card(). This is now part of
    the new bs4CardSidebar()
  • remove dropdownIcon parameter from bs4Card(). It is now part of the dropdownItemList()
  • remove labelStatus, labelText and labelTooltip params from bs4Card(). This is to reduce the number of parameters of cards
  • By default, closable is now FALSE for bs4Card()
  • value is now mandatory in bs4InfoBox()
  • change attachmentBlock() title_url to titleUrl (to match with a new upcoming package...)
  • descriptionBlock(): number_color, number_icon, right_border and margin_bottom become
    camel case parms (numberColor, numberIcon, rightBorder and marginBottom)
  • numberIcon in descriptionBlock() only need the name of the icon ('times') instead
  • bs4Jumbotron(): btn_name becomes btnName
  • userPost(): collapse_status becomes collapseStatus

New features

  • add bs4ShowTab() and bs4HideTab(): thanks @fmmattioni for the reminder ;)
  • New bs4CardLayout(): simplify the way to deal with bs4Card()!
  • New bs4CloseAlert(): programmatically close bs4Alert()
  • New bs4Toast(): include the builtin AdminLTE3 toasts!
  • Add options to select bs4SidebarMenuItem() and bs4SidebarMenuSubItem() at start.
  • Now bs4DropdownMenuItem() may act as an actionButton
  • Whenever a bs4Card() is maximized, the collapsible icon is hidden (does not make sense to have it)
  • new bs4CardLabel() to add text labels in bs4Card()
  • new bs4CardSidebar(): access the status via input$id. Add updatebs4CardSidebar() to toggle the card sidebar
  • add bs4PopoverServer(), bs4PopoverUI(), bs4TooltipUI() and bs4TooltipServer()
  • bs4TabSetPanel(): you may access the currently selected tab with input$id
  • add type parameter to bs4TabSetPanel() and bs4TabCard() so as to select
    between pills or tabs (cosmetic choice). If type is not provided, the behaviour is unchanged (pills are the default)
  • add fixed param to bs4DashFooter()
  • add fixed parameter to bs4DashSidebar(). Thanks @mppallante
  • re-add fixed parameter to bs4DashNavbar(). This is reintroduced by adminlte with a new css class name
  • add animated, label parameters to bs4ProgressBar()
  • add iconStatus parameter to bs4InfoBox() to allow icon color
    to be independant from the card status ( Thanks @rolando-gsw

Minor change

  • New legacy parameter in bs4SidebarMenu(): to use old AdminLTE2 styling for
    item selection
  • Now, clicking outside the bs4DashControlbar() when it is opened will close it.
    To keep it open, see below
  • New pinned option for bs4DashControlbar(): allow to block the controlbar state
  • New expandedName param for bs4SidebarMenuItem to align with shinydashboard
  • id is NULL in bs4TabSetPanel() by default
  • side is default to left in bs4TabSetPanel()
  • change bs4TabPanel() param order to align with shiny

Bug Fix

  • Fix issue #110: due to the fact that the bs4Controlbar() now collapse when clicked outside, clicking on an input triggering the updatebs4Controlbar() would toggle it twice. Thanks @dwhdai
  • Fix issue #112 with sliderInput z-index and bs4DashPage() preloader. Thanks @analytichealth for the report
  • Fix issue in bs4DashSidebar() url link. Thanks @pvictor
  • Fix #30: programmatically close bs4Alert()
  • Fix #47: Control bar not showing top elements when collapsed is FALSE
  • Fix #99: rework the way sidebar items work. By default, when sidebar items has subitems and is selected, the first item is not selected. We leave the choice to the user. Thanks @analytichealth
  • Fix bs4DropdownMenu() example
  • fix #94: cannot render element with dependencies in bs4InsertTab()
  • fix #93: set default inputId when it is not provided in bs4DashControlbar() so that
    renderUI works. Thanks @artemklevtsov
  • fix #86 : cannot use updatebs4TabSetPanel() with renderUI. Thanks @jyjek
  • add condition argument to bs4SidebarMenuItem(). See Thanks @aldomann
  • some vignettes examples were not up to date
bs4Dash - bs4Dash 0.5.0

Published by DivadNojnarg over 4 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • remove fixed parameters from bs4DashNavbar() since it does not exist in the new
    AdminLTE version
  • rework on bs4DropdownMenuItem: change text to message, date to time. Add new params: from, src, status and type.

Major Changes

  • add link back to Thanks @statnmap
  • upgrade AdminLTE3 version to rc4
  • add bs4DashSidebar() input binding to indicate the state (collapse: FALSE, open: TRUE) as well as
    updatebs4Sidebar() to programmatically toggle its state
  • add bs4Controlbar() input binding to indicate the state (collapse: FALSE, open: TRUE) as well as
    updatebs4Controlbar() to programmatically toggle its state
  • add bs4Card() input binding to indicate the state (collapse: FALSE, open: TRUE, maximize, closed, ...) as well as
    updatebs4Card() to programmatically toggle its state
  • add bs4InsertTab() to programmatically insert bs4TabPanel() in bs4TabSetPanel()
  • add bs4RemoveTab() to programmatically remove bs4TabPanel() in bs4TabSetPanel()

New features

  • bs4DashPage() has a new sidebar_mini parameter. When TRUE, the sidebar has a minimum
    width when collapsed (you still see icons). When false, it behaves like in shinydashboard
  • bs4InfoBox() can now navigate between tabs if the tabName parameter is specified. It must however correspond
    to an existing bs4TabItem() in the body!
  • bs4ValueBox() has a footer argument. It is different from the href parameter. Thanks @stefanfritsch
  • add expand_on_hover parameter to bs4DashSidebar()
  • add compact parameters to bs4DashNavbar() to reduce the navbar size
  • add getAdminLTEColors() to preview all available color themes
  • by default, bs4DashSidebar() has a fixed layout. This prevent from not seeing sidebar items
    if the body contains too many elements
  • bs4DashPage() has options to change the bs4Controlbar() behavior when it expands (see controlbar_overlay)
  • bs4SidebarMenu() has 3 new parameters: flat (design effect), child_indent and compact
  • add sidebar in bs4Card()
  • add bs4UserMenu() for bs4DashNavbar()
  • add bs4Ribbon(), a sort of enhanced label for cards or any content
  • add bs4Quote(), an improved blockquote tag for Bootstrap 4

Bug Fix

  • fix #66 and #71: sidebar_collapsed was not working. Thanks @analytichealth and @federicomarini
  • remove hardcoded style for navbar dropdown icons
  • remove hardcoded style for navbar icons (fixed in the last adminLTE3 release). Thanks @federicomarini
  • fix height issue in bs4Card(). Thanks @analytichealth
  • Rework the column() function from Shiny to make it work with Bootstrap 4. Thanks @federicomarini
  • fix bs4DashNavbar() background color issue.
  • rework bs4DashBody() so that when no element is in the sidebar and no tabItems
    are in the body, margin between the sidebar, the controlbar is not 0
  • when btn_name is NULL in bs4Jumbotron(), do not show a button. Thanks @davidlvb
  • fix bs4ProgressBar(): remove height and width parameters. Add size parameter. This
    fix the progress behaviour which was wrong
bs4Dash - bs4Dash 0.4.0

Published by DivadNojnarg over 4 years ago

Major changes

  • add bs4DashControlbarMenu(), bs4DashControlbarItem() and updatebs4ControlbarMenu()
  • add updatebs4TabItems() and updateTabItems() to programatically update the selected
    sidebar tab and the corresponding body tab
  • add updatebs4TabSetPanel() and updateTabsetPanel() (aliases) to dynamically update bs4TabSetPanel() from
    the server side
  • add maximizable option for bs4Card() and bs4TabCard(). In other words, allow full screen option
  • Fix #8: add input binding to the bs4SidebarMenu(). Now by adding an id to the menu,
    the user can recover the currently selected tab. Thanks @rpodcast
  • add aliases to make bs4Dash closer to shinydashboard (the conversion is easier).
    For instance bs4DashPage() can also be dashboardPage()
  • update adminLTE dependencies
  • add vertical mode to bs4TabSetPanel()
  • add bs4SidebarMenuSubItem()
  • add bs4Table(), bs4TableItems() and bs4TableItem()

Breaking changes

  • add text arg to bs4SidebarMenuItem()
  • Now the ... arg is for bs4SidebarMenuSubItem()

Minor Changes

  • Fix #41: add disable argument to bs4DashSidebar() and bs4DashControlbar(). Thanks @jamiebono
  • images are centered in userPost()
  • add startExpanded arg to bs4SidebarMenuItem()
  • add bs4TabSetPanel() to the gallery

Bug Fix

  • fix overflow-y issue in bs4TabCard()
  • fix #44: update bs4InfoBox() class. Thanks @henry090.
  • update adminLTE dependencies (fix sidebar horizontal overflow, ...)
  • hide the bs4DashControlbar() toggle if no bs4DashControlbar() is given in bs4DashPage()
  • fix wrong url in attachmentBlock() image (and replace http by https)
  • fix #24: No right border on collapsed sidebar menu items. Thanks @aldomann
  • Tooltips z-index is lower than sidebar's z-index, this cause tooltips are not showing up
  • after Bootstrap 4.3.1 update the table color in the green calendar widget changed to black, caused by bootstrap (see
bs4Dash - bs4Dash 0.3.0

Published by DivadNojnarg over 4 years ago

Breaking change

  • rework bs4TabSetPanel() and bs4TabCard(). bs4TabSetPanel() can now be used independently of bs4TabCard().
    Need to provide id argument to bs4TabCard().

Major changes

  • update adminLTE3 to the latest release
  • update to bootstrap 4.3.1
  • add preloader options to bs4DashPage()
  • add collapsible and closable to bs4TabCard(). Buttons visible by default. PR by @statnmap
  • add preloader options to bs4DashPage()
  • move to RinteRface
  • add bs4Sortable() and all necessary javascript dependencies
  • add userPost(), userPostMedia(), userPostTagItems() and userPostTagItem()
  • add userMessages() and userMessage()
  • add descriptionBlock(), attachmentBlock() and cardPad()
  • add bs4SidebarUserPanel()
  • add cardProfile(), cardProfileItemList() and cardProfileItem()
  • add bs4SocialCard() and cardComment()

Minor changes

  • add collapse_status argument to userPost()
  • add glyphicons (BS3 old dependency) thanks to @ntncmch
  • add overflow argument to bs4Card() to enable or disable overflow
  • hide bs4Card() footer when footer is NULL
  • patch for bs4Accordion(): click on 1 item collapse all other items in the same accordion
    add an id argument.
  • add licence
  • add controlbar_collapsed argument to bs4DashPage()
  • fix #16: add side argument to bs4TabCard(). Thanks @stephLH
  • fix #11: add width arg to bs4DashControlbar(). Thanks @stephLH
  • fix #14: remove bs4TabCard() max-height attribute. Thanks @stephLH
  • add hex icon
  • add menuIcon arg and align arg to bs4DropdownMenu(), add id arg to bs4DashControlbar() PR by @bjornlind
  • add background and header colours like cards to bs4TabCard(). PR by @statnmap

Bug fix

  • Fix icon rendering issue due to a change in shiny 1.2.0 dependencies (font awesome)
  • Fix #19: Whenever a bs4Card() starts on a collapsed state, the content is displayed when
    uncollapsed is pressed. Thanks @stanmap for the remark. (See here for a similar issue)
  • bs4Card(): the collapse icon changes to + and - depending on the current collapse status.
  • fix various issues in bs4DropdownMenu()
  • fix #12: Compatibility with shinyWidgets pickerInput. Thanks @pvictor
  • fix #13 in bs4TabPanel(): handle tabName with space and with punctuation characters. Thanks @stephLH
  • fix bs4TabCard(): when the user set 2 or more active tabs at the same time, only
    the first one is selected
  • related to #16: modify bs4Dash.js file so that only the first body content tab is selected
    and not that of the bs4TabCard(), as they have the same class (tab-pane).
bs4Dash - bs4Dash 0.2.0

Published by DivadNojnarg over 4 years ago

Major changes

  • bs4Dash now works on (previously, there was a problem with tab navigation)
  • major update of all dependencies (bootstrap 4, fontawesome, ionicons, ...) with

Minor changes

  • close and collapse buttons not shown when the title is NULL in bs4Card()
  • bs4ValueBox() footer is not shown when the external link is NULL
  • bs4ValueBox() external link opens in a new page
  • add sidebar_collapsed argument to bs4DashPage() to control the sidebar opening at start
  • update bs4DashGallery(). Add a "theme" argument
  • add ionicon() (implementation of ionicons)
  • fix vignette titles
  • add a "fixed" argument to the bs4DashNavbar() (#7, thanks @theRcast)
  • update Readme
bs4Dash - bs4Dash 0.1.0

Published by DivadNojnarg over 4 years ago

bs4Dash 0.1.0

  • initial release