
🌈A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Blazor WebAssembly.

MIT License


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ant-design-blazor - v0.9.4

Published by ElderJames about 3 years ago

Change log

Breaking Changes:
TriggerType => AntDesign.Trigger enum & PlacementType => AntDesign.Placement

  • Table

    • 🐞 修复 在 PageSize 不等于 10 时,初始化时会被刷新两次的问题。#1933 @ElderJames
    • 🆕 传递 CellData 给 CellRender 模板,可访问当前单元格和行的一些信息。#1907 @ElderJames
    • ⚡️ 将固定列的样式处理放到 JS,以提升性能。#1897 @ElderJames
    • 📖 增加 动态表格 demo。#1908 @ElderJames
  • InputNumber

  • Select

  • 🐞 修复 Overlay 与 dropdown、选项框、popup 有关的一系列问题。#1848 @anddrzejb

  • 💄 修复 Button 的 loading 样式。#1902 @CAPCHIK

  • 🐞 增加 TextArea 的 Rows 属性,支持固定的行数。#1920 @anddrzejb

  • 🐞 增加 Input 的 StopPropogation 属性,以减少事件触发,提升性能。#1917 @Hona

  • 🐞 修复 Form 移除已释放的 FormItem 实例。#1901 @lxyruanjian

  • ⚡️ 事件订阅器的内存泄漏问题。#1857 @tonyyip1969

  • 🐞 修复 List 组件的响应式无效的问题。 #1937 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Menu 有 RouterLink 的 MenuItem 在收起时 Title 不隐藏的问题。#1934 @ElderJames

ant-design-blazor - v0.9.3

Published by ElderJames about 3 years ago

Change log

ant-design-blazor - v0.9.2

Published by ElderJames about 3 years ago

  • Table

  • 🐞 Fixed Tree: SelectedNodeChanged would be fired twice twice. #1849 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Tag: Style parameters are not rendered. #1847 @JohnHao421

  • 🐞 Fixed Menu: OnMenuItemClicked should be triggered when menu Selectable is false. #1843 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Checkbox: The checked state of CheckboxGroup didn't follow the value change. #1841 @ElderJames

  • Table

    • 🐞 修复 阻止点击展开按钮时的事件穿透#1850 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 服务端模式初次加载时不触发 OnChange 的问题。#1835 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Tree 切换时选中节点时 SelectedNodeChanged 事件触发两次#1849 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Tag 组件Style参数设置无效。#1847 @JohnHao421

  • 🐞 修复 Menu OnMenuItemClicked 事件在 Selectable=false 时不触发的问题。#1843 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Checkbox 当 CheckboxGroup 的 Value 被修改时,对应选项未选中的问题。#1841 @ElderJames

ant-design-blazor - v0.9.1.1

Published by ElderJames about 3 years ago

fix the site

ant-design-blazor - v0.9.1

Published by ElderJames about 3 years ago


  • Table

  • DatePicker

  • Overlay

    • 🐞 Use right positioning for bottom-right and top-right placement. #1799 @anranruye
    • 🐞 Fixed overlay location when container element has border. #1797 @anranruye
  • Select

  • Tree

  • 🐞 Fixed AutoComplete: turn off the input autocomplete attribute. #1825 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Menu: OnBreakpoint and OnCollapse only when they was changed. #1815 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Calendar: the width of select component in the header. #1801 @anranruye

  • 🐞 Fixed InputNumber: OnChange cannot be triggered during keyboard input. #1830 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Modal: error when confirm TaskCompletionSource SetResult repeat. #1795 @zxyao145

ant-design-blazor - v0.9.0

Published by ElderJames about 3 years ago

🎉 As of this release, the project has welcomed a total of 101 contributors who have made this project possible! We'd like to thank them for their generous contributions!


  • Tabs

  • Table

    • 🆕 Add built-in filter for Guid type. #1756 @anranruye
    • ⚡️ Optimize render fragments. #1597 @anranruye
    • 🛠 Refactor filter model classes, allow access filters through ITableFilterModel, allow access to filter compare operator and condition. #1563 @anranruye
    • 🆕 Add built-in filter for enum types, support null value for List filter type. #1439 @anranruye
    • 🆕 Add Columns Show/Hide functionality. #1410 @ldsenow
    • 🆕 Add Allow custom pagination template. #1409 @ldsenow
    • 🛠 Refactor PropertyAccessHelper to PathHelper, replace double quotes with single quotes to identify string index keys. #1386 @Zonciu
    • 🐞 Add implement TotalChanged callback; add demo for loading data from remote data source. #1558 @anranruye
    • 📖 Fixed edit row demo can't recovery the editing on cancel. #1745 @ElderJames
  • Select

    • 🆕 Add EnumSelect for select componet with enum. #1759 @wangj90 - 🆕 Add Simple data source: When the item in the data source and the value property of select use the same type, it is not necessary to specify ValueName; When LabelName is not specified, the return value of the ToString() method of the item in the data source is used as the label. #1541 @anranruye
    • 🐞 Fixed duplicated tags. #1766 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 Fixed the issue that can not set select component initial value for non-datasource approach. #1743 @anranruye
  • Form

    • 🆕 Add Support for setting validation rules on FormItem. #1516 @mutouzdl
    • 🆕 Add Support for EditContext dynamic change. Added OnFieldChanged, OnValidationRequested & OnValidationStateChanged events. #1504 @anddrzejb
    • 🆕 Added LabelStyle to FormItem for custom element styling. #1503 @anddrzejb
    • 🆕 Expose EditContext in Form component, allow access to validation messages. #1464 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 Fixed FormItem would be default to property name. #1738 @ElderJames
  • Modal

    • 🆕 Add NotificationRef support. #1498 @zxyao145
    • 🐞 Fixed wrong seter in ModalOptions.ConfirmLoading (always is true). #1742 @zxyao145
    • 🐞 Fixed click dialog cause the mask click event triggered. #1727 @zxyao145
  • Tree

    • 🛠 Refactor and close to official features, fixes initial value issues, and supports drag and drop. #1517 @lovachen
    • 🆕 Added support for checking all items in a Tree from code. #1722 @lukblazewicz
  • 🆕 Upload: Add support for drag upload. #1765 @ElderJames

  • 🆕 Button: Allows you to set a color for the button according to the official palette. #1774 @boukenka

  • 🆕 Dropdown: Add ButtonsStyle & ButtonsClass parameters that allow to style each button separately. Type accepts single value that will be applied to both buttons. #1659 @anddrzejb

  • 🆕 DatePicker: Support disable one of RangePicker inputs. #1648 @mutouzdl

  • 🆕 Tag: Color parameter now supports custom hex values and an Enum type. #1514 @MutatePat

  • 🐞 Drawer: Fixed the bug that the page scroll bar is restored when one of them is closed when there are multiple Drawers at the same time. #1771 @zxyao145

  • 🌐 i18n: Add missing French short week days. #1521 @dust63

🎉 截至这个版本,本项目一共迎来 101 位贡献者,是他们成就了这个项目!在此感谢他们慷慨的贡献!

  • Tabs

  • Table

    • 🆕 添加 Guid 类型的内置筛选器。#1756 @anranruye
    • ⚡️ 优化内部的渲染片段。#1597 @anranruye
    • 🛠 可通过 ITableFilterModel 访问 TableFilter,可访问 TableFilter 中的比较运算符和条件运算符。#1563 @anranruye
    • 🆕 为枚举类型添加内置筛选器, 列表类型的筛选器添加支持null值。#1439 @anranruye
    • 🆕 增加 可隐藏列#1410 @ldsenow
    • 🆕 增加 自定义翻页器的支持#1409 @ldsenow
    • 🛠 用PathHelper替换PropertyAccessHelper, 用单引号替换双引号标识字符串索引键。#1386 @Zonciu
    • 🐞 修复分页问题,实现 TotalChanged 回调;添加远程加载数据示例。#1558 @anranruye
    • 📖 修复 EditRow demo 在点击取消时不恢复原值的bug。#1745 @ElderJames
  • Select

    • 🆕 增加 EnumSelect,可将枚举转化为选项#1759 @wangj90
    • 🐞 修复多选模式Tag重复的问题#1766 @anddrzejb
    • 🚫 当数据源中的项和 Select 的 Value 属性使用相同类型时,无需指定 ValueName;当不指定 LabelName 时,将使用数据源中的项的 ToString() 方法的返回值作为 Label。#1541 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复当使用 SelectOption 时不能为Select组件设置初始值的问题。#1743 @anranruye
  • Form

    • 🆕 支持在 FormItem 上直接添加验证规则(不只是通过Model上的特性)。#1516 @mutouzdl
    • 🆕 支持 EditContext 重新赋值,增加OnFieldChanged, OnValidationRequestedOnValidationStateChanged 事件#1504 @anddrzejb
    • 🆕 FormItem 增加 LabelStyle 属性,支持修改其样式。#1503 @anddrzejb
    • 🆕 暴露 Form 组件中的 EditContext ,使用户可以访问验证信息。#1464 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 修复 FormItem 默认会显示属性名的问题。#1738 @ElderJames
  • Modal

    • 🆕 添加 NotificationRef 的支持。#1498 @zxyao145
    • 🐞 修复 ModalOptions.ConfirmLoading中setter错误赋值(总是true)。#1742 @zxyao145
    • 🐞 修复 dialog 系列组件被点击时导致mask的点击事件被触发的bug。#1727 @zxyao145
  • Tree

  • 🆕 Button: 支持设置官方色板中的颜色#1774 @boukenka

  • 🆕 Dropdown: 增加 ButtonsStyleButtonsClass 属性来支持自定义各个按钮的样式,修改 Type 属性支持单个值来同时应用到两个按钮#1659 @anddrzejb

  • 🆕 DatePicker: RangePicker 支持禁用单个输入框。#1648 @mutouzdl

  • 🆕 Tag: 组件的 Color 属性支持十六进制色值或预设的枚举值。#1514 @MutatePat

  • 🐞 Drawer: 修复在同时有多个 Drawer 时关闭其中一个就恢复页面滚动条的 Bug。#1771 @zxyao145

  • 🆕 Upload: 支持拖拽上传。#1765 @ElderJames

  • 🌐 i18n: 修复法语的周数翻译。#1521 @dust63

ant-design-blazor - v0.8.4

Published by ElderJames over 3 years ago


  • Table

  • Upload

  • DatePicker

  • Form

    • 🆕 feat(module: form): use DisplayName attribute as the default FormItem Label. #1682 @gmij
    • 🐞 allow to use input components without bind-Value attribute inside customized form control. #1662 @anranruye
    • 📖 add advanced search demo. #1654 @ElderJames
  • i18n

    • 🌐 Russian locale resources additions. #1709 @kuznecovIT
    • 🐞 When a node is missing from a resource file, the default value is used and no runtime exception is thrown. #1710 @anranruye
  • 🆕 Tag shows pointer cursor when OnClick is set. #1660 @anddrzejb

  • ⚡️ Modal and Drawer render reducing, update document and demo. #1701 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 Fixed Select allow change both data source and value in one render period. #1720 @anranruye

  • 🐞 Fixed Tabs horizontal scrolling of tabs #1581 @Brian-Ding

  • 🐞 Fix Statistic CountDown OnFinish callback exception(#1712). #1714 @HexJacaranda

  • 🐞 Fixed Overlay OnMaskClick event will fire correctly when the overlay size changes. #1692 @anranruye

  • 🐞 Fixed Space items behavior when they are inside if block. #1684 @anranruye

  • 🐞 Fix Grid gutter adjustment on col initialize. #1653 @ElderJames

  • Table

    • 🆕 增加属性可使 Table 可展开行默认全部展开。#1695 @henrikwidlund
    • 🐞 修复选择筛选器的 与/或 条件会关闭筛选器面板的错误。#1687 @anranruye
    • 🐞 允许在表格初始化之后设置筛选器。#1667 @anranruye
  • Upload

  • DatePicker

  • Form

    • 🆕 使用 DisplayName 特性作为 FormItem Label。#1682 @gmij
    • 🐞 修复 多个输入组件组合时只需要最上层组件设置 bind-Value 属性。#1662 @anranruye
    • 📖 增加 form 的高级搜索 demo。#1654 @ElderJames
  • i18n

  • 🆕 Tag: 当 OnClick 事件绑定了方法时,指针变为手指。#1660 @anddrzejb

  • ⚡️ Modal and Drawer 组件减少重复渲染,进行文档和 demo 的更新。#1701 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 允许在一个渲染周期内同时改变数据源和值。#1720 @anranruye

  • 🐞 修复 标签的鼠标滚轮滚动。#1581 @Brian-Ding

  • 🐞 修复 CountDown 组件 OnFinish 回调异常。#1714 @HexJacaranda

  • 🐞 当弹出层大小改变时会触发 OnMaskClick 事件。#1692 @anranruye

  • 🐞 修复 Space 子项在 "if "块中的渲染顺序问题。#1684 @anranruye

  • 🐞 修复 Grid 的 Col 在初始化时的默认间距调整。#1653 @ElderJames

ant-design-blazor - v0.8.2

Published by ElderJames over 3 years ago


  • Table

    • 🐞 Fixed selection issues. #1632 @anranruye
    • 🐞 Fixed filter wrong compare operator after remove one filter condition; remove input components for 'Is Null' and 'Is Not Null' filter operators. #1596 @anranruye
    • 🐞 Fixed the issue that filters are not applied when close the filter panel by clicking filter icon area. #1594 @anranruye
    • 🐞 Fixed filter icon wrong highlight after clear the filter value; fix filter behavior when there is no input value. #1592 @anranruye
    • 🐞 Fixed can not close filter by confirm button. #1602 @anranruye
    • 📖 update ‘fork official sample’ demo to enable the sorters. #1544 @anranruye
  • Dropdown

    • 🐞 Add typical Button propertied to DropdownButton. Include demo & API docs for Dropdown API and Button API. #1609 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 Add Loading parameter to DropdownButton. #1588 @anddrzejb
  • DatePicker

  • InputNumber

    • 🐞 fix the exception which is throwed when an InputNumber component for nullable type loses focus. #1612 @anranruye
    • 🐞 fix(module:inputnumber): include parser in value evaluation. #1567 @anddrzejb
  • 🐞 New parameters for Input: Bordered, ReadOnly, InputElementSuffixClass & methods: Focus(), Blur(), fixed clear icon. New parameter for TextArea ShowCount, fixed clear icon. Search gets new look and paramter ClassicSearchIcon for fallback to old look. InputGroup whitespace removed. New parameters for InputPassword: ShowPassword & IconRender. #1530 @anddrzejb

  • 🐞 Fixed Affix: remove wrong event listeners. #1616 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Drawer: OffsetX and offsetY do not work of Drawer, and update the documents how to use DrawerService by the way. #1448 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 Fixed Radio: add defaultChecked and defaultValue. #1494 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Tag: Add support for Status and custom colors, add animation demo #1631 @anddrzejb

  • 🐞 Fixed Image: fix the style property position. #1642 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Checkbox: in-form behavior of CheckboxGroup component. #1637 @anranruye

  • 🌐 Fixed nl-BE and nl-NL locales. #1624 @gregloones

  • 🛠 add missing 'filterOptions' node to german locale file. #1562 @anranruye

  • 🌐 Added values missing from locale es-ES. #1534 @Magehernan

  • Table

    • 🐞 修复 Selection 的选择和清空功能。 #1632 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复删除一个筛选条件后筛选器比较运算符错误的问题;移除 Is Null 和 Is Not Null 筛选条件的输入组件。#1596 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复点击筛选图标关闭筛选器面板时不应用筛选操作的问题。#1594 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复筛选器图标错误地持续处于选中状态的错误;修复没有在筛选器的输入组件输入任何值时也会进行筛选的问题。#1592 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复点击筛选器确定按钮筛选器面板不关闭的问题。#1602 @anranruye
    • 📖 更新“复刻官方示例”示例以使排序可用。#1544 @anranruye
  • Dropdown

  • DatePicker

  • InputNumber

    • 🐞 修复可空类型的组件失去焦点时抛出的异常。#1612 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 在值计算时没包括 Parser。#1567 @anddrzejb
  • Input 系列组件 #1530 @anddrzejb

    • 🐞 修复 Input 缺失的 BorderedReadOnlyInputElementSuffixClass 属性,增加 Focus(), Blur()方法。
    • 🐞 修复 TextArea 缺失的 TextArea ShowCount 属性,修复清除按钮。
    • 🐞 修复 Search 的样式,使用 ClassicSearchIcon 来回滚到旧样式。
    • 🐞 修复 InputPassword 的 ShowPasswordIconRender 属性。
  • 🐞 修复 Affix 监听器移除的问题#1616 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Drawer OffsetX 和offsetY 不起作用,并更新使用 DrawerService 的文档。#1448 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 修复 Radio 的 defaultChecked 和RadioGroup的 DefaultValue。#1494 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Tag 的 Status 和自定义颜色的支持,增加动画 demo。#1631 @anddrzejb

  • 🐞 修复 Image 组件 Style 属性的作用位置。#1642 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 CheckboxGroup 组件不能在 Form 中使用的问题。#1637 @anranruye

  • 🌐 修复 荷兰语资源。#1624 @gregloones

  • 🌐 修复 德语资源。#1562 @anranruye

  • 🌐 修复 西班牙语资源。#1534 @Magehernan

ant-design-blazor - v0.8.1

Published by ElderJames over 3 years ago

Change log

  • Overlay

  • Input

    • 🐞 修复 不能使用 Guid 类型的问题。#1510 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复 字符串与特定类型的转换问题,增加了 CultureInfo 属性。#1480 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 修复 按回车键的数据绑定问题。#1375 @ElderJames
  • Table

    • 🐞 修复 内置筛选器选项菜单的宽度#1500 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复 使用“结尾是”过滤条件时的错误。#1434 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复 点击清除排序时不刷新的问题。#1385 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复 无法使用 DataIndex 绑定可空属性的问题#1382 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复 筛选器对 DataIndex 的支持,统一 FieldName 定义,添加列名 DisplayAttribute 支持。#1372 @Zonciu
    • 🐞 修复 ellipsis 无效的问题。#1376 @ElderJames
  • Cascader

  • DatePicker

  • Modal

    • 🆕 可通过 ModalOptions 设置 Style。 #1400 @zxyao145
    • 🐞 修改 Dialog 组件中 Mask 点击判断 Task.Delay 的时间为 DOM* MIN* TIMEOUT_ VALUE (4ms)。#1445 @zxyao145
    • 🐞 修复 Dialog 关闭时不恢复显示滚动条的问题,为 Dialog 添加 Dispose。#1379 @zxyao145
  • Form

  • Select

    • 🐞 修复在 SelectOption 中使用可空值类型时的错误。#1451 @anranruye
    • 🛠 使用 ResizeObserver 重构响应式时浏览器尺寸事件的订阅#1392 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 当 DataSource 改变时触发 OnDataSourceChanged#1419 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 修复值为枚举时的问题#1368 @anddrzejb
  • 🆕 新增 Element 组件,用于动态渲染元素#1378 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Checkbox 的 Value 在初始化时是阻塞#1459 @anddrzejb

  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 按住时,离开组件还会自增的问题。#1490 @CAPCHIK

  • 🐞 修复 Checkbox and Switch 组件的 Value 和 Checked 绑定问题#1394 @anddrzejb

  • 🐞 修复 Tag 的 closable 拼写错误,和删除 Mode 属性#1393 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 InputPassword 切换明文时,保持焦点和光标位置。#1377 @MihailsKuzmins

  • 🐞 修复 Affix 当 OffsetTop 为 0 时不能钉住的问题。#1373 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 getDom 函数可能返回 null 的 bug。#1417 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 修复 IE 浏览器下拉选项宽度为 0 的问题。#1469 @anranruye

ant-design-blazor - v0.8.0

Published by ElderJames over 3 years ago


ant-design-blazor - v0.7.4

Published by ElderJames over 3 years ago

ant-design-blazor - v0.7.3

Published by ElderJames over 3 years ago


  • 🐞 Fixed Dropdown: Animations for down and up are inverse. #1274 @mutouzdl
  • 🐞 Fixed Tree nodes expand incorrectly. #1275 @TimChen44
  • 💄 Fixed Cascader an issue where the style attribute could not affect the style. #1269 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Datepicker [selected date on end picker]、[quarter panel's ranges] are incorrect. #1260 @mutouzdl
  • 📖 chore: add the copyright of .NET Foundation. #1272 @ElderJames
  • 📖 chore: fix cmd for preview site and style sync. 68c7539 @ElderJames
ant-design-blazor - v0.7.2

Published by ElderJames over 3 years ago


ant-design-blazor - v0.7.1

Published by ElderJames over 3 years ago

ant-design-blazor - v0.7.0

Published by ElderJames over 3 years ago

ant-design-blazor - v0.6.0

Published by ElderJames over 3 years ago



ant-design-blazor - v0.5.3

Published by ElderJames almost 4 years ago

Change log for v0.5.3

fix(module: table): exception if field is null (#965) @ElderJames
feat(module: button): add StopPropagation property for click event (#960) @motl2000

ant-design-blazor - v0.5.2

Published by ElderJames almost 4 years ago

Here is v0.5.2 ! A huge thank you to all the contributors ❤!

🎉Good News:

Ant Design Blazor has been approved to become an official Member Project in the .NET Foundation!

Thanks to the Ant Design Blazor community for their generous contributions to the project. May we make the open source ecology of Blazor and .NET even better!

Change log 0.5.2

  • fix(module: table): sorter works incorrectly (#962)
  • fix missing static files (8e9cbffd7d9261b8494a7d3d080daab1e874395d)

Change log 0.5.0

Following is the changes in 0.5.0 release.



  • select:
    • refactor completely new (#800) @ElDiddi (Notice: Breaking changes)
    • add a simple select with string type (#836) @ElderJames
  • table:
    • add OnRowClick to Table component (#785) @brooklynDev
    • add TitleTemplate for column title (#857) @Eliot00
    • add header style and fix the table size (#909) @fan0217
    • add fixed header & columns (#954) @ElderJames
    • add ellipsis column (#957) @ElderJames
  • add the framework target for .NET 5 (#758) @ElderJames
  • menu:
    • support multiple and accordion mode (#787) @ElDiddi
    • expose SubMenu's Placement (#921) @Bintel
  • badge: preset color of ribbon (#791) @boulix3
  • dropdown: support context menu in .NET 5 (#815) @mutouzdl
  • date-picker: support localization (#803) @NPadrutt
  • modal: add locale for Modal and Confirm (#932) @zxyao145
  • form:
    • simplify ColLayout (#830) @TimChen44
    • make the form validator customizable (#841) @Zonciu
    • form: add ValidateOnChange parameter (#920) @TimChen44
  • tabs: separate the TabPane component (#839) @ElderJames
  • input-number: support all numeric types (#850) @Zonciu
  • icon: embed icons in the assembly (#810) @ElDiddi
  • sider: expose sider toggle collapse (#879) @Hona
  • input: implement optional key debouncing (#899) @Hona
  • tree:
    • support generic type (#777) @TimChen44
    • add expandAll and collapseAll method (#941) @imhmao
  • list: ListItemMeta support description template (#959) @yanb1

Bug fix

  • slider:
    • drag, select, focus and rapid reposition fix (#903) @anddrzejb
    • edge lock, range initial values, both range value change (#866) @anddrzejb
  • carousel: left/right dot position and dynamically slick rendering (#918) @dblleaf
  • tabs:
    • stops tabs buttons from flickering when icons are present (#822) @diegofrata
    • ink malposition and card tabs didn't active (#848) @ElderJames
    • style change dynamically (#900) @ElderJames
  • modal:
    • destroy the dom after page is changed (#799) @zxyao145
    • throw error when using ModalService (#809) @zxyao145
    • make the Title property is default to string.Empty in ModalOptions (#887) @ElderJames
    • using ConfimRef to close Confirm dialog but not reset body's scroll bar (#884) @zxyao145
    • remove non auto destroyed Modal DOM created by ModalService (#930) @zxyao145
  • date-picker:
    • bind-value is useless without form (#798) @mutouzdl
    • ExtraFooter disappear in month mode (#820) @mutouzdl
    • date-picker: OneOf to TValue, default value for picker, optimizations (#933) @anddrzejb
  • calendar: fix method or operation is not implemented (#821) @mutouzdl
  • locale-provider: change SetLocale to public method (#838) @Zonciu
  • select: the behavior when Overlay is disabled, remove clear icon when Select is disabled (#847) @Zonciu
  • menu: submenu couldn't auto close (#852) @mutouzdl
  • alert: make description element visible if passed in ChildContent (#881) @szmalec
  • collapse: missing style and can not collapse (#892) @ElderJames
  • statistic: remove the redundant 0 (#896) @ElderJames
  • input: repeated dictionary key MaxLength causes an exception (#880) @Katherine-yang0515
  • upload: change to use responseCode not a "error" string when upload failed. (#905) @aaasoft
  • grid: actualBreakpoint NRE in Row (#908) @CAPCHIK
  • descriptions: colspan calculates error (#911) @Yuanxw612
  • overlay:
    • overlay will reposition on window resize (#897) @anddrzejb
    • overlay can be aligned to right when trigger is not button. (#925) @dblleaf
  • list: the width is overwritten by flex style after setting grid column (#913) @yoli799480165
  • table: tree data doesn't work in asynchrony (#929) @ElderJames
  • timeline: add/remove item dynamically (#931) @ElderJames
  • cascader: duplicated highlighting for the same label (#950) @imhmao


  • Use title component (#758) @hueifeng
  • make the site menu responsive (#901) @ElderJames
  • translate for chart doc (#804) @NPadrutt
  • affix: code cleaning, doc update (#805) @ElDiddi
  • the api of affix, alert, anchor,avatar and autocomplete docs (#796) @CYTings
  • alert code cleaning, doc update (#806) @ElDiddi
  • avatar code cleaning, doc update (#808) @ElDiddi
  • make the registration way more explicit (#708) @ajitgoel
  • add template badges (#811) @ElderJames
  • add dropdown in drawer demo (#819) @mutouzdl
  • docs: cname to (#837) @ElderJames
  • use jsdelivr cdn to load wasm/dll files(9fa5aeeb652f491e1876ff3e238ca3f2e15986a7) @ElderJames

Our other projects:

We have also created a number of projects for Blazor Ecology, and they need your contributions as well!

UEditor for Blazor

A wysiwyg rich text web editor based on UEditor and Blazor.

Vditor for Blazor

A markdown editor based on Vditor and Blazor.

ant-design-blazor - v0.4.1

Published by ElderJames almost 4 years ago

Patch version v0.4.1 is released due to the lack of static files in version 0.4.0.


fix release ci action
fix menu link activation
fix auto-complete panel closing

ant-design-blazor - v0.4.0

Published by ElderJames almost 4 years ago

Thanks to all contributors for their generous contributions 💕

I'm sorry for taking so long to release the new version. So I'm releasing 0.4 and will be adapting some .net 5 features.

Change log 🎉🎉🎉


pref: table support parameter-changed render mode by @xljiulang
feat: table support colspan & rowspan, expand row, tree data by @ElderJames
feat: complete back-top by @TimChen44
fix: CssSizeLength, automatically adapts to the unit by @xljiulang
fix duplicate footer on rangepicker by @Epictek
fix multiple issues for select and transfer by @ElDiddi
refactor autocomplete to support generic type by @TimChen44
feat: allow number type for input @Epictek
feat: add IdGeneratorHelper for components @shutdown256
feat: de/activate panels by keys for collapse @shutdown256

... and lots of bug fixes.


The template is now ready to use.


Charts are also available. Here is the docs:
