
Bolero brings Blazor to F# developers with an easy to use Model-View-Update architecture, HTML combinators, hot reloaded templates, type-safe endpoints, advanced routing and remoting capabilities, and more.

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Bolero - Bolero 0.15

Published by Tarmil about 4 years ago


  • #56: Update to Elmish 3.0. Also update the Cmd module to match Elmish 3's API, adding submodules Cmd.OfAuthorized and Cmd.OfJS.

  • #163 Rework the HTML element reference API and add Blazor component reference:

    • ElementRefBinder renamed to HtmlRef (old name still available but obsolete)
    • attr.bindRef renamed to attr.ref (old name still available but obsolete)
    • attr.ref taking a function removed
    • ref.Ref renamed to ref.Value
    let theDiv = HtmlRef()    // Used to be: let theDiv = ElementRefBinder()
    div [
        attr.ref theDiv    // Used to be: attr.bindRef theDiv (fun _ -> doSomethingWith theDiv.Value)    // Used to be: doSomethingWith theDiv.Ref
    ] []
    • Added Ref<'Component> which provides the same capability for Blazor components, using the same attr.ref:
    let theComp = Ref<MyComponent>()
    comp<MyComponent> [
        attr.ref theComp (fun _ -> doSomethingWith theComp.Value)
    ] []
  • #168: Move the module Bolero.Html to a separate assembly and make all of its functions inline, in order to reduce the downloaded binary size.


  • #144: When a router is enabled and the user clicks a link that points to a URI not handled by the router, do navigate to this URI.

  • #166: Ensure that Elmish subscriptions and init commands are not run during server-side prerender.

  • #174: Change ShouldRender to invoke override instead of base implementation (thanks @dougquidd!)

  • #175: Do not render Ref until after Child Content (thanks @dougquidd!)

Bolero - Bolero 0.14

Published by Tarmil over 4 years ago

  • #135 Inferred router performs URL encoding/decoding on string-typed parameters.

  • #151 Accept either a relative or absolute path in custom router's getRoute.

  • #155 Add function fragment to create a Bolero Node from a Blazor RenderFragment.

  • #159 Breaking change: Remove the module Bolero.Json, and use System.Text.Json together with FSharp.SystemTextJson instead for remoting.

    Remoting serialization can be customized by passing an additional argument configureSerialization: JsonSerializerOptions -> unit to services.AddRemoting() in both the server-side and client-side startup functions.

Bolero - Bolero 0.13

Published by Tarmil over 4 years ago

This release upgrades the minimal required version of .NET Core SDK to 3.1.300.

  • Update dependencies to Blazor 3.2.0.

  • Add Elmish commands for JavaScript interop:

    Cmd.ofJS : IJSRuntime -> string -> obj[] -> ('res -> 'msg) -> (exn -> 'msg) -> Cmd<'msg>
    Cmd.performJS : IJSRuntime -> string -> obj[] -> ('res -> 'msg) -> Cmd<'msg>
  • #127 Add lazyComp*By family functions based on a key function (as opposed to lazyComp*With's equality function):

         : ('model -> 'key)
        -> ('model -> Node)
        -> 'model -> Node
        when 'key : equality
         : ('model -> 'key)
        -> ('model -> Dispatch<'msg> -> Node)
        -> 'model -> Dispatch<'msg> -> Node
        when 'key : equality
         : ('model1 * 'model2 -> 'key)
        -> ('model1 -> 'model2 -> Dispatch<'msg> -> Node)
        -> 'model1 -> 'model2 -> Dispatch<'msg> -> Node
        when 'key : equality
  • #142 Add functions to create Blazor component attributes of certain types for which => is not sufficient:

    • For parameters of type EventCallback<'T>:
      attr.callback : string -> ('T -> unit) -> Attr
      attr.async.callback : string -> ('T -> Async<unit>) -> Attr
      attr.task.callback : string -> ('T -> Task) -> Attr
    • For parameters of type RenderFragment:
      attr.fragment : string -> Node -> Attr
    • For parameters of type RenderFragment<'T>:
      attr.fragmentWith : string -> ('T -> Node) -> Attr
  • #141 Add injectable Bolero.Server.RazorHost.IBoleroHostConfig to provide configuration for the server-side Razor host. This is used within the Razor page by calling the extension methods on IHtmlHelper:

    member RenderComponentAsync<'T when 'T :> IComponent> : IBoleroHostConfig -> Task<IHtmlContent>
    member RenderBoleroScript : IBoleroHostConfig -> IHtmlContent

    and injected using the extension method on IServiceCollection:

    member AddBoleroHost : ?server: bool * ?prerendered: bool * ?devToggle: bool -> IServiceCollection
Bolero - Bolero 0.12

Published by Tarmil over 4 years ago

  • #119: Correctly apply model changes to inputs using bind.*
  • Upgrade to Blazor 3.2-preview2
Bolero - Bolero 0.11

Published by Tarmil almost 5 years ago

This release upgrades the minimal required version of .NET Core to 3.1.


  • #95 Add on.async.* and on.task.* event handlers that use callbacks returning Async<unit> and Task, respectively.

  • #86 Add attr.aria to create ARIA accessibility attributes.

  • #97 Add on.preventDefault and on.stopPropagation to prevent the default behavior of an event and to stop its propagation to parent elements, respectively.

  • #102 BREAKING CHANGE: The API for binders have been changed. The bind module now contains submodules bind.input and bind.change which in turn contain functions for the type of value being bound: string, int, int64, float, float32, decimal, dateTime and dateTimeOffset. Additionally, a module bind.withCulture contains the same submodules with functions taking an additional CultureInfo as argument to specify the culture to use to parse the value.

  • #103: Optimization: use Async.StartImmediateAsTask rather than Async.StartAsTask internally.

  • #105: New functions lazyComp, lazyCompWith, lazyComp2, lazyComp2With, lazyComp3 and lazyComp3With allow creating components whose view is only updated when the model is actually changed. For users familiar with Fable, they are close equivalents to its lazyView family of functions.

  • #106: ProgramComponent.Dispatch is now public, and can be used for scenarios where Program.withSubscription is insufficient.

Bolero - Bolero 0.10

Published by Tarmil almost 5 years ago


  • #82 Calls to attr.classes and attr.``class`` are now combined into a single class attribute.

    div [attr.classes ["a"; "b"]; attr.``class`` "c"; attr.classes ["d"]] []


    <div class="a b c d"></div>
  • #87 ecomp now takes an additional list of attributes as first argument.

  • #89 ProgramComponent now has the same method ShouldRender : 'model * 'model -> bool that ElmishComponent has. The full program is not re-rendered if this returns false after an update. Thanks @laenas!

  • A new type alias Program<'model, 'msg> represents the exact type of Elmish programs used by Bolero. It corresponds to Program<ProgramComponent<'model, 'msg>, 'model, 'msg, Node>.

Bolero - Bolero 0.9

Published by Tarmil about 5 years ago

.NET Core version requirement

  • Updated .NET Core dependency to version 3.0 RTM and Blazor to 3.0-preview9.

New features

  • #78, #79: Add PageModels. PageModels allow adding a model specific to a page. The new APIs are:

    namespace Bolero
    type PageModel<'T> = { Model : 'T }
    module Router =
        val inferWithModel
            : makeMessage: ('page -> 'msg)
           -> getEndPoint: ('model -> 'page)
           -> defaultPageModel: ('page -> unit)
           -> Router<'page, 'model, 'msg>
        val noModel : PageModel<'T>
        val definePageModel : PageModel<'T> -> 'T -> unit
Bolero - Bolero 0.8

Published by Tarmil about 5 years ago

.NET Core version requirement

  • Updated Blazor and .NET Core dependencies to version 3.0-preview8, with associated API changes.

Breaking changes

  • #73 Removed the server-side module Bolero.Remoting.Server.Remote with its functions withHttpContext, authorize and authorizeWith.

    Instead, a new type IRemoteContext is provided via dependency injection:

    type IRemoteContext =
        inherit IHttpContextAccessor // member HttpContext : HttpContext with get, set
        member Authorize : ('req -> Async<'resp>) -> ('req -> Async<'resp>)
        member AuthorizeWith : seq<IAuthorizeData> -> ('req -> Async<'resp>) -> ('req -> Async<'resp>)

    There are also new overloads on IServiceCollection.AddRemoting that take IRemoteContext -> 'Handler as argument, so that remote handlers that use authorization don't need to switch to using DI.

New features

  • #61 Add attr.key to uniquely identify elements in a list to help the renderer. See the corresponding @key attribute in the Blazor documentation.

  • #70 Correctly provide the HttpContext to remote functions when running in server mode.

  • #71 Add new exception RemoteException of HttpResponseMessage, which is thrown on the client side when the response code is neither 200 OK (which succeeds) nor 401 Unauthorized (which throws RemoteUnauthorizedException).

Bolero - Bolero 0.5

Published by Tarmil over 5 years ago

  • Updated Blazor and .NET Core dependencies to version 3.0-preview5, with associated API changes
  • Remove the use of a ThreadLocal in Remote.withContext
Bolero - Bolero 0.4

Published by Tarmil over 5 years ago

Breaking changes

  • NuGet package reorganization:

    • The package Bolero.HotReload.Server is obsolete.
    • The new package Bolero.Server contains the assemblies Bolero.HotReload.Server.dll, moved from package Bolero.HotReload.Server, and Bolero.Server.dll, moved from package Bolero.
  • #22 Move the server-side and client-side AddRemoting extension methods to namespaces Bolero.Remoting.Server and Bolero.Remoting.Client, respectively.


  • #24 Add remoting authentication.

    • Add F#-friendly extension methods on HttpContext for authentication:

      member AsyncSignIn : name: string
                         * ?persistsFor: TimeSpan * ?claims: seq<Claim>
                         * ?properties: AuthenticationProperties * ?authenticationType: string
                        -> Async<unit>
      member AsyncSignOut : ?properties: AuthenticationProperties -> Async<unit>
      member TryUsername : unit -> option<string>
      member TryIdentity : unit -> option<Identity>
    • Add module Bolero.Remoting.Server.Remote with remote function wrappers to get access to the HttpContext and mark a function as requiring authorization:

      module Remote =
          val withContext : (HttpContext -> 'req -> Async<'resp>)
                         -> ('req -> Async<'resp>)
          val authorize : (HttpContext -> 'req -> Async<'resp>)
                       -> ('req -> Async<'resp>)
          val authorizeWith : seq<IAuthorizeData>
                           -> (HttpContext -> 'req -> Async<'resp>)
                           -> ('req -> Async<'resp>)
  • #28 Templating: Holes that fill an HTML attribute's value (eg: some-attr="${SomeHole}") now have type obj rather than string.

Bug fixes

  • #29 Templating: fix exception when using the bound value of a number input as a text hole.
Bolero - Bolero 0.3

Published by Tarmil over 5 years ago


  • #26 Template hot reloading.
    HTML templates can now be reloaded live while the application is running. See the documentation.
Bolero - Bolero 0.1.89

Published by Tarmil over 5 years ago


#13: Add DOM element reference functions.

  • attr.ref : (ElementRef -> unit) -> Attr calls the given function with a reference to the element when it is inserted.

  • attr.bindRef : ElementRefBinder -> Attr binds the element when it is inserted. The ElementRefBinder is typically created as a component field using ElementRefBinder() and used in event handlers through its .ref property, of type ElementRef.

type View() =
    inherit ElmishComponent<Model, Message>()

    let buttonRef = ElementRefBinder()

    override this.View model dispatch =
        button [
            attr.bindRef buttonRef
   (fun _ -> someJsCallback(buttonRef.ref))
        ] [text "Click me!"]
Bolero - Bolero 0.2

Published by Tarmil over 5 years ago


#10: Router: add full path specification. Documentation

Routers can now use EndPointAttribute to specify the full shape of the path for a given union case, rather than just a single prefix fragment. These paths can freely mix constant and parameter fragments, and several cases can share a common prefix of one or multiple fragments.

type Page =
    | [<EndPoint "/article/{id}">]
      Article of id: int
    | [<EndPoint "/list/{page}/{*tags}">]
      ArticleList of page: int * tags: list<string>
    | [<EndPoint "/user/{username}/favorites">]
      UserFavorites of username: string
    | [<EndPoint "/user/{username}/comments">]
      UserComments of username: string

Specifying a single prefix fragment is still supported in a fully compatible way.

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