
Customizable and skinnable social platform dedicated to open data.

AGPL-3.0 License

udata -

Published by noirbizarre about 7 years ago

Fix CircleCI automated publication on release tags

udata -

Published by noirbizarre about 7 years ago

  • Fix the organization members grid in admin #934
  • Fix and tune harvest admin loading state and payload size #1113
  • Automatically schedule validated harvesters and allow to (re)schedule them #1114
  • Raise the minimum raven version to ensure sentry is filtering legit HTTP exceptions #774
  • Pin GeoJSON version to avoid breaking changes #1118
  • Deduplicate organization members #1111
udata -

Published by noirbizarre about 7 years ago

Fix packaging (README markdown to restructured conversion)

udata -

Published by noirbizarre about 7 years ago

  • Make the spatial search levels exclusion list configurable through SPATIAL_SEARCH_EXCLUDE_LEVELS. #1101
  • Fix facets labelizer with html handling #1102
  • Ensure territories pages have image defined in metadatas #1103
  • Strip tags in autocomplete results #1104
  • Transmit link checker status to frontend #1048
  • Remove plus signs from search query #1048
udata -

Published by noirbizarre about 7 years ago

  • Handle territory URLs generation without validity #1068
  • Added a contact button to trigger discussions #1076
  • Improve harvest error handling #1078
  • Improve elasticsearch configurability #1096
  • Lots of fixes admin files upload 1094
  • Prevent the "Bad request error" happening on search but only on some servers #1097
  • Migrate spatial granularities to new identifiers
  • Migrate remaining legacy spatial identifiers #1080
  • Fix the discussion API documention #1093
udata -

Published by noirbizarre about 7 years ago

  • Fix an issue preventing reuse edition: #1027
  • Fix an issue preventing user display and edit in admin: #1030
  • Fix an error when a membership request is accepted: #1028
  • Fix issue modal on a reuse: #1026
  • Fix sort by date on admin users list: #1029
  • Improve the purge command #1039
  • Ensure search does not fail when a deleted object has not been unindexed yet #1063
  • Start using Celery queues to handle task priorities #1067
  • Updated translations
udata -

Published by noirbizarre over 7 years ago

New features and improvements

  • Added a DCAT harvester and expose metadata as RDF/DCAT. #966
    See the dedicated documentions:
  • Images are now optimized and you can force rerendering using the udata images render command.
  • Allowed files extensions are now configurable via the ALLOWED_RESOURCES_EXTENSIONS setting and both admin and API will have the same behavior #833.
  • Improve and fix notifications: #928
    • Changed notification style to toast
    • Fix notifications that weren't displayed on form submission
  • Add a toggle indicator on dataset quality blocks that are collapsible #915
  • Integrating latest versions of GeoZones and GeoLogos for territories.
    Especially using history of towns, counties and regions from GeoHisto. #499

Breaking Changes

  • Themes are now entrypoint-based #829.
    There is also a new theming documention.
  • Images placeholders are now entirely provided by themes #707 #1006
  • Harvester declaration is now entrypoint-based #1004


  • Ensure URLs are stripped #823
  • Lot of fixes and improvements on Harvest admin UI #817:
    • harvester edition fixed (and missing API added)
    • harvester deletion fixed
    • harvester listing is now paginated
    • more detailed harvesters widgets
    • ensure harvest source are owned by a user or an organization, not both [migration]
  • Pure Vue.js search facets #880.
    Improve and fix the datepicker:
    • Proper sizing and positionning in dropdowns
    • Fix initial value not being displayed
    • Make it usable on keyboard
    • Allows to define min and max values to disable some dates
    • Keyboard input is reflected into the calendar #615
  • Disable next button when no file has been uploaded #930
  • Fix badges notification mails #894
  • Fix the udata search reindex command #1009
  • Reindex datasets when their parent organization is purged #1008

Miscellaneous / Internal

  • Upgrade to Flask-Mongoengine 0.9.3, Flask-WTF 0.14.2, mongoengine 0.13.0. #812 #871 #903
  • Upgrade to Flask-Login 0.4.0 and switch from Flask-Security to the latest Flask-Security-Fork #813
  • Migrated remaining widgets to Vue.js #828:
    • bug fixes on migrated widgets (Issues button/modal, integrate popover, coverage map)
    • more coherent JS environment for developpers
    • lighter assets
    • drop Handlebars dependency
  • bleach and html5lib have been updated leading to more secure html/markdown cleanup and better performances #838
  • Drop jquery-slimscroll and fix admin menu scrolling #851
  • drop jquery.dotdotdot for a lighter css-only solution (less memory consumption) #853
  • Lighter style #869:
    • Drop glyphicons and use only Font-Awesome (more coherence, less fonts)
    • lighter bootstrap style by importing only what's needed
    • make use of bootstrap and admin-lte variables (easier for theming)
    • proper separation between front and admin style
  • Drop ExtractTextPlugin on Vue components style:
    • faster (re)compilation time
    • resolves most compilation and missing style issues #555 #710
    • allows use of hot components reloading.
  • Pure Vue.js modals. Fix the default membership role. Added contribute modal. #873
  • Easier Vue.js development/debugging:
    • Drop Vue.config.replace = false: compatible with Vue.js 1/2 and no more style guessing #760
    • name on all components: no more Anonymous Component in Vue debugger
    • No more Fragments
    • More ES6 everywhere
  • Make metrics deactivable for tests #905
udata -

Published by noirbizarre over 7 years ago

  • Fix presubmit form errors handling #909
  • Fix producer sidebar image sizing #913
  • Fix js Model.save() not updating in some cases #910
udata -

Published by noirbizarre over 7 years ago

  • Fix bad stored (community) resources URLs [migration] #882
  • Proper producer logo display on dataset pages
  • Fix CKAN harvester empty notes and metadata file type handling
  • Remove (temporary) badges metrics #885
  • Test and fix topic search #892
udata -

Published by noirbizarre over 7 years ago

  • Fix broken post view #877
  • Fix new issue submission #874
  • Display full images/logo/avatars URL in references too #824
udata -

Published by noirbizarre over 7 years ago

  • Allow more headers in cors preflight headers #857#860
  • Fix editorialization admin #863
  • Fix missing completer images and ensure completion API is usable on a different domain #864
udata -

Published by noirbizarre over 7 years ago

Milestone: 1.0.7

  • Fix display for zone completer existing values #845
  • Proper badge display on dataset and organization page #849
  • Remove useless discussions from views contexts. #850
  • Fix the inline resource edit button not redirecting to admin #852
  • Fix broken checksum component #846
udata -

Published by noirbizarre over 7 years ago

Milestone: 1.0.6

  • Default values are properly displayed on dataset form #745
  • Prevent a redirect on discussion fetch #795
  • API exposes both original and biggest thumbnail for organization logo, reuse image and user avatar #824
  • Restore the broken URL check feature #840
  • Temporarily ignore INSPIRE in ODS harvester #837
  • Allow X-API-KEY and X-Fields in cors preflight headers #841
udata -

Published by noirbizarre over 7 years ago

  • Fixes error display in forms #830
  • Fixes date range picker dates validation #830
  • Fix badges entries not showing in admin #825
udata -

Published by noirbizarre over 7 years ago

  • Fix badges trying to use API too early #799
  • Some minor tuning on generic references #801
  • Cleanup factories #808
  • Fix user default metrics not being set [migration] #809
  • Fix metric update after transfer #810
  • Improve spatial completion ponderation (spatial zones reindexation required) #811
udata -

Published by noirbizarre over 7 years ago

  • Fix JavaScript locales handling #786
  • Optimize images sizes for territory placeholders #788
  • Fix share popover in production build #793
udata - MedKit

Published by noirbizarre over 7 years ago

  • Fix assets packaging for production #763 #765
  • Transform udata_version jinja global into a reusable (by themes) package_version #768
  • Ensure topics datasets and reuses can display event with a topic parameter #769
  • Raise a 400 Bad Request when a bad class attribute is provided to the API
    (for entry point not using forms). #772
  • Fix datasets with spatial coverage not being indexed #778
  • Ensure theme assets cache is versionned (and flushed when necessary)
  • Raise maximum tag length to 96 in order to at least support
    official INSPIRE tags
  • Properly raise 400 error on transfer API in case of bad subject or recipient
  • Fix broken OEmbed rendering #783
  • Improve crawlers behavior by adding some meta[name=robots] on pages requiring it
udata - Fix PyMongo

Published by noirbizarre over 7 years ago

  • Pin PyMongo version (only compatible with PyMongo 3+)
udata - First stable version

Published by noirbizarre over 7 years ago

Breaking Changes

  • 2016-05-11: Upgrade of ElasticSearch from 1.7 to 2.3 #449

You have to re-initialize the index from scratch, not just use the reindex command given that ElasticSearch 2+ doesn't provide a way to delete mappings anymore. The command is udata search init and may take some time given the amount of data you are dealing with.

  • 2017-01-18: User search and listing has been removed (privacy concern)

New & Improved

  • 2017-01-06: Add some dataset ponderation factor: temporal coverage, spatial coverage,
    certified provenance and more weight for featured ones. Need reindexation to be taken into account.
  • 2016-12-20: Use all the Dublin Core Frequencies
    plus some extra frequencies.
  • 2016-12-01: Add the possibility for a user to delete its account in the admin interface

In some configurations, this feature should be deactivated, typically when
there is an SSO in front of udata which may cause some inconsistencies. In
that case, the configuration parameter DELETE_ME should be set to False (True
by default).

  • 2016-05-12: Add fields masks to reduce API payloads #451

The addition of fields masks in Flask-RESTPlus allows us to reduce the retrieved payload within the admin — especially for datasets — and results in a performances boost.


  • 2016-11-29: Mark active users as confirmed #619
  • 2016-11-28: Merge duplicate users #617
    (A reindexation is necessary after this migration)


Theses are deprecated and support will be removed in some feature release.
See Deprecation Policy.

  • Theses frequencies are deprecated for their Dublin Core counter part:
    • fortnighlybiweekly
    • biannualsemiannual
    • realtimecontinuous
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