
🏁 Framework agnostic, high performance, subscription-based form state management

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final-form - v4.18.0

Published by erikras over 5 years ago

  • Removed forceUpdate, added resetFieldState API #245 #244

Author's note: While technically this is a breaking change, it's only removing an internal API (made for final-form-array) on a Monday morning that was first published less than 48 hours earlier, on Saturday afternoon. If you spent all day Sunday rewriting a project to use the ultimately unneeded forceUpdate API, then I do sincerely apologize. You should change fieldState.forceUpdate=true to fieldState.lastFieldState=undefined to get the same effect. Feel free to yell at @erikras on Twitter if not bumping the major version number for this release outrages you.

final-form - v4.17.0

Published by erikras over 5 years ago

New Features

  • Added internal forceUpdate flag for fields for final-form-arrays' mutators. #244

final-form - v4.16.2

Published by erikras over 5 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in hasAnyError that wasn't treating Error objects as valid errors #243 #179
  • Clean submitError & submitErrors when submitting #236 #226
  • Added data to FieldConfig #241 #240

Type Fixes

  • Fixed TS GetFieldValidator #237

final-form - v4.16.1

Published by erikras over 5 years ago


Flow Fixes

  • Actually export validating in FieldState for flow 26f186e

final-form - v4.16.0

Published by erikras over 5 years ago

New Features

  • The long awaited (no pun intended) validating flag on each field #235, inspired by #232
  • Added destroyOnUnregister getter and setter #233
  • Throw informative error if attempt to reset() when submitting #229

Bug fixes and maintenance

  • Fix typo in error message #231
  • Lookup version at build time #230

final-form - v4.15.0

Published by erikras over 5 years ago

TypeScript Features

  • Added FieldValue type. #225 226db1b

final-form - v4.14.1

Published by erikras over 5 years ago

Type Fixes

Just some minor type fixes from v4.14.0.

  • Fixed TS onsubmit 1be12bc
  • Update types.js.flow (#224)

final-form - 4.14.0

Published by erikras over 5 years ago

🏁 Final Form

Final Form

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styled with prettier

Zero dependencies *

✅ Framework agnostic

✅ Opt-in subscriptions - only update on the state you need!

✅ 💥 4.7k gzipped 💥

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Zero Dependencies

Technically there is a dependency on @babel/runtime, but this actually makes your final bundle size smaller by sharing common babel code between libraries.

Getting Started

🏁 Final Form works on subscriptions to perform updates based on the
Observer pattern. Both form
and field subscribers must specify exactly which parts of the form state they
want to receive updates about.

import { createForm } from 'final-form'

// Create Form
const form = createForm({
  onSubmit, // required

// Subscribe to form state updates
const unsubscribe = form.subscribe(
  formState => {
    // Update UI
  { // FormSubscription: the list of values you want to be updated about
    dirty: true,
    valid: true,
    values: true

// Subscribe to field state updates
const unregisterField = form.registerField(
  fieldState => {
    // Update field UI
    const { blur, change, focus, } = fieldState
    // In addition to the values you subscribe to, field state also
    // includes functions that your inputs need to update their state.
  { // FieldSubscription: the list of values you want to be updated about
    active: true,
    dirty: true,
    touched: true,
    valid: true,
    value: true

// Submit
form.submit() // only submits if all validation passes

Table of Contents


Vanilla JS Example

You don't need any javascript framework to use 🏁 Final Form's powerful subscription-based form state management. You can attach it directly to the DOM inputs.

Simple React Example

Demonstrates how 🏁 Final Form can be used inside a React component to manage
form state. It also shows just how much
🏁 React Final Form
does for you out of the box.

For more examples using React, see
🏁 React Final Form Examples.

Official Mutators

Mutators are functions that can be provided to 🏁 Final Form that are allowed to mutate any part of the form state. You provide an object of mutators when you call createForm(), and then they are exposed (bound to the form state) on the form instance you get back, under form.mutators.whatever(). A mutator function is given: the arguments it was called with, the form state, and a collection of utility functions, like getIn and setIn to read and mutate arbitrarily deep values, as well as changeValue, which updates a field value in the form state. They can mutate the state however they wish, and then the form and field subscribers that need to be notified will be notified. Read more about Mutators.

🏁 Final Form Arrays

Helps managing array structures in form data.

🏁 Final Form Set Field Data

Sets arbitrary data for fields.

🏁 Final Form Set Field Touched

Allows control over the touched flags for fields.


🏁 React Final Form

A form state management system for React that uses 🏁 Final Form under the hood.

Vue Final Form

A form state management system for Vue that uses 🏁 Final Form under the hood.

Web Components Bindings

CorpusculeJS provides a way to manage form state with 🏁 Final Form using Web Components.

Frontier Forms

Opinionated way to create forms in React. Data-driven forms that let you focus on what matters: your application. Provide a GraphQL mutation and <Frontier/> will do the rest for you.

Define Form and React Define Form

Define Form offers alternative typescript bindings for 🏁 Final Form. The key difference is that the form data is now a strongly typed object, rather than an any. This makes the initialValues config option required.

🏁 Final Form Focus 🧐

A "decorator" that will attempt to apply focus to the first field with an error upon an attempted form submission.

🏁 React Final Form HTML5 Validation

A swap-in replacement for 🏁 React Final Form's <Field> component to provide HTML5 Validation.

🏁 React Final Form Listeners

A collection of useful components for listening to fields in a 🏁 React Final Form.

🏁 Final Form Submit Listener 🧐

A "decorator" that will listen for events around attempted, successful, or failed submissions and fire callbacks you provide.

Field Names

Field names are strings that allow dot-and-bracket syntax, allowing you to create arbitrarily deeply nested fields. There are four main things you need to understand about how field names are used to read and write the form values in 🏁 Final Form.

  • . and [ are treated the same.
  • ] is ignored.
  • Number keys will result in array structures. Why?
  • Setting undefined to a field value deletes any empty object – but not array! – structures. Why?

It is very similar to Lodash's _.set(), except that empty structures are removed. Let's look at some examples:

Field Name Initial Structure Setting Value Result
bar {} 'foo' { bar: 'foo' }
bar.frog {} 'foo' { bar: { frog: 'foo' } }
bar[0] {} 'foo' { bar: [ 'foo' ] }
bar.0 {} 'foo' { bar: [ 'foo' ] }
bar[1] {} 'foo' { bar: [ null, 'foo' ] }
bar[0].frog {} 'foo' { bar: [ { frog: 'foo' } ] }
bar { bar: 'foo' } undefined { }
bar.frog { bar: { frog: 'foo' }, other: 42 } undefined { other: 42 }
bar.frog[0] { bar: { frog: [ 'foo' ] } } undefined { bar: { frog: [ null ] } }

Here is a sandbox that you can play around with to get a better understanding of how it works.


The following can be imported from final-form.

createForm: (config: Config) => FormApi

Creates a form instance. It takes a Config and returns a

fieldSubscriptionItems: string[]

An à la carte list of all the possible things you can subscribe to for a
field. Useful for subscribing to everything.

formSubscriptionItems: string[]

An à la carte list of all the possible things you can subscribe to for a form.
Useful for subscribing to everything.


A special string key used to return an error for an array of fields.

FORM_ERROR: string

A special string key used to return a whole-form error inside error objects
returned from validation or submission.

getIn(state: Object, complexKey: string): any

setIn(state: Object, key: string, value: any): Object

version: string

The current used version of 🏁 Final Form.



debug?: DebugFunction

destroyOnUnregister?: boolean

If true, the value of a field will be destroyed when that field is unregistered. Defaults to false. Can be useful when creating dynamic forms where only form values displayed need be submitted.

keepDirtyOnReinitialize?: boolean

If true, only pristine values will be overwritten when initialize(newValues) is called. This can be useful for allowing a user to continue to edit a record while the record is being saved asynchronously, and the form is reinitialized to the saved values when the save is successful. Defaults to false.

initialValues?: Object

The initial values of your form. These will also be used to compare against the
current values to calculate pristine and dirty.

mutators?: { [string]: Mutator }

Optional named mutation functions.

onSubmit: (values: Object, form: FormApi, callback: ?(errors: ?Object) => void) => ?Object | Promise<?Object> | void

Function to call when the form is submitted. There are three possible ways to
write an onSubmit function:

  • Synchronously: returns undefined on success, or an Object of submission
    errors on failure
  • Asynchronously with a callback: returns undefined, calls callback() with
    no arguments on success, or with an Object of submission errors on failure.
  • Asynchronously with a Promise: returns a Promise<?Object> that resolves
    with no value on success or resolves with an Object of submission errors
    on failure. The reason it resolves with errors is to leave rejection for
    when there is a server or communications error.

Submission errors must be in the same shape as the values of the form. You may
return a generic error for the whole form (e.g. 'Login Failed') using the
special FORM_ERROR string key.

validate?: (values: Object) => Object | Promise<Object>

A whole-record validation function that takes all the values of the form and
returns any validation errors. There are three possible ways to write a
validate function:

  • Synchronously: returns {} or undefined when the values are valid, or an
    Object of validation errors when the values are invalid.
  • Asynchronously with a Promise: returns a Promise<?Object> that resolves
    with no value on success or resolves with an Object of validation errors
    on failure. The reason it resolves with errors is to leave rejection for
    when there is a server or communications error.

Validation errors must be in the same shape as the values of the form. You may
return a generic error for the whole form using the special FORM_ERROR string

validateOnBlur?: boolean

If true, validation will happen on blur. If false, validation will happen on
change. Defaults to false.

DebugFunction: (state: FormState, fieldStates: { [string]: FieldState }) => void

An optional callback for debugging that receives the form state and the states of
all the fields. It's called on every state change. A typical thing to pass in
might be console.log.

Decorator: (form: FormApi) => Unsubscribe

A function that decorates a
form by subscribing to it and making changes as the form state changes, and
returns an Unsubscribe function to detach itself from
the form. e.g.
🏁 Final Form Calculate.


afterSubmit?: () => void

A callback to notify fields after submission has completed successfully.

beforeSubmit?: () => void | false

A function to call just before calling onSubmit. If beforeSubmit returns false, the submission will be aborted. If one of your fields returns false on beforeSubmit, other fields may not have their beforeSubmit called, as the submission is aborted on the first one that returns false.

defaultValue?: any

⚠️ You probably want initialValue! ⚠️

The value of the field upon creation. This value is only needed if you want your field be dirty upon creation (i.e. for its value to be different from its initial value).

getValidator?: () => (value: ?any, allValues: Object, meta: FieldState) => ?any | ?Promise<any>

A callback that will return a field-level validation function to validate a single field value. The validation function should return an error if the value is not valid, or undefined if the value is valid.

initialValue?: any

The initial value for the field. This value will be used to calculate dirty and pristine by comparing it to the current value of the field. If you want field to be dirty upon creation, you can set one value with initialValue and set the value of the field with defaultValue.

The value given here will override any initialValues given to the entire form.

isEqual?: (a: any, b: any) => boolean

A function to determine if two values are equal. Defaults to ===.

validateFields?: string[]

An array of field names to validate when this field changes. If undefined,
every field will be validated when this one changes; if [], only this
will have its field-level validation function called when it changes; if
other field names are specified, those fields and this one will be validated
when this field changes.


FieldState is an object containing:

active?: boolean

Whether or not the field currently has focus.

blur: () => void

A function to blur the field (mark it as inactive).

change: (value: any) => void

A function to change the value of the field.

data?: Object

A place for arbitrary values to be placed by mutators.

dirty?: boolean

true when the value of the field is not equal to the initial value (using the isEqual comparator provided at field registration), false if the values are equal.

dirtySinceLastSubmit?: boolean

true when the value of the field is not equal to the value last submitted (using the isEqual comparator provided at field registration), false if the values are equal.

error?: any

The current validation error for this field.

focus: () => void

A function to focus the field (mark it as active).

initial?: any

The initial value of the field. undefined if it was never initialized.

invalid?: boolean

true if the field has a validation error or a submission error. false

length?: number

The length of the array if the value is an array. undefined otherwise.

modified?: boolean

true if this field's value has ever been changed. false otherwise.
Once true, it will remain true for the lifetime of the field, or until the form is reset.

name: string

The name of the field.

pristine?: boolean

true if the current value is === to the initial value, false if the values
are !==.

submitError?: any

The submission error for this field.

submitFailed?: boolean

true if a form submission has been tried and failed. false otherwise.

submitSucceeded?: boolean

true if the form has been successfully submitted. false otherwise.

submitting?: boolean

true if the form is currently being submitted asynchronously. false

touched?: boolean

true if this field has ever gained and lost focus. false otherwise. Useful
for knowing when to display error messages.

valid?: boolean

true if this field has no validation or submission errors. false otherwise.

value?: any

The value of the field.

visited?: boolean

true if this field has ever gained focus.

FieldSubscriber: (state: FieldState) => void

FieldSubscription: { [string]: boolean }

FieldSubscription is an object containing the following:

active?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the active
value in FieldState.

data?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the data
value in FieldState.

dirty?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the dirty value in FieldState.

dirtySinceLastSubmit?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the dirtySinceLastSubmit value in FieldState.

error?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the error
value in FieldState.

initial?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the initial
value in FieldState.

invalid?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the invalid
value in FieldState.

length?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the length
value in FieldState.

modified?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the modified
value in FieldState.

pristine?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the pristine
value in FieldState.

submitError?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the
submitError value in FieldState.

submitFailed?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the
submitFailed value in FieldState.

submitSucceeded?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the
submitSucceeded value in FieldState.

submitting?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the
submitting value in FieldState.

touched?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the touched
value in FieldState.

valid?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the valid
value in FieldState.

value?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the value
value in FieldState.

visited?: boolean

When true the FieldSubscriber will be notified of changes to the visited
value in FieldState.


batch: (fn: () => void) => void)

Allows batch updates by silencing notifications while the fn is running.

form.batch(() => {
  form.change('firstName', 'Erik') // listeners not notified
  form.change('lastName', 'Rasmussen') // listeners not notified
}) // NOW all listeners notified

blur: (name: string) => void

Blurs (marks inactive) the given field.

change: (name: string, value: ?any) => void

Changes the value of the given field.

focus: (name: string) => void

Focuses (marks active) the given field.

getFieldState: (field: string) => ?FieldState

Returns the state of a specific field as it was last reported to its listeners, or undefined if the field has not been registered.

getRegisteredFields: () => string[]

Returns a list of all the currently registered fields.

getState: () => FormState

A way to request the current state of the form without subscribing.

initialize: (data: Object | ((values: Object) => Object)) => void

Initializes the form to the values provided. All the values will be set to these
values, and dirty and pristine will be calculated by performing a
shallow-equals between the current values and the values last initialized with.
The form will be pristine after this call.

isValidationPaused: () => boolean

Returns true if validation is currently paused, false otherwise.

mutators: ?{ [string]: Function }

The state-bound versions of the mutators provided to Config.

pauseValidation: () => void

If called, validation will be paused until resumeValidation() is called.

registerField: RegisterField

Registers a new field and subscribes to changes to it. The subscriber will
only be called when the values specified in subscription change.
More than
one subscriber can subscribe to the same field.

This is also where you may provide an optional field-level validation function
that should return undefined if the value is valid, or an error. It can
optionally return a Promise that resolves (not rejects) to undefined or an

reset: (initialValues: ?Object) => void

Resets the values back to the initial values the form was initialized with. Or empties all the values if the form was not initialized. If you provide initialValues they will be used as the new initial values.

Note that if you are calling reset() and not specify new initial values, you must call it with no arguments. Be careful to avoid things like promise.catch(reset) or onChange={form.reset} in React, as they will get arguments passed to them and reinitialize your form.

resumeValidation: () => void

Resumes validation paused by pauseValidation(). If validation was blocked while it was paused, validation will be run.

submit: () => ?Promise<?Object>

Submits the form if there are currently no validation errors. It may return
undefined or a Promise depending on the nature of the onSubmit
configuration value given to the form when it was created.

subscribe: (subscriber: FormSubscriber, subscription: FormSubscription) => Unsubscribe

Subscribes to changes to the form. The subscriber will only be called when
values specified in subscription change.
A form can have many subscribers.


active?: string

The name of the currently active field. undefined if none are active.

dirty?: boolean

true if the form values are different from the values it was initialized with.
false otherwise. Comparison is done with shallow-equals.

dirtyFields?: { [string]: boolean }

An object full of booleans, with a value of true for each dirty field. Pristine fields will not appear in this object. Note that this is a flat object, so if your field name is addresses.shipping.street, the dirty value for that field will be available under dirty['addresses.shipping.street'].

dirtySinceLastSubmit?: boolean

true if the form values are different from the values it was last submitted with.
false otherwise. Comparison is done with shallow-equals.

error?: any

The whole-form error returned by a validation function under the FORM_ERROR

errors?: Object

An object containing all the current validation errors. The shape will match the
shape of the form's values.

hasSubmitErrors?: boolean

true when the form currently has submit errors. Useful for distinguishing why invalid is true.

hasValidationErrors?: boolean

true when the form currently has validation errors. Useful for distinguishing why invalid is true. For example, if your form is invalid because of a submit error, you might also want to disable the submit button if user's changes to fix the submit errors causes the form to have sync validation errors.

initialValues?: Object

The values the form was initialized with. undefined if the form was never

invalid?: boolean

true if any of the fields or the form has a validation or submission error.
false otherwise. Note that a form can be invalid even if the errors do not
belong to any currently registered fields.

modified?: { [string]: boolean }

An object full of booleans, with a boolean value for each field name denoting whether that field is modified or not. Note that this is a flat object, so if your field name is addresses.shipping.street, the modified value for that field will be available under modified['addresses.shipping.street'].

pristine?: boolean

true if the form values are the same as the initial values. false otherwise.
Comparison is done with shallow-equals.

submitError?: any

The whole-form submission error returned by onSubmit under the FORM_ERROR

submitErrors?: Object

An object containing all the current submission errors. The shape will match the
shape of the form's values.

submitFailed?: boolean

true if the form was submitted, but the submission failed with submission
errors. false otherwise.

submitSucceeded?: boolean

true if the form was successfully submitted. false otherwise.

submitting?: boolean

true if the form is currently being submitted asynchronously. false

touched?: { [string]: boolean }

An object full of booleans, with a boolean value for each field name denoting whether that field is touched or not. Note that this is a flat object, so if your field name is addresses.shipping.street, the touched value for that field will be available under touched['addresses.shipping.street'].

valid?: boolean

true if neither the form nor any of its fields has a validation or submission
error. false otherwise. Note that a form can be invalid even if the errors do
not belong to any currently registered fields.

validating?: boolean

true if the form is currently being validated asynchronously. false

values?: Object

The current values of the form.

visited?: { [string]: boolean }

An object full of booleans, with a boolean value for each field name denoting whether that field is visited or not. Note that this is a flat object, so if your field name is addresses.shipping.street, the visited value for that field will be available under visited['addresses.shipping.street'].

FormSubscriber: (state: FormState) => void

FormSubscription: { [string]: boolean }

FormSubscription is an object containing the following:

active?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the active
value in FormState.

dirty?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the dirty
value in FormState.

dirtyFields?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the dirtyFields
value in FormState.

dirtySinceLastSubmit?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the dirtySinceLastSubmit value in FormState.

error?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the error
value in FormState.

errors?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the errors
value in FormState.

hasSubmitErrors?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the
hasSubmitErrors value in FormState.

hasValidationErrors?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the
hasValidationErrors value in FormState.

initialValues?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the
initialValues value in FormState.

invalid?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the invalid
value in FormState.

modified?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the modified
value in FormState.

pristine?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the pristine
value in FormState.

setConfig: (name: string, value: any) => void

Allows mutating the values on the original Config.

submitError?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the
submitError value in FormState.

submitErrors?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the
submitErrors value in FormState.

submitFailed?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the
submitFailed value in FormState.

submitSucceeded?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the
submitSucceeded value in FormState.

submitting?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the submitting
value in FormState.

touched?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the touched
value in FormState.

valid?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the valid
value in FormState.

validating?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the validating
value in FormState.

values?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the values
value in FormState.

visited?: boolean

When true the FormSubscriber will be notified of changes to the visited
value in FormState.


Very similar to the published FieldState.

active: boolean

Whether or not the field currently has focus.

blur: () => void

A function to blur the field (mark it as inactive).

change: (value: any) => void

A function to change the value of the field.

data: Object

A place for arbitrary values to be placed by mutators.

focus: () => void

A function to focus the field (mark it as active).

isEqual: (a: any, b: any) => boolean

A function to determine if two values are equal. Used to calculate

modified: boolean

true if this field's value has ever changed. false otherwise. Useful
for knowing when to display error messages. Once true, it will remain true for the lifetime of the field, or until the form is reset.

name: string

The name of the field.

touched: boolean

true if this field has ever gained and lost focus. false otherwise. Useful
for knowing when to display error messages.

validateFields: ?(string[])

Fields to validate when this field value changes.

validators: { [number]: (value: ?any, allValues: Object, meta: FieldState) => ?any | Promise<?any> } }

Field-level validators for each field that is registered.

valid: boolean

true if this field has no validation or submission errors. false otherwise.

visited: boolean

true if this field has ever gained focus.


Very similar to the published FormState, with a few minor

active?: string

The name of the currently active field. undefined if none are active.

dirtySinceLastSubmit: boolean

true if the form values have changed since the last time the form was submitted, false otherwise.

error?: any

The whole-form error returned by a validation function under the FORM_ERROR

errors: Object

An object containing all the current validation errors. The shape will match the
shape of the form's values.

initialValues?: Object

The values the form was initialized with. undefined if the form was never

lastSubmittedValues?: Object

The values last submitted. Used to calculate dirtySinceLastSubmit.

pristine: boolean

true if the form values are the same as the initial values. false otherwise.
Comparison is done with shallow-equals.

submitError: any

The whole-form submission error returned by onSubmit under the FORM_ERROR

submitErrors?: Object

An object containing all the current submission errors. The shape will match the
shape of the form's values.

submitFailed: boolean

true if the form was submitted, but the submission failed with submission
errors. false otherwise.

submitSucceeded: boolean

true if the form was successfully submitted. false otherwise.

submitting: boolean

true if the form is currently being submitted asynchronously. false

valid: boolean

true if neither the form nor any of its fields has a validation or submission
error. false otherwise. Note that a form can be invalid even if the errors do
not belong to any currently registered fields.

validating: number

The number of asynchronous validators currently running.

values: Object

The current values of the form.


MutableState is an object containing the following:

formState: InternalFormState

The InternalFormState.

fields: { [string]: InternalFieldState }

An object of InternalFieldStates.

fieldSubscribers: { [string]: Subscribers<FieldState> }

An object of field subscribers.

lastFormState: ?InternalFormState

The last form state sent to form subscribers.

Mutator: (args: any[], state: MutableState, tools: Tools) => any

A mutator function that takes some arguments, the internal form
MutableState, and some Tools and optionally
modifies the form state.

RegisterField: (name: string, subscriber: FieldSubscriber, subscription: FieldSubscription, config?: FieldConfig) => Unsubscribe

Takes a name, and a
FieldSubscription, and a
FieldConfig and registers a field subscription. Learn more about how Field Names.


An object containing:

Tools.changeValue: (state: MutableState, name: string, mutate: (value: any) => any) => void

A utility function to modify a single field value in form state. mutate()
takes the old value and returns the new value.

Tools.getIn: (state: Object, complexKey: string) => any

A utility function to get any arbitrarily deep value from an object using
dot-and-bracket syntax (e.g. some.deep.values[3].whatever).

Tools.renameField: (state: MutableState, from: string, to: string) => any) => void

A utility function to rename a field, copying over its value and field subscribers. Advanced usage only.

Tools.setIn: (state: Object, key: string, value: any) => Object

A utility function to set any arbitrarily deep value inside an object using
dot-and-bracket syntax (e.g. some.deep.values[3].whatever). Note: it does
not mutate the object, but returns a new object.

Tools.shallowEqual: (a: any, b: any) => boolean

A utility function to compare the keys of two objects. Returns true if the
objects have the same keys and the values are ===, false otherwise.

Unsubscribe : () => void

Unsubscribes a listener.


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final-form - v4.14.0

Published by erikras over 5 years ago

New features!

  • 💥 Strongly typed form values for Flow and Typescript 💥 #223

final-form - v4.13.1

Published by erikras over 5 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • Safe field iteration. There was an obscure bug where Final Form would fall over if a field got unregistered during the notification process. #221 #26

final-form - v4.13.0

Published by erikras over 5 years ago

New Features

  • Added beforeSubmit and afterSubmit callbacks to FieldConfig #216

Bug Fixes

Typing Fixes

  • Dynamically generate ConfigKey using keyof #208
  • Improvements to the Typescript types around FormData #209

final-form - v4.12.0

Published by erikras over 5 years ago

🎉 New Features 🎉

  • The argument to initialize can now optionally be a function that takes the current values and returns the new initial values. #199
  • Added defaultValue and initialValue values to FieldConfig, thus allowing fields to be initialized at registration time. #200
  • Added modified flag for all fields. A field becomes modified the first time its value changes. Previously, with dirty, if the user returned the value to the initial value, the form state had no evidence that the value had ever changed. This is what modified provides. #201

final-form - v4.11.1

Published by erikras over 5 years ago

Bug Fixes

final-form - v4.11.0

Published by erikras almost 6 years ago


  • Added missing dirtyFields type #158 #157
  • Added FormData to typescript typings #171

Bug Fixes

  • Rely less on onSubmit.length to determine callback style #165
  • Remove values when setting them to undefined #176
  • Rethrow submit errors so promise rejects #170 #156

New Features

  • Added submitting to FieldState #173 #172
  • Use @babel/helpers helpers instead of bundled ones #167
final-form - v4.10.0

Published by erikras about 6 years ago

New Features

  • New renameField mutator #153
  • Field state now sent to field-level validator functions #125
final-form - v4.9.1

Published by erikras about 6 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • Ensured calculated form state – e.g. touched, visited, dirtyFields – returned from getState() #150
final-form - v4.9.0

Published by erikras about 6 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Made submitting and validating flags flip back to false on Promise rejection. #148 #138
  • Made reset() also reset submitError #141 #140
final-form - v4.8.3

Published by erikras over 6 years ago

Bug Fixes

final-form - v4.8.2

Published by erikras over 6 years ago

Type Fixes

  • Fixed some of the Typescript types #136
final-form - v4.8.1

Published by erikras over 6 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • Originally, 🏁 Final Form was written with an implicit assumption that you could not update the values of fields that were not registered. Several users have questioned this assumption, and rightfully so. Why limit the flexibility of the library? Nothing was being gained by that assumption. So that is gone now. You can form.change('field', 'value') for any field. regardless of whether or not it is registered. #134 #102
  • Exchanged use of Object.entries (which is way more useful) for the better supported Object.keys. #135