
Blazor UI component library based on Material Design. Support Blazor Server, Blazor WebAssembly and MAUI Blazor.

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MASA.Blazor - 1.0.0-preview.5

Published by capdiem over 1 year ago

What's Changed

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MASA.Blazor - 1.0.0-preview.4

Published by capdiem over 1 year ago

What's Changed

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MASA.Blazor - 1.0.0-preview.3

Published by mixvii over 1 year ago

What's Changed

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MASA.Blazor - 1.0.0-preview.2

Published by capdiem over 1 year ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

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MASA.Blazor - 1.0.0-preview.1

Published by capdiem almost 2 years ago


  • MarkdownIt: a Markdown parser base on markdown-it, and provide a Highlight component which can use themes from prism or highlight.js to highlight the the source code.
  • Gridstack: a component for dashboard layout and creation base on gridstack.js.
  • DataTable: dark supports for stripe (#880), closes #269.
  • DataTable: Events and EventColor supports (#887), closes #82.
  • ECharts: improve the way to update themes (#869), closes #246.
  • ProgressCircular: BackgroundColor supports (#804), closes #801.
  • EllipsisText: the text-overflow is always ellipsis, if the content overflows its container, the content would be displayed in the tooltip.

Breaking changes

  • DataTable: the Align type of DataTable header changes to enum (#802), closes #712.
  • Checkbox/Switch: TrueValue and FalseValue supports, closes #710.
  • Confirm: PConfirm has now been removed, please use PopupService.Confirm instead.

For details, please see the Upgrade Guide.


  • The logic of registration and execution of activator events such as click, mouseenter, mouseleave, focus and blur has been moved to js. The scope of influence includes Tooltip, Menu, Hover, Dialog, BottomSheet, Drawer, Modal, PopupService and so on.
  • The implementation of outside-click has been moved to OutsideClickJSModule, and the scope of influence includes Dialog, BottomSheet, Drawer, Modal, PopupService, Autocomplete, Select and so on.

Bug fixes

  • App: throw when js invoked on pre-rendering, closes #846.
  • Button: Elevation doesn't work (#828).
  • BottomNavigation: crashed when App is enable (#799), closes #774.
  • ExpansionPanels: components that wrap ExpansionPanel cannot be trigger, closes #843.
  • FileInput: HideInput doesn't work.
  • PopupService: button position compatibility in confirm and prompt (#879), closes #874, thanks to @Yu-Core!
  • PopupService.Alert: wrong type of Rounded, closes #860.
  • Stepper: the error label has a shadow (#871), closes #265.
  • Treeview: AppendContent should be exposed as a parameter (BlazorComponent/BlazorComponent#265), thanks to @tzm1119.


  • We updated the document UI, and thanks to @239573049 and other friends for their suggestions.


  • Markdown It:一个基于 markdown-it 的 Markdown 解析器,并提供了一个 Highlight 组件,可以使用 prismhighlight.js 中的主题来高亮源代码。
  • GridStack:基于 gridstack.js 的仪表板布局创建组件。
  • DataTable:斑马纹支持暗主题 (#880),关闭 #269。
  • DataTableEventsEventColor 支持 (#887),关闭 #82。
  • ECharts:改进主题更新方式 (#869),关闭 #246。
  • ProgressCircleBackgroundColor 支持 (#804),关闭 #801。
  • EllipsisTexttext-overflow 始终为 ellipsis,如果内容溢出容器,则会在 tooltip 中显示内容。


  • DataTable:DataTable header 的 Align 类型变为枚举 (#802),关闭 #712。
  • Checkbox/SwitchTrueValueFalseValue 支持,关闭 #710。
  • ConfirmPConfirm 现在已被移除,请改用 PopupService.Confirm



  • clickmouseentermouseleavefocusblur等激活器事件的注册和执行逻辑已移至js。影响的范围包括 Tooltip、Menu、Hover、Dialog、BottomSheet、Drawer、Modal、PopupService 等组件。
  • outside-click 的实现移到了 OutsideClickJSModule,影响的范围包括 Dialog、BottomSheet、Drawer、Modal、PopupService、AutoComplete、Select等组件。


  • App:在预渲染时调用js时抛出,关闭 #846。
  • ButtonElevation 不工作 (#828)。
  • BottomNavigationApp 开启时崩溃 (#799),关闭 #774。
  • ExpansionPanels:包装ExpansionPanel的组件不能被触发,关闭 #843。
  • FileInputHideInput 不起作用。
  • PopupService:确认提示中按钮位置兼容问题(#879),关闭 #874,感谢 @Yu-Core!
  • PopupService.AlertRounded 类型错误,关闭 #860。
  • Stepper:错误标签有阴影 (#871),关闭 #265。
  • TreeviewAppendContent 应该公开为参数(BlazorComponent/BlazorComponent#265),这要感谢 @tzm1119。


  • 我们更新了文档UI,并感谢 @239573049 和其他朋友的建议。
MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0

Published by capdiem almost 2 years ago


  • Cascader: support for change the value when selecting.
  • Carousel: a new component that is used to display large numbers of visual content on a rotating timer.
  • Cron: a preset component to generate cron expression.
  • DataTable: support for mobile.
  • ECharts: support setting optional chart configurations using InitOptions, support disposing the instance of echarts using public method DisposeEcharts, support customizing the theme using Light, Dark or Theme.
  • InfiniteScroll: a new component that support scrolling to the bottom of the list automatically loads more data.
  • Input: support setting the min-height through the MinHeight parameter.
  • MobilePickerView: A picker view designed for the mobile. Provides multiple sets of options for users to choose, and supports single-column selection, multi-column selection and cascading selection.
  • MobilePicker: A picker view designed for the mobile.
  • MobileDateTimePicker: A date time picker designed for the mobile.
  • MobileDatePicker: A date picker designed for the mobile.
  • MobileTimePicker: A time picker designed for the mobile.
  • MobileCascader: a cascade component designed for mobile.
  • Select: ItemContent's context now supports calling Item's click event through the OnClick method.

Breaking changes

  • Input: Change the logic of Input component inputting and rendering. Asynchronous operation in ValueChanged is not recommended now.
  • Form: Validate, Reset, and ResetValidation are changed to synchronous methods.
  • Form: Change the context type of ChildContent from EditContext to FormContext.
  • Preset: Enhance the api for configuring the preset of MASA.Blazor.

Bug fixes

  • ListItem: fix that can't select the TextField's content in ListItem if there is a Checkbox.
  • Menu: fix that CloseOnContentClick=false doesn't work and still close when click the content of Select component in Menu component.
  • NavigationManager: hide scroll if the overlay shown.
  • TextField: fix that prefix overlaps with label #600, and fix that the label width doesn't calculate in ExpansionPanelContent #607.
  • Treeview: fix that Filter doesn' work, and fix that OnActiveUpdate doesn't invoke when assign a value to Active.


  • The home page links to the official website.
  • Tile and tag the preset components.
  • Append version tag after the logo.
  • support for algolia search on mobile.
  • fix that the height of AppBar on mobile will affect the calculation of top on desktop.


  • Cascader:支持在选择时更改值。
  • Carousel:一个用于在循环计时器上显示大量可视内容的新组件。
  • Cron:一个用于生成cron表达式的预置组件。
  • DataTable:支持移动端。
  • ECharts:支持使用InitOptions设置可选图表配置,支持使用公开方法DisposeECharts释放echarts实例,支持使用LightDarkTheme自定义主题。
  • InfiniteScroll:无限滚动组件,支持滚动到列表底部自动加载更多数据。
  • Input:添加 MinHeight 参数。
  • MobilePickerView:专为移动设备设计的选择视图。提供多个选项集合供用户选择,支持单列选择、多列选择和级联选择。
  • MobilePicker:专为移动设备设计的选择器。提供多个选项集合供用户选择,支持单列选择、多列选择和级联选择。
  • MobileDateTimePicker:专为移动设备设计的日期选择器。
  • MobileDatePicker:专为移动设备设计的时间选择器。
  • MobileTimePicker:专为移动设备设计的时间选择器。
  • MobileCascader:特别为移动端设计的级联组件。
  • SelectItemContent 的 context 现在支持通过OnClick方法调用 Item 的点击事件。


  • Input:更改输入组件输入和渲染的逻辑。现在不建议 ValueChanged 里做异步操作。
  • FormValidateResetResetValidation 更改为同步方法。
  • Form:将 ChildContent 的上下文类型从 EditContext 改为 FormContext
  • Preset:增强配置MASA.Blazor预设值的API。


  • ListItem: 修复了如果有复选框则无法在ListItem中选择Textfield的内容的问题。
  • Menu:修复在Menu组件中点击Select组件的内容时CloseOnContentClick=False不起作用,仍会关闭的问题。
  • NavigationManager: 如果存在遮罩,则隐藏滚动。
  • Textfield:修复前缀与 label 重叠的问题 #600,修复 LabelWidth 在 ExpansionPanelCotnent 里没有计算的问题 #607。
  • Treeview: 修复Filter不起作用的问题,修复当给Active赋值时OnActiveUpdate没有调用的问题。


  • 主页链接到官方网站。
  • 平铺和标记预置组件。
  • 在LOGO后面附加版本标签。
  • 支持在移动设备上algolia搜索。
  • 修复移动端AppBar的高度会影响桌面端Top的计算。
MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-rc.9

Published by capdiem almost 2 years ago

MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-rc.8

Published by capdiem almost 2 years ago

MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-rc.7

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago

MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-rc.6

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago

MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-rc.5

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago

MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-rc.4

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago

MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-rc.3

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago

MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-rc.2

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago

MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-rc.1

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago


  • Cascader: support for change the value when selecting.
  • Carousel: a new component that is used to display large numbers of visual content on a rotating timer.
  • Cron: a preset component to generate cron expression.
  • DataTable: support for mobile.
  • ECharts: support setting optional chart configurations using InitOptions, support disposing the instance of echarts using public method DisposeEcharts, support customizing the theme using Light, Dark or Theme.
  • InfiniteScroll: a new component that support scrolling to the bottom of the list automatically loads more data.
  • Input: support setting the min-height through the MinHeight parameter.
  • MobilePickerView: A picker view designed for the mobile. Provides multiple sets of options for users to choose, and supports single-column selection, multi-column selection and cascading selection.
  • MobilePicker: A picker view designed for the mobile.
  • MobileDateTimePicker: A date time picker designed for the mobile.
  • MobileDatePicker: A date picker designed for the mobile.
  • MobileTimePicker: A time picker designed for the mobile.
  • MobileCascader: a cascade component designed for mobile.
  • Select: ItemContent's context now supports calling Item's click event through the OnClick method.

Breaking changes

  • Input: Change the logic of Input component inputting and rendering. Asynchronous operation in ValueChanged is not recommended now.
  • Form: Validate, Reset, and ResetValidation are changed to synchronous methods.
  • Form: Change the context type of ChildContent from EditContext to FormContext.

Bug fixes

  • ListItem: fix that can't select the TextField's content in ListItem if there is a Checkbox.
  • Menu: fix that CloseOnContentClick=false doesn't work and still close when click the content of Select component in Menu component.
  • NavigationManager: hide scroll if the overlay shown.
  • TextField: fix that prefix overlaps with label #600, and fix that the label width doesn't calculate in ExpansionPanelContent #607.
  • Treeview: fix that Filter doesn' work, and fix that OnActiveUpdate doesn't invoke when assign a value to Active.


  • The home page links to the official website.
  • Tile and tag the preset components.
  • Append version tag after the logo.
  • support for algolia search on mobile.
  • fix that the height of AppBar on mobile will affect the calculation of top on desktop.


  • Cascader:支持在选择时更改值。
  • Carousel:一个用于在循环计时器上显示大量可视内容的新组件。
  • Cron:一个用于生成cron表达式的预置组件。
  • DataTable:支持移动端。
  • ECharts:支持使用InitOptions设置可选图表配置,支持使用公开方法DisposeECharts释放echarts实例,支持使用LightDarkTheme自定义主题。
  • InfiniteScroll:无限滚动组件,支持滚动到列表底部自动加载更多数据。
  • Input:添加 MinHeight 参数。
  • MobilePickerView:专为移动设备设计的选择视图。提供多个选项集合供用户选择,支持单列选择、多列选择和级联选择。
  • MobilePicker:专为移动设备设计的选择器。提供多个选项集合供用户选择,支持单列选择、多列选择和级联选择。
  • MobileDateTimePicker:专为移动设备设计的日期选择器。
  • MobileDatePicker:专为移动设备设计的时间选择器。
  • MobileTimePicker:专为移动设备设计的时间选择器。
  • MobileCascader:特别为移动端设计的级联组件。
  • SelectItemContent 的 context 现在支持通过OnClick方法调用 Item 的点击事件。


  • Input:更改输入组件输入和渲染的逻辑。现在不建议 ValueChanged 里做异步操作。
  • FormValidateResetResetValidation 更改为同步方法。
  • Form:将 ChildContent 的上下文类型从 EditContext 改为 FormContext


  • ListItem: 修复了如果有复选框则无法在ListItem中选择Textfield的内容的问题。
  • Menu:修复在Menu组件中点击Select组件的内容时CloseOnContentClick=False不起作用,仍会关闭的问题。
  • NavigationManager: 如果存在遮罩,则隐藏滚动。
  • Textfield:修复前缀与 label 重叠的问题 #600,修复 LabelWidth 在 ExpansionPanelCotnent 里没有计算的问题 #607。
  • Treeview: 修复Filter不起作用的问题,修复当给Active赋值时OnActiveUpdate没有调用的问题。


  • 主页链接到官方网站。
  • 平铺和标记预置组件。
  • 在LOGO后面附加版本标签。
  • 支持在移动设备上algolia搜索。
  • 修复移动端AppBar的高度会影响桌面端Top的计算。
MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-preview.6

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago

Breaking changes

  • Input(TextField, TextArea): Change the logic of Input component inputting and rendering. Asynchronous operation in ValueChanged is not recommended now.
  • Form: Validate, Reset, and ResetValidation are changed to synchronous methods.
  • Form: Change the context type of ChildContent from EditContext to FormContext.


  • Input(TextField, TextArea):更改输入组件输入和渲染的逻辑。现在不建议 ValueChanged 里做异步操作。
  • Form:ValidateResetResetValidation 更改为同步方法。
  • Form:将 ChildContent 的上下文类型从 EditContext 改为 FormContext
MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-preview.5

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago


  • MobilePickerView: A picker view designed for the mobile. Provides multiple sets of options for users to choose, and supports single-column selection, multi-column selection and cascading selection.
  • MobilePicker: A picker view designed for the mobile.
  • MobileDateTimePicker: A date time picker designed for the mobile.
  • MobileDatePicker: A date picker designed for the mobile.
  • MobileTimePicker: A time picker designed for the mobile.
  • MobileCascader: change the ui and behavior of asynchronous loading children.


  • Tile and tag the preset components.
  • Append version tag after the logo.
  • support for algolia search on mobile.
  • fix that the height of AppBar on mobile will affect the calculation of top on desktop.


  • MobilePickerView:专为移动设备设计的选择视图。提供多个选项集合供用户选择,支持单列选择、多列选择和级联选择。
  • MobilePicker:专为移动设备设计的选择器。提供多个选项集合供用户选择,支持单列选择、多列选择和级联选择。
  • MobileDateTimePicker:专为移动设备设计的日期选择器。
  • MobileDatePicker:专为移动设备设计的时间选择器。
  • MobileTimePicker:专为移动设备设计的时间选择器。
  • MobileCascader:更改异步加载子对象的UI和行为。


  • 平铺和标记预置组件。
  • 在LOGO后面附加版本标签。
  • 支持在移动设备上algolia搜索。
  • 修复移动端AppBar的高度会影响桌面端Top的计算。
MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-preview.4

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago


  • InfiniteScroll: a new component that support scrolling to the bottom of the list automatically loads more data.
  • Select: ItemContent's context now supports calling Item's click event through the OnClick method.
  • Input: support setting the min-height through the MinHeight parameter.

Bug fixes

  • TextField: fix that prefix overlaps with label #600, and fix that the label width doesn't calculate in ExpansionPanelContent #607.
  • ECharts: fix that Locale demo could not be displayed #613, and fix that the error of changing themes under WebAssembly.


  • The home page links to the official website.


  • InfiniteScroll:无限滚动组件,支持滚动到列表底部自动加载更多数据。
  • SelectItemContent 的 context 现在支持通过OnClick方法调用 Item 的点击事件。
  • Input:添加 MinHeight 参数。


  • Textfield:修复前缀与 label 重叠的问题 #600,修复 LabelWidth 在 ExpansionPanelCotnent 里没有计算的问题 #607。
  • ECharts:修复 Locale 示例无法正常显示的问题 #613,修复 WebAssembly 下主题切换错误的问题。


  • 主页链接到官方网站。
MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-preview.3

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago


  • ECharts: support setting optional chart configurations using InitOptions, support disposing the instance of echarts using public method DisposeEcharts, support customizing the theme using Light, Dark or Theme.

Bug fixes

  • NavigationManager: hide scroll if the overlay shown.


  • ECharts:支持使用InitOptions设置可选图表配置,支持使用公开方法DisposeECharts释放echarts实例,支持使用LightDarkTheme自定义主题。


  • NavigationManager: 如果存在遮罩,则隐藏滚动。
MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-preview.2

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • ListItem: fix that can't select the TextField's content in ListItem if there is a Checkbox.
  • Treeview: fix that Filter doesn' work, and fix that OnActiveUpdate doesn't invoke when assign a value to Active.
  • Cascader: clear the child selection when click on an item that has been selected.


  • ListItem: 修复了如果有复选框则无法在ListItem中选择Textfield的内容的问题。
  • Treeview: 修复Filter不起作用的问题,修复当给Active赋值时OnActiveUpdate没有调用的问题。
  • Cascader: 当点击已选择项时,清除子选择项。