
Blazor UI component library based on Material Design. Support Blazor Server, Blazor WebAssembly and MAUI Blazor.

MIT License


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MASA.Blazor - 0.6.0-preview.1

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago


  • Cascader: support for change the value when selecting.
  • Carousel: a new component that is used to display large numbers of visual content on a rotating timer.
  • Cron: a preset component to generate cron expression.
  • DataTable: support for mobile.
  • MobileCascader: a cascade component designed for mobile.

Bug fixes

  • Menu: fix that CloseOnContentClick=false doesn't work and still close when click the content of Select component in Menu component.


  • Cascader:支持在选择时更改值。
  • Carousel:一个用于在循环计时器上显示大量可视内容的新组件。
  • Cron:一个用于生成cron表达式的预置组件。
  • DataTable:支持移动端。
  • MobileCascader:特别为移动端设计的级联组件。


  • Menu:修复在Menu组件中点击Select组件的内容时CloseOnContentClick=False不起作用,仍会关闭的问题。
MASA.Blazor - 0.5.0

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago


  • Autocomplete: add support for automatically selecting the first item by setting AutoSelectFirst #279 and add support for CacheItems parmeter. Enhance the user experience using the up and down keys.
  • BottomNavigation: a new component, is an alternative to the sidebar. It is primarily used for mobile applications.
  • DragZone: a new component, based on Sorttable.js to implement drag and drop functionality.
  • Form: FluentValidation support DependencyInjection, validation messages supports i18n.
  • i18n: component library supports localization and enhance the localization of docs.
  • Markdown: add support for Readonly.
  • Modal: support for setting custom title content and close content through slots.
  • Select/Autocomplete: add logic pressed by Escape, Space, Home and End keys.

Break changes

  • i18n: change the api of using i18n to services.AddMasaBlazor().AddI18nForServer().
  • CSS: merge masa-blazor.css and masa-extend-blazor.css to masa-blazor.min.css.

Bug fixes

  • Breakpoint: MasaBlazor.Breakpoint.Mobile doesn't work at the first time.
  • DataTable: make FooterProps strongly typed and do not render the ItemsPerPage element if FilterProps.ItemsPerPageOptions is empty or null.
  • Datatable: UI error when using FixedRight and FixedHeader together.
  • Dialog: recover scroll if dialog is present and gonna to be disposed #491.
  • Divider: fix the problem that cannot be displayed in some cases, us as using in Stepper.
  • ErrorHandler: fix that exceptions in lifecycles still thrown in a loop.
  • ListGroup: should not render the append-icon element when append-icon is null, the same applies to prepend-icon.
  • Markdown: typo on Readonly, move token to the request header.
  • NavigationDrawer: fix the problem that wrong way to set MiniVariant to false when click event triggered.
  • Select: enhance the user experience, and fix #391 and #332.
  • Stepper: fix that ref maybe null in disposing.
  • Switch/Checkbox: fix the problem that OnChange not work #489.
  • TimelineItem: fix the problem that Left and Right not work.
  • Textarea: re-calculate input height after the value of Value, AutoGrow or RowHeight parmeters changed.
  • TextField: fix that Autofocus not works in Dialog.
  • Transition: fix that LeaveAbsolute not works in ToogleableTransitionElement.
  • Treeview: fixes taht the tree nodes is not updated when the Items changes.


  • i18n: rename language to culture.


  • ExpansionPanels: update the Advanced example with new Transition component.
  • CSS: masa-extend-blazor.css should not include the style of the doc.
  • WebAssembly: minimize app download size and update the loading animation on the first screen.


  • Autocomplete:支持通过设置 AutoSelectFirst 参数开启自动选择第一项的功能 #279,支持 CacheItems 参数,增强使用上下键的用户体验。
  • BottomNavigation:一个替代侧边栏的新组件。它主要用于移动应用程序。
  • DragZone:一个基于 Sorttable.js 实现拖放功能的新组件。
  • Form:FluentValidation 支持依赖注入,验证消息支持I18n。
  • i18n:组件库支持本地化,增强了文档的本地化。
  • Markdown: 支持通过设置 Readonly 开启只读。
  • Modal:支持通过插槽设置自定义标题内容和关闭内容。
  • Select/Autocomplete:添加按下 EscapeSpaceHomeEnd 键的逻辑。


  • i18n: 将使用i18n的api更为 services.AddMasaBlazor().AddI18nForServer()
  • CSS: 合并 masa-blazor.cssmasa-extend-blazor.cssmasa-blazor.min.css


  • Breakpoint:修复 MasaBlazor.Breakpoint.Mobile 首次不工作的问题。
  • DataTable: 将 FooterProps 参数设置为强类型,如果 FilterProps.ItemsPerPageOptions 为空时不渲染页数选择元素。
  • DataTableFixedRightFixedHeader 同时使用时出现UI错误。
  • Dialog:恢复滚动如果对话框已显示并将要释放时 #491。
  • Divider:修复在某些场景分割线无法显示的问题,比如在Stepper中使用时。
  • ErrorHandler:修复生命周期中的异常仍然循环抛出的问题。
  • ListGroup:如果append-icon为空是不渲染该元素,prepend-icon同理。
  • Markdown:修复 Readonly 拼写错误,讲token移动到请求头。
  • NavigationDrawer:修复当触发点击事件时 MiniVariant 设置为false的逻辑错误问题。
  • Select:增强用户使用体验,并修复了 #391 和 #332。
  • Stepper:修复在处理时引用可能为空的问题。
  • Switch/Checkbox:修复 OnChange 事件无法触发的问题 #489。
  • TimelineItem:修复 LeftRight 参数不起作用的问题。
  • Textarea:Value、AutoGrow、RowHeight参数值改变后,重新计算输入高度。
  • Textfield:修复对话框中 AutoFocus 不起作用。
  • Transition:修复 LeaveAboluteToogleableTransftionElement 中不起作用。
  • Treeview:修复了Items更改时树节点没有更新的问题。


  • i18n:重命名 languageculture


  • ExpansionPanels:使用新的过渡组件更新高级示例。
  • CSSmasa-end-blazor.css 不能包含文档的样式。
  • WebAssembly:最小化应用程序下载大小,更新首屏加载动画。
MASA.Blazor - 0.5.0-rc.7

Published by capdiem about 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • i18n: I18n.Culture may be empty in some scenarios.


  • i18n:修复 I18n.Culture 某些场景下可能为空的问题。
MASA.Blazor - 0.5.0-rc.6

Published by capdiem over 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Breakpoint: MasaBlazor.Breakpoint.Mobile doesn't work at the first time.
  • Datatable: UI error when using FixedRight and FixedHeader together.
  • Select: Fix the problem when the item type is struct


  • Breakpoint:修复MasaBlazor.Breakpoint.Mobile 首次不工作的问题。
  • DataTable:FixedRightFixedHeader同时使用时出现UI错误。
  • Select:修复Item类型为结构时的问题。
MASA.Blazor - 0.5.0-rc.5

Published by capdiem over 2 years ago


  • i18n: support for adding with specific culture and dictionary.


  • i18n:支持添加特定的区域和字典。
MASA.Blazor - 0.5.0-rc.4

Published by capdiem over 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • ErrorHandler: fixes that exceptions cannot be caguth in somecases.
  • i18n: zh-Hans-CN does not reconginze in HarmonyOS.


  • Docs: enhance the code highlighting.


  • ErrorHandler:修复了在某些情况异常没有捕获的问题。
  • i18n: 修复鸿蒙系统无法识别 zh-Hans-CN 的问题。


  • 文档:增强代码高亮。
MASA.Blazor - 0.5.0-rc.3

Published by capdiem over 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Treeview: fixes taht the tree nodes is not updated when the Items changes.
  • ErrorHandler: fixes that exceptions cannot be caguth in somecases.


  • Treeview:修复了Items更改时树节点没有更新的问题。
  • ErrorHandler:修复了在某些情况异常没有捕获的问题。
MASA.Blazor - 0.5.0-rc.2

Published by capdiem over 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • DragZone/Editor: errors occurrred in js when component is disposed.
  • PageTabs: enable stopPropgation and preventDefault when the close event is emitted.
  • Textarea: re-calculate input height after the value of Value, AutoGrow or RowHeight parmeters changed.
  • SlideGroup: fixed the style of next element.
  • PageTabs: add the AbsolutePath readonly property that ignores the IP address and port number.


  • DragZone/Editor:组件释放时js出现错误。
  • PageTabs:触发关闭事件时,开启stopPropgation和preventDefault。
  • TextareaValueAutoGrowRowHeight参数值改变后,重新计算输入高度。
  • SlideGroup:修复了next元素的样式。
  • PageTabs:添加忽略IP地址和端口号的AbsoltePath只读属性。
MASA.Blazor - 0.5.0-rc.1

Published by capdiem over 2 years ago


  • Autocomplete: add support for automatically selecting the first item by setting AutoSelectFirst #279 and add support for CacheItems parmeter. Enhance the user experience using the up and down keys.
  • BottomNavigation: a new component, is an alternative to the sidebar. It is primarily used for mobile applications.
  • DragZone: a new component, based on Sorttable.js to implement drag and drop functionality.
  • Form: FluentValidation support DependencyInjection, validation messages supports i18n.
  • i18n: component library supports localization and enhance the localization of docs.
  • Markdown: add support for Readonly.
  • Modal: support for setting custom title content and close content through slots.
  • Select/Autocomplete: add logic pressed by Escape, Space, Home and End keys.

Break changes

  • i18n: change the api of using i18n to services.AddMasaBlazor().AddI18nForServer().
  • CSS: merge masa-blazor.css and masa-extend-blazor.css to masa-blazor.min.css.

Bug fixes

  • DataTable: make FooterProps strongly typed and do not render the ItemsPerPage element if FilterProps.ItemsPerPageOptions is empty or null.
  • Dialog: recover scroll if dialog is present and gonna to be disposed #491.
  • Divider: fix the problem that cannot be displayed in some cases, us as using in Stepper.
  • ErrorHandler: fix that exceptions in lifecycles still thrown in a loop.
  • ListGroup: should not render the append-icon element when append-icon is null, the same applies to prepend-icon.
  • Markdown: typo on Readonly, move token to the request header.
  • NavigationDrawer: fix the problem that wrong way to set MiniVariant to false when click event triggered.
  • Select: enhance the user experience, and fix #391 and #332.
  • Stepper: fix that ref maybe null in disposing.
  • Switch/Checkbox: fix the problem that OnChange not work #489.
  • TimelineItem: fix the problem that Left and Right not work.
  • TextField: fix that Autofocus not works in Dialog.
  • Transition: fix that LeaveAbsolute not works in ToogleableTransitionElement.


  • i18n: rename language to culture.


  • ExpansionPanels: update the Advanced example with new Transition component.
  • CSS: masa-extend-blazor.css should not include the style of the doc.
  • WebAssembly: minimize app download size and update the loading animation on the first screen.


  • Autocomplete:支持通过设置 AutoSelectFirst 参数开启自动选择第一项的功能 #279,支持 CacheItems 参数,增强使用上下键的用户体验。
  • BottomNavigation:一个替代侧边栏的新组件。它主要用于移动应用程序。
  • DragZone:一个基于 Sorttable.js 实现拖放功能的新组件。
  • Form:FluentValidation 支持依赖注入,验证消息支持I18n。
  • i18n:组件库支持本地化,增强了文档的本地化。
  • Markdown: 支持通过设置 Readonly 开启只读。
  • Modal:支持通过插槽设置自定义标题内容和关闭内容。
  • Select/Autocomplete:添加按下 EscapeSpaceHomeEnd 键的逻辑。


  • i18n: 将使用i18n的api更为 services.AddMasaBlazor().AddI18nForServer()
  • CSS: 合并 masa-blazor.cssmasa-extend-blazor.cssmasa-blazor.min.css


  • DataTable: 将 FooterProps 参数设置为强类型,如果 FilterProps.ItemsPerPageOptions 为空时不渲染页数选择元素。
  • Dialog:恢复滚动如果对话框已显示并将要释放时 #491。
  • Divider:修复在某些场景分割线无法显示的问题,比如在Stepper中使用时。
  • ErrorHandler:修复生命周期中的异常仍然循环抛出的问题。
  • ListGroup:如果append-icon为空是不渲染该元素,prepend-icon同理。
  • Markdown:修复 Readonly 拼写错误,讲token移动到请求头。
  • NavigationDrawer:修复当触发点击事件时 MiniVariant 设置为false的逻辑错误问题。
  • Select:增强用户使用体验,并修复了 #391 和 #332。
  • Stepper:修复在处理时引用可能为空的问题。
  • Switch/Checkbox:修复 OnChange 事件无法触发的问题 #489。
  • TimelineItem:修复 LeftRight 参数不起作用的问题。
  • Textfield:修复对话框中 AutoFocus 不起作用。
  • Transition:修复 LeaveAboluteToogleableTransftionElement 中不起作用。


  • i18n:重命名 languageculture


  • ExpansionPanels:使用新的过渡组件更新高级示例。
  • CSSmasa-exend-blazor.css 不能包含文档的样式。
  • WebAssembly:最小化应用程序下载大小,更新首屏加载动画。
MASA.Blazor - 0.5.0-preview.5

Published by capdiem over 2 years ago


  • i18n: add localization support for IPopupService and preset components.

Break changes

  • i18n: change the api of using i18n to services.AddMasaBlazor().AddI18nForServer().
  • CSS: merge masa-blazor.css and masa-extend-blazor.css to masa-blazor.min.css.

Bug fixes

  • Markdown: typo on Readonly, move token to the request header.
  • WebAssembly: fix that "Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Services.WebViewJSRuntime' to type 'Microsoft.JSInterop.IJSInProcessRuntime'" in maui blazor.


  • WebAssembly: minimize app download size and update the loading animation on the first screen.


  • i18n:弹出层服务组件和预制组件支持本地化。


  • i18n: 将使用i18n的api更为 services.AddMasaBlazor().AddI18nForServer()
  • CSS: 合并 masa-blazor.cssmasa-extend-blazor.cssmasa-blazor.min.css


  • Markdown:修复 Readonly 拼写错误,讲token移动到请求头。
  • WebAssembly:修复在maui blazor使用时报”Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Services.WebViewJSRuntime' to type 'Microsoft.JSInterop.IJSInProcessRuntime'“的问题。


  • WebAssembly:最小化应用程序下载大小,更新首屏加载动画。
MASA.Blazor - 0.5.0-preview.4

Published by capdiem over 2 years ago


  • BottomNavigation: a new component, is an alternative to the sidebar. It is primarily used for mobile applications.
  • DragZone: a new component, based on Sorttable.js to implement drag and drop functionality.
  • Modal: support for setting custom title content and close content through slots.
  • Form: validation messages supports i18n.
  • i18n: component library supports localization and enhance the localization of docs.

Bug fixes

  • ErrorHandler: fix that exceptions in lifecycles still thrown in a loop.


  • i18n: rename language to culture.


  • BottomNavigation:一个替代侧边栏的新组件。它主要用于移动应用程序。
  • DragZone:一个基于 Sorttable.js 实现拖放功能的新组件。
  • Modal:支持通过插槽设置自定义标题内容和关闭内容。
  • Form:验证消息支持I18N。
  • i18n:组件库支持本地化,增强了文档的本地化。


  • ErrorHandler:修复生命周期中的异常仍然循环抛出的问题。


  • i18n:重命名 languageculture
MASA.Blazor - 0.5.0-preview.3

Published by capdiem over 2 years ago


  • Select/Autocomplete: add logic pressed by Escape, Space, Home and End keys.
  • Form: FluentValidation support DependencyInjection.

Bug fixes

  • Switch/Checkbox: implement ISelectable, and fix that failing to change value by clicking label.
  • Autocomplete: fix that menu cannot be activated after searching results.
  • Divider: fix that Style is set to the wrong element.
  • Stepper: fix that ref maybe null in disposing.
  • TextField: fix that Autofocus not works in Dialog.
  • Transition: fix that LeaveAbsolute not works in ToogleableTransitionElement.


  • ExpansionPanels: update the Advanced example with new Transition component.
  • CSS: masa-extend-blazor.css should not include the style of the doc.


  • Select/Autocomplete:添加按下 EscapeSpaceHomeEnd 键的逻辑。
  • Form:FluentValidation 支持依赖注入。


  • Switch/CheckBox:实现 ISelecable,点击Label修复无法更改值的问题。
  • Autocomplete:修复搜索结果后无法激活菜单的问题。
  • Divider:修复 Style 设置错误的元素。
  • Stepper:修复在处理时引用可能为空的问题。
  • Textfield:修复对话框中 AutoFocus 不起作用。
  • Transition:修复 LeaveAboluteToogleableTransftionElement 中不起作用。


  • ExpansionPanels:使用新的过渡组件更新高级示例。
  • css:masa-end-blazor.css 不能包含文档的样式。
MASA.Blazor - 0.5.0-preview.2

Published by doddgu over 2 years ago


  • Form: support dependency injection for FluentValidation.

Bug fixes

  • Select: fix OnSelectedItemUpdate not work.


  • Form: FluentValidation 支持依赖注入

Bug fixes

  • Select: 修复OnSelectedItemUpdate 不起作用
MASA.Blazor - 0.5.0-preview.1

Published by doddgu over 2 years ago


  • Autocomplete: add support for automatically selecting the first item by setting AutoSelectFirst #279. Enhance the user experience using the up and down keys.
  • Markdown: add support for Readonly.

Bug fixes

  • DataTable: make FooterProps strongly typed and do not render the ItemsPerPage element if FilterProps.ItemsPerPageOptions is empty or null.
  • Dialog: recover scroll if dialog is present and gonna to be disposed #491.
  • Divider: fix the problem that cannot be displayed in some cases, us as using in Stepper.
  • ListGroup: should not render the append-icon element when append-icon is null, the same applies to prepend-icon.
  • NavigationDrawer: fix the problem that wrong way to set MiniVariant to false when click event triggered.
  • Select: enhance the user experience, and fix #391 and #332.
  • Switch & Checkbox: fix the problem that OnChange not work #489.
  • TimelineItem: fix the problem that Left and Right not work.


  • Autocomplete: 支持通过设置 AutoSelectFirst 参数开启自动选择第一项的功能 #279,增强使用上下键的用户体验。
  • Markdown: 支持通过设置 Readonly 开启只读。


  • DataTable: 将 FooterProps 参数设置为强类型,如果 FilterProps.ItemsPerPageOptions 为空时不渲染页数选择元素。
  • Dialog: 恢复滚动如果对话框已显示并将要释放时 #491。
  • Divider: 修复在某些场景分割线无法显示的问题,比如在Stepper中使用时。
  • ListGroup: 如果append-icon为空是不渲染该元素,prepend-icon同理。
  • NavigationDrawer: 修复当触发点击事件时MiniVariant设置为false的逻辑错误问题。
  • Select: 增强用户使用体验,并修复了 #391 和 #332。
  • Switch & Checkbox: 修复 OnChange 事件无法触发的问题 #489。
  • TimelineItem: 修复 LeftRight 参数不起作用的问题。
MASA.Blazor - 0.4.0

Published by doddgu over 2 years ago


  • Presets(预置)
    • BlockText: display two data of the same type side by side.
    • CopyableText: append a button that provides copy feature to the content.
    • ImageCaptcha: provide the feature of generating image verification code and validation.
    • PopupService: support alert, confirm, prompt and toast by injecting IPopupService.
    • Toast: a non-interrupting light-weighted prompt.
  • BottomSheet: a modified MDialog that slides from the bottom of the screen.
  • Form: support FluentValidation.
  • OTP Input: used for MFA procedure of authenticating users by a one-time password.
  • Markdown: a markdown editor based on Vditor.
  • Editor: a rich text editor base on quill.
  • Divider: add support for ChildContent and Orientation.
  • Floating Action Buttons: can be used as a floating action button. This provides an application with a main point of action. Combined with the MSpeedDial component, you can create a diverse set of functions available for your users.
  • TextField: add support for setting NumberProps when type is number.
  • Delayable: add a hook that invoked after content shown #133
  • BSimpleCheckbox: support Readonly #135


  • Dialog(Modal, Dialog, Tooltip, Drawer, Windows): Optimize signalr communication times.
  • SimpleCheckbox: rename OnInput to ValueChanged.
  • Transition: ensure that the transition is complete by handling the transitionend event.


  • Markdown
  • Transitions
  • BlockText, CopyableText: Update description of BlockText and CopyableText #479
  • ECharts: tips for adding package references #480


  • Presets(预置)
    • BlockText: 并排显示同一类型的两个数据
    • CopyableText: 添加一个按钮,提供复制内容的功能
    • ImageCaptcha: 提供生成图像验证码和验证的功能
    • PopupService: 通过注入IPopupService提供弹出类功能,支持alert,confirm,prompt 和 toast
    • Toast: 一个不间断的轻量级提示
  • BottomSheet: 一个修改自“MDialog”的屏幕底部滑动弹出框
  • Form: 表单验证支持 FluentValidation
  • OTP Input: 用于MFA(多重身份验证)的一次性密码认证
  • Markdown: 基于Vditor的markdown编辑器
  • Editor: 基于quill的富文本编辑器
  • Divider: 分割线添加支持子内容和方向
  • Floating Action Buttons: 可以用作浮动动作按钮。 这为应用程序提供了一个主要的操作点。 结合“MSpeedDial”组件,您可以为您的用户创建一组不同的功能
  • TextField: 当type为number时,支持设置NumberProps
  • Delayable: 添加一个在显示的内容之后调用的钩子 #133
  • BSimpleCheckbox: 支持 Readonly(只读) #135


  • Dialog(Modal, Dialog, Tooltip, Drawer, Windows): 优化signalr通讯次数
  • SimpleCheckbox: OnInput重命名为ValueChanged
  • Transition: 通过处理transitionend事件来确保过渡动画已经完成


  • Markdown
  • Transitions
  • BlockText, CopyableText: 更新描述 #479
  • ECharts: 提示增加包引用 #480
MASA.Blazor - 0.4.0-rc.3

Published by doddgu over 2 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • BDialog: disable scroll of overlay when dialog shown (#137)


  • BSimpleCheckbox: support Readonly (#135)


  • BDialog: 显示对话框时禁用overlay滚动 (#137)


  • BSimpleCheckbox: 支持 Readonly(只读) (#135)
MASA.Blazor - 0.4.0-rc.2

Published by doddgu over 2 years ago

Bug Fixes(修复Bug)

  • fix(PToast&MTextField): fix error when duration is null and textfield internal value delay #478


  • fix: MTextField bind-value reset bug #482

    MTextField bind-value 重置的bug


  • feat(Delayable): add a hook that invoked after content shown #133



  • docs: Update description of BlockText and CopyableText #479
  • docs(ECharts): tips for adding package references #480
MASA.Blazor - 0.4.0-rc.1

Published by doddgu over 2 years ago


  • Presets(预置)
    • BlockText: display two data of the same type side by side.


    • CopyableText: append a button that provides copy feature to the content.


    • ImageCaptcha: provide the feature of generating image verification code and validation.


    • PopupService: support alert, confirm, prompt and toast by injecting IPopupService.

      通过注入IPopupService提供弹出类功能,支持alert,confirm,prompt 和 toast

    • Toast: a non-interrupting light-weighted prompt.


  • BottomSheet: a modified MDialog that slides from the bottom of the screen.


  • Form: support FluentValidation.

    表单验证支持 FluentValidation

  • OTP Input: used for MFA procedure of authenticating users by a one-time password.


  • Markdown: a markdown editor based on Vditor.


  • Editor: a rich text editor base on quill.


  • Divider: add support for ChildContent and Orientation.


  • Floating Action Buttons: can be used as a floating action button. This provides an application with a main point of action. Combined with the MSpeedDial component, you can create a diverse set of functions available for your users.

可以用作浮动动作按钮。 这为应用程序提供了一个主要的操作点。 结合“MSpeedDial”组件,您可以为您的用户创建一组不同的功能

  • TextField: add support for setting NumberProps when type is number.



  • Dialog(Modal, Dialog, Tooltip, Drawer, Windows): Optimize signalr communication times.


  • SimpleCheckbox: rename OnInput to ValueChanged.


  • Transition: ensure that the transition is complete by handling the transitionend event.



  • Markdown
  • Transitions
MASA.Blazor - 0.4.0-preview.4

Published by doddgu over 2 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • delayable: set clearDelay public to accommodate earlier versions of browsers
    delayable: 设置clearDelay为公共的,以适应较早版本的浏览器
MASA.Blazor - 0.4.0-preview.3

Published by doddgu over 2 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • Markdown: File names are not processed by default when uploading #453 #457
    Markdown: 修复上传文件名包含中文不显示的问题,调整为上传时默认不处理文件名