
🌈 An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜

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ant-design-vue - 1.0.1

Published by tangjinzhou about 6 years ago


  • 🌟 Optimize Chinese input for Input components(just support v-model) 4a5154
  • 🐞 Fix treeSelect treeData[i].children throw error when null#81
  • 🐞 Fix Calendar change event call twice#82
  • 🐞 Fix the description and title slot attribute of the Card component does not work#83
  • 🐞 Fix dropdownClassName attribute of DataPicker component does not working02ab242

  • 🌟 针对Input组件优化中文输入(仅在v-model绑定时生效) 4a5154
  • 🐞 修复TreeSelect treeeData[i].childrennull时报错问题#81
  • 🐞 修复Calendar组件的 change 事件触发两次的问题#82
  • 🐞 修复Card组件的descriptiontitle属性slot不生效问题#83
  • 🐞 修复DataPicker组件的dropdownClassName属性不生效问题02ab242
ant-design-vue - 1.0.0

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🌟 Add Carousel component edddbd
  • modify some error document

  • 🌟 新增Carousel 走马灯组件edddbd
  • 更正了若干文档错误
ant-design-vue - 0.7.1

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🐞 fix Tooltip containing disabled button does not show and style#73
  • 🐞 add Table panagation deep watch#b464c6

  • 🐞 修复Tooltip包含Button时的样式及功能问题#73
  • 🐞 add Table panagation deep watch#b464c6
ant-design-vue - 0.7.0

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🌟 Add TreeSelect component
  • 🌟 Select add options, Easy to generate a selection list directly#37
  • 🐞 Fix blur event error when using Select component in Tooltip#67
  • 🐞 Modify the Upload component action attribute to optional#66

  • 🌟 新增TreeSelect组件
  • 🌟 Select组件新增options,方便直接生成选择列表#37
  • 🐞 修复Tooltip中使用Select组件时,blur事件报错问题#67
  • 🐞 修改Upload组件action属性为可选#66
ant-design-vue - 0.6.8

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix notification h is not defined#63
  • 🐞 Fix Transfer local-provider miss titles#64

  • 🐞 修复notification h is not defined#63
  • 🐞 修复Transfer国际化缺少titles问题#64
ant-design-vue - 0.6.7

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix Form component cannot be updated when using template syntax#62

  • 🐞 修复Form使用模板语法时组件不能更新#62
ant-design-vue - 0.6.6

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix Upload type validation error issue and update related demo#61
  • 🐞 Fix Upload image preview does not jump correctly1584b3

  • 🐞 修复Upload的类型校验错误问题并更新相关demo#61
  • 🐞 修复Upload图片预览不能正确跳转问题1584b3
ant-design-vue - 0.6.5

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix Select getPopupContainer not working #56
  • 🐞 Fix Select popup position is not updated8254f7

  • 🐞 修复SelectgetPopupContainer不生效问题#56
  • 🐞 修复Select的弹出框位置不更新问题8254f7
ant-design-vue - 0.6.4

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix InputSearch v-model return wrong value#53

  • 🐞 修复InputSearchv-model返回值错误问题#53
ant-design-vue - 0.6.3

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix Popover v-model not working#49

  • 🐞 修复Popoverv-model不生效问题#49
ant-design-vue - 0.6.2

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🌟 Form component data auto-checking support for template syntax7c9232
  • Select: 🐞 add focus blur methods52f6f5
  • Radio
    • 🐞 Fix Radiogroup disabled className9df74b
    • 🐞 Fix autoFoucs focus blur mouseenter mouseleave not workingf7886c
  • TimePicker: 🐞 Fix autoFoucs focus blur not working28d009

  • 🌟 Form组件数据自动校验功能支持template语法7c9232
  • Select: 🐞 添加focus blur方法52f6f5
  • Radio
    • 🐞 修复Radiogroup disabled className9df74b
    • 🐞 修复autoFoucs focus blur mouseenter mouseleave 不生效问题f7886c
  • TimePicker: 🐞 修复autoFoucs focus blur不生效问题28d009
ant-design-vue - 0.6.1

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🌟 Add List Component
  • Table
    • 🐞 Fix 'querySelectorAll error when updating height#33
    • 🐞 fix defaultChecked not workingec1999
    • columns key support number type9b7f5c
  • Tooltip: 🛠 update events API change to visibleChange
  • Textarea: 🐞 Fix autoFoucs not working787927
  • InputSearch: 🐞 Add focus blur methods3cff62
  • InputNumber: 🐞 Fix autoFoucs not working88f165
  • DatePicker: 🐞 Fix autoFoucs not working264abf
  • Cascader: 🐞 Fix autoFoucs not workingbe69bd
  • Rate: 🐞 Fix autoFoucs not working,and blur errorc2c984
  • RangePicker: 🐞 Fix value type check error problem228f44

  • 🌟 新增List列表组件
  • Table
    • 🐞 修复更新高度时报错问题#33
    • 🐞 修复defaultChecked不生效问题ec1999
    • columns key支持数字类型9b7f5c
  • Tooltip
    • 🛠 更新事件APIchangevisibleChange
  • Textarea: 🐞 修复autoFoucs不生效问题787927
  • InputSearch: 🐞 添加focus blur方法3cff62
  • InputNumber: 🐞 修复autoFoucs不生效问题88f165
  • DatePicker: 🐞 修复autoFoucs不生效问题264abf
  • Cascader: 🐞 修复autoFoucs不生效问题be69bd
  • Rate: 🐞 修复autoFoucs不生效问题,及blur报错问题c2c984
  • RangePicker: 🐞 修复值类型校验出错问题228f44
ant-design-vue - 0.6.0

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🌟 Add Anchor Component
  • Table
    • 🐞 Fix show emptyText problem when loading.spinning 17b9dc
    • 🐞 Fixed header style not working #30
  • 🐞 DatePicker: Fix the issue of change event repeatedly call when showTime is true 81ab82
  • 🐞 InputNumber: Fix placeholder not working ce39dc

  • 🌟 新增Anchor锚点组件
  • Table
    • 🐞 修复loading.spinning时显示emptyText问题17b9dc
    • 🐞 修复header style不生效问题#30
  • DatePicker: 🐞 修复属性showTimetrue时,重复调用change事件问题81ab82
  • InputNumber: 🐞 修复placeholder不生效问题ce39dc
ant-design-vue - 0.5.4

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix missing less file problem in dist directoryca084b9

  • 🐞 修复dist目录缺少less文件问题ca084b9
ant-design-vue - 0.5.3

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🐞 Fixed issue with building antd-with-locales.js containing test files90583a3

  • 🐞 修复构建antd-with-locales.js包含测试文件的问题90583a3
ant-design-vue - 0.5.2

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🐞 Timeline: Fix duplicated loading component bug fa5141b
  • Transfer
    • 🐞 Fix search box clear button does not work Problem 4582da3
    • 💄 Override property change listener logic to avoid unnecessary 0920d23
  • 💄 Select: Optimizing title display logic 9314957
  • Form
    • 🐞 Fixed Form component directive error #20
    • 🌟 Maintain an ref for wrapped component instance, use wrappedComponentRef c5e421c
  • 🐞 DatePicker: Fix calendar keyboard event does not work e9b6914
  • Avatar: Fixing font size adaptation issues #22
  • 🌟 Added single test for some components
  • 🌟 sorted component library dependencies and devDependencies, deleted unused packages, and added peerDependencies

  • 🐞 Timeline: 修复重复显示loading组件bugfa5141b
  • Transfer
    • 🐞 修复搜索框的清除按钮不起作用问题4582da3
    • 💄 重写了属性变化监听逻辑,避免不必要的0920d23
  • 💄 Select: 优化title显示逻辑9314957
  • Form
    • 🐞 修复Form组件指令报错问题#20
    • 🌟 优化获取Form包装组件实例功能c5e421c
  • 🐞 DatePicker: 修复日历键盘事件不起作用问题e9b6914
  • Avatar: 修复字体大小自适应问题#22
  • 🌟 添加了部分组件的单测
  • 🌟 整理了组件库依赖(dependencies、devDependencies),删除不再使用的包,并添加peerDependencies
ant-design-vue - 0.5.1

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🐞 Table: Fix customRow events not working#16

  • 🐞 Table: 修复 customRow 自定义事件不生效问题#16
ant-design-vue - 0.5.0

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🌟 Form: add Form component
  • 💄 Upload.Dragger: Modify name name to a-upload-dragger
  • 🐞 Upload: Fix name prop not working

  • 🌟 Form 新增Form表单组件
  • 💄 Upload.Dragger: 修改组件name名称为a-upload-dragger
  • 🐞 Upload: 修复Upload name属性失效问题
ant-design-vue - 0.4.3

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix component style loss problem
  • 🌟 site add babel-polyfill

  • 🐞 修复组件样式丢失问题
  • 🌟 站点添加babel-polyfill
ant-design-vue - 0.4.2

Published by tangjinzhou over 6 years ago


  • 🐞 fix menu click bug

  • 🐞 修复menu 非 inline 模式下的 click bug