
Speech to Text to Speech. Song now playing. Sends text as OSC messages to VRChat to display on avatar. (STTTS) (Speech to TTS) (VRC STT System) (VTuber TTS)

MIT License

TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.8.3 Bug fixes

Published by VRCWizard over 1 year ago


  • The AutoUpdater.xml files are not for you to download they are simply there to tell the Auto Updater in TTS Voice Wizard the version information.
  • x86 version allows for "Moon Base Alpha TTS", Vosk Recognition does not work on x86 version


- replace translation sttts failed error with red log message instead
- fixed windows media breaking for non Spotify sources
- made kat periodically refresh when hide text delay is NOT Enabled
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.8.1 Auto Updates

Published by VRCWizard over 1 year ago


  • The AutoUpdater.xml files are not for you to download they are simply there to tell the Auto Updater in TTS Voice Wizard the version information.
  • The x86 version will be compiled and added to this release later.


v0.9.8.1 (current update)

- Auto Updates
    - Whenever there is a new update you can click the yellow update button to install it.
- Option to auto refresh kat periodically to fix issue with text not appearing if it was not being looked at (when hide text delay is enabled)
- fixed crashing from opening and closing web captioner in rapid succession
- spotifysymbol can be used with kat and windows media mode now
- Vosk does not get disposed of when clicking the speech to text button again it is only muted (disposed upon switch STT modes)
    - Now you don't have to wait for vosk to start up again if you wanna stop it from listening
- new button clicks on by default
- less spotify spam error messages
- obs text in new location, also is cleared on launch
- Glados locally run tts
- fixed pause glitch when switching songs with windows media mode


- fixes emoji page name edit bug
    - upon restart you would see that you editing the incorrect entry (offset by 1)


- Vosk will no longer crash without warning
    - You are now informed if the folder you selected might not be a valid vosk model
    - Fixed occasional crashing when stopping vosk from listening


- Windows Media Mode now shows progress and duration!
- ctrl g hotkey can now be disabled
- fixed web captioner and vosk outputting TTS button click on recognition
- fixed bug when doing word replacements... if the typed word already exists it will incorrectly still be added to the list box as a "phantom"
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.8.0 Auto Updater Test

Published by VRCWizard over 1 year ago

test release, use this release to see if auto update works

TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.7.4

Published by VRCWizard over 1 year ago

  • fixes emoji page name edit bug
    • upon restart you would see that you editting the incorrect entry (offset by 1)
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.7.3 Vosk Fixes

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago

Vosk will no longer crash without warning

  • You are now informed if the folder you selected might not be a valid vosk model
  • Fixed occasional crashing when stopping vosk from listening

(coffee was here)

TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.7.2

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago

  • Windows Media Mode now shows progress and duration!
  • ctrl g hotkey can now be disabled
  • fixed web captioner and vosk outputting TTS button click on recognition
  • fixed bug when doing word replacements... if the typed word already exists it will incorrectly still be added to the list box as a "phantom"
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.7

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago


  • "Moon Base Alpha" (FonixTalk) Voices are x86 version only!
  • Vosk Recognition is x64 version only!
  • Just make sure you download the correct .NET framework. This is why the Quickstart Guide says to download both x64 and x86 versions.
  • The code has been refactored to improve readability and scalability please let me know if you find any bugs ASAP!!!


v0.9.7 (current update)

- minimize to tray toggle changed. It will now start the program in the system tray when this setting is enabled. 
    - To prevent confusion if this setting is enabled a new instance of TTS Voice Wizard can not be opened if one is already opened.
    - double click now actually unminimizes the application along with bringing it out of the system tray
    - speech to text to speech hotkey now works while minimized now
- Warning messages made orange instead of yellow to be visible on light mode. Among (us) other minor changes.
- Code for fonix talk actually works now (if anyone tried running x86 version locally before this update)


- spotify api mode now shows all exception messages for better troubleshooting
- switching STT mode will now disable listening of current mode if it was left on
- delete button no longer enabled while in edit mode for presets
- you can now edit and save preset with the same name without a number being added to the end
- typo fixes


- fixed word replacements / emoji replacements being case sensitive.


- New Word Replacements Tab
- Revamped Kat Emoji Tab (not really tested)


- Supports Sending OSC on discord message for using with assets such as
- Voice Presets
    - Save the customization option for any voice accessible from the preset combobox
- Audio Backend Changed (CSCore Removed, TTS uses NAudio)
    - fixes bug with system speech, tiktok and fonixtalk (x86 only) voices not working right away on app launch
- OSC Query support code added (not in use yet)
- More Error Handling
- System speech recognizer should be less buggy for not english speakers
    - you can now select the used recognizer from settings


- fixes auto clear tts box after tts
- fixes tts button sound playing after stt
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.6.5

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago

  • spotify api mode now shows all exception messages for better troubleshooting
  • switching STT mode will now disable listening of current mode if it was left on
  • delete button no longer enabled while in edit mode for presets
  • you can now edit and save preset with the same name without a number being added to the end
  • typo fixes
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.6.1

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago

fixed word replacements / emoji replacements being case sensitive.

TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.6

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago

  • New Word Replacements Tab
  • Revamped Kat Emoji Tab (not really tested)
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.5 Voice Presets and Discord OSC

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago

  • Supports Sending OSC on discord message for using with assets such as
  • Voice Presets
    • Save the customization option for any voice accessible from the preset combobox
  • Audio Backend Changed (CSCore Removed, TTS uses NAudio)
    • fixes bug with system speech, tiktok and fonixtalk (x86 only) voices not working right away on app launch
  • OSC Query support code added (not in use yet)
  • More Error Handling
  • System speech recognizer should be less buggy for not english speakers
    • you can now select the used recognizer from settings
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.4.7 bug fix

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago

  • fixes auto clear tts box after tts
  • fixes tts button sound playing after stt
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.4.6 Code Refactored

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago


  • "Moon Base Alpha" (FonixTalk) Voices are x86 version only!
  • Vosk Recognition is x64 version only!
  • Just make sure you download the correct .NET framework. This is why the Quickstart Guide says to download both x64 and x86 versions.
  • The code has been refactored to improve readability and scalability please let me know if you find any bugs ASAP!!!


v0.9.4.6 (current update)

  • you can now selected your microphone for Vosk and System Speech in TTS Voice Wizard
  • Changes to VRChat typing indicator activation
  • Extra error handling to Vosk (x64 only) and FonixTalk (x86 only)


  • Code heavily refactored to improve readability and scalability

    • Spotify output now uses a proper timer instead of a win form timer
    • alot of variables moved to appropriate files/ discarded
  • Vosk and System speech can now have their microphone selected in TTS Voice Wizard

  • fixed translations not working properly

  • fixed Spotify/heartrate do not pause for TTS

  • fixed long standing bug with typing dots indicator only showing briefly (it now shows until you finish typing or after a speech to text action)

    • TextToText tab only spams typing=false if the tab is currently selected
  • button for adding {spotifyVolume} to custom text line

  • moved main log trash can over slightly so it doesn't overlap scroll bar


  • Code heavily refactored to improve readability and scalability
    • The refactoring isn't complete but this is a start
  • Added infrastructure for colored log messages (red for error, green for something executed successfully)
  • This update is mainly for testing to see if there are any bugs
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.4.5 Code Refactor 2

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago


  • Code heavily refactored to improve readability and scalability

    • Spotify output now uses a proper timer instead of a win form timer
    • alot of variables moved to appropriate files/ discarded
  • Vosk and System speech can now have their microphone selected in TTS Voice Wizard

  • fixed translations not working properly

  • fixed Spotify/heartrate do not pause for TTS

  • fixed long standing bug with typing dots indicator only showing briefly (it now shows until you finish typing or after a speech to text action)

    • TextToText tab only spams typing=false if the tab is currently selected
  • button for adding {spotifyVolume} to custom text line

  • moved main log trash can over slightly so it doesn't overlap scroll bar

TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.4.2 Code Refactor

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago


  • Code heavily refactored to improve readability and scalability
    • The refactoring isn't complete but this is a start
  • Added infrastructure for colored log messages (red for error, green for something executed successfully)
  • This update is mainly for testing to see if there are any bugs
  • known bug:
    • translations not working properly
    • Spotify/heartrate do not pause for tts
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.4.1 Vosk HOTFIX

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago

  • Fixes Vosk recognizer not being disposed when stopping recognition (meaning if you spam the toggle... your computer resources used will continuously increase)
    • This update is very critical if you use Vosk for recognition
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.4 DeepL Text Translation

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago

  • Translation using DeepL API
  • Supported text to Text Languages
    • If it's not here or commented it is not currently supported
  • Bonus: Azure no longer indicates that you are translating in VRChat.
  • Note I did this all in about an hour so there are probably bugs >,<
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.3.6

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago


Note: x86 contains the "Moon Base Alpha" (FonixTalk) Voices, they are disabled on the x64 version. Feel free to use the x86 version even if you are on a 64-bit OS!
Just make sure you download the correct .NET framework. This is why the Quickstart Guide says to download both x64 and x86 versions.

since v0.9.3.5

  • UI fixes
  • no tts option now actually outputs text in game and in log
  • log clears automatically after reaching 2000 lines


  • Fixes Vosk recognition being terrible (the audio input method has been changed)
  • You can now select the Vosk model folder from the settings tab
  • UI improved when shrinking window so that important buttons are shown
    • TTS Text box no longer stretches when window is made larger, I hope to bring this back in the future to have the best of both worlds.
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.3.5 First Update.... Of the New Year

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago

  • Fixes Vosk recognition being terrible (the audio input method has been changed)
  • You can now select the Vosk model folder from the settings tab
  • UI improved when shrinking window so that important buttons are shown
    • TTS Text box no longer stretches when window is made larger, I hope to bring this back in the future to have the best of both worlds.
TTS-Voice-Wizard - v0.9.3 Last Update... of the Year

Published by VRCWizard almost 2 years ago

Note: x86 contains the "Moon Base Alpha" (FonixTalk) Voices, they are disabled on the x64 version. Feel free to use the x86 version even if you are on a 64-bit OS!
Just make sure you download the correct .NET framework. This is why the Quickstart Guide says to download both x64 and x86 versions.

since v0.9.2

  • Many Bug fixes
    • UI fixes
    • stt option now saves properly
    • fixed azure continuous not working
  • variable added for Spotify API Mode {spotifyVolume}
  • New STT method "Vosk" (UN-TESTED)
    • Vosk has been added for testing purposes, I have never been able to get Vosk to recognize very well, if you have good results/ know how to get good results let me know
    • Download models (here)[]
    • Recommended models:
    • Add the files from the chosen model to the "model" folder
    • known bug: If you try using Vosk without having a model in the folder the program will crash, caused by System.AccessViolationException: 'Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.'


  • UI Changes
    • Settings Pages Combined
  • Change speaking style with voice commands
    • (Turn on "Change Speaking Style Upon Saying Style Name" in Azure Settings)
    • it does what it says, when you say he name of a style it will switch what you say to that style.
  • Dark Mode Option
  • Approved Media List Made Easier?
  • Media Integration now has a variable to show when paused


  • Fixes an issue with the program crashing when using TTS with the Stream Text Overlay enabled but the window closed.
    (Version in program still labeled as 0.9.0)


  • Indonesian language added


  • Try/Catch added for "Cannot set voice"
  • spelling fixes
  • option for not translating voice when Azure translation is enabled (voice in the native language, text in translated language)