
A strongly-typed language that compiles to JavaScript

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purescript - v0.15.1-5

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

This is an automated preview release. Get the latest stable release here.

purescript - v0.15.1-4

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

This is an automated preview release. Get the latest stable release here.

purescript - v0.15.1-3

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

This is an automated preview release. Get the latest stable release here.

purescript - v0.15.1-2

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

This is an automated preview release. Get the latest stable release here.

purescript - v0.15.1-1

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

This is an automated preview release. Get the latest stable release here.

purescript - v0.15.1-0

Published by github-actions[bot] over 2 years ago

This is an automated preview release. Get the latest stable release here.

purescript - v0.15.0

Published by JordanMartinez over 2 years ago

Breaking changes:

  • Switch from Common JS to ES modules (#4232 by @sigma-andex)

    Previously, Purescript used Common JS for FFI declarations.

    Before, FFI was declared like this...

    const mymodule = require('mymodule')
    exports.myvar = mymodule.myvar

    ...and will be changed to this...

    import * as M from 'mymodule';
    export const myvar = M.myvar

    ...or using the short version...

    export { myvar } from 'mymodule';
  • FFI is annotated with /* #__PURE__ */ so that bundlers can perform DCE

  • The current LTS Node.js version 12 is now the required minimum version

  • Improve apartness checking (#4149 by @rhendric)

    See details in https://github.com/purescript/documentation/blob/master/language/Type-Classes.md#instance-chains

  • Disable type class constraints in FFI (#4240 by @JordanMartinez)

    Previously, one could write FFI like the following:

    foreign import foo :: forall a. Show a => a -> String

    Type class dictionaries are "magically" handled by the compiler.
    By including them in the above FFI, one can depend on their representation.
    Since the representation can change without notice, this may silently break

    In v0.14.x, a warning was emitted if these were used. Now it will fail
    to compile. Rather, one should write something like the following
    where the members of the type class are passed explicitly to
    the FFI function as arguments:

    foo :: forall a. Show a => a -> String
    foo val = fooImpl show val
    foreign import fooImpl :: forall a. (a -> String) -> a -> String
  • Removes deprecated syntax for rows (i.e. #) and kinds (i.e. kind-keyword) (#4239 by @JordanMartinez)

  • Apply precedence rules to operator sections (#4033 by @rhendric)

    Previously, (_ * 4 + 1) would desugar to \x -> x * (4 + 1), even
    though * has higher precedence than +. Conversely, (3 * 2 + _)
    would not compile, even though * has higher precedence than +. These
    bugs have now been fixed; (_ * 4 + 1) is an error, and (3 * 2 + _)
    desugars to \x -> 3 * 2 + x.

    If you have code that relied on the old behavior, add an extra pair of
    parentheses around the expression in the section.

  • If FFI parsing succeeds & CommonJS is detected, fail; otherwise, do not error or warn (#4250 by @sigma-andex)

    Previously, the compiler would emit an error if it failed to parse the FFI JavaScript file.
    Since the underlying JavaScript parser (i.e. language-javascript) fails to parse even
    valid JavaScript files, we cannot consider every failed parse to mean invalid JS files.
    Fixing the parser would require a lot of effort, so we are planning to remove it instead
    in v0.16.x.

    If the parse succeeds and a CommonJS module is detected, a compiler error is now emitted.
    If the parse fails, we no longer emit a compiler error. While we could emit a warning,
    such a warning will quickly become annoying for FFI files that trigger the buggy paths
    of language-javascript. Moreover, we presume that all will be migrating their code to
    ES modules now that CommonJS is being deprecated in the larger JavaScript ecosystem.

  • Warn on ad-hoc non-single-line case expression syntax (#4241 by @JordanMartinez)

    The following code will now produce a compiler warning.
    These were originally supported to ease the migration
    to the new CST parser.

    -- before: `arg` isn't indented "past" the `Foo arg` binder
    case foo of Foo arg ->
    -- after
    case foo of Foo arg ->

    Dropping the above syntax make case expressions more similar to how let bindings work:

    let ok = 1
      ok = 1
    let ok =
    let notOk =
  • Drop support for browser backend for repl (i.e. purs repl --port 1234) (#4255 by @JordanMartinez)

    Running this command will print a link that directs users to use
    Try PureScript instead.

  • Remove purs bundle (#4255 by @JordanMartinez)

    Users of purs bundle should switch to a standalone bundler such as esbuild, webpack or parcel.

  • Lazy initialization for recursive bindings (#4283 by @rhendric)

    This is unlikely to break a working program, but the upshot for users is
    that it's now possible to get a run-time error when dereferencing an
    identifier in a recursive binding group before it has been initialized,
    instead of silently getting an undefined value and having that maybe
    or maybe not lead to an error somewhere else.

    This change can cause code that relies on tail-call optimization to no
    longer compile with that optimization. If you find that code that
    previously compiled to a TCO loop no longer does but does include $lazy
    initializers, please report the issue.

    Alternate backend maintainers: for you, this change represents a
    clarification of a responsibility shared by all backends. The identifiers
    bound in a recursive binding group need to behave as if those identifiers
    have call-by-need semantics during the initialization of the entire binding
    group. (Initializing the binding group entails ensuring every initializer
    has been executed, so after the binding group is initialized, these
    identifiers can be considered call-by-value again.)

    If an identifier is needed during its own call-by-need initialization, the
    backend must ensure that an explicit run-time error is raised appropriate for
    your target platform. This error may be raised at compile time instead if the
    backend can determine that such a cycle is inevitable. Returning your
    target language's equivalent of JavaScript's undefined, as purs did in
    earlier releases in some cases, is not permitted.

    If your target language natively has call-by-need semantics, you probably
    don't have to do anything. If your target language is call-by-value and you
    are using PureScript as a library, you can use the function
    Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Laziness.applyLazinessTransform to your CoreFn
    input to satisfy this responsibility; if you do, you will need to do the

    • Translate InternalIdent RuntimeLazyFactory and InternalIdent (Lazy _)
      identifiers to appropriate strings for your backend

    • Ensure that any output file that needs it has a reference to a function
      named InternalIdent RuntimeLazyFactory, with type forall a. Fn3 String String (Unit -> a) (Int -> a), and with the same semantics as the
      following JavaScript (though you should customize the error raised to be
      appropriate for your target language):

      function (name, moduleName, init) {
          var state = 0;
          var val;
          return function (lineNumber) {
              if (state === 2) return val;
              if (state === 1) throw new ReferenceError(name + " was needed before it finished initializing (module " + moduleName + ", line " + lineNumber + ")", moduleName, lineNumber);
              state = 1;
              val = init();
              state = 2;
              return val;

    If neither of the previous cases apply to you, you can meet this
    responsibility most easily simply by ensuring that all recursive bindings are
    lazy. You may instead choose to implement some light analysis to skip
    generating lazy bindings in some cases, such as if every initializer in the
    binding group is an Abs. You also may choose to reimplement
    applyLazinessTransform, or even develop a more sophisticated laziness
    transform for your backend. It is of course your responsibility to ensure
    that the result of whatever analysis you do is equivalent to the expected

New features:

  • Implement the Reflectable type class (#4207 by @PureFunctor)

    The Reflectable type class is a common interface for reflecting
    type-level values down to the term-level. Its instances are
    automatically solved by the compiler, and it allows Symbol, Int,
    Boolean, and Ordering kinded types to be reflected to their
    term-level representations.

  • Implement native type-level integers (#4207 and #4267 by @PureFunctor and @JordanMartinez)

    Added support for type-level integers and compiler-solved operations
    such as Add, Mul, Compare, and ToString. Type-level integers use the Int
    type as their kind.

  • Print compilation progress on the command line (#4258 by @PureFunctor)

    This feature makes it so purs compile and purs docs now show
    compilation progress on the command line. Example output:

    [ 1 of 59] Compiling Type.Proxy
    [ 2 of 59] Compiling Type.Data.RowList
    [58 of 59] Compiling Effect.Class.Console
    [59 of 59] Compiling Test.Main
  • Restore names of quantified variables during generalization (#4257 by @PureFunctor)

    This makes the compiler aware of the names of quantified variables
    instantiated into unification variables, such that when the latter
    is generalized, semantic information is restored. For example:

    addNumberSuffix :: forall a b c d. a -> b -> c -> d -> a
    addNumberSuffix a _ _ _ = a
    addNumberSuffix' = addNumberSuffix 0

    Previously, inferring top-level declarations without type signatures
    would use t suffixed with an integer for type variables.

    forall t6 t7 t8. t6 -> t7 -> t8 -> Int

    Now, the inferred type would refer back to their original names.

    forall b6 c7 d8. b6 -> c7 -> d8 -> Int
  • Support Glibc versions >= 2.24 (#4228 by @sd-yip)

    Previously, purs required a Glibc version greater than or equal to 2.27.
    This requirement is relaxed to support a Glibc version down to 2.24.


  • Fix warning suppression for wildcard types (#4269 by @rhendric)

    This bug was triggered by defining recursive partial functions or
    recursive bindings that contained wildcards in inner type annotations.
    Recursive partial function declarations now no longer cause spurious
    wildcard warnings to be emitted, and actual user-written wildcards now
    accurately emit warnings if and only if they don't appear within a
    binding (recursive or otherwise) with a complete (wildcard-free) type

  • Remove compiler-generated identifiers from type search results (#4260 by @PureFunctor)

Other improvements:

  • Improve "Unknown value bind" and "Unknown value discard" errors (#4272 by @mhmdanas)

    The previous error implies that do-notation compiles down to only bind or to
    only discard (depending on whether the symbol not found was bind or
    discard respectively), which is somewhat misleading, especially in the
    latter case. Now, the error states correctly that do-notation compiles down to
    both functions.


  • Document the HSPEC_ACCEPT flag for generating golden files (#4243 by @JordanMartinez)

  • Fail test if PureScript file(s) don't have a Main module (#4243 by @JordanMartinez)

  • Update CI to use windows-2019 since windows-2016 is deprecated (#4248 by @JordanMartinez)

  • Move lib/purescript-cst into src/ (#4290 by @JordanMartinez)

  • Update tests and their bower deps to 0.15.0-compatible versions (#4300 by @JordanMartinez)

purescript - v0.15.0-alpha-07

Published by JordanMartinez over 2 years ago

Alpha release for use in preparing for the upcoming v0.15.0 release.

purescript - v0.15.0-alpha-06

Published by JordanMartinez over 2 years ago

Alpha release for use in preparing for the upcoming v0.15.0 release.

purescript - v0.15.0-alpha-05

Published by JordanMartinez over 2 years ago

Alpha release for use in preparing for the upcoming v0.15.0 release.

purescript - v0.15.0-alpha-04

Published by JordanMartinez over 2 years ago

Alpha release for use in preparing for the upcoming v0.15.0 release.

purescript - v0.14.9

Published by JordanMartinez over 2 years ago


  • Drops libtinfo again to avoid compatibility issues on Linux (#4266 by @JordanMartinez)

Other improvements:

  • Update CI to use windows-2019 (#4278 by @JordanMartinez)
purescript - v0.15.0-alpha-03

Published by JordanMartinez over 2 years ago

Alpha release for use in preparing for the upcoming v0.15.0 release.

purescript - v0.14.8

Published by JordanMartinez over 2 years ago


  • Remove libtinfo dependency again (#4266 by @JordanMartinez)

    libtinfo causes compatibility issues across different Linux distributions and versions.
    In v0.14.7, that dependency seems to have inadvertently reappeared.
    This release fixes that regression.

purescript - v0.15.0-alpha-02

Published by JordanMartinez over 2 years ago

Alpha release for use in preparing for the upcoming v0.15.0 release.

purescript - v0.15.0-alpha-01

Published by JordanMartinez over 2 years ago

Alpha release for use in preparing for the upcoming v0.15.0 release.

purescript - v0.14.7

Published by JordanMartinez over 2 years ago


New features:

  • Make Prim.TypeError's Quote work on all kinds, not just kind Type. (#4142 by @xgrommx)

  • Display role annotations in HTML docs (#4121 by @JordanMartinez)

    Previously, the HTML docs would not indicate which types could be safely
    coerced and which could not:

    -- cannot be coerced
    data Foo1 a = Foo1 a
    type role Foo1 nominal
    -- can be coerced
    data Foo2 a = Foo2
    type role Foo2 phantom
    -- can be coerced in some contexts
    data Foo3 a = Foo3 a
    type role Foo3 representational

    The HTML docs now display the role annotations either explicitly
    declared by the developer or those inferred by the compiler.

    Since role annotations are an advanced feature and since most type
    parameters' roles are the representational role, the phantom and
    nominal role annotations are displayed in documentation whereas the
    representational role is not, similar to "uninteresting" kind signatures.

    Lastly, FFI declarations like below...

    foreign import data Foo :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
    type role Foo nominal

    ...will be rendered as though they are data declarations:

    data Foo :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
    data Foo t0
    type role Foo nominal

    One can distinguish FFI declarations with roles separately from normal data
    declarations that have roles based on the name of the type parameters. Since FFI declarations' type parameters are implicit and thus unnamed, the compiler will generate their name: t0, t1, ..., tN where N is a zero-based
    index of the type parameter.

    Note: the resulting documentation will display the roles, but the roles
    will not be selectable when selecting the type in case one wants to
    copy-paste the type into source code.

  • Rewrite Partial optimization to be cleaner (#4208 by @rhendric)

    This feature shrinks the generated JS code for declarations that use
    empty type classes, such as Partial, but is otherwise not expected to
    have user-visible consequences.

  • Add support for publishing via the purs.json manifest format (#4233 by @thomashoneyman)

    This feature expands compiler support for publishing packages with different
    manifest formats. Previously, packages had to have a bower.json manifest;
    now, packages can choose to have a purs.json manifest instead.

    This feature provides only partial support for packages published to the
    PureScript registry using the purs.json manifest format. Registry packages
    are allowed to be hosted anywhere (not just GitHub), and do not need to be
    Git repositories at all. However, purs publish and its primary consumer,
    Pursuit, both require packages to be available on GitHub and for their version
    to be a SemVer-compliant Git tag. Therefore, this feature only supports
    registry packages that are compatible with these restrictions.


  • Add missing source spans to data constructors when generating docs (#4202 by @PureFunctor)

  • Check role declarations arity during type checking (#4157 by @kl0tl)

  • Optimize newtype applications with the ($) operator (#4205 by @PureFunctor)

  • Properly deserialize unused identifiers in the CoreFn (#4221 by @sjpgarcia)

    This mostly affects downstream consumers of the CoreFn as discussed in
    #4201. This makes it so CoreFn deserialization properly reads $__unused
    into UnusedIdent instead of an Ident. This is particularly useful for
    downstream consumers of the CoreFn such as alternative backends that don't
    allow arguments to be omitted from functions.

  • Fix type operators in declaration param kinds (#4220 by @rhendric)

    This fixes an internal error triggered by using a type operator in the
    kind of a type parameter of a data declaration, type synonym
    declaration, or class declaration.

  • Scope type vars when type checking typed values (#4216 by @rhendric)

    When the compiler is checking an expression that is annotated with a
    type against another expected type, and the annotation introduces a type
    variable, the compiler needs to introduce that type variable to the
    scope of any types used inside the expression.

    One noteworthy case of this pattern is member signatures inside
    instances. This fix allows type variables introduced in member
    signatures to be used in the member declaration itself.


  • Bump PureScript to building with GHC-8.10.7, as well as from LTS-17 to LTS-18. (#4199 by @cdepillabout)

  • Prevent hangs on internal errors (#4126 by @rhendric)

  • The explicit disabling of Nix has been removed from stack.yaml. (#4198 by @cdepillabout)

    For developers on NixOS, this means that you should be able to build
    PureScript by running stack build instead of stack build --nix.
    For other developers, this shouldn't affect you.

  • Build the entire latest package set in CI (#4217 by @rhendric)

    See #4128.

  • Create test machinery for optimizations (#4205 by @PureFunctor)

    This adds machinery for testing code generation for optimizations.

    Partially extracted from #3915 to add tests for #4205.

purescript - v0.14.6

Published by JordanMartinez over 2 years ago


Do not use this release. purescript-cst's version wasn't bumped when this release was made. So, tools like trypurescript cannot depend on it. See 0.14.7 for the same thing.

purescript - v0.14.5

Published by JordanMartinez almost 3 years ago



  • Fix a case where kind inference inferred the wrong kind for type synonyms (#4184 by @jy14898)

  • Properly rename module imports in case of conflicts with declarations (#4188 by @PureFunctor)


  • Fix command and clarify a few other requirements in release guide (#4177 by @JordanMartinez)

  • Add Functor instance for Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Module. (#4186 by @cdepillabout)

purescript - v0.14.4

Published by JordanMartinez about 3 years ago


  • Solve Prim.Row.Union left right all constraint for left when all and right are already closed rows, (#3720 by @MonoidMusician)
    reflecting the existing functional dependency all right -> left

  • Account for redundant parens when excluding uninteresting kind sigs from docs (#4137 by @JordanMartinez)

  • Add a hint for errors in foreign data type declarations (#4161 by @kl0tl)

  • Do not remove bindings referenced in function declarations when bundling (#4044 by @kl0tl)

  • Improve row type error messages (#4159 by @rhendric)

    • Remove a redundant hint that repeats the types in the error
    • Correctly diff rows containing duplicate items
    • Erase kind applications from rows in errors (by default)
  • Fix bad interaction between superclasses and type synonyms (#4164 by @rhendric)

    See #4101.

  • Fix regression in row unification (#4168 by @rhendric)

  • Fix backtick operator rule (#4172 by @JordanMartinez)

Other improvements:

  • Add developer guide to readme (#3900 by @milesfrain)


  • Move unreleased changelog entries to CHANGELOG.d (#4132 by @rhendric)

    See CHANGELOG.d/README.md for details.

  • Clarify in RELEASE_GUIDE what to do when broken releases are made (#4147 by @JordanMartinez)

  • Miscellaneous updates/clarifications to the release guide (#4131 by @JordanMartinez)

  • Run Weeder in CI and make it happy (#4148 by @rhendric)

  • Add golden tests for self cycles in type class declarations, kind declarations and foreign data type declarations (#4162 by @kl0tl)

  • Represent class dictionaries as newtypes (#4125 by @rhendric)