
Build chat in minutes with Sendbird UIKit open source code.

MIT License

sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.4.0] (Mar 6 2023)

Published by HoonBaek over 1 year ago

Voice Message

Voice message is a new type of message and feature that you can use in group channel. You can record your voice on the message input and send it to the channel. Also the messages will be displayed as a new design of the voice message. You are able to use this feature from this version.

How to turn on/off

  • You can turn this feature on/off using the props isVoiceMessageEnabled on the and components. Here is an example.
import App from '@sendbird/uikit-react/App'
import SendbirdProvider from '@sendbird/uikit-react/SendbirdProvider'
import { useEffect } from 'react'

const QuickStart = () => (<App isVoiceMessageEnabled />)
const CustomApp = () => {
  const [useVoiceMessage, setUseVoiceMessage] = useEffect(true)
  return (
      {/* Implement your custom app here */}

How to customize the voice message in Channel and Thread?

You can identify the voice message to check if message.type includes sbu_type=voice. But you can use isVoiceMessage util function to do that.

import Channel from '@sendbird/uikit-react/Channel'
import isVoiceMessage from '@sendbird/uikit-react/utils/message/isVoiceMessage'

const CustomChannel = () => {
  return (
      renderMessage={({ message }) => {
        if (isVoiceMessage(message)) {
          // Return your custom voice message item component
        return null

Limitation & Next step

  • For now, it's not able to customize the inner components of VoiceMessageInput. We are going to provide an interface to customize it in the future. Until that time, you can replace the VoiceMessageInput component using the renderVoiceMessageIcon props of MessageInput component.

What has been changed?

  • Add props isVoiceMessageEnabled and voiceRecord props to the App, SendbirdProvider, and MessageInput components, to turn on/off the voice message recording feature
    import SendbirdProvider from '@sendbird/uikit-react/SendbirdProvider'
    const CustomApp = () => {
      return (
            maxRecordingTime: 60000,
            minRecordingTime: 1000,
          {/* implement custom application */}
  • Add props onVoiceMessageIconClick to the MessageInput component
  • Add props onBeforeSendVoiceMessage to the Channel component
  • Fetch message list including MetaArray in the Channel and Thread modules
  • Provide new IconType AudioOnLined & new IconColor Primary2 and OnBackground4
  • Provide new string sets
    import SendbirdProvider from '@sendbird/uikit-react/SendbirdProvider'
    const CustomApp = () => {
      return (
            BUTTON__OK: 'OK',
            VOICE_MESSAGE: 'Voice Message',
            MODAL__VOICE_MESSAGE_INPUT_DISABLED__TITLE_MUTED: 'You\'re muted by the operator.',
            MODAL__VOICE_MESSAGE_INPUT_DISABLED__TITLE_FROZEN: 'Channel is frozen.',
          {/* implement custom application */}
    • BUTTON__OK: 'OK' → Used on the submit button of pop up modal
    • MODAL__VOICE_MESSAGE_INPUT_DISABLED__TITLE_MUTED: 'You're muted by the operator.' → Used in an alert pop-up modal
    • MODAL__VOICE_MESSAGE_INPUT_DISABLED__TITLE_FROZEN: 'Channel is frozen.' → Used in an alert pop-up modal
    • VOICE_MESSAGE: 'Voice Message' → Used in ChannelPreviewItem, QuoteMessage, and MessageSearch to appear that the message type is the voice## External Contributions

What has been added?

  • Install lamejs to convert the audio file to mp3 (iOS support)
  • UI components
    import PlaybackTime from "@sendbird/uikit-react/ui/PlaybackTime"
    import ProgressBar from "@sendbird/uikit-react/ui/ProgressBar"
    import VoiceMessageInput from "@sendbird/uikit-react/ui/VoiceMessageInput"
    import VoiceMessageItemBody from "@sendbird/uikit-react/ui/VoiceMessageItemBody"
    • PlaybackTime: Display the current time in 00:00 format with the received millisecond value
    • ProgressBar: Display the current progress status with the received maxSize and currentSize of millisecond unit value
    • VoiceMessageInput: UI component for recording and playing a voice message
    • VoiceMessageItemBody: UI component for rendering a voice message also able to play voice message
  • VoiceRecorder
    import { VoiceRecorderProvider, useVoiceRecorderContext } from '@sendbird/uikit-react/VoiceRecorder/context'
    import useVoiceRecorder from '@sendbird/uikit-react/VoiceRecorder/useVoiceRecorder'
    • VoiceRecorderProvider: A react context provider component providing start, and stop functions
    • useVoiceRecorderContext: A react useContext hook of VoiceRecorderProvider
    • useVoiceRecorder: A react hook that provides advanced context, recordingLimit, recordingTime, recordingFile, and recordingStatus. Recommend using this hook in the customized components.
  • VoicePlayer
    import { VoicePlayerProvider, useVoicePlayerContext } from '@sendbird/uikit-react/VoicePlayer/context'
    import useVoicePlayer from '@sendbird/uikit-react/VoicePlayer/useVoicePlayer'
    • VoicePlayerProvider: A react context provider component providing play, and pause functions
    • useVoicePlayerContext: A react useContext hook of VoicePlayerProvider
    • useVoicePlayer: A react hook that provides advanced context, playbackTime, duration, and playingStatus. Recommend using this hook in the customized components.
  • utils/isVoiceMessage: A function that you can check if the given message is a voice message
    import isVoiceMessage from '@sendbird/uikit-react/utils/message/isVoiceMessage'
    const isVoiceMsg: boolean = isVoiceMessage(message);


  • Add props renderFileUploadIcon, renderVoiceMessageIcon, and renderSendMessageIcon into the Channel, ChannelUI, and MessageInput component
    interface MessageInputProps {
      renderFileUploadIcon?: () =>  React.ReactElement;
      renderVoiceMessageIcon?: () =>  React.ReactElement;
      renderSendMessageIcon?: () =>  React.ReactElement;


  • Use ApplicationUserListQuery on ChannelSettings component
  • Fix some visual issues on the normal User Panel of ChannelSettings
  • Indentify faulty images in OG message
  • Add classname: sendbird-og-message-item-body__og-thumbnail__empty to identify faulty images in OG message
    Clients can use CSS to target this class~
    .sendbird-og-message-item-body__og-thumbnail__empty {
      display: none;

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.3.7] (Feb 24 2023)

Published by HoonBaek over 1 year ago


  • Add props activeChannelUrl to ChannelList to give an option to pragmatically set a channel from a parent component router
    const MyChannelList = () => {
      const [myActiveChannel] = useState()
      return (<ChannelList activeChannelUrl={myActiveChannel.url} />)


  • Fix not showing newly recived messages in channel which has less messages
  • Use a real channel.invitedAt value when trying to fetch MessageSearchQuery
  • Disable the checkbox of the joined users on the InviteUsersModal
  • Set the default value of CheckBox component: @sendbird/uikit-react/ui/CheckBox as false
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.3.6] (Feb 13 2023)

Published by sravan-s over 1 year ago


  • pubsub should be initialized with useState
  • update onBeforeCreateChannel example to use chat V4
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.5.0-beta.0] (Feb 6 2023)

Published by sravan-s over 1 year ago

Notification Channel

A notification channel is a new group channel dedicated to receiving one way marketing and transactional messages. To allow users to view messages sent through Sendbird Message Builder with the correct rendering, you need to implement the notification channel view using <NotificationChannel>


  • Provide new module NotificationChannel
    • NotificationChannel
      import NotificationChannel from '@sendbird/uikit-react/NotificationChannel'
      • channelUrl: string;
      • children?: React.ReactElement;
        // To customize Query
      • messageListParams?: MessageListParams;
        // Sets last seen externally
      • lastSeen?: number;
        // handles Actions sepcified in Message Templates
      • handleWebAction?(event: React.SyntheticEvent, action: Action, message: BaseMessage): null;
      • handleCustomAction?(event: React.SyntheticEvent, action: Action, message: BaseMessage): null;
      • handlePredefinedAction?(event: React.SyntheticEvent, action: Action, message: BaseMessage): null;
        // UI overrides
      • isLoading?: boolean;
      • renderPlaceholderLoader?: () => React.ReactElement;
      • renderPlaceholderInvalid?: () => React.ReactElement;
      • renderPlaceholderEmpty?: () => React.ReactElement;
      • renderHeader?: () => React.ReactElement;
      • renderMessageHeader?: ({ message }) => React.ReactElement;
      • renderMessage?: ({ message }) => React.ReactElement;
export const NotificationChannelComponenet = () => (
    <div style={{ height: '960px', width: '360px' }}>
        renderPlaceholderLoader={() => <MyBrandLogo />};
        handleCustomAction={(event, action, message) => {
          ... implement custom action
  • Submodules:
    • Context
      import { NotficationChannelProvider useNotficationChannelContext } from '@sendbird/uikit-react/NotificationChannel/context'
      Handles business logic of Notification Channel
    • NotificationChannelUI
      import NotificationChannelUI from '@sendbird/uikit-react/NotificationChannel/components/NotificationChannelUI'
      UI wrapper of Notification Channel
    • NotificationMessageWrap
      import NotificationMessageWrap from '@sendbird/uikit-react/NotificationChannel/components/NotificationMessageWrap'
    • NotificationList
      import NotificationList from '@sendbird/uikit-react/NotificationChannel/components/NotificationList'
  • External modules:
    Unlike some of our other releases we decide to release some components into seperate packages to enahnce reusability with other platforms/projects
    • MessageTemplateParser('@sendbird/react-message-template')
      • MessageTemplate
        import { createMessageTemplate } from '@sendbird/react-message-template'
      • Parser
        import { createParser } from '@sendbird/react-message-template'
      • Renderer
        import { createRenderer } from '@sendbird/react-message-template'
    • MessageTemplateParser('@sendbird/react-message-template')
      • Context
        import { MessageProvider, useMessageContext } from '@sendbird/react-uikit-message-template-view';
      • MessageTemplateView
        import { MessageTemplateView } from '@sendbird/react-uikit-message-template-view';
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.3.5] (Feb 3 2023)

Published by sravan-s over 1 year ago


  • Voice Recorder&Player logic(not public yet)
    • Add a voice record logic: VoiceRecorderProvider, useVoiceRecorderContext, useVoiceRecorder
    • Add an audio play logic: VoicePlayerProvider, useVoicePlayerContext, useVoicePlayer
  • Create an integrated sample for the group channel


  • Migrate the outdated ChannelListQuery interface
    • Issue: A customer said the userIdsFilter of ChannelListQuery doesn't work when receiving messages
      There's been an internal channel filtering logic with custom channelListQuery, but it's broken because we've used the outdated interface of Chat SDK.
    • Fix: We migrated the outdated interface _searchFilter and _userIdsFilter to new things searchFilter and `userIdsFilter
  • Use the same word-splitting logic on the TextMessage and OGMessage
    • TextMessage will also allow opening the URL links
    • Use the same word wrapping style on the TextMessage and OGMessage
  • Apply string set into the moderation section
    • Add string set
      • CHANNEL_SETTING__MODERATION__EMPTY_BAN: 'No banned members yet'
      • CHANNEL_SETTING__MODERATION__ALL_BAN: 'All banned members'
  • Edit should not be allowed when input is empty
  • New channel interrupts the current conversation
    • Do not set the current channel when getting an invitation
    • Add test for USER_INVITED in the reducer of ChannelList
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.3.4] (Jan 6 2023)

Published by HoonBaek almost 2 years ago


  • Add the time stamp rendering case for before this year on the ChannelList
  • Improve the message input security
    • Possibility of XSS has been discovered
    • Recommend to do a version up, if you are using UIKit version 3.0.0 or higher
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.3.3] (Dec 22 2022)

Published by HoonBaek almost 2 years ago


  • Change default value of the image compression rate to 70%(0.7)
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.3.2] (Dec 8 2022)

Published by HoonBaek almost 2 years ago

[v3.3.2] (Dec 8 2022)


  • Add props renderTitle to the component

    • renderHeader of will be deprecated
  • Add interface overrideInviteUser

    Add overrideInviteUser to ChannelList, CreateChannel and ChannelSettings

    This interface overrides InviteMember functionality. Customer has to create the channel
    and close the popup manually

    export type OverrideInviteUserType = {
        users: Array<string>;
        onClose: () => void;
        channelType: 'group' | 'supergroup' | 'broadcast';
    export interface ChannelListProps {
      overrideInviteUser?(params: OverrideInviteUserType): void;
    export interface CreateChannelProps {
      overrideInviteUser?(params: OverrideInviteUserType): void;
    export type OverrideInviteMemberType = {
        users: Array<string>;
        onClose: () => void;
        channel: GroupChannel;
    ChannelSettings.overrideInviteUser?(params: OverrideInviteMemberType): void;


      overrideInviteUser={({users, onClose, channelType}) => {
        createMyChannel(users, channelType).then(() => {


  • Allow to override entire message search query.
    Now message search query supports searching messages in multiple channels.
  • Modify type definitions for props ThreadUIProps.renderMessage.
  • Remove duplication of create channel button when using renderHeader of .
  • The online status should work even configureSession is provided.
    This was disabled because of a bug in sessionHandler in SDK now, we can re-enable this.
  • Create channel sometimes had empty operatorID.
    Use sendbird state to access currentUserID and use it incase prop value is empty.
    Also, remove legacy HOC pattern.
  • Add the props type isMentionEnabled of .
  • Change the props type messageSearchQuery of to MessageSearchQueryParams.

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.3.1] (Nov 23 2022)

Published by HoonBaek almost 2 years ago

[v3.3.1] (Nov 23 2022)

  • Rename properties of useThreadContext
    • channelStatus to channelState
    • parentMessageInfoStatus to parentMessageState
    • threadListStatus to threadListState
  • Change the state types to enum
    enum ChannelStateTypes {
      NIL = 'NIL',
    enum ParentMessageStateTypes {
      NIL = 'NIL',
    enum ThreadListStateTypes {
      NIL = 'NIL',

[v3.3.0] (Nov 23 2022)

  • Provide new module Thread. See the specific informations of this module on the Docs page
    • You can use a combined component Thread. Import it with
      import Thread from "@sendbird/uikit-react/Thread"
    • Also you can use ThreadProvider and useThreadContext for customization. Import it with
      import { ThreadProvider, useThreadContext } from "@sendbird/uikit-react/Thread/context"
    • And the other UI components are provided under the Thread. ThreadUI, ThreadHeader, ParentMessageInfo, ParentMessageInfoItem, ThreadList, ThreadListItem, and ThreadMessageInput are it
  • Add channel props
    • threadReplySelectType: Type of the value should be
      enum ThreadReplySelectType { PARENT, THREAD }
      You can see how to use it below
      import { ThreadReplySelectType } from "@sendbird/uikit-react/Channel/context";
    • animatedMessage: Type of the value should be number(messageId)
    • onReplyInThread: This function is called when user click the button "Reply in thread" on the message context menu
      type onReplyInThread = ({ message: UserMessage | FileMessage }) => void
    • onQuoteMessageClick: This function is called when user click the quote message on the message of Channel
      type onQuoteMessageClick = ({ message: UserMessage | FileMessage }) => {}
    • onMessageAnimated: This function is called after that message item is animated
      type onMessageAnimated = () => void
    • onMessageHighlighted: This function is called after that message item is highlighted
      type onMessageHighlighted = () => void
  • Add ui/ThreadReplies component
    interface ThreadRepliesProps {
      className?: string;
      threadInfo: ThreadInfo;
      onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => void;


  • Do not allow operator to unregister itself on the OperatorList of GroupChannel
  • Create new group channel when user open 1:1 channel on the UserProfile
  • Register the channel creator as an operator in 1:1 channel
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.3.0] (Nov 23 2022)

Published by HoonBaek almost 2 years ago


  • Provide new module Thread. See the specific informations of this module on the Docs page
    • You can use a combined component Thread. Import it with
      import Thread from "@sendbird/uikit-react/Thread"
    • Also you can use ThreadProvider and useThreadContext for customization. Import it with
      import { ThreadProvider, useThreadContext } from "@sendbird/uikit-react/Thread/context"
    • And the other UI components are provided under the Thread. ThreadUI, ThreadHeader, ParentMessageInfo, ParentMessageInfoItem, ThreadList, ThreadListItem, and ThreadMessageInput are it
  • Add channel props
    • threadReplySelectType: Type of the value should be
      enum ThreadReplySelectType { PARENT, THREAD }
      You can see how to use it below
      import { ThreadReplySelectType } from "@sendbird/uikit-react/Channel/context";
    • animatedMessage: Type of the value should be number(messageId)
    • onReplyInThread: This function is called when user click the button "Reply in thread" on the message context menu
      type onReplyInThread = ({ message: UserMessage | FileMessage }) => void
    • onQuoteMessageClick: This function is called when user click the quote message on the message of Channel
      type onQuoteMessageClick = ({ message: UserMessage | FileMessage }) => {}
    • onMessageAnimated: This function is called after that message item is animated
      type onMessageAnimated = () => void
    • onMessageHighlighted: This function is called after that message item is highlighted
      type onMessageHighlighted = () => void
  • Add ui/ThreadReplies component
    interface ThreadRepliesProps {
      className?: string;
      threadInfo: ThreadInfo;
      onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => void;


  • Do not allow operator to unregister itself on the OperatorList of GroupChannel
  • Create new group channel when user open 1:1 channel on the UserProfile
  • Register the channel creator as an operator in 1:1 channel
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.2.6] (Nov 14 2022)

Published by sravan-s almost 2 years ago


  • Use ref instead of querySelector for DOM manipulation
    Fixes the issue where input is not cleared when multiple channels are open at the same time
  • Apply pre-line into the OpenChannelUserMessage
    Fixes the issue where OpenChannel UserMessage doesnt have new line

sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.2.5] (Nov 7 2022)

Published by HoonBaek almost 2 years ago


  • Modify the type of parameters in the sendbirdSelectors
    There has been unsyncronous between reality and types
    This fix only affects to TypeScript
    • getLeaveGroupChannel: channel to channelUrl
    • getEnterOpenChannel: channel to channelUrl
    • getExitOpenChannel: channel to channelUrl
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.2.4] (Nov 1 2022)

Published by sravan-s almost 2 years ago


  • For Channel component, added separate prop isLoading?.boolean
    Usage: <Channel channelUrl {currentChannelUrl} isLoading={!currentChannelUrl} />
  • For flicker in ChannelList, no extra props


  • React UIKit placeholder rendering issue
  • Fix scroll issue in ChannelList where user cannot load more channels
  • Modify TS interface getLeaveChannel to getLeaveGroupChannel in selectors
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.2.3] (Oct 14 2022)

Published by HoonBaek about 2 years ago


  • Add a prop disableMarkAsRead into the
    This prop disables calling markAsRead in the Channel component
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.2.2] (Oct 13 2022)

Published by sravan-s about 2 years ago


  • Export a type OutgoingMessageStates
    • Type: enum OutgoingMessageStates { NONE, PENDING, SENT, FAILED, DELIVERED, READ }
  • Export a util function getOutgoingMessageState
    • Importing path: "@sendbird/uikit-react/utils/message/getOutgoingMessageState"
    • Interface: function getOutgoingMessageState(channel, message): OutgoingMessageStates
  • Add a prop disableMarkAsDelivered into the and
    Some of our customers do not use the markAsDelivery feature,
    but we always have called the markAsDelivered on the ChannelList with every channel
    It caused a rate-limit issue, so we add a new prop to disable the markAdDelivered call for that case
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.2.1] (Oct 04 2022)

Published by sravan-s about 2 years ago


  • Donot bundle chat sdk with uikit compiled code

Compiled UIKit code that is distributed through npm shouldnt have Chat SDK minified code included in it Chat SDK should be a dependency of UIKit


  • Chat SDK bug fixes will be added for free
  • Eliminate the need for handlers

What caused the issue:
If you are usig rollup for bundling
in config.external you have to be specific
This works:

external: [

This doesnt:

external: [ '@sendbird/chat', ]
  • Only react and react-dom should be peerDependencies

For npm >= v7, npm autoinstall peerDependency packages According to You want to express the compatibility of your package with a host tool or library while not necessarily doing a require of this host Even though react is required, its better to show that react is the host tool

sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.2.0] (Sep 27 2022)

Published by sravan-s about 2 years ago


  • OpenChannelList component
    • Create new smart components (modules)
      • CreateOpenChannel
      • OpenChannelList
    • Add a renderHeader props into the ui/Modal component
    • Add stringSet for OpenChannelLisit and CreateOpenChannel components
      • OPEN_CHANNEL_LIST__TITLE: 'Channels',
      • CREATE_OPEN_CHANNEL_LIST__TITLE: 'New channel profile',
  • Add prop?.value to MessageWrappers
    • @sendbird/uikit-react/Channel/components/MessageInput
    • @sendbird/uikit-react/OpenChannel/components/OpenChannelInput
    • @sendbird/uikit-react/ui/MessageInput
    • Value is reset when channelURL changes


  • Fix issue where ConnectionHandler overwrite SessionHandler
  • Use queries from @sendbird/chat
    • Use imported versions of GroupChannelListQueryParams and ApplicationUserListQueryParams
  • Fix openChannel casing in type defn
  • Add some missing localization variables
  • Deprecate ChatHeader and ChannelPreview in @sendbird/uikit-react/ui
  • Replace the ButtonTypes and ButtonSizes into the Button/index
  • Apply scroll to input and dark theme color to UserProfile
  • Disable the create channel button when no user invite
  • Use ref from MessageInputWrapper props if present
  • Some CSS level polishing fixes~

Dev. Env:

  • Remove enzyme and react-test-renderer
  • Upgrade the react version to v18
  • Upgrade the storybook version to v6.5.10
  • Upgrade the jest and babel-jest to v29
  • Upgrade the jsdom to v20
  • Install jest-environment-jsdom
  • Install global-jsdom
  • Install testing-library (@testing-library/react and @testing-library/jest-dom)
  • Migrate every tests with testing-library instead of the enzyme and `react-test-renderer
  • Replace node-sass with sass(Dart Sass)
  • Reduce bundle size by treating react-dom/server as external
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.1.3] (Sep 19 2022)

Published by HoonBaek about 2 years ago


  • Export SessionHandler through @sendbird/uikit-react/handlers/SessionHandler
    • This is a workaround to fix an issue where inhertiance chains break custom handler implementation
    • import SessionHandler from '@sendbird/uikit-react/handlers/SessionHandler'
  • Rem units can be used for typography
    • Pass prop config.isREMUnitEnabled -> true on SendbirdProvider
      to use "rem" units
    • We are adding rem as unit for typography/font size


  • Fix the position of ContextMenu
  • Do not exit the current open channel when the channel state is changed
  • Display menu only for operators on the member list
  • Hide muted icon when pop-up component is appeared
  • Set message context's border roundly by the state using the reaction feature
    • Add props isReactionEnabled to the <TextMessageItemBody />
    • Add props isReactionEnabled to the <OGMessageItemBody />
    • Add props isReactionEnabled to the <FileMessageItemBody />
    • Add props isReactionEnabled to the <ThumbnailMessageItemBody />
    • Add props isReactionEnabled to the <UnknownMessageItemBody />
  • Add the message as a parameter of renderCustomSeparator
    • before: renderCustomSeparator={() => ReactElement}
    • after: renderCustomSeparator={(props: { message }) => ReactElement}
  • Fix typo on the type
    • renderCustomSep'e'rator to renderCustomSep'a'rator
sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.1.2] (Aug 31 / Sept 1 2022)

Published by sravan-s about 2 years ago

Migrate UI components into TypeScript
This doesnt affect anyone, it a step in task to migrate the project source code into TS


  • Type defn: Change type of react elements to React.ReactElement

    • Change every React.ReactNode and React.Component to React.ReactElement
    • Use the type of SendbirdError
    • Use the type MessageSearchQueryParams
    • Use enum MessageSearchOrder.TIMESTAMP in the message search query params instead of 'ts' as const

    ReactNode could be string | number | null | undefined | ReactElement | portal and this(expecting string or number) causes warning when we use it like <CustomComp />

    // in the component
    { renderMessage } = props
    const CustomMessage = useMemo(() => {
      return renderMessage({ ... });
    }, []);
    return (
        <CustomMessage />

    so expecting ReactElement is better for our case

  • Fix message grouping:
    Set isMessageGroupingEnabed to true(was set to false during v2 migration)

sendbird-uikit-react - [v3.1.1] (Aug 17 2022)

Published by sravan-s about 2 years ago


  • Add channel handlers to the open channel settings
    • Add an open channel handler into the OpenChannelSettings component
    • Use operators property to render operator list on the OpenChannelSetting
      instead of fetching operators
  • Export handlers through @sendbird/uikit-react/handlers, this is a workaround
    to fix an issue where inhertiance chains break custom handler implementation
    • ConnectionHandler -> @sendbird/uikit-react/handlers/ConnectionHandler
    • GroupChannelHandler -> @sendbird/uikit-react/handlers/GroupChannelHandler
    • OpenChannelHandler -> @sendbird/uikit-react/handlers/OpenChannelHandler
    • UserEventHandler -> @sendbird/uikit-react/handlers/UserEventHandler
    • Example:


  • Update SendableMessage to UserMessage and FileMessage
  • Change the type of MessageHandler.onFailed to FailedMessageHandler
  • Add missing type defns into scripts/index_d_ts
  • Typo in creating channelHandlerId on the ChannelList
Extracted from project README
Platform React Language TypeScript
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