
CF 火线娱乐辅助

GPL-3.0 License

Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.4.1

Published by JiaPai12138 over 3 years ago

  • 稳定自瞄性能
  • Stabilized performance of aimbot
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.4.0

Published by JiaPai12138 over 3 years ago

  • 修复个人竞技模式下自火无法开启的bug
  • Fixed bug in auto-fire while playing Death Match

  • 自瞄小幅改进
  • Minor improvement in aimbot

  • 请将 CUDA+yolo.7z 目录下文件解压至自瞄所在文件夹内
  • Please unzip the files in CUDA+yolo.7z to the folder which contains aimbot
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.3.7

Published by JiaPai12138 over 3 years ago

  • 初版自瞄完成
  • First version of aimbot completed

  • 由于使用自行编译的opencv-cuda导致文件大小膨胀
  • The file size is large because of using opencv-cuda

  • i5-10300h+GTX-1660ti下yolov4-tiny模型平均FPS 30+
  • Average FPS using yolov4-tiny model running with i5-10300h+GTX-1660ti is over 30
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.3.6 hotfix

Published by JiaPai12138 over 3 years ago

  • 自动开火小优化
  • Minor optimization on auto-fire

  • 优化脚本间游戏状态传递
  • Optimized information transfer about gaming status among scripts

  • 密码:名侦探柯南战队出品
  • Password:名侦探柯南战队出品
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.3.5

Published by JiaPai12138 over 3 years ago

  • 无尽挂机小修复
  • Minor fix on auto-play in Ranked Zombie Mode

  • 自动开火小调整
  • Minor data changes to auto-fire

  • 减少平直鼠标移动
  • Reduced mouse movement following straight lines
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.3.4

Published by JiaPai12138 over 3 years ago

  • 计时器修复
  • Hotfix on timer

  • 改善一键断网
  • Improved one-key-block-net (using NetLimiter 4)
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.3.3

Published by JiaPai12138 over 3 years ago

  • 增加无尽挂机与计时器
  • Added auto-play in Ranked Zombie Mode and timer
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.3.2

Published by JiaPai12138 over 3 years ago

  • Minor changes on tray icon
  • 托盘图标改动

  • Some fixes
  • 一些小修复
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.3.1

Published by JiaPai12138 over 3 years ago

  • Minor updates on tray icon and UI
  • 托盘图标改动以及增加关于界面
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.3

Published by JiaPai12138 over 3 years ago

  • EXE version can work for both version of crossfire
  • 该发行版目前无论国服还是西方服都可以运行(因为西方版似乎不再进行外挂检测了???)

  • More stable when executing individually (for ahk version)
  • AHK 版本目前可以双击根据提示单独运行,得益于相关函数的更新

  • More Bhop methods
  • 更多的基础身法,包括旋转跳、上箱子、减免高处落地掉血、滑步(这些身法的英文我不知道怎么表达合适)

  • More stable one key net limit method
  • 一键限速/断网方式更新,运行更稳定

  • Added recoilless method for HK417 due to its highly accurate burst fire performance
  • 增加HK417压枪,选择此枪因为它优异的点射精度,在游戏中按小键盘3然后按小键盘Del使用

  • More stable gun switching method in auto fire
  • 自火部分瞬狙模式双切枪更稳定

  • Huge updates in C4_Hero part because of first apply of class object, now you can auto-reload beside the ammunition box in mass mutation (massive escape) mode
  • C4秒变猎手部分大更新,在生化追击模式的弹药箱边可以自动补充弹药了,同时首次应用类

  • More clicker methods
  • 更多的连点方式,包括炼狱连刺、炼狱热管、大宝剑二段连击

  • Now controller can generate random moves by pressing F5
  • 现在助手控制器可以在游戏中生成随机动作减少被认为挂机的几率(就是瞎几把乱动),按F5开关

  • Simplified tray options
  • 简化托盘选项
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.2

Published by JiaPai12138 over 3 years ago

  • Finally got an release without installing AHK
  • 这是第一个不需要安装AHK就能运行的版本

  • EXE version can trick TenSafe but will be detected by Crossfire West (ahk version still works for both)
  • 该发行版目前不会被腾讯侦测但在西方版中会被发现(没有处罚但是会被强制退出游戏程序)

  • A pdf version of help file is provided with the release, sorry for no English version because I'm lazy
  • PDF版本的帮助文件随本发行版一同提供,没有英文版因为在下懒
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.1

Published by JiaPai12138 almost 4 years ago


Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.01

Published by JiaPai12138 almost 4 years ago

  • 中文注释
  • Code comment in Chinese

  • 调整速点
  • Modified turbo clicking
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v2.0

Published by JiaPai12138 almost 4 years ago

  • 将各个功能分开,使其运行时不互相干扰
  • Avoid the possibility of interruption among functions in one thread, put them in different threads instead

Crossfirer - Crossfirer v1.5

Published by JiaPai12138 almost 4 years ago

  • 适配穿越火线国际版 并且暂时不会被检测出来
  • Now works for Crossfire NA, and will not be detected temporarily

  • 按下1时可以恢复被3或4切换的模式
  • Now pressing 1 can restore the mode exit previously
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v1.4.1

Published by JiaPai12138 almost 4 years ago

  • 微小改动。。。
  • Minor changes...

Crossfirer - Crossfirer v1.4

Published by JiaPai12138 almost 4 years ago

  • 拖动窗口后简易GUI界面会自动移动到合适的位置上,无须再次reload,并且不会因为中文输入而变换位置
  • If you drag the window (of the game client), the simple GUI interface will always move to an appropriate position, need not to reload compare with previous releases, and it will not flickering if you are typing in Chinese

  • 调整准心宽度,因为腾讯或Smile Gate似乎无心将该游戏画面从原生4:3调整为原生16:9(目前只是简单画面拉长)
  • Adjusted the width of the crosshair since both Tencent and Smile Gate are not likely to change the game interface to native 16:9 (and now it was simply stretched)

  • 解决之前版本中偶尔出现发现红名却不射击的bug
  • Solve the bug which occasionally appears in the previous versions (scanned enemy's red name but no reaction)


This script is almost finalized, future releases will be all about improving the recoil-reducing feature and let it adapt for more commonly-used guns.

Crossfirer - Crossfirer v1.3

Published by JiaPai12138 almost 4 years ago

  • Re-do recoil-reducing feature, works for M4A1 Hero-level rifle (ex: M4A1-S-Iron Beast) and AK47 Hero-level rifle
  • Improve overall stability
  • Now you can see which part of the script is running, without periodic flickering
  • Re-work on Bhop (AKA Ghost jump/鬼跳)
  • If you take a try in Team Deathmatch mode(PVE), you can see that autofire feature becomes more fatal, the universal mode works for most of the rifles and pistols, decrease the necessity of changing modes.
    I will recommend to use ahk file because it is less likely to be detected...
Crossfirer - Crossfirer v1.2

Published by JiaPai12138 almost 4 years ago

improve overall stability

Crossfirer - Crossfirer v1.1

Published by JiaPai12138 almost 4 years ago

First stable release with basic requirements completed

Extracted from project README
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