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Catel - 5.12.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik almost 5 years ago

As part of this release we had 247 commits which resulted in 25 issues being closed.

Breaking change

  • #1490 Update minimum target version for UAP to 10.0.16299


  • #1488 Add IAppDataService to allow customization of the application data base directories
  • #1447 Add Catel.Data.IObjectAdapter with a Reflection and ExpressionTree implementation
  • #1437 Implement caching of boxed values in ModelBase to decrease memory footprint
  • #1421 ObservableDictionary Support


  • #1504 Service locator is not registering services decorated with attribute "ServiceLocatorRegistration"
  • #1476 Fix rare potential "collection was modified" enumeration in TypeCache
  • #1474 DependencyObjectExtensions.FindLogicalOrVisualAncestor returns null when it should find a parent
  • #1467 Update ThemeInfo theme specific resource dictionary to None
  • #1453 FileSupport => SaveFileService & OpenFileService: Bug if InitialDirectory does not exist
  • #1434 Serialization should respect graph ids when deserializing collections
  • #1408 Logging in TypeFactory uses wrong parameter name


  • #1503 Return result of view model in UIVisualizerService.ShowAsync()
  • #1473 Support serialization of manually registered properties on DynamicConfiguration
  • #1469 Prevent first chance exceptions about DialogResult when window is not shown modal
  • #1455 Move code snippets to Catel.Templates and deploy in the Visual Studio marketplace
  • #1454 Minimize usage of PropertyHelper where possible
  • #1451 Use ObjectAdapter in ViewModelBase property mappings
  • #1450 Remove boxing from value to TValue in FastMemberInvoker
  • #1441 Clean up TypeExtensions with system extensions for UAP
  • #1440 Use ObjectAdapter in ViewModelBase for property mappings
  • #1439 Consider using expression trees in ObjectAdapter
  • #1436 Decrease allocations of objects during (de)serialization
  • #1435 Decrease XmlWriterSettings allocations during serialization by caching it
  • #1319 Add TypedPropertyBag to prevent boxing
Catel - Catel 5.11.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik about 5 years ago

For an upgrade guide, visit

Release date


Platform support changes

  • #1103 / #1165 Convert to multi-targeted projects, PCL is no longer supported (.NET Standard is the replacement)
  • #1240 Add support for .NET Core 3.0
    Classes / members marked as obsolete
  • #1124 Mark NullableValueConverter as obsolete since converter doesn’t have a target type, so this converter won’t work as expected NullableValueConverter
  • #1209 Mark IStartupInfoProvider as obsolete in favor of Orc.CommandLine since that implementation takes better care of supporting different quote styles (e.g. allows ‘)
  • #1216 Mark binary serializers as obsolete due to potential security issues in the binary serialization engine of .NET itself (see
  • #1258 Mark SafeInvoke obsolete in favor of handler?.Invoke(this, event args);
  • #1284 Mark ‘CloseViewModelOnUnloaded’ and ‘PreventViewModelCreation’ in favor of ‘ViewModelLifetimeManagement’


  • #1308 Add EventArgsConverter Support in EventToCommand
  • #1324 Add TypeCacheEvaluator separate to TypeCache to allow customization of already loaded assemblies
  • #1329 Add Spanish translation
  • #1342 Add Instance property to the TypeInstantiatedEventArgs
  • #1344 Set tag when resolving via MissingType event
  • #1353 Add CollectionExtensions.SynchronizeCollection(ICollection, …) overload
  • #1337 Don’t throw exception in UIVisualizerService when same view is being re-registered multiple times
  • #1356 Allow files to support file sharing in serialization extension methods
  • #1359 Improve DispatcherService.InvokeAsync with cancellation tokens
  • #1302 Implement support for disposing of IDisposable ViewModels in WindowLogic
  • #1320 Don’t check for reflection only assemblies on .NET Core and .NET Standard (throws NotImplementedException)
  • #1339 SubscribeToKeyboardEvents fails with ‘An item with the same key has already been added’ for UWP
  • #1325 AmbiguousMatchException for properties declared with ‘new’ in GetPropertyEx
  • #1371 ModelBase changes rollback (IEditableObject) doesn’t work with JsonSerializer
  • #1374 Object reference not set to an instance at design time when calling UserControl.AddChild



Known issues


Catel - Catel 5.10.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik over 5 years ago

For an upgrade guide, visit

Release date


Platform support changes

  • #1103 / #1165 Convert to multi-targeted projects, PCL is no longer supported (.NET Standard is the replacement)
  • #1240 Add support for .NET Core 3.0

Classes / members marked as obsolete

  • #1124 Mark NullableValueConverter as obsolete since converter doesn't have a target type, so this converter won't work as expected NullableValueConverter
  • #1209 Mark IStartupInfoProvider as obsolete in favor of Orc.CommandLine since that implementation takes better care of supporting different quote styles (e.g. allows ')
  • #1216 Mark binary serializers as obsolete due to potential security issues in the binary serialization engine of .NET itself (see
  • #1258 Mark SafeInvoke obsolete in favor of handler?.Invoke(this, event args);
  • #1284 Mark 'CloseViewModelOnUnloaded' and 'PreventViewModelCreation' in favor of 'ViewModelLifetimeManagement'


  • (+) #1249 Add ViewModelContextService to allow runtime overrides of the DataContext to use for view model injection
  • (+) #1283 Add ViewModelLifetimeManagement to all views
  • (+) #1272 Implement IProcessService for UWP
  • (+) #1287 Add RaisePropertyChanged to view base classes
  • (+) #1288 Add reserved 'VM' property on views with automatic change notifications
  • (*) #1260 Allow classes derived from Catel.UserControl to use the AddChild method
  • (*) #1261 Update NewtonSoft.Json to 12.x
  • (*) #1268 Initialize VM grid in DataWindow.Initialized instead of DataWindow.ContentChanged
  • (*) #1269 Create VM Auditor to subscribe keyboard events instead of CommandManager constructor
  • (*) #1270 Add faster override for IModelExtensions.ClearIsDirtyOnAllChildren() (add suspendNotifications parameter)
  • (*) #1284 Replace 'CloseViewModelOnUnloaded' and 'PreventViewModelCreation' with 'ViewModelLifetimeManagement'
  • (*) #1291 Update Xamarin.Forms to 3.6
  • (x) #1252 Catel.MVVM.Xamarin.Forms MessageBox showing without buttons
  • (x) #1259 DataWindow should respect the focusFirstControl parameter
  • (x) #1262 IModelExtensions.ClearIsDirtyOnAllChildren() not working with a collection of ModelBase
  • (x) #1267 Fix binding errors on UserControl for UWP
  • (x) #1286 ServiceLocator.ResolveType with tag should pass tag to TypeFactory
  • (x) #1289 AssemblyHelper.GetLoadedAssemblies(System.AppDomain) causes System.MissingMethodException in Xamarin.UWP



Known issues


Catel - Catel 5.9.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik over 5 years ago

For an upgrade guide, visit

Release date


Platform support changes

  • #1103 / #1165 Convert to multi-targeted projects, PCL is no longer supported (.NET Standard is the replacement)
  • #1240 Add support for .NET Core 3.0

Classes / members marked as obsolete

  • #1124 Mark NullableValueConverter as obsolete since converter doesn't have a target type, so this converter won't work as expected NullableValueConverter
  • #1209 Mark IStartupInfoProvider as obsolete in favor of Orc.CommandLine since that implementation takes better care of supporting different quote styles (e.g. allows ')
  • #1216 Mark binary serializers as obsolete due to potential security issues in the binary serialization engine of .NET itself (see


(+) #1240 Add support for .NET Core 3.0
(+) #1241 Add IFreezable on ModelBase to allow the object to freeze and protect it from property changes. The ViewModelBase will automatically freeze during closing and unfreeze during initialization
() #1192 CanExecute WeakRef is cleared when CanExecute-Lambda is in DisplayClass. This means the Command implementation in Catel will no longer use weak references for the CanExecute function, take extra care for memory leaks and report them if you find them so we can find a working solution
) #1242 Reset ViewModelBase.IsInitialized in CloseViewModel to allow later re-initialization
() #1244 Ignore loading of resource assemblies to prevent race conditions related to the type cache initialization
) #1253 Support ModelBase.Backup (IEditableObject.CancelEdit) feature on non-constructable models
() #1257 Optimize memory usage in TypeHelper & TypeCache
) #1258 Mark SafeInvoke obsolete in favor of handler?.Invoke(this, event args);
(x) #1232 NavigationService.Navigate leads to endless loop when MainPage is MasterDetailPage
(x) #1235 Application-wide commands do not work for UWP apps after upgrade to 5.8.0
(x) #1236 Add missing Catel.MVVM resources to Catel.MVVM.Xamarin.Forms
(x) #1251 Manually creating viewmodel grid using "__catelInnerWrapper" grid name fails => changed internal wrapper creation from ContentChanged to Loaded events
(x) #1255 Prevent NullReferenceException in ProcessService when processes end fast
(x) #1256 Don't retrieve properties of string objects in AutoCompletionService



Known issues


Catel - Catel 5.8.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik almost 6 years ago

For an upgrade guide, visit

Release date


Platform support changes

  • #1103 / #1165 Convert to multi-targeted projects, PCL is no longer supported (.NET Standard is the replacement)

Classes / members marked as obsolete

  • #1124 Mark NullableValueConverter as obsolete since converter doesn't have a target type, so this converter won't work as expected NullableValueConverter
  • #1209 Mark IStartupInfoProvider as obsolete in favor of Orc.CommandLine since that implementation takes better care of supporting different quote styles (e.g. allows ')
  • #1216 Mark binary serializers as obsolete due to potential security issues in the binary serialization engine of .NET itself (see


(+) #1215 Add InvokeAsync() for UWP (NETFX_CORE)
(+) #1222 Add OnViewModelInitialized to view model auditors
(+) #1223 Automatically invalidate application-wide commands on view model initialization
(+) #1224 Add HasWarningsOrErrors as extension method for IValidationContext
(*) #1231 Improve UpdatableMarkupExtension so it can provide dynamic values in styles
(x) #1218 UIVisualizerService is not setting parent window correctly
(x) #1220 DispatcherExtensions.BeginInvoke should never return null as task
(x) #1225 CatelLog.AlwaysLog is not being respected in LogExtensions
(x) #1227 SavableModelBase.Save throws InvalidCastException for UWP platform



Known issues


Catel - Catel 5.7.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik about 6 years ago

For an upgrade guide, visit

Release date


Platform support changes

  • #1103 / #1165 Convert to multi-targeted projects, PCL is no longer supported (.NET Standard is the replacement)

Classes / members marked as obsolete

  • #1124 Mark NullableValueConverter as obsolete since converter doesn't have a target type, so this converter won't work as expected NullableValueConverter
  • #1209 Mark IStartupInfoProvider as obsolete in favor of Orc.CommandLine since that implementation takes better care of supporting different quote styles (e.g. allows ')


  • (+) #1204 Support PasswordBox for the 'SelectOnFocus' behavior
  • (+) #1210 Add support for DispatcherPriority to Dispatcher extensions
  • (+) #1212 Support UpdateBindingOnPasswordChanged for UWP
  • (x) #1207 Potential exception at startup in .net core
  • (x) #1208 Ignore dynamic assemblies when determining the entry assembly



Known issues


Catel - Catel 5.6.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik over 6 years ago

For an upgrade guide, visit

Release date:


Platform support changes:

  • #1103 / #1165 Convert to multi-targeted projects, PCL is no longer supported (.NET Standard is the replacement)

Classes / members marked as obsolete:

  • #1124 Mark NullableValueConverter as obsolete since converter doesn't have a target type,
    so this converter won't work as expected NullableValueConverter


(+) #1188 Add ResourceHelper.ExtractEmbeddedResource
(+) #1190 Add ServiceLocator.TypeUnregistered event with type / instance info
(+) #1193 Add Task IProcessService.RunAsync(ProcessorContext)
(+) #1199 Support serialization of root dictionaries in xml and binary serializers (Json already supported)
() #1187 Allow process service to specify the working directory
) #1200 Remove SerializationContext.CreateSerializableToken and replace by method calls
(*) #1202 Optimize dictionary lookups to improve performance
(x) #1194 OnDeserializing and OnDeserialized are called twice on ModelBase (de)serialization
(x) #1195 BatchLogListenerBase WriteBatchAsync async handling not working
(x) #1196 Command containers are not registered with correct container type
(x) #1197 ReferenceManager uses wrong key to check for existence of objects
(x) #1198 Json serializer doesn't support ModelBase as a collection serialization
(x) #1201 Xml serialization sometimes causes first chance exception "name cannot begin with the '<' character"
(x) #1205 CommandManager should only subscribe to key events on the current thread



Known issues:


Catel - Catel 5.5.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik over 6 years ago

For an upgrade guide, visit

Release date:


Platform support changes:

  • #1103 / #1165 Convert to multi-targeted projects, PCL is no longer supported (.NET Standard is the replacement)

Classes / members marked as obsolete:

  • #1124 Mark NullableValueConverter as obsolete since converter doesn't have a target type,
    so this converter won't work as expected NullableValueConverter


(+) #1183 Add MultiLingual App Toolkit (MAT) to support all target frameworks
() #1123 SaveFileService & OpenFileService should support Windows file filters in UWP
) #1181 Support passing in IEqualityComparer for ListDictionary
(x) #1180 Potential NullReferenceException in Timer
(x) #1184 ObjectIdGenerator should lock generation process



Known issues:


Catel - Catel 5.3.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik over 6 years ago

For an upgrade guide, visit

Release date:


Platform support changes:


Classes / members marked as obsolete:

  • #1124 Mark NullableValueConverter as obsolete since converter doesn't have a target type,
    so this converter won't work as expected NullableValueConverter


(+) #333 CTL-271 Support generic lists in ServiceLocator
(+) #1141 Add support for object instances in ObjectIdGenerator
(+) #1158 Implement keyboard event subscriptions for UWP implementation of CommandManager
() #1127 Use TypeCache instead of AppDomain.CurrentDomain in ServiceLocatorDependencyRegistrationManager implementation
) #1143 UserControlLogic should dispose view models if they implement IDispose
() #1144 Improve [Save|Cancel]AndCloseViewModelAsync behavior when calling on an already closing view model
) #1146 Reuse identifiers in ObjectIdGenerator
() #1150 DataWindow uses Dispatcher to subscribe to Closing event in order to allow derived types to subscribe first
) #1154 Fix DebugLogListener so it also works in release mode
() #1159 Allow EqualsIgnoreCase / ContainsIgnoreCase / etc to accept null values (then the result should be false)
) Update .NET Standard to 2.0.1
(*) Update Xamarin.Forms to
(x) #1142 LogicBase calls CloseViewModel twice on view model that is already closing
(x) #1155 DelayBindingUpdate behavior might crash when dependency property is not found



Known issues:


Catel - Catel 5.4.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik over 6 years ago

For an upgrade guide, visit

Release date:


Platform support changes:


Classes / members marked as obsolete:

  • #1124 Mark NullableValueConverter as obsolete since converter doesn't have a target type,
    so this converter won't work as expected NullableValueConverter


(+) #1027 Allow configuration service to choose path format
(+) #1157 Add DispatcherExtensions.BeginInvokeAsync for UWP (and other platforms)
(+) #1168 Add ParallelHelper.ExecuteInParallelAsync
() #1166 Nesting with ChildAwareModelBase now supports more than one layer
) #1169 Improve FormattingConverter to allow more usages
() #1170 Implement Path.GetApplicationDataDirectory to allow its usage on all platforms
) #1174 Use ConverterHelper.ShouldInvert on all converters so converter parameters can be used to invert the behavior of a converter, check your usages of BooleanToVisibilityConverter!
) #1177 Improve performance of assembly loading for UWP
(x) #1175 TypeHelper.TryCast should not throw exceptions



Known issues:


Catel - Catel 5.2.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik about 7 years ago

For an upgrade guide, visit

Release date:


Platform support changes:


Classes / members marked as obsolete:



#147 Update project & item templates to Catel 5.x
#1114 ChildAwareModelBase should revalidated when child validation changes
#1115 Change ViewModelManager.UnregisterAllModels() so that it removes an unnecessary list of models
#1075 ServiceLocator.ResolveTypes and ServiceLocator.ResolveAllTypes are confusing, therefore ResolveAllTypes (and all corresponding overloads) are renamed to ResolveMultipleTypes since it can resolve multiple types at once instead of all types of the same registration type
#1028 Some global styles don't work in DataWindow, work in Window
#1108 IDataErrorInfo model validation on view models are not mapped at the right time
#1120 TypeCache deadlock when loading assemblies in a specific order & dependency set



Known issues:


Catel - Catel 5.1.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik about 7 years ago

For an upgrade guide, visit

Release date:


Platform support changes:


Classes / members marked as obsolete:



#1077 Add IViewModelLocator.IsCompatible and IViewLocator.IsCompatible to allow multiple views and/or views models to be compatible with multiple view models and/or views
#1095 Add mode MixedBash to FastObservableCollection
#1096 Add mode MixedConsolidate to FastObservableCollection
#953 Cache ToString, ToUpper() and ToLower() calls
#1017 Improve performance of ViewToViewModelMappingHelper
#1068 Minimize allocations using ArrayShim
#1070 TypeFactory.CreateInstanceWithParameters use the most specialized constructor
#1083 Derived ChildAwareModelBase from ValidatableModelBase instead of ModelBase
#1084 Add virtual validation methods to ValidatableModelBase
#1085 Changed ValidatableModelBase.IsValidationSuspended to be virtual
#1088 Fix issues with FastObservableCollection especially with SuspensionMode.Mixed
#1093 Fix Command.Execute bad async implementation (resulting in exceptions not being thrown)



Known issues:


Catel - Catel 5.0.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik about 7 years ago

For an upgrade guide, visit

Release date:


Platform support changes:

Added support for the following platforms:

  • .NET 4.7

Removed support for the following platforms:

  • .NET 4.0
  • Silverlight 5
  • Windows Phone 8.0 (Silverlight)
  • Windows Phone 8.1 (Silverlight)
  • Windows Phone 8.1 (Runtime)
  • Windows 8.1 (Runtime)

Removed support for the following components:

  • Catel.Extensions.CSLA
  • Catel.Extensions.Controls (moved to Orc.Controls & Orchestra)
  • Catel.Extensions.Data
  • Catel.Extensions.DynamicObjects (moved to Orc.DynamicObjects)
  • Catel.Extensions.EntityFramework (moved to Orc.EntityFramework)
  • Catel.Extensions.FluentValidation (moved to Orc.FluentValidation)
  • Catel.Extensions.Interception
  • Catel.Extensions.Memento (moved to Orc.Memento)
  • Catel.Extensions.MVC4
  • Catel.Extensions.MVC5
  • Catel.Extensions.Prism4
  • Catel.Extensions.Prism5 (moved to Orc.Prism)
  • Catel.Extensions.Prism6 (moved to Orc.Prism)
  • Catel.Extensions.Wcf.Server

Classes / members marked as obsolete:

Our mission is to make Catel easier to maintain in the future. One way to achieve this is to remove unused
features and components. We are actively removing features by marking them obsolete. If nobody complains,
we will remove the features in the next major release.


(+) CTL-902 Allow custom management of serializer modifiers in the ISerializerManager
(+) CTL-907 Support classes that implement Parse(string, IFormatProvider) and ToString(IFormatProvider) in the serializers
(+) CTL-929 Add Additional {WorkDir} as FileLogListener Keyword
(+) CTL-953 Create pool manager to re-use objects in a pool (e.g. memory streams in serialization)
(+) CTL-998 JSON Serializer cannot serialize with formatted indents
(+) CTL-1011 Implement IUIVisualizerService for UWP and removed non-async methods for WPF
(+) CTL-1015 Implement IOpenFileService for UWP and make all methods async (also for WPF)
(+) CTL-1016 Implement ISelectDirectoryService for UWP and make all methods async (also for WPF)
(+) CTL-1017 Implement ISaveFileService for UWP and make all methods async (also for WPF)
(+) #603 Add overloads for logging
(+) #912 Add focusFirstControl argument to DataWindow constructor
(+) #1044 Add SupportValidation to ModelAttribute to disable model validation mapping
() CTL-903 Only support Frame and not NavigationWindow for WPF navigation
) CTL-904 Allow view models to be created on multiple threads (thread-safe view model factory)
() CTL-905 Always log Argument logging (even when Catel logging is being ignored)
) CTL-911 Refactor UrlHelper to extension methods
() CTL-919 Replace parameters in ServiceLocator.ResolveTypeFromKnownContainer by ServiceInfo
) CTL-921 TypeFactory optimizations for multi-thread usage
() CTL-922 Don't cache RootFrame in NavigationService to allow dynamic navigation frames
) CTL-941 Update to 9.x
() CTL-948 Allow setting the status in IPleaseWaitServiceExtensions.PushInScope
) CTL-988 Allow view models without model injection to stay alive on DataContext changes
() #123 Command CanExecute listeners are referenced with weak references
) #135 Use NuGet dependency for System.Windows.Interactivity instead
() #807 Exceptions in TaskCommand are now longer swallowed by default. Pre 5.0 behavior can be mimmicked by setting
the TaskCommand.SwallowExceptions property to true
) #853 Improve Mixed mode in FastObservableCollection and FastBindingList
() #901 Clean up FrameworkElement and DependencyObject extension methods
) #988 Set default value of DeferValidationUntilFirstSaveCall to true
() #995 Split ModelBase into ModelBase (without validation) and ValidatableModelBase
) #998 Remove Catel.Services.Models namespace, use Catel.Services instead
() #1003 Migrate xaml uri from =>
) #1021 Add parameter to create an overload for GetSlug to not make the value lowercase
() #1029 Check for existing values and only raise changed event in ConfigurationService
) #1045 Clean up IViewModel interface (remove HasDirtyModel, ViewModelConstructionTime & ValidateViewModel)
() #1046 Remove IsInitializing & IsInitialized from ModelBase so it can be used by ViewModelBase
) #1050 Replace ISavableModel.SerializationMode with ISerializer and remove some overloads
() #1052 Move property value change notifications wrappers (for child objects & collections) from ModelBase
to ChildAwareModelBase
) #986 Replace (Validatable0ModelBase.SuspendValidation by SuspendValidations method
() #1062 Add ValidationContext.Add() methods and mark AddFieldValidationResult and AddBusinessRuleValidationResult
as obsolete
) #1067 WeakEventListener now supports Action delegates (even the ones on a DisplayClass instance)
(*) Improve ShowWindowAsync implementation at UIVisualizerService
(x) #815 MessageMediator registers new recipients after previous registration of same type of recipient were
garbage collected
(x) CTL-899 Navigation in WPF is not working when using custom frame
(x) CTL-906 Clear current navigation context when (re)navigating to the same view in WPF
(x) CTL-910 Introduce special lock for null keys in CacheStorage to prevent ArgumentNullException
(x) CTL-925 LanguageBinding markup now uses weak events to allow specific controls (such as the ComboBox with ComboBoxItem
elements) to be updated after they have been collapsed
(x) CTL-991 Equals method in ServiceLocator.ServiceInfo class returns false positives
(x) CTL-1000 NumericTextBox behavior doesn't allow some values (e.g. 2.05)
(x) CTL-1010 MessageMediator.Unregister has a bug when method names are the same
(x) #950 TaskCommand binding to IsExecuting does not reflect the right state when using the Executing event
(x) #1006 TypeFactory does not respect scope when checking whether types can be resolved
(x) #1038 Stack overflow when ViewModel class also implements ISavableModel
(x) #1071 Mono 5.0.x, stops Catel.Core (TypeCache) from working
(x) #1073 Serialization of generics fails for XmlSerializer (The '`' character, hexadecimal value 0x60, cannot be
included in a name)
(-) CTL-935 Remove InterestedIn attributes because services are a better way to communicate
(-) CTL-975 Remove EventHandlerExtensions.SplitInvoke and use regular event invocation
(-) CTL-987 Delete MVVM logic behaviors (should only be available as logic)
(-) #129 Remove MediaElementThreadInfo since it was only used by PleaseWaitHelper
(-) #131 Remove ISplashScreenService
(-) #776 Remove implementation of ModelBase.Equals and ModelBase.GetHashCode to improve out-of-the-box performance of
the ModelBase. To implement comparison, one has to override it manually or derive from ComparableModelBase
(-) #916 Remove IXmlSerializer.OptimalizationMode in favor of ISerializationConfiguration.OptimalizationMode
(-) #974 Remove DynamicEventListener in favor of WeakEventListener
(-) #983 Remove INotifyPropertyChanging and only support INotifyPropertyChanged
(-) #1010 Remove PleaseWaitHelper and use busy indicator instead
(-) #1016 Remove CountCollapsedConverter since we already have CollectionToVisibilityConverter
(-) #1030 Remove CommandLineHelper in favor of Orc.CommandLine
(-) #1031 Remove EffectsHelper & VisualTargetPresentationSource
(-) #1032 Remove TransferStylesAndTransitions - use special wrapper grid name instead
(-) #1043 Remove validation summaries in the view model
(-) #1047 Remove ViewModelBase.HasDirtyModels
(-) #1051 Remove IParent interface & Parent / Children elements from ModelBase
(-) #1059 Remove ISerializable.Serialized & ISerializable.Deserialized events
(-) #1060 Remove ModelBase.LeanAndMean (models should be lean by design now)
(-) Remove test implementations of services



Known issues:


Catel - Catel 4.5.4

Published by GeertvanHorrik almost 8 years ago

Catel - Catel 4.5.3

Published by GeertvanHorrik about 8 years ago

Catel - Catel 4.5.2

Published by GeertvanHorrik about 8 years ago

Catel - Catel 4.5.1

Published by GeertvanHorrik about 8 years ago

Catel - Catel 4.5.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik over 8 years ago

Catel - Catel 4.4.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik almost 9 years ago

Catel - Catel 4.3.0

Published by GeertvanHorrik about 9 years ago

Extracted from project README
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