
Fast and reliable background jobs in Go

MPL-2.0 License

river - v0.0.24

Published by brandur 8 months ago


  • Fixed a memory leak caused by not always cancelling the context used to enable jobs to be cancelled remotely. PR #243.
river - v0.0.23

Published by brandur 8 months ago


  • JobListParams.Kinds() has been added so that jobs can now be listed by kind. PR #212.


  • The underlying driver system's been entirely revamped so that River's non-test code is now decoupled from pgx/v5. This will allow additional drivers to be implemented, although there are no additional ones for now. PR #212.


  • Fixed a memory leak caused by allocating a new random source on every job execution. Thank you @shawnstephens for reporting ❤️ PR #240.
  • Fix a problem where JobListParams.Queues() didn't filter correctly based on its arguments. PR #212.
  • Fix a problem in DebouncedChan where it would fire on its "out" channel too often when it was being signaled continuousy on its "in" channel. This would have caused work to be fetched more often than intended in busy systems. PR #222.
river - v0.0.22

Published by brandur 8 months ago


  • Brings in another leadership election fix similar to #217 in which a TTL equal to the elector's run interval plus a configured TTL padding is also used for the initial attempt to gain leadership (#217 brought it in for reelection only). PR #219.
river - v0.0.21

Published by brandur 8 months ago


  • Tweaked behavior of JobRetry so that it does actually update the ScheduledAt time of the job in all cases where the job is actually being rescheduled. As before, jobs which are already available with a past ScheduledAt will not be touched by this query so that they retain their place in line. PR #211.


  • Fixed a leadership re-election issue that was exposed by the fix in #199. Because we were internally using the same TTL for both an internal timer/ticker and the database update to set the new leader expiration time, a leader wasn't guaranteed to successfully re-elect itself even under normal operation. PR #217.
river - v0.0.20

Published by brandur 9 months ago


  • Fix a leadership re-election query bug that would cause past leaders to think they were continuing to win elections. PR #199.
river - v0.0.19

Published by brandur 9 months ago


  • Added JobGet and JobGetTx to the Client to enable easily fetching a single job row from code for introspection. [PR #186].
  • Added JobRetry and JobRetryTx to the Client to enable a job to be retried immediately, even if it has already completed, been cancelled, or been discarded. [PR #190].


  • Validate queue name on job insertion. Allow queue names with hyphen separators in addition to underscore. PR #184.