
The parent project for OpenZiti. Here you will find the executables for a fully zero trust, application embedded, programmable network @OpenZiti

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ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 3 years ago

Release 0.22.2

What's New

  • Bug fix: Upgrading a controller from 0.22.0 or earlier to 0.22.2 will no longer leave old sessions w/o identityId properties. Workaround for previous versions is to use ziti-controller delete-sessions
  • Bug fix: If a router/tunneler loses connectivity with the controller long enough for the api session to time out, the router will now restablish any terminators for hosted services
  • Enhancement: Add some short aliases for the CLI
    • edge-router -> er
    • service-policy -> sp
    • edge-router-policy -> erp
    • service-edge-router-policy -> serp
  • Feature: Add GetServiceTerminators to Golang SDK ziti.Context
  • Feature: Add GetSourceIdentifier to Golang SDK edge.ServiceConn
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 3 years ago

Release 0.22.1

What's New

  • Bug fix: Fabric v0.16.93 fixes xgress.GetCircuit to provide a ctrl not ready error response when requests arrive before the router is fully online.
  • Bug fix: Ziti CLI will no longer truncate paths on logins with explicit URLs
  • Bug fix: Ziti CLI will now correctly check the proper lengths of sha512 hashes in hex format
  • Bug fix: MFA Posture Check timeout will no longer be half their set value
  • Bug fix: MFA Posture Checks w/ a timeout configured to 0 will be treated as having no timeout (-1) instead of always being timed out
  • Bug fix: MFA Posture Checks will no longer cause an usually high frequency of session updates
  • Bug fix: MFA Posture Checks during subsequent MFA submissions will no longer 401
  • Bug fix: Listing sessions via GET /sessions will no longer report an error in certain data states
  • Feature: Posture responses now report services affected with timeout/state changes
  • Feature: Ziti CLI unwrap command for identity json files will now default the output file names
  • Feature: Ziti CLI improvements
    • New interactive tutorial covering creating your first service. Run using: ziti edge tutorial first-service
    • You can now delete multiple entities at once, by providing multiple ids. Ex: ziti edge delete services one two or ziti edge delete service one two will both work.
    • You can now delete multiple entities at once, by providing a filter. Ex: ziti edge delete services where 'name contains "foo"
    • Create and delete output now has additional context.
  • Feature: Terminators can now be filtered by service and router name: Ex: ziti edge list terminators 'service.name = "echo"'
  • Feature: New event type edge.entityCounts

Entity Count Events

The Ziti Controller can now generate events with a summary of how many of each entity type are currently in the data store. It can be configured with an interval for how often the event will be generated. The default interval is five minutes.

      - type: edge.entityCounts
        interval: 5m

Here is an example of the JSON output of the event:

  "namespace": "edge.entityCounts",
  "timestamp": "2021-08-19T13:39:54.056181406-04:00",
  "counts": {
    "apiSessionCertificates": 0,
    "apiSessions": 9,
    "authenticators": 4,
    "cas": 0,
    "configTypes": 5,
    "configs": 2,
    "edgeRouterPolicies": 4,
    "enrollments": 0,
    "eventLogs": 0,
    "geoRegions": 17,
    "identities": 6,
    "identityTypes": 4,
    "mfas": 0,
    "postureCheckTypes": 5,
    "postureChecks": 0,
    "routers": 2,
    "serviceEdgeRouterPolicies": 2,
    "servicePolicies": 5,
    "services": 3,
    "sessions": 0
  "error": ""
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 3 years ago

Release 0.22.0

What's New

  • Refactor: Fabric Sessions renamed to Circuits (breaking change)
  • Feature: Links will now wait for a timeout for retrying
  • Bug fix: Sessions created on the controller when circuit creation fails are now cleaned up
  • Feature: Enhanced ziti CLI login functionality (has breaking changes to CLI options)
  • Feature: new ziti edge list summary command, which shows database entity counts
  • Bug fix: ziti-fabric didn't always report an error to the OS when it had an error
  • Refactor: All protobuf packages have been prefixed with ziti. to help prevent namespace clashes. Should not be a breaking change.
  • Feature: Selective debug logging by identity for path selection and circuit establishment
    • ziti edge trace identity <identity id> will turn on debug logging for selecting paths and establishing circuits
    • Addition context for these operations including circuitId, sessionid and apiSessionId should now be in log messages regardless of whether tracing is enabled
    • Tracing is enabled for a given duration, which defaults to 10 minutes

Breaking Changes

Fabric sessions renamed to circuits. External integrators may be impacted by changes to events. See below for details.

Ziti CLI

Commands under ziti edge now reserve the -i flag for specifying client identity.
Any command line argumet which previously had a -i short version now only has a long version.

For consistency, policy roles parameters must all be specified in long form

This includes the following flags:

  • ziti edge create edge-router-policy --identity-roles --edge-router-roles
  • ziti edge update edge-router-policy --identity-roles --edge-router-roles
  • ziti edge create service-policy --identity-roles --service-roles
  • ziti edge update service-policy --identity-roles --service-roles
  • ziti edge create service-edge-router-policy --service-roles --edge-router-roles
  • ziti edge update service-edge-router-policy --service-roles --edge-router-roles
  • ziti edge create posture-check mfa --ignore-legacy
  • ziti edge update posture-check mfa --ignore-legacy
  • ziti edge update authenticator updb --identity
  • ziti egde update ca --identity-atributes (now -a)

The ziti edge commands now store session credentials in a new location and new format. Existing sessions will be ignored.

The ziti edge controller command was previously deprecated and has now been removed. All commands that were previously available
under ziti edge controller are available under ziti edge.

Fabric Sessions renamed to Circuits

Previously we had three separate entities named session: fabric sessions, edge sessions and edge API sessions. In order to reduce confusion, fabric sessions
have been renamed to circuits. This has the following impacts:

  • ziti-fabric CLI
    • list sessions renamed to list circuits
    • remove session renamed to remove circuit
    • stream sessions renamed to stream circuits
  • Config properties
    • In the controller config, under networks, createSessionRetries is now createCircuitRetries
    • In the router config, under xgress dialer/listener options, getSessionTimeout is now getCircuitTimeout
    • In the router config, under xgress dialer/listener options, sessionStartTimeout is now circuitStartTimeout
    • In the router, under forwarder, idleSessionTimeout is now idleCircuitTimeout

In the context of the fabric there was an existing construct call Circuit which has now been renamed to Path. This may be visible in a few ziti-fabric CLI outputs

Event changes

Previously the fabric had session events. It now has circuit events instead. These events have the fabric.circuits namespace. The circuitUpdated event type
is now the pathUpdated event.

type CircuitEvent struct {
	Namespace string    `json:"namespace"`
	EventType string    `json:"event_type"`
	CircuitId string    `json:"circuit_id"`
	Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
	ClientId  string    `json:"client_id"`
	ServiceId string    `json:"service_id"`
	Path      string    `json:"circuit"`

Additionally the Usage events now have circuit_id instead of session_id. The usage events also have a new version field, which is set to 2.

Pending Link Timeout

Previously whenever a router connected we'd look for new links possiblities and create new links between routers where any were missing.
If lots of routers connected at the same time, we might create duplicate links because the links hadn't been reported as established yet.
Now we'll checking for links in Pending state, and if they haven't hit a configurable timeout, we won't create another link.

The new config property is pendingLinkTimeoutSeconds in the controller config file under network, and defaults to 10 seconds.

Enhanced CLI Login Functionality

Server Trust

Untrusted Servers

If you don't provide a certificates file when logging in, the server's well known certificates will now be pulled from the server and you will be prompted if you want to use them.
If certs for the host have previously been retrieved they will be used. Certs stored locally will be checked against the certs on the server when logging in.
If a difference is found, the user will be notified and asked if they want to update the local certificate cache.

If you provide certificates during login, the server's certificates will not be checked or downloaded. Locally cached certificates for that host will not be used.

Trusted Servers

If working with a server which is using certs that your OS already recognizes, nothing will change. No cert needs to be provided and the server's well known certs will not be downloaded.


The Ziti CLI now suports multiple identities. An identity can be specified using --cli-identity or -i.

Example commands:

$ ziti edge login -i dev localhost:1280
Enter username: admin
Enter password: 
Token: 76ff81b4-b528-4e2c-ad73-dcb0a39b6489
Saving identity 'dev' to ~/.config/ziti/ziti-cli.json

$ ziti edge -i dev list services
id: -JucPW0kGR    name: ssh    encryption required: true    terminator strategy: smartrouting    role attributes: ["ssh"]
results: 1-1 of 1

If no identity is specified, a default will be used. The default identity is default.

Switching Default Identity

The default identity can be changed with the ziti edge use command.

The above example could also be accomplished as follows:

$ ziti edge use dev
Settting identity 'dev' as default in ~/.config/ziti/ziti-cli.json

$ ziti edge login localhost:1280
Enter username: admin
Enter password: 
Token: e325d91c-a452-4454-a733-cfad88bfa356
Saving identity 'dev' to ~/.config/ziti/ziti-cli.json

$ ziti edge list services
id: -JucPW0kGR    name: ssh    encryption required: true    terminator strategy: smartrouting    role attributes: ["ssh"]
results: 1-1 of 1

$ ziti edge use default
Settting identity 'default' as default in ~/.config/ziti/ziti-cli.json

ziti edge use without an argument will list logins you have made.

$ ziti edge use
id:      default | current:  true | read-only:  true | urL: https://localhost:1280/edge/management/v1
id:        cust1 | current: false | read-only: false | urL: https://customer1.com:443/edge/management/v1


You can now also clear locally stored credentials using ziti edge logout

$ ziti edge -i cust1 logout  
Removing identity 'cust1' from ~/.config/ziti/ziti-cli.json

Read-Only Mode

When logging in one can mark the identity as read-only. This is a client side enforced flag which will attempt to make sure only
read operations are performed by this session.

$ ziti edge login --read-only localhost:1280
Enter username: admin
Enter password: 
Token: 966192c6-fb7f-481e-8230-dcef157770ef
Saving identity 'default' to ~/.config/ziti/ziti-cli.json

$ ziti edge list services
id: -JucPW0kGR    name: ssh    encryption required: true    terminator strategy: smartrouting    role attributes: ["ssh"]
results: 1-1 of 1

$ ziti edge create service test
error: this login is marked read-only, only GET operations are allowed

NOTE: This is not guaranteed to prevent database changes. It is meant to help prevent accidental changes, if the wrong profile
is accidentally used. Caution should always be exercised when working with sensitive data!

Login via Token

If you already have an API session token, you can use that to create a client identity using the new --token flag.
When using --token the saved identity will be marked as read-only unless --read-only=false is specified. This
is because if you only have a token and not full credentials, it's more likely that you're inspecting a system to
which you have limited privileges.

$ ziti edge login localhost:1280 --token c9f37575-f660-409b-b731-5a256d74a931
NOTE: When using --token the saved identity will be marked as read-only unless --read-only=false is provided
Saving identity 'default' to ~/.config/ziti/ziti-cli.json

Using this option will still check the server certificates to see if they need to be downloaded and/or compare them with locally
cached certificates.

ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 3 years ago

Release 0.21.0

Semantic now Required for policies (BREAKING CHANGE)

Previouxly semantic was optional when creating or updating policies (POST or PUT), defaulting to AllOf when not specified. It is now required.

What's New

  • Bug fix: Using PUT for policies without including the semantic would cause them to be evaluated using the AllOf semantic
  • Bug fix: Additional concurrency fix in posture data
  • Feature: Ziti CLI now supports a comprehensive set of ca and cas options
  • Feature: ziti ps now supports set-channel-log-level and clear-channel-log-level operations
  • Change: Previouxly semantic was optional when creating or updating policies (POST or PUT), defaulting to AllOf when not specified. It is now required.
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] about 3 years ago

Release 0.20.14

What's New

  • Bug fix: Posture timeouts (i.e. MFA timeouts) would not apply to the first session of an API session
  • Bug fix: Fix panic during API Session deletion
  • Feature: Ziti CLI now supports attribute updates on MFA posture checks
  • Feature: Posture queries now support timeout and timeoutRemaining
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.20.13

What's New

  • Bug fix: edge#712
    • NF-INTERCEPT chain was getting deleted when any intercept was stopped, not when all intercepts were stopped
    • IP address could get re-used across DNS entries. Added DNS cache flush on startup to avoid this
    • IP address cleanup was broken as all services would see last assigned IP
  • Bug fix: Introduce delay when closing xgress peer after receiving unroute if end of session not yet received.
  • Feature: Can now search relevant entities by role attributes
    • Services, edge routers and identities can be search by role attribute. Ex: ziti edge list services 'anyOf(roleAttributes) = "one"'
    • Polices can be searched by roles. Ex: ziti edge list service-policies 'anyOf(identityRoles) = "#all"'
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.20.12

What's New

  • Bug fix: edge#641Management and Client API nested resources now support limit and offset outside of filter as query params
  • Feature: MFA Timeout Options

MFA Timeout Options

The MFA posture check now supports three options:

  • timeoutSeconds - the number of seconds before an MFA TOTP will need to be provided before the posture check begins to fail (optional)
  • promptOnWake - reduces the current timeout to 5m (if not less than already) when an endpoint reports a "wake" event (optional)
  • promptOnUnlock - reduces the current timeout to 5m (if not less than already) when an endpoint reports an "unlock" event (optional)
  • ignoreLegacyEndpoints - forces all other options to be ignored for legacy clients that do not support event state (optional)

Event states, promptOnWake and promptOnUnlock are only supported in Ziti C SDK v0.20.0 and later. Individual ZDE/ZME clients
may take time to update. If older endpoint are used with the new MFA options ignoreLegacyEndpoints allows administrators to decide
how those clients should be treated. If ignoreLegacyEndpoints is true, they will not be subject to timeout or wake events.

ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.20.11

  • Bug fix: CLI Admin create/update/delete for UPDB authenticators now function properly
  • Maintenance: better logging sdk-golang#161 and edge#700
  • Bug fix: sdk-golang#162 fix race condition on close of ziti connections
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.20.10

What's New

  • Bug fix: patch for process multi would clear information
  • Bug fix: ziti#420 fix ziti-tunnel failover with multiple interfaces when once becomes unavailable
  • Bug fix: edge#670 fix ziti-tunnel issue where address were left assigned to loopback after clean shutdown
  • Bug fix: race condition in edge session sync could cause router panic. Regression since 0.20.9
  • Bug fix: terminator updates and deletes from the combined router/tunneler weren't working
  • Feature: Router health checks
  • Feature: Controller health check

Router Health Checks

Routers can now enable an HTTP health check endpoint. The health check is configured in the router config file with the new healthChecks section.

        # How often to ping the controller over the control channel. Defaults to 30 seconds
        interval: 30s
        # When to timeout the ping. Defaults to 15 seconds
        timeout: 15s
        # How long to wait before pinging the controller. Defaults to 15 seconds
        initialDelay: 15s

The health check endpoint is configured via XWeb, same as in the controller. As section like the following can be added to the router config to enable the endpoint.

  - name: health-check
      - interface:
      - binding: health-checks

The health check output will look like this:

$ curl -k https://localhost:8081/health-checks
    "data": {
        "checks": [
                "healthy": true,
                "id": "controllerPing",
                "lastCheckDuration": "767.381µs",
                "lastCheckTime": "2021-06-21T16:22:36-04:00"
        "healthy": true
    "meta": {}

The endpoint will return a 200 if the health checks are passing and 503 if they are not.

Controller Health Check

Routers can now enable an HTTP health check endpoint. The health check is configured in the router config file with the new healthChecks section.

        # How often to check the bolt db. Defaults to 30 seconds
        interval: 30s
        # When to timeout the bolt db check. Defaults to 15 seconds
        timeout: 15s
        # How long to wait before starting bolt db checks. Defaults to 15 seconds
        initialDelay: 15s

The health check endpoint is configured via XWeb. In order to enable the health check endpoint, add it first to the list of apis.

      # binding - required
      # Specifies an API to bind to this webListener. Built-in APIs are
      #   - edge-management
      #   - edge-client
      #   - fabric-management
      - binding: health-checks
        options: { }
      - binding: edge-management
        # options - variable optional/required
        # This section is used to define values that are specified by the API they are associated with.
        # These settings are per API. The example below is for the `edge-api` and contains both optional values and
        # required values.
        options: { }
      - binding: edge-client
        options: { }

The health check output will look like this:

$ curl -k https://localhost:1280/health-checks
    "data": {
        "checks": [
                "healthy": true,
                "id": "bolt.read",
                "lastCheckDuration": "27.46µs",
                "lastCheckTime": "2021-06-21T17:32:31-04:00"
        "healthy": true
    "meta": {}

ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.20.9

What's New

  • Bug fix: router session sync would fail if it took longer than a second
  • Bug fix: API sessions created during session sync could get thrown out when session sync was finalized
  • Bug fix: Update of identity defaultHostingCost and defaultHostingPrecedence didn't work
  • Improvement: List identities is faster as it no longer always iterates through all api-sessions
  • Improvement: API Session enforcer now batches deletes of session for better performance
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.20.8

What's New

  • 0.20.7 was missing the most up-to-date version of the openziti/edge library dependency

What's New

  • Xlink now supports to a boolean split option to enable/disable separated payload and ack channels.
  • Router identity now propagated through the link establishment plumbing. Will facilitate router-directed transport.Configuration profiles in a future release.
  • Bug fix: tunneler identity appData wasn't propagated to tunneler/router
  • Bug fix: API session updates were only being sent to one router (regression since 0.20.4)
  • Bug fix: API session enforcer wasn't being started (regression since 0.20.0)
  • Bug fix: Setting per identity service costs/precedences didn't work with PATCH

Split Xlink Payload/Ack Channels

Split payload and ack channels are enabled by default, preserving the behavior of previous releases. To disable split channels, merge the following stanza into your router configuration:

    - binding:              transport
      split:                false
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.20.7

What's New

  • Xlink now supports to a boolean split option to enable/disable separated payload and ack channels.
  • Router identity now propagated through the link establishment plumbing. Will facilitate router-directed transport.Configuration profiles in a future release.
  • Bug fix: tunneler identity appData wasn't propagated to tunneler/router
  • Bug fix: API session updates were only being sent to one router (regression since 0.20.4)
  • Bug fix: API session enforcer wasn't being started (regression since 0.20.0)
  • Bug fix: Setting per identity service costs/precedences didn't work with PATCH

Split Xlink Payload/Ack Channels

Split payload and ack channels are enabled by default, preserving the behavior of previous releases. To disable split channels, merge the following stanza into your router configuration:

    - binding:              transport
      split:                false
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.20.6

What's New

  • Bug fix: Revert defensive Edge Router disconnect protection in Edge
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.20.5

What's New

  • Bug fix: Fix panic on double chan close that can occur when edge routers disconnect/reconnect in rapid succession
  • Bug fix: Fix defaults for enrollment durations when not specified (would default near 0 values)
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.20.4

What's New

  • Bug fix: Fix a deadlock that can occur if Edge Routers disconnect during session synchronization or update processes
  • Bug fix: Fix URL for CAS create in Ziti CLI
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.20.3

What's New

  • Bug fix: Update of identity appData wasn't working
  • Bug fix: Terminator updates failed if cost wasn't specified
  • Bug fix: Control channel handler routines were exiting on error instead of just closing peer and continuing
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.20.1

What's New

  • Fixes a bug in the GO sdk which could cause panic by return nil connection and nil error
  • ziti#170 Fixes the service poll refresh default for ziti-tunnel host mode
  • Fixes a deadlock in control channel reconnect logic triggerable when network path to controller is unreliable
ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.20.0

What's New

  • Fix bug in router/tunneler where only first 10 services would get picked up for intercepting/hosting
  • Fix bug in router/tunneler where we'd process services multiple times on service add/remove/update
  • Historical Changelog Split
  • Edge Management REST API Transit Router Deprecation
  • Edge REST API Split & Configuration Changes

Historical Changelog Split

Changelogs for previous minor versions are now split into their own files
under /changelogs.

Edge Management REST API Transit Router Deprecation

The endpoint /transit-routers is now /routers. Use of the former name
is considered deprecated. This endpoint only affects the new Edge Management API.

Edge REST API Split

The Edge REST API has now been split into two APIs: The Edge Client API and the Edge Management API.
There are now two Open API 2.0 specifications present in the edge repository under /specs/client.yml
and /specs/management.yml. These two files are generated (see the scripts in /scripts/) from decomposed
YAML source files present in /specs/source.

The APIs are now hosted on separate URL paths:

  • Client API: /edge/client/v1
  • Management API: /edge/management/v1

Legacy path support is present for the Client API only. The Management API does not support legacy
URL paths. The Client API Legacy paths that are supported are as follows:

  • No Prefix: /*
  • Edge Prefix: /edge/v1/*

This support is only expected to last until all Ziti SDKs move to using the new prefixed paths and versions
that do not reach the end of their lifecycle. After that time, support will be removed. It is highly
suggested that URL path prefixes be updated or dynamically looked up via the /version endpoint (see below)

Client and Management API Capabilities

The Client API represents only functionality required by and endpoint to
connected to and use services. This API services Ziti SDKs.

The Management API represents all administrative configuration capabilities.
The Management API is meant to be used by the Ziti Admin Console (ZAC) or
other administrative integrations.

Client API Endpoints

  • /edge/client/v1/
  • /edge/client/v1/.well-known/est/cacerts
  • /edge/client/v1/authenticate
  • /edge/client/v1/authenticate/mfa
  • /edge/client/v1/current-api-session
  • /edge/client/v1/current-api-session/certificates
  • /edge/client/v1/current-api-session/certificates/{id}
  • /edge/client/v1/current-api-session/service-updates
  • /edge/client/v1/current-identity
  • /edge/client/v1/current-identity/authenticators
  • /edge/client/v1/current-identity/authenticators/{id}
  • /edge/client/v1/current-identity/edge-routers
  • /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa
  • /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa/qr-code
  • /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa/verify
  • /edge/client/v1/current-identity/mfa/recovery-codes
  • /edge/client/v1/enroll
  • /edge/client/v1/enroll/ca
  • /edge/client/v1/enroll/ott
  • /edge/client/v1/enroll/ottca
  • /edge/client/v1/enroll/updb
  • /edge/client/v1/enroll/erott
  • /edge/client/v1/enroll/extend/router
  • /edge/client/v1/posture-response
  • /edge/client/v1/posture-response-bulk
  • /edge/client/v1/protocols
  • /edge/client/v1/services
  • /edge/client/v1/services/{id}
  • /edge/client/v1/services/{id}/terminators
  • /edge/client/v1/sessions
  • /edge/client/v1/sessions/{id}
  • /edge/client/v1/specs
  • /edge/client/v1/specs/{id}
  • /edge/client/v1/specs/{id}/spec
  • /edge/client/v1/version

Management API Endpoints

  • /edge/management/v1/
  • /edge/management/v1/api-sessions
  • /edge/management/v1/api-sessions/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/authenticate
  • /edge/management/v1/authenticate/mfa
  • /edge/management/v1/authenticators
  • /edge/management/v1/authenticators/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/cas
  • /edge/management/v1/cas/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/cas/{id}/jwt
  • /edge/management/v1/cas/{id}/verify
  • /edge/management/v1/config-types
  • /edge/management/v1/config-types/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/config-types/{id}/configs
  • /edge/management/v1/configs
  • /edge/management/v1/configs/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/current-api-session
  • /edge/management/v1/current-identity
  • /edge/management/v1/current-identity/authenticators
  • /edge/management/v1/current-identity/authenticators/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/current-identity/mfa
  • /edge/management/v1/current-identity/mfa/qr-code
  • /edge/management/v1/current-identity/mfa/verify
  • /edge/management/v1/current-identity/mfa/recovery-codes
  • /edge/management/v1/database/snapshot
  • /edge/management/v1/database/check-data-integrity
  • /edge/management/v1/database/fix-data-integrity
  • /edge/management/v1/database/data-integrity-results
  • /edge/management/v1/edge-router-role-attributes
  • /edge/management/v1/edge-routers
  • /edge/management/v1/edge-routers/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/edge-routers/{id}/edge-router-policies
  • /edge/management/v1/edge-routers/{id}/identities
  • /edge/management/v1/edge-routers/{id}/service-edge-router-policies
  • /edge/management/v1/edge-routers/{id}/services
  • /edge/management/v1/edge-router-policies
  • /edge/management/v1/edge-router-policies/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/edge-router-policies/{id}/edge-routers
  • /edge/management/v1/edge-router-policies/{id}/identities
  • /edge/management/v1/enrollments
  • /edge/management/v1/enrollments/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/identities
  • /edge/management/v1/identities/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/identities/{id}/edge-router-policies
  • /edge/management/v1/identities/{id}/service-configs
  • /edge/management/v1/identities/{id}/service-policies
  • /edge/management/v1/identities/{id}/edge-routers
  • /edge/management/v1/identities/{id}/services
  • /edge/management/v1/identities/{id}/policy-advice/{serviceId}
  • /edge/management/v1/identities/{id}/posture-data
  • /edge/management/v1/identities/{id}/failed-service-requests
  • /edge/management/v1/identities/{id}/mfa
  • /edge/management/v1/identity-role-attributes
  • /edge/management/v1/identity-types
  • /edge/management/v1/identity-types/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/posture-checks
  • /edge/management/v1/posture-checks/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/posture-check-types
  • /edge/management/v1/posture-check-types/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/service-edge-router-policies
  • /edge/management/v1/service-edge-router-policies/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/service-edge-router-policies/{id}/edge-routers
  • /edge/management/v1/service-edge-router-policies/{id}/services
  • /edge/management/v1/service-role-attributes
  • /edge/management/v1/service-policies
  • /edge/management/v1/service-policies/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/service-policies/{id}/identities
  • /edge/management/v1/service-policies/{id}/services
  • /edge/management/v1/service-policies/{id}/posture-checks
  • /edge/management/v1/services
  • /edge/management/v1/services/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/services/{id}/configs
  • /edge/management/v1/services/{id}/service-edge-router-policies
  • /edge/management/v1/services/{id}/service-policies
  • /edge/management/v1/services/{id}/identities
  • /edge/management/v1/services/{id}/edge-routers
  • /edge/management/v1/services/{id}/terminators
  • /edge/management/v1/sessions
  • /edge/management/v1/sessions/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/sessions/{id}/route-path
  • /edge/management/v1/specs
  • /edge/management/v1/specs/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/specs/{id}/spec
  • /edge/management/v1/summary
  • /edge/management/v1/terminators
  • /edge/management/v1/terminators/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/routers
  • /edge/management/v1/transit-routers
  • /edge/management/v1/routers/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/transit-routers/{id}
  • /edge/management/v1/version

XWeb Support & Configuration Changes

The underlying framework used to host the Edge REST API has been moved into a new library
that can be found in the fabric repository under the module name xweb. XWeb allows arbitrary
APIs and website capabilities to be hosted on one or more http servers bound to any number of
network interfaces and ports.

The main result of this is that the Edge Client and Management APIs can be hosted on separate ports or
even on separate network interfaces if desired. This allows for configurations where the Edge Management
API is not accessible outside of localhost or is only presented to network interfaces that are inwardly facing.

The introduction of XWeb has necessitated changes to the controller configuration. For a full documented example
see the file /etc/ctrl.with.edge.yml in this repository.

Controller Configuration: Edge Section

The Ziti Controller configuration edge YAML section remains as a shared location for cross-API settings. It however,
does not include HTTP settings which are now configured in the web section.

Additionally, all duration configuration values must be specified in <integer><unit> durations. For example

  • "5m" for five minutes
  • "100s" for one hundred seconds
# By having an 'edge' section defined, the ziti-controller will attempt to parse the edge configuration. Removing this
# section, commenting out, or altering the name of the section will cause the edge to not run.
  # This section represents the configuration of the Edge API that is served over HTTPS
    #(optional, default 90s) Alters how frequently heartbeat and last activity values are persisted
    # activityUpdateInterval: 90s
    #(optional, default 250) The number of API Sessions updated for last activity per transaction
    # activityUpdateBatchSize: 250
    # sessionTimeout - optional, default 10m
    # The number of minutes before an Edge API session will timeout. Timeouts are reset by
    # API requests and connections that are maintained to Edge Routers
    sessionTimeout: 30m
    # address - required
    # The default address (host:port) to use for enrollment for the Client API. This value must match one of the addresses
    # defined in this webListener's bindPoints.
  # enrollment - required
  # A section containing settings pertaining to enrollment.
    # signingCert - required
    # A Ziti Identity configuration section that specifically makes use of the cert and key fields to define
    # a signing certificate from the PKI that the Ziti environment is using to sign certificates. The signingCert.cert
    # will be added to the /.well-known CA store that is used to bootstrap trust with the Ziti Controller.
      cert: ${ZITI_SOURCE}/ziti/etc/ca/intermediate/certs/intermediate.cert.pem
      key: ${ZITI_SOURCE}/ziti/etc/ca/intermediate/private/intermediate.key.decrypted.pem
    # edgeIdentity - optional
    # A section for identity enrollment specific settings
      # durationMinutes - optional, default 5m
      # The length of time that a Ziti Edge Identity enrollment should remain valid. After
      # this duration, the enrollment will expire and not longer be usable.
      duration: 5m
    # edgeRouter - Optional
    # A section for edge router enrollment specific settings.
      # durationMinutes - optional, default 5m
      # The length of time that a Ziti Edge Router enrollment should remain valid. After
      # this duration, the enrollment will expire and not longer be usable.
      duration: 5m

Controller Configuration: Web Section

The web section now allows Ziti APIs to be configured on various network interfaces and
ports according to deployment requirements. The web section is an array of configuration
that defines WebListeners. Each WebListener has its own HTTP configuration, BindPoints,
identity override, and APIs which are referenced by binding name.

Each WebListener maps to at least one HTTP server that will be bound on at least one BindPoint
(network interface/port combination and external address) and will host one or more APIs defined
in the api section. APIs are configured by binding name. The following binding names
are currently supported:

  • Edge Client API: edge-client
  • Edge Management API: edge-management

An example web section that places both the Edge Client and Management APIs on the same
BindPoints would be:

# web 
# Defines webListeners that will be hosted by the controller. Each webListener can host many APIs and be bound to many
# bind points.
  # name - required
  # Provides a name for this listener, used for logging output. Not required to be unique, but is highly suggested.
  - name: all-apis-localhost
    # bindPoints - required
    # One or more bind points are required. A bind point specifies an interface (interface:port string) that defines
    # where on the host machine the webListener will listen and the address (host:port) that should be used to
    # publicly address the webListener(i.e. my-domain.com, localhost, This public address may be used for
    # incoming address resolution as well as used in responses in the API.
      #interface - required
      # A host:port string on which network interface to listen on. will listen on all interfaces
      - interface:
        # address - required
        # The public address that external incoming requests will be able to resolve. Used in request processing and
        # response content that requires full host:port/path addresses.
    # identity - optional
    # Allows the webListener to have a specific identity instead of defaulting to the root `identity` section.
    #    identity:
    #      cert:                 ${ZITI_SOURCE}/ziti/etc/ca/intermediate/certs/ctrl-client.cert.pem
    #      server_cert:          ${ZITI_SOURCE}/ziti/etc/ca/intermediate/certs/ctrl-server.cert.pem
    #      key:                  ${ZITI_SOURCE}/ziti/etc/ca/intermediate/private/ctrl.key.pem
    #      ca:                   ${ZITI_SOURCE}/ziti/etc/ca/intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem
    # options - optional
    # Allows the specification of webListener level options - mainly dealing with HTTP/TLS settings. These options are
    # used for all http servers started by the current webListener.
      # idleTimeoutMs - optional, default 5000ms
      # The maximum amount of idle time in milliseconds allowed for pipelined HTTP requests. Setting this too high
      # can cause resources on the host to be consumed as clients remain connected and idle. Lowering this value
      # will cause clients to reconnect on subsequent HTTPs requests.
      idleTimeout: 5000ms  #http timeouts, new
      # readTimeoutMs - optional, default 5000ms
      # The maximum amount of time in milliseconds http servers will wait to read the first incoming requests. A higher
      # value risks consuming resources on the host with clients that are acting bad faith or suffering from high latency
      # or packet loss. A lower value can risk losing connections to high latency/packet loss clients.
      readTimeout: 5000ms
      # writeTimeoutMs - optional, default 10000ms
      # The total maximum time in milliseconds that the http server will wait for a single requests to be received and
      # responded too. A higher value can allow long running requests to consume resources on the host. A lower value
      # can risk ending requests before the server has a chance to respond.
      writeTimeout: 100000ms
      # minTLSVersion - optional, default TSL1.2
      # The minimum version of TSL to support
      minTLSVersion: TLS1.2
      # maxTLSVersion - optional, default TSL1.3
      # The maximum version of TSL to support
      maxTLSVersion: TLS1.3
    # apis - required
    # Allows one or more APIs to be bound to this webListener
      # binding - required
      # Specifies an API to bind to this webListener. Built-in APIs are
      #   - edge-management
      #   - edge-client
      #   - fabric-management
      - binding: edge-management
        # options - variable optional/required
        # This section is used to define values that are specified by the API they are associated with.
        # These settings are per API. The example below is for the `edge-api` and contains both optional values and
        # required values.
        options: { }
      - binding: edge-client
        options: { }
  - name: test-remove-me
      - interface:
    options: { }
      - binding: edge-management
        options: { }
      - binding: edge-client
        options: { }

All optional values are defaulted. The smallest configuration possible that places the Edge Client
and Managements APIs on the same BindPoint would be:

  - name: client-management-localhost
      - interface:
    options: { }
      - binding: edge-management
        options: { }
      - binding: edge-client
        options: { }

The following examples places the Management API on localhost and the Client API on all available interface
and advertised as client.api.ziti.dev:1280:

  - name: client-all-interfaces
      - interface:
        address: client.api.ziti.dev:1280
    options: { }
      - binding: edge-client
        options: { }
  - name: management-local-only
      - interface:
    options: { }
      - binding: edge-management
        options: { }

Version Endpoint Updates

All Edge APIs support the /version endpoint and report all the APIs supported by the controller.
Each API now has a binding (string name) which is a global handle for that API's capabilities. See
the current list below

  • Client API: edge-client, edge
  • Management API: edge-management

Note: edge is an alias of edge-client for the /version endpoint only. It is considered deprecated.

These bind names can be used to parse the information returned by the /version endpoint to obtain the
most correct URL path for each API and version present. At a future date, other APIs with new bindings
(e.g. 'fabric-management` or 'fabric') or new versions may be added to this endpoint.

Versions prior to 0.20 of the Edge Controller reported the following:

    "data": {
        "apiVersions": {
            "edge": {
                "v1": {
                    "path": "/edge/v1"
        "buildDate": "2020-08-11 19:48:57",
        "revision": "e4ae43213a8d",
        "runtimeVersion": "go1.14.7",
        "version": "v0.16.0"
    "meta": {}

Note: /edge/v1 is deprecated

Version 0.20 and later report:

    "data": {
        "apiVersions": {
            "edge": {
                "v1": {
                    "apiBaseUrls": [
                    "path": "/edge/client/v1"
            "edge-client": {
                "v1": {
                    "apiBaseUrls": [
                    "path": "/edge/client/v1"
            "edge-management": {
                "v1": {
                    "apiBaseUrls": [
                    "path": "/edge/management/v1"
        "buildDate": "2020-01-01 01:01:01",
        "revision": "local",
        "runtimeVersion": "go1.16.2",
        "version": "v0.0.0"
    "meta": {}

ziti -

Published by github-actions[bot] over 3 years ago

Release 0.19.13

What's New

  • Fix bug in tunneler source transparency when using UDP
  • Added guidance under /quickstart for quickly launching a simplified, local environment suitable for local dev testing and learning
  • Removed xtv framework from fabric and moved edge terminator identity validation to control channel handler. The terminator: section may be removed from the controller configuration file.
  • Listen for SIGINT for router shutdown
  • Implement dial and listen identity options in go tunneler
  • Edge REST API Deprecation Warnings
  • Posture Check Process Multi

Deprecation Warning Of Non-Prefixed Edge REST API

Upcoming changes will remove support for non-prefixed Edge REST API URLs. The correct API URL prefix has been edge/v1
for over a year and not using will become unsupported at a future date. Additionally, the Edge REST API will be splitting
into two separate APIs in the coming months:

  • /edge/management/v1
  • /edge/client/v1

These new prefixes are not currently live and will be released in a subsequent version.

Posture Check Process Multi

A new posture check type has been introduced: PROCESS_MULTI. This posture check
is meant to replace the posture check type PROCESS and PROCESS should be considered
deprecated. PROCESS_MULTI covers all the uses that its predecessor provided with
additional semantic configuration options.

Process Multi Fields:

  • semantic: Either AllOf or OneOf. Determines which processes specified in processes must pass
  • processes: An array of objects representing a process. Similar to PROCESS's fields but with the ability to specify multiple binary hashes
    • osType - Any of the standard posture check OS types (Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows, WindowsServer)
    • path - The absolute file path the process is expected to run from
    • hashes - An array of sha512 hashes that are valid (optional, none allows any)
    • signerFingerprints - An array of sha1 signer fingerprints that are valid (optional, none allows any)