
JavaScript image cropper.

MIT License

cropperjs - v0.4.0

Published by fengyuanchen almost 9 years ago

  • Added a new option: restore
  • Fixed #12: Added vendor prefixes to CSS transform
cropperjs - v0.3.3

Published by fengyuanchen almost 9 years ago

  • Floor the numerical parameters for CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage
cropperjs - v0.3.2

Published by fengyuanchen almost 9 years ago

  • Fixed #10: improve new crop box creating
cropperjs - v0.3.1

Published by fengyuanchen almost 9 years ago

  • Fixed #7: reset the crossOrigin when call the replace method
cropperjs - v0.3.0

Published by fengyuanchen about 9 years ago

  • Supports four view modes
  • Supports three drag modes
  • Makes the crop box's borders and handlers visible when overflow
  • Added some examples
  • Fixed some issues


  • Add viewMode
  • Add dragMode
  • Rename touchDragZoom to zoomOnTouch
  • Rename mouseWheelZoom to zoomOnWheel
  • Rename doubleClickToggle to toggleDragModeOnDblclick
  • Rename checkImageOrigin to checkCrossOrigin
  • Remove strict (supported byviewMode: 1)
  • Remove dragCrop (supported by dragMode: 'crop')
cropperjs - v0.2.1

Published by fengyuanchen about 9 years ago

  • Fix the error jQuery reference on the setCanvasData method (#3)
  • Fix typo on the destroy method
cropperjs - v0.2.0

Published by fengyuanchen about 9 years ago

  • Added 5 new methods: moveTo, zoomTo, rotateTo, scaleX and scaleY
  • Improved 4 methods: move, zoom, rotate and getCanvasData
  • Improved cropping
cropperjs - v0.1.1

Published by fengyuanchen about 9 years ago

  • Improved canvas limitation
  • Improved crop box limitation
  • Improved preview for cross origin image
cropperjs - v0.1.0

Published by fengyuanchen about 9 years ago

  • Supports touch (mobile)
  • Supports zoom
  • Supports rotation
  • Supports scale (flip)
  • Supports canvas
  • Supports multiple croppers
  • Cross-browser support
  • Supports 37 options: aspectRatio, data, preview, strict, responsive, checkImageOrigin, modal, guides, center, highlight, background, autoCrop, autoCropArea, dragCrop, movable, rotatable, scalable, zoomable, mouseWheelZoom, wheelZoomRatio, touchDragZoom, cropBoxMovable, cropBoxResizable, doubleClickToggle, minCanvasWidth, minCanvasHeight, minCropBoxWidth, minCropBoxHeight, minContainerWidth, minContainerHeight, build, built, cropstart, cropmove, cropend, crop, zoom.
  • Support 22 methods: crop, reset, clear, replace, enable, disable, destroy, move, zoom, rotate, scale, getData, setData, getContainerData, getImageData, getCanvasData, setCanvasData, getCropBoxData, setCropBoxData, getCroppedCanvas, setAspectRatio, setDragMode.