
sq data wrangler

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sq - v0.39.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


  • #263: sq version now supports --yaml output.
  • #263: sq version now outputs host OS details with --verbose, --json
    and --yaml flags. The motivation behind this is bug submission: we want
    to know which OS/arch the user is on. E.g. for sq version -j:
  "version": "v0.38.1",
  "commit": "eedc11ec46d1f0e78628158cc6fd58850601d701",
  "timestamp": "2023-06-21T11:41:34Z",
  "latest_version": "v0.39.0",
  "host": {
    "platform": "darwin",
    "arch": "arm64",
    "kernel": "Darwin",
    "kernel_version": "22.5.0",
    "variant": "macOS",
    "variant_version": "13.4"
  • #263: The output of sq inspect and sq inspect -v has been refactored
    significantly, and should now be easier to work with (docs).
sq - v0.38.1

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


  • #261: The JSON writer (--json) could get deadlocked when a record contained
    a large amount of data, triggering an internal Flush() (which is mutex-guarded)
    from within the mutex-guarded WriteRecords() method.
sq - v0.38.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago

This release has significant improvements (and breaking changes) to SLQ (sq's query language).


  • ☢️ #254: The formerly-implicit "WHERE" mechanism now requires an explicit where() function.
    This, alas, is a fairly big breaking change. But it's necessary to remove an ambiguity roadblock.
    See discussion in the issue.

    # Previously
    $ sq '.actor | .actor_id <= 2'
    # Now
    $ sq '.actor | where(.actor_id <= 2)'
  • #256: Column-only queries are now possible. This has the neat side effect
    that sq can now be used as a calculator.

    $ sq 1+2

    You may want to use --no-header (-H) when using sq as a calculator.

    $ sq -H 1+2
    $ sq -H '(1+2)*3'


  • Literals can now be selected (docs).

    $ sq '.actor | .first_name, "X":middle_name, .last_name | .[0:2]'
    first_name  middle_name  last_name
    PENELOPE    X            GUINESS
    NICK        X            WAHLBERG
  • Lots of expressions that previously failed badly, now work.

    $ sq '.actor | .first_name, (1+2):addition | .[0:2]'
    first_name  addition
    PENELOPE    3
    NICK        3
  • #258: Column aliases can now be arbitrary strings, instead of only a
    valid identifier.

    # Previously only valid identifier allowed
    $ sq '.actor | .first_name:given_name | .[0:2]'
    # Now, any arbitrary string can be used
    $ sq '.actor | .first_name:"Given Name" | .[0:2]'
    Given Name
sq - v0.37.1

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


  • #252: Handle *uint64 returned from DB.
sq - v0.37.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


  • #244: Shell completion for sq add LOCATION. See docs.
sq - v0.36.2

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


 # mysql "date_format" func
 $ sq '@sakila/mysql | .payment | _date_format(.payment_date, "%m")'
 # Postgres "date_trunc" func
 $ sq '@sakila/postgres | .payment | _date_trunc("month", .payment_date)'
sq - v0.36.1

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


  • sq diff: Renamed --count flag to --counts as intended.
sq - v0.36.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago

The major feature is the long-gestating sq diff.


  • #229: sq diff compares two sources, or tables.
  • sq inspect --dbprops is a new mode that returns only the DB properties.
    Relatedly, the properties mechanism is now implemented for all four supported
    DB types (previously, it was only implemented for Postgres and MySQL).
  • CSV format now colorizes output.


  • sq inspect -v previously returned DB properties in a field named db_variables.
    This field has been renamed to db_properties. The renaming reflects the fact
    that some of those properties aren't really variables in the sense that they
    can be modified (e.g. DB server version or such).
  • The structure of the former db_variables (now db_properties) field has
    changed. Previously it was an array of {"name": "XX", "value": "YY"} values,
    but now is a map, where the keys are strings, and the values can be either
    a scalar (bool, int, string, etc.), or a nested value such as an array
    or map. This change is made because some databases (e.g. SQLite) feature
    complex data in some property values.
  • CSV format now renders byte sequences as [777 bytes] instead of dumping
    the raw bytes.
  • ☢️ TSV format (--tsv) no longer has a shorthand form -T. Apparently that
    shorthand wasn't used much, and -T is needed elsewhere.
  • ☢️ Likewise, --xml no longer has shorthand -X. And --markdown has lost alias --md.
  • In addition to the format flags --text, --json, etc., there is now
    a --format=FORMAT flag, e.g. --format=json. This will allow sq to
    continue to expand the number of output formats, without needing to have
    a dedicated flag for each format.
sq - v0.35.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


  • #8: Results can now be output in YAML.


  • sq config get OPT --text now prints only the value, not KEY VALUE.
    If you want to see key and value, consider using --yaml, or --text --verbose.
sq - v0.34.2

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


  • Both --markdown and the alias --md are now supported.
sq - v0.34.1

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


  • Fixed a minor issue where sq ls -jv and sq ls -yv produced no output
    if config contained no explicitly set options.
sq - v0.34.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago

This release significantly overhauls sq's config mechanism (#199).
For an overview, see the new config docs.

Alas, this release has several minor breaking changes ☢️.


  • sq config ls shows config.
  • sq config get gets individual config option.
  • sq config set sets config values.
  • sq config edit edits config.
    • Editor can be specified via $EDITOR or $SQ_EDITOR.
  • sq config location prints the location of the config dir.
  • --config flag is now honored globally.
  • Many more knobs are exposed in config.
  • Logging is much more configurable. There are new knobs:
    $ sq config set log true
    $ sq config set log.level INFO
    $ sq config set log.file /var/log/sq.log
    There are also equivalent flags (--log, --log.file and --log.level) and
    envars (SQ_LOG, SQ_LOG_FILE and SQ_LOG_LEVEL).
  • Several more commands support YAML output:


  • The structure of sq's config file (sq.yml) has changed. The config
    file is automatically upgraded when using the new version.
  • The default location of the sq log file has changed. The new location
    is platform-dependent. Use sq config get log.file -v to view the location,
    or sq config set log.file /path/to/sq.log to set it.
  • ☢️ Envar SQ_CONFIG replaces SQ_CONFIGDIR.
  • ☢️ Envar SQ_LOG_FILE replaces SQ_LOGFILE.
  • ☢️ Format flag --table is renamed to --text. This is changed because while the
    output is mostly in table format, sometimes it's just plain text. Thus
    table was not quite accurate.
  • ☢️ The flag to explicitly specify a driver when piping input to sq has been
    renamed from --driver to --ingest.driver. This change aligns
    the naming of the ingest options and reduces ambiguity.
    # previously
    $ cat mystery.data | sq --driver=csv '.data'
    # now
    $ cat mystery.data | sq --ingest.driver=csv '.data'
  • ☢️ sq add no longer has the generic --opts x=y mechanism. This flag was
    ambiguous and confusing. Instead, use explicit option flags.
    # previously
    $ sq add ./actor.csv --opts=header=false
    # now
    $ sq add ./actor.csv --ingest.header=false
  • ☢️ The short form of the sq add --handle flag has been changed from -h to
    -n. While this is not ideal, the -h shorthand is already in use everywhere
    else as the short form of --header.
    # previously
    $ sq add ./actor.csv -h @actor
    # now
    $ sq add ./actor.csv -n @actor
  • ☢️ The --pretty flag has been removed. Its only previous use was with the
    json format, where if --pretty=false would output the JSON in compact form.
    To better align with jq, there is now a --compact / -c flag that behaves
    identically to jq.
  • ☢️ Because of the above --compact / -c flag, the short form of the --csv
    flag is changing from -c to -C. It's an unfortunate situation, but alignment
    with jq's behavior is an overarching principle that justifies the change.
sq - v0.33.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago

The headline feature is source groups.
This is the biggest change to the sq CLI in some time, and should make working with lots of sources much easier.


  • #192: sq now has a mechanism to group sources. A source handle can
    now be scoped. For example, instead of @sakila_prod, @sakila_staging, etc,
    you can use @prod/sakila, @staging/sakila. Use sq group prod to
    set the active group (which sq ls respects). See docs.
  • sq group GROUP sets the active group to GROUP.
  • sq group returns the active group (default is /, the root group).
  • sq ls GROUP lists the sources in GROUP.
  • sq ls --group (or sq ls -g) lists all groups.
  • sq mv moves/renames sources and groups.


  • sq ls now shows the active item in a distinct color. It no longer adds
    an asterisk to the active item.
  • sq ls now sorts alphabetically when using --table format.
  • sq ls now shows the sources in the active group only. But note that
    the default active group is / (the root group), so the default behavior
    of sq ls is the same as before.
  • sq add hello.csv will now generate the handle @hello instead of @hello_csv.
    On a second invocation, it will return @hello1 instead of @hello_csv_1. Why
    this change? Well, with the availability of the source group mechanism, the _ character
    in the handle somehow looked ugly. And more importantly, _ is a relative pain to type.
  • sq ping has changed to support groups. Instead of sq ping --all, you can
    do sq ping GROUP, e.g. sq ping /.
sq - v0.32.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


  • #187: For csv sources, sq will now try to auto-detect if the CSV file
    has a header row or not. Previously, this needed to be explicitly specified
    via an awkward syntax:

    $ sq add ./actor.csv --opts=header=true

    This change makes working with CSV files significantly lower friction.
    A command like the below now almost always works as expected:

    $ cat ./actor.csv | sq .data

    Support for Excel/XLSX header detection is in #191.


  • sq is now better at detecting the (data) kind of CSV fields. It now more
    accurately distinguishes between Decimal and Int, and knows how to
    handle Datetime.

  • #189: sq now treats CSV empty fields as NULL.

sq - v0.31.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


  • #173: Predefined variables via --arg
    flag (docs):
    $ sq --arg first TOM '.actor | .first_name == $first'


  • Use --md instead of --markdown for outputting Markdown.


  • #185: sq inspect now better handles "too many connections" situations.
  • go.mod: Moved to jackc/pgx v5.
  • Refactor: switched to slog logging library.
sq - v0.30.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


  • #164: Implemented unique function (docs):
    $ sq '.actor | .first_name | unique'
    This is equivalent to:
    SELECT DISTINCT first_name FROM actor
  • Implemented count_unique function (docs).
    $ sq '.actor | count_unique(.first_name)'


  • The count function has been changed (docs)
    • Added no-args version: .actor | count equivalent to SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count" FROM "actor".
    • BREAKING CHANGE: The "star" version (.actor | count(*)) is no longer supported; use the
      naked version instead.
  • Function columns are now named according to the sq token, not the SQL token.
    # previous behavior
    $ sq '.actor | max(.actor_id)'
    # now
    $ sq '.actor | max(.actor_id)'
sq - v0.29.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago



  • Renamed groupby to group_by to match jq.
  • Renamed orderby to order_by to match jq.
sq - v0.28.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


sq - v0.27.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


sq - v0.26.0

Published by neilotoole over 1 year ago


  • #98: Whitespace is now allowed in SLQ selector names. You can
    do @sakila | ."film actor" | ."actor id".


  • #155: sq inspect now populates schema field in JSON for MySQL,
    SQLite, and SQL Server (Postgres already worked).