
GitHub’s official command line tool

MIT License


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cli - GitHub CLI 1.0.0

Published by mislav about 4 years ago

Please see our installation instructions for help with installation or upgrading.


  • Add gh release commands for managing GitHub Releases #1552

  • Add gh pr checks command #1563

  • Add gh gist list/view/edit commands #1699

  • Improve resolving the base repository for all commands #1706

    Additionally, gh pr create now prompts for where to push the current branch, including an option to create a fork, instead of trying to guess the head repository or automatically fork in the background.

    Add gh pr create --head <branch> flag to explicitly set the head branch for automation and opt out of any forking/pushing functionality.

  • Add gh config set prompt disabled config setting #1639

  • Add gh help environment help topic listing all supported environment variables #1696

  • Add support for PAGER environment variable to enable a terminal pager program such as less, also supported through the pager config option #1630

  • Add gh auth login --web flag #1642


  • pr merge --squash: add pull request title to the commit subject #1627

  • pr create: prepend body defaults to the selected template #1611

  • repo view: do not HTML-escape output #1657

  • issue list: fix misalignment due to Unicode and emoji characters #1677

  • Fix terminal color display under various color schemes #1631

  • Fix zsh completion script #1707

  • Fix opening the web browser under WSL #1708


Thank you to all our open source contributors and everyone who has provided valuable feedback during the beta period! For specific shout-outs, as well as some examples of what's possible using GitHub CLI, check out our announcement post.

cli - v0.12.0

Published by mislav about 4 years ago


  • New gh auth commands for authentication:

    • gh auth status #1495
    • gh auth login #1445
    • gh auth refresh #1501
    • gh auth logout #1491
  • Add support for GitHub Enterprise Server #1517

    • To get started, use gh auth login
    • To clone a GHE repo: gh repo clone
    • Use GH_HOST environment variable to choose a default hostname for all commands
  • Implement OAuth Device Authorization flow for #1522

    This enables authenticating to when gh is used on a machine that does not have a graphical web browser. The new flow enables opening a browser on a different machine to complete the authentication process.

  • Publish repositories for Debian and RPM packages #1615

    See Linux installation instructions

  • Add ability to create repositories from a repository template #1590

    gh repo create <reponame> --template <owner>/<templaterepo>

  • Enable using PAGER for gh pr diff output #1534

  • Add gh pr checkout --recurse-submodules flag #1479

  • Add gh pr close --delete-branch flag #1476

  • Allow omitting one's own username in gh repo view <reponame> #1567

  • gh issue/pr view now include number and URL in machine-readable output #1580

  • Add :branch placeholder in gh api #1515

  • Support GraphQL operationName field in gh api #1448


  • Fix “TLS handshake timeout” on macOS #514

  • Fix gh issues list --milestone filter #1462

  • Fix color output on standard error on Windows #1579

  • Disallow gh pr <command> --repo <repo> flag for commands that operate on the current branch #1585

  • Be transparent about which part of gh pr create flow failed #1603

  • Fix detecting display width of common punctuation characters #1616

  • Filter bots out of gh repo credits output #1623

cli - v0.11.1

Published by mislav about 4 years ago


  • Enable custom color themes with the GLAMOUR_STYLE environment variable #1411


  • Fix printing network error in case for failed HTTP requests #1382

  • Fix creating gists from stdin with argument #1383

  • Correctly report HTTP and Markdown errors in repo view #1403

  • Automatically adapt Markdown rendering for light terminal backgrounds #1402


  • Enable adding to GO_LDFLAGS without having to replace them all #1379


  • gh pr command scriptability improvements #1373

  • gh repo command scriptability improvements #1388

  • Misc. scriptability improvements #1387

cli - v0.11.0

Published by mislav over 4 years ago


  • Add support for “shell” aliases #1191

  • Add --milestone and --mention filters to gh issue list #644

  • Add --web flag to gh issue/pr list #1282

  • Add gh api --silent flag to avoid printing HTTP response #1283

  • Print issue/PR title in confirmation messages from gh issue close/reopen and gh pr close/reopen #1337

  • Scriptability improvements for gh issue list/view/create commands #1343


  • gh pr checkout now prevents flag injection to git checkout via maliciously crafted head branch name #1365

  • gh pr checkout OWNER:BRANCH now avoids clashes with the default branch of a repository #1365

  • gh pr merge now gracefully handles when the merged branch is auto-deleted on the server per repository settings #1279

  • Avoid crash in gh issue close/reopen when issue number is invalid #1328

  • Support hosts.yml existing while config.yml does not #1304

  • Raise more informative filesystem path error after failing to read or create the config file #1295

  • Avoid warning about missing read:org OAuth scope if the authenticating token has admin:org #1359

  • Improve support for legacy issue and pull request template names #1366


  • Document supported environment variables #1370

  • Remove the -R, --repo flag mention from commands where it's not applicable #1253

  • Add VS Code example to gh config set documentation #1301

cli - v0.10.1

Published by mislav over 4 years ago

gh api --paginate

The api command now offers functionality to recursively fetch next pages of results until all results have been fetched:

# list all repositories owned by the authenticating user
$ gh api --paginate -XGET user/repos -f affiliation=owner | jq -r '.[].full_name'

# the same but in GraphQL
$ gh api --paginate graphql -f query='
query($endCursor: String) {
  viewer {
    repositories(first: 100, after: $endCursor, affiliations: [OWNER]) {
      nodes {
      pageInfo {
' | jq -r '.data.viewer.repositories.nodes[].nameWithOwner'



  • Fix pr create not respecting template when editor was skipped #1243

  • Fix pr checkout OWNER:BRANCH invocation setting up upstream configuration in case maintainers are allowed to modify the pull request branch #1252

  • Fix pr status not working in detached HEAD state #1155

  • Do not output ANSI colour escape sequences from issue/pr/repo view if standard output is redirected elsewhere #1187

  • Improve error reporting and exit status for mistyped command names #1221

  • Improve error reporting when someone might have forgotten to quote values with spaces #1147


  • Documentation improvements #1179 #1204

  • Added description text to Debian/RPM packages #1211

cli - v0.10.0

Published by mislav over 4 years ago

gh api

gh now provides direct access to both the GitHub GraphQL and REST APIs. :owner and :repo can
be used as placeholders for the owner/repo you are running gh in.

$ gh api repos/:owner/:repo/releases

$ gh api graphql -F owner=':owner' -F name=':repo' -f query='
      query($name: String!, $owner: String!) {
              repository(owner: $owner, name: $name) {
                      releases(last: 3) {
                              nodes { tagName }

(#1165, #909, #1093, #1115, #1148, #1114, #1150)

gh alias

If you want to type fewer characters when using gh, the new gh alias command allows you to set
up shortcuts. You can use sequential placeholders like $1 and $2 to insert arguments into alias

For example, running gh alias set co 'pr checkout' now lets you run gh co instead of gh pr checkout.

Much like chocolate and red wine, this new feature pairs well with gh api:

$ gh alias set heart 'api -H Accept:application/vnd.github.squirrel-girl-preview+json repos/:owner/:repo/issues/$1/reactions --raw-field content=heart'

$ gh heart 123 

In the above example, we've created the alias heart that takes one argument, an issue ID. It will
emoji react a heart onto the provided issue <3

Future alias support will allow shelling out to non-gh commands.

(#970, #991, #1103)

Respect GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable

You can now instruct gh to use a specific authentication token by setting the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. This enables using gh in non-interactive contexts such as CI jobs.

You may generate Personal Access Tokens here. It's recommended that the token has at least repo and read:org scopes.


Split config

gh's configuration is now split into two files: config.yml and hosts.yml. Authentication
information goes in hosts.yml, so users are now free to add config.yml to their dotfiles

This change means that gh will be migrating your config to the new format on first write; if you
want to get the new format you can either delete config.yml and re-authenticate or
run a gh config set command to trigger a write of the config.


Refreshed help docs

Our help docs got a spring cleaning both on the command line and in the manual. The output of gh help should be more legible and useful now.

(#1106, #1167, #1166, #998, #1059, #1126)

gist support

gh gist create is now supported. You can pass it a filename for posting or pipe something via STDIN. This actually shipped a little while ago but we didn't announce it. Now you know!


  • Forward issue metadata via query parameters in gh issue/pr create --web mode #992
  • gh repo clone myrepo now assumes the authenticated user as default owner #861
  • Allow choosing "blank" template in gh issue/pr create #950
  • Validate the value of the gh issue/pr list --limit flag #1157
  • Initialize user's config file with commented-out examples #1158


  • Fix referring to loopback interface in OAuth flow #1014
  • Fix showing "Authentication complete" notice after OAuth dance #1013
  • Fix error while adding Milestone Metadata to PR during create #1124


  • Add docs about new triage rotation #1129
  • Consistent PR lookup interface #1020
  • Align color func declarations with go style #1143
  • Bump project dependencies #1036
  • Do not yet try and use gh from makefile bc of CI #999
  • Update release doc content #1001
  • Rename "master" to "trunk" in various links #1002
  • Upgrade to Cobra 1.0 #916
  • Update setup-go version #1140
  • Use new httpmock API in repo_test.go #1122
  • Redundant type slice-string #1160
  • Remove duplicated words in PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE #1163

As always, THANK YOU! to our numerous community contributers <3

all the best,
vilmibm and the whole CLI team

cli - v0.9.0

Published by mislav over 4 years ago

pr diff, pr review, pr merge, pr ready

This release expands the GitHub pull request work flow with the ability to view pull request diffs,
review pull requests, and merge pull requests.

$ gh pr checkout 123
$ gh pr diff
$ gh pr review --approve -b "lgtm"
$ gh pr merge

Both gh pr review and gh pr merge feature interactive modes by default.

You can also now mark a draft pull request as ready for review with gh pr ready.

( #885, #873, #960, #962, #899, #982 )

Linux manpages

We are now packaging man pages with our linux releases #915. Thanks @mtfurlan!


  • Preserve CODEOWNERS reviewers in pr create #912
  • Reduce latency when resolving assignees, reviewers, labels on create via flags #908
  • Fix re-authentication not correctly reloading config file #943
  • Avoid crash in pr view with reviewers #975


  • Fix and tweak for site build #958
  • Fix lint errors #978
  • Fix linter in CI #996
  • Enable linting for pull requests #988


  • Add description default private for repo create #891
  • Change source installation docs to avoid suggesting to change PATH #923
  • Cosmetic about short descriptions #964

We on the CLI team hope that folks are as good as can be in these times.



cli - v0.8.0

Published by mislav over 4 years ago


This release features new functionality as well as bug fixes. The new functionality largely focuses on making it easier to work with pull requests.

pull request and issue metadata

When creating pull requests and issues you can now select Add Metadata in the final prompt to assign reviewers, labels, and more. This metadata can also be added with flags instead of interactively. See gh help pr create or gh help issue create for more information.

(#819, #839, #787)

pull request and issue state management

For example, you can now run:

gh pr close 123
gh pr reopen 123

to manage a pull request's state.

(#863, #843, #853, #854)


  • Add Reviewers to pr view in CLI #762
  • Update gh help output #815


  • Fix parsing some issue template names #879
  • Fix pr status -R crash with closed PR on the default branch #880
  • Fix the help docs on subcommands #889
  • Show "Awaiting triage" for empty project state #836
  • Fix gh updater mechanism for unauthenticated users #821
  • Ask for read:org OAuth scope, warn for outdated tokens #786
  • Hide closed/merged PRs from default branch #842


  • Parallelism-safe mechanism for stubbing HTTP responses #874
  • Upgrade to Go 1.14 in CI #881
  • Add command line syntax doc #862
  • Update README #828
  • Update documentation site on release #813
  • Help goreleaser find the correct git tag during release #820
  • totally inelegant approach to hopefully stopping flakey tests #852
  • RFC: Make RunCommand less brittle #856

...also there is a fun hidden command now. see if you can find it :3

Have a great day!


cli - v0.7.0

Published by mislav over 4 years ago

gh config

The big theme of this release is the new gh config command that gives you control over two aspects of gh usage: defaulting to preferring SSH git remotes and setting a preferred editor. To learn more check out the manual!

New Stuff

  • gh config #728, #814, #810, #816
  • Support NO_COLOR environment variable to disable color #742
  • Show issue state in issue view and pr view #667
  • Add relevant metadata to pr view #748
  • Add relevant metadata to issue view #745
  • Accept clone directory as argument to repo clone #721, #727

Bug Fixes

  • Fix pr create finding the right commits after repo fork #731, #752
  • Improve completion command #761
  • Avoid race conditions when interacting with the spinner #778


  • Improve issue/pr/repo view documentation #764

Dev/release stuff

  • Check code with golangci-lint on push #734
  • Appease linter that warns about redundant type in composite literals #779
  • Avoid intermittent CI failures while setting up Go #780

Thanks to all our community contributors in this release! <3

cli - v0.6.4

Published by mislav over 4 years ago

  • Avoid crash for auto-forking scenario in pr create #726
cli - v0.6.3

Published by mislav over 4 years ago

gh issue/pr view changes

  • switch {pr,issue} view default #665

gh repo view/fork improvements

  • Add ability to view repo in terminal and do it by default #690
  • repo fork: reuse existing git remote if available #708
  • Automatically set up "upstream" remote for forks #719
  • Add "upstream" remote after repo fork #720

gh pr checkout/view/status improvements

  • Respect base repository when passing URL argument to pr checkout/view #687

  • Add unicode to pr status #683

  • Prevent crash when encountering "STALE" check conclusion #707

gh pr create improvements

  • Avoid auto-forking/pushing an already pushed branch in pr create #704
  • Creating a PR now always prioritizes an existing fork as a push target #680
  • respect -B when checking for existing pull requests #694
  • Use remote tracking branch for base when detecting commits for pr create #717


  • Bump glamour dependency #689
  • Enable tests to capture spinner output #688
  • simplify sort string slice method call #697
  • Support git remote URLs #709
  • fix branch detection on empty repo #696
cli - v0.6.2

Published by mislav over 4 years ago

gh pr create improvements:

  • Autofill title & body using information from git commit messages #590

  • Check for existing pull request before attempting to open a new one #668

  • Ensure all inputs are validated before forking and/or pushing the head branch #618

gh pr status improvements:

  • Show state instead of checks and reviews for closed/merged pull request belonging to the current branch #624

  • Allow use in cases when there is no current git branch #670

  • Only show the most recent pull request for the current branch #638

gh issue/pr list improvements:

  • Add ability to list issues by author #625

  • Avoid showing duplicated pull requests in output #594

  • Show the total number of issues/pull requests in output header #440

  • Unify output formats between issue list and issue status #532

gh repo improvements:

  • Fix repo create --homepage <URL> #617

  • Verify repository exists when using repo view <repo> #598 #629

  • Consistent punctuation in repo docs #586


  • Don't require a local git repository when --repo flag is used #656

  • Fix issue view usage description #651

  • Improve callback handling during authorization flow to enable authentication in certain browsers #650

  • Add support for PowerShell completion #591

cli - v0.6.1

Published by mislav over 4 years ago

  • Add fork, clone, create, view to repo usage #578

  • Bump glamour dependency #583

cli - v0.6.0

Published by mislav over 4 years ago

New commands:

  • Add repo clone <repo> command #545

  • Add repo create command #547

  • Add repo fork command #549

  • Add repo view command #337


  • Preserve explicit title & body in issue create --web #538

  • Support issue list --limit=N where N is greater than 100 #541

  • Ensure that gh <command> -h is equivalent to --help #574

  • Fix detecting PR for current branch pushed to fork #567


  • More detailed logging for HTTP requests to stderr with DEBUG=1 #306

  • Show git push output during pr create #539

  • Use gray color for PR number if PR is a draft #550

  • Print authentication tip when opening the browser fails #553

  • Handle properly passed #<num> as equivalent to <num> for PRs and Issues #474

  • Improve error message for issue URL with no args #560

  • Add ability to visually differentiate pull requests by their state #530

cli - v0.5.7

Published by mislav over 4 years ago

  • Better error when running in a repo with no git remotes #521

  • Fix column alignment and truncation for Eastern Asian languages #518

  • Respect title & body from arguments to pr create -w #523

cli - v0.5.6

Published by mislav over 4 years ago


  • Ensure GitHub CLI uses production OAuth application even when built from source #492

    If you had trouble using gh for your private organization repository, please try upgrading and forcing re-authentication by doing rm ~/.config/gh/config.yml.

  • Fix crash in gh issue/pr list for narrow terminals #495

  • Include merged PRs with gh issue/pr list --state=closed #513

  • Respect overriden base branch in pr create --web #483

  • Preserve issue/PR template when skipping editor phase in gh issue/pr create #497


  • Support reproducible builds in Makefile #406

  • Have gh --version display correct version when installed via go get #491

  • Use glamour as markdown rendering backend for issue/PR previews #311

  • Provide linux builds for arm64 #459

  • Handle runtime errors when generating shell completions #505

cli - v0.5.5

Published by mislav over 4 years ago

  • Update make site-docs to reflect latest setup #285

  • Fix link to docs on #304

  • Prefix branch names when checking out a PR locally #302

  • use new goreleaser config #322

  • doc: add arch install instructions #318

  • Check for $GIT_EDITOR first #329

  • Add .vscode and .DS_Store to .gitignore #338

  • Add Bugfix Pull Request Template #346

  • Make approval statuses sentence case #347

  • Update docs link to correct manual page #358

  • Change AUR package #363

  • More nuanced handling of parent/fork in various commands #355

  • Fix wrong repo url being used for pushing #420

  • Add availability section to README #415

  • Make sure editor is set properly & not overridden later #387

  • Fix: Nil pointer dereference while previewing PR and Issues with empty body #405

  • Cross repo pr create #362

  • revert pr checkout branch prefixing #429

cli - v0.5.4

Published by mislav over 4 years ago

  • put homebrew formula back in the right place #301

  • ADD installation from source section to README. #289

cli - v0.5.3

Published by mislav over 4 years ago

  • Add fish completion support #271

  • Fix gh version printing the correct changelog link #274

  • Add more binary builds, simplify release process #276

  • Print repo and user context for status commands #278

  • Setup fish completion when installing with Homebrew #281

  • Fix typos #292

  • fix: Fix typos #291

  • scoop config for gh #298