
A data visualization framework combining React & D3

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semiotic - Render Rewrite

Published by emeeks over 6 years ago

Under the hood, there are some major changes as of this version. They should be invisible to 99% of use cases but if you're using a custom function for your type or custom drawing of shapes in tooltips or custom line marks where you generate your own lines, you'll notice that the old _xyfX attributes are replaced with less verbose versions (x, y, etc). The data is no longer mutated by frames, which was always a bad choice, margins no longer have to be applied (the canvas area where drawing is done now takes margin into account) and also the DOM isn't so cluttered with empty elements. This may require that you adjust your CSS for Tooltips but other than that if you notice any issues please file a bug.


  • NetworkFrame's hoverAnnotation prop will accept "edges" to turn on hover annotation only for edges, "nodes" to turn it on only for nodes and "all" to turn on hover annotation for both nodes and edges. true is treated as "nodes" as are any complex arrays.
  • Margin is now accounted for in off-setting drawn regions rather than being calculated within the individual coordinates. This should be invisible to most use cases but should be accounted for in purely custom layout and drawing types.
  • DOM nodes are no longer rendered if they have no contents, so the tree should be much cleaner throughout.
  • Data arrays are no longer mutated by frames
  • Annotations will not honor x and y as fixed xy coordinates for react-annotation because this caused needless context. If you want a fixed x or y position in your annotations use fixedX and/or fixedY
  • Marginalia annotation handling now accepts a marginOffset that is either a number or a function that takes (orient, axes) and defaults to 10px margin for orientation that doesn't have an axis and 50px for orientation that does have an axis
  • Coordinate names have more human-readable names. _xyfX, _xyfY and the like are gone in favor of x,y
  • Violin plots are drawn much better
  • HTML annotations are drawn much more cleanly, but are drawn in a slightly different way, so CSS needs to be adjusted (they're being drawn from the top instead of the bottom).
  • tooltipContent in <ORFrame> honors "pie" which passes content to the tooltip with the name of the column and the percent represented by that slice


  • NetworkFrame properly resizes in Spark and Responsive frames for chord and sankey layouts
  • All the dumb margin code is gone. You won't notice but I do.
semiotic - Expose Spark Frames

Published by emeeks over 6 years ago


  • <SparkXYFrame>,<SparkOrdinalFrame>,<SparkNetworkFrame> were not exposed properly via NPM
semiotic - Sparklines

Published by emeeks over 6 years ago


  • <SparkOrdinalFrame>, <SparkNetworkFrame> and <SparkXYFrame> are all available. They have the same interface as the regular frames but the resulting data viz is generated with <span> elements instead of <div> elements so it can be dropped in a <p>. The frames get their height from the line-height computed by the span they're in (so inherited from the parent or styled on the frame directly). They have some different default settings, so by default your axes will not render with baselines or ticks (though you can override any of these) and the network settings are tuned for tiny graphics. HTML annotations are not honored on Spark frames but SVG annotations are and XYFrame tries to have a reasonable default of a react-annotation with the value of the hover.


  • By default axis baselines will only render for the first axis on that orient (so you won't get three if you have three differently styled axes on the "bottom")
  • Vertical boxplots would sometimes render off with certain margin settings.
semiotic - Better bump labeling

Published by emeeks over 6 years ago


  • The bump layout of annotationSettings now uses d3-labeler's annealing function instead of forceSimulation so it's a bit better. It also takes the same settings as marginalia as far as charWidth and lineHeight. pointSizeFunction and labelSizeFunction are now properties of the layout object and not the frame.
  • <Axis> label property will now take JSX SVG instead of just text.
  • Semiotic now exports <Mark> from semiotic-mark to make it easy to use it in places using the static version, so like on Codepen.
semiotic - Improve Marginalia

Published by emeeks over 6 years ago


  • axes elements in DOM are now decorated with x and y and their orientation (top, bottom, left, right)
  • annotationSettings marginalia layout now uses labella. It honors a few new settings: padding, characterWidth & lineHeight so you can tune it to your font size.

screen shot 2018-01-23 at 10 19 23 am

padding The pixel size padding on the bottom and right of a note. Defaults to 2.

characterWidth The pixel width of each character. Defaults to 8.

lineHeight The pixel height of each line of a note. Defaults to 20.

semiotic - oExtent

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago


  • oExtent will now accept values that aren't ordinal values in your data.
  • Joy plot was rendering offset and that's fixed.
semiotic - OrdinalFrame

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago


*ORFrame has been renamed OrdinalFrame though ORFrame will still be honored as an alias. Trying to explain what the O & R were in ORFrame was always a mess and Ordinal, while not a common word, is more comprehensible than ORFrame, especially since I went with NetworkFrame and not TTFrame or something else equally incomprehensible.


  • networkType in NetworkFrame now has a hierarchyChildren property that is passed to the underlying hierarchy function so you can use hierarchical JSON with different children props (think d3.nest)


  • horizontal-points annotations now deal properly with stacked charts
  • defined is honored by extent calculations so if you're using data=0 for your defined rule, then the extent is calculated based off the actual data
semiotic - enclose-rect & useBins

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago

Some minor new features:

  • enclose-rect: All frames now honor a new enclose-rect annotation type that surrounds the array of coordinates (for <ORFrame> or <XYFrame>) or the array of ids (for <NetworkFrame>) with a bounding box.
    screen shot 2018-01-10 at 1 26 51 pm

  • useBins: Bucketized summary types in <ORFrame> (violin, joy, histogram, heatmap) now honor a useBins prop in the passed summaryType. This defaults to true, so that under the hood the summary visualization still uses a binning function (D3's histogram) but if set to useBins: false it will assume that the passed array of data is a set of coordinates with which to draw the summaryType. This is useful for when you have precalculated positions for your summary visualizations.

semiotic - Minor Fixes

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago


  • Some placements would leave points out of the voronoi hovering, this should be fixed
  • baseMarkProps was not being passed to node and edge objects
  • Sunburst hover tooltips were not being placed correctly
semiotic - Hierarchical Diagrams

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago


  • Support for hierarchical layouts
    If you send hierarchical data to NetworkFrame (hierarchical JSON to the edges property) you can now use the various hierarchical diagrams in D3 to display that data. So networkType now honors tree, cluster, circlepack, partition and treemap which all correspond to D3's tree, cluster, pack, partition and treemap layouts. In cases where a layout can honor differences in projection (such as radial, horizontal or vertical for cluster or radial for partition to make a sunburst) it will honor those as a projection property of networkType. Other properties passed to networkType that correspond to properties specific to those layouts, such as padding for treemap and partition, will be passed through.

You can see the interactive example here:

semiotic - Canvas Rendering Improvements, Custom Networks

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago


  • You can pass custom d3-forceSimulation simulations to NetworkFrame, as a simulation parameter in the networkType. It's demonstrated here to create bubble charts and multi-foci charts.
  • All frames have a baseMarkProps that can take an object with props to apply to all marks generated by the frame. This is primarily to leverage the new feature in semiotic-mark that lets you defined transitionDuration. For now it only takes an object, so you can across the board set transitions to be something other than the 1000ms default that Semiotic has been using up to this point. You can try it out in your frame by adding something like:
   baseMarkProps={{ transitionDuration: 2000 }}

To set all transitions to 2 seconds or something more nuanced like:

   baseMarkProps={{ transitionDuration: { default: 500, fill: 2500 }}}

To make fill transitions take 2.5 seconds and all other transitions take 0.5 seconds.

  • canvasPieces & canvasConnectors are now honored in <ORFrame> and will render those elements to canvas. canvasSummaries is still not available.
  • canvasPostProcess is available on all frames. It is fired after canvas rendering and is passed (canvas, context, size) so you can graphically modify your chart. For instance if you want it to have a glowy look like this:
    screen shot 2018-01-02 at 1 24 15 pm
    You can add the following code to the Frame:
   canvasPostProcess={(canvas, context, size) => {
  const dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png")
  const baseImage = document.createElement("img")

  baseImage.src = dataURL
  baseImage.onload = () => {
    context.clearRect(0, 0, size[0] + 120, size[1] + 120)
    context.filter = "blur(10px)"
    context.drawImage(baseImage, 0, 0)
    context.filter = "blur(5px)"
    context.drawImage(baseImage, 0, 0)
    context.filter = "none"
    context.drawImage(baseImage, 0, 0)

It also will do a fun Chuck Close style pixelation if you pass canvasPostProcess={"chuckClose"}


  • This uses [email protected] which no longer uses flubber. Instead, complex shapes that won't transition well don't use transitions. Flubber was too big and still caused distracting changes in shapes when doing the interpolation--it's great for abstract shapes but not so great for the lines and areas in a traditional chart.
  • Default for <XYFrame>'s lineIDAccessor is now d => d.semioticLineID instead of d => because the latter would conflict with the occasional dataset.
semiotic - Improved customMark for ORFrame "timeline" type

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago

"timeline" type in ORFrame sends better settings to the customMark generator

semiotic - summaryType Bug Fixes

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago

Fixes a major bug where horizontal summaryType was reversed and a little bug where Joy Plots weren't quite aligned.

semiotic - Sankeys with Cycles

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago


  • Sankeys in NetworkFrame now accept networks with cycles and render them using Tom Shanley's d3-sankey-circular layout.
    screen shot 2017-12-11 at 10 55 21 am
  • Add a relative tag to bucketized summaryTypes in ORFrame to allow the visualization to display the relative size of the data (with the max being the max value for that category) as opposed to the default behavior which sizes graphical elements by the max value across all categories.


  • Margin has been fixed so that passing a numerical value is properly treated as margin for all sides.
semiotic - Multisubject Annotations & Custom Point Marks

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago


  • All axes will automatically draw a <line> element with class axis-baseline along the baseline of the axis. You can restyle or hide it with CSS.
  • react-annotation annotations in XYFrame and ORFrame will honor a coordinates array and draw multi-subject annotations when you send datapoints in that array.
  • customPointMark in XYFrame can now return any JSX SVG instead of just a semiotic-mark <Mark> element. It also passes { d, i, xScale, yScale } so you can draw marks whose shape depends on data values in chartspace.


  • motifs mode in NetworkFrame is working again. Singletons are now sorted into a single component.

You can see most of this in action in the Comet Plots example.

screen shot 2017-12-04 at 12 49 07 pm

semiotic - Timelines and TickLines

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago

in ORFrame

  • pixelColumnWidth in ORFrame now allows you to specify the size of a column as a number and will result in a frame with a size based on the number of columns times the specified size

  • timeline is a new type that requires an rAccessor that returns a two-piece array that designates start and end of timeline/Gantt chart-style bands of data.

in Axis

  • ticklineGenerator allows you to specify a function which will be passed ({ xy, orient }) which you can return SVG JSX to draw your own custom ticks
  • tickSize allows you to specify the pixel length/height of the tick generated by the axis. Use negative values to draw away from the chart. Use multiple axes on the same orient if you want to draw and overlap different axes or use ticklineGenerator to draw a more custom tick
semiotic - Fixes, static version, more examples

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago


  • Whole pie piece pie charts will not honor oPadding and slices will not end up with negative size if reduced by oPadding.
  • Annotation handling updates other properties even if it's not required for the annotations to change, also support a dataVersion flag in bump type annotation layouts so you can tell it to re-fire the layout
  • Curly arc brackets were incorrectly calculating the largeArcFlag resulting in cool but terrible arcs


  • unpkg support from @tmcw!
  • Honor new extents in brushes to allow programmatic brush extents (feature shown in the Swarm Brush, Line Brush and Minimap examples)

Show how to use the MinimapXYFrame as an isolated example

Fun with backgroundGraphics

semiotic -

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago

Updates the version of react-annotation to restore passing custom events to annotations (you'll still need to enable pointer-events on them via CSS though). And awesome curly arc brackets.

semiotic - Little Fixes

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago

This update resolves a few problems most people wouldn't have run into unless they were using the advanced annotation features, like when your annotation attributes change but your annotation layout doesn't say they need to be repositioned.

It also adds a more accessible new example for a custom type in ORFrame:

semiotic - Bracket Annotations

Published by emeeks almost 7 years ago

feat: "categories" annotation for ORFrame that displays bracket annotations for categories in a friendly way, see the Violin Chart in the docs.
feat: Expose better drawing instructions for clusterbar type in ORFrame
fix: fix radial ordering bug for middle-ordered types (violin, point, swarm)