
Godot Unit Test. Unit testing tool for Godot Game Engine.


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Gut -

Published by bitwes over 5 years ago

Missed a new directory in the .gitattributes.

Gut - 6.6.2

Published by bitwes over 5 years ago



  • assert_null and assert_not_null
  • added simulate to the test object so you no longer have to use gut when calling it. It is fine if you still do though. Sorry if this breaks something.
  • Doubling, Stubbing, and Spies are no longer considered experimental.
  • The double method is now smart:
    • It knows when you pass it a scene or a script, no need for double_scene anymore but it remains.
    • You can pass it a loaded class or scene like this:
    var MyClass = load('res://')
    var MyClassDouble = double(MyClass)
  • You can now double Inner Classes by passing an Inner Class path like so:
    double('res://', 'Inner1/InnerInInner1/AndSoOn')
  • The start of an internal Gut logger to make better messages down the road.
  • Experimental Full doubling allows you to Spy on most Built-in methods. You still cannot Stub them though. This must be enabled, details in the Double Wiki page.
  • Added link to Rainware's setup tutorial on youtube to the README


  • Issue 94 Gut runs after_all on inner classes that are skipped.
  • Rawsyntax fixed a bunch of misspellings so that we can erock on with less bad speligs fo wrds.
Gut - 6.6.1

Published by bitwes almost 6 years ago

Major bug:

  • Issue 95: Fixed issue where sometimes Gut can end up clearing files from res:\\ when using doubling.


  • Issue 60: Improved signal assert failure messages in some cases by having them include a list of signals that were emitted for the object.

Minor bug

  • Issue 88: Fixed issue where you couldn't specify the config_file from the command line.
Gut - 6.6.0

Published by bitwes about 6 years ago



  • Issue 79: Scaling wasn't being accounted for by the maximize method.
  • Issue 80: Inner classes are no longer included in the count of scripts that were ran.


Issue 83: Added option to include subdirectories. Thanks to ChemicalInk for doing the initial work to implement the traversals. The option is off by default so that it doesn't break anything. This will probably change in later releases.

  • gutconfig: include_subdirs
  • command line: -ginclude_subdirs
  • editor: Include Subdirectories
  • Gut instance: set/get_include_subdirectories()

Issue 69: Renamed some methods. The old names will remain but the documentation has been updated to reflect the new names. If I ever end up removing the old names they will become deprecated for awhile and then removed in some later release.

  • assert_get_set_methods renamed to assert_accessors b/c it is easier to say
  • assert_extends renamed to assert_is b/c the keyword changed in gut 3.0

The setup/teardown methods got a rename so they are a little easier to understand. You should use the new names going forward, but refactoring existing tests can be messy (see note below).

  • prerun_setup renamed to before_all
  • setup renamed to before_each
  • postrun_teardown renamed to after_all
  • teardown renamed to after_each

Note about setup/teardown rename:

  • The new methods could not be actual aliases due to how they are used internally. They exist side by side with the old names and are called after the old methods. DO NOT use both in the same script.
  • If you refactor your tests to use the new names, be careful wherever you have a test class that extends another test class and it calls super's setup/teardown methods. For example, if you rename super's setup to before_each but all the test classes that inherit from it are still calling .setup then you'll have problem on your hands.
Gut - 6.5.0

Published by bitwes over 6 years ago


  • Bug fix by Xrayez to ensure that the command line tool always sets the return code properly. Before it was only setting it if Gut was configured to exit when done.
  • Fixed an issue where the command line tool wasn't setting options correctly when the .gutconfig.json file was present. All options are now applied correctly based on order of precedence (default < gutconfig < cmd line). I also added the -gpo command line option to print out all option values from all sources and what value would be used when running Gut. This will make debugging theses issues easier later.


  • We have two new asserts thanks to hbergren. These asserts make it easier to assert if a value is within or outside of a +/- range of a value. These are especially useful when comparing floats that the engine insists aren't equal due to rounding errors.
    • assert_almost_eq(got, expected, error_interval, text='') - Asserts that got is within the range of expected +/- error_interval. The upper and lower bounds are included in the check. Verified to work with integers, floats, and Vector2. Should work with anything that can be added/subtracted. Examples
    • assert_almost_ne(got, expected, error_interval, text='') - This is the inverse of assert_almost_eq. This will pass if got is outside the range of expected +/- error_interval. Examples
  • Xrayez contributed a new option to maximize the Gut window upon launch. The option can be set in the editor, .gutconfig, or at the command line.
  • Added the -gpo command line option to print out all option values from all sources and what value would be used when running Gut. This will make debugging option issues much easier.


Some housekeeping. Removed some commented out and unreachable code. Renamed a lot of tests in since it now uses Inner Test Classes which allows for better names. They were setting a bad example for PRs.

Gut - Spies and some other wonders.

Published by bitwes over 6 years ago

I've "dog food"ed the doubles, stubs, and spies more in my own game and I think they are pretty stable. This release contains some tweaks to doubles and stubs and the introduction of spies as well as some other testing goodness.


  • inner_class_name option for editor node, command line, and .gutconfig.json.
  • assert_exports: Assert that script exports a variable with a specific type. Thanks Myrkrheim
  • Command line now returns 0 when all tests pass and 1 if there are any failures. Thanks cmfcmf.
  • You can now set the opacity for the GUI through a command line option or the .gutconfig.json file. That one is also thanks to Myrkheim.
  • Spies (experimental)
    • You can make assertions now about method calls on doubled objects.
    • assert_called
    • assert_not_called
    • assert_call_count


  • Fixed issue with duplicate methods in doubled classes.
Gut - Inner Test classes, doubles, stubs, and more.

Published by bitwes over 6 years ago



First, the Readme has been broken up into a Github wiki. I think this will make consuming the help easier. There is probably some room for improvement in the documentation and organization. Create issues for anything that could be done better.

Inner Test Classes

You can now create "Inner Classes" that run tests. This allows you to breakup your tests and create multiple setup/teardown scopes in a single script.


extends "res://addons/gut/"

class TestInnerClass:
  extends "res://addons/gut/"

  func setup():

class TestInnerClass2:
  extends "res://addons/gut/"

  func setup():

Command line config file

There is now support for a config file for the command line tool. It only supports some options right now, but that will be expanded in the future.

  "dirs":["res://test/unit/", "res://test/integration/"],
  "log": 3

Experimental Doubles and Stubs

There are also two new experimental features in this release. Doubling and Stubbing. These are experimental because their implementation could change a lot. I hope not, but they might. I fought with how these should work a lot, and honestly, I might have gotten it wrong. So I'm going to put it out there and see how they get used in the wild. I'm dedicated to keeping these features and improving on them, but they might be a little rough around the edges.

You can find out more about Stubbing and Doubling in the Wiki.

Gut - Some new asserts!

Published by bitwes over 6 years ago


  • Some new asserts courtesy of Myrkrheim
  • Added .gitattributes which might make for less un-checkboxing when installing from Asset Library and less extra files when downloading the addon. If this works out, then the next release will undo moving everything into gut_tests_and_examples and everything will be right in the world. Thanks cmfcmf.
Gut - 6.1.0

Published by bitwes over 6 years ago

  • Moved as many files as I could to gut_tests_and_examples so that there was less stuff to uncheck when installing via the in-engine Asset Library. I'm still not 100% happy with the setup.
  • Moved the License to addons/gut/ so that it is distributed with the addon and doesn't accidently get copied into the root of some other project when installed via the Asset Library.
  • Some README tweaks.
  • Fixed resize window handle bug. It was connecting to wrong signals and didn't work.
  • Missed changing simulate to call _physics_process instead of _fixed_process in the 3.0 conversion. Fixed that.
  • Improved summary. It now lists all failures and pendings instead of just listing the scripts that have failures or pending tests.
  • Fixed issue where the signal_watcher could try to disconnect from a freed object.
  • Added yield_to which allows you to yield to a signal or a maximum amount of time. This keeps your tests moving along if you yield to a signal that never gets emitted. Now the test will fail after an amount of time instead of sitting in limbo forever. This will also watch the signals on the object so you can make asserts about signals after the yield and you can save a line of code.
# wait for my_object to emit the signal 'my_signal'
# or 5 seconds, whichever comes first.
yield(yield_to(my_object, 'my_signal', 5), YIELD)  
assert_signal_emitted(my_object, 'my_signal', \
                     'Maybe it did, maybe it didnt, but we still got here.')
Gut - Godot 3.0 Compatiblilty

Published by bitwes over 6 years ago

Gut is now compatible with Godot 3.0. The Godot2.x compatible version can be found in the godot_2x branch.

Gut - Minor Bug Fix

Published by bitwes about 7 years ago

  • Fixed issue where watch_signals was not working with "Script Signals". These are signals defined using the syntax signal SomeSignal instead of using add_user_signal to create them.
  • Fixed a link in the README
Gut - Reorg/Refactor

Published by bitwes about 7 years ago

This version mostly contains some long overdue house cleaning. So that this wasn't JUST a reorganization release I also added an method for asserting instance type and inheritance and some minor tweaks.

Breaking Changes (kinda) from 4.1.0

This change should only affect really old tests. If you started using Gut later than 4.0 then you will most likely be ok. The best approach to adjusting your tests is just to run them and see if it tells you that you are calling any methods that have been moved and then fixing them by removing the gut. prefix.

Due to the restructuring I've completely moved the various asserts out of the core gut object and put them in the test object that all unit tests inherit from. This means that any asserts or pending calls that are prefixed with gut. need to have the gut. prefix removed. To cut down on the annoyance level of this change I've added stubs for the removed methods that fail with a message indicating that the method has been moved.

Gut - Version 4.1.0

Published by bitwes over 7 years ago


  • Added the ability to assert that signals did or did not fire. By calling watch_signals Gut will monitor any signals emitted by the object. You can then later make assertions about whether or not a signal was emitted or whether it emitted a desired number of times, and even if it was emitted and passed specific parameters. The following methods were added for this feature, see the README for more information about them.
    • watch_signals
    • assert_signal_emitted
    • assert_signal_not_emitted
    • assert_signal_emitted_with_parameters
    • assert_signal_emit_count
    • assert_has_signal
    • get_signal_emit_count
    • get_signal_parameters
  • Some minor fixes to gut.p
    • It now performs a str on the input. So if you pass it an object or something that isn't a string it won't blow up.
    • It now indents multi-line input correctly.
Gut - 4.0.0 Now it's a Plugin

Published by bitwes over 7 years ago

It is a plugin now! Unfortunately that means some things and paths have changed.

Before upgrading, remove and from your your current project. That will help ensure that you got everything setup right with the new install location.

Breaking changes

  1. The install location has changed to res://addons/gut. So you'll want to clean out wherever you had it previously installed.
  2. You'll want to update your existing scene to use the new plugin object. Follow the new install instructions.
    Note: just about everything you had to code to get your main testing scene running can now be configured in the Editor. Select the Gut node and the options will appear in the Inspector. Your existing code will work with the new custom node but using the Editor greatly simplifies things.
  3. The object that all test scripts must extend has changed to res://addons/gut/
  4. All examples and tests for Gut itself have been moved to the new repo


  • assert_has(obj, element, text) - Asserts that the object passed in has the element passed in. Works with any object that has a has method. Useful for testing the contents of arrays and hashes.
  • assert_does_not_have(obj, element, text) - The inverse of assert_has.
Gut - Bugs and tweaks

Published by bitwes over 7 years ago

Run buttons

The Run button will now run the currently selected script and all scripts after it. This helps workaround the fact that you cannot catch errors that kill the program. I've found it useful when you go to run all your tests but one script blows up somewhere in the middle of the list. You can continue testing the rest to find out if you have anymore issues without having to do them one at a time.

A new button was added next to the dropdown that will only run the selected script.

Strict Type Checking with Float/Integer

I removed the strict type checking when comparing Floats and Integers. Since it really doesn't matter if you compare 1 with 1.0 and 1.1 does not equal 1 I removed it. It will print out a warning whenever you do a comparison of a Float and an Integer but it no longer fails the test.

No more end_test when yielding

In a stroke of genius (or lack or foresight) I realized that Gut could detect the end of a yield whenever an assertion was made. Now, as long as you use one of the assert methods or pending after a yield, you don't have to call end_test. You still can, it won't hurt anything, but you don't have to.

Various bug fixes.

If I did this right, the bugs fixed should be listed somewhere through the magic of Github. If not, then I'll add a list here.

Gut - 3.0.0

Published by bitwes about 8 years ago

The biggest changes were to organization and documentation and the repo is now on Github instead of Bitbucket. Some methods have been wrapped/moved/renamed to cut down on typing and to improve readability.

Nothing has been removed though and this release is completely backwards compatible with earlier versions. There is one caveat though. This release introduces strict datatype comparisons that will cause tests to fail if you are comparing two things that aren't of the same datatype. This feature can be disabled but read the section in the readme before you do.

Also some default locations for scripts have changed as far as documentation and the command line tool are concerned. See the install instructions for more details. You will need to specify the location of the script in the options for the command line tool if you do not change to the new default.

  • asserts do not need to be prefixed with "gut" anymore
  • Yielding syntax sugar improved. See yield_for.
  • Pretty major overhaul of readme. It even has a table of contents now.
  • Refactored directory structure of repo.
  • Refactored preferred deployment directory structure. You can still put anything anywhere you want though. It's now easier to get started with the recommended structure.

The file below contains all the files in the test/gut directory. If you have made changes to your or gut_main.scn then do not copy these files over yours.