
A high quality UI Toolkit built on Vue.js 2.0

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iview - v3.1.0 INSIDE

Published by icarusion about 6 years ago

  • Supports TypeScript. #4406
  • Add Vue CLI 3 plugin. vue-cli-plugin-iview
  • The documentation adds Nuxt.js usage. View
  • The document update Quick Start section. View
  • Add new component Drawer. #4352
  • ColorPicker add new property editable, support for input color values. #4353
  • Tabs add new property beforeRemove, return Promise to interrupt close.
  • InputNumber add new property active-change, when set to false, the data will only be changed when blur. #4315
  • Modal add new property z-index.
  • Modal's ESC button will now only close the topmost modal box, and when clicked on a Modal area, it will be placed at the top level.
  • Fixed bug that DatePicker's pane is wrong sometimes. #3773
  • Fixed bug that DatePicker can not use disabled. #4351
  • Fixed bug that Select's style is wrong under version 3.0.1 #4329
  • When MenuItem sets target="_blank", clicking the menu no longer highlights the current item.

Special thanks to @yangdan8

  • 支持 TypeScript。#4406
  • 增加 Vue CLI 3 插件。vue-cli-plugin-iview
  • 文档增加 Nuxt.js 用法。查看
  • 文档更新快速上手章节。查看
  • 新增抽屉组件 Drawer。#4352
  • ColorPicker 新增属性 editable,支持输入色值。#4353
  • Tabs 新增属性 beforeRemove,返回 Promise 可中断关闭。
  • InputNumber 新增属性 active-change,设置为 false 时,只会在失焦时更改数据。#4315
  • Modal 新增属性 z-index
  • Modal 的 ESC 按键,现在只会关闭最顶层的模态框,当点击某个 Modal 区域时,它将置为最顶层。
  • 修复 DatePicker 在某些日期下,面板联动错误的 bug。#3773
  • 修复 DatePicker 无法使用 disabled 属性的 bug。#4351
  • 修复 Select 开启 transfer 属性后,在 3.0.1 版本下有时样式错误的 bug。#4329
  • MenuItem 设置 target="_blank" 时,点击菜单不再高亮当前项。

特别感谢 @yangdan8

iview - v3.0.1

Published by icarusion about 6 years ago

  • Select add new placement: top-start, bottom-start, top-end, bottom-end, and change the default value to bottom-start.
  • Fixed bug when importing iView on demand in 3.0 version. #4165
  • Fixed bug that DatePicker selected on a partial time zone. #4250
  • Fixed bug that the shortcuts of DatePicker format error. #4127
  • Fixed bug that DatePicker with multiple mode, cross-month selection will relocate to the first date location. #4249
  • Fixed bug when Select Option is too long, the style is wrong. #4194
  • Fixed bug that Select can use clearable in disabled mode. #3924
  • Fixed bug that FormItem dynamic setting rules sometimes does not work. #4214
  • Fixed bug that FormItem could not set label-width to 0.
  • Fixed bug that RadioGroup can't manually set data sometimes. #4114
  • Fixed bug that Input with number mode, when delete the value, it will be set to 0. #4048
  • Fixed bug when Tabs remove a tab, it will not display the correct label content sometimes. #4052
  • Optimize Transfer that you can only select all search result items. #4151
  • Optimize the style of the Tree. #4162
  • Progress add component name. #4036

  • Select 的 placement 属性,新增值 top-start, bottom-start, top-end, bottom-end,并将默认值修改为 bottom-start
  • 修复 3.0 按需使用时,报错的 bug。#4165
  • 修复 DatePicker 在部分时区下选择后错误的 bug。#4250
  • 修复 DatePicker 的 shortcuts 功能自定义格式出错的 bug。#4127
  • 修复 DatePicker 在 multiple 模式下,跨月选择会重新定位到第一个日期位置的 bug。#4249
  • 修复 Select 的 Option 过长,样式错误的 bug。#4194
  • 修复 Select 在 disabled 模式下,clearable 仍然能使用的 bug。#3924
  • 修复 FormItem 动态设置 rules 有时不生效的 bug。#4214
  • 修复 FormItem 无法给 label-width 设置为 0 的 bug。
  • 修复 RadioGroup 有时无法手动设置数据的 bug。#4114
  • 修复 Input 在 number 模式下,删除清空后,值会置为 0 的 bug。#4048
  • 修复 Tabs 移除标签页时,有时无法显示正确的标签内容的 bug。#4052
  • 优化 Transfer 在搜索时,只能全选搜索结果项。#4151
  • 优化 Tree 的样式。#4162
  • Progress 增加 name。#4036
iview - v3.0.0 Battleheart

Published by icarusion about 6 years ago

New Components

  • Add new component Time. #3645 View
  • Add new component Anchor. #3369 View
  • Add new component Split. #3844 View
  • Add new component Divider. #3275 View
  • Add new component Cell. View


  • Optimize the Collapse component style to look cleaner and fresher.
  • Optimize the Switch component style and make the dimensions more coordinated.
  • Optimize the Page component for a more concise style.
  • Optimize the Poptip / Tooltip components styles and the arrows are clearer.
  • Optimized the Tag component style and added a variety of preset colors.
  • Optimize the Alert component style, color and icons are more intuitive.
  • Optimize the Message / Notice components style to look cleaner and fresher.
  • Optimize the Modal and $Modal components style to look more coordinated.
  • Optimize the Menu style.
  • Optimize the Select style.
  • The default color of the Circle and Progress components is changed to the primary color, keeping the color uniform.

New Features

Global Settings

When using iView, you can make some properties of the global configuration component, for example:

Vue.use(iView, {
    transfer: true,
    size: 'large'

Currently only supports the transfer and size properties. The component will use the properties set by prop first, and if not, then use the global configuration.


  • Upgrade to the ionicons 3.0 icon.
  • Add new property custom, now you can customize the icons. #3568


  • Add new property custom-icon, now you can customize the icons of button.
  • Add new properties to, replace, target, support click to jump directly.
  • Add new property ghost, the button background can be made transparent and is often used on colored backgrounds.


  • Add new properties prefix and suffix , and the same named slot, support for setting the prefix and suffix icon.
  • Add new properties search and enterButton, support for input types of search boxes.
  • Add new event @on-search, when using the search type, trigger when you click search button or press the Enter key.


  • Add new property fullscreen.
  • Add hidden mask layer property mask.
  • Add new property draggable.


  • Column add new property indexMethod, you can customize the index when use type="index" .
  • Column add new property tooltip, if open it, when the cell text exceeds one line, it will be displayed in ... and the full content will be displayed in the Tooltip.


  • Add new properties to, replace, and target, support click to jump directly.


  • Add new property target.


  • Add new property show-zero. #3654
  • Add new property text, now you can customize the content of Badge.
  • Add new property status, the Badge can be set to a status point.
  • Add new property offset, you can set the position.
  • Add the property type, the preset color can be set.


  • Add new property prev-text and next-text, you can customize the copy of the upper and lower pages.


  • Add new property paste, after opening, you can upload files copied to the clipboard.


  • Add new property theme, you can set either dark (default) or light.
  • Add new property max-width, when the maximum value is exceeded, the text will automatically wrap and be aligned.


  • Add new property word-wrap, when turned on, text that exceeds the specified width will automatically wrap and be aligned.
  • Add new property padding, you can customize the spacing value.


  • Add new property character, icon and custom-icon, support for custom characters or icons.


  • Add new property hide-arrow, you can hide the arrows.
  • Add new property simple, can be displayed as a clean mode without borders.


  • Add new property loading, it can be said that the switch is still being executed.


  • There are 13 new presets added to the color property.


  • Trigger mode trigger add contextMenu, which can be triggered by right clicking.


  • Add new property dashboard.


  • Added the segmentation progress property success-percent.


  • Add custom icon property custom-icon.



  • The href value of the is displayed.


  • Optimize the logic for fast forward and fast backwards. #3965


  • Checkbox is centered when type="selection".


  • Add Mongolian. @Ariunbold13

Bug Fix

  • Fixed a bug where the active animation was not oriented correctly when Progress was vertical.
  • Fixed a bug where Carousel does not use v-model when clicking on the indicator and the indicator is not updated.
  • Fixed a bug that Carouse loop is invalid.

Breaking Changes

  • Button discards type ghost, the original default style has changed.
  • The Icon is upgraded to the ionicons 3.0, icon and the icon's name has changed.
  • Breadcrumb discards the href property.
  • Badge's count property only supports the Number type.
  • The color property of Tag renames the original blur, green, yellow, red to primary, success, warning, error.



  • 优化 Collapse 组件样式,看起来更简洁、清新。
  • 优化 Switch 组件样式,尺寸更协调了。
  • 优化 Page 组件样式,风格更简洁。
  • 优化 Poptip / Tooltip 组件样式,箭头更清晰了。
  • 优化了 Tag 组件样式,增加多种预设的颜色。
  • 优化 Alert 组件样式,配色和图标更直观好看了。
  • 优化 Message / Notice 组件样式,看起来更简洁、清新。
  • 优化 Modal、$Modal 样式,看起来更协调了。
  • 优化 Menu 样式。
  • 优化 Select 样式。
  • Circle 和 Progress 组件的默认色改为了主色,保持配色统一。



使用 iView 时,可以进行全局配置组件的一些属性,例如:

Vue.use(iView, {
    transfer: true,
    size: 'large'

目前只支持配置 transfersize 两个属性。组件会优先使用 prop 设置的属性,如果未设置,再使用全局配置。

Icon 图标:

  • 升级至 ionicons 3.0 图标。
  • 新增属性 custom,支持自定义图标。#3568

Button 按钮:

  • 新增属性 custom-icon,支持自定义图标。
  • 新增属性 toreplacetarget,支持点击直接跳转。
  • 新增幽灵属性 ghost,可以使按钮背景透明,常用于有色背景上。

Input 输入框:

  • 新增属性 prefixsuffix 以及同名 slot,支持设置前缀和后缀图标。
  • 新增属性 searchenterButton,支持搜索类型的输入框。
  • 新增事件 @on-search,使用搜索类型输入框时,点击搜索或按下回车键时触发。

Modal 对话框:

  • 新增全屏属性 fullscreen
  • 新增隐藏遮罩层属性 mask
  • 新增拖拽属性 draggable

Table 表格:

  • Column 新增属性 indexMethod, 可以自定义 type="index" 时的序号。
  • Column 新增属性 tooltip,开启后,当单元格文本超过一行,会以…显示,并在 Tooltip 中显示完整内容。

Menu 菜单:

  • 新增属性 toreplacetarget,支持点击直接跳转。

Breadcrumb 面包屑:

  • 新增属性 target

Badge 徽章:

  • 新增属性 show-zero。#3654
  • 新增属性 text,可以自定义内容。
  • 新增属性 status,可以设置徽标为状态点。
  • 新增属性 offset,可以设置偏移量。
  • 新增属性 type,可以设置预设的颜色。

Page 分页:

  • 新增属性 prev-textnext-text,可以自定义上下页的文案。

Upload 上传:

  • 新增属性 paste,开启后可以上传复制在剪贴板的文件。

Tooltip 文字提示:

  • 新增属性 theme,可以设置 dark(默认)或 light 两种主题。
  • 新增属性 max-width,超出最大值后,文本将自动换行,并两端对齐。

Poptip 气泡提示:

  • 新增属性 word-wrap,开启后,超出指定宽度文本将自动换行,并两端对齐。
  • 新增属性 padding,可以自定义间距值。

Rate 评分:

  • 新增属性 charactericoncustom-icon,支持自定义字符或图标。

Collapse 折叠面板:

  • 新增属性 hide-arrow,可以隐藏箭头。
  • 新增属性 simple,可以显示为无边框的简洁模式。

Switch 开关:

  • 新增属性 loading,可表示开关仍在执行中。

Tag 标签:

  • color 属性新增了 13 种预设。

Dropdown 下拉菜单:

  • 触发方式 trigger 新增 contextMenu,可以通过点击右键触发。

Circle 进度环:

  • 新增仪表盘属性 dashboard

Progress 进度条:

  • 新增分段进度属性 success-percent

Avatar 头像:

  • 新增自定义图标属性 custom-icon


Breadcrumb 面包屑:

  • 在链接上会显示 a 标签的 href 值。

Page 分页:

  • 优化快进和快退的逻辑。#3965

Table 表格:

  • 优化 type="selection" 时,Checkbox 为居中。


  • 新增蒙古语。@Ariunbold13


  • 修复 Progress 纵向时,active 动画方向不正确的 bug。
  • 修复 Carousel 未使用 v-model 时,点击指示器,指示器不更新的 bug。
  • 修复 Carousel 设置 loop 无效的 bug。


  • Button 废弃 type ghost,原先的 default 样式有改变。
  • Icon 的图标升级至 ionicons 3.0 图标,图标名称有改变。
  • Breadcrumb 废弃 href 属性。
  • Badge 的 count 属性只支持 Number 类型。
  • Tag 的 color 属性将原先的 blurgreenyellowred 更名为了 primarysuccesswarningerror
iview - v2.14.3

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • Fixed bug that Select cannot select directly when entering numbers sometimes. #3872

  • 修复 Select 在输入数字时,有时无法直接选择的 bug。#3872
iview - v2.14.2

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • Fixed bug that Select can't display the selected item when the Option is set asynchronously. #3722
  • Fixed bug that Select can't display the selected item when set the value asynchronously. #3795
  • Fixed bug that Select can't display the label and throw errors in filterable and remote mode. #3817
  • Fixed bug that Select show incorrect dropdown list when set the value asynchronously in filterable mode. #3836
  • Fixed bug that DatePicker throw errors in confirm mode. #3769
  • Fixed bug that DatePicker show incorrect right panel in range type sometimes. #3773
  • Fixed bug about Menu in accordion mode sometimes. #3803
  • Optimize the logic for Modal mask clicks. #3792

  • 修复 Select 在异步设置 Option 时,无法显示选中项的 bug。#3722
  • 修复 Select 在异步赋值时,无法显示选中项的 bug。#3795
  • 修复 Select 在 filterable 且 remote 模式下,设置 label 不显示及报错的 bug。#3817
  • 修复 Select 在 filterable 模式下,异步赋值,下拉列表不正确的 bug。#3836
  • 修复 DatePicker 在 confirm 模式下报错的 bug。#3769
  • 修复 DatePicker 在 range 模式下,有时右侧面板日期不正确的 bug。#3773
  • 修复 Menu 在 accordion 模式下,有时出错的 bug。#3803
  • 优化 Modal 遮罩层点击的逻辑。#3792
iview - v2.14.1

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • Fixed bug that not available under SSR mode in the 2.14.0 version. #3740
  • Fixed bug that Select can not bind the number 0 in the 2.14.0 version. #3696
  • Fixed bug that Select will show undefined sometimes in the 2.14.0 version. #3705
  • Fixed bug that Select will trigger @on-change event at initialization in the 2.14.0 version. #3725
  • Fixed bug that Select show incorrect label in the 2.14.0 version. #3728 #3742
  • Fixed bug that Select can not show correct options when clear selected item under filterable and clearable mode in the 2.14.0 version. #3746
  • Fixed bug that Select can not use under transfer mode in the 2.14.0 version. #3695
  • Fixed bug that Select can not use in mobile phone in the 2.14.0 version. #3741
  • Fixed bug that Select can not bind an Object in the 2.14.0 version. #3737
  • Fixed bug that AutoComplete can not hide drop panel sometimes in the 2.14.0 version. #3709
  • Fixed bug that form components in Tabs will be focused automatically, unless open the property capture-focus. #3732
  • Fixed bug that transverse Menu's Submenu show incorrect position. #3733

  • 修复 2.14.0 版本中,在 SSR 中无法使用的 bug。#3740
  • 修复 2.14.0 版本中,Select 无法绑定数字 0 的 bug。#3696
  • 修复 2.14.0 版本中,Select 有时会显示 undefined 的 bug。#3705
  • 修复 2.14.0 版本中,Select 初次渲染会触发 @on-change 事件的 bug。#3725
  • 修复 2.14.0 版本中,Select 显示 label 不正确的 bug。#3728 #3742
  • 修复 2.14.0 版本中,Select 在 filterable 且 clearable 模式下,清空列表未还原的 bug。#3746
  • 修复 2.14.0 版本中,Select 在开启 transfer 时无法使用的 bug。#3695
  • 修复 2.14.0 版本中,Select 无法在移动设备使用的 bug。#3741
  • 修复 2.14.0 版本中,Select 无法绑定值为对象的 bug。#3737
  • 修复 2.14.0 版本中,AutoComplete 有时无法正常收起的 bug。#3709
  • 修复 2.14.0 版本中,Tabs 内的表单控件不会自动获得焦点,除非开启属性 capture-focus。#3732
  • 修复 2.14.0 版本中,横向 Menu 有时展开子菜单错位的 bug。#3733
iview - v2.14.0 KAMI

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • Refactor the Select component, fully supports keyboard accessibility and fixes several issues. #3157 #1647 #3574
  • DatePicker supports keyboard accessibility. #3643 #1647
  • ColorPicker supports keyboard accessibility. #3662 #1647
  • Tabs supports keyboard accessibility. #3642 #1647
  • TabPane changed display: none to visibility: hidden. #3652
  • ColorPicker add new property disabled. #3662
  • Select add new events @on-clear and @on-open-change. #3579
  • Rate add new property clearable. #3487
  • ColorPicker add new event @on-open-change. #3540
  • AutoComplete add new event @on-focus and @on-blur. #3565
  • Icon add new event @click. #3621
  • Menu In accordion mode, when the parent menu is closed, its submenus are closed too. #3617
  • Optimize the popper.js configuration. https://github.com/iview/iview/commit/354254b414127554bb956df9bd8bb0e91eabcedb
  • Fixed the bug that Slider can't drag sometimes. #3468
  • Fixed nested Row gutter bug. #3596
  • Fixed DatePicker style bug when type="datetimerange" and open show-week-numbers. #3629
  • Fixed DatePicker bug that uses v-model in multiple mode. #3675
  • Fixed RadioGroup bug that cannot use value directly. #3498
  • Fixed bug that RadioGroup doesn't center content sometimes. #3586
  • Fixed bug that $Spin calls the .hide() method directly. #3535
  • Fixed bug that AutoComplete event @on-change called only once. #3486
  • Fixed bug that AutoComplete can not scroll when the content is too long. #3590
  • Fixed Notice bug that class name is wrong. #3551
  • Fixed bug of Menu that @on-open-change event return wrong value. #3575
  • Fixed bug of InputNumber when set precision property and clear value. #3676
  • Add Czech. @ajkl2533

  • 重构 Select 组件,完全支持键盘可访问性,并修复若干问题。#3157 #1647 #3574
  • DatePicker 组件增强键盘的可访问性。#3643 #1647
  • ColorPicker 组件增强键盘的可访问性。#3662 #1647
  • Tabs 组件增强键盘的可访问性。#3554 #1647
  • TabPane 将 display: none 改为了 visibility: hidden。#3652
  • ColorPicker 新增属性 disabled。#3662
  • Rate 新增属性 clearable。#3487
  • Select 新增事件 @on-clear@on-open-change。#3579
  • ColorPicker 新增事件 @on-open-change。#3540
  • AutoComplete 新增事件 @on-focus@on-blur。#3565
  • Icon 新增事件 @click。#3621
  • Menu 在手风琴模式下,关闭父菜单,其子菜单也会关闭。#3617
  • 优化 popper.js 的配置。https://github.com/iview/iview/commit/354254b414127554bb956df9bd8bb0e91eabcedb
  • 修复 Slider 有时无法拖拽的 bug。#3468
  • 修复 Grid 嵌套多层 Row 时,gutter 受父级影响的问题。#3596
  • 修复 DatePicker 在 type="datetimerange" 且开启 show-week-numbers 时,错位的 bug。#3629
  • 修复 DatePicker 在 multiple 模式下,使用 v-model 报错的 bug。#3675
  • 修复 RadioGroup 无法直接使用 value 的 bug。#3498
  • 修复 RadioGroup 有时内容不居中的问题。#3586
  • 修复 $Spin 直接调用 .hide() 方法,有时报错的 bug。#3535
  • 修复 AutoComplete 事件 @on-change 只触发一次的 bug。#3486
  • 修复 AutoComplete 内容溢出,点击横向滚动条时,关闭弹层的 bug。#3590
  • 修复 Notice 类名错误的 bug。#3551
  • 修复 Menu 事件 @on-open-change 返回值不正确的 bug。#3575
  • 修复 InputNumber 设置 precision 时,清空数据报错的 bug。#3676
  • 新增捷克语。@ajkl2533
iview - v2.14.0-rc.5

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • Fixed DatePicker bug that uses v-model in multiple mode. #3675
  • Fixed bug of InputNumber when set precision property and clear value. #3676
iview - v2.14.0-rc.4

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • Refactor the Select component, fully supports keyboard accessibility and fixes several issues. #3157 #1647 #3574
  • DatePicker supports keyboard accessibility. #3643 #1647
  • ColorPicker supports keyboard accessibility. #3662 #1647
  • Tabs supports keyboard accessibility. #3642 #1647
  • TabPane changed display: none to visibility: hidden. #3652
  • ColorPicker add new property disabled. #3662
  • Select add new events @on-clear and @on-open-change. #3579
  • Rate add new property clearable. #3487
  • ColorPicker add new event @on-open-change. #3540
  • AutoComplete add new event @on-focus and @on-blur. #3565
  • Icon add new event @click. #3621
  • Menu In accordion mode, when the parent menu is closed, its submenus are closed too. #3617
  • Optimize the popper.js configuration. https://github.com/iview/iview/commit/354254b414127554bb956df9bd8bb0e91eabcedb
  • Fixed the bug that Slider can't drag sometimes. #3468
  • Fixed nested Row gutter bug. #3596
  • Fixed DatePicker style bug when type="datetimerange" and open show-week-numbers. #3629
  • Fixed RadioGroup bug that cannot use value directly. #3498
  • Fixed bug that RadioGroup doesn't center content sometimes. #3586
  • Fixed bug that $Spin calls the .hide() method directly. #3535
  • Fixed bug that AutoComplete event @on-change called only once. #3486
  • Fixed bug that AutoComplete can not scroll when the content is too long. #3590
  • Fixed Notice bug that class name is wrong. #3551
  • Fixed bug of Menu that @on-open-change event return wrong value. #3575
  • Add Czech. @ajkl2533
iview - v2.13.1

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • Tag add new property fade.
  • InputNumber add new property placeholder. #3424
  • InputNumber add new event on-focus and return event. #3395
  • DatePicker event on-change will return a new value type. #3353
  • Optimize the configuration of popper.js and expand animation of dropdown. #3354
  • Fixed Table bug dynamically adjusts the page width, and the scroll bar shows the wrong sometimes. #3358
  • Fixed inaccurate bug in position when Poptip / Tooltip modified content dynamically. #3412
  • Fixed issue where clicking a button would jump when using Carousel inside a Form. #3426

  • Tag 新增属性 fade
  • InputNumber 新增属性 placeholder。#3424
  • InputNumber 的事件 on-focus 增加返回值 event。#3395
  • DatePicker 的事件 on-change 增加返回值 type。#3353
  • 优化 popper.js 的配置及 dropdown 的展开动画。#3354
  • 修复 Table 在动态调整页面宽度,有时滚动条显示错误的 bug。#3358
  • 修复 Poptip / Tooltip 动态修改内容后,位置计算不准确的 bug。#3412
  • 修复在 Form 内使用 Carousel 时,点击按钮会跳转的问题。#3426
iview - v2.13.0 King of Opera

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • Table column add new property minWidth and maxWidth. #3284
  • DatePicker disabledDate function can now also limit hours, minutes, and seconds. #3246
  • Optimize the Table filter style. #3206
  • Fixed Table bug of using filtering and sorting in header group. #3339
  • Fixed Table bug in version 2.12.0 that will throw error when set the show-header="false".
  • Fixed bug in Poptip and Tooltip that identify placement and you can custom options for popper.js now.
  • Fixed DatePicker bug in daterange mode that show incorrect values after select year or month. #3345
  • Fixed bug that DatePicker sometimes returns incorrect values in the on-change event of the Safari browser. #3232
  • Fixed bug that DatePicker show-week-numbers cannot be dynamically set. #3277

  • Table 列新增属性 minWidthmaxWidth。#3284
  • DatePicker 的 disabledDate 功能,现在也能限制时、分、秒了。#3246
  • 优化 Table 筛选样式。#3206
  • 修复 Table 在多级表头里使用过滤和排序的 bug。#3339
  • 修复 Table 在 2.12.0 版本,设置 show-header="false" 报错的 bug。
  • 修复 Poptip 和 Tooltip 有时方向识别错误的 bug,并支持自定义 popper.js 的 options 选项。
  • 修复 DatePicker 在 daterange 模式下,选择年、月后显示值不正确的 bug。#3345
  • 修复 DatePicker 在 Safari 浏览器下 on-change 事件返回值有时不正确的 bug。#3232
  • 修复 DatePicker 的 show-week-numbers 无法动态设置的 bug。#3277
iview - v2.12.0 Human Resource Machine

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • Components such as Select, AutoComplete, DatePicker, TimePicker, ColorPicker, Cascader, Dropdown, etc., support the automatic recognition of the direction in which the floating layer expands. #3156
  • Table support header grouping.
  • The value of InputNumber can be removed or set to null. #3174
  • Card add new property title and icon, can set the head more simply.
  • Tree add new property children-key.
  • Slider add new property input-size. #3301
  • Poptip add new property popper-class.
  • Optimized Input In the clearable mode, the clear button is not displayed when value is empty.
  • Optimize Table filtering and sorting styles.
  • Fixed Table does not show vertical scroll bar bugs when headers and columns are fixed at the same time. #3178
  • Fixed bug where Table fixed columns could not be scrolled. #2871
  • Fixed Table header overflow sometimes. #3178
  • Fixed the bug that the Table header is too long, sometimes causing scroll bars to overflow. #3178
  • Fixed bug where TimePicker set initial value to empty array. #3161
  • Fixed a bug in the logic when the DatePicker selected the range and clicked to switch the next year button. #3158
  • Fixed Sider bug of using v-model incorrectly. #3186
  • Fixed Slider bug that setting step as a decimal, sometimes unable to drag to the maximum. #3195
  • Fixed Slider bug that click on the slider and could not trigger the on-change event for the first time. #3291
  • Fixed Menu bug in the accordion mode, the event on-open-change returns wrong value. #3298
  • Fixed the bug that the Option of Select is too long and the style is incorrect. #2931
  • Fixed Select bug that click too fast.
  • Fixed the FormItem bug as slot, can not get correct Form sometimes.

Special thanks to @huanghong1125 contribution!

  • Select、AutoComplete、DatePicker、TimePicker、ColorPicker、Cascader、Dropdown 等组件支持自动识别浮层展开方向。 #3156
  • Table 支持表头分组。
  • InputNumber 的值可以删除或设置为 null。#3174
  • Card 新增属性 titleicon,可以更简单地设置头部。
  • Tree 新增属性 children-key
  • Slider 新增属性 input-size。#3301
  • Poptip 新增属性 popper-class
  • 优化 Input 在 clearable 模式下,无数据时不显示清空按钮。
  • 优化 Table 筛选、排序样式。
  • 修复 Table 在同时固定表头和列时,不显示垂直滚动条的 bug。#3178
  • 修复 Table 固定列无法滚动的 bug。#2871
  • 修复 Table 有时表头溢出的 bug。#3178
  • 修复 Table 表头过长,有时导致滚动条溢出的 bug。#3178
  • 修复 TimePicker 设置初始输入为空数组时,报错的 bug。#3161
  • 修复 DatePicker 在选范围时,点击切换下一年按钮时,逻辑不正确的 bug。#3158
  • 修复 Sider 无法正确使用 v-model 的 bug。#3186
  • 修复 Slider 设置 step 为小数,有时无法拖动到最大值的 bug。#3195
  • 修复 Slider 首次点击滑条,无法触发 on-change 事件的 bug。#3291
  • 修复 Menu 在 accordion 模式下,事件 on-open-change 返回错误值的 bug。#3298
  • 修复 Select 中 Option 过长,样式不正确的 bug。#2931
  • 修复 Select 点击过快,错位的 bug。
  • 修复 FormItem 在 slot 内时,有时无法正确获取到 Form 的 bug。

特别感谢 @huanghong1125 的贡献!

iview - v2.11.0 Alto's Odyssey

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • InputNumber add formatted display properties formatter and parser. #3081
  • Input add new property wrap. #3086
  • Page add new property transfer. #3112
  • Optimized Select style, enhanced keyboard accessibility, closer to native. #1647
  • Fixed Menu with inline Submenu bug that throw errors after Vue.js 2.5.14. https://github.com/iview/iview/commit/b71a171d36e1327ee8fe1cc4f35fe97887f0786c
  • Fixed Select bug in different sizes, the multiple mode style is wrong. #2451
  • Fixed Cascader style bug under search mode.
  • Fixed Input style bug when size="small" and using append or prepend.
  • Optimized Collapse style. #2973
  • Add Dutch. @mervy-sim

  • InputNumber 新增格式化展示属性 formatterparser。#3081
  • Input 增加 wrap 属性。#3086
  • Page 增加 transfer 属性。#3112
  • 优化了 Select 样式与交互,增强键盘的可访问性,更接近原生。#1647
  • 修复 Menu 多层嵌套在 Vue.js 2.5.14 版本之后报错的 bug。https://github.com/iview/iview/commit/b71a171d36e1327ee8fe1cc4f35fe97887f0786c
  • 修复 Select 在不同尺寸,多选样式和单选不一致的 bug。#2451
  • 修复 Cascader 在搜索时,样式不正确的 bug。
  • 修复 Input 在 size="small" 且使用 appendprepend 时,样式错误的 bug。
  • 优化 Collapse 样式。#2973
  • 新增荷兰语。@mervy-sim
iview - v2.10.1

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • 修复 2.10.0 版本,编译后文件过大的问题。

  • Fixed the problem of large file size after compiling in version 2.10.0
iview - v2.10.0 Reigns

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • Refactor the DatePicker component. #2861
    • daterange supports right-to-left selection. #2731
    • Add property split-panels, when open it, the left and right panels are not interconnected during the switching year and month. #2067
    • Add property multiple, when open it, you can select multiple dates.
    • Add property start-date, you can set the date to display by default when the panel is expanded. #2814
    • Add property show-week-numbers, when open it, you can display the numbers of week.
    • Add property time-picker-options, TimePicker attributes can be configured under the type datetime and datetimerange, such as steps. #3091
    • Fixed the problem of unable to dynamically modify type. #2608
    • Fixed the data bound with v-model, sometimes failing to update the panel. #2386
    • Fixed the problem of entering a disabled date. #2544
  • Remove global style ul and ol. #3061
  • Optimized Slider, Switch style, enhanced keyboard accessibility, closer to native. #1647
  • Fixed Slider bug when set step property to decimal. #2984
  • Fixed Select bug with empty Option, press the arrow keys will throw error.
  • Fixed Avatar bug when use Chinese characters as slot, sometimes can not be centered. #3033
  • Fixed Carousel bug that dots not update when v-model is not used. #3038
  • Fixed an incorrectly-styled bug when Input was size="small" and using prepend or append. #3089
  • Add Greek. @d4rth0nyx
  • Optimize Chinese Traditional.
  • Fixed bug in Romanian file. #3060

Special thanks to @SergioCrisostomo and @Xotic750 contribution!

  • 重构了 DatePicker 组件。#2861
    • daterange 支持从右往左选择。#2731
    • 新增 split-panels 属性,开启后,左右两面板可以不联动。#2067
    • 新增 multiple 属性,开启后,可以选择多个日期。
    • 新增 start-date 属性,可以设置面板展开时默认显示的日期。#2814
    • 新增属性 show-week-numbers,开启后,可以显示星期数。
    • 新增属性 time-picker-options,可以在 type 为 datetimedatetimerange 下,配置 TimePicker 的属性,比如时间间隔 steps。#3091
    • 修复无法动态修改 type 的问题。#2608
    • 修复使用 v-model 绑定的数据,有时无法更新面板的问题。#2386
    • 修复手动输入禁用的日期报错的问题。#2544
  • 移除全局样式 ulol。#3061
  • 优化了 Slider、Switch 样式与交互,增强键盘的可访问性,更接近原生。#1647
  • 修复了 Slider 的 step 属性设置为小数时的 bug。#2984
  • 修复 Select 在无 Option 时,按下方向键报错的 bug。
  • 修复 Avatar 使用中文字符,有时不能居中的 bug。#3033
  • 修复 Carousel 在没有使用 v-model 时,指示器不更新的 bug。#3038
  • 修复 Input 在 size="small" 且使用 prependappend 时,样式不正确的 bug。#3089
  • 新增希腊语。@d4rth0nyx
  • 优化繁体中文。
  • 修复罗马尼亚语文件错误的问题。#3060

特别感谢 @SergioCrisostomo 和 @Xotic750 的贡献!

iview - v2.9.2

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • Fix Slider bug that can not emit on-change event. #2975

  • 修复 Slider 无法正常触发 on-change 事件的 bug。#2975
iview - v2.9.1

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • Fix Slider for min/max values greater than 100 under 2.9.0 version. #2914
  • Optimize Avatar default background color.

  • 修复了 Slider 在 2.9.0 版本下,设置 max 大于 100 时的 bug。#2914
  • 优化了 Avatar 的默认背景色。
iview - v2.9.0 Agent A

Published by icarusion over 6 years ago

  • Update dependencies and use browserlist. #2835 #2837 #2839
  • Refactor the Slider component. #2393
  • Optimized Button, Radio, Checkbox style, enhanced keyboard accessibility, closer to native. #1647
  • Menu supports multi-level nesting.
  • ColorPicker add new property hue to control whether to show the hue slider. #2724
  • AutoComplete add property placement. #2803
  • Input add property clearable. #2884
  • Dropdown add new event @on-clickoutside. #2783
  • Fixed Table bug that using sort or filter on fixed column. #2832
  • Fixed Table bug that sometimes throw error when filtering. #2352
  • Fixed Table bug when there is a scrollbar, and set data to empty, the table head is wrong. #2775
  • Fixed Cascader bug when label is empty. #2722
  • Fixed Cascader bug in change-on-select mode, dynamically change the data can not select the bound value. #2793
  • Fixed Dropdown bug when trigger="click", will throw error sometimes. #2780
  • Fixed Slider bug when show-tip="always" and using in Modal, the Tooltip position is wrong. #2852
  • Optimized Table in multiple choice mode, when data is empty, can not click the checkbox all button now. #2823
  • Optimized the style of $Notice using Render function. #2752
  • Optimized the style of Input in the textarea mode.
  • Optimized the disabled style of Select in the filterable mode. #2893
  • Add Hindi. @rajnikant307
  • Add Farsi. @roshangara
  • Add Romanian. @Leonard1980

  • 更新依赖,以及使用 browserlist。#2835 #2837 #2839
  • 重构了 Slider 组件。#2393
  • 优化了 Button、Radio、Checkbox 样式,增强键盘的可访问性,更接近原生。#1647
  • Menu 支持多级嵌套。
  • ColorPicker 新增是否显示色彩滑块的属性 hue。#2672
  • AutoComplete 新增 placement 属性。#2803
  • Input 新增 clearable 属性。#2884
  • Dropdown 新增事件 @on-clickoutside。#2783
  • 修复 Table 固定列使用排序和筛选功能时的 bug。#2832
  • 修复 Table 在筛选时有时报错的 bug。#2352
  • 修复 Table 在有滚动条时,数据置空后,表头错误的 bug。#2775
  • 修复 Cascader 数据 label 为空时,报错的 bug。#2722
  • 修复 Cascader 在 change-on-select 模式下,动态改变 data 无法选中绑定值的 bug。#2793
  • 修复 Dropdown 在 trigger="click" 有时报错的问题。#2780
  • 修复 Slider 在 Modal 内使用,show-tip="always" 时,Tooltip 错位的 bug。#2852
  • 优化 Table 在多选模式下,无数据时,无法点击全选按钮。#2823
  • 优化 $Notice 使用 Render 时的样式。#2752
  • 优化 Input 在 textarea 模式下的样式。
  • 优化 Select 在 filterable 模式下, disabled 时的样式。#2893
  • 新增印地语。@rajnikant307
  • 新增波斯语。@roshangara
  • 新增罗马尼亚语。@Leonard1980
iview - v2.8.0 Oceanhorn

Published by icarusion almost 7 years ago

Merry Christmas

  • Add responsive components(including Layout, Header, Sider, Content, Footer). #2646 @lison16 View
  • Tag supports custom colors. #2644
  • $Message and $Notice support Render function. #2667
  • Affix optimizes the height of the occupied area when scrolling. #2628
  • $Modal supports press ESC key to close. #2362
  • TimeRange supports steps property. #2580
  • Fixed bug that cannot load Submenu components on demand. #2553
  • Fixed the problem of the Circle and Switch tag warning under Vue 2.5.11.

  • 新增响应式布局组件 Layout(包括 Layout、Header、Sider、Content、Footer 5个组件)。#2646 @lison16 查看
  • Tag 支持自定义颜色。#2644
  • $Message 和 $Notice 支持 Render 函数。#2667
  • Affix 优化滚动时的占位区域高度。#2628
  • $Modal 支持 ESC 键关闭。#2362
  • TimeRange 也增加 steps 属性。#2580
  • 修复无法按需加载 Submenu 组件的 bug。#2553
  • 修复在 Vue 2.5.11 版本下,Circle 和 Switch 标签名警告的问题。
iview - v2.7.4

Published by icarusion almost 7 years ago

  • Fixed bug that import some components on demand. #2537
  • Input add more type. #2526
  • Add Italian. @lucagentile
  • Add Thai. @NatJNP

  • 修复部分组件在按需加载时报错的问题。#2537
  • Input 增加了更多的类型。#2526
  • 新增意大利语。@lucagentile
  • 新增泰语。@NatJNP