
a fresh, modern & lightweight HTML5 game engine

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melonJS - melonJS 2.1.0

Published by obiot over 9 years ago

  • Audio & Loader : file/clip names passed to various methods are now case sensitive. Removed uses of toLowerCase on variables.
  • Audio : properly dispose of audio resources when using cocoonJS
  • Container : getChildByProp and friends now accepts a RegExp for value matching
  • Color : added high-precision color transformation for me.Color
  • Core : added me.pool.exists (@xorinzor)
  • Core : fixed collision detection with nested Containers
  • Core : added to pass key-value options in the URL
  • Core : now uses only case-sensitive string matching; DoN't MiX cAsE!
  • Device : added browser language detection
  • Entity : entity bodies now have a default shape if not overridden by the entity constructor.
  • Entity : renderables are now positioned relative to the body bounds
  • Font : updated me.Font to work with me.Color (@xorinzor)
  • Font : updated the me.Font api to be consistent with me.BitmapFont and the Renderer class
  • Font : added support for WebGL (using me.Font is however not recommended for performances reason)
  • Input : added support for pointerenter and pointerleave events (@TheManuz)
  • Input : allow regions to be any shape when registering pointer event, and not just me.Rect
  • Input : releasePointerEvent now accepts an optional extra argument that references "which callback" to release
  • Particles : fixed angle variation and speed variation in me.ParticleEmitter
  • Renderable : normalized constructors for me.Sprite and me.AnimationSheet (see the wiki upgrade guide)
  • Renderable : removed hWidth and hHeight properties
  • Shapes : added basic support for the PhysicsEditor tool (mainly shapes definition)
  • Texture : added support for the WebGL Renderer
  • Texture : texture atlas can now be created using a “standard” sprite sheet
  • Texture : me.TextureAtlas has been renamed to
  • TMX : added parsing of the new id (unique ID) property for objects (Tiled 0.11.0)
  • TMX : fixed horizontal, vertical and antidiagonal flipping for tile objects
  • TMX : remove deprecated "transparency color" - use PNG images with alpha channel instead
  • Video : refactored the to be more flexible in terms of mandatory/optional arguments
  • Video : turn canvas transparency off by default; can be enabled by passing options.transparent = true to
  • Video : renderers are now classes that can be instantiated with new me.CanvasRenderer and new me.WebGLRenderer
  • Video : added support for the image-rendering CSS property standard "pixelated" value
  • Video : added new scaleMethod option : fit, fill-max, flex-height, flex-width, and stretch; replaces old maintainAspectRatio flag (@Djokal)
melonJS - melonJS 2.0.2

Published by obiot almost 10 years ago

  • Audio : automatically cleanup onend callbacks in
  • Audio : now applies the loop, onend, and volume properties only to the expected sound instance ID
  • Audio : fix
  • Audio : updated to the latest Howler 2.0 build (various fixes and improvements)
  • Audio : added instance_id parameter to mute and unmute methods
  • Audio : updated documentation
  • CanvasRenderer : fixed an issue/regression with the globalAlpha functions
  • Core : fixed collision detection between me.Ellipse (circle) and me.Line shapes
  • Core : fixed renderable positioning with nested me.Container objects
  • Core : fixed an uncaught exception in IE9 with Float32Array
  • Documentation : fixed anchor positioning
  • Documentation : added anchor target highlighting
  • Documentation : fixes in me.Font, me.BitmapFont, and me.Entity
  • Entity : removed me.ObjectSettings
  • Font : fixed globalAlpha not being set when using me.Font.setOpacity()
  • TMX : fixed an uncaught exception when loading a map with an empty object layer (thanks @Tiagojdferreira)
melonJS - melonJS 2.0.1

Published by obiot almost 10 years ago

  • Core : fixed loading under CocoonJS when using Canvas+
  • Shapes : replaced the isometric magic numbers used for scaling, by proper and more accurate math constants (ldd)
  • Audio : fixed sound looping
  • Audio : fixed onend callback not being repeatedly fired when looping a sound
  • Audio : cleaned the onend callback when stopping a sound
  • Audio : added a function
melonJS - melonJS 2.0.0

Published by obiot almost 10 years ago

  • Core : implemented a new shape based collision system for the collision layer
  • Core : added user agent detection for Kindle devices
  • Core : fixed the collision response for circles (me.Ellipse with a uniform radius)
  • Shapes : renamed me.PolyShape to me.Polygon and simplified the constructor (no longer needs a fourth param)
  • Shapes : added a new shape: me.Line
  • Shapes : added multi shapes support for body
  • Shapes : added rotation and scaling support for me.Polygon/me.Line shapes.
  • Audio : the Howler library has been updated to the last 2.0 beta
  • Audio : removed the cocoonJS hack, as the pause/resume function have been fixed through Howler 2.0
  • Entity : added automatic collision response handling (not fully done yet actually)
  • Container : fixed an issue where "non-floating" containers always passed the in-viewport test
  • CanvasRenderer : All fill & stroke methods have removed the color & line width parameters. Use the new setColor and setLineWidth methods.
  • CanvasRenderer : Removed strokeLine, was duplicate with drawLine
  • WebGLRenderer : New WebGLRenderer has reached "alpha", and can be enabled by passing the flag to
  • Particles : fixed randomness in the emitter for scaling and rotation of particles
  • Particles : fixed widget drawing in Particle Editor
  • TMX : added rotation support for Polygon/PolyLine objects (Tiled 0.10+)
  • TMX : added support for tileset animations (Tiled 0.10+)
  • TMX : fixed isometric projection for Polygon/PolyLine objects
  • TMX : fixed TSX external tileset loading
melonJS - melonJS 1.2.0 beta 1

Published by obiot almost 10 years ago

  • Core : implemented a new shape based collision system for the collision layer
  • Core : added user agent detection for Kindle devices
  • Core : fixed the collision response for circles (me.Ellipse with a uniform radius)
  • Shapes : renamed me.PolyShape to me.Polygon and simplified the constructor (no longer needs a fourth param)
  • Shapes : added a new shape: me.Line
  • Shapes : added multi shapes support for body
  • Shapes : added rotation and scaling support for me.Polygon/me.Line shapes.
  • Entity : added automatic collision response handling (not fully done yet actually)
  • CanvasRenderer : All fill & stroke methods have removed the color & line width parameters. Use the new setColor and setLineWidth methods.
  • CanvasRenderer : Removed strokeLine, was duplicate with drawLine
  • WebGLRenderer : New WebGLRenderer has reached "alpha", and can be enabled by passing the flag to
  • Particles : fixed randomness in the emitter for scaling and rotation of particles
  • Particles : fixed widget drawing in Particle Editor
  • TMX : added rotation support for Polygon/PolyLine objects (Tiled 0.10+)
  • TMX : added support for tileset animations (Tiled 0.10+)
  • TMX : fixed isometric projection for Polygon/PolyLine objects
  • TMX : fixed TSX external tileset loading
melonJS - melonJS 1.1.0

Published by obiot about 10 years ago

  • Core : reorganised source code for all basic object definition/augmentation
  • Core : new CI and unit testing frameworks
  • Core : new object inheritance mechanism:
  • Core : added array random and weightedRandom functions (aaschmitz)
  • Core : added a Base64 Encode function (aaschmitz)
  • Core : new me.Error class to help better track down execeptions' origin
  • Core : brand new "Separate Axis Theorem " based collision algorithm (support polygon/ellipse, and providex more accurate collision response)
  • Core : added collision filtering support
  • Core : added a spatial partitioning algorithm (QuadTree) for super fast collision detection
  • Container : addChild and addChildAt now return the added child
  • Video : refactored canvas drawing out to me.CanvasRenderer. Video is now agnostic of rendering target. Use to call things like getWidth, getHeight, getCanvas, getContext, etc.
  • Video : constructor parameters changed. 2nd parameter now expects renderer type. For now, just supports
  • CanvasRenderer : object is passed to the draw calls of each object in the world Container. Implemented various draw apis fillRect, and fillArc for example. me.Font still requires an instance of Context2d.
  • Renderable : renamed me.SpriteObject to me.Sprite and me.ObjectContainer to me.Container, for a cleaner API
  • Renderable : constructors refactored to accept x & y numeric values, over a single vector object. Effects: me.Container, me.Rect, me.PolyShape, me.Ellipse, me.Renderable
  • Shapes : setShape updated to accept x & y numeric values over a vector object for: me.Rect, me.PolyShape, me.Ellipse
  • Camera : fixed viewport bounds setting when using isometric map (Juhana Paavola)
  • Entity : entity object redesign with a full polygon shape based physic body implementation
  • Entity : me.ObjectEntity has been renamed to me.Entity to avoid confusion between the old and new entity component.
  • Audio : fixed some audio load issues and error callbacks
  • Audio : sync'ed with last Howler 1.1.25 version (fixes numerous issues, see official changelog for more details)
  • TMX : fixed the background color drawing when the level is smaller than the display canvas
  • TMX : fixed the getTile function returning wrong tiles when using isometric maps
  • TMX : fixed collision layer rendering issue with isometric map
  • TMX : fixed world container size not being udpated after a new level is loaded
melonJS - melonJS 1.1.0 beta 3

Published by obiot about 10 years ago

  • fixed default collision bounds when no collision shapes are defined
  • fixed quadtree debug mode drawing (debug Panel)
  • fixed the strokeArc and fillArc function from the canvas renderer
  • fixed shape drawing in debug mode when several shapes are defined
  • optimized temporary object creation in the quad tree implementation
  • Lowered memory usage for the quad tree by adding a simple object pooling mechanism
  • fixed the maxChildren and maxDepth parameters when creating the quad tree, and increased maxChildren default value to 8
  • fixed a regression on the spritewidh/spriteheight properties (supposed to be optional)
  • entity body objects are now properly relative to their parent container
  • fixed polygon collision shape position when converted from a rectangle shape with an offset position
  • fixed a regression in (was throwing an exception if called before
  • fixed bounds creation for default collisionMap
  • updated the collision test example to use ellipse based collision shape rather than rectangle
  • updated the stroke* functions to accept a linewidth param.
  • clarified the documentation for the setCollisionMask function
  • fixed the documentation for the me.Error class
melonJS - melonJS 1.1.0 beta 2

Published by obiot about 10 years ago

  • TMX : fixed world container size not being updated after a new level is loaded
  • TMX : fixed the getTile function returning wrong tiles when using isometric maps
  • TMX : fixed collision layer rendering issue with isometric map
  • TMX : fixed an issue where the the game world container size was not updated after loading a TMX level
  • Entity : fixed body bounds update when setting/changing the default collision shape
  • Shape : removed double variable assignment in the me.Rect constructor
  • Core : enabled by default the spatial collision grid detection algorithm (quad tree) for super fast collision detection
  • documentation : various fixes and improvements on the new me.collision API
melonJS - melonJS 1.1.0 beta 1

Published by obiot about 10 years ago

  • Core : reorganised source code for all basic object definition/augmentation
  • Core : new CI and unit testing frameworks
  • Core : new object inheritance mechanism:
  • Core : added array random and weightedRandom functions (aaschmitz)
  • Core : added a Base64 Encode function (aaschmitz)
  • Core : new me.Error class to help better track down execeptions' origin
  • Core : brand new "Separate Axis Theorem " based collision algorithm (support polygon/ellipse, and providex more accurate collision response)
  • Container : addChild and addChildAt now return the added child
  • Video : refactored canvas drawing out to me.CanvasRenderer. Video is now agnostic of rendering target. Use to call things like getWidth, getHeight, getSystemCanvas, getSystemContext, etc.
  • Video : constructor parameters changed. 2nd parameter now expects renderer type. For now, just supports
  • CanvasRenderer : object is passed to the draw calls of each object in the world Container. Implemented various draw apis fillRect, and fillArc for example.
  • Renderable : renamed me.SpriteObject to me.Sprite and me.ObjectContainer to me.Container, for a cleaner API
  • Renderable : constructors refactored to accept x & y numeric values, over a single vector object. Effects: me.Container, me.Rect, me.PolyShape, me.Ellipse, me.Renderable
  • Shapes : setShape updated to accept x & y numeric values over a vector object for: me.Rect, me.PolyShape, me.Ellipse
  • Camera : fixed viewport bounds setting when using isometric map (Juhana Paavola)
  • Entity : entity object redesign with a full polygon shape based physic body implementation
  • Entity : me.ObjectEntity has been renamed to me.Entity to avoid confusion between the old and new entity component.
  • Audio : fixed some audio load issues and error callbacks
  • Audio : sync'ed with last Howler 1.1.25 version (fixes numerous issues, see official changelog for more details)
  • TMX : fixed the background color drawing when the level is smaller than the display canvas
  • TMX : fixed the getTile function returning wrong tiles when using isometric maps
melonJS - melonJS 1.0.2

Published by obiot over 10 years ago

  • Core : improved general compatibility with IE9/IE10 (Desktop/Mobile/Tablets)
  • Geometry : added basic type check for the me.Vector2d constructor
  • Input : fixed event detection on Chrome 35+
melonJS - melonJS 0.9.11

Published by obiot over 10 years ago

  • Documentation : numerous fixes and improvements
  • General : fix initial loading for, and update documentation
  • General : fix detection of localStorage on some phones (agmcleod)
  • General : fix uncaught exception when objects without a position vector are added to a container
  • Input : fully support event-driven key input with me.event.KEYDOWN and me.event.KEYUP
  • Input : multiple keys bound to the same action will no longer cancel each other
  • Input : fixed pointerEvent support on IE11
  • ObjectContainer : fixed rendering of nested containers (again) - Thanks to Peter Hull
  • ObjectContainer : fixed getEntityByProp with nested containers
  • Animation : (quick) fixed hWidth and hHeight not being updated when the frame size is different
  • Core : better support object reset through a onResetEvent function when using object pooling
  • Tween : updated the me.Tween object to be usable with the object pooling mechanism
  • Font : added a trimRight polyfill to the String class to help fixing multi-line ASCII rendering
  • Font : added a drawStroke function
  • Font : fixed a bug that broke some CSS font-family names, like monospace and "Trebuchet MS"
melonJS - melonJS 0.9.10

Published by obiot over 10 years ago

  • Core : fixed object visible flag not being set based on their parent group visible status
  • Core : fixed both pauseOnBlur and StopOnBlur being enabled by default
  • TMX : fixed the imageLayer reset bug (when unsubscribing the viewport change event)
  • TMX : fixed an undefined tileset issue when adding a new Tile through the setTile function
  • Documentation : fixed the parameter value of the hasChild function
  • Renderable : moved the opacity related getter/setter function into the Renderable class
  • Renderable : fixed group opacity setting fully overwriting renderable opacity settings
  • ScreenObject : fixed cases where ScreenObjects may not be considered in the viewport
  • ObjectContainer : fixed rendering of nested containers
melonJS - melonJS 0.9.9

Published by obiot over 10 years ago

  • General : added proper support for a jslint task and cleaned source code accordingly (nvlbg)
  • General : added a renderable container object (me.ObjectContainer) and reorganize accordingly
  • General : added as a reference to the game world root object container.
  • General : added a new class to manage localStorage, and moved (deprecated) the old me.stat to the plugin repository
  • Core : improved game pause management (by swmuron)
  • Core : added a me.device object containing device specific capabilities and events (agmcleod)
  • Core : moved all device read-only flags to the new me.device object
  • Core : fixed Opera Mobile detection when sniffing user agent
  • Core : improved orientation change detection, added me.device.orientation and a specific minpubsub channel
  • Core : moved debug flags to the debugPanel plugin
  • Input : fixed accelerometer event registration when supported
  • Input : added support for windows 8 accelerometer (Halfman)
  • Input : improved mouse wheel event support to be compatible with all recent browsers
  • Input : added support for the touchCancel and mousecancel events
  • Input : added TAB key definition to key bindings (agmcleod)
  • Loader : refreshed the loader a bit, and added the new logo
  • Loader : fixed binary loader (agmcleod)
  • Video : added support for CocoonJS 1.4 ('antialias' parameter and the new dispose function)
  • Video : added proper support for video scaling on High-DPI devices (no longer requires the JS hack in the index HTML file)
  • Video : fix me.sys.scalingInterpolation when display is resized.
  • TMX : fixed default group opacity value not being applied to child objects.
  • TMX : optimized tile rendering, by using a tileset reference in Tile object
  • TMX : added preliminary support for non rectangular shapes in Tiled (although currently converted to me.Rect)
  • TMX : fixed multiple image backgrounds with ratio properties that are different values
  • TMX : fixed me.ImageLayer drawing being delayed by one frame
  • Font : Font objects now properly extend me.Renderable
  • GUI : HUD objects have been completely replaced by me.ObjectContainer; See Platformer example for new HUD implementation pattern.
  • Animation : the animationspeed property, now defines the delay between frames in terms of milliseconds (as opposed to framecount)
  • Animation : allow animation callback to prevent resetting to first frame by returning false really fixed this time
  • Shapes : new shapes added for future expansion: me.Ellipse, me.PolyShape
  • Shapes : me.Rect.getRect() renamed getBounds()
  • Tween : the tween implementation has been updated to the last official r11 version.
  • Camera : renamed the mislabeled worldToScreen and ScreenToWorld, and fixed a bug in one of the function.
melonJS - melonJS 0.9.8

Published by obiot over 10 years ago

  • Renderable : added ShoeBox Packed Texture Support (see me.TextureAtlas)
  • Loader : the tps data type has been changed to a more generic json data type (agmcleaod)
  • Input : added MSPointer support (Halfman)
  • Input : normalized API and management of input event and enabled multi-touch for PointerEvent
  • Input : added throttling support for ****move events
  • Core : main loop now uses requestAnimationFrame by default with a fallback to setTimeout
  • Video : added the possibility to specify a maximum size when enabling video scaling
  • Video : automatically limit the maximum size if the corresponding CSS properties are set
  • TMX : added the possibility to specify different axis value for the scrolling ratio
  • Font : fixed drawing characters with charCode smaller than the firstChar value.
  • Renderable : allow animation callback to prevent resetting to first frame by returning `false
  • Core : added "Mobile" to me.sys.isMobile UA sniffer (fix Firefox OS detection)
melonJS - melonJS 0.9.7

Published by obiot over 10 years ago

  • General : melonJS now uses Grunt, the task manager, for the build system
  • General : game objects will not update unless inside the viewport or obj.alwaysUpdate flag is enabled
  • Audio : preliminary audio support for mobile devices (iOS6 for now)
  • Core : added a me.sys.isMobile flag to detect running on a mobile device
  • Core : now using screencanvas extension for CocoonJS
  • Core : fixed destroying the object too early
  • Entity : ObjectEntity is now composed with a renderable component (does not anymore inherit from AnimationSheet)
  • Entity : renderable default position is now set based on the me.ObjectEntity default anchor point.
  • Entity : fixed ladder collision detection/management
  • Examples : new collision_test example (see ticket #103)
  • Examples : new font_test example
  • Font : changed default alignement to left/top
  • Font : added multiline support for me.Font and me.BitmapFont
  • Geometry : most me.Vector2d methods return a reference to this, to allow method chaining
  • Input : added a me.input.unlockKey() function that allows to manually unlock key (DblK)
  • Loader : fixed loader when repeatedly calling the preloader
  • Renderable : new base class for any objects that needs to draw (Sprite, ImageLayer, GUI, etc...)
  • Renderable : added TexturePacker Support (see me.TextureAtlas)
  • TMX : fixed me.ImageLayer.ratio on Firefox & Opera
  • TMX : allows changing the imageLayer default origin using the imageLayer anchorPoint
  • TMX : added a new function (DblK)
  • TMX : added JSON map parsing support
  • TMX : small optimization for isometric rendering (pixelToTileCoords() function)
  • TMX : fixed access to inherited properties
  • TMX : added an entry point for a potential gzip/zlib TMX decompression plugin
  • TMX : fixed object positioning on isometric maps (andyveliz)
  • TMX : property value convention for automatically JSON-decoding; prefix with json:
  • Video : fixed viewport.shake()
  • Video : optimized framerate on cocoonJS platforms by using the 'screencanvas' extension
  • Video : disable video scaling interpolation by default
melonJS - melonJS 0.9.6

Published by obiot over 10 years ago

  • General : fix compatibility issue with previous iOS(5.x) and Android version
  • Core : workaround for useNativeFrame when cancelAnimationRequest is not supported
  • Audio : added volume and mute control settings
  • Audio : added the possibility to stream audio elements
  • TMX : code optimization to lower memory usage
  • TMX : fixed layer scrolling when using pre-rendering
  • Loader : fixed me.loader.load not adding TMX into the me.levelDirector
melonJS - melonJS 0.9.5

Published by obiot over 10 years ago

  • Audio : added mp4/aac pre-loading support
  • Audio : added codec selection based on audio support level
  • Core : fixed requestAnimationFrame
  • Core : added an official plugin API
  • Core : fixed a object removing and sorting lock issue
  • Core : added a 'floating' property for renderables
  • Core : added Object Pooling support
  • Core : fixed the function when using camelcase names
  • Debug : added a simple debug panel plugin
  • Font : fixed font name starting with a decimal value
  • Font : added changes to allow specifying a flat number of px,em, etc for font sizes.
  • Font : added support for comma separated font names like in CSS
  • Event : added Daniel Lamb minPubSub library for event publishing
  • Event : fixed touch event support detection on cocoonJS
  • Event : added click, dblclick, tap events
  • Event : fixed mouse event conflict and mousewheel event
  • Geometry : added a function to return the angle between two vectors
  • Input : me.GUI_Object's onClicked() function has been renamed to onClick()
  • Loader : use asynchronous mode when loading XML files
  • Entity : added spacing and margin capacities for sprite (same as Tile Map Sprite)
  • Entity : fixed flickering when using requestAnimationFrame
  • Entity : added opacity setting
  • Entity : fixed visible property automatic setting
  • Entity : moved collision check outside of the Entity Object
  • Entity : cleaned and renamed the collision utility function
  • Entity : added the possibility to check for multiple collision
  • Entity : added a collideType function to check for collision with a specific type
  • Entity : moved collisionBox from SpriteObject to Entity Object
  • Entity : added a distanceToPoint, angleTo and angleToPoint function
  • Tween : fixed tween when pausing game
  • Tween : various fixes and optimization from the official repository
  • TMX : fixed a bug that was preventing a non visible layer to be set visible later
  • TMX : fixed the clearTile function on non visible layers (e.g. collision map)
  • TMX : added official support for Opacity in TiledLayer, TMXLayer, colorLayer and ImageLayer
  • TMX : added support for TSX files
  • TMX : added a repeat property to Image Layer instances, similar to CSS background-position
  • TMX : parallax layer is now based on the new "official" Image Layer support (from Tiled 0.9.0)
  • TMX : fixed the getObjectGroupByName() function
  • TMX : added support for custom tile type
  • Tutorial : fixed camel case issue in resource names
  • Tutorial : update the parallax part to reflect last changes in melonJS (Image Layer)
  • Video : added support for display scaling
  • Video : added a setImageSmoothing function
  • Example : added "whack-a-mole" as an official example
  • Example : added a new "platfomer" example (using legal assets) and removed alex kidd based examples
melonJS - melonJS 0.9.4

Published by obiot over 10 years ago

  • General : melonJS is now only using Google Closure (removed YUI compressor)
  • General : melonJS is now ES5 strict mode compliant
  • General : added a .editorconfig file to provide basic rules to editors
  • Core : added a flag to enable/disable automatic pause on loosing/gaining focus
  • Core : fixed rendering loop when using requestAnimationFrame (parasyte)
  • Core : added a renderCollisionMap debug setting (parasyte)
  • Core : use console.error instead of window.alert
  • Core : added the possibility to specify a user-defined sort function
  • Core : fixed mixing screenObject added as object, and TMX level loading
  • Core : fixed screenObject when extending update & draw function
  • Entity : added an anchor point for renderables (through SpriteObject)
  • Entity : added rotation support (through SpriteObject)
  • Entity : added the possibility to pause an animation (parasyte)
  • Entity : fixed default position by using top-left coordinates as in Tiled
  • Entity : fixed invisible entities being removed when colliding
  • Font : fixed me.Font horizontal alignement
  • General : fixed & enhanced object/memory deallocation when switching levels
  • General : rewrote the parallax code using the new Generic Image Layer Object
  • General : added support for vertical parallax layer
  • Geometry : added a function to test for vector "equality"
  • Geometry : added a couple of Self function (to help avoid object creation)
  • Loader : fixed a case issue between filename and asset name
  • Input : added the possibility to check for mouse event based on world or screen coordinates
  • Input : fixed a false-positive issue at initialization, and usage of special keys (parasyte)
  • TMX : added dynamic layer rendering (configurable globally or per layer through Tiled)
  • TMX : added Image Layer Support (Tiled daily builds only)
  • TMX : added support for the new map background property (Tiled daily builds only)
  • TMX : added a Color Layer (used when a background color is defined)
  • TMX : another round of clean-up and various bug fixing
  • TMX : added support for TMX Object without name (parasyte)
  • TMX : added preliminary support for polygon and polyline objects (parasyte)
  • TMX : fixed visible flag and user-defined properties not being applied to ObjectGroup
  • TMX : fixed rendering issue with transformed tiles (AD, H, V)
  • TMX : fixed display of map being smaller than the viewport
  • TMX : fixed TMXObject not being declared correctly under the "me" namespace
  • Utils : fixed the HexToRGB function and added support for the 3 char format (#hhh)
  • Tween : fixed exception in the tween library (parasyte)
  • Documentation : corrected and added missing documentation
melonJS - melonJS 0.9.3

Published by obiot over 10 years ago

  • General : better error management and reporting
  • General : added a dummy console.log for platforms not supporting it
  • General : melonJS now uses Google Closure for library minification
  • General : added a global gravity setting that will override entities default value if defined
  • Core : now properly calls all objects onDestroyEvent function when resetting game
  • Core : added the possibility to define a callback when a level is fully loaded
  • Core : added a couple of utility functions (degToRad, radToDeg)
  • Core : fixed GUID creation when passing a non string parameter
  • Core : only check for collision when the projection vector is set
  • TMX : global rewrite, code optimization and clean-up
  • TMX : added support for isometric map loading and display
  • TMX : added support for perspective map loading and display
  • TMX : relaxed TMX property case sensitive checks
  • TMX : added tile rotation support (Tiled 0.8.0)
  • TMX : fixed level name property not being set, and use it when required
  • LevelDirector : fixed the nextLevel & previousLevel functions
  • Loader : added binary file support
  • Loader : added possibility to dynamically load any resources (i.e. during the game)
  • AnimationSheet : the entire sprite-sheet is now use to create the default animation
  • Entity : fixed CollisionBox not being properly used on y axis when checking for collision
  • Entity : fixed CollisionBox issue when dealing with sub-pixel positioning
  • Entity : fixed setVelocity not setting y velocity when x velocity is null
  • Entity : added missing properties (GUID, name) in InvisibleEntity
  • Entity : fixed res.obj not defined in InvisibleEntity
  • HUD : added a removeItem function
  • GUI : rewrote the GUI Object accordingly to the new event management
  • Geometry : added a containsPoint function
  • Geometry : added a floor() and ceil() function to Vector2d
  • BitmapFont : fixed BitmapFont ignoring 'center' alignment
  • BitmapFont : avoid implicit object conversion when rendering a bitmapFont
  • Input : fixed use of numeric keys by using a proper constant value.
  • Input : rewrote mouse event management
  • Input : added touch event management (with mouse event emulation)
  • Input : (beta) multitouch support
  • Input : added Accelerometer event management
  • Documentation : added a lots of missing documentation on various API
  • Documentation : added JS syntax highlighting in the tutorial
  • Documentation : don't use onDestroyEvent to manage score in the examples
  • Documentation : exposed more TMX objects and APIs
melonJS - melonJS 0.9.2

Published by obiot over 10 years ago

  • General : melonJS is now licensed under the terms of the MIT License
  • General : added some Cake magic, allowing to use melonJS with CoffeeScript (by scan)
  • General : added melonJS UML Class Diagram in the official repository (by Ben2303)
  • General : melonJS now properly stays in it's own namespace (me)
  • Audio : configurable behavior in case of audio loading error
  • Core : fixed a shaking bug when collision box is not aligned with the sprite box
  • Core : fixed collision detection bug (object being tested again itself)
  • Core : refactored fading function using Tween objects (API CHANGE, see documentation)
  • Core : added a helper method to know the sign of an number
  • Core : corrected variables definition (global->local)
  • Core : added a GUID (Game Unique Identifier) to objects
  • Core : getEntityByName now also returns non Entity Object (like layers)
  • Core : fixed state change when using custom state values
  • Core : now also returns an object reference in the collision vector
  • Core : renamed and correctly initialize the localStorage flag capability
  • Documentation : various documentation correction and improvements
  • Entity : added friction management
  • Entity : updateMovement function now returns a collision "vector" (API CHANGE, see documentation)
  • Entity : refactored/cleaned-up movement/collision function
  • Entity : added support for multiline spritesheet (fixed cell size)
  • Entity : added the possibility to define a specific transparent color for spritesheet
  • Entity : implemented a resize function, allowing to resize a sprite on the fly
  • Entity : optimized/refactored SpriteObject
  • Entity : fixed object with 1 single sprite (no animation) not begin updated
  • Entity : added the possibility to also specify a callback when an animation is over
  • Entity : fixed an initialization issue when using melonJS without a Tilemap
  • GUI : corrected me.GUI_Object and added missing documentation
  • GUI : marked me.GUI_Object as deprecated, as it will be rewritten in a next release
  • Event : also cancel event bubbling
  • Font : added support for multiline fontsheet
  • HUD : added a setItemValue() function
  • HUD : corrected display issue on Opera
  • Loader : added possibility to add graphics resources after pre-loading (e.g. ingame)
  • TMX : use native Base64 decoding when available
  • Viewport : object to follow can either be a Object Entity or a position Vector
  • Viewport : fixed default value (if parameter not specified) for Axis to follow on
  • Video : cleaned-up the applyRGBFilter function
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