
Create native mobile apps in JavaScript or TypeScript.

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tabris-js - 1.10.0

Published by tbuschto about 8 years ago

Support for WebSockets

The WebSockets API is now supported by Tabris.js. This allows to send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply.

New InactivityTimer

A new type InactivityTimer has been added. This timer will elapse after a given period of user inactivity.

var timer = new tabris.InactivityTimer({
  delay: 2000
}).on("timeout", function() {
  label.set("text", "inactive!");


Extended API for Video widget

The API of the Video widget has been extended. You can now hide the player controls with the property controlsVisible, start and pause a video with the methods play() and pause(), and set a position with seek().

New event on WebView for Android

When a link to a file is selected in the WebView, a download event will now be fired. This event provides the properties url, mimeType, contentLength and contentDisposition. The event could be used to trigger a download when a link to an unsupported file type is clicked. This event is only supported on Android.

Support for images in Page header

The new Page property icon can now be used to set an image on a page header. It is named icon to prevent a collision with the existing property image which is used by the PageSelector. It will be renamed in Tabris.js 2.0.

tabris-js - 1.9.0

Published by tbuschto about 8 years ago

ImageData API

The CanvasContext object now supports the methods getImageData, createImageData and putImageData.

Web messaging API on WebView

This new API allows the Tabris.js application to communicate with the HTML document loaded inside a WebView via an HTML5 compatible API. String messages can be exchanged via the postMessage method and message event, which are available on the WebView itself and on the window object inside the WebView.

New property "selectedImage" on Tab widget

You can now give an additional image to be displayed if the tab is currently selected.

New property "focused" on TextInput

This property can be used to bring up the virtual keyboard by setting it to true. The user can then immediately start typing.

New events on Drawer

The Drawer widget now has the events open and close, which are fired after the opening/closing animation of the drawer completes.

Animation with promises

The widget method "animate" now returns a promise that is resolved when the animation completes, and rejected when the animation is aborted.

New lifecycle events

In addition to pause and resume there are now three new events on the object to react to changes in the app running state: foreground, background and terminate.

Crypto object

The W3C conform global object crypto has been added. It can be used to generate cryptographically secure random numbers.

Full access to http headers via XMLHttpRequest

In a strictly W3C/browser conform implementation of XMLHttpRequest it is not allowed to access certain headers. Tabris.js no longer implements these restrictions. All headers can now be set and read, including previously "forbidden" headers like "Cookie".

Updated permission handling on Android

Cordova plugins can now receive permission request callbacks.

The Tabris.js playground

To make it easier for everyone to play with their code, we have now made a public Playground available without signing in. Go to and scan the QR code with your device using the Tabris.js Developer App. You will see your code in action right away.

tabris-js - 1.8.0

Published by tbuschto over 8 years ago

Grid mode for CollectionView

It is now possible to align a given number of CollectionView cells in a single row, resulting in a grid layout as is common in image galleries or file explorers. The number of columns is controlled via the columnCount property, with the default 1 representing the traditional list layout.


Customize TextView line spacing

Control the amount of space between each line of a multi-line TextView using the property lineSpacing. The value 1.0 represents the font's default, 2.0 doubles the spacing, and so on.

Tint Images in a solid color

Using the new tintColorproperty you can tint all opaque pixels of an image with the given color. This is useful to represent different states, or just to better align the UI with the platform look & feel.

Get event when images are done loading

Since it may take some time to download an image from a remote location, a load event has been introduced. It fires once the image is visible on screen, or if the image could not be found. Example:

new tabris.ImageView({
  image: "http://mycloudstorage/foo.png"
}).on("load", function(imageView, event) {
  if (event.error) {

Improved TypeScript support

Type definitions are now bundled with Tabris.js and can be used without any additional installation. The property and event APIs now provide full auto completion and type information support.
To access type definitions for the promise and fetch APIs provided by Tabris.js, their respective type definitions files have to be explicitly referenced in the tsconfig.json file:

"files": [

Yeoman generator update

You can now use Yeoman to create more advanced Tabris.js projects, for example with EcmaScript 6 or TypeScript transpilers already set up.

Simply type:

npm install -g yo generator-tabris-js 
yo tabris-js
tabris-js - 1.7.0

Published by ralfstx over 8 years ago

Widget constructors

Widgets can now be created using their constructors. Instead of tabris.create("Button", { text: "Submit" }), you can now write:

new tabris.Button({ text: "Submit" });

This syntax is shorter and more common. While tabris.create() will remain available in all 1.x releases, we encourage you to use constructors from now on. We've also adjusted all our snippets and examples to the new syntax.

Access all siblings of a widget

In addition to the parent() children() methods, widgets now also provide a method siblings(). This method will return a WidgetCollection of all widgets that have the same parent, excluding the target widget itself. The method can also be called with a selector expression, which makes it easy to select all siblings of a certain type:

checkbox.on("select", function() {
  checkbox.siblings("CheckBox").set("selection", false);

Rounded corners on widgets

The new property cornerRadius allows you to apply a rounded clipping to the corners of a widget. See the snippet on GitHub.


This property is supported on iOS and Android 5.0+.

System bar theme

The theme used for the system status bar can now be controlled using a new property systemBarTheme. Possible values are "light", "dark", and "default" (which selects the platform default). This property will control the foreground text and icons on the status bar. Note that the light theme will result in a dark foreground and vice-versa. See the snippet on GitHub.

This property is supported on iOS and Android 6+.

Fetch API included

As a simpler and more flexible alternative to XmlHttpRequest, the Fetch API is now available in Tabris.js. The npm module whatwg-fetch is no longer required.

Promise included

Tabris.js now includes a full Promise implementation on all platforms. There is no need to include a promise shim anymore.

tabris-js - 1.6.0

Published by ralfstx over 8 years ago

New widget ActivityIndicator

To indicate a pending operation of indeterminate time, you can now use the widget ActivityIndicator that displays a spinning indicator on both platforms. Have a look at the snippet.

activityindicator2 output_lwwvje

New property displayMode to enable fullscreen

The new property displayMode on tabris.ui can be set to "fullscreen" to enable fullscreen mode, i.e. to hide the system bar. The default display mode is called "normal".

New properties scrollX and scrollY on ScrollView

The new properties scrollX and scrollY can be used to get and to set the current scroll position of a ScrollView.

backnavigation: preventDefault is now a function

In order to prevent the default effect of the back-button on Android, you can now call event.preventDefault() as a function in your backnavigation listener. Before you had to set a field of this name to false. This method is still supported, but discouraged.

tabris-js - 1.5.0

Published by ralfstx almost 9 years ago

Allow for TabFolders without a tab bar

The TabFolder property tabBarLocation now accepts the value "hidden". Together with paging: true, this enables a swipe-widget like experience. There's a new snippet for this use case.

Note that the property tabBarLocation is static, i.e. it can only be set at creation time.

Support for Tab images on Android

The image property on Tab is now also available on Android. You can use it with or without the text property.

Support for elevation and z-translation on Android 5+

As of Android 5.0, widgets can have an elevation that defines their relative position on the z-axis. The elevation is visually represented by a shadow effect. Transformations now support the additional property translationZ. While elevation represents the base state of a widget, the translationZ property should be altered for animations. Have a look at the new snippets for elevation and translationZ.

Both elevation and translationZ are only respected by Android 5.0+.

SearchAction open method

SearchActions can now be invoked programmatically using the new method open().

tabris-js - 1.4.0

Published by tbuschto almost 9 years ago

Support for any data type in the Picker items array

Where the Picker previously only accepted an array of strings it can now deal with any kind of item. This is especially convenient when handling an item in the select and change:selection events.

By default the Picker calls toString() on the item to convert it to string, but you can also provide a custom function to do this in the new itemText property:

tabris.create("Picker", {
  items: airports,
  itemText: function(airport) {

Scroll event for CollectionView

Just like in ScrollView, CollectionView now has a scroll event that lets you know when the user has scrolled. The callback contains information about the scrolling direction and distance.

New "firstVisibleIndex" and "lastVisibleIndex" properties in CollectionView

To determine which items are currently visible on screen the firstVisibleIndex and lastVisibleIndex properties have been added to CollectionView. These also come with matching change events, which are very well suited to implement an "endless scrolling list". Simply listen to "change:lastVisibleIndex" and start loading more items once the value exceeds a limit of your choosing.

tabris-js - 1.3.0

Published by tbuschto about 9 years ago

iOS 9 support

The iOS client now works on iOS 9.

TypeScript support

We provide type definitions to assist you developing Tabris.js apps in TypeScript. See this blog post for details.

Insert widgets before/after others

In addition to appendTo(), you can now use the new methods insertBefore() and insertAfter() to insert widgets at a given position. This is particularly useful in conjunction with the "prev()" keyword in layout data.

Support additional colors in Switch

Switch buttons now offer fine-grained control over colors using the following new properties:

  • thumbOnColor
  • thumbOffColor
  • trackOnColor
  • trackOffColor


Access to bundled resources

A new method getResourceLocation() on provides absolute locations for resources that are bundled with the app, such as images, videos, etc.

tabris-js - 1.2.0

Published by tbuschto about 9 years ago

Layout: symbolic reference "prev()"

In all layout attributes that support referencing other widgets, "prev()" can now be given (as a string) to refer to the preceding sibling. This is superior to parent.children().last() or a direct reference for several reasons:

  • It's less code.
  • It requires no access to the parent.
  • The reference is dynamically resolved - meaning if the preceding sibling is removed or replaced the layout is adjusted automatically.

Layout: Alternative notation for top/left/right/bottom

  • Instead of ["20%", 10] it's now also possible to write "20% 10".
  • Instead of ["#foo", 10] or ["prev()", 10], it's now also possible to write "#foo 10" or "prev() 10".

Layout: Setting layoutData attributes as widget properties

All attributes of layoutData are now also properties of Widget. So if you want to change only a single attribute of layoutData without affecting the other, simply set the widget property:

widget.set("layoutData", {width: 100, height: 10});
widget.set("left", 100); // width and height do not change

If you wish to set an entirely new layout, use layoutData:

widget.set("layoutData", {width: 100, height: 10});
widget.set("layoutData": {left: 100}); // width and height are reset

Android back button support

The back button in Android is usually used in Tabris.js to close the current page. However, with the new backnavigation event on the app object this behavior can now be overwritten:"backnavigation", function(app, options) {
  options.preventDefault = true;
  // do something else than closing the page

Hide navigation UI elements

To create a "fullscreen" app, simply call tabris.ui.set("toolbarVisible", false); Note that there is currently a minor issue when using the feature on iOS, see

Provisional Custom Widget API

We have been working on defining a public API that will allow application developer to create their own Tabris.js widgets using JavaScript and Java/Objective-C. The API is neither complete nor final, but already allows creating simple widgets like a Map or Date input.

View all relevant GitHub issues closed in this release here

tabris-js - 1.1.0

Published by tbuschto about 9 years ago

Switch widget

Switches are common widgets in mobile UIs. We provide a new widget Switch with exactly the same API as the existing CheckBox.

Patching apps

It is now possible to update the JavaScript files and resources of your app without updating the app. See the documentation. The API is considered provisional as we plan to add more functionality to this feature, which may have an impact on the existing API.

Different cell types and heights for CollectionView

It is now possible to use different types of cells (containing different widgets) for different types of data items in a CollectionView. Also, cells may now have different heights depending on the item. Check out the cell types snippet for an example.

Class selector support

Widgets now support the class property, which is a white-space separated list of labels that can be be used with a class selector (e.g. ".foo") in the children, find, and apply methods.

setTimeout / setInterval support optional parameters

These methods now support additional parameters that will be passed to the callback. These methods are part of the spec, but had not been implemented yet.

Material Design for Android

The Android client now uses the the appcompat support library, giving Tabris.js apps a consistent material design look and feel across all supported Android versions. It also adds custom theme support.

Cordova 5 Support

The Tabris.js online build service now uses Cordova 5.1.1, and supports installing Cordova plug-ins from npm.

View all relevant GitHub issues closed in this release here.

tabris-js - 1.0.0

Published by ralfstx over 9 years ago

Renamed property foreground to textColor

We think that the name textColor reflects the purpose of this property better. This property applies to all widgets that display a text.

Added property itemIndex to CollectionView cell

This property always reflects the index of the data item that is displayed in the cell.

Introduce properties text and message in SearchAction

The text property reflects the current text in the search input field. It also allows to clear the search field. As in the TextInput widget, the message property allows to insert a hint message into the search field.

Removed return value from animate method

We found that chaining animation listeners to the animate method can lead to unexpected behavior. Therefore we decided to remove the return value from the animate method. In future versions, we plan to return a promise object instead.

Replaced Picker text property with selection

Instead of a text property, the Picker widget now provides a property selection that reflects the currently selected string. The index of the selected item is available in the property selectionIndex.

Added resize event

In order to listen on changes of a widget's size, use the new resize event instead of change:bounds.

Changed method to obtain a Canvas Context

Instead of tabris.getContext(canvas, width, height), the CanvasContext is now obtained by the getContext method on the Canvas widget as follows:

ctx = canvas.getContext("2d", widget, height);

The first parameter (contextType) will make it easier for us to provide
HTML5 compatibility without breaking changes.

Global JavaScript objects available

To extend compatibility with libraries and npm modules that rely on them, the global variables global and self are now available. They are aliases for window and represent the global JavaScript scope.

Support for module variables __dirname and __filename

These are local variables are automatically available in every node module.
We provide them to improve node compatibility.

Added target field on DOM events

The field now always contains the event target. This improves compatibility with some Cordova Plug-Ins.

Removed deprecated API

For widgets and events that have been renamed in previous releases, the old names were still supported as aliases. With this release the old names are no longer supported.

Fixed memory leak related to Page handling

Closing multiple pages by opening a different top-level page did not remove the closed pages from memory. Page handling was largely rewritten, fixing this and several minor page issues.

tabris-js - 0.9.4

Published by tbuschto over 9 years ago

Consistent change events

Change events ( change:[property]) are now fired on programmatic changes as well as changes caused by user interaction. Also, they are now fired for all properties, even if the property is not explicitly supported by the widget. The listeners now have three parameters: widget, newValue, options. options is an object that may be given to the set method as the last parameter. All change events triggered by that set will then receive this object. If no options object was given, it will be empty in the change event.

New/renamed event types

  • All events of the type selection are now select.
  • The SearchAction event submit is now accept, and modify is now input.
  • All widgets with a selection or selectionIndex property now have a select event. It behaves like change:selection, but is only fired when the selection property changes due to user interaction.
  • The TextInput widget now has an input event. It behaves like change:text, but is only fired when the text property changes due to the user typing.
  • The Picker previously fired change:selection, which should have been change:selectionIndex. This has been corrected.

Listener parameters changed

  • Like with change listeners, all other listener now also get the widget that fired the event as the first parameter. All existing parameters are shifted by one.
tabris-js - 0.9.3

Published by ralfstx over 9 years ago

Support for gesture events

Tabris.js now supports gesture events. We recommend using these events instead of the low-level touch events, because the latter can have side effects when used inside scrollable widgets.

The following gesture events are supported:

  • tap
  • longpress
  • pan
  • pan:left, pan:right, pan:up, pan:down
  • pan:horizontal, pan:vertical
  • swipe:left, swipe:right , swipe:up, swipe:down


widget.on("swipe:left", function(event) {

For a more detailed description, see the doc on touch API.

New Drawer widget

A drawer is a container that can be slid in form the left edge of the screen, often used for navigation. You can now create a drawer yourself by instantiating the type Drawer. The drawer can be filled with custom content.

var drawer = tabris.create("Drawer");


To display a list of top-level pages, we provide a new type PageSelector for convenience. The page selector is a collection view that displays all top-level pages and allows to open one of them. It is pre-configured to be easily appendable to the drawer without setting any properties:


For more details on Drawer and PageSelector, see the UI doc.

Access to Pages, Actions, and the Drawer

All Pages, Actions, and the Drawer are now children of the object tabris.ui. The selector API can be used to obtain them. For example, to get all pages, you can write:

var pages = tabris.ui.children("Page");

Changed Animation API

The animate() methods again returns the widget and enables method chaining. The events animationstart and animationend are now triggered on the widget itself.

More details can be found in the doc on animation.

Property bounds now read-only

Widgets should be positioned by setting the property layoutData. The property bounds can be used to obtain the actual position and size of the widget after layouting.

New widget method isDisposed

Widgets now have a method isDisposed() that returns true when a widget has been disposed.

ScrollComposite renamed to ScrollView

We decided to rename this widget because the new name fits better into our naming scheme.

Noteworthy fixes

  • Fixed an issue related to caching of modules #316
  • Adjusted setTimeout() and setInterval() functions to respect the second parameter #305
tabris-js - 0.9.2

Published by ralfstx over 9 years ago

Dynamic CollectionViews

The CollectionView has new methods to modify the items property. Items can be added and removed using the methods insert and remove. For dynamic CollectionViews, please use these new methods instead of setting the items property. When the content of a particular item has changed, the view can be refreshed using the refresh method. For details, see the reference documentation.

Scrolling CollectionView items into view

There is a method reveal that can be used to scroll a given item into view.

Listeners on Animations

The animate() method now returns an object that can be used to attach listeners to the animation and to cancel it.

Apply Properties to multiple widgets

A new method apply allows to set properties on an entire widget hierarchy. This can be used to re-configure the widgets of a page, e.g. in case of an orientation change. It also allows to separate creation and configuration of widgets. Example:

  "#userView": {
    message: "Email Address",
    keyboard: "email",
    layoutData: { top: "30%", left: "25%", right: "25%" }
  "#passView": {
    message: "Password",
    layoutData: { top: ["#userView", 10], left: "25%", right: "25%" }

App information

A new object represents the running application. This object currently supports events pause and resume to observe when the app goes into the background.

Device information, orientation changes

A new object tabris.device provides information on the device. All device information that are provided by Tabris.js itself are accessible on this object. Like Tabris.js widgets, this object has properties that can be accessed with get().

The device orientation is available as an additional property orientation. A change listener for the orientation can be attached. For an example, have a look at the device snippet.

The global device object now only has those properties that are also available from Cordova device plugin.

Select keyboard type for TextInput

Different keyboard types can now be configured for TextInput widgets using the keyboard property. See also the textinput-keyboard snippet.

Percentage strings in layoutData

Percentages used to be specified as arrays, which was not very readable. Now you can specify percentages as strings, e.g. "25%". Percentages can be combined with a fixed offset using an array, e.g. ["25%", 16]. For an example, have a look at the layout-relative-size snippet.

Custom properties and events on widgets

In addition from the supported properties, you can now also set and get custom properties. The same is true for events. You can attach listeners for a custom event type to any widget and then trigger the event using trigger("my-custom-event").

Available on npm

Tabris.js is now available on npm. The dependencies in the package.json now only require the version number (or a version range). Example:

  "main": "app.js",
  "dependencies": {
    "tabris": "0.9.2"
tabris-js - 0.9.1

Published by tbuschto over 9 years ago

Loading tabris.js as a Module

The tabris.js file is now loaded as a regular npm module. This changes the way application declare the Tabris.js version to use. The package.json should now contain a dependency to tabris.js. By calling npm install, the module is installed in the node_modules folder where it can be found by the Tabris.js client.

Assign custom IDs to Widgets

All widgets support a new property id that can be set to a custom string. This property will be copied to the field id. A new method find(), that is available on all widgets, can be used to find widgets by id. This method accepts filter strings of the form #id. The method children() also accepts this kind of filter strings.

Support for widget IDs in layoutData

When layoutData attributes refer to other widgets, a string of the form #id can now be used instead of a widget reference. This reduces the need for keeping widget references in variables.

Widgets renamed

Some widgets have been renamed:

  • Label has been renamed to TextView, which fits in nicely with ImageView
  • Text has been renamed to TextInput
  • Combo has been renamed to Picker

Cordova Integration

The developer console can be activated using the config.xml preferences now. To activate the console the boolean preference EnableDeveloperConsole was introduced. The default value is false.

tabris-js - 0.9.0

Published by ralfstx over 9 years ago

Pull-to-refresh in CollectionView

The pull-to-refresh gesture can be enabled by setting the new property refreshEnabled on CollectionView. When enabled, the user can trigger a refresh event by pulling down. A refresh message can be set using refreshMessage (iOS only).

More intuitive z-order

For widgets that overlap each other, the z-order is defined by the order in which the widgets are appended to their parent. We've changed the z-order to be more intuitive: new widgets will now be rendered on top of those widgets that have already been appended.

Limit number of lines in Label

The property maxLines on Label can be used to limit the number of lines to be displayed. This approach is preferable to setting a fixed height, as it prevents text lines to be cut off in half.

Access device language and screen size

  • device.language contains the device's language as a RFC4747 compatible string (e.g. de_DE).
  • device.screen.height and device.screen.width contain the size of the device's screen in device independent pixel.

React on page activation and deactivation

The events activate and deactivate have been introduced for Page. They're fired when a page is about to become the active page (appear) and when a page is no longer active (disappear). They can be used to pause certain tasks when a page becomes inactive and resume them when it becomes active again.

New type SearchAction

SearchActions are specialized Actions, that shows a search field on activation. Dynamic proposals can be displayed using the property proposals. In addition to the selection event, they fire a modify event on typing in the search field, and a submit event on submitting a search term.

Listeners to be notified only once

The new method once allows to add an event listener to a widget that will be notified only once. The listener will be automatically removed once it has been notified.

More new API

  • Colors can be reset to the platform's default using the keyword initial.
  • now returns the page itself to enable chaining calls.
  • Experimental: the Page's headers can be configured using the properties image, foreground, and background on the tabris.ui object.
tabris-js - 0.9 M6

Published by ralfstx almost 10 years ago

Module system

We've implemented a Node.js / CommonJS compatible module API. To start with the most drastic change, instead of an index.json file, Tabris.js applications must now contain a package.json file. This is the standard manifest file that describes a module. This file must contain a field main that points to the main JavaScript file. You can also use this file to declare dependencies and install them from npm.

If your application consists of multiple files, the main file must include other modules using the require() function. Modules can export variables using the exports or module.exports object. For details, please refer to the Node.js description or have a look at our examples.

Cordova integration

We've integrated support for Cordova plug-ins to access device functions. The developer clients have a number of built-in modules. Please have a look at our cordova example. We plan to make it possible to include custom Cordova plug-ins in a Tabris.js application.

In order to support Cordova, we've also improved DOM compatibility by providing common Web API such as the global navigator object.

Widget API changes

  • The Widget property visibility has been renamed to visible.
  • The image property has been removed from CheckBox and RadioButton.
  • The ScrollComposite property scroll has been renamed to direction.
  • The Action property placementPriority accepts only the lower case values (low, high, and normal)


  • A basic Video widget has been added. See the video snippet for an example.
  • The TabFolder widget has a new property tabBarLocation to set the position of the tab bar. Supported values are top, bottom, and auto.
  • The WebView widgets supports a new property html that accepts an entire HTML document.
  • Composite now supports the events addchild and removechild that are fired whenever a new child is added to/removed from a Composite.
  • Device information is provided by a global object device with the properties model, platform, and version.
  • The Text widget supports a new event change:text that is fired on text modification (i.e. while typing).
  • Images are now also accepted as a plain strings. This is a shortcut for {url: string}.
  • Colors now support the keyword transparent as value. Just like in CSS, this is a synonym for rgba(0, 0, 0, 0).
  • The Widget method children() accepts a new optional parameter selector to filter the returned elements (currently only by type).
    The method now returns an array-like collection with the methods first() and last() to access the first/last element.
    The methods toArray(), forEach(), and indexOf() are also available.

Non-functional changes

We've added checks for property names and values. In case of a misspelled property names or an illegal property value, you should now see a warning in the developer console in most cases.