
Impressive component library for expressive web development! Build responsive projects on the web with the first front-end component library in Metro Style. And now there are even more opportunities every day!

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Metro-UI-CSS - 4.3.0-beta1

Published by olton over 5 years ago

  • update m4q
  • fixes for m4q
  • add docs for m4q
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.44

Published by olton over 5 years ago


  • Calendar: fix methods setMaxDate, setMinDate, issue #1374
  • Datepicker: fix offset for timezones, issue #1372
  • Datepicker: fix val() method
Metro-UI-CSS - 4.3.0-alpha3

Published by olton over 5 years ago

fix use strict

Metro-UI-CSS - 4.3.0-alpha2

Published by olton over 5 years ago

  • upd m4q
Metro-UI-CSS - 4.3.0-alpha

Published by olton over 5 years ago


  • jQuery: remove dependency
  • Keypad: rename property data-length to data-key-length
  • Slider: fix show/hide hint
  • Typo: fix margin-top for lists inside a lists, ex: ul > ul
  • NavView: rename attribute data-expanded to data-expand, fix for using with m4q
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.43

Published by olton over 5 years ago


  • Inputs: add class .input-small for using with input, select, spinner, tag-input, keypad, file , issue #1245
  • Events: upd docs for subscribing events with $.on and addEventListener()
  • Panel: new method customButtons() for add custom buttons at runtime
  • Table: add margin-top: 1rem for class .table
  • Lists: add margin-top: 1rem for ul, ol, dl
  • Hotkey: full refactoring
  • Datepicker: add attribute data-input-format
  • Datepicker: fix hours timezone offset
  • Datepicker: now you can use attribute value to setup component date
  • Pickers: change default scroll speed factor to 4
  • Window: fix methods setContent, setTitle, setIcon, changePlace
  • Utils: rename method isJQueryObject to isJQuery
  • Utils: add methods isM4Q, isQ. Method isQ return one of isJQuery or isM4Q
  • Streamer: fix scrolling with apple magic mouse and firefox
  • Streamer: fix scroll position for events-area when source changed
  • TreeView: fix confused calls expandNode and collapseNode events
  • Dialog: add attribute data-actions for predefined dialog
  • DatePicker: fix scroll event handler
  • TimePicker: fix scroll event handler
  • Tabs material: add event data-on-tabs-scroll
  • ScrollEvents: plugin for scrollStart, scrollStop events was removed
  • Mousewheel: plugin was removed
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.42

Published by olton over 5 years ago


  • General: improved components initialization
  • Hotkeys: now you can add or change hotkey at runtime
  • Select: fix cyclic error when Uncaught ReferenceError: function is not defined for onchange event
  • Card: add class flex-card to create card in flex model
  • ListView: fix works methods with jQuery object and\or HTMLElement
  • Streamer: add event data-on-events-scroll
  • Streamer: fix method source
  • Streamer: rename method data to dataSet
  • TreeView: fix methods for add nodes, issue #1150
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.41

Published by olton over 5 years ago


  • List: add event data-on-data-load-error
  • List: add item template with property template
  • Table: add item template with property template and value wrapper this.cellValue
  • Pagination: add function Metro.pagination
  • Templates: now you can change begin and end template symbols with third argument {beginToken, endToken}
  • Html container: add attributes data-method, data-request-data
  • Html container: change name of events to data-on-html-load, data-on-html-load-fail, data-on-html-load-done
  • Typography: change line-height for p, .text-leader, .text-leader2 to 1.2
  • Charm: add event data-on-toggle.
  • Chat: fix error for time manipulation, issue #1355
  • Master: add events data-on-next-page, data-on-prev-page
  • Events extensions: Now you can subscribe to all table events with $.on() or addEventListener()
  • Wizard: add events data-on-next-page, data-on-prev-page, data-on-first-page, data-on-last-page, data-on-finish-page
  • Global setup: add using global object metro{ComponentName}Setup to set up all components on the page with own global options set.
  • Resizable: fix toggle canResize property
  • Calendar picker: fix width for calendar wide
  • Slider: change events to startAll, moveAll, stopAll
  • Streamer: add events data-on-data-load, data-on-data-loaded, data-on-data-load-error
  • Streamer: fix methods changeSource, changeData
  • Streamer: add property row for event
  • Streamer: add property html for event with custom html
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.40

Published by olton over 5 years ago


  • Chat: new component
  • Boxes: add new boxes skill-box, social-box, more-info-box
  • NavView: add behavior for show submenu on left from main menu for compacted mode
  • Cards: add default background color white
  • Cards: fix flex model for image header
  • Colors: change op-* alpha value from 0.7 to 0.1
  • Dropdown: if element has class open, it will be open after initialization
  • Show metro4 about in console: added meta parameter metro4:about. Thanks to Ken Kitay
  • Metro4 Events: added constants,, Constants contains both mouse and touch.
  • Clock: upd component, PR #1341, Thanks to Ken Kitay
  • Sidenav simple: optimize css
  • Sidenav counter: optimize css
  • File: call trigger change when user drop files into drop area
  • Form: Add default styling for input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=button].
  • Rating: add half value for static with attribute data-half="true"
  • Headlines: add margin-top to display*, h1-h5 and .h1-.h5
  • Panel: add text-ellipsis to caption
  • Table: add methods: updateItem(key, field, value), getIndex(), rebuildIndex(), getItem(key)
  • Table: store item data in row. Now you can use'original') to get table row original data
  • Table: store cell data in cell. Now you can use'original') to get cell original data
  • Table: fix incorrect work service radio buttons
  • Select: remove margin-bottom
  • Blockquote: rename class place-right to right-side for right side quote
  • Lists: fix list style position for ordered list
  • Dropdown: add service class stay-open. When an element has this class, an element can't be closed when the user clicks on the document.
  • Collapse: change default animation duration to 100ms
  • Tiles: set cover default position to center center
  • Tiles: add attribute for image slide data-cover-position
  • Timepicker: set default value for data-scroll-speed to 1
  • Datepicker: set default value for data-scroll-speed to 1
  • Countdown: change behavior when browser tab lost focus or invisible
  • Countdown: fix zoom effect
  • Countdown: fix minor bug when first tick (not critical)
  • Dialog: change padding for dialog title to 12px 24px
  • Dialog: add predefined accent classes primary, alert, info, warning, ...
  • InfoBox: add predefined accent classes primary, alert, info, warning, ...
  • Elements colors: optimize less for using each function
  • Additional colors: optimize less for using each function
  • Element: add class .accent-block for using with accent colors classes primary, alert, info, warning, ...
  • Dialog: add close button to top left corner with attribute data-close-button
  • Video: fix show/hide controls when mouse enter leave
  • Video: fix show controls in full screen mode with attribute data-full-screen-mode="desktop"
  • Draggable: fix minor bug for draggable windows
  • Sidenav M3: fix item height with text overflow
  • Sidenav M3: remove floating for d-menu
  • Dropdown: add attribute data-drop-filter. Filtering elements on closing.
  • Select: Opening a select now closes only other selects.
  • Accordion: add drop marker. Marker can disabled with attribute data-show-marker="false"
  • Accordion: fix frames open on accordion init
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.39

Published by olton over 5 years ago


  • NavView: minor improve styling
  • NavView: add method pullClick() for emulate pull button click at runtime
  • NavView: add class .focusableItems to add focus state for items
  • NavView: add attribute data-active-state="true|false" to add active state for menu items
  • NavView: add .badges container for menu item for collect menu item badges
  • NavView: add .data-box container for navigation view pane
  • IconBox: new css component
  • Panel: fix draggable
  • Panel: add custom buttons to panel title
  • Table: fix assign classes from attribute data-cls-head-cell
  • Breadcrumbs: add .breadcrumb-item class
  • Draggable: fix recreate element content when drag started
  • Table: fix implements custom class to custom wrappers (search, pagination, ...), issue #1335
  • Select: fix error for validating required func for select with multiple option, issue #1338
  • Select: for validating added functions length, minlength, maxlength for select with multiple option
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.38

Published by olton over 5 years ago


  • ListView: add class .vertical-layout for icons-* view mode
  • Windows: partial fixed behavior window when user click on min, max button in min, max state, issue #1331
  • TreeView: fix wrong works node collapse, expand, issue #1332
  • NavView: fix calc main menu height
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.37

Published by olton over 5 years ago


  • Input material: fix error when creating element, issue #1318
  • Calendar: fix justify-content for days-row
  • Table: fix minor bug for sortable column click event
  • Table: fix minor bug when inspector dragged
  • Window: fix creating window with empty title
  • Utils: fix method keyInObject
  • Utils: fix constant for `keypress
  • Table: fix firing onSearch for clearing search field
  • TreeView: fix method toggleNode, pr #1326
  • Step list: fix index position when index > 9, issue #1328
  • Lists: add group-list horizontal
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.36

Published by olton over 5 years ago


  • Window: fix system button click behavior when draggable enabled
  • Window: fix creating icon and title if these not defined
  • ListView: add trigger change when nodes selected/deselected, issue #1313
  • Window: add custom buttons to caption
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.35

Published by olton over 5 years ago


  • Draggable: refactoring
  • File: add label for counting selected files for dropdown area
  • Storage: refactoring and fix session storage
  • Input material: set autocomplete off
  • Tabs: fix clear targets before recollect, issue #1303
  • ListView: fix attributes observing
  • Notify: fix using custom distance option
  • Rating: minor improve code
  • Ribbon menu: fix button group width calc, issue #1296
  • CSS: fix align-items property for selected and tag-input, pull-request #1306, issue #1305
  • Spinner: fix twice click effect on Android devices, issue #1307
  • Input: fix triggering change for autocomplete feature, issue #1310
  • CalendarPicker: fix selection when using val(...), issue #1308
  • Popovers: fix change value for attribute data-popover-text, issue #1309
  • Charms: add charm tiles and notifies with classes .charm-tile and .charm-notify
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.34 Important update, Metro 4 return into strict mode!

Published by olton almost 6 years ago


  • Sidebar: fix error for shifting content issue #1294
  • Checkbox: fix create rule
  • Radio: fix create rule
  • Switch: fix create rule
  • Select: fix rotating drop down toggle
  • Tabs: fix switching content, issue #1297
  • Input: fix autocomplete list, issue #1298
  • Metro: return to strict mode
  • Toast: fix creating error
  • Streamer: fix select stream
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.33

Published by olton almost 6 years ago


  • Init: fixed initialization process for widgets, loaded over Ajax
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.32

Published by olton almost 6 years ago


  • File: fix event trigger on-select for FF when user drops files
  • File: fix event trigger on-select for IE11 when user drops files
  • Dialog: fix onChange event
  • Table: add event data-on-data-load-error

Happy new year!

Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.31

Published by olton almost 6 years ago


  • Sidebar: add submenu support
  • Sidebar: add any content support with li class .content-container
  • Sidebar: add attribute data-size to set sidebar width
  • Sidebar: add attribute data-position to set sidebar right or left (default)
  • Array: add function (if not exists) contains(val, idx)
  • String: add function toArray(delim, type, format) this function is equal to Utils.strToArray
  • Calendar: add attribute data-exclude-day. Comma separated string with day number from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday)
  • Calendar: add attribute data-show-week-number="true|false"
  • Calendar: add attribute data-week-number-click="true|false"
  • Calendar: add event data-on-week-number-click="..."
  • Calendar: add event data-on-day-draw="..."
  • Calendar: fix day selection for disabled
  • Calendar: add class day-border and attribute data-day-border="true|false"
  • Validator: fix error if value is undefined
  • Validator: function date now support additional input attribute data-value-format for non ECMAScript dates
  • Validator: function date now support additional input attribute data-value-locale for non ECMAScript dates
  • Z-index: set equal z-index for appbar, bottomnav, bottomsheet, tabsmaterial
  • Carousel: rename attribute data-bullet-style to data-bullets-style
  • Carousel: add attribute data-bullet-size with values default, mini, small, large
  • Carousel: add style cycle
  • Popover: set default value for data-popover-timeout to 10, issue #1277
  • Storage: Objects storage and session storage combined into one object. Access to objects remained unchanged:, Metro.session
  • String: String.toDate now support locale as second parameter: "21 грудня 1972".toDate('%d %m %y', 'uk-UA')
  • Navview: upd docs and less
  • Lists: upd items-list, feed-list, group-list to use with not a list element.
  • Table: minor improve update
  • Table: add attribute data-horizontal-scroll-stop. You can use this attribute to define media to stop scrolling.
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.30

Published by olton almost 6 years ago


  • Toast: add function init(options), now you can set toast top position and distance. See docs for details.
  • t-menu: less code moved to separate file
  • h-menu: less code moved to separate file
  • drop-utils: now contains classes for drop-down: dropdown-toggle, drop-up, drop-left, drop-right
  • sidenav-m3: fix icon position for submenu, issue #1266
  • Splitter: fix gutter for nested splitters
  • Splitter: fix calc min size if value for attribute data-min-sizes comma separated value
  • Docs: fix mistake in docs for sidenav-counter-expand-*, issue #1269
  • Docs: fix mistake in docs for spacing
  • Command button: set font-weight to override it when use in wordpress
  • Command button: set line-height to override it when use in wordpress
  • Inline-form: change behavior for .form-group
  • Carousel: add events onSlideShow(HTMLElement slide), onSlideHide(HTMLElement slide)
  • Examples: fix start-screen for scroll on mobile devices
Metro-UI-CSS - Metro 4.2.29

Published by olton almost 6 years ago


  • Validator: fix for issue #1254
  • Inputs: required, invalid, valid classes now works only for inputs.
  • Validator: use attribute data-use-required-class to disable or enable class required for inputs with data-validate=required
  • Popover: fix firing event onPopoverShow, issue #1258
  • Notify: fix default options from new notify
  • Inputs: fix toggle attribute disabled for inputs with role
  • Splitter: add service classes .stop-select, .stop-pointer
  • Table: fix issue #1262
  • Table: optimize functions deleteItem, deleteItemByName
  • List: optimize functions deleteItem
  • Table: add attribute data-horizontal-scroll to enable horizontal scrolling for wide table
  • Table: add attribute data-cls-table-container
  • Tabs: add attribute data-tabs-type. This attribute sets new tab types for expanded horizontal tabs. Values: text, group, pills