
The TypeScript library for building AI applications.

MIT License

modelfusion - v0.137.0 Latest Release

Published by lgrammel 8 months ago


  • Moved cost calculation into @modelfusion/cost-calculation package. Thanks @jakedetels for the refactoring!
modelfusion - v0.136.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • FileCache for caching responses to disk. Thanks @jakedetels for the feature! Example:

    import { generateText, openai } from "modelfusion";
    import { FileCache } from "modelfusion/node";
    const cache = new FileCache();
    const text1 = await generateText({
      model: openai
        .ChatTextGenerator({ model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature: 1 })
      prompt: "Write a short story about a robot learning to love",
      logging: "basic-text",
    console.log({ text1 });
    const text2 = await generateText({
      model: openai
        .ChatTextGenerator({ model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature: 1 })
      prompt: "Write a short story about a robot learning to love",
      logging: "basic-text",
    console.log({ text2 }); // same text
modelfusion - v0.135.1

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • Try both dynamic imports and require for loading libraries on demand.
modelfusion - v0.135.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago

v0.135.0 - 2024-01-29


  • ObjectGeneratorTool: a tool to create synthetic or fictional structured data using generateObject. Docs
  • jsonToolCallPrompt.instruction(): Create a instruction prompt for tool calls that uses JSON.


  • jsonToolCallPrompt automatically enables JSON mode or grammars when supported by the model.
modelfusion - v0.134.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • Added prompt function support to generateText, streamText, generateObject, and streamObject. You can create prompt functions for text, instruction, and chat prompts using createTextPrompt, createInstructionPrompt, and createChatPrompt. Prompt functions allow you to load prompts from external sources and improve the prompt logging. Example:

    const storyPrompt = createInstructionPrompt(
      async ({ protagonist }: { protagonist: string }) => ({
        system: "You are an award-winning author.",
        instruction: `Write a short story about ${protagonist} learning to love.`,
    const text = await generateText({
      model: openai
        .ChatTextGenerator({ model: "gpt-3.5-turbo" })
      prompt: storyPrompt({
        protagonist: "a robot",


  • Refactored build to use tsup.
modelfusion - v0.133.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • Support for OpenAI embedding custom dimensions.


  • breaking change: renamed embeddingDimensions setting to dimensions
modelfusion - v0.132.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • Support for OpenAI text-embedding-3-small and text-embedding-3-large embedding models.
  • Support for OpenAI gpt-4-turbo-preview, gpt-4-0125-preview, and gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 chat models.
modelfusion - v0.131.1

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • Add type-fest as dependency to fix type inference errors.
modelfusion - v0.131.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • ObjectStreamResponse and ObjectStreamFromResponse serialization functions for using server-generated object streams in web applications.

    Server example:

    export async function POST(req: Request) {
      const { myArgs } = await req.json();
      const objectStream = await streamObject({
        // ...
      // serialize the object stream to a response:
      return new ObjectStreamResponse(objectStream);

    Client example:

    const response = await fetch("/api/stream-object-openai", {
      method: "POST",
      body: JSON.stringify({ myArgs }),
    // deserialize (result object is simpler than the full response)
    const stream = ObjectStreamFromResponse({
      schema: itinerarySchema,
    for await (const { partialObject } of stream) {
      // do something, e.g. setting a React state


  • breaking change: rename generateStructure to generateObject and streamStructure to streamObject. Related names have been changed accordingly.

  • breaking change: the streamObject result stream contains additional data. You need to use stream.partialObject or destructuring to access it:

    const objectStream = await streamObject({
      // ...
    for await (const { partialObject } of objectStream) {
  • breaking change: the result from successful Schema validations is stored in the value property (before: data).

modelfusion - v0.130.1

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • Duplex speech streaming works in Vercel Edge Functions.
modelfusion - v0.130.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • breaking change: updated generateTranscription interface. The function now takes a mimeType and audioData (base64-encoded string, Uint8Array, Buffer or ArrayBuffer). Example:

    import { generateTranscription, openai } from "modelfusion";
    import fs from "node:fs";
    const transcription = await generateTranscription({
      model: openai.Transcriber({ model: "whisper-1" }),
      mimeType: "audio/mp3",
      audioData: await fs.promises.readFile("data/test.mp3"),
  • Images in instruction and chat prompts can be Buffer or ArrayBuffer instances (in addition to base64-encoded strings and Uint8Array instances).

modelfusion - v0.129.1

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


modelfusion - v0.129.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • breaking change: Usage of Node async_hooks has been renamed from node:async_hooks to async_hooks for easier Webpack configuration. To exclude the async_hooks from client-side bundling, you can use the following config for Next.js (next.config.mjs or next.config.js):

     * @type {import('next').NextConfig}
    const nextConfig = {
      webpack: (config, { isServer }) => {
        if (isServer) {
          return config;
        config.resolve = config.resolve ?? {};
        config.resolve.fallback = config.resolve.fallback ?? {};
        // async hooks is not available in the browser:
        config.resolve.fallback.async_hooks = false;
        return config;
modelfusion - v0.128.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • breaking change: ModelFusion uses Uint8Array instead of Buffer for better cross-platform compatibility (see also "Goodbye, Node.js Buffer"). This can lead to breaking changes in your code if you use Buffer-specific methods.

  • breaking change: Image content in multi-modal instruction and chat inputs (e.g. for GPT Vision) is passed in the image property (instead of base64Image) and supports both base64 strings and Uint8Array inputs:

    const image = fs.readFileSync(path.join("data", "example-image.png"), {
      encoding: "base64",
    const textStream = await streamText({
      model: openai.ChatTextGenerator({
        model: "gpt-4-vision-preview",
        maxGenerationTokens: 1000,
      prompt: [
          { type: "text", text: "Describe the image in detail:\n\n" },
          { type: "image", image, mimeType: "image/png" },
  • OpenAI-compatible providers with predefined API configurations have a customized provider name that shows up in the events.

modelfusion - v0.127.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • breaking change: streamStructure returns an async iterable over deep partial objects. If you need to get the fully validated final result, you can use the fullResponse: true option and await the structurePromise value. Example:

    const { structureStream, structurePromise } = await streamStructure({
      model: ollama
          model: "openhermes2.5-mistral",
          maxGenerationTokens: 1024,
          temperature: 0,
      schema: zodSchema(
          characters: z.array(
              name: z.string(),
              class: z
                .describe("Character class, e.g. warrior, mage, or thief."),
              description: z.string(),
        "Generate 3 character descriptions for a fantasy role playing game.",
      fullResponse: true,
    for await (const partialStructure of structureStream) {
    const structure = await structurePromise;
    console.log("FINAL STRUCTURE");
  • breaking change: Renamed text value in streamText with fullResponse: true to textPromise.


  • Ollama streaming.
  • Ollama structure generation and streaming.
modelfusion - v0.126.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • breaking change: rename useTool to runTool and useTools to runTools to avoid confusion with React hooks.
modelfusion - v0.125.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • Perplexity AI chat completion support. Example:

    import { openaicompatible, streamText } from "modelfusion";
    const textStream = await streamText({
      model: openaicompatible
          api: openaicompatible.PerplexityApi(),
          provider: "openaicompatible-perplexity",
          model: "pplx-70b-online", // online model with access to web search
          maxGenerationTokens: 500,
      prompt: "What is RAG in AI?",
modelfusion - v0.124.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • Embedding-support for OpenAI-compatible providers. You can for example use the Together AI embedding endpoint:

    import { embed, openaicompatible } from "modelfusion";
    const embedding = await embed({
      model: openaicompatible.TextEmbedder({
        api: openaicompatible.TogetherAIApi(),
        provider: "openaicompatible-togetherai",
        model: "togethercomputer/m2-bert-80M-8k-retrieval",
      value: "At first, Nox didn't know what to do with the pup.",
modelfusion - v0.123.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • classify model function (docs) for classifying values. The SemanticClassifier has been renamed to EmbeddingSimilarityClassifier and can be used in conjunction with classify:

    import { classify, EmbeddingSimilarityClassifier, openai } from "modelfusion";
    const classifier = new EmbeddingSimilarityClassifier({
      embeddingModel: openai.TextEmbedder({ model: "text-embedding-ada-002" }),
      similarityThreshold: 0.82,
      clusters: [
          name: "politics" as const,
          values: [
            "they will save the country!",
            // ...
          name: "chitchat" as const,
          values: [
            "how's the weather today?",
            // ...
    // strongly typed result:
    const result = await classify({
      model: classifier,
      value: "don't you love politics?",
modelfusion - v0.122.0

Published by lgrammel 9 months ago


  • breaking change: Switch from positional parameters to named parameters (parameter object) for all model and tool functions. The parameter object is the first and only parameter of the function. Additional options (last parameter before) are now part of the parameter object. Example:

    // old:
    const text = await generateText(
          model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
          maxGenerationTokens: 1000,
      "Write a short story about a robot learning to love",
        functionId: "example-function",
    // new:
    const text = await generateText({
      model: openai
          model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
          maxGenerationTokens: 1000,
      prompt: "Write a short story about a robot learning to love",
      functionId: "example-function",

    This change was made to make the API more flexible and to allow for future extensions.

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NPM Version MIT License Docs Created by Lars Grammel