
🌈 An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜

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ant-design-vue - 3.2.20

Published by tangjinzhou over 1 year ago


  • 🌟 Optimize the repeated instantiation of Space subcomponents #6500
  • 🐞 Fix RangePicker does not support null value problem #6510

  • 🌟 优化 Space 子组件重复实例化问题 #6500
  • 🐞 修复 RangePicker 不支持空值问题 #6510
ant-design-vue - 3.2.19

Published by tangjinzhou over 1 year ago


  • 🐞 Fix antd.min.js file error

  • 🐞 修复 antd.min.js 文件错误
ant-design-vue - 3.2.18

Published by tangjinzhou over 1 year ago


  • 🐞 Fix the style of input addonAfter when Form disabled #6403
  • 🐞 Fix Upload class name error #6413
  • 🐞 Fix date component's week, quarter does not support format problem #6385
  • 🐞 Fix the problem that Select scrolls under Firefox #6470
  • 🌟 Button added focus and blur methods #6483
  • 🐞 Fix the problem that the container height changes after Select is selected #6467
  • 🐞 Fix Form name not taking effect #6460

  • 🐞 修复 input addonAfter 在 Form diabled 时的样式 #6403
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 类名错误 #6413
  • 🐞 修复日期组件的 周、季度 不支持 format 问题 #6385
  • 🐞 修复 Select 在 Firefox 下滚动显示异常问题 #6470
  • 🌟 Button 新增 focus、blur 方法 #6483
  • 🐞 修复 Select 选中后导致容器高度变化问题 #6467
  • 🐞 修复 Form name 未生效问题 #6460
ant-design-vue - 3.2.16

Published by tangjinzhou over 1 year ago


  • 🐞 Fix notification close event triggered multiple times #6150
  • 🐞 Fix the carousel map responsive change problem #6100
  • 🐞 Fix Table ceiling scroll bar style error #6169
  • 🐞 Fix DatePicker disabledMinutes parameter error #6233
  • 🐞 Fix the problem that the visibleChange event is not triggered when the Popup is closed #6324
  • 🐞 Fix Image preview image error #6331

  • 🐞 修复 notification close 事件多次触发问题 #6150
  • 🐞 修复轮播图响应式变化问题 #6100
  • 🐞 修复 Table 吸顶滚动条样式错误问题 #6169
  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker disabledMinutes 参数错误 #6233
  • 🐞 修复 Popup 关闭时没有触发 visibleChange 事件问题 #6324
  • 🐞 修复 Image 预览图片错误问题 #6331
ant-design-vue - 3.3.0-beta.4

Published by tangjinzhou almost 2 years ago


ant-design-vue - 3.2.14

Published by tangjinzhou almost 2 years ago



  • 🐞 Fix the problem of dynamic theme failure when custom prefixCls #6063
  • 🐞 Fix DatePicker error when using select and other popup components as slots #6062
  • 🐞 Fix DirectoryTree not exposing scrollTo method #6067
  • 🐞 Fix RangePicker popup position does not change #6073

  • 🐞 修复自定义 prefixCls 时,动态主题失效问题 #6063
  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 使用 select 等弹窗组件作为插槽时,报错问题 #6062
  • 🐞 修复 DirectoryTree 未暴露 scrollTo 方法 #6067
  • 🐞 修复 RangePicker 弹窗位置不改变问题 #6073
ant-design-vue - 3.2.13

Published by tangjinzhou about 2 years ago


  • 🌟 Support Vue 3 upgrade tool @vue/compat #5973
  • 🌟 Cascader add tagRender slot #5954
  • 🐞 Fix image flickering issue when Image preview is closed #5955
  • 🐞 Fix Tag close icon style display misplaced #5956
  • 🐞 Fix Table loading property ts type error #5964
  • 🐞 Fix Transfer deletion exception #5975
  • 🐞 Fix the scroll shadow display issue of Table fixed column #5996
  • 🐞 Fix DirectoryTree's default expansion failure issue when customizing fieldNames #6007

  • 🌟 支持 Vue 3 升级工具 @vue/compat #5973
  • 🌟 Cascader 添加 tagRender 插槽 #5954
  • 🐞 修复 Image 预览关闭时,图片闪动问题 #5955
  • 🐞 修复 Tag 关闭图标样式显示错位 #5956
  • 🐞 修复 Table loading 属性 ts 类型错误 #5964
  • 🐞 修复 Transfer 删除异常问题 #5975
  • 🐞 修复 Table 固定列的滚动阴影显示问题 #5996
  • 🐞 修复 DirectoryTree 在自定义 fieldNames 时,默认展开失效问题 #6007
ant-design-vue - 3.2.12

Published by tangjinzhou about 2 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix DescriptionItem labelStyle does not take effect #5920
  • 🌟 Typography copy button prevents bubbling ##5746
  • 🐞 Fix table merged column scroll shadow occlusion issue #5786
  • 🐞 Fix the inconsistency between css var and ConfigProvider variables #5929

  • 🐞 修复 DescriptionItem labelStyle 不生效问题 #5920
  • 🌟 Typography 复制按钮阻止冒泡 ##5746
  • 🐞 修复 table 合并列滚动阴影遮挡问题 #5786
  • 🐞 修复 css var 和 ConfigProvider 变量不一致问题 #5929
ant-design-vue - 3.2.11

Published by tangjinzhou about 2 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix dayjs error when CDN introduces component library #5874
  • 🐞 Fix Dropdown submenu wrapping issue #5798
  • 🐞 Fix the problem that the package size increases when the icon is introduced #5822
  • 🐞 Fix Select custom field, no auto-focus selected node issue #5843
  • 🐞 Fix InputNumber size=large, the style is not aligned #5853

  • 🐞 修复 CDN 引入组件库时,dayjs 报错问题 #5874
  • 🐞 修复 Dropdown 子菜单换行问题 #5798
  • 🐞 修复图标引入打包体积增大问题 #5822
  • 🐞 修复 Select 自定义字段时,没有自动聚焦选中节点问题 #5843
  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber size=large 时, 样式未对齐问题 #5853
ant-design-vue - 3.2.10

Published by tangjinzhou about 2 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix the problem that the popup component cannot be used under process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test' #4565
  • 🐞 Fix the problem that the popup layer is directly closed when the Menu component hovers quickly 36df58
  • 🐞 Fix Input autosize type error #5766
  • 🐞 Fix Table ellipsis tilte not working under fixed #5755

  • 🐞 修复在 process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test' 下弹窗类组件无法使用问题 #4565
  • 🐞 修复 Menu 组件在快速 hover 弹出层时,弹出层直接关闭问题 36df58
  • 🐞 修复 Input autosize 类型错误 #5766
  • 🐞 修复 Table ellipsis tilte 在 fixed 下失效问题 #5755
ant-design-vue - 3.2.9

Published by tangjinzhou about 2 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix the flickering problem when the Select edge position is closed 8a659d

  • 🐞 修复 Select 边缘位置关闭时闪动问题 8a659d
ant-design-vue - 3.2.8

Published by tangjinzhou about 2 years ago


  • 🌟 Image add scroll wheel to zoom in and out #5703
  • 🌟 ConfigProvider.config added getPopupContainer 62dc24
  • 🐞 Upload tooltip does not show issues #5714
  • 🐞 Row gutter property type error #5725
  • 🐞 Whether Typography is editable or not, the state is not reset after switching #5743
  • 🐞 In DirectoryTree multi-selection mode, a single node should be selected when clicking (multi-selection only selects multiple nodes when pressing ctrl and shift keys) [#5732]( issues/5732)

  • 🌟 Image 新增滚轮放大缩小 #5703
  • 🌟 ConfigProvider.config 新增 getPopupContainer 62dc24
  • 🐞 Upload tooltip 不展示问题 #5714
  • 🐞 Row gutter 属性类型错误 #5725
  • 🐞 Typography 是否可编辑切换后,状态未重置问题 #5743
  • 🐞 DirectoryTree 多选模式下,点击时应该选中单个节点(多选只有配合 ctrl、shift 按键时选中多个节点) #5732
ant-design-vue - 3.2.7

Published by tangjinzhou about 2 years ago


  • 🌟 Checkbox supports adding extra properties #5678
  • 🌟 RadioGroup support global size #5690
  • 🌟 Table expandedRowKeys support v-model #5695
  • 🐞 Fix global Form message not taking effect #5693
  • 🐞 Fix Typography Enter key triggers end event twice, end is no longer triggered when blur #5696

  • 🌟 Checkbox 支持添加额外属性 #5678
  • 🌟 RadioGroup 支持全局 size #5690
  • 🌟 Table expandedRowKeys 支持 v-model #5695
  • 🐞 修复全局 Form message 未生效问题 #5693
  • 🐞 修复 Typography 回车键触发两次 end 事件问题,blur 时不再触发 end #5696
ant-design-vue - 3.3.0-beta.2

Published by tangjinzhou over 2 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix dist/antd.css file missing issue caused by 3.3.0-beta.1

  • 🐞 修复 3.3.0-beta.1 引起的 dist/antd.css 文件丢失问题
ant-design-vue - 3.2.6

Published by tangjinzhou over 2 years ago

  • 🌟 Cascader custom trigger supports custom components #5677
  • 🐞 Fix DateRangePicker TimeRangePicker arrow not following the movement issue #71c619
  • 🐞 Fix TimeRangePicker minSteps, hourSteps, secondStep not taking effect #5671

  • 🌟 Cascader 自定义 trigger 支持自定义组件 #5677
  • 🐞 修复 DateRangePicker TimeRangePicker 箭头没有跟随移动问题 #71c619
  • 🐞 修复 TimeRangePicker minSteps、hourSteps、secondStep 未生效问题 #5671
ant-design-vue - 3.2.5

Published by tangjinzhou over 2 years ago


  • 🌟 Image Added left and right arrow switching function #5642
  • 🐞 Fix Steps progressDot slot failure #5648
  • 🐞 Fix Tooltip global getPopupContainer invalid problem #5636
  • 🐞 Fix useForm help style issue #5635
  • 🐞 Fix Table, Tree drag and drop style conflict #5644

  • 🌟 Image 新增左右箭头切换功能 #5642
  • 🐞 修复 Steps progressDot 插槽失效问题 #5648
  • 🐞 修复 Tooltip 全局 getPopupContainer 失效问题 #5636
  • 🐞 修复 useForm help 样式问题 #5635
  • 🐞 修复 Table、Tree 拖拽样式冲突问题 #5644
ant-design-vue - 3.2.4

Published by tangjinzhou over 2 years ago


  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber v-model 类型错误 #5577
  • 🌟 Select 支持全局 size #5590
  • 🐞 Form clearValidate resetValidate 支持数组 #5619
  • 🐞 Drawer 自定义 closeIcon 不生效问题 #5616
  • 🌟 修复 CountDown 支持 dayjs #5edca6
  • 🌟 Tree 支持 scrollTo #5626
  • 🐞 Tooltip disabled 类名错误问题 #5627
ant-design-vue - 3.2.3

Published by tangjinzhou over 2 years ago

  • 🌟 Optimize Tree performance #5551
  • 🐞 Fix Progress type='dashboard' invalid problem #5549
  • 🐞 Fix console warning when Table customRender returns Fragment component #5556
  • 🐞 Fix the issue of rendering redundant dom nodes when the Card slot is empty

  • 🌟 优化 Tree 性能 #5551
  • 🐞 修复 Progress type='dashboard' 失效问题 #5549
  • 🐞 修复 Table customRender 返回 Fragment 组件时,控制台 warning 问题 #5556
  • 🐞 修复 Card 插槽为空时,渲染多余 dom 节点问题
ant-design-vue - 3.2.2

Published by tangjinzhou over 2 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix Table ceiling infinite loop problem #5543

  • 🐞 修复 Table 吸顶死循环问题 #5543
ant-design-vue - 3.2.0

Published by tangjinzhou over 2 years ago


  • 🌟 InputNumber supports lazy modifier
  • 🌟 Image add previewMask property, error event #5479
  • 🌟 Modal style supports string type #5449
  • 🌟 Cascader supports clearIcon, removeIcon slots
  • 🌟 Optimize DatePicker panel switching logic #5488
  • 🐞 Fix Cascader not automatically correcting the popup position #5482
  • 🐞 Tabs left, right direction disable animation #5464
  • 🐞 TimeRangePicker value ts type supports string
  • 🐞 Tree supports deep monitoring #5480
  • 🐞 Fix Table not showing virtual scroll bar when keepalive active
  • 🐞 Fix Input size warning #5508

  • 🌟 InputNumber 支持 lazy 修饰符
  • 🌟 Image 新增 previewMask 属性, error事件 #5479
  • 🌟 Modal style 支持字符串类型 #5449
  • 🌟 Cascader 支持 clearIconremoveIcon 插槽
  • 🌟 优化 DatePicker 面板切换逻辑 #5488
  • 🐞 修复 Cascader 没有自动修正弹窗位置 #5482
  • 🐞 Tabs left、right 方向禁止动画 #5464
  • 🐞 TimeRangePicker value ts type 支持 string
  • 🐞 Tree 支持深度监听 #5480
  • 🐞 修复 Table 在 keepalive 激活时未显示虚拟滚动条
  • 🐞 修复 Input size warning #5508