
This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for Go. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at:

MIT License

azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/security/keyvault/azkeys/v1.0.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

1.0.0 (2023-07-17)

Features Added

  • first stable release of azkeys module
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/security/keyvault/azsecrets/v1.0.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

1.0.0 (2023-07-17)

Features Added

  • first stable release of azsecrets module

Breaking Changes

  • changed type of KID from string to type ID
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/security/keyvault/azadmin/v1.0.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

1.0.0 (2023-07-17)

Features Added

  • First stable release of the azadmin module
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/security/keyvault/azcertificates/v0.11.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

0.11.0 (2023-07-17)

Breaking Changes

  • Rename ListCertificates to ListCertificateProperties
  • ListCertificateIssuers to ListIssuerProperties
  • ListCertificateVersions to ListCertificatePropertiesVersions
  • ListDeletedCertificates to ListDeletedCertificateProperties
  • CertificateListResult to CertificatePropertiesListResult
  • DeletedCertificateListResult to DeletedCertificatePropertiesListResult
  • SetCertificateContacts to SetContacts
  • GetCertificateContacts to GetContacts
  • DeleteCertificateContacts to DeleteContacts
  • SetCertificateIssuer to SetIssuer
  • UpdateCertificateIssuer to UpdateIssuer
  • GetCertificateIssuer to GetIssuer
  • DeleteCertificateIssuer to DeleteIssuer
  • CertificateIssuerListResult to IssuerPropertiesListResult
  • UpdateCertificateIssuerParameters to UpdateIssuerParameters
  • SetCertificateIssuerParameters to SetIssuerParameters
  • CertificateBundle to Certificate
  • CertificateItem to CertificateProperties
  • DeletedCertificateBundle to DeletedCertificate
  • DeletedCertificateItem to DeletedCertificateProperties
  • IssuerBundle to Issuer
  • CertificateIssuerItem to IssuerProperties
  • RestoreCertificateParameters.CertificateBundleBackup to RestoreCertificateParameters.CertificateBackup
  • JSONWebKeyCurveName to CurveName
  • JSONWebKeyType to KeyType
  • Trigger to LifetimeActionTrigger
  • Action to LifetimeActionType
  • AdministratorDetails to ``AdministratorContact`
  • OrganizationDetails.AdminDetails to OrganizationDetails.AdminContacts
  • EmailAddress to Email
  • UPNs to UserPrincipalNames
  • EKUs to EnhancedKeyUsage
  • remove MaxResults parameter
  • remove DeletionRecoveryLevel type

Other Changes

  • Updated dependencies
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/resourcemanager/paloaltonetworksngfw/armpanngfw/v1.0.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

1.0.0 (2023-07-14)

Other Changes

  • Release stable version.
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/azidentity/v1.4.0-beta.2

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

1.4.0-beta.2 (2023-07-14)

Other Changes

  • DefaultAzureCredentialOptions.TenantID applies to workload identity authentication
  • Upgraded dependencies
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/storage/azblob/v1.1.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

1.1.0 (2023-07-13)

Features Added

  • Added Blob Batch API.
  • Added support for bearer challenge for identity based managed disks.
  • Added support for GetAccountInfo to container and blob level clients.
  • Added UploadBlobFromURL API.
  • Added support for CopySourceAuthorization to appendblob.AppendBlockFromURL
  • Added support for tag permission in Container SAS.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed time formatting for the conditional request headers. Fixes #20475.

  • Fixed an issue where passing a blob tags map of length 0 would result in the x-ms-tags header to be sent to the service with an empty string as value.

  • Fixed block size and number of blocks calculation in UploadBuffer and UploadFile. Fixes #20735.

Other Changes

  • Add dragonfly to the list of build constraints for blockblob.
  • Updating version of azcore to 1.6.0 and azidentity to 1.3.0
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/tracing/azotel/v0.2.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

0.2.0 (2023-07-13)

Breaking Changes

  • The type for parameter tracerProvider in function NewTracingProvider() has changed to trace.TracerProvider.
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/messaging/azeventgrid/v0.1.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

0.1.0 (2023-07-11)

Features Added

  • Initial preview for the Event Grid package for Event Grid Namespaces
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/azcore/v1.7.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

1.7.0 (2023-07-12)

Features Added

  • Added method WithClientName() to type azcore.Client to support shallow cloning of a client with a new name used for tracing.

Breaking Changes

These changes affect only code written against beta versions v1.7.0-beta.1 or v1.7.0-beta.2

  • The beta features for CAE, tracing, and fakes have been omitted for this release.
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/azcore/v1.8.0-beta.1

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

1.8.0-beta.1 (2023-07-12)

Features Added

  • messaging/CloudEvent allows you to serialize/deserialize CloudEvents, as described in the CloudEvents 1.0 specification: link

Other Changes

  • The beta features for CAE, tracing, and fakes have been reinstated.
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/storage/azfile/v1.0.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

1.0.0 (2023-07-12)

Features Added

  • Added ParseNTFSFileAttributes method for parsing the file attributes to file.NTFSFileAttributes type.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed the issue where trailing slash is encoded when passed in directory or subdirectory name while creating the directory client.
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/resourcemanager/managednetworkfabric/armmanagednetworkfabric/v0.1.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

0.1.0 (2023-06-30)

The package of is using our next generation design principles.

To learn more, please refer to our documentation Quick Start.

azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/resourcemanager/storagecache/armstoragecache/v3.2.1

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

3.2.1 (2023-06-23)

Bugs Fixed

  • Change ProvisioningStateTypeCancelled value to Canceled
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/resourcemanager/postgresqlhsc/armpostgresqlhsc/v0.6.1

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

0.6.1 (2023-06-23)

  • Deprecated: use instead.
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/resourcemanager/cosmosforpostgresql/armcosmosforpostgresql/v0.1.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

0.1.0 (2023-06-23)

The package of is using our next generation design principles.

To learn more, please refer to our documentation Quick Start.

azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/resourcemanager/containerservicefleet/armcontainerservicefleet/v0.1.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

0.1.0 (2023-06-23)

The package of is using our next generation design principles.

To learn more, please refer to our documentation Quick Start.

azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/resourcemanager/containerservice/armcontainerservice/v4.1.0-beta.3

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

4.1.0-beta.3 (2023-06-23)

Features Added

  • New struct NetworkMonitoring
  • New field Monitoring in struct NetworkProfile
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/resourcemanager/storagecache/armstoragecache/v3.2.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

3.2.0 (2023-06-23)

Features Added

  • New enum type AmlFilesystemHealthStateType with values AmlFilesystemHealthStateTypeAvailable, AmlFilesystemHealthStateTypeDegraded, AmlFilesystemHealthStateTypeMaintenance, AmlFilesystemHealthStateTypeTransitioning, AmlFilesystemHealthStateTypeUnavailable
  • New enum type AmlFilesystemIdentityType with values AmlFilesystemIdentityTypeNone, AmlFilesystemIdentityTypeUserAssigned
  • New enum type AmlFilesystemProvisioningStateType with values AmlFilesystemProvisioningStateTypeCanceled, AmlFilesystemProvisioningStateTypeCreating, AmlFilesystemProvisioningStateTypeDeleting, AmlFilesystemProvisioningStateTypeFailed, AmlFilesystemProvisioningStateTypeSucceeded, AmlFilesystemProvisioningStateTypeUpdating
  • New enum type ArchiveStatusType with values ArchiveStatusTypeCanceled, ArchiveStatusTypeCancelling, ArchiveStatusTypeCompleted, ArchiveStatusTypeFSScanInProgress, ArchiveStatusTypeFailed, ArchiveStatusTypeIdle, ArchiveStatusTypeInProgress, ArchiveStatusTypeNotConfigured
  • New enum type FilesystemSubnetStatusType with values FilesystemSubnetStatusTypeInvalid, FilesystemSubnetStatusTypeOk
  • New enum type MaintenanceDayOfWeekType with values MaintenanceDayOfWeekTypeFriday, MaintenanceDayOfWeekTypeMonday, MaintenanceDayOfWeekTypeSaturday, MaintenanceDayOfWeekTypeSunday, MaintenanceDayOfWeekTypeThursday, MaintenanceDayOfWeekTypeTuesday, MaintenanceDayOfWeekTypeWednesday
  • New function NewAmlFilesystemsClient(string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions) (*AmlFilesystemsClient, error)
  • New function *AmlFilesystemsClient.Archive(context.Context, string, string, *AmlFilesystemsClientArchiveOptions) (AmlFilesystemsClientArchiveResponse, error)
  • New function *AmlFilesystemsClient.CancelArchive(context.Context, string, string, *AmlFilesystemsClientCancelArchiveOptions) (AmlFilesystemsClientCancelArchiveResponse, error)
  • New function *AmlFilesystemsClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate(context.Context, string, string, AmlFilesystem, *AmlFilesystemsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions) (*runtime.Poller[AmlFilesystemsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
  • New function *AmlFilesystemsClient.BeginDelete(context.Context, string, string, *AmlFilesystemsClientBeginDeleteOptions) (*runtime.Poller[AmlFilesystemsClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • New function *AmlFilesystemsClient.Get(context.Context, string, string, *AmlFilesystemsClientGetOptions) (AmlFilesystemsClientGetResponse, error)
  • New function *AmlFilesystemsClient.NewListByResourceGroupPager(string, *AmlFilesystemsClientListByResourceGroupOptions) *runtime.Pager[AmlFilesystemsClientListByResourceGroupResponse]
  • New function *AmlFilesystemsClient.NewListPager(*AmlFilesystemsClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[AmlFilesystemsClientListResponse]
  • New function *AmlFilesystemsClient.BeginUpdate(context.Context, string, string, AmlFilesystemUpdate, *AmlFilesystemsClientBeginUpdateOptions) (*runtime.Poller[AmlFilesystemsClientUpdateResponse], error)
  • New function *ClientFactory.NewAmlFilesystemsClient() *AmlFilesystemsClient
  • New function *ClientFactory.NewManagementClient() *ManagementClient
  • New function NewManagementClient(string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions) (*ManagementClient, error)
  • New function *ManagementClient.CheckAmlFSSubnets(context.Context, *ManagementClientCheckAmlFSSubnetsOptions) (ManagementClientCheckAmlFSSubnetsResponse, error)
  • New function *ManagementClient.GetRequiredAmlFSSubnetsSize(context.Context, *ManagementClientGetRequiredAmlFSSubnetsSizeOptions) (ManagementClientGetRequiredAmlFSSubnetsSizeResponse, error)
  • New struct AmlFilesystem
  • New struct AmlFilesystemArchive
  • New struct AmlFilesystemArchiveInfo
  • New struct AmlFilesystemArchiveStatus
  • New struct AmlFilesystemCheckSubnetError
  • New struct AmlFilesystemCheckSubnetErrorFilesystemSubnet
  • New struct AmlFilesystemClientInfo
  • New struct AmlFilesystemContainerStorageInterface
  • New struct AmlFilesystemEncryptionSettings
  • New struct AmlFilesystemHealth
  • New struct AmlFilesystemHsmSettings
  • New struct AmlFilesystemIdentity
  • New struct AmlFilesystemProperties
  • New struct AmlFilesystemPropertiesHsm
  • New struct AmlFilesystemPropertiesMaintenanceWindow
  • New struct AmlFilesystemSubnetInfo
  • New struct AmlFilesystemUpdate
  • New struct AmlFilesystemUpdateProperties
  • New struct AmlFilesystemUpdatePropertiesMaintenanceWindow
  • New struct AmlFilesystemsListResult
  • New struct RequiredAmlFilesystemSubnetsSize
  • New struct RequiredAmlFilesystemSubnetsSizeInfo
  • New struct Resource
  • New struct SKUName
  • New struct TrackedResource
azure-sdk-for-go - sdk/resourcemanager/dataprotection/armdataprotection/v2.2.0

Published by azure-sdk over 1 year ago

2.2.0 (2023-06-23)

Features Added

  • New function *ClientFactory.NewDppResourceGuardProxyClient() *DppResourceGuardProxyClient
  • New function NewDppResourceGuardProxyClient(string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions) (*DppResourceGuardProxyClient, error)
  • New function *DppResourceGuardProxyClient.CreateOrUpdate(context.Context, string, string, string, ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource, *DppResourceGuardProxyClientCreateOrUpdateOptions) (DppResourceGuardProxyClientCreateOrUpdateResponse, error)
  • New function *DppResourceGuardProxyClient.Delete(context.Context, string, string, string, *DppResourceGuardProxyClientDeleteOptions) (DppResourceGuardProxyClientDeleteResponse, error)
  • New function *DppResourceGuardProxyClient.Get(context.Context, string, string, string, *DppResourceGuardProxyClientGetOptions) (DppResourceGuardProxyClientGetResponse, error)
  • New function *DppResourceGuardProxyClient.NewListPager(string, string, *DppResourceGuardProxyClientListOptions) *runtime.Pager[DppResourceGuardProxyClientListResponse]
  • New function *DppResourceGuardProxyClient.UnlockDelete(context.Context, string, string, string, UnlockDeleteRequest, *DppResourceGuardProxyClientUnlockDeleteOptions) (DppResourceGuardProxyClientUnlockDeleteResponse, error)
  • New struct ResourceGuardOperationDetail
  • New struct ResourceGuardProxyBase
  • New struct ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource
  • New struct ResourceGuardProxyBaseResourceList
  • New struct UnlockDeleteRequest
  • New struct UnlockDeleteResponse
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