
🌈 An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜

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ant-design-vue - 1.4.2

Published by tangjinzhou almost 5 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix Radio.Group triggers multiple change callback issues #1280
  • 🐞 Fix Pagination keyup enter not work #1316

  • 🐞 修复 Radio.Group 触发多次 change 回调问题 #1280
  • 🐞 修复 Pagination 输入框跳转无效问题 #1316
ant-design-vue - 1.4.1

Published by tangjinzhou about 5 years ago


  • 🐞 fix Input.Password cannot use v-model #1306
  • 🌟 Optimize the clear button of Input to display the logic. #1296
  • 🌟 After click clear button, Input becomes the focus state.
  • 🐞 fix progress strokeWidth not work #1301
  • 🐞 Fix Radio.Group triggers multiple change callback issues #1280
  • 🐞 Fix Form initialValue error #1291

  • 🐞 修复 Input.Password 无法使用 v-model 的问题 #1306
  • 🌟 优化 Input 的清除按钮显示逻辑 #1296
  • 🌟 点击清除按钮后 Input 变为 focus 状态
  • 🐞 修复 ProgressstrokeWidth 属性失效问题 #1301
  • 🐞 修复 Radio.Group 触发多次 change 回调问题 #1280
  • 🐞 修复 Form initialValue 报错问题 #1291
ant-design-vue - 1.4.0

Published by tangjinzhou about 5 years ago


  • 🎉 New component Empty, and improved empty data style of all components!
  • 🎉 New component Statistic.
  • 🎉 Hindi locale added (hi_IN).
  • 🎉 Kannada locale added (kn_IN).
  • 🌟 ConfigProvider component support prefixCls.
  • Button
    • 🌟 Button support round shape.
  • Collapse
    • 🌟 Add expandIcon to allow customization of Collapse icon.
  • ConfigProvider
    • 🌟 Support Content Security Policy (CSP) config.
    • 🌟 Support autoInsertSpaceInButton to remove space between 2 Chinese characters on Button.
  • Icon
    • 🌟 Icon component add aria-label prop to enhance accessibility.
    • 🌟 Add rotate to allow icon rotate as specified degrees.
    • 🌟 Add eye-invisible icon.
  • Input
    • 🌟 Add Input.Password.
    • 🌟 support allowClear
  • Modal
    • 🌟 Add forceRender support.
    • 🌟 Add destroyAll method.
    • 🌟 Add icon to Modal.confirm/info/warning/error, iconType is deprecated.
    • 🌟 Add mask property support for Modal method.
    • 🌟 Add transitionName and maskTransitionName property support for Modal method.
    • 🐞 Fix the problem that the mouse moves to the mask layer to close automatically #842
  • 🌟 Add small type Card component.
  • Form
    • 🌟 Add name option to Form.create
    • 🌟 Add selfUpdate to improve performance #1049
    • 🐞 Fix browser stuck when FormItem is passed through slot #1271
  • 🌟 Add switcherIcon prop to Tree.
  • Dropdown
    • 🌟 Dropdown.Button support href.
    • 🌟 Add openClassName.
  • Table
    • 🌟 Add prop sortDirections for Table and Table.Column.
    • 🐞 Fixed Badge component display over the fixed table column.
    • 🐞 Fixed rowSelection columnWidth doesn't work.
  • DatePicker
    • 🌟 Will read format as default format in locale if provided.
    • 🌟 Add new renderFooter API for DatePicker.
    • 🐞 Fixed dateRender not supported at WeekPicker.
    • 🐞 Fixed disabled button style in DatePicker panel.
    • 🌟 support prop renderExtraFooter in all mode.
    • 🐞 Fixed month range display when start year equals end year.
  • TimePicker
    • 🌟 TimePicker support new prop popupStyle and new event amPmChange.
    • 🐞 Fixed TimePicker Icon disappear when used with Input.Group.
    • 🌟 Deprecated allowEmpty prop and use allowClear instead. Sync style with DatePicker.
  • 🌟 Rate component support tooltips.
  • Upload
    • 💄 Add new less var upload-picture-card-border-style and Fixed upload-picture-card-size typo.
    • 🐞 Fixed dpg file type is not recognizable as image in Upload component.
  • Spin
    • 🐞 Fix Spin style issue in IE 10.
  • Progress
    • 🌟 All types support successPercent prop.
  • Pagination
    • 🐞 Fix ellipsis misalignment.
  • 🐞 Fixed Radio style bug in Chrome.
  • 🐞 Fixed Steps style issue on IE9.
  • 🐞 Fixed nested Timeline last item missing line.
  • 🐞 Fixed spin never shows up when delay got initially set.
  • 🐞 Fix wave style issue in Edge.

  • 🎉 新的组件 Empty,同时优化了各个组件的空数据状态样式!
  • 🎉 新增 Statistic 统计/倒计时组件。
  • 🎉 添加新的国际化资源北印度语(kn_IN)和坎那达语(kn_IN)。
  • 🌟 ConfigProvider 组件添加 prefixCls 属性。
  • Button
    • 🌟 Button 添加圆边形状。
  • Collapse
    • 🌟 新增 expandIcon 属性,允许用户自定义 Collapse 折叠图标。
  • ConfigProvider
    • 🌟 支持 Content Security Policy (CSP) 配置。
    • 🌟 提供 autoInsertSpaceInButton 属性以移除按钮中 2 个汉字时字间的空格。
  • DatePicker
    • 🌟 将会读取本地化格式配置作为默认日期格式。
  • Icon
    • 🌟 Icon 组件添加 aria-label 属性以提升无障碍体验。
    • 🌟 新增 rotate 属性,允许用户修改图标旋转角度。
    • 🌟 新增 Icon eye-invisible
  • Input
    • 🌟 添加 Input.Password 密码输入组件。
    • 🌟 支持 allowClear
  • Modal
    • 🌟 添加 forceRender 属性。
    • 🌟 添加 destroyAll 方法。
    • 🌟 Modal.confirm/info/warning/error 新增 icon 属性。原有的 iconType 废弃。
  • 🌟 Card 组件添加 small 类型。
  • Form
    • 🌟 添加 name 选项到 Form.create
    • 🌟 新增 selfUpdate 属性,用于提升表单性能 #1049
    • 🐞 修复当 FormItem 通过 slot 传递时浏览器卡死问题 #1271
  • 🌟 Tree 添加 switcherIcon 属性。
  • Dropdown
    • 🌟 Dropdown.Button 支持 href 属性。
    • 🌟 添加 openClassName 属性。
  • Table
    • 🌟 添加属性 sortDirections 到 Table 和 Table.Column。
    • 🐞 修复 Badge 组件遮盖 Table 固定列的问题。
    • 🐞 修复行选择器列的 columnWidth 设置不生效的问题。
  • DatePicker
    • 🌟 DatePicker component 添加 renderFooter 属性。
    • 🐞 修复 WeekPicker 不支持 dateRender 的问题。
    • 🐞 修复禁用按钮在 DatePicker 面板中的样式问题。
    • 🌟 在所有模式中支持 renderExtraFooter 属性。
    • 🐞 修复月份选择器在开始年份和结束年份相等时的显示问题。
  • TimePicker
    • 🌟 TimePicker 添加新的属性 popupStyle 和事件 amPmChange
    • 🐞 修复 TimePicker 在跟 Input.Group 一起使用时图标会消失的问题。
    • 🌟 废弃 allowEmpty 属性,改用 allowClear 替代。并与 DatePicker 统一样式。
  • 🌟 组件 Rate 支持 tooltips
  • Upload
    • 💄 添加新的 Less 变量 upload-picture-card-border-style 并修复 upload-picture-card-size 的拼写错误。
    • 🐞 修复在 Upload 组件中无法识别 dpg 后缀文件为图片的问题。
  • Modal
    • 🌟 Modal 函数组件新增 mask 属性支持。
    • 🌟 Modal 函数组件新增 transitionNamemaskTransitionName 属性支持。
    • 🐞 修复鼠标移动到遮罩层自动关闭的问题 #842
  • Spin
    • 🐞 修复 Table 在低版本 IE 中 spinning 会遮挡操作的问题。
  • Progress
    • 🌟 所有类型都支持 successPercent 属性。
  • Pagination
    • 🐞 修复省略号不居中的样式问题。
  • 🐞 修复 Radio 组件在 Chrome 下的样式问题。
  • 🐞 修复 Steps 组件在 IE9 下的样式问题。
  • 🐞 修复嵌套的 TimeLine 最后一条线丢失的问题。
  • 🐞 修复 Spin 组件初始设置 delay 属性后不显示的问题。
  • 🐞 修复水波纹在 Edge 下的样式问题。
ant-design-vue - 1.3.17

Published by tangjinzhou about 5 years ago


  • 🌟 Form adds the selfUpdate attribute to improve form performance #1049
  • Select
    • 🐞 Fix keydown keyboard event invalidation
    • 🐞 Fix arrow icon can't close pop-up question #1067
    • 🐞 Fix IE browser to automatically close the problem #1223
    • 🌟 Add maxTagTextLength attribute #1217
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue with 'TimePicker` input error #1176
  • 🐞 Fix defaultVisible attribute invalidation problem for Tooltip component #1232
  • 🐞 Fix Comment ConfigProvider TypeScript type definition problem.

  • 🌟 Form 新增 selfUpdate 属性,用于提升表单性能 #1049
  • Select
    • 🐞 修复 keydown 键盘事件失效问题
    • 🐞 修复箭头图标无法关闭弹出框问题 #1067
    • 🐞 修复 IE 浏览器自动收起问题 #1223
    • 🌟 添加 maxTagTextLength 属性 #1217
  • 🐞 修复 TimePicker 输入时报错的问题 #1176
  • 🐞 修复 Tooltip 组件的 defaultVisible 属性失效问题 #1232
  • 🐞 修复 Comment ConfigProvider TypeScript 类型定义问题。
ant-design-vue - 1.4.0-beta.0

Published by tangjinzhou about 5 years ago


ant-design-vue - 1.3.16

Published by tangjinzhou about 5 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix Select component to uninstall component error when there is no input #1091
  • 🐞 Fix Collapse error when no child element #1116
  • 🐞 Fix TypeScript type definitions.

  • 🐞 修复 Select 组件在没有 input 时,卸载组件报错问题 #1091
  • 🐞 修复 Collapse 无子元素时报错问题 #1116
  • 🐞 修复 TypeScript 类型定义。
ant-design-vue - 1.3.15

Published by tangjinzhou about 5 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix Select component cannot scroll under IE #999
  • 🐞 Fix Form initialValue warning #1076
  • 🐞 Fix Form error when verifying Number type #1090

  • 🐞 修复 Select 组件在 IE 下无法滚动问题 #999
  • 🐞 修复 Form initialValue 为空时报 warning 问题 #1076
  • 🐞 修复 Form 校验 Number 类型时错误问题 #1090
ant-design-vue - 1.3.14

Published by tangjinzhou about 5 years ago


  • 🐞 修复 MenuItem 解析数组 class 不正确问题 #1009
  • 🐞 修复 npm install 时报错问题 #997
  • 🐞 修复 Select 组件在 IE 下无法滚动问题 #999
  • 🐞 修复 Select 组件不触发 focus 事件问题 #999
  • 🐞 修复 DropdownButton size 属性不生效问题 #71b7c9
  • 🐞 修复 Table 组件不支持 vue 2.6 v-slot 语法问题 #1058
  • 🌟 Popover 添加 builtinPlacements 属性 #1073
  • 🌟 Button 支持 link 类型 #1077
  • 🌟 Modal.confirm title and content 支持 function
ant-design-vue - 1.3.10

Published by tangjinzhou over 5 years ago


  • 🐞 Remove useless module.export of package. #850

  • 🐞 移除打包后多余的 module.export #850
ant-design-vue - 1.3.9

Published by tangjinzhou over 5 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix TreeSelect without dataRef #712
  • 🌟 Tooltip add destroyTooltipOnHide to identify whether to destroy tooltip after hiding #727
  • 🐞 Fix Avatar does not update the problem when setting src dynamically #731
  • 🐞 Fix LocaleProvider change moment language does not work 28b7a6
  • 🌟 Modal.confirm add closable configuration #798
  • 🐞 Fixed a problem when Select custom dropdownRender was not automatically closed #644
  • 🐞 Fix the problem of removing Dom error under ie9, no need to introduce polyfill separately #705
  • 🐞 Fix Input.Search repeat mount id problem #726
  • 🐞 Fix Table does not work when customizing expandIcon using function form #751
  • 🐞 Fix Icon extraCommonProps property does not work #737
  • 🐞 Fix DirectoryTree expandAction="doubleclick" does not work #745

  • 🐞 修复 TreeSelect 没有 dataRef 的问题 #712
  • 🌟 Tooltip 添加 destroyTooltipOnHide 用于标识隐藏后是否销毁tooltip #727
  • 🐞 修复 Avatar 动态设置 src 时不更新问题 #731
  • 🐞 修复 LocaleProvider 更改 moment 语言不生效问题 28b7a6
  • 🌟 Modal.confirm 新增 closable 配置 #798
  • 🐞 修复 Select 自定义 dropdownRender 时,没能自动关闭的问题 #644
  • 🐞 修复在 ie9 下移除 Dom 报错问题,无需单独引入 polyfill #705
  • 🐞 修复 Input.Search 重复挂载 id 问题 #726
  • 🐞 修复 Table 使用函数形式自定义 expandIcon 时不生效问题 #751
  • 🐞 修复 Icon extraCommonProps 属性不生效问题 #737
  • 🐞 修复 DirectoryTree expandAction="doubleclick" 不生效问题 #745
ant-design-vue - 1.3.8

Published by tangjinzhou over 5 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix Table unclickable problem under IE #504
  • 🐞 Fix Table Header is not aligned under Firefox #579
  • 🌟 Drawer Drawer add custom handel
  • 🐞 Fix TypeScript type definitions.

  • 🐞 修复 Table 在 IE 下不可点击问题 #504
  • 🐞 修复 Table 在 Firefox 下 Header 没对齐问题 #579
  • 🌟 抽屉 Drawer 添加自定义 handel 功能
  • 🐞 修复 TypeScript 类型定义。
ant-design-vue - 1.3.7

Published by tangjinzhou over 5 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix Select selectedKeys type validation error #597

  • 🐞 修复 Select selectedKeys 类型校验错误 #597
ant-design-vue - 1.3.6

Published by tangjinzhou over 5 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix Select title attribute to display confusion #588
  • 🐞 Fix InputSearch does not support slot mode customization addonAfter and addonBefore issues #581
  • 🐞 Fix Input repeat class question #faf9ba
  • 🐞 Fix Message Customize content by function does not work #554
  • 🌟 Cascader option.value supports String Number type #595
  • 🐞 Fix some TypeScript definitions.

  • 🐞 修复 Select title属性显示错乱问题 #588
  • 🐞 修复 InputSearch 不支持 slot 方式自定义 addonAfter 和 addonBefore 问题 #581
  • 🐞 修复 Input 重复 class 问题 #faf9ba
  • 🐞 修复 Message 通过函数自定义 content 不生效问题 #554
  • 🌟 Cascaderoption.value 同时支持 String Number 类型 #595
  • 🐞 修复 TypeScript 类型定义。
ant-design-vue - 1.3.5

Published by tangjinzhou over 5 years ago


  • 🌟 Optimize the Popover Popconfirm component arrow style.
  • 🐞 Fix using autoprefixer 9.4.5 in postcss (vue-cli) will throw an error Replace text-decoration-skip: ink to text-decoration-skip-ink: auto, because spec had been changed. #471
  • Tree
    • 🐞 Fixed growing space of Tree nodes.#502
    • 🐞 Fixing the Tree node can't drag and drop the target node problem.#469
    • 📝 Update the document: Tree component dragxxx event changed to all lowercase.#467
  • 🐞 Fix Modal.confirm class does not work.#475
  • 🐞 Fix some TypeScript definitions.

  • 🌟 优化 Popover Popconfirm 组件箭头样式。
  • 🐞 修复在 postcss(vue-cli)中使用 autoprefixer 9.4.5 会抛出错误 Replace text-decoration-skip: ink to text-decoration-skip-ink: auto, because spec had been changed 的问题。#471
  • Tree
    • 🐞 修复 Tree 节点内底部边距叠加的问题。#502
    • 🐞 修复 Tree 结点无法拖拽插入目标结点问题。#469
    • 📝 更新文档:Tree 组件 dragxxx 事件改成全小写。#467
  • 🐞 修复 Modal.confirm class 不生效问题。#475
  • 🐞 修复 TypeScript 类型定义。
ant-design-vue - 1.3.4

Published by tangjinzhou over 5 years ago

🎉 🎉 🎉 Happy New Year!

  • 🐞 fix: AutoComplete placeholder not display when disabled. #402
  • 🐞 Add the BreadcrmbItem ts type file.#452
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where the FormItem was not updated when it was in a subcomponent. #446
  • 🐞 Fix some component TypeScript definitions.

🎉 🎉 🎉 祝大家新年快乐!

  • 🐞 修复AutoComplete组件disabled时,placeholder不显示的问题。#402
  • 🐞 添加 BreadcrmbItem ts类型文件。#452
  • 🐞 修复当FormItem在子组件中时不更新问题。#446
  • 🐞 修复一些组件 TypeScript 定义。
ant-design-vue - 1.3.3

Published by tangjinzhou over 5 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix message not close When you configure maxcount.#428
  • 🐞 Fix some component TypeScript definitions.#422
  • 🌟 The Anchor component add warpperClass wrapperStyle property.1aa42d
  • 📝 Update the document: form adds the preserve description, and the icon modifies the custom component reference document description.

  • 🐞 修复message在配置maxcount时,不能关闭提示窗问题。#428
  • 🐞 修复一些组件 TypeScript 定义。#422
  • 🌟 Anchor组件新增warpperClass wrapperStyle属性。1aa42d
  • 📝 更新文档:form增加preserve说明,icon修改自定义组件引用文档说明。
ant-design-vue - 1.3.2

Published by tangjinzhou almost 6 years ago


  • 🐞 Fix Form reports an error when using the obsolete API autoCreateForm.#413
  • 🐞 Fix Slider error when clicking mark. #407

  • 🐞 修复Form在使用废弃API autoCreateForm 时报错问题。#413
  • 🐞 修复Slider点击mark时报错问题。#407
ant-design-vue - 1.3.1

Published by tangjinzhou almost 6 years ago


  • 🐞 Fixed the Table component could not be scrolled under ie.。#390
  • 🐞 Fix Form does not clear that does not need to check the field.#367

  • 🐞 修复Table组件在ie下滚轮失效的问题。#390
  • 🐞 修复Form没有清除不在需要校验字段问题。#367
ant-design-vue - 1.3.0

Published by tangjinzhou almost 6 years ago


  • 🎉 🎉 🎉 Publish the vscode plugin ant-design-vue-helper
  • 🎉 🎉 🎉 Optimize official website document interaction

Component features and styles are synchronized to antd version 3.11.6.

1.3.0 brings two new Components, a lot of exciting changes and new features.

  • 🔥 Added a new component Comment
  • 🔥 dded a new component ConfigProvider for user to customize some global setting.
    Component Fixes / Enhancements:
  • 🌟 Avatar Added srcSet prop that is a list of sources to use for different screen resolutions.
  • 🌟 Notification Added onClick prop that is called when the notification is clicked.
  • Transfer
    • 🌟 Added search event that is executed when search field are changed and deprecated searchChange event.
    • 🌟 Added disabled prop that whether disable transfer.
  • 🌟 Refactor Badge, support count as custom component.
  • Slider
    • 🌟 Added tooltipVisible prop that whether Tooltip will always show.
    • 🌟 Optimize the focus effect
    • 🐞 Fix tooltip does not display the problem when focus through the keyboard tab.
    • 🐞 Fix the hidden switch problem of Tooltip while dragging.
  • Calendar
    • 🌟 Support multiple date format.
    • 🌟 showSearch added limit prop that support limit filtered item count.
  • Table
    • 🌟 Added expandIcon prop that custom the default expand icon.
    • 🌟 customCell added index prop.
  • Select
    • 🌟 Added removeIconclearIconmenuItemSelectedIcon prop,allow setting removeclearmenuItemSelected custom icons.
    • 🌟 Added dropdownRender prop that custom dropdown content.
    • 🌟 Added loading prop that indicate loading state.
  • 🌟 Optimize the display of the Button when it contains an Icon.
  • ⚡️ Refactor Tag component with less code and better performance.
  • 💄 Added title prop that Menu.Item support tooltip title when collapsed.
  • 💄 Chore Card header and loading UI.
  • 💄 Optimized Spin wrapper styles and improve performance slightly.
  • 🐞 Fix TextArea use resize observer to check textarea size.
  • 🐞 Fix Tooltip in the disabled state, the style error problem.#389
  • 🐞 Fix some component TypeScript definitions.

组件功能和样式同步到 antd 3.11.6 版本。

1.3.0 版本带来了两个新组件,还有很多激动人心的变化和新特性。

  • 🔥 增加了一个新组件 Comment
  • 🔥 增加了一个新组件 ConfigProvider 为组件提供统一的全局化配置。
  • 🌟 Avatar 组件增加 srcSet 属性,用于设置图片类头像响应式资源地址。
  • 🌟 Notification 组件增加 onClick 属性,点击通知时触发的回调函数。
  • Transfer
    • 🌟 增加 search 事件,搜索框内容时改变时的回调函数,并废弃 searchChange 事件。
    • 🌟 增加 disabled 属性,用于禁用搜索框。
  • 🌟 Badge 进行了重构,count 支持自定义组件。
  • Slider
    • 🌟 增加 tooltipVisible 属性,用于 Tooltip 是否始终显示。
    • 🌟 优化focus效果
    • 🐞 修复键盘tab键聚焦时,Tooltip不显示问题。
    • 🐞 修复拖动时Tooltip不停的显隐切换问题。
  • Calendar
    • 🌟 支持多种时间格式。
    • 🌟 showSearch 方法增加 limit 参数,用于限制搜索结果展示数量。
  • Table
    • 🌟 增加 expandIcon 属性,用于自定义表格展开图标。
    • 🌟 customCell 方法增加 index 参数。
  • Select
    • 🌟 增加 removeIconclearIconmenuItemSelectedIcon 属性,用于自定义删除、清空、选中的图标。
    • 🌟 增加 dropdownRender 属性, 用于自定义下拉框内容。
    • 🌟 增加 loading 属性, 用于展示加载中状态。
  • 🌟 优化 Button 在含有Icon时的显示效果。
  • ⚡️ 重构 Tag 组件,简化代码并提升性能。
  • 💄 Menu.Item 组件增加 title 属性,用于在收缩时展示的悬浮标题。
  • 💄 微调 Card 头部和加载中的样式细节。
  • 💄 优化 Spin 样式并略微提升了切换状态的性能。
  • 🐞 修复 TextArea 组件高度不能自适应问题。
  • 🐞 修复 Tooltip 在disabled状态下Button中,样式错误问题。#389
  • 🐞 修复一些组件 TypeScript 定义。
ant-design-vue - 1.3.0-beta.0

Published by tangjinzhou almost 6 years ago
