
File Synchronisation for Cozy on Desktop and Laptop

AGPL-3.0 License

cozy-desktop - Keeping track of versions can be hard

Published by taratatach over 5 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • We've improved the way we handle the revision of newly detected documents that
    are created at paths that have already been synchronised in the past. This was
    a potential source of conflicts were you to modify the content of such file.
  • When moving a folder locally then quickly changing the content of a subfile
    on the same device, the file content may not be updated in the Cozy in some
    cases. Everything should now work as expected.
  • We keep track of the changes made to documents to synchronise either with the
    remote Cozy or the local filesystem using version numbers for each side of the
    synchronisation. When moving a document, be it either a directory or a file,
    on the local filesystem as part of its parent directory move, the new local
    version number would be false, resulting in a possible desynchronisation of
    content updates.
    We now make sure both the local and remote version numbers get reset in
    this situation so future updates will be synchronised in the right direction.
  • We've modified the way we handle child documents updates so everything gets
    synchronised, even if a child update occurs quickly after its parent directory
    has been renamed.
  • We found out that moving a file or a directory to a path that has already been
    used in the past then deleted could lead to irrelevant version numbers for the
    new document and in the end to unnecessary conflicts.
    We now correct our version numbers when this situation happens so future
    updates to the document are handled correctly.

Improvements for contributors:

  • The developer documentation's design section has been updated with the reasons
    that led to the decision to create a new local watcher and diagrams explaining
    how it works on Windows and Linux.

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Subdirectory and child file updates and movements

Published by taratatach over 5 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • We've modified the way we handle child documents updates so everything gets
    synchronised, even if a child update occurs quickly after its parent directory
    has been renamed.
  • We found out that moving a file or a directory to a path that has already been
    used in the path then deleted could lead to irrelevant version numbers for the
    new document and in the end to unnecessary conflicts.
    We now correct our version numbers when this situation happens so future
    updates to the document are handled correctly.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Reset version numbers on document move

Published by taratatach over 5 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • We keep track of the changes made to documents to synchronise either with the
    remote Cozy or the local filesystem using version numbers for each side of the
    synchronisation. When moving a document, be it either a directory or a file,
    on the local filesystem as part of its parent directory move, the new local
    version number would be false, resulting in a possible desynchronisation of
    content updates.
    We now make sure both the local and remote version numbers get resetted in
    this situation so future updates will be synchronised in the right direction.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Fix local dir move with quick subfile update

Published by sebn almost 6 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • When moving a folder locally then quickly changing the content of a subfile
    on the same device, the file content may not be updated in the Cozy in some
    cases. Everything should now work as expected.

Notice for Windows & GNU/Linux users:

  • This beta release uses the old watcher implementation. The new one is only
    used by default in alpha releases. We're still actively testing and
    improving it to make it the default in stable releases!

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Stabilising the new local watcher

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • The count of objects to be synchronised was always 1 with the new local
    We've fixed this so the count is accurate and decreases with each element
    successfully synchronised.
  • In some situations, the detection of local changes could be stalling.
    We've adapted the watcher so it detects when it can start processing
    filesystem events.

Improvements for contributors:

  • The developer documentation's design section has been updated with the reasons
    that led to the decision to create a new local watcher and diagrams explaining
    how it works on Windows and Linux.

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - New local watcher fix

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • We fixed the issue preventing the new watcher from working past the initial
    synchronisation folder scan.

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Introducing new local changes watcher

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • We've improved the way we handle the revision of newly detected documents that
    are created at paths that have already been synchronised in the past. This was
    a potential source of conflicts were you to modify the content of such file.

Improvements for Windows and Linux users:

  • We're testing a new implementation of our local changes watcher on Windows and
    Linux. This should bring performance gains, faster change detection and in
    fine better stability.
    Some bugs can be present and not all existing features are implemented yet

    It is acitvated by default in this early build for testing purposes only and
    should not be used in other situations.

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Smarter conflict resolution and moves

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

See 3.11.2-beta.1
See 3.11.2-beta.2

Improvements for all users:

  • We've improved the wording of the updater window so it says it's downloading
    the new version and displays the Cozy Cloud logo so you know what's being
    updated at first glance.
  • If a directory is overwritten by a move on your Cozy, we would move it to the
    trash and, in some situations, after synchronising your local client, the
    directory would not be overwritten on your computer. We're now skipping the
    move to the trash and overwriting the directory.
  • We've improved the conflict resolution after changes made to local files when
    the client was stopped. In this situation, we would resolve the conflict on
    the remote Cozy and end up renaming the local copy with the -conflict-
    suffix and could overwrite its content with the remote content thus losing
    the latest local changes.
    We're now resolving the conflict locally, keeping the remote version
    untouched. This has the additionnal benefit of keeping shared files free from
    the -conflict- suffix.
  • A function we introduced in version 3.11.0 was responsible for an increase in
    false negatives for an invariant check, leading to errors being thrown and
    synchronisations blocked.
    We've reworked said function in a way that won't trigger false negatives for
    the invariant which will reduce the number of errors and thus block

See also known issues.

Happy syncing and happy New Year!

cozy-desktop - Conflict resolution means 2 copies

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • We've improved the conflict resolution after changes made to local files when
    the client was stopped. In this situation, we would resolve the conflict on
    the remote Cozy and end up renaming the local copy with the -conflict-
    suffix and could overwrite its content with the remote content thus losing
    the latest local changes.
    We're now resolving the conflict locally, keeping the remote version
    untouched. This has the additionnal benefit of keeping shared files free from
    the -conflict- suffix.
  • A function we introduced in version 3.11.0 was responsible for an increase in
    false negatives for an invariant check, leading to errors being thrown and
    synchronisations blocked.
    We've reworked said function in a way that won't trigger false negatives for
    the invariant which will reduce the number of errors and thus block

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Overwriting means overwriting

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • We've improved the wording of the updater window so it says it's downloading
    the new version and displays the Cozy Cloud logo so you know what's being
    updated at first glance.
  • If a directory is overwritten by a move on your Cozy, we would move it to the
    trash and, in some situations, after synchronising your local client, the
    directory would not be overwritten on your computer. We're now skipping the
    move to the trash and overwriting the directory.

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Play with files like they had no ancestors

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

See 3.11.1-beta.1
See 3.11.1-beta.2

Improvements for all users:

  • Moving a file or a folder multiple times in a row, synchronising them all at
    once, ending on a path that was also an intermediary step (e.g. move document
    A to B to C to B) would result in the synchronisation of the movement of the
    file or folder to the last known path before the movement to the intermediary
    step path and the addition of a new copy of the file or folder at the path
    of the intermediary step (i.e. movement from A to C and addition of B). We now
    correctly interpret those successive movements (i.e. movement from A to B).
  • Editing the content of a file just moved with one of its ancestor could lead
    to the incorrect detection of a conflict with its remote couterpart. We're now
    updating its content as expected and thus avoiding creating any -conflicts-

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Move and edit your documents

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • Editing the content of a file just moved with one of its ancestor could lead
    to the incorrect detection of a conflict with its remote couterpart. We're now
    updating its content as expected and thus avoiding creating any -conflicts-

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Moves at your discression

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • Moving a file or a folder multiple times in a row, synchronising them all at
    once, ending on a path that was also an intermediary step (e.g. move document
    A to B to C to B) would result in the synchronisation of the movement of the
    file or folder to the last known path before the movement to the intermediary
    step path and the addition of a new copy of the file or folder at the path
    of the intermediary step (i.e. movement from A to C and addition of B). We now
    correctly interpret those successive movements (i.e. movement from A to B).

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Avoid false conflicts and allow manual synchronisation

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

See 3.11.0-beta.1
See 3.11.0-beta.2

Improvements for all users:

  • We will now alert you when a new version of the app is available and give you
    the option of restarting it to download and apply the new version or postpone
  • You now have the opportunity to force a manual synchronisation from the
    settings panel. This will be useful mostly to fetch some remote changes
    without waiting for the periodic pull.
  • Being always careful when it comes to your data, trying our best not to
    lose any of it, when we try to reconciliate changes, we try to figure out
    if the two documents we're comparing are the same. We were a bit too
    conservative on this side and a lot of changes could lead to false conflicts
    because of this. We're now doing a smarter comparison which should lead to
    a lot less -conflict- documents being generated.
  • For the same reason, when it comes to conflicts we prefer to leave it to you
    to choose between the two versions we detected. However, when it comes to
    changes that haven't been synchronized yet, we can avoid creating a conflict
    and pick the latest version for you. From now on, we won't create a
    -conflict- version of a folder that has been changed locally and never
    synchronized remotely with your Cozy.
  • If a file was changed remotely and its parent folder moved or renamed, we
    could end up moving the file locally but not synchronize its new content.
    We're now synchronizing all those changes correctly, leaving you with an
    updated file in the correct location.
  • Similarly, adding a file locally to a folder that was just renamed or moved
    but not yet fully synchronized with the remote Cozy would result in a
    situation where the file is never uploaded to the remote Cozy and any changes
    to it wouldn't be synchronized either. We're now making sure we finish
    synchronizing the folder change and then synchronize the newly added file.

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Manual synchronisation

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • You now have the opportunity to force a manual synchronisation from the
    settings panel. This will be useful mostly to fetch some remote changes
    without waiting for the periodic pull.
  • Being always careful when it comes to your data, trying our best not to
    lose any of it, when we try to reconciliate changes, we try to figure out
    if the two documents we're comparing are the same. We were a bit too
    conservative on this side and a lot of changes could lead to false conflicts
    because of this. We're now doing a smarter comparison which should lead to
    a lot less -conflict- documents being generated.

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Upgrade all the Cozy Desktop!

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • We will now alert you when a new version of the app is available and give you
    the option of restarting it to download and apply the new version or postpone
  • To avoid losing your data, we're very careful when it comes to conflicts and
    we prefer to leave it to you to choose between the two versions we detected.
    However, when it comes to changes that haven't been synchronized yet, we can
    avoid creating a conflict and pick the latest version for you.
    From now on, we won't create a -conflict- version of a folder that has been
    changed locally and never synchronized remotely with your Cozy.
  • If a file was changed remotely and its parent folder moved or renamed, we
    could end up moving the file locally but not synchronize its new content.
    We're now synchronizing all those changes correctly, leaving you with an
    updated file in the correct location.
  • Similarly, adding a file locally to a folder that was just renamed or moved
    but not yet fully synchronized with the remote Cozy would result in a
    situation where the file is never uploaded to the remote Cozy and any changes
    to it wouldn't be synchronized either. We're now making sure we finish
    synchronizing the folder change and then synchronize the newly added file.

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Better startup synchronization

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

See 3.10.4-beta.1

Improvements for all users:

  • When the app was stopped in the middle of a synchronization, with folder moves
    coming from the remote Cozy, we could end up detecting conflicts on those
    folders undefinitely after restarting it. We now handle unapplied moves upon
    startup and avoid creating unnecessary -conflicts- folders.
  • If a file existing both locally and in the remote Cozy was updated more than
    once without synchronization, the latest changes would create a conflict and
    its resolution would override the file with an older version leading to data
    loss. We now simply override the local version of the file with the latest
    changes and synchronize them with the remote Cozy.

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Better startup synchronization

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • When the app was stopped in the middle of a synchronization, with folder moves
    coming from the remote Cozy, we could end up detecting conflicts on those
    folders undefinitely after restarting it. We now handle unapplied moves upon
    startup and avoid creating unnecessary -conflicts- folders.
  • If a file existing both locally and in the remote Cozy was updated more than
    once without synchronization, the latest changes would create a conflict and
    its resolution would override the file with an older version leading to data
    loss. We now simply override the local version of the file with the latest
    changes and synchronize them with the remote Cozy.

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Less conflicts, more languages!

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

See 3.10.3-beta.1
See 3.10.3-beta.2
See 3.10.3-beta.3

Improvements for all users:

  • The app is now available in spanish. Huge thanks to our translation
    contributors, especially Hernando ❤️
  • Files and directories can now only have one -conflict-... suffix at a time.
    Existing ones with multiple suffixes won't be renamed automatically, but in
    case a new conflict occurs, their suffixes will be squashed into a single
    one with the new timestamp. Although this doesn't fix the root causes, it
    should make the symptom easier to deal with. We're sill investigating the
    underlying issues. Expect more fixes soon.
  • We fixed a couple of issues preventing user-defined ignore rules to be
  • Files moved right after they've been added to the Cozy folder and before we've
    had the chance to upload them will be synchronized anyway, at the right path.
  • When a folder was moved on the Cozy or another device, the metadata of some
    of its content was not updated properly, although the content was effectively
    moved to the right place. Subsequent updates to these subfolders & subfiles
    could then trigger unexpected conflicts. This should now work as expected. (#1274)
  • When a file was effectively edited on 2 devices and the local one was detected
    first, both were mistakenly renamed with a conflict suffix. Now only one of
    them will be renamed. (#1285)

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

cozy-desktop - Reduce conflicts resolution impact

Published by taratatach almost 6 years ago

Improvements for all users:

  • When a folder was moved on the Cozy or another device, the metadata of some
    of its content was not updated properly, although the content was effectively
    moved to the right place. Subsequent updates to these subfolders & subfiles
    could then trigger unexpected conflicts. This should now work as expected. (#1274)
  • When a file was effectively edited on 2 devices and the local one was detected
    first, both were mistakenly renamed with a conflict suffix. Now only one of
    them will be renamed. (#1285)

See also known issues.

Happy syncing!

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