
Impressive component library for expressive web development! Build responsive projects on the web with the first front-end component library in Metro Style. And now there are even more opportunities every day!

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Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.4.2

Published by olton almost 4 years ago


Metro 4

  • Button: fixed content position, issue #1648.
  • Split-button: improved the layout, added subclass no-gap for split-button.
  • Select: fixed minor bug for showing group name, when value sets with method val(...), issue #1652
  • GradientBox: refactoring.
  • ImageBox: fixed work of attribute data-repeat.
  • Window: improve work with window content, now no require content wrapping into the block when defining content property.
  • ImagePlaceholder: new component to create image placeholders.
  • Button: added a button with loading state.
  • Color: improved method parse().
  • Validator: improved validating function color, now you can use any color string format: rgb, hex, ...
  • Default icons: optimized styles.
  • Media players: optimized default icons.
  • Activity: added two new activity bars, atom.
  • Tabs material: fixed tabs position.
  • Utils: removed functions: hex2rgba(), getTransformMatrix(), computedRgbToHex(), computedRgbToRgba(), computedRgbToArray(), hexColorToArray(), hexColorToRgbA()
  • i18n: added tr-TR turkish locale.
  • Third party plugins: removed support for select2, datatables
  • AppBar: added event onBeforeMenuOpen, onBeforeMenuClose, fixed firing events onMenuOpen, onMenuClose.
  • Timepicker: added attributes data-cls-button, data-cls-ok-button, data-cls-cancel-button to modify picker buttons style, issue #1659.
  • Datepicker: added attributes data-cls-button, data-cls-ok-button, data-cls-cancel-button to modify picker buttons style, issue #1659.
  • TreeView: fixed ul default position to initial, issue #1660
  • Dropdown: added classes .drop-down-left, .drop-down-right, .drop-up-left, .drop-up-right.
  • Position: split position into position, position-ext, z-index.
  • Utilities: removed function isColor(...), if need, use Metro.colors.isColor().
  • Utilities: removed function embedObject(...), if need, use $(...).wrap().
  • Utilities: removed function randomColor(...), if need, use Metro.colors.random().
  • Utilities: updated function isVideoUrl(...), added twitch.
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.4.1

Published by olton about 4 years ago



  • M4Q: updated to 1.0.9
  • M4Q Core: added function $.isLocalhost([hostname]), true if host is localhost.
  • M4Q Core: added property $.localhost, true if current location is localhost.
  • M4Q Core: added property $.touchable, true if device detected as touchable.
  • M4Q Manipulation: added methods appendText(...any_text...), prependText(...any_text...).

Metro 4

  • Licensing: return MIT unified licensing model
  • Tile: fixed double firing click event. Component internal event onClick renamed to onTileClick (attribute data-on-click => data-on-tile-click), issue #1636
  • Export: added method arrayToCSV(array, filename, options).
  • Utils: removed function isLocalhost, if you need, use $.localhost or $.isLocalhost([host]).
  • Utils: removed function isArray.
  • Utils: removed function isTouchDevice. if you need, use $.touchable.
  • Tag input: improve method val(). Now you can use for new value(s) array or simple value.
  • Tag input: added method append(val). For append tag(s) to existing value.
  • Select: fixed using attribute data-cls-option-group, issue #1640
  • Carousel: fixed usage attribute data-width, now this attribute applied to max-width css property, issue #1647
  • ImageBox: added new component for issue #1647
  • GradientBox: added new component for issue #1645
  • ViewportCheck: added new component for check if element in viewport
  • Shadows: added class shadowed, class defined in shadow.less, issue #1643
  • Select: added attributes data-show-group-name="true|false" (default - false), data-short-tag="true|false" (default - true), issue #1642
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.4.0

Published by olton about 4 years ago



  • M4Q: updated to 1.0.8
  • M4Q Constructor: added short-tag for selecting by data-role with $('@rolename')
  • M4Q Visibility: fixed method hide for detecting initial display value
  • M4Q Init: improve init method
  • M4Q: added property $.device, true for mobile a device.

Metro 4

  • Components: switch to Component._fireEvent(...) method for firing component events data-on-*
  • Calendar: added firing event onMonthChange when user clicks on outside day, issue #1589
  • Window: added API methods pos(top, left), top(v), left(v), width(v), height(v), issue #1590
  • Metro.window: added methods pos(top, left), top(v), left(v), width(v), height(v)
  • Switch: added data-on, data-off attributes to show switch text state
  • Checkbox: added API method toggle(state). The state must be -1 (indeterminate), 0 (unchecked), 1 (checked) or undefined (toggle between checked and unchecked), issue #1586
  • Switch: added API method toggle(state). The state must be 0 (unchecked), 1 (checked) or undefined (toggle between checked and unchecked), issue #1586
  • Double slider: fixed right-hand button moves when grabbing the left-hand hint, issue #1591
  • Window: added property attr to custom button definition. This attribute must be a object with pairs key: value where key - attribute name, value - attribute value, issue #1592
  • Input: added property attr to custom button definition
  • Panel: added property attr to custom button definition
  • Lightbox: new component to create a modal image gallery
  • ImageGrid: new component to create a simple beautiful image grid
  • Draggable: added attribute data-boundary-restriction="true|false", issue #1595
  • Tokenizer: new component to create tokenized text
  • Carousel: fixed active slide z-index, issue #1605
  • Dropdown: added attributes data-drop-up=true|false (default false), data-check-drop-up=true|false (default: false), issue #1604
  • Select: added attributes data-drop-up=true|false (default false), data-check-drop-up=true|false (default: true), issue #1604
  • Table: fixed using template, issue #1606
  • Select: fixed clear button work, issue #1610
  • Input: remove metro style from input without role input. To added metro style to input without role input, use class metro-input.
  • Textarea: remove metro style from input without role input. To added metro style to input without role input, use class metro-input.
  • Utils Css: remove classes .neb, .neb2, .h-center, .v-center
  • Input: added event onAutocompleteSelect. You can define this event with an attribute data-on-autocomplete-select. The event receives a one argument - selected value. issue #1615.
  • Validator: fixed validating radio buttons with a name as indexed array, issue #1620
  • Textarea: added attribute data-max-height=0..n, now you can set max height for textarea component.
  • Components: now, you can use components without common styles from metro-common.css, metro-reset.css, issue #1609
  • Window: disable a window maximized/minimized action when attribute data-btn-max=false and user use double-click on then window caption, issue #1625
  • Input: added style prop min-width=0, issue #1626
  • Component: fixed method _runtime() for updating attribute data-role.
  • Input: added attribute data-label. If this attribute defined, label element for input will be created automatically.
  • Calendar picker: added attribute data-label. If this attribute defined, label element for input will be created automatically.
  • Time picker: added attribute data-label. If this attribute defined, label element for input will be created automatically.
  • Date picker: added attribute data-label. If this attribute defined, label element for input will be created automatically.
  • Input mask: added new component. Currently, only for desktop browsers.
  • Icons: new icons external, new-tab
  • Countdown: fixed draw function, issue #1632
  • Color: added ColorPrimitive with color primitive objects
  • Color: fixed color type constructor for creating colors from string
  • Color: added method mix(...): ColorType.mix(color) and Colors.mix(color1, color2). This method allows you to mix colors.
  • Color: added methods channel(channelName, val), channels(obj). This method change specified color channel. Color must be a required format.
  • Date picker: added methods enable(), disable()), toggleState(), added observing for prop disabled, issue #1633
  • Time picker: added methods enable(), disable()), toggleState(), added observing for prop disabled, issue #1633
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.3.10

Published by olton over 4 years ago


  • Input: add API method setAutocompleteList(array|string), issue #1576
  • Scrollbars: add styles with classes .scrollbar-type-1, .scrollbar-type-2, .scrollbar-type-3, .scrollbar-type-4
  • NavView: fix pane close on mobile devices when inputs, inside a pane, receive a focus, issue #1580
  • NavView: add now caption for navview-menu for compacted mode dsplayed on the left of icon when user hovering item
  • Grid: fix offset-*-0 are missing in the grid system, issue #1583
  • Grid: add gaps with classes gap-*, where * is one of 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 in pixels
  • NavView: fix scrolling menu in compact mode, issue #1579
  • NavView: add API method toggleMode() to toggle between expanded and compacted modes, issue #1538
  • Select: for API method data(newOptions, selected, delimiter) added second argument. Must be a string or array, if selected is a string, you can use delimiter argument to split string into array, issue #1497
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.3.9

Published by olton over 4 years ago


  • Component: _fireEvent push __this to arguments. __this contains HTMLElement
  • Utils: fix function github() for executing callback
  • Counter: fix for starting when page scrolls
  • Counter: add attributes data-from, data-prefix, data-suffix. Prefix and suffix must be a plain text.
  • Observer: add firing event attrchange when component attribute was ben changed. e.detail contains an object {attr, newValue, oldValue, __this}.
  • General: add firing event hotkeybonded when hotkey for component was ben bonded. e.detail contains an object {__this, hotkey, fn}.
  • General: all components fired event create when init. The e.detail contains an object {name, __this}.
  • General: the document fired event component-create when a component was ben initialized. The e.detail contains an object {element, name}.
  • Window: fix makeRuntime calling, issue #1574
  • Window: fix make window resizable
  • Typography: add italic and underline text classes, issue #1577
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.3.8

Published by olton over 4 years ago



  • Animation: fixed using String.includes for IE11. Change to String.indexOF.
  • Animation: add operator / to _getRelativeValue().
  • Events: fix fire. Now main is constructor CustonEvent, for old - createEvent
  • Manipulation: add method wrap, wrapAll, wrapInner. The method puts elements inside the wrapper and return wrapper(s).
  • Init: change throw Error to console.warn when selector is # or .
  • setImmediate: add support for process and web workers

Metro 4

  • General: new module system. All components now defined as alone IIFE modules.
  • Validator: fixed functions compare, equals, notequals to work not inside a form, issue #1542
  • Rtl: remove form-rtl, accordion-rtl less files. RTL Styles moved to component style.
  • Locales: added pt-BR Brazilian Portuguese language
  • Toast: added method Metro.createToast(). This eq to Metro.toast.create()
  • Components: event on[Component]Create now have context a HTMLElement and receive $(HTMLElement) as argument
  • Keypad: fix Keypad backspace button click behavior on keypad, created at runtime, issue #1547
  • Utils: improve function isType
  • Utils: remove functions camelCase(), dashedName(). Use String.camelCase or $.camelCase() and String.dashedName()) or $.dashedName().
  • Clock: add events onTick, onSecond
  • String: add extensions includes(), camelCase(), dashedName(), shuffle()
  • Array: add extensions includes()
  • ListView: fixed event onNodeDblclick, issue #1453
  • Ribbon menu: fix hovering when button disabled, issue #1551
  • Components: new constructor function
  • Colors: full refactoring, now its full equals to ColorJS
  • ColorType: new custom type for color variable. Var can be defined as var c = new Color(...) or var c = new Metro.Color(...)
  • Material Tabs: update to work in all browsers
  • Animation: redesign module
  • Animation: add effects zoom, swirl
  • Tiles: remove prefix animate-* for values for attribute data-effect
  • Core: removed meta attribute metro4:init:mode. Now Metro is ALWAYS initialized after the content has been loaded.
  • IE: removed file ie.less. Styles moved to components styles.
  • ListView: add method selectByAttribute(attrName, attrValue, true|false) for select/deselect items, issue #1554
  • Template: new component. This component allows you to use javascript templates inside HTML elements.
  • Table: fix using wrapper for skip, issue #1557
  • Calendar picker: fix using attribute clsPrepend, issue #1558
  • Toast: add new arguments format Metro.createToast(message, options). Where options is a plain object.
  • Draggable: add attribute dragContext, you can set it for access to any object with drag events, issue #1565
  • Window: add second argument context for events onDragStart, onDragStop, onDragMove, issue #1565
  • Calendar picker: fix work in dialog-mode
  • Tabs: fix work attribute clsTabsListItemActive, issue #1568
  • Locales: add danish locale da-DK, issue #1570
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.3.7

Published by olton over 4 years ago



  • Animation: a new engine for animation. The animate function changed. Now function receives one argument. Also, you can use old syntax :)
  • Init: fix minor bug for creating elements in context
  • Ajax: add parameter contentType. If this param has value false, Content-type can't be defined.
  • Contains: add checks with :visible to method is. Example: $(...).is(':visible')
  • Utils: add methods $.random(array | a, b), $.getUnit(a), $.strip(where, what), $.hasProp(obj, prop), $.dashedName(val)
  • Classes: add method $(...).removeClassBy(mask)

Metro 4

  • Source: reposition source code
  • Builder: new builder config, and new builder version 2020.1. New version not compatibility with 4.3.6
  • Input: fix append size and padding, issue #1512
  • Ripple: added ripple call for any element, issue #1515
  • Splitter: added event onResizeWindow. Setup this event with prop data-on-resize-window or event $(...).on('resizewindow', ...), issue #1516
  • Table: add skip to page functionality, issue #1511
  • Table: add attributes data-show-skip, data-table-skip-title, data-skip-wrapper, data-cls-table-skip, data-cls-table-skip-input, data-cls-table-skip-button
  • Table: add event data-on-skip
  • Common css: optimize lists, reset
  • UtilsJS: improve isFloat function, issue #1518
  • Icons: add whatsapp icon, issue #1510
  • AudioButton: add new component for the button with role audio-button
  • Select: fix prepend, append for input-small, input-large. With multiple, append and prepend will not displayed.
  • Input: fix prepend, append for input-small, input-large. Issue #1522
  • Counter: fix start if element already in viewport
  • CSS: added metro-reset.css, metro-common.css, metro-components.css as standalone.
  • Image magnifier: fix glass image when user resize original image
  • Notifies: minor improve notify create method
  • Donut: update for using new animate function to draw stroke-dasharray
  • Counter: update for using new animate function to draw
  • File: fix clear when user fire reset on form in drop mode, issue #1524
  • Adblock: a new component for hunting on the ads blockers
  • Core: refactoring for new component definition
  • Audio: rename component to audio-player
  • Video: rename component to video-player
  • Calendar: minor upd for action buttons
  • i18n: refactoring definition. Now each lang defined in own file
  • Third party: third party components styles select2, datatables move to components and include to main
  • Container: remove prop display: block
  • Select: add using empty value for option, issue #1527
  • Action button: fix sub actions position
  • Additional colors: refactoring
  • Utils: remove method random, to get random value from an array or two values, use $.random(array | a, b) from m4q
  • Utils: remove method uniqueID, to get unique GUID, use $.uniqueID(prefix) from m4q
  • Utils: remove method formData, to get form data as array, use $.serializeToArray(form) from m4q and $.serialize(form) to get stringify value with & divider
  • Utils: remove method strToArray, to transform string to array, use String.prototype method String.prototype.toArray(delimiter, type, format)
  • Utils: remove method callback, execute function or code, use method Utils.exec(fn, args, context)
  • Sidebar: add attribute data-menu-scrollbar="true|false". Attribute enable or disable scrollbar in the sidebar menu, issue #1528
  • Tag: new component. Used in tag-input, select, can be used as standalone.
  • Ribbon menu: fix sizes and positions for ribbon-icon-button, ribbon-tool-button
  • Menus: removed text-decoration for anchors (a) inside any types of menus
  • Cookie: new class for cookie manipulation Metro.cookie. Contains methods: setCookie(), getCookie(), delCookie()
  • Cookie disclaimer: new component for accept cookies for GDPR, and not only, issue #1530
  • Metro icon font: add 65 new icons cross-light, document-file-* (64)
  • Select: improved performance for creating options, issue #1534
  • Select: remove dependency from d-menu
  • Navview: add scrollable to navview-menu in compacted mode
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.3.6

Published by olton over 4 years ago


  • M4Q: upd to 1.0.6
  • M4Q Init: fix minor bug for creating elements in context
  • M4Q Ajax: add parameter contentType. If this param has value false, Content-type can't be defined.
Metro 4
  • ColorJS: fix functions RGB, RGBA
  • Select: add focus state, issue #1488
  • Checkbox: add focus state
  • Radio: add focus state
  • Select: add attribute data-cls-drop-container
  • Dropdown: add important to .drop-left, .drop-right, .drop-up classes
  • Table: add support formatMask for fields defined in table head thead
  • ResetCSS: remove duplicate declarations
  • Toast: add global setup. Related to issue #1493
  • Streamer: now you can set event time up to a minute
  • Streamer: now you can use for event size half and one-third constants
  • Streamer: add events onDrawEvent, onDrawGlobalEvent, onDrawStream
  • TreeView: fix attribute data-show-child-count
  • CalendarPicker: add attribute data-value to set init input value, issue #1506
  • Streamer: data-wheel now true by default
  • Streamer: add attribute data-wheel-step to define scroll step for horizontal scrolling with mouse
  • Streamer: fix horizontal scrolling with mouse.
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.3.5

Published by olton almost 5 years ago


  • M4Q: upd to 1.0.5
  • M4Q Events: fix firing events, Metro 4 issue #1476
  • M4Q Events: optimize method trigger, now this is a synonym of fire
Metro 4
  • Tag input: change trigger defining
  • Tag input: add clear button with attributes clearButton, clsClearButton, clearButtonIcon
  • Tag input: add attributes clsComponent, clsInput
  • Tag input: add event onClear
  • List: add attribute data-sort-initial to sorts on create component, issue #1475
  • Tag input: add attribute data-static and static mode for data-static='true' or if present attribute readonly
  • Tag input: add method toggleStatic([true|false])
  • Select: fix clearing select-input, issue #1477
  • Calendar picker: fix closing calendar when user click on overlay, issue #1478
  • Select: fix styles for input-large, input-small classes
  • Tag input: change keyup to keydown for tag trigger event
  • Tag input: add event onTagTrigger
  • Tag input: add removing last tag on current value is empty end user press Backspace, you can disable it with attribute data-backspace='false'
  • Draggable: add attribute data-timeout for set timeout before creating component
  • Components: creating components can be deferred with attribute data-[componentName]-deferred=[ms]. Example: <div data-role='draggable' data-draggable-deferred='2000'>...</div>
  • Counter: add attribute data-start-on-viewport. If attribute value is true, counter started after element showed in viewport. You can combine this with data-timeout
  • Select: fix bug with data-filter='false'
  • File: fix method clear for mode dropzone
  • Select: add mode button
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.3.4

Published by olton almost 5 years ago


  • M4Q: upd to 1.0.4
  • M4Q Manipulation: optimise append, prepend to one definition for IE
  • M4Q Script: add $.script, $.fn.script to execute scripts from element or create script object
  • M4Q Manipulation: $.fn.append, $.fn.prepend now support script tag processing
  • M4Q Clone: now support cloning data if second argument withDatais true - $(el).clone(true, true)
  • M4Q Events: now you can define event name with hyphen or in camelCase notation. Example: mouse-down, accordionCreate
  • M4Q Ajax: fix handler for sending data
  • M4Q Ajax: fix $.json if returned value can't be parsed
  • M4Q Ajax: fix post for object
  • $: add $.serializeToArray(form), $serialize(form)
  • M4Q Events: fixed removeEventListener
Metro 4
  • Animations: put animations to separate less/css file metro-animations
  • Object animations: add .flip-card
  • Object animations: add .post-card
  • Inputs: change placeholder font-size to 14px, add text-ellipsis
  • Utils CSS: add class .stop-pointer
  • Role naming: you can now use a hyphen to separate words in verbose component names for the data-role attribute. Example: data-role='button-group'' and data-role='buttongroup'' are equivalent.
  • Drag Items: add new component, issue #1336
  • Table: fix viewPath for getting view from server
  • Table: fix colspan for message emptyTableTitle
  • Checkbox: add using attribute readonly
  • Switch: add using attribute readonly
  • Table: fix viewPath for saving view on server
  • Animation CSS: relocation
  • AppBar: fix app-bar-menu behavior when user resize a window
  • Slider: fix hint for IE11
  • Window: fix interop m4q and jquery for Metro.window.create()
  • Splitter: fix for IE11
  • AppBar: add events onMenuOpen, onMenuClose, onMenuExpand, onMenuCollapse
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.3.3

Published by olton almost 5 years ago


  • m4q: upd to 1.0.3
  • Toast: fix calculating toast position
  • Progress: fix global setup function name
  • Progress: percent value. To show set attribute data-show-value="true", data-value-position="free|center"
  • Progress: add label. Use attributes data-show-label="true|false", data-label-position="before|after", data-label-template="Value is %VAL%"
  • InfoBox: fix interop with Metro 4 and jQuery
  • Table: add method clear(), issue #1426
  • Table: fix cell data wrapping with attribute data-cell-wrapper="true"
  • File: fix Input file inconsistent display when user cancel the choose dialog, issue #1443
  • Slider: fix using accuracy with decimal value, issue #1447
  • Calendar Picker: add attribute data-show-week-number
  • Gravatar: fix global setup method name
  • Activity: fix method open for undefined options
  • Activity: fix interop with Metro 4 and jQuery
  • Dialog: fix interop with Metro 4 and jQuery for dialog create method
  • AppBar: set max-height for app-bar-menu opened with hamburger to visible viewport
  • Buttons: refactoring - split to separate components from one file
  • Calendar Picker: fix dialog mode, issue #1450
  • Common CSS: add class -disabled
  • General: Now Metro4 init after content was loaded. If you need to switch to old init method, use metro4:init:mode with value immediate
  • Double Slider: add new component, issue #1441
  • InfoButton: fix position and display change from inline-flex to inline-block, issue #1451
  • M4Q Events: improve method on
  • Select: fix for ie11, issue #1452
  • ListView: add callback for onNodeDblClick event, issue #1453
  • Table: add show activity when data loaded
  • Table: you can set data with JS object and attribute data-source. Value for attribute must be a object name.
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.3.2

Published by olton almost 5 years ago


  • Slider: fix vertical slider marker position when slider is not visible, thx to thinkcpu, PR #1417
  • Slider: improve events
  • HotKey: extended anchor work with data-hotkey and attr href, issue #1420
  • M4Q Events: fix property for IE11, issue #1425
  • Table: add methods addItem([...], redraw), addItems([...], redraw), issue #1426
  • Select: attribute data-cls-drop-list now override default class d-menu if defined
  • Lists: if list has class attribute, it resets with margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none inside;
  • Select: if option not has value, used option text for value
  • Table: add event onDataSaveError
  • Table: fix save view to server
  • M4Q Ajax: fix creating additional headers for request, issue #1427
  • Init: add meta tag metro4:init:mode. The value must be immediate or contentloaded, default - immediate. If value is contentloaded and meta tag metro4:init not equal false, Metro 4 will be initiate after the content was loaded.
  • Table: now you can define decimalSeparator and thousandSeparator in table head and global
  • Table: add attributes data-head (object name, define table header), data-body (object name, define table data)
  • Table: add attribute data-static. If true, search, pagination, info, rows count will be disabled and will not showing.
  • Splitter: add method size(str) for change panel sizes at runtime, add observing for attribute data-split-sizes for change panel sizes at runtime
  • Carousel: improve slide switching
  • TreeView: add trigger change for checkboxes
  • Common: fix h-auto-*
Metro-UI-CSS - v4.3.2-RC2

Published by olton about 5 years ago


  • Slider: fix vertical slider marker position when slider is not visible, thx to thinkcpu, PR #1417
  • Slider: improve events
  • HotKey: extended anchor work with data-hotkey and attr href, issue #1420
  • M4Q Events: fix property for IE11, issue #1425
  • Table: add methods addItem([...], redraw), addItems([...], redraw), issue #1426
  • Select: attribute data-cls-drop-list now override default class d-menu if defined
  • Lists: if list has class attribute, it resets with margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none inside;
  • Select: if option not has value, used option text for value
  • Table: add event onDataSaveError
  • Table: fix save view to server
  • M4Q Ajax: fix creating additional headers for request, issue #1427
  • Init: add meta tag metro4:init:mode. The value must be immediate or contentloaded, default - immediate. If value is contentloaded and meta tag metro4:init not equal false, Metro 4 will be initiate after the content was loaded.
  • Table: now you can define decimalSeparator and thousandSeparator in table head and global
  • Table: add attributes data-head (object name, define table header), data-body (object name, define table data)
  • Table: add attribute data-static. If true, search, pagination, info, rows count will be disabled and will not showing.
  • Splitter: add method size(str) for change panel sizes at runtime, add observing for attribute data-split-sizes for change panel sizes at runtime
  • Carousel: improve slide switching
  • TreeView: add trigger change for checkboxes
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.3.1

Published by olton about 5 years ago


  • Interop: fix interop with Metro4 and jQuery, issue #1408
  • m4q: upd to 1.0.1
  • m4q: fix initialization when metro4 added into head
  • Init: fix issue #1409
  • Dropdown: fix interop between Metro4 and jQuery, issue #1411
  • Select: fix interop between Metro4 and jQuery, issue #1412
  • Panel: fix interop between Metro4 and jQuery
  • Windows: fix interop between Metro4 and jQuery
  • VideoPlayer: fix interop between Metro4 and jQuery
  • AudioPlayer: fix interop between Metro4 and jQuery
  • Hotkey: fix interop between Metro4 and jQuery
  • TimePicker: fix interop between Metro4 and jQuery
  • SideBar: fix interop between Metro4 and jQuery
  • Charms: fix interop between Metro4 and jQuery
  • Select: fix close when user click document and jQuery used
  • CalendarPicker: fix interop between Metro4 and jQuery, fix close when next[Year, Month] clicked
  • Select: add works with disabled option. You can add attr disabled to option to create disabled option, issue #1413
  • Window: fix toggle draggable, resizeable
  • Tile: fix tile width in then tiles-grid when tile placed in specific column
  • Metro: fix observing attributes
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.3.0

Published by olton about 5 years ago


  • jQuery: Goodbye!!!
  • M4Q: now built in for DOM manipulation and animation
  • Keypad: rename property data-length to data-key-length
  • Slider: fix show/hide hint
  • Typo: fix margin-top for lists inside a lists, ex: ul > ul
  • Animation: fix fadeIn, fadeOut
  • NavView: rename attribute data-expanded to data-expand
  • Examples: upd start screen
  • Calendar picker: fix using locale for initial value, issue #1376
  • Typo: set line-height for paragraph to 1.5
  • Table: fire event onDataLoaded before table build
  • Dialog: fix hide method
  • File: add method "clear"
  • Source: structure refactoring
  • Typography: add background to remark with accent color
  • Tests: begin tests with cypress
  • Draggable: minor improve for mouseMove
  • Chat: add attribute data-readonly and method toggleReadonly
  • Schemes: fix colors for table tfoot
  • Add checkRuntime to components
  • Table: add attributes data-empty-table-title, data-cls-empty-table-title for issue #1403
  • Table: fix padding for sortable columns
  • Add destroy method to components. This method remove all event handlers and return core element
  • Select: add props data-add-empty-value (default: false), data-empty-value (default: empty string)
  • Select: add prop data-placeholder
  • Select: add prop data-clear-button (default: false)
  • Grid: optimise styles
  • Hint: fix remove on leave element
  • TreeView: add attribute data-show-child-count
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.49

Published by olton about 5 years ago


  • Select: extended to interop with role=dropdown
  • Docs: upd docs for cards, add icon-box, more-info-box, skill-box, social-box
  • Sidebar: fix setup global function name
  • Textarea: fix issue #1400
  • MaterialTabs: fix issue #1402
  • MaterialTabs: add method open(tab_num) for issue #1399
  • Select: fix input autofocus when dropdown
  • Textarea: fix resize when component was created
  • File: fix firing change event on Safari
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.48

Published by olton about 5 years ago


  • Select: fix error when using with pair to Select from Metro 4 for React
  • Carousel: moved style props for slide background image from js to css
  • Input: add attribute data-exclaim for defining exclamation symbol
  • Input: fix no display clear button when input is readOnly
  • Textarea: fix no display
Metro-UI-CSS - v4.2.47

Published by olton about 5 years ago


  • Input: fix triggering change event, add trigger event clear when clear button is pressed
  • Accordion: fixed glitch for frames who must be closed, but initiated as open
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.46

Published by olton over 5 years ago


  • Table: fixed format value for sorting when value is empty, null or undefined
  • Dropdown: fix set open on init
  • DatePicker: add observation for attribute data-locale
  • DatePicker: add observation for attribute data-format
  • Utils: upd func isLocalhost
  • Windows: fix make runtime
  • Dialog: fix make runtime
  • InfoBox: fix make runtime
  • Validator: fix validating for integer and float rules, issue #1388
  • Builder: fix builder config
  • Embed objects: set default width and height to 100%
  • Table: fix show/hide columns with inspector
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.45

Published by olton over 5 years ago


  • Calendar picker: fix initial value for i18n
  • Typography: set line-height: 1.5 for p
  • Examples: fix desktop demo
  • Examples: fix start screen demo
  • Notify system: fix minor bug for creating notify after setup