
a fresh, modern & lightweight HTML5 game engine

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melonJS - melonJS 7.1.0

Published by obiot over 5 years ago

  • Audio : audio core update (2.1.2) to fix audio unlock on Firefox 66 and onwards
  • Core : new me.event.GAME_UPDATE system event that will be triggered at the beginning of the update loop
  • Core : is deprecated and replaced by the me.utils.getUriFragment() function
  • Debug : fixed DebugPanel minimum version requirements (should have been 7.0 since last release)
  • Font : fix an issue with setText wronly converting a given array of string to a string representing the array
  • Input : use passive event listeners when preventDefault is used (default behaviour)
  • Input : simplified pointer / keyboard / gamepad implementation and removed support for legacy API (e.g. mousewheel event)
  • Input : added a new getBindingKey() method that returns the associated action to a given key
  • Input : exposed default targets for Keyboard and Pointer events under me.input
  • Physic : fix an issue where gravity was not properly applied on the x axis
  • Renderer : fix fill and stroke operations for arc and ellipse in the Canvas Renderer
  • Renderer : added missing fill and stroke operations for arc in WebGL mode
  • Renderer : align the canvas renderer with the WebGL renderer to properly use CSS scaling
  • Sprite : new rotate method as a shortcut to apply a rotation transform to the sprite
  • TMX : fixed parsing of string custom properties containing newline(s)
  • TMX : use the offsetx/offsety properties when parsing ImageLayer data over the deprecated x/y ones
  • TMX : add support for Staggered Isometric maps
  • TMX : fix rendering of Staggered Hexagonal maps
  • TMX : fix pointer position detection on Hexagonal maps (was slightly off previously)
melonJS - melonJS 7.0.0

Published by obiot over 5 years ago

  • General : new "grunt-free" build process based on npm, rollup & friends
  • Core : removed support for CocoonJS (following service shutdown)
  • Core : simplified error/exception handling by removing the custom me.Error class
  • Input : removed obsolete support for proprietary windows 8 accelerometer API (not a thing anymore)
  • Input : fixed potential issue with hardware not reporting proper event geometry
  • Inpit : improved pointer detection when using complex css layouts
  • Math : prevent recalculating edges and normals when resizing a rectangle shape with the same width and height values
  • Renderer : renderer selection now set to AUTO by default (Attempt WebGL first, with fallback to Canvas)
  • Timer : added arguments passing to setTimeout and setInterval
  • TMX : fixed temporary vectors recycling in the hexagonal map renderer
  • WebGL : shader implementation has been rewritten to allow for a more generic approach, and ease definition of custom shader (see me.GLShader)
  • WebGL : properly handle WebGL context lost and restore
  • WebGL : updated earcut to version 2.1.5
melonJS - melonJS 6.4.0

Published by obiot over 5 years ago

  • Documentation : new documentation format, including better layout and search feature
  • Math : new PI related constants under me.Math (TAU, ETA, etc..)
  • Renderable : added a basic color tint feature (WebGL mode only)
  • Renderable : added support for Texture Packer multipack textures
  • Renderable : moved the name property definition at the me.Renderable level (prevent mostly all deriving objects from re-defining one)
  • Renderable : fixed an issue where a non Boolean value was passed to the onVisibilityChange callback
  • Sprite : cleaned up/simplified animation data handling
  • TMX : small memory optimization in the isometric renderer, where one temporary vector object was not properly recycled
  • Renderer : fixed stroke and fill default color to match standard W3C canvas stroke and fill style (black)
melonJS - melonJS 6.3.0

Published by obiot almost 6 years ago

  • Audio : audio core update (2.1.1), mostly improving auto audio unlock on latest (non-mobile) browser versions
  • Color : fixed alpha value not being properly clamped (leading to issue in WebGL mode when passing the glArray buffer)
  • Debug : fixed wrong bounding box drawing position for nested containers and entity childs
  • Entity : fixed ancestor value for renderable component
  • Renderable : added support for rendering mask (in both Canvas and WebGL mode), allowing to use any me.Shape object as a mask
  • Renderer : drawShape() is deprecated and has been replaced by a fill() and stroke() methods
  • Renderer : cleaned and aligned drawing APIs between the Canvas and WebGL Renderer
  • WebGLRenderer : added stroke and fill operations for all me.Shape objects
  • WebGLRenderer : fillRect() now use newly added fill method, instead of creating/using a fill texture
  • WebGLRenderer : optimized memory usage for shape drawing operations
  • WebGLRenderer : enable batching of triangle vertices to speed up shape drawing (when applicable)
  • WebGLRenderer : fixed a clipping issue with nested containers
  • WebGLRenderer : fixed the clearRect method
melonJS - melonJS 6.2.0

Published by obiot almost 6 years ago

  • Audio : fixed a regression when passing an initial volume value to the play function (thanks @PLAYERKILLERS)
  • Container : new getNextChild function that returns the next child within the container
  • Core : renamed me.ScreenObject to me.Stage (with an alias to me.ScreenObject for Backward compatibility)
  • Core : cleaned and improved the window auto focus feature
  • Core : improve automatic object instance collection & recycling of base components like vectors and shapes.
  • Core : ensure the internal coordinates system is updated when the DOM tree structure is modified
  • Camera : me.Camera2d objects can now be defined per Stage, rather than having one static global camera under
  • Camera : fix infinite generation of the VIEWPORT_ONCHANGE event when using camera damping
  • Device : added a me.device.focus() function
  • Entity : fix "DRAGEND" event triggering for Draggable Entity, when pointer is moved outside of the screen area
  • Entity : fix a regression introduced in 6.0 on optional me.Entity constructor parameters
  • Font : fix bounds calculation for BitmapFont objects
  • Font : enable Font & BitmapFont bounding box drawing through the Debug Panel
  • Font : fix missing documentation on properties for BitmapFont Object.
  • Font : Font & BitmapFont objects can now be directly added to a container like any other me.Renderable
  • Font : Improved performances when drawing regular me.Font objects
  • Font : new me.Text and me.BitmapText generic object replacing me.Font and me.BitmapFont (now deprecated)
  • Input : fix a potential issue with "undefined" pointer location upon loading
  • Loader : added support for Font Face preloading
  • Math : new toBeCloseTo function to determine if two values are closed "enough" to eachother
  • Renderable : new onVisibilityChange event handler that is called when leaving or entering a camera viewport
  • Renderable : fix documentation for the container clipping flag (was accidentally left private)
  • Renderable : update visibility flag for floating objects using actual screen coordinates
  • Sprite : fix an issue when flipping trimmed sprite textures (@YosuaHamonangan)
  • TMX : add support for orthogonal tile rendering order
  • TMX : add support for Text object, allowing to add me.Text or me.BitmapText directly from Tiled
  • TMX : optimized the getTile function to avoid duplicate calls to the pixel to tile coordinates functions
  • WebGLRenderer : fix a bug when clipping is disabled due to the clipping area being equal to the canvas size
melonJS - melonJS 6.1.0

Published by obiot about 6 years ago

  • Audio : latest audio core update (2.0.15)
  • Core : new linux detection flag under me.device
  • Renderer : now systematically warn when using non POT texture in both Canvas and WebGL mode
  • Sprite : new function to allow reversing a given or current animation
  • TMX : support for the Tiled 1.2 beta JSON property format (backward compatible with previous 1.1 version)
  • CanvasRenderer : fix drawImage sub-pixel rendering in Canvas mode when using the short notation (2 or 4 parameters)
  • WebGLRenderer : only throw an exception (e.g. stop execution) when using repeat/wrap mode with a non POT texture
  • WebGLRenderer : properly fallback to Canvas mode in AUTO and WEBGL mode when failing at creating a valid WebGL Context
melonJS - melonJS 6.0.0

Published by obiot about 6 years ago

  • Audio : latest audio core update to fix HTML5 Audio issue with FB Instant Games, and Chrome API deprecation
  • Container : new clipping feature to automatically clip childrens to their parent container bounds (disable by default)
  • Core : Removed unnecessary ES6 polyfill (based on melonJS 5.x minimum browser version)
  • Core : API update to sandbox all previous language extension under the me namespace
  • Core : added console debug information (melonJS version & basic device capabilities)
  • Core : properly support (requires the official weapp-adapter) WeChat Mini Games (@qinchunren)
  • Color : fix the me.Color.toHex8() function
  • Debug : fix "undefined width error" when instantiating the debug panel
  • Font : fix a regression where drawing a web font was not restoring the renderer context properly
  • Input : fix an issue where the focus was sometimes lost when using an integrated WebView (e.g. Instant Games)
  • Loader : new loader feature to allow preloading of javascript files
  • Math : new vector linear interpolation functions
  • Math : new equals function for me.Rect shape
  • Physic : avoid duplicating the given collision shape through addShape, and directly use the object references
  • Physic : gravity property for solid bodies is now a vector object, allowing to defined gravity for both axis
  • Physic : new mass property for solid bodies
  • Physic : new me.Body.force property allowing to automatically apply a force or acceleration to a solid body
  • Physic : me.Body.accel and me.Body.setVelocity are now deprecated and to be replaced by me.Body.force
  • Physic : automatically apply any defined physic properties when importing a physic editor JSON file
  • Renderable : fix onComplete not being called for me.Sprite single animation frame (@Adrian)
  • Renderable : fix animation not cycling when using GUI_Object(s)
  • Renderable : fix a regression in Sprite when using Texture Packer
  • Renderable : fix floating renderable's bounds following its parent container position (@YosuaHamonangan)
  • Renderable : fix a potential parameter mismatch in me.Sprite for an animation onComplete callback
  • Renderer : use prefixed "image-rendering" CSS properties for non standard browsers
  • Renderer : new clipRect function to clip the specified rectangle area
  • TMX : allows different tile size per layer (not supported by Tiled, only works with "manually" generated maps) (@YosuaHamonangan)
  • TMX : optimised object allocation to lower memory usage (and later GC) when loading a level
  • Viewport : new damping feature to enable smooth camera movement
  • WebGLRenderer : enable failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat by default when attempting to create a GL Context
  • WebGLRenderer : feature to change the blending mode (experimental and limited to "normal" and "multiply" for now)
  • WebGLRenderer : fix a deprecation warning in Firefox
melonJS - melonJS 5.1.0

Published by obiot over 6 years ago

  • Audio : Howler core update (2.0.8)
  • Core : window.onReady is now marked as deprecated, and replaced by me.device.onReady
  • Container : new onChildChange callback for when a child is added or removed
  • Input : further improvements to multitouch support (compatibility on latest device/browser)
  • Input : new me.input.setTouchAction function to enable/disable gesture by default (default to "none")
  • Input : fix a pointer offset issue when using the browser zoom
  • Loader : new "withCredentials" setting to specify if cross-site Access-Control requests should be made using credentials
  • Physic : new me.collision.rayCast function for basic Line of Sight implementation
  • Physic : slight me.Body refactoring to allow adding a physic body to any base me.Renderable
  • Physic : new bounce property for solid bodies
  • Renderable : isKinematic is now true by default except for me.Entity, me.Container and me.GUI object
  • Renderable : anchor point and transform are now properly applied to me.Sprite Bounding Rect
  • TMX : add support for "Collection of Image" tilesets
  • Viewport : apply current transformation when converting given coordinates from localToWorld and WorldToLocal
  • Viewport : fix a regression where transforms were not applied anymore to the camera/viewport
melonJS - melonJS 5.0.1

Published by obiot almost 7 years ago

  • Input : fix a regression with bindPointer
  • Loader : fix the progressBar position when resizing the screen
melonJS - melonJS 5.0.0

Published by obiot almost 7 years ago

  • Audio : Howler core update (2.0.5)
  • Audio : added a function to check if audio is muted globally
  • Core : fix fullscreen detection when not set on the main canvas
  • Core : remove obsolete ES5 shim (it's 2017, update your browser!)
  • Core : updated orientation detection, based on the new (draft) Orientation API
  • Debug : fixed debug panel toggle features, and automatically display the toggle key
  • Geometry : new specific values can be returned through the callback for Observable Vectors
  • Input : fix a bug where the gamepad axes may not trigger KEYUP events
  • Input : remove deprecated argument type for me.input.bindGamepad()
  • Input : remove deprecated mousewheel event
  • Input : remove deprecated MS prefixed Pointer Event
  • Input : standardize Event.button value and usage across all input models
  • Input : me.input.preventDefault now correctly define the default action for pointer events
  • Input : fix potential multitouch issues on "hybrid" browsers supporting both TouchEvent and PointerEvent
  • Renderable : properly apply transformation and anchor for all me.Renderable objects
  • Renderable : move flipX/flipY to me.Renderable, and remove deprecation warning
  • Renderable : new isKinematic property allowing to opt-out from collision and input events
  • Renderable : slightly refactored me.ColorLayer and exposed its me.Color property
  • TMX : added support for layer grouping (Tiled 1.0.0)
  • Viewport : added a method to unfollow the current target
melonJS - melonJS 4.1.1

Published by obiot over 7 years ago

  • Core : fixed a bug in Number.prototype.round()
  • Core : throw an exception when attempting to add an invalid state in me.state.set()
  • Core : fixed falling and jumping flags on me.Body when gravity is reversed
  • Geometry : fixed a bug in me.Vector3d.abs()
  • Geometry : added a new me.Matrix2d.multiplyVectorInverse() method
  • Pointer : fixed touchstart events
  • Pointer : replaced non-standard mousewheel with W3C standard wheel events
  • Pointer : fixed duplicate wheel events
melonJS - melonJS 4.1.0

Published by obiot almost 8 years ago

  • Audio : updated to latest Howler 2.0.2 (WebAudio resume/seek fixes, and IE related security issues)
  • Audio : added a function, to change or get the current position of a specific audio clip
  • Core : throw an error message when registering a non valid object in the object pool (i.e. undefined class)
  • Loader : added the possibility to configure path (baseUrl) by asset types.
  • Loader : added a 'crossOrigin' option to enable/allow cross-origin image loading for WebGL
  • Loader : fixed an issue where callbacks were randomly fired twice when refreshing the page (krojew)
  • Loader : reduced memory usage (reduced overlay size for the logo, and prevent from creating the Font overlay in WebGL)
  • Particles : fixed a (huge) performance regression with particle generation / handling
  • Pointer: fixed bug where a device allowing both mouse & touch events would only emit touch events.
  • Pointer: fixed a regression with multi-touch event detection on iOS & Android
  • Pointer: fixed a regression with callback handling & cleaning in the releasePointerEvent function
  • Renderable : fixed a regression in me.Sprite.isCurrentAnimation()
  • TMX : TMX maps and renderers are now fully contained in their own space, and do no pollute anymore
  • TMX : exposed the TMX renderers API and related utility functions to convert tile to/from pixel coordinates
  • TMX : improved API to manage isometric map & coordinates (e.g. vector and shape conversion)
  • TMX : added a simple isometric "tile selector" in the isometric map example
  • TMX : me.Layer.getTile() will now return null if there is no corresponding tile, instead of throwing an exception
  • TMX : added a getRenderer() function to me.Layer that returns the layer TMX renderer.
  • Viewport : added the possibility to define a global transformation to the viewport
  • WebGLRenderer : now properly complain when using NPOT textures, and throw an exception for repetitive ones
  • WebGLRenderer : does not create anymore a default overlay for me.Font drawing, unless required (reminder: me.Font+WebGL = Bad!)
melonJS - melonJS 4.0.0

Published by obiot almost 8 years ago

  • Audio : updated to the latest Howler 2.0.1 version
  • Container : added a 'forEach' function that allows to iterate through all children
  • Core : largely improved and completed the matrix implementation and usage
  • Core : Object.assign polyfill update
  • Core : various improvements and fixes to jasmine test units
  • Debug : fixed the debug panel display when using the WebGL renderer
  • Font : added true support for bitmap font generated out of true type fonts (e.g. Littera, bmfont, bmglypgh, etc...)
  • Particles : reduced creation/use of temporary (vector) objects
  • Pointer : fixed bug with Chrome on Windows touch devices where touch input would register, but mouse input would not. (credit to BrianRosamilia)
  • Pointer : PointerEvent detection is now fully W3C compliant
  • Pointer : automaticaly free any defined region if there is no callback left
  • Renderable : added a new currentTransform property that defines the renderable transformation matrix
  • Renderable : transformations can now be automatically applied through the autoTransform flag (off by default for user-defined objects)
  • Renderable : me.AnimationSheet has been merged into me.Sprite (me.AnimationSheet is now only an alias), and rendering function simplified
  • Renderable : fixed image layer first update, when added to a child container (and not directly the root one)
  • Renderer : simplified/aligned both the Canvas and WebGL renderer API in a more WebGL fashion
  • Renderer : added a subPixel rendering option (off by default)
  • Shapes : polygon based shapes can now be freely transformed, and bounding box will be resized accordingly
  • TMX : scaling and rotation can now be applied to a tilemap (see me.levelDirector.loadLevel() for example)
  • TMX : fixed some issues when loading TMX level into a child container.
  • WebGLRenderer : fixed the currentColor alpha not taking in account the "globalAlpha" (now better match canvas renderer)
melonJS - melonJS 3.1.0

Published by obiot over 8 years ago

  • Audio : exposed a function to allow modifying the playback rate of the specified audio clip.
  • Audio : added back the possibility to stream audio elements (through the stream flag when defining audio assets)
  • Camera : use the alpha component of the given color as the threshold for fading effect
  • Color : normalized support for #RGBA and #RRGGBBAA formats (to match CSS standard)
  • Core : added a function to change the renderer framerate at runtime
  • Core : simplified the "startup" functions to allow for shorter initialization code (see boilerplate)
  • Core : removed previous Ejecta "hacks" (requires the latest Ejecta 2.1/development version)
  • Documentation : various fixes and missing items added (e.g me.Object that was missing)
  • Debug : debug panel(s) now automatically register themselves upon loading (see boilerplate)
  • Input : added support for gamepad analogue axis binding
  • Input : fixed a regression with pointer events not firing with "floating" regions (@thedrumchannell)
  • Particles : fixed a crash when removing a particle emmiter during a level change/reset
  • Renderable : fixed missing onDestroyEvent function when adding basic renderables to the game world.
  • Renderable : fixed Sprite objects initialization when using a string argument for "image" (@trevorjwilliams)
  • TMX : added support for JSON-format external tilesets
  • TMX : fixed the clearTile function when using preRender and the WebGL renderer
  • TMX : fixed prerender on browsers that support Canvas2DContextAttributes.alpha
  • TMX : disabled animated tiles when using the prerender mode (these two are not compatible)
  • TMX : fixed a regression with Tile property parsing
  • TMX : fixed a regression with level loading when no tilesets are defined.
  • TMX : fixed decoding of maps using CSV data format (in Tiled) and exported to JSON
  • TMX : added support for typed custom properties (Tiled 0.16)
  • WebGLRenderer : added a workaround for Safari resetting WebGL attributes bindings (see #783)
melonJS - melonJS 3.0.1

Published by obiot over 8 years ago

  • Core : fixed/improved compatibility with Ejecta (e.g. initialization, CAF support)
  • Input : actually really truly fix pointer event z-ordering, finally
melonJS - melonJS 3.0.0

Published by obiot almost 9 years ago

  • Audio : updated to the latest Howler v2.0.0 beta version
  • Audio : added a function for added convenience (was already possible by calling back
  • Container : added an autoDepth feature that auto-increments a child's z-coordinate when inserted
  • Color : add support for the #ARGB and #AARRGGBB formats
  • Core : renamed Object.extend to me.Object.extend (fixes conflicts with FaceBook SDK and underscore/lodash) (@jdrorrer)
  • Core : plugins are now registered to me.plugins to prevent collisions within the me.plugin namespace
  • Core : replaced String.contains by its ES6 equivalent: String.includes
  • Core : replaced Number.sign by its ES6 equivalentL Math.sign
  • Core : has been removed in favor of accessing objects through -- added me.LevelDirector.getCurrentLevel() as a stop-gap
  • Core : added me.sys.updatesPerSecond to configure updating less often than drawing (@Giwayume)
  • Entity : new positioning method, where the renderable is positioned according to its anchor and the Entity's body anchor (@Giwayume)
  • Examples : added an example showing how to build a basic menu (with a panel, checkboxes and buttons)
  • Font : fixed font height not being set when specifying a CSS Unit for the size
  • Font : added basic CSS Unit conversion from ‘pt’,’ex’,’em’ to ‘px’ (these are approximation and not guaranteed accurate)
  • General : the release build files are no longer versioned; this replaces the old style "melonJS-x.x.x.js" file naming convention with just "melonJS.js"
  • Geometry : added a new me.Vector3d and me.ObservableVector3d class
  • Geometry : removed reverse method from Vector classes; use negateSelf instead
  • Geometry : removed reflect and reflectN methods from Vector classes
  • Geometry : fixed floor and floorSelf methods on Vector classes with negative values
  • Geometry : fixed angle method on Vector classes
  • LevelDirector : level loading is now asynchronous; for sequential behavior, use the LEVEL_LOADED event or new onLoaded callback
  • LevelDirector : added an options argument to the loading method; for specifying a target container, callback, and whether to merge (flatten) object groups
  • Input : renamed last remaining mouse-related objects : me.input.mouse => me.input.pointer, me.event.MOVEMOVE => me.event.POINTERMOVE
  • Input : added HTML5 Gamepad API support, with button and axis remapping
  • Input : optimised pointer detection using the quadtree
  • Input : now properly respect object z ordering when firing pointer events
  • Input : fixed event detection on items in a nested container
  • Renderable : prevent position vector re-allocation when pooling renderable objects
  • Renderable : renderables are now using a 3d Vector for position, using the z axis for layer ordering.
  • Renderable : fixed a distortion issue when scaling and rotating sprites (@Giwayume)
  • Renderable : fixed frame position when using cropping in TexturePacker (@Giwayume)
  • Renderable : anchorPoints now defines the renderable position, scaling and rotation default origin point (@Giwayume)
  • Renderable : better animation definition, allowing to set the animation delay on a per-frame basis
  • Renderable : added anchorPoint setting to the constructor
  • Renderer : added renderer.createPattern() and renderer.drawPattern()
  • Shapes : added support for the free Physic Body Editor tool (in addition to the existing PhysicsEditor support)
  • Shapes : refactored me.Rect to inherit from me.Polygon
  • Texture : added support for per-frame pivot points in animations (@Giwayume)
  • TMX : added hexagonal map support (@matthewmmorrow)
  • TMX : optimized all renderers to be more GC friendly (using the pooling system for temporary objects)
  • TMX : refactored the me.TMXTileMap object, so that it can be used to easily add level into a container object
  • TMX : me.ImageLayer is now drawn relative to the viewport boundary, and can be anchored appropriately
  • TMX : internally normalizes XML into the same JSON format supported by Tiled; cleans up many compatibility functions and removes several fallback cases
  • TMX : removed me.TMXTileMap.moveToCenter and me.TMXTileMap.reset methods
  • TMX : added support for per-frame animation delay to Tiled Objects (for tileset animations)
  • TMX : added support for layer data encoding in JSON map format (Tiled 0.13)
  • TMX : added support for evaluations in TMX data; see spike entities in the platformer for a useful example
  • TMX : fixed an isometric rendering bug with odd tile heights
  • TMX : throw an error message when using map exported in XML (deprecated in Tiled 0.15)
  • TMX : allow to parse the backgroundcolor attribute as formatted in Tiled 0.15 (#AARRGGBB)
  • TMX : use the new columns property (if available) when parsing maps (Tiled 0.15)
  • TMX : fixed a regression in AD tile rotation (squares tiles only)
  • Video : optimized ImageLayer repeat modes (repeat modes require power-of-two sized images for WebGL)
  • Video : added fill-min and flex scaling modes
  • Video : animations are now able to skip frames for low FPS devices and high-speed animations
  • WebGLRenderer : added a repeat parameter to createTexture method
melonJS - melonJS 2.1.4

Published by obiot about 9 years ago

  • Audio : fixed the audio-enable workaround on iOS9
  • Tween : fixed potential re-initialization issues when recycling tween objects.
melonJS - melonJS 2.1.3

Published by parasyte about 9 years ago

  • Audio : fixed an issue with decoding audio data on Opera
  • Audio : updated to the latest 2.0 Howler beta (fixes a loop issue on Chrome mobile, and touch event for iOS playback)
  • Core : fixed an exception in the Map polyfill
  • Documentation : added docs for the Renderer interface, including the beta WebGLRenderer and shader
  • Particles : fix an exception in me.ParticleContainer (introduced in 2.1.2)
  • TMX : fixed TMXLayer opacity when preRender is enabled
  • TMX : fixed ImageLayer opacity
  • Video : fixed a regression where me.device.getPixelRatio() no longer works when called before (introduced in 2.1.0)
  • WebGLRenderer : fixed a bug that causes a compile failure with the quad fragment shader on a small number of platforms
melonJS - melonJS 2.1.2

Published by obiot over 9 years ago

  • LevelDirector : do not replace Tile Object's renderable
  • Renderable : fixed renderable bounds initialization with object pooling
melonJS - melonJS 2.1.1

Published by obiot over 9 years ago

  • Container : fixed child bounds when manipulating the container position.
  • Core : fixed a regression when using the pooling system with renderables.
  • Examples : fixed conditional debugPanel loading in cocoonJS
  • Font : fixed the drawStroke function (zoiba)
  • Input : fixed an uncaught exception with the 'maxTouchPoints' polyfill under Chrome 43+
  • Input : fixed/improved pointerEvent and pointerLeave event bindings for the sample GUI Object
  • Loader : throw an exception indicating to use JSON if XML parsing is not supported by the browser/platform
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