
🌈A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Blazor WebAssembly.

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ant-design-blazor - v0.15.5

Published by ElderJames about 1 year ago

What's Changed

Happy Teachers' Day!

  • Table

    • 🐞 Fixed avoid disabled selection would be selected when select-all checked. #3419 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed reset PageIndex when filters and sorters change. #3397 @ElderJames
    • 📖 Docs introduce how to use RowClassName with fixed column and hover rows. #3409 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Input null check for the js of textarea resizable. #3382 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Modal centered conflict maximizable style. #3403 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 Fixed AutoComplete dropdown resize. #3402 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Notification exception that change sync statehaschanged to async. #3400 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 Fixed Progress text wrapping issue of the line type. #3387 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Button avoid fire OnClick when it is Loading. #3414 @ElderJames

  • Accessibility:

    • ⌨️ Add Input the required attribute to input elements. #3383 @eizzn
    • ⌨️ Add Input the aria-invalid attribute when input fails validation. #3378 @eizzn
    • ⌨️ Add Select option the aria-label to select option. #3385 @eizzn
  • 🌐 Fixed i18n: ko-KR locale Confim And Form. #3415 @Jeongyong-park

  • Table

    • 🐞 修复 避免禁用了的行仍然可以被"全选"选中。#3419 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 在排序和筛选被修改时,重置页码。#3397 @ElderJames
    • 📖 更新 文档介绍列固定时的自定义行样式。#3409 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Input Resizable TextArea空引用错误。#3382 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Modal 居中和最大化的样式冲突。#3403 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 修复 AutoComplete 下拉框的自动宽度调整。#3402 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Notification 通知组件使用异步时异常。#3400 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 修复 Progress 的 Line 类型进度条文本换行问题。#3387 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Button 在 Loading 时禁止触发 OnClick 事件。#3414 @ElderJames

  • 可访问性增强

    • ⌨️ 增加 input 元素的 required 属性。#3383 @eizzn
    • ⌨️ 可访问性增强,在验证失败时候增加 input 元素的 aria-invalid 属性。#3378 @eizzn
    • ⌨️ 增加 Select 选项 aria-label 属性。#3385 @eizzn
  • 🌐 修复 Confim 和 Form 的韩文。#3415 @Jeongyong-park

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.15.4

Published by ElderJames about 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • 🆕 Add AutoFocus for all select components. #3375 @LuukGlorie
  • 🐞 Fixed Tree would not invoke CheckedKeys changed while CheckStrictly was set. #3379 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Checkbox passing disabled value to templated options from checkbox group. #3365 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed DomEventListener check ContainsKey for shared event subscriptions store. #3364 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Input incorrect html structure of TextArea icons. #3367 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Menu missing null check. #3368 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Form Help message change. #3373 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed ReuseTabs throwing navigate exceptiion while base path was set. #3362 @ElderJames
  • ⌨️ i11y: Icon role update. #3370 @eizzn

  • 🆕 新增 Select 的 AutoFocus 属性,自动获取焦点。#3375 @LuukGlorie
  • 🐞 修复 Tree 设置了 CheckStrictly 后不触发 CheckedKeys 更新 。#3379 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Checkbox 不能从 CheckboxGroup 传递 Disabled 值给模板中的子项。#3365 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 DomEventListener 回调共享订阅时未检查 key 不存在。#3364 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 TextArea 显示图标的 HTML 结构。#3367 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Menu 缺失的 NULL 检查。#3368 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Form 的 Help 消息文本更新。#3373 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 ReuseTabs 当设置了Base Url 时,访问加载不了页面。#3362 @ElderJames
  • ⌨️ 增强 Icon role 属性的可访问性。#3370 @eizzn

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.15.3

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • 🐞 Fixed Tree multiple should not take effect when Ctrl is not pressed. #3350 @YongQuan-dotnet
  • 🐞 Fixed Icons compatible with bootstrap. #3348 @ElderJames
  • 💄 Fixed Steps missing RTL style. #3343 @ElderJames
  • 🌐 i18n changed dateFormat and dateTimeFormat in ru-RU locale from d.M.yyyy to dd.MM.yyyy. #3342 @Life-is-Peachy
  • 📖 Docs optimize the performance of document navigation. #3347 @ElderJames

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.15.2

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • Table

    • 🐞 Fixed Table avoid exception at DisposeAsync method. #3337 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed Table render incorrectly with ParametersHashCodeChanged render mode in some case. #3313 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Menu that MenuItem unselect incorrectly when menu was inline and collapsed. #3338 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Drawer scroll not enable when page url changed. #3316 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 Fixed Slider does not always fire OnAfterChange. #3323 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Statistic that coundown pause while the navigate to other page. #3329 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Card missing loading effect. #3319 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed TreeSelect that removing last option can't change the binding values. #3314 @ElderJames

  • 🌐 i18n ru-RU changed dateFormat and dateTimeFormat to d.m.yyyy in ru-RU locale. #3327 @Life-is-Peachy

  • Table

    • 🐞 避免 DisposeAsync 中的异常。#3337 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 Table 在 ParametersHashCodeChanged 模式下某些情况不渲染的问题。#3313 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Menu 在收起时 MenuItem 切换又是无法取消选中的问题。#3338 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Drawer 滚动条在页面路由发生变化时没有重置。#3316 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 修复 Slider 在拖动释放时不触发OnAfterChange。#3323 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Statistic 的 CountDown 在切换其他页面时会暂停的问题。#3329 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Card 加载效果失效。#3319 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 TreeSelect 在移除最后一个选项时没有更新绑定的属性。#3314 @ElderJames

  • 🌐 i18n: 俄语本地化文件 dateFormat 和 dateTimeFormat 改为 d.m.yyyy。#3327 @Life-is-Peachy

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.15.1

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

Happy Father's Day!

What's Changed

  • Table

    • 🆕 Add the items of DataSource support interface types. #3297 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed the text would overflow at the cell which is fixed and ellipsis. #3291 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed empty status position incorrectly during pre-rendering stage, and avoid unnecessary use of ResizeObserver. #3281 @ElderJames
  • Tree

    • 🐞 Fixed search crash issue after Tree custom SearchExpression. #3274 @ruyisee
    • 🐞 Fixed DataSource cannot be modify in place after drag and drop. #3275 @Jtfk
  • 🐞 Fixed DatePicker that OnOpenChange would be called twice on RangePicker close. #3307 @Alexbits

  • 🐞 Fixed Tabs duplicated pinned tabs in reusetab. #3306 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Radio infinite loop render after changing the bind value out of the optons. #3287 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed DomEventListener that remove the shared event subscriptions from it's store after there are no one are listening the event. #3278 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed incorrect call of EditContext.NotifyFieldChanged when SelectBase.Values is set (unchanged) to null. #3277 @rhodon-jargon

  • 📖 Update Statistic docs and add a demo about Separator usage. #3166 @Alerinos

  • Table

    • 🆕 增加 支持接口类型的 DataSource 子项。#3297 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 在列定义设置了 Fixed 和 Ellipsis 后,文本超长会超出单元格的问题。#3291 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 空状态团在预渲染时定位不正确的问题,并进少了不必要的 ResizeObserver 订阅。#3281 @ElderJames
  • Tree

    • 🐞 修复 在使用 SearchExpression 匹配关键字后会抛出异常的问题。#3274 @ruyisee
    • 🐞 修复 拖拽节点不能修改 DataSource 的问题。#3275 @Jtfk
  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 的 RangePicker 在关闭时会触发两次 OnOpenChange。#3307 @Alexbits

  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 的 Reusetabs 当有固定标签时,再次导航改标签会重复的问题。#3306 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Radio 当绑定值变成不在选项中的值后会无限循环的问题。#3287 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 DomEventListener 移除不再订阅共享事件的事件列表,避免再次订阅时没创新事件监听器。#3278 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Select 在 SelectBase.Values 被设置为null时, EditContext.NotifyFieldChanged 调用不正常的问题。#3277 @rhodon-jargon

  • 📖 更新 Statistic 文档,增加自定义数字分组和小数点符号的示例。#3166 @Alerinos

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.15.0

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • Table

    • 🆕 Add ItemsProvider support for Virtualization. #3262 @ElderJames
    • 🆕 Add EF Core support for Virtualization ItemsProvider. #3270 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed not logging exception and ignore JSDisconnectedException. #3216 @LuukGlorie
    • 🐞 Fixed the filter of column with the flags enum type place incorrectly. #3168 @ElderJames
  • Layout

  • Tree

    • 🆕 Add HideUnmatched parameter, which allows you to hide all TreeNodes that are not matched to the SearchValue. #3242 @rhodon-jargon
    • 🆕 Add public method GetNode(string key). #3243 @AndrewKaninchen
  • TreeSelect

    • 🆕 Add TreeSelect OnSearch and OnNodeLoadDelayAsync to allow dynamic loading. #3240 @rhodon-jargon
    • 🆕 Add TreeAttributes parameter to give additional parameters to internal Tree component. #3234 @rhodon-jargon
  • Select

  • Tabs

    • 🐞 Fixed Tabs animated cause display incorrectly. #3177 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed the logic of ReuseTabs about tab key. #3153 @berkerdong
  • Datepicker

    • 🐞 Fixed Calculation for WeekPicker. #3214 @sebastian-wachsmuth
    • 🐞 Fixed un-representable DateTime when day > daysInMonth. #3193 @Alexbits
  • 🆕 Add Typography editable text support. #3173 @ElderJames

  • 🆕 Add Mentions ability to customize the rendering of the textarea. #3178 @wss-kroche

  • 🆕 Add Menu ShowCollapsedTooltip parameter to handle Tooltip display. #3226 @ElderJames

  • 🆕 Add Descriptions LabelStyle and ContentStyle for DescriptionItem custom styles. #3186 @ElderJames

  • 🛠 Add InputNumber the id attribute on internal input element. #3198 @varbedi

  • 🛠 Refactor Form expose the feedback status of FormItem for the input component base class. #3227 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Dropdown not hiding after clicking the selected menuitem. #3231 @huangjia2107

  • 🐞 Fixed Input that read spaces or empty strings as null. #3190 @berkerdong

  • 🐞 Fixed Image preview operations would be covered by the preview image. #3170 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Checkbox that CheckboxGroup will report an error when the internal Checkbox is null. #3162 @berkerdong

  • 🐞 Fixed Pagination mini class name was changed. #3266 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed AutoComplete that can't be selected. (#3252). 7d24d09 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Drawer that add type="button" to close button to avoid submitting form. #3233 @trafium

  • Table

    • 🆕 增加虚拟化的 EF Core 支持。#3270 @ElderJames
    • 🆕 增加虚拟化的 ItemsProvider 支持按需请求数据。#3262 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 Table 不打印异常并忽略 JSDisconnectedException。#3216 @LuukGlorie
    • 🐞 修复 Table 的 flags enum 类型列的 filter 展示位置错误。#3168 @ElderJames
  • Layout

    • 🆕 增加 Sider 新属性 DefaultCollapsed,默认收缩。#3260 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 在 Sider 初始是收缩时,菜单没有跟着收缩的问题。#3268 @ElderJames
  • Tree

  • TreeSelect

    • 🆕 增加 新属性 OnSearch 和 OnNodeLoadDelayAsync 来支持动态加载。#3240 @rhodon-jargon
    • 🆕 增加 新属性 TreeAttributes 来传递属性给内部的 Tree 组件。#3234 @rhodon-jargon
  • Select

  • Tabs

  • Datepicker

  • 🆕 增加 Typography 可编辑文本支持。#3173 @ElderJames

  • 🆕 增加 Mentions 自定义输入组件,添加 TextArea 支持。#3178 @wss-kroche

  • 🆕 新增 Menu 的 ShowCollapsedTooltip 属性来控制 Tooltip 的显示。#3226 @ElderJames

  • 🆕 增加 Descriptions 的 LabelStyleContentStyle 来自定义 DescriptionItem 的样式。#3186 @ElderJames

  • 🛠 增加 InputNumber 中 input 元素的 id 属性。#3198 @varbedi

  • 🛠 重构 Form 为 input component base 基类中公开FormItem 的一些属性。#3227 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Dropdown 点击已选择的 MenuItem 后,不自动关闭的问题。#3231 @huangjia2107

  • 🐞 修复 Input 正确读取空字符串或空格。#3190 @berkerdong

  • 🐞 修复 Image 预览操作按钮被预览图片覆盖。#3170 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Checkbox 的 CheckboxGroup 在内部有 Checkbox 是 null 时引发异常的问题。#3162 @berkerdong

  • 🐞 修复 Pagination 的 mini 样式。#3266 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 AutoComplete 无法选中的问题 (#3252)。7d24d09 [@James Yeung]( Yeung)

  • 🐞 修复 Drawer 按钮会提交表单的问题,增加了 type="button" 属性避免。#3233 @trafium

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.15.0-alpha.4

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.15.0-alpha.3

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.15.0-alpha.2

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.15.0-alpha.1

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.14.4

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • 🐞 Fixed Radio avoid infinite loop when the binding vaule is not in options. #3123 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed InputNumber allow passing Style and ID to InputNumber without a wrapper. #3144 @Epictek
  • 🐞 Fixed Select that OnSelectedItemsChanged is not triggered in form. #3129 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Tree that add preventdefault for oncontextmenu. #3076 @AndrewKaninchen
  • 🐞 Fixed Pagination avoid trigger ChangeSize while the size was not be changed. #3133 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Transfer that add ListStyle to custom the css for columns. #3139 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Tabs that ReuseTabs occur error when the base url is not the default. #3142 @berkerdong
  • 🐞 Fixed AutoComplete that fill the input component only if Backfill is true. #3140 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed DatePicker that DisabledDate does not affect keyboard input. #3134 @Alexbits
  • 🐞 Fixed Input that avoid textarea call jsinterop before rendering. #3128 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Radio 避免当绑定值不在选项中时造成的无限循环。#3123 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 允许传递 Style 和 Id。#3144 @Epictek
  • 🐞 修复 Select 的 OnSelectedItemsChanged 在Form 中不触发。#3129 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Tree 给 oncontextmenu 事件增加 preventdefault。#3076 @AndrewKaninchen
  • 🐞 修复 Pagination 在大小没有变化时仍触发 ChangeSize,导致触发了 OnChange。#3133 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Transfer 列表样式属性 ListStyle 来自定义每列的样式。#3139 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 当 base url 不是默认时, ReuseTabs 会引发异常。#3142 @berkerdong
  • 🐞 修复 AutoComplete 只当 Backfill 为 true 时才回填值给输入框。#3140 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Datepicker 的 DisabledDate 属性没有影响到键盘输入。#3134 @Alexbits
  • 🐞 修复 Input 避免 Textarea 在渲染前调用 JS 。#3128 @ElderJames

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.14.4-alpha.1

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - 0.14.3

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • Popconfirm

    • 🐞 Fixed icon missing color. #3093 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed missing built-in localization. #3095 @ElderJames
  • Pagination

    • 🐞 Fixed DefaultCurrent doesn't work. #3085 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed jump button icon direction in RTL language. #3084 @ElderJames
  • Modal

    • 🐞 Fixed every keydown will trigger Modal re-render. #3099 @zxyao145
    • 🛠 Refactor ConfirmService to use interface. #3083 @wss-awachowicz
  • 🐞 Fixed Overlay popup cannot picked in drawer. #3106 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 Fixed Textarea not rendering maxlength on textarea. #3108 @wss-kroche

  • 🐞 Fixed Tabs supports Reusetabs title update. #3088 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed radio can't be selected while radio list and value of RadioGroup was changed at the same time. #3098 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Segmented exception cause by label index was changed. #3096 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Table default pagination position in RTL language. #3086 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Select don't OnSelectedItemsChanged triggers. #3079 @m-khrapunov

  • 🐞 Fixed Menu title padding direction in RTL language. #3080 @ElderJames

  • Popconfirm

  • Pagination

    • 🐞 修复 Pagination 的 DefaultCurrent 参数无作用。#3085 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 Pagination 在RTL模式跳转按钮图标的方向。#3084 @ElderJames
  • Modal

  • 🐞 修复 Drawer 中 popup 无法选择的问题。#3106 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 修复 Textarea 不在 textarea 上渲染 maxlength。#3108 @wss-kroche

  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 支持修改 ReuseTabs 标签名。#3088 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Radio 在 RadioGroup 中的选项和绑定值同时被修改时,不能选中最新值的问题。#3098 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Segmented 在 Labels 索引发送改变时抛出异常的问题。#3096 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Table 分页器在 RTL 语言下的默认位置。#3086 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Select 的 OnSelectedItemsChanged 事件不正常触发。#3079 @m-khrapunov

  • 🐞 修复 Menu 标题在 RTL 语言时内边距的方向。#3080 @ElderJames

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.14.2

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • 🐞 Fixed Menu incorrect submenu styles in RTL language. #3065 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Tabs that reusetabs null reference exception. #3060 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed drawer mask not disappear. #3059 @zxyao145
  • 🐞 Fixed Calendar wrong selected date. #3069 @agolub-s

  • 🐞 修复 Menu 在RTL语言中错误的子菜单样式。#3065 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 的 Reusetabs 在未打开过页面时会出现 null 引用异常。#3060 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 drawe mask 不会消失的问题。#3059 @zxyao145
  • 🐞 修复 Calendar 选中日期错误。#3069 @agolub-s

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.14.1

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

What's Changed

  • 🐞 Fixed Notification RTL incorrect style, and add top and bottom placement support; #3049 @zxyao145
  • 🐞 Fixed Table PageSize can't update once the datasource is changed while HidePagination is enabled. #3052 @wss-javeney
  • 🐞 Fixed Tabs that ReuseTabs keep obsoleted usage. #3051 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Tree OnContextMenu event not firing. #3042 @AndrewKaninchen
  • 🐞 Fixed Select order issues with Select two-way binding selected items. #3037 @CuteLeon
  • 🐞Fixed Drawer mask not closing immediately. #3047 @zxyao145
  • 🛠 Marked multiple redundant parameters as obsolete for future removal: Calendar.OnSelect, Card.Body, Sider.OnCollapse, PageHeader.PageHeaderTitle, PageHeader.PageHeaderSubtitle, Radio.CheckedChange. #3035 @kooliokey

  • 🐞 修复 Notification 在 RTL 下显示异常问题,新增 top 和 bottom 位置支持#3049 @zxyao145
  • 🐞 修复 Table 隐藏分页器时,更新数据源时行数不立刻刷新#3052 @wss-javeney
  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 保留 ReuseTabs 之前的用法。#3051 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Tree OnContextMenu 事件不起作用。#3042 @AndrewKaninchen
  • 🐞 修复 Select 双向绑定选项的顺序问题。#3037 @CuteLeon
  • 🐞 修复 drawer 遮罩层不能立即关闭的问题。#3047 @zxyao145
  • 🛠 将多个冗余参数标记为已过时以供将来删除: Calendar.OnSelect, Card.Body, Sider.OnCollapse, PageHeader.PageHeaderTitle, PageHeader.PageHeaderSubtitle, Radio.CheckedChange#3035 @kooliokey

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.14.0

Published by ElderJames over 1 year ago

Happy Chinese New Year of rabbit!

What's Changed

  • Table

    • 🆕 supports automatic column generation based on the TItem type. #2978 @ElderJames
    • 🆕 Add support for header and row grouping. #2973 @anranruye
    • 🆕 Add empty template parameter and make it fixed while column scrolling. #3031 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed thrown null reference exception in Selection column. #3028 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed column title align incorrectly when filterable. #3023 @ElderJames
  • Input

    • 🆕 Add ShowCount. #3033 @ElderJames
    • 🆕 Add EventCallback OnClear. #3020 @Abin-Liu
  • Menu

    • 🆕 Add PopupClassName parameter. #3027 @JustGentle
    • 🐞 Fixed submenu montion & style. #3024 @ElderJames
  • Transfer

    • 🐞 Fixed throw exception when it's in Form. #3015 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed can't select items. #3011 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed DataSource refresh. #2998 @ElderJames
  • InputNumber

    • 🆕 Add borderless style. #3019 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed step rollback and null reference exception. #3018 @ElderJames
  • Tabs

    • 🛠 refactor ReuseTabs remove ReuseTabsRouteView to reduce coupling to native components. #3009 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed ReuseTabs close other tab rendering error. #3002 @berkerdong
    • 🐞 Fixed Tabs exception at first load while activekey is specificed to a disabled tab. #2997 @ElderJames
  • 🆕 Add theme service. #2883 @melinyi

  • 🆕 Add DatePicker selected week range visualization. #2892 @Alexbits

  • 🆕 Add Radio cascading type parameter for RadioGroup. #3022 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Overlay would show after mouse leave the trigger. #3025 @JustGentle

  • 🐞 Fixed ResizeObserver work incorrectly cause by wrong key type. #3030 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Select bug where selected options will display even with HideSelected set to true when searching or clearing search. #3010 @wss-kroche

  • 🐞 Fixed Form validation status styles. #3005 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Cascader boudary adjust mode default to InView. #2999 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Descriptions invalid messages in Console. #3012 @berkerdong

  • 💄 sync ant-design v4.24.2. #2877 @ElderJames

Breaking Changes

  • Table
    RowTemplate need change to ColumnDefinitions.

  • ReuseTabs

     <Router Context="RouteData">
         <CascadingValue Value="RouteData">
             <RouteView RouteData="RouteData" />



  • Table
    RowTemplate 需要改为 ColumnDefinitions.

  • ReuseTabs

     <Router Context="RouteData">
         <CascadingValue Value="RouteData">
             <RouteView RouteData="RouteData" />

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.13.3

Published by ElderJames almost 2 years ago

What's Changed

  • Select

    • 🐞 Fixed tags mode will retain tag options when datasource is empty. #2986 @wss-javeney
    • 🐞 Fixed dropdown boundary adjust mode defult to InView. #2995 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed search input visual width adjustment issue. #2994 @ElderJames
  • AutoComplete

    • 🐞 Fixed dropdown would open when page was render. #2992 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed the composition session and debounce for input. #2988 @ElderJames
  • Tabs

    • 🐞 Fixed exception at first rendering when the first TabPane is set Disabled. #2982 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed active pane after tabs is dispsed. #2981 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed close exception, remove dispose call after event listener is removed. #2980 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Transfer refresh data on change SelectedKeys or TargetKeys parameters. #2977 @Magehernan

  • 🐞 Fixed TreeSelect value bind incorrectly when default value was set. #2990 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Input Search wrong style with clear button. #2991 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed RangePicker disabled date logic to always apply default logic even when custom is provided. This keeps ranges in the proper order even with custom disabled logic. #2947 @wss-kroche

  • Select

    • 🐞 修复 标签模式在数据源为空时不保留选中项的问题。#2986 @wss-javeney
    • 🐞 修复 Select 下拉列表的边界调整模式为InView。#2995 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 Select 的搜索框字符被隐藏的问题。#2994 @ElderJames
  • AutoComplete

  • Tabs

    • 🐞 修复 当第一个 TabPane 设置了 Disabled 后,首次渲染异常的问题。#2982 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 关闭异常,阻止在 disposed 后还触发渲染器。#2981 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 关闭异常,移除了js 中对引用对象的 Dispose 调用。#2980 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Transfer 在 SelectedKeys 或 TargetKeys 改变时刷新数据。#2977 @Magehernan

  • 🐞 修复 TreeSelect 当绑定了默认值后,不能正确修改值的问题。#2990 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Input Search 组件设置了清除按钮的样式。#2991 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 RangePicker 自定义禁用日期逻辑叠加默认禁用日期判断。#2947 @wss-kroche

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.13.2

Published by ElderJames almost 2 years ago

  • Table

    • 📖 Docs add a search box in the filter & sorter demo to enable custom filtering. #2955 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed Selection Component Hidden Property not working. #2945 @berkerdong
    • 🐞 Fixed Hidden parameter for ActionColumn doesn't work. #2946 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed IQueryable or IEnumerable using AsNoTracking will cause select data duplication bug. #2944 @berkerdong
    • 🐞 Fxied can't restore the query state of filters which value is enum type. #2941 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed Infinite loop when HidePagination and PageSize were set at the same time and datasource is empty. #2919 @ElderJames
  • DatePicker

    • 🆕 Use SuffixIcon passed to RangePicker to allow for a custom suffix icon. #2935 @wss-javeney
    • 🐞 Fixed Exception on input with time when Value is null. #2920 @Alexbits
  • Input

    • 🐞 Fixed the OnChange event would be triggered three times and the clear button would not be displayed with the Suffix template. #2970 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed null reference exception on dispose. #2966 @dracan
  • 🆕 Add TreeSelect TitleTemplate for tree nodes. #2940 @rhodon-jargon

  • 🆕 Add RequiredMark to Form to allow displaying indicators next to required, optional or no fields. #2930 @wss-kroche

  • 🐞 Fixed Tabs some issues with dynamic rendering. #2967 @ElderJames

  • 🛠 Refactor Notification that add an interface INotificationService. It is backwards compatible, but new code should inject INotificationService. #2948 @wss-javeney

  • 🐞 Fixed InputNumber triggering a constant Increase/Decrease in certain scenarios. #2953 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Statistic CountDown format incorrectly when publish with trimming. #2943 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed ClassMapper would get twice css classes. #2934 @berkerdong

  • 🐞 Fixed built-in System.Text.Json for netstandard2.1 target to avoid compatibility exceptions. #2922 @ElderJames

  • Table

    • 📖 文档 查询和排序的 demo 中加入额外的查询框,并实现联合搜索。#2955 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 Selection 列 Hidden 属性不起作用的问题。#2945 @berkerdong
    • 🐞 修复 Table 的 ActionColumn 的 Hidden 属性不起作用的问题。#2946 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 当用了 AsNoTracking 的 IQueryable 作为 DataSource 时导致选中项重复的问题#2944 @berkerdong
    • 🐞 修复 不能恢复枚举类型的 Filter 的查询状态。#2941 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 当同时设置了 HidePagination 和 PageSize 且 DataSource 为空时导致无限循环。#2919 @ElderJames
  • DatePicker

    • 🆕 新增 RangePicker 的 SuffixIcon 属性以允许自定义后缀图标。#2935 @wss-javeney
    • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 在启用时间选择且 Value 为 null 时,点击 input 框出现异常的问题#2920 @Alexbits
  • Input

    • 🐞 修复 OnChange 事件会被触发三次,以及清除按钮不能跟 Suffix 同时显示的问题。#2970 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复在 Dispose 时的偶尔的 null 引用异常.#2966 @dracan
  • 🆕 新增 TreeSelect 支持给节点设置 TitleTemplate#2940 @rhodon-jargon

  • 🆕 新增 Form 的 RequiredMark 属性以允许在必填、可选或无的字段旁边显示指示符。#2930 @wss-kroche

  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 的一些关于动态渲染的问题。#2967 @ElderJames

  • 🛠 重构 Notification 的 NotificationService 增加了 INotificationService 接口。#2948 @wss-javeney

  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 在某些场景下不停触发 递增/递减 的问题。#2953 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Statistic 的 CountDown 再裁剪发布时格式化无效的问题。#2943 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 ClassMapper 的 css classes 出现两次。#2934 @berkerdong

  • 🐞 修复 System.Text.Json 旧版本的bug,给 netstandard2.1 目标内置7.0版本#2922 @ElderJames

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

ant-design-blazor - v0.13.1

Published by ElderJames almost 2 years ago

What's Changed

  • 🐞 Fixed Input that when its value is changed in code, it would rollback on click. #2906 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Table infinite loop when HidePagination ant PageSize was set at same time. #2905 @ElderJames

Full Changelog: