
☕️ simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser

MIT License

mocha - v8.3.1

Published by juergba over 3 years ago

8.3.1 / 2021-03-06

🐛 Fixes

  • #4577: Browser: fix EvalError caused by regenerator-runtime (@snoack)
  • #4574: ESM: allow import from mocha in parallel mode (@nicojs)
mocha - v8.3.0

Published by juergba over 3 years ago

8.3.0 / 2021-02-11

🎉 Enhancements

🐛 Fixes

  • #4557: Add file location when SyntaxError happens in ESM (@giltayar)
  • #4521: Fix require error when bundling Mocha with Webpack (@devhazem)

📖 Documentation

🔩 Other

Also thanks to @outsideris and @HyunSangHan for various fixes to our website and documentation.

mocha - v8.2.1

Published by boneskull almost 4 years ago

8.2.1 / 2020-11-02

Fixed stuff.

🐛 Fixes

  • #4489: Fix problematic handling of otherwise-unhandled Promise rejections and erroneous "done() called twice" errors (@boneskull)
  • #4496: Avoid MaxListenersExceededWarning in watch mode (@boneskull)

Also thanks to @akeating for a documentation fix!

mocha - v8.2.0

Published by boneskull about 4 years ago

8.2.0 / 2020-10-16

The major feature added in v8.2.0 is addition of support for global fixtures.

While Mocha has always had the ability to run setup and teardown via a hook (e.g., a before() at the top level of a test file) when running tests in serial, Mocha v8.0.0 added support for parallel runs. Parallel runs are incompatible with this strategy; e.g., a top-level before() would only run for the file in which it was defined.

With global fixtures, Mocha can now perform user-defined setup and teardown regardless of mode, and these fixtures are guaranteed to run once and only once. This holds for parallel mode, serial mode, and even "watch" mode (the teardown will run once you hit Ctrl-C, just before Mocha finally exits). Tasks such as starting and stopping servers are well-suited to global fixtures, but not sharing resources--global fixtures do not share context with your test files (but they do share context with each other).

Here's a short example of usage:

// fixtures.js

// can be async or not
exports.mochaGlobalSetup = async function() {
  this.server = await startSomeServer({port: process.env.TEST_PORT});
  console.log(`server running on port ${this.server.port}`);

exports.mochaGlobalTeardown = async function() {
  // the context (`this`) is shared, but not with the test files
  await this.server.stop();
  console.log(`server on port ${this.server.port} stopped`);

// this file can contain root hook plugins as well!
// exports.mochaHooks = { ... }

Fixtures are loaded with --require, e.g., mocha --require fixtures.js.

For detailed information, please see the documentation and this handy-dandy flowchart to help understand the differences between hooks, root hook plugins, and global fixtures (and when you should use each).

🎉 Enhancements

For implementors of custom reporters:

  • #4409: Parallel mode and custom reporter improvements (@boneskull):
    • Support custom worker-process-only reporters (Runner.prototype.workerReporter()); reporters should subclass ParallelBufferedReporter in mocha/lib/nodejs/reporters/parallel-buffered
    • Allow opt-in of object reference matching for "sufficiently advanced" custom reporters (Runner.prototype.linkPartialObjects()); use if strict object equality is needed when consuming Runner event data
    • Enable detection of parallel mode (Runner.prototype.isParallelMode())

🐛 Fixes

  • #4476: Workaround for profoundly bizarre issue affecting npm v6.x causing some of Mocha's deps to be installed when mocha is present in a package's devDependencies and npm install --production is run the package's working copy (@boneskull)
  • #4465: Worker processes guaranteed (as opposed to "very likely") to exit before Mocha does; fixes a problem when using nyc with Mocha in parallel mode (@boneskull)
  • #4419: Restore lookupFiles() in mocha/lib/utils, which was broken/missing in Mocha v8.1.0; it now prints a deprecation warning (use const {lookupFiles} = require('mocha/lib/cli') instead) (@boneskull)

Thanks to @AviVahl, @donghoon-song, @ValeriaVG, @znarf, @sujin-park, and @majecty for other helpful contributions!

mocha - v8.1.3

Published by boneskull about 4 years ago

8.1.3 / 2020-08-28

🐛 Fixes

  • #4425: Restore Mocha.utils.lookupFiles() and Webpack compatibility (both broken since v8.1.0); Mocha.utils.lookupFiles() is now deprecated and will be removed in the next major revision of Mocha; use require('mocha/lib/cli').lookupFiles instead (@boneskull)
mocha - v8.1.2

Published by boneskull about 4 years ago

8.1.2 / 2020-08-25

🐛 Fixes

🔒 Security Fixes

📖 Documentation

mocha - v8.1.1

Published by boneskull about 4 years ago

8.1.1 / 2020-08-04

🐛 Fixes

  • #4394: Fix regression wherein certain reporters did not correctly detect terminal width (@boneskull)
mocha - v8.1.0

Published by boneskull about 4 years ago

8.1.0 / 2020-07-30

In this release, Mocha now builds its browser bundle with Rollup and Babel, which will provide the project's codebase more flexibility and consistency.

While we've been diligent about backwards compatibility, it's possible consumers of the browser bundle will encounter differences (other than an increase in the bundle size). If you do encounter an issue with the build, please report it here.

This release does not drop support for IE11.

Other community contributions came from @Devjeel, @Harsha509 and @sharath2106. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release!

Do you read Korean? See this guide to running parallel tests in Mocha, translated by our maintainer, @outsideris.

🎉 Enhancements

  • #4287: Use background colors with inline diffs for better visual distinction (@michael-brade)

🐛 Fixes

🔒 Security Fixes

📖 Documentation & Website

🔩 Other

  • #4293: Use Rollup and Babel in build pipeline; add source map to published files (@Munter)
mocha - v8.0.1

Published by boneskull over 4 years ago

8.0.1 / 2020-06-10

The obligatory patch after a major.

🐛 Fixes

mocha - v8.0.0

Published by boneskull over 4 years ago

8.0.0 / 2020-06-10

In this major release, Mocha adds the ability to run tests in parallel. Better late than never! Please note the breaking changes detailed below.

Let's welcome @giltayar and @nicojs to the maintenance team!

💥 Breaking Changes

  • #4164: Mocha v8.0.0 now requires Node.js v10.12.0 or newer. Mocha no longer supports the Node.js v8.x line ("Carbon"), which entered End-of-Life at the end of 2019 (@UlisesGascon)

  • #4175: Having been deprecated with a warning since v7.0.0, mocha.opts is no longer supported (@juergba)

    WORKAROUND: Replace mocha.opts with a configuration file.

  • #4260: Remove enableTimeout() (this.enableTimeout()) from the context object (@craigtaub)

    WORKAROUND: Replace usage of this.enableTimeout(false) in your tests with this.timeout(0).

  • #4315: The spec option no longer supports a comma-delimited list of files (@juergba)

    WORKAROUND: Use an array instead (e.g., "spec": "foo.js,bar.js" becomes "spec": ["foo.js", "bar.js"]).

  • #4309: Drop support for Node.js v13.x line, which is now End-of-Life (@juergba)

  • #4282: --forbid-only will throw an error even if exclusive tests are avoided via --grep or other means (@arvidOtt)

  • #4223: The context object's skip() (this.skip()) in a "before all" (before()) hook will no longer execute subsequent sibling hooks, in addition to hooks in child suites (@juergba)

  • #4178: Remove previously soft-deprecated APIs (@wnghdcjfe):

    • Mocha.prototype.ignoreLeaks()
    • Mocha.prototype.useColors()
    • Mocha.prototype.useInlineDiffs()
    • Mocha.prototype.hideDiff()

🎉 Enhancements

📖 Documentation

  • #4246: Add documentation for parallel mode and Root Hook plugins (@boneskull)

🔩 Other

🐛 Fixes

(All bug fixes in Mocha v8.0.0 are also breaking changes, and are listed above)

mocha - v7.2.0

Published by craigtaub over 4 years ago

7.2.0 / 2020-05-22

🎉 Enhancements

🐛 Fixes

📖 Documentation

🔩 Other

mocha - v7.1.2

Published by juergba over 4 years ago

7.1.2 / 2020-04-26

🔩 Other

📖 Documentation

mocha - v6.2.3 (latest-6)

Published by juergba over 4 years ago

6.2.3 / 2020-03-25

🔒 Security Fixes

mocha - v7.1.1

Published by juergba over 4 years ago

7.1.1 / 2020-03-18

🔒 Security Fixes

  • #4204: Update dependencies mkdirp, yargs-parser and yargs (@juergba)

🐛 Fixes

📖 Documentation

mocha - v7.1.0

Published by juergba over 4 years ago

7.1.0 / 2020-02-26

🎉 Enhancements

#4038: Add Node.js native ESM support (@giltayar)

Mocha supports writing your test files as ES modules:

  • Node.js only v12.11.0 and above
  • Node.js below v13.2.0, you must set --experimental-modules option
  • current limitations: please check our documentation
  • for programmatic usage: see API: loadFilesAsync()

Note: Node.JS native ECMAScript Modules implementation has status: Stability: 1 - Experimental

🐛 Fixes

📖 Documentation

🔩 Other

mocha - v7.0.1

Published by juergba almost 5 years ago

7.0.1 / 2020-01-25

🐛 Fixes

  • #4165: Fix exception when skipping tests programmatically (@juergba)
  • #4153: Restore backwards compatibility for reporterOptions (@holm)
  • #4150: Fix recovery of an open test upon uncaught exception (@juergba)
  • #4147: Fix regression of leaking uncaught exception handler (@juergba)

📖 Documentation

🔩 Other

mocha - v7.0.0-esm1 (experimental)

Published by juergba almost 5 years ago

7.0.0-esm1 / 2020-01-12

This is an experimental release based on v7.0.0: npm i [email protected]

🎉 Enhancements

#4038: Add Node.js native ESM support (@giltayar)

Enables Mocha to load ECMAScript Modules test files, also valid for --file option.


  • Node.js only v12.11.0 and above
  • Node.js below v13.2.0, you must set --experimental-modules option
  • ESM not (yet) supported for:
    • --watch mode
    • --require option
    • --reporter custom reporters
    • --ui custom interfaces
    • mocharc configuration file
mocha - v7.0.0

Published by juergba almost 5 years ago

7.0.0 / 2020-01-05

💥 Breaking Changes

  • #3885: Drop Node.js v6.x support (@mojosoeun)
  • #3890: Remove Node.js debug-related flags --debug/--debug-brk and deprecate debug argument (@juergba)
  • #3962: Changes to command-line options (@ParkSB):
    • --list-interfaces replaces --interfaces
    • --list-reporters replaces --reporters
  • Hook pattern of this.skip() (@juergba):
    • #3859: When conditionally skipping in a it test, related afterEach hooks are now executed
    • #3741: When conditionally skipping in a beforeEach hook, subsequent inner beforeEach hooks are now skipped and related afterEach hooks are executed
    • #4136: Disallow this.skip() within after hooks
  • #3967: Remove deprecated getOptions() and lib/cli/options.js (@juergba)
  • #4083: Uncaught exception in pending test: don't swallow, but retrospectively fail the test for correct exit code (@juergba)
  • #4004: Align Mocha constructor's option names with command-line options (@juergba)

🎉 Enhancements

  • #3980: Refactor and improve --watch mode with chokidar (@geigerzaehler):
    • adds command-line options --watch-files and --watch-ignore
    • removes --watch-extensions
  • #3979: Type "rs\n" to restart tests (@broofa)

📠 Deprecations

These are soft-deprecated, and will emit a warning upon use. Support will be removed in (likely) the next major version of Mocha:

  • #3968: Deprecate legacy configuration via mocha.opts (@juergba)

🐛 Fixes

🔍 Coverage

📖 Documentation

🔩 Other

mocha - v6.2.2

Published by boneskull about 5 years ago

6.2.2 / 2019-10-18

🐛 Fixes

📖 Documentation

mocha - v6.2.1

Published by outsideris about 5 years ago

6.2.1 / 2019-09-29

🐛 Fixes

  • #3955: tty.getWindowSize is not a function inside a "worker_threads" worker (@1999)
  • #3970: remove extraGlobals() (@juergba)
  • #3984: Update yargs-unparser to v1.6.0 (@juergba)
  • #3983: Package 'esm': spawn child-process for correct loading (@juergba)
  • #3986: Update yargs to v13.3.0 and yargs-parser to v13.1.1 (@juergba)

📖 Documentation

  • #3886: fix styles on (@outsideris)
  • #3966: Remove jsdoc index.html placeholder from eleventy file structure and fix broken link in jsdoc tutorial (@Munter)
  • #3765: Add Matomo to website (@MarioDiaz98)
  • #3947: Clarify effect of .skip() (@oliversalzburg)
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