
Async/await first CQRS+ES and DDD framework for .NET

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EventFlow - v0.10.642

Published by rasmus about 9 years ago

  • Breaking: Updated NuGet reference Newtonsoft.Json to v7.0.1
    (up from v6.0.8)
  • Breaking: Remove the empty constructor from SingleValueObject<>
  • New: Added SingleValueObjectConverter to help create clean JSON when
    e.g. domain events are serialized
  • New: Added a protected method Register(IEventApplier) to
    AggregateRoot<,> that enables developers to override how events are
    applied. Use this to e.g. implement state objects
  • New: Create AggregateState<,,> that developers can use to create aggregate
    state objects. Call Register(...) with the state object as argument
    to redirect events to it
  • New: Allow AggregateRoot<,>.Apply(...), i.e., methods for applying events,
    to be private and protected
  • New: Made AggregateRoot<,>.Emit(...) protected and virtual to allow
    overrides that e.g. add a standard set of metadata from the aggregate state.
  • New: Made AggregateRoot<,>.ApplyEvent(...) protected and virtual to
    allow more custom implementations of applying events to the aggregate root.
  • Fixed: Updated internal NuGet reference Dapper to v1.42 (up from v1.38)
EventFlow - v0.9.580

Published by rasmus about 9 years ago

  • Braking: IEventStore.LoadAllEventsAsync and IEventStore.LoadAllEvents
    now take a GlobalPosition as an argument instead of a long for the
    starting position. The GlobalPosition is basically a wrapper around a
    string that hides the inner workings of each event store.
  • New: NuGet package EventFlow.EventStores.EventStore that provides
    integration to Event Store. Its an initial
    version and shouldn't be used in production.
EventFlow - v0.8.560

Published by rasmus over 9 years ago

  • Breaking: Remove all functionality related to global sequence
    numbers as it proved problematic to maintain. It also matches this

    Order is only assured per a handler within an aggregate root
    boundary. There is no assurance of order between handlers or
    between aggregates. Trying to provide those things leads to
    the dark side.

    Greg Young

    • If you use a MSSQL read store, be sure to delete the
      LastGlobalSequenceNumber column during update, or set it to
      default NULL
    • IDomainEvent.GlobalSequenceNumber removed
    • IEventStore.LoadEventsAsync and IEventStore.LoadEvents taking
      a GlobalSequenceNumberRange removed
  • Breaking: Remove the concept of event caches. If you really need this
    then implement it by registering a decorator for IEventStore

  • Breaking: Moved IDomainEvent.BatchId to metadata and created
    MetadataKeys.BatchId to help access it

  • New: IEventStore.DeleteAggregateAsync to delete an entire aggregate
    stream. Please consider carefully if you really want to use it. Storage
    might be cheaper than the historic knowledge within your events

  • New: IReadModelPopulator is new and enables you to both purge and
    populate read models by going though the entire event store. Currently
    its only basic functionality, but more will be added

  • New: IEventStore now has LoadAllEventsAsync and LoadAllEvents that
    enables you to load all events in the event store a few at a time.

  • New: IMetadata.TimestampEpoch contains the Unix timestamp version
    of IMetadata.Timestamp. Also, an additional metadata key
    timestamp_epoch is added to events containing the same data. Note,
    the TimestampEpoch on IMetadata handles cases in which the
    timestamp_epoch is not present by using the existing timestamp

  • Fixed: AggregateRoot<> now reads the aggregate version from
    domain events applied during aggregate load. This resolves an issue
    for when an IEventUpgrader removed events from the event stream

  • Fixed: InMemoryReadModelStore<,> is now thread safe

EventFlow - v0.7.481

Published by rasmus over 9 years ago

  • New: EventFlow now includes a IQueryProcessor that enables you to implement
    queries and query handlers in a structure manner. EventFlow ships with two
    ready-to-use queries and related handlers
    • ReadModelByIdQuery<TReadModel>: Supported by in-memory and MSSQL read
      model stores
    • InMemoryQuery<TReadModel>: Only supported by in-memory read model store,
      but lets you search for any read model based on a Predicate<TReadModel>
EventFlow - v0.6.456

Published by rasmus over 9 years ago

  • Breaking: Read models have been significantly improved as they can now
    subscribe to events from multiple aggregates. Use a custom
    IReadModelLocator to define how read models are located. The supplied
    ILocateByAggregateId simply uses the aggregate ID. To subscribe
    to other events, simply implement IAmReadModelFor<,,> and make sure
    you have supplied a proper read model locator.
    • UseMssqlReadModel signature changed, change to
      .UseMssqlReadModel<MyReadModel, ILocateByAggregateId>() in
      order to have the previous functionality
    • UseInMemoryReadStoreFor signature changed, change to
      .UseInMemoryReadStoreFor<MyReadModel, ILocateByAggregateId>() in
      order to have the previous functionality
  • Breaking: A warning is no longer logged if you forgot to subscribe to
    a aggregate event in your read model as read models are no longer
    strongly coupled to a specific aggregate and its events
  • Breaking: ITransientFaultHandler now takes the strategy as a generic
    argument instead of the Use<> method. If you want to configure the
    retry strategy, use ConfigureRetryStrategy(...) instead
  • New: You can now have multiple IReadStoreManager if you would like to
    implement your own read model handling
  • New: IEventStore now has a LoadEventsAsync and LoadEvents
    that loads IDomainEvents based on global sequence number range
  • New: Its now possible to register generic services without them being
    constructed generic types, i.e., register typeof(IMyService<>) as
  • New: Table names for MSSQL read models can be assigned using the
    TableAttribute from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
  • Fixed: Subscribers are invoked after read stores have been updated,
    which ensures that subscribers can use any read models that were
EventFlow - v0.5.390

Published by rasmus over 9 years ago

  • POTENTIAL DATA LOSS for files event store: Files event store now
    stores its log as JSON instead of an int in the form
    {"GlobalSequenceNumber":2}. So rename the current file and put in the
    global sequence number before startup
  • Breaking: Major changes has been made regarding how the aggregate
    identity is implemented and referenced through interfaces. These changes makes
    it possible to access the identity type directly though all interface. Some
    notable examples are listed here. Note that this has NO impact on how data
    is stored!
    • IAggregateRoot changed to IAggregateRoot<TIdentity>
    • ICommand<TAggregate> changed to ICommand<TAggregate,TIdentity>
    • ICommandHandler<TAggregate,TCommand> changed to
      ICommandHandler<TAggregate,TIdentity, TCommand>
    • IAmReadModelFor<TEvent> changed to
    • IDomainEvent<TEvent> changed to IDomainEvent<TAggregate,TIdentity>
  • New: ICommandBus.Publish now takes a CancellationToken argument
  • Fixed: MSSQL should list columns to SELECT when fetching events
EventFlow - v0.4.353

Published by rasmus over 9 years ago

  • Breaking: ValueObject now uses public properties instead of both
    private and public fields
  • Breaking: Aggregate IDs are no longer string but objects implementing
  • Breaking: MSSQL transient exceptions are now retried
  • Breaking: All methods on IMsSqlConnection has an extra Label argument
  • New: ITransientFaultHandler added along with default retry strategies
    for optimistic concurrency and MSSQL transient exceptions
  • New: Release notes added to NuGet packages
  • New: Better logging and more descriptive exceptions
  • Fixed: Unchecked missing in ValueObject when claculating hash
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException thrown if null was stored
    in SingleValueObject and ToString() was called
EventFlow - v0.3.292

Published by rasmus over 9 years ago

First stable version of EventFlow.