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Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.7

Published by iamtraction over 6 years ago



  • Bastion won't respond to chat conversations if it has no content.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented sinfo command from showing emojis in a server that had animated emojis.
  • Fixed urbanDictionary command not responding when a word was not found.
  • userLookup won't give errors if you don't provide arguemnts.
  • createEmoji will now let you know if image file size exceeds the limit.
  • Fixed message reaction event triggering for reactions in DM
  • Fixed iAm and iAmNot commands not working when the server member is not cached.
  • Fixed an issue with buying the Heart from the Gift Shop.
  • Fixed an issue that caused music channels and music master roles to sneakily get deleted.
  • A workaround for a Discord bug - that allowed empty role names - that errored roleCreate, roleDelete and roleUpdate events.
  • Under-the-hood fixes


  • If server doesn't have an icon, Bastion would now show the server's acronym in instead of showing a generic Discord logo.
  • You can now report silently by using user IDs instead of mentioning them and notifying them.
  • Successful user reports will automatically be deleted to make it more silent.
  • Paginated the steam command.
  • Under-the-hood improvements


  • You can now sell roles in your server using the new roleStore command. roleStore also lists the roles for sale in your server.
  • Selling roles in your server? Server members can buy them using the buyRole command, provided they have enought Bastion Currencies.
  • Rocket League players, you can now check your Rocket League stats using the rocketLeague command.
  • You can now search for any game details you want using the new game command. Want to show a game to a friend while chatting, just use the game command.
Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.6.2

Published by iamtraction over 6 years ago



  • Fixed claim crashes when there was no Patreon API key.


  • Are you a Patreon creator and hosting Bastion yourself? The patrons command will now show your patrons and not the patrons of the Bastion bot project.
  • clearWarn, deafen, kick, mute, nickname, removeAllRoles, softBan, textMute, textUnMute, unDeafen, unMute and warn commands can be used with the ID of the user. No need to mention them anymore.
  • Under-the-hood improvements
Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.6.1

Published by iamtraction over 6 years ago



  • Fixed crashes when Cleverbot API didn't returned any response.
  • Fixed Bastion not stopping the typing event.
  • Fixed claim not working for uncached guild members.


  • You can now give Bastion Currencies without having to mention them; just use their IDs. Yeah, less annoying.
  • If there's no one in the voice channel, Bastion will automatically pause the music.
  • Under-the-hood improvements
Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.6

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago



  • skip command won't go rogue anymore. It won't skip multiple songs; will skip one song at a time.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented music commands from responding when the music channels and/or the music master role was removed from the server before removing it from Bastion.


  • Renamed setGame to setActivity since Bastion now supports watching and listening activities, and game isn't the right word for it. setGame is now an alias for it.
  • userInfo now supports watching and listening activities of users. And now, it will show Offline instead of Invisible.
  • setActivity command, now, also can set the activity type to Playing or Watching.
  • You can now cycle through the entire leaderboard as leaderboard is now paginated.
  • modules is now an alias of commands command.
  • The good old commands is back to how it worked earlier. We saw that new users were having trouble when it displayed modules instead of commands.
  • Under-the-hood improvements


  • Support for watching and listening activities.
  • Create channel categories using the createCategory command.
  • See the people who continuously supports the development of the Bastion Bot project, on Patreon, using the patrons command.
  • See the users who contribute to the code of the Bastion Bot using the contributors command.
  • Reload Bastion's settings using the reloadSettings command. No need to restart Bastion after you've modified the config.json or credentials.json files.
  • Browse the games in different categories of the Steam Store using the steam command.
  • Forgot to add a reason for a moderation action? Don't worry, you can now edit the reason of a moderation log using the reason command.
  • Organizing a competition, or any event, that need public votes? Bastion can do the heavy lifting for you. Set channels as voting channels using the votingChannels command and every new message in a voting channel will automatically get 👍 and 👎 reactions.
Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.5.1

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago



  • Fixed giveaway --end not ending the giveaway and showing up wrong ID.
Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.5

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago



  • Fixed trivia not accepting the answer in upper & mixed cases.
  • Fixed musicChannel showing music text channel name as the music voice channel name.
  • Scheduled commands will now work fine with mixed cases command names
  • Under-the-hood fixes


  • giveaway command is now accessible by server administrators and they can give away anything they want. Go ahead and give away amazing goodies to your server members.
  • You can now see the IDs of server members in the leaderboard command.
  • Bastion can now show the song name while it's playing music. By default this is disabled, it can be enabled in the config file.
  • cod4 and quake3 commands will now show the ping of the connected players.
  • csgo and tf2 commands will now show the play time of the connected players.
  • You can now specify the no. of passes Bastion will use for its audio streams (music, airhorn, etc.), in the config file.
  • Users in the music master role can now use the playlist command as well.
  • All commands in music module won't ignore you if music channels are not set.
  • Improved error handling
  • Under-the-hood changes


  • Howdy gamers! Use the new fortnite command to get Fortnite game stats of any player, in any platform.
  • Bot owners can now give away Bastion Currencies using the currencyGiveaway command.
  • Run commands in your system where Bastion is hosted, with the all new exec command.
  • You can now setup a suggestion channel in your server using the suggestionChannel command and your members can post suggestions with the suggest command.
  • Added smite command for all your Smite players. Now, go and check your stats!
Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.4.2

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago


  • Fixed voice channel names forcing to have - in place of space character when using createChannel
  • Fixed music module command errors when used before using the play command
  • Removed custom screen log file name due to lack of support in some versions, fixes normal boot issues in some distros.


  • Added genre and rating to movie & tvShow command. It was really a missing feature.
  • Bitrate of music, airhorn or any audio by Bastion will be automatically decided by the bitrate of the voice channel.
  • Now you can claim Bastion Currencies every day. You don't have to wait 24 hours anymore.
  • help won't DM users anymore, will show the invite links in the channel itself.
  • Added weather icons to the weather command.
  • Under-the-hood changes
  • Code improvements
Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.4.1

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago


  • Fixed warn command not warning users.
  • Fixed muteList command not working when using it if no one was ever muted in the server.
  • Fixed listWarns command not working when a warned user had left the server.
  • Fixed Bastion bash script preventing normal boot.


  • Faster level ups! 1.5x less XP required for leveling up.
  • nickname command will show proper error if nickname length exceeds.
  • anime command will now show proper error if none was found.
  • ping command will now show the username of the bot.
  • Removed some unnecessary error logs.
Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.4

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago


  • deleteChannel will now work as expected.
  • Fixed module name case sensitivity for commands command. You can now pass the module name in mixed cases.
  • A command in every module was hiding below the fold, won't happen anymore. Every command is now displayed ATF (with colors).
  • Under-the-hood changes


  • roleColor can now be used with roleColour too
  • Bastion will now message the user personally after they have won the giveaway.
  • User permission in command help are now clearer.
  • Patrons and Donators (donating via PayPal) can now get up to 15x more Bastion Currencies when using the daily command.
  • Updated changeLog command.


  • Hey Garfield lovers, try the new garfield command for a cool garfield comic.
  • Added destiny2 command for all gamers playing Destiny 2. Check out your and your stats right in Discord.
  • Added pokemon command for all those Pokémon fans. You can now get information on any Pokémon you want.
  • Added coinMarketCap command. Keep tabs on the market capitalization of various cryptocurrencies.
  • Easily see what permission Bastion has in a channel/server using the new checkPermissions command.
  • Added giveXP command so that bot owners can give experience points to anyone they want and increase their level anytime they want. Because they do what they want to do.
  • Use the all new userLookup command to fetch basic information about a user from Discord, works for ANY (yeah, ANY) Discord user.
  • Animated emoji! Shake your booties, because you can now use the animoji command to use the animated emojis of your server. Oh yeah, anyone can use it, Nitro isn't required.


  • Removed fix-p option from the bash script.
Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.3.2

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago


  • createChannel command will now work as expected.
  • serverInfo will work even if your server has huge no. of emojis.
  • streamerRole will show a friendly error if no streamer role was set, rather than being unresponsive.
  • Killed the bugs that caused Bastion not to recognize uncached users and not respond to them.
  • Removed some redundant logic.
  • Suppressed some unwanted errors in the console.
  • Under-the-hood fixes.


  • help command won't suggest you to join the Bastion Discord Server if you use it in the Bastion Discord Server, it didn't made sense.
  • Rewritten commands command. commands will show the list of modules by default, specifying a module with the command will show the list of commands in that module.
  • Nifty changes to the changeLog command. Didn't you notice it already?
  • Meld leaderboard and hallOfFame commands!
  • Using opusscript as the default library for audio support, since some users were having issues installing node-opus with Node.js v9.x. But node-opus is available as an optional dependency, should anyone need (want?) it.
  • Under-the-hood improvements.


  • Still having the hallOfFame command after melding it with leaderboard command was useless.
Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.3.1

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago



Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.3

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago


  • lockdown won't prevent adding reaction even after lockdown has been ended.
  • Fixed GIF avatar support for userInfo, profile and avatar command.
  • Fixed overwatch stats error if a user has too many achievements.
  • Proper error message if trying to change server owner's nickname.
  • Fixed a bug with pause, nowPlaying, removeSong and resume commands that prevented it from working (was actually just a typo).
  • Under-the-hood fixes.


  • Wanted to ban users who aren't already in the server? You can now do that using their ID.
  • Random greeting messages will be shown even for private greetings.
  • Bastion won't show User Left log if the user was banned.
  • cite will show the channel from where the message was cited.
  • You can now check Bastion profiles and user avatars with the user ID, in profile and avatar command. No more mentioning!
  • emoji command now requires ADD_REACTIONS permission from users, to prevent spam
  • Triggers can be now tripped with mixed cases! No more case sensitivity.
  • You can now see the default music channel if you don't pass any argument to the musicChannel command. For more option, see the command help: help musicChannel
  • You can now see your birthday and location in your bastion profile, if you've set it.
  • Under-the-hood changes & improvements.


  • Check current level and experience points without showing the entire profile, use the new xp and level commands.
  • Check when your buddies where last seen in Discord using the lastSeen command.
  • Paranoid about a site being breached? You can now use the isBreached command to check a site's breaches.
  • You can now add your birthday and location to your Bastion profile, using the setBirthDate and setLocation commands respectively.
Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.2

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago




Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.1

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago


  • Under the hood changes.


Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.0.2

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago



Known issues

  • Bastion profile won't show badges if the profile command's used in shards other than the shard which contains the official server.
Bastion - Bastion Bot v6.0.1

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago


Known Issues

  • Bastion profile won't show badges if the profile command's used in shards other than the shard which contains the official server.
Bastion - Bastion Bot v6

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago


  • Fixed an issues that caused running of multiple trivia & acrophobia games in a channel.
  • Fixed an issues with messageChannel accepting commands even without the second argument.
  • Fixed an issues with addTrigger command not adding the triggers.
  • Fixed an issues with overwatch command that showed undefined stats.
  • Fixed RegEx for image url in setAvatar & createEmoji commands.
  • Fixed an issue in setLanguage commands that tried to set server language when trying to list the available languages.
  • Bastion won't accept commands if the user's message's filtered by link, invite, word & credentials filter.


  • changelog command'll show if there're any known issues, so users can be worry free that the issues they find are known by us & will be fixed soon™.
  • Using --delete option with the eval command'll delete the command & output after 10s. See the help for example.
  • give command will only accept mentions. Can't use user IDs anymore.
  • Can now end giveaway using the --end option with the giveaway command.
  • leave command'll show proper message after leaving a guild or if no guild was found.
  • messageUser command'll show proper error if unable to send a message to any user.
  • roleInfo command'll now show the permissions the role has got.
  • searchServer command'll show the server ID along with the name. And'll only search in the current shard.
  • stats command'll list all the owners of the bot. Along with shard status, current shard & memory used by all shards if sharding's enabled.


  • Now you can see your account balance, without having to show your entire profile, with the bastionCurrency command.
  • Brag about your Battlefield 1 skill using the all new battlefield1 command.
  • Liked the robotify command? Mate, you're gonna love the new catify command. Because it's never enough.
  • Just wanted to know the ID of a role? Simply use the roleID command.


  • Removed bastionLog event & command.

Known Issues

  • Bastion profile won't show badges if the profile command's used in shards other than the shard which contains the official server.
Bastion - Bastion Bot v5.2

Published by iamtraction almost 7 years ago


  • Minor fixes


  • Changes to echo, sendEmbed and selfDestruct command to distinguish it from Bastion's official messages.
  • Had a hard time finding the right reaction for the currency giveaway? Worry not, Bastion will now automatically add the right reaction to make it easy for you.
  • Had to use textMute command in every channel if you needed to mute a user globally? The pain's gone! textMute can now mute users across the server if you use the --server (or simply -s) flag along with the textMute command.
  • Music outputs will now have direct links to the video, if the source is YouTube. Now you can directly go from music to video in seconds!
  • Only one user will win the currency giveaway. And the winner's name will be shown after the giveaway.


  • Added fidgetSpinner command. Brag your fidget spinning skills (well, it's just random).
  • Added lyrics command. Get the lyrics of the song you're trying to sing, and sing it without any mistakes!
  • Added muteList command. Now you can see who's been muted server-wide with ease.
  • Added roleColor command. Change the color of any role without even touching the mouse.
  • Wanted to disable some commands/modules in a specific channel? Now can do that; and the best part about it, is that you don't need to use any command for that. Read the FAQ to know how you can do that.
Bastion - Bastion Bot v5.1.1

Published by iamtraction about 7 years ago


  • Fixed giveaway command not sending currencies after the giveaway was ended.
  • Fixed an issue that caused enable/disable commands to be able to get disabled.


  • More string externalization.
  • Now you can use claim everywhere.
  • Improvements to slow mode. It's less annoying now for non-spammers. And real spammers will now be muted for 15 minutes.
  • claim command can now be used with daily alias.
  • clear command will now show some info when messages has been cleared.
  • giveaway won't send out DMs when giveaway ends and users receive bastion currencies.
  • ping command now shows the WebSocket ping as well as the response time.
Bastion - Bastion Bot v5.1

Published by iamtraction about 7 years ago


  • Fixed an issue with profile ranking that displayed wrong ranks of users


  • Changed twitch command's embed color to purple
  • cite command can now cite image attachment in the message
  • cite command can now show proper errors for messages without any content
  • cite command now supports citing message from different channel of the server
  • commands command now takes module names as an optional parameter to send you only the commands in the given modules
  • echo, sendEmbed and selfDestruct command restriced to users with manage server permission
  • userInfo command sets server owner apart from other users. Rep yourself with the pride of a king!
  • userID and userInfo command sets users apart from bots. Because, why not?
  • Starboard can now support image attachment
  • Starboard will now ignore messages without any content
  • Other minor changes


  • Added French translations
  • Added support for notifications when your favorite streamers go live on Twitch.
  • Added claim command. Now you can caim your daily rewards!
  • Added removeSong command. Now you can easily remove the 10 hours long nyan cat video that you added by mistake (mistake?! XD) to the queue.
  • Added streamerRole command. Add a role as the streamer role, and whenever someone (who has at least 1 role) in your server starts streaming, they are given this role.
  • Added streamers command. Advanced twitch notification when users go live, at the touch of your keyboard.
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