
Headless TypeScript ORM with a head. Runs on Node, Bun and Deno. Lives on the Edge and yes, it's a JavaScript ORM too 😅

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drizzle-orm - 0.28.6

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago


MySQL datetime with mode: 'date' will now store dates in UTC strings and retrieve data in UTC as well to align with MySQL behavior for datetime. If you need a different behavior and want to handle datetime mapping in a different way, please use mode: 'string' or Custom Types implementation

Check Fix Datetime mapping for MySQL for implementation details

New Features

🎉 LibSQL batch api support

Reference: https://docs.turso.tech/reference/client-access/javascript-typescript-sdk#execute-a-batch-of-statements

Batch API usage example:

const batchResponse = await db.batch([
	db.insert(usersTable).values({ id: 1, name: 'John' }).returning({
		id: usersTable.id,
	db.update(usersTable).set({ name: 'Dan' }).where(eq(usersTable.id, 1)),
	db.select().from(usersTable).where(eq(usersTable.id, 1)),
	db.select({ id: usersTable.id, invitedBy: usersTable.invitedBy }).from(

Type for batchResponse in this example would be:

type BatchResponse = [
		id: number;
		id: number;
		name: string;
		verified: number;
		invitedBy: number | null;
		id: number;
		name: string;
		verified: number;
		invitedBy: number | null;
		id: number;
		invitedBy: number | null;

All possible builders that can be used inside db.batch:


More usage examples here: integration-tests/tests/libsql-batch.test.ts and in docs

🎉 Add json mode for text in SQLite


const test = sqliteTable('test', {
	dataTyped: text('data_typed', { mode: 'json' }).$type<{ a: 1 }>().notNull(),

🎉 Add .toSQL() to Relational Query API calls


const query = db.query.usersTable.findFirst().toSQL();

🎉 Added new PostgreSQL operators for Arrays - thanks @L-Mario564

List of operators and usage examples
arrayContains, arrayContained, arrayOverlaps

const contains = await db.select({ id: posts.id }).from(posts)
	.where(arrayContains(posts.tags, ['Typescript', 'ORM']));

const contained = await db.select({ id: posts.id }).from(posts)
	.where(arrayContained(posts.tags, ['Typescript', 'ORM']));

const overlaps = await db.select({ id: posts.id }).from(posts)
	.where(arrayOverlaps(posts.tags, ['Typescript', 'ORM']));

const withSubQuery = await db.select({ id: posts.id }).from(posts)
		db.select({ tags: posts.tags }).from(posts).where(eq(posts.id, 1)),

🎉 Add more SQL operators for where filter function in Relational Queries - thanks @cayter!


import { inArray } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";

await db.users.findFirst({
  where: (table, _) => inArray(table.id, [ ... ])


await db.users.findFirst({
  where: (table, { inArray }) => inArray(table.id, [ ... ])

Bug Fixes

drizzle-orm - 0.28.5

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

  • 🐛 Fixed incorrect OpenTelemetry type import that caused a runtime error

The OpenTelemetry logic currently present in the ORM isn't meant to be used by Drizzle and no stats have ever been collected by Drizzle using drizzle-orm. OpenTelemetry is simply a protocol. If you take a look at the actual code that utilizes it in drizzle-orm, it simply uses the tracer to collect the query stats and doesn't send it anywhere. It was designed for the ORM users to be able to send those stats to their own telemetry consumers.

The important thing is - the OpenTelemetry logic is disabled on the current version. It literally does nothing. We experimented with it at some point in the past, but disabled it before the release.

As to the reason of the issue in the last release: it happened because of an incorrect type import on this line - https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm/blob/594e96538e588fee5748e372884dbaf32c331524/drizzle-orm/src/tracing.ts#L1. We've used import { type ... } syntax instead of import type { ... }, which resulted in the import '@opentelemetry/api' line leaking to the runtime.

drizzle-orm - 0.28.4

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

  • 🐛 Fixed imports in ESM-based projects (#1088)
  • 🐛 Fixed type error on Postgres table definitions (#1089)

If you are facing a Cannot find package '@opentelemetry/api' error, please update to 0.28.5, it's fixed there.

drizzle-orm - 0.28.3

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

  • 🎉 Added SQLite simplified query API

  • 🎉 Added .$defaultFn() / .$default() methods to column builders

You can specify any logic and any implementation for a function like cuid() for runtime defaults. Drizzle won't limit you in the number of implementations you can add.

Note: This value does not affect the drizzle-kit behavior, it is only used at runtime in drizzle-orm

import { varchar, mysqlTable } from "drizzle-orm/mysql-core";
import { createId } from '@paralleldrive/cuid2';

const table = mysqlTable('table', {
	id: varchar('id', { length: 128 }).$defaultFn(() => createId()),
  • 🎉 Added table.$inferSelect / table._.inferSelect and table.$inferInsert / table._.inferInsert for more convenient table model type inference

  • 🛠 Deprecated InferModel type in favor of more explicit InferSelectModel and InferInsertModel

import { InferSelectModel, InferInsertModel } from 'drizzle-orm'

const usersTable = pgTable('users', {
  id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
  name: text('name').notNull(),
  verified: boolean('verified').notNull().default(false),
  jsonb: jsonb('jsonb').$type<string[]>(),
  createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { withTimezone: true }).notNull().defaultNow(),

type SelectUser = typeof usersTable.$inferSelect;
type InsertUser = typeof usersTable.$inferInsert;

type SelectUser2 = InferSelectModel<typeof usersTable>;
type InsertUser2 = InferInsertModel<typeof usersTable>;
  • 🛠 Disabled .d.ts files bundling
  • 🐛 Fixed sqlite-proxy and SQL.js response from .get() when the result is empty
drizzle-orm - 0.28.2

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

The community contributions release 🎉

Internal Features and Changes

  1. Added a set of tests for d1. Thanks to @AdiRishi!
  2. Fixed issues in internal documentation. Thanks to @balazsorban44 and @pyk!

Bug Fixes

  1. Resolved the issue of truncating timestamp milliseconds for MySQL. Thanks to @steviec!
  2. Corrected the type of the get() method for sqlite-based dialects. Issue #565 has been closed. Thanks to @stefanmaric!
  3. Rectified the sqlite-proxy bug that caused the query to execute twice. Thanks to @mosch!

New packages 🎉

Added a support for Typebox in drizzle-typebox package. Thanks to @Bulbang!

Please check documentation page for more usage examples: https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/typebox

drizzle-orm - 0.28.1

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

  • 🐛 Fixed Postgres array-related issues introduced by 0.28.0 (#983, #992)
drizzle-orm - 0.28.0

Published by github-actions[bot] about 1 year ago

Breaking changes

Removed support for filtering by nested relations

Current example won't work in 0.28.0:

const usersWithPosts = await db.query.users.findMany({
  where: (table, { sql }) => (sql`json_array_length(${table.posts}) > 0`),
  with: {
    posts: true,

The table object in the where callback won't have fields from with and extras. We removed them to be able to build more efficient relational queries, which improved row reads and performance.

If you have used those fields in the where callback before, there are several workarounds:

  1. Applying those filters manually on the code level after the rows are fetched;
  2. Using the core API.

Added Relational Queries mode config for mysql2 driver

Drizzle relational queries always generate exactly one SQL statement to run on the database and it has certain caveats. To have best in class support for every database out there we've introduced modes.

Drizzle relational queries use lateral joins of subqueries under the hood and for now PlanetScale does not support them.

When using mysql2 driver with regular MySQL database - you should specify mode: "default".
When using mysql2 driver with PlanetScale - you need to specify mode: "planetscale".

import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/mysql2';
import mysql from 'mysql2/promise';
import * as schema from './schema';

const connection = await mysql.createConnection({
  uri: process.env.PLANETSCALE_DATABASE_URL,

const db = drizzle(connection, { schema, mode: 'planetscale' });

Improved IntelliSense performance for large schemas

We've run the diagnostics on a database schema with 85 tables, 666 columns, 26 enums, 172 indexes and 133 foreign keys. We've optimized internal types which resulted in 430% speed up in IntelliSense.

Improved Relational Queries Permormance and Read Usage

In this release we've fully changed a way query is generated for Relational Queri API.

As a summary we've made current set of changes in query generation startegy:

  1. Lateral Joins: In the new version we're utilizing lateral joins, denoted by the "LEFT JOIN LATERAL" clauses, to retrieve specific data from related tables efficiently For MySQL in PlanetScale and SQLite, we've used simple subquery selects, which improved a query plan and overall performance

  2. Selective Data Retrieval: In the new version we're retrieving only the necessary data from tables. This targeted data retrieval reduces the amount of unnecessary information fetched, resulting in a smaller dataset to process and faster execution.

  3. Reduced Aggregations: In the new version we've reduced the number of aggregation functions (e.g., COUNT, json_agg). By using json_build_array directly within the lateral joins, drizzle is aggregating the data in a more streamlined manner, leading to improved query performance.

  4. Simplified Grouping: In the new version the GROUP BY clause is removed, as the lateral joins and subqueries already handle data aggregation more efficiently.

For this drizzle query

const items = await db.query.comments.findMany({
  orderBy: comments.id,
  with: {
    user: {
      columns: { name: true },
    post: {
      columns: { title: true },
      with: {
        user: {
          columns: { name: true },

Query that Drizzle generates now

select "comments"."id",
       "comments_user"."data" as "user",
       "comments_post"."data" as "post"
from "comments"
         left join lateral (select json_build_array("comments_user"."name") as "data"
                            from (select *
                                  from "users" "comments_user"
                                  where "comments_user"."id" = "comments"."user_id"
                                  limit 1) "comments_user") "comments_user" on true
         left join lateral (select json_build_array("comments_post"."title", "comments_post_user"."data") as "data"
                            from (select *
                                  from "posts" "comments_post"
                                  where "comments_post"."id" = "comments"."post_id"
                                  limit 1) "comments_post"
                                     left join lateral (select json_build_array("comments_post_user"."name") as "data"
                                                        from (select *
                                                              from "users" "comments_post_user"
                                                              where "comments_post_user"."id" = "comments_post"."user_id"
                                                              limit 1) "comments_post_user") "comments_post_user"
                                               on true) "comments_post" on true
order by "comments"."id"
limit 1

Query generated before:

SELECT "id",
  (SELECT "comments".*,
              WHEN count("comments_post"."id") = 0 THEN '[]'
              ELSE json_agg(json_build_array("comments_post"."title", "comments_post"."user"::JSON))::text
          END AS "post"
     (SELECT "comments".*,
                 WHEN count("comments_user"."id") = 0 THEN '[]'
                 ELSE json_agg(json_build_array("comments_user"."name"))::text
             END AS "user"
      FROM "comments"
        (SELECT "comments_user".*
         FROM "users" "comments_user") "comments_user" ON "comments"."user_id" = "comments_user"."id"
      GROUP BY "comments"."id",
               "comments"."content") "comments"
     (SELECT "comments_post".*
        (SELECT "comments_post".*,
                    WHEN count("comments_post_user"."id") = 0 THEN '[]'
                    ELSE json_agg(json_build_array("comments_post_user"."name"))
                END AS "user"
         FROM "posts" "comments_post"
         LEFT JOIN
           (SELECT "comments_post_user".*
            FROM "users" "comments_post_user") "comments_post_user" ON "comments_post"."user_id" = "comments_post_user"."id"
         GROUP BY "comments_post"."id") "comments_post") "comments_post" ON "comments"."post_id" = "comments_post"."id"
   GROUP BY "comments"."id",
            "comments"."user") "comments"

Possibility to insert rows with default values for all columns

You can now provide an empty object or an array of empty objects, and Drizzle will insert all defaults into the database.

// Insert 1 row with all defaults
await db.insert(usersTable).values({});

// Insert 2 rows with all defaults
await db.insert(usersTable).values([{}, {}]);
drizzle-orm - 0.27.2

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

🎉 Added support for UNIQUE constraints in PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite

For PostgreSQL, unique constraints can be defined at the column level for single-column constraints, and in the third parameter for multi-column constraints. In both cases, it will be possible to define a custom name for the constraint. Additionally, PostgreSQL will receive the NULLS NOT DISTINCT option to restrict having more than one NULL value in a table. Reference

Examples that just shows a different unique usage. Please don't search a real usage for those tables

// single column
const table = pgTable('table', {
  id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
  name: text('name').notNull().unique(),
  state: char('state', { length: 2 }).unique('custom'),
  field: char('field', { length: 2 }).unique('custom_field', { nulls: 'not distinct' }),
// multiple columns
const table = pgTable('table', {
  id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
  name: text('name').notNull(),
  state: char('state', { length: 2 }),
}, (t) => ({
  first: unique('custom_name').on(t.name, t.state).nullsNotDistinct(),
  second: unique('custom_name1').on(t.name, t.state),

For MySQL, everything will be the same except for the NULLS NOT DISTINCT option. It appears that MySQL does not support it

Examples that just shows a different unique usage. Please don't search a real usage for those tables

// single column
const table = mysqlTable('table', {
    id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
    name: text('name').notNull().unique(),
    state: text('state').unique('custom'),
    field: text('field').unique('custom_field'),
// multiple columns
const table = mysqlTable('cities1', {
    id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
    name: text('name').notNull(),
    state: text('state'),
}, (t) => ({
    first: unique().on(t.name, t.state),
    second: unique('custom_name1').on(t.name, t.state),

In SQLite unique constraints are the same as unique indexes. As long as you can specify a name for the unique index in SQLite - we will treat all unique constraints as unique indexes in internal implementation

// single column
const table = sqliteTable('table', {
    id: int('id').primaryKey(),
    name: text('name').notNull().unique(),
    state: text('state').unique('custom'),
    field: text('field').unique(),
// multiple columns
const table = sqliteTable('table', {
    id: int('id').primaryKey(),
    name: text('name').notNull(),
    state: text('state'),
}, (t) => ({
    first: unique().on(t.name, t.state),
    second: unique('custom').on(t.name, t.state),
drizzle-orm - 0.27.1

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

import { neon, neonConfig } from '@neondatabase/serverless';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/neon-http';

neonConfig.fetchConnectionCache = true;

const sql = neon(process.env.DRIZZLE_DATABASE_URL!);
const db = drizzle(sql);

drizzle-orm - 0.27.0

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

Correct behavior when installed in a monorepo (multiple Drizzle instances)

Replacing all instanceof statements with a custom is() function allowed us to handle multiple Drizzle packages interacting properly.

It also fixes one of our biggest Discord tickets: maximum call stack exceeded 🎉

You should now use is() instead of instanceof to check if specific objects are instances of specific Drizzle types. It might be useful if you are building something on top of the Drizzle API.

import { is, Column } from 'drizzle-orm'

if (is(value, Column)) {
  // value's type is narrowed to Column

distinct clause support

await db.selectDistinct().from(usersDistinctTable).orderBy(

Also, distinct on clause is available for PostgreSQL:

await db.selectDistinctOn([usersDistinctTable.id]).from(usersDistinctTable).orderBy(

await db.selectDistinctOn([usersDistinctTable.name], { name: usersDistinctTable.name }).from(

bigint and boolean support for SQLite

Contributed by @MrRahulRamkumar (#558), @raducristianpopa (#411) and @meech-ward (#725)

const users = sqliteTable('users', {
  bigintCol: blob('bigint', { mode: 'bigint' }).notNull(),
  boolCol: integer('bool', { mode: 'boolean' }).notNull(),

DX improvements

  • Added verbose type error when relational queries are used on a database type without a schema generic
  • Fix where callback in RQB for tables without relations

Various docs improvements

  • Fix joins docs typo (#522) by @arjunyel
  • Add Supabase guide to readme (#690) by @saltcod
  • Make the column type in sqlite clearer (#717) by @shairez
drizzle-orm - 0.26.5

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

  • 🎉 Added bigint mode to SQLite (#558)
drizzle-orm - 0.26.4

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

  • 🐛 Fixed AWS Data API mapping in relational queries (#677, #681)
  • 🐛 Allowed using named self-relations (#678)
  • 🐛 Fixed querying relations with composite FKs (#683)
drizzle-orm - 0.26.3

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

  • Disabled OTEL integration due to the top-level await issues
drizzle-orm - 0.26.2

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

  • 🐛 Fixed upsert targeting composite keys for SQLite (#521)
  • 🐛 AWS Data API+Postgres: fixed adding of typings when merging queries (#517)
  • 🐛 Fixed "on conflict" with "where" clause for Postgres (#651)
  • 🐛 Various GitHub docs community fixes and improvements ♥ (#547, #548, #587, #606, #609, #625)
  • Experimental: added OpenTelemetry support for Postgres
drizzle-orm - 0.26.1

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

  • 🐛 Fixed including multiple relations on the same level in RQB (#599)
  • 🐛 Updated migrators for relational queries support (#601)
  • 🐛 Fixed invoking .findMany() without arguments
drizzle-orm - 0.26.0

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

Drizzle ORM 0.26.0 is here 🎉

README docs are fully transferred to web

The documentation has been completely reworked and updated with additional examples and explanations. You can find it here: https://orm.drizzle.team.

Furthermore, the entire documentation has been made open source, allowing you to edit and add any information you deem important for the community.

Visit https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm-docs to access the open-sourced documentation.

Additionally, you can create specific documentation issues in this repository

New Features

Introducing our first helper built on top of Drizzle Core API syntax: the Relational Queries! 🎉

With Drizzle RQ you can do:

  1. Any amount of relations that will be mapped for you
  2. Including or excluding! specific columns. You can also combine these options
  3. Harness the flexibility of the where statements, allowing you to define custom conditions beyond the predefined ones available in the Drizzle Core API.
  4. Expand the functionality by incorporating additional extras columns using SQL templates. For more examples, refer to the documentation.

Most importantly, regardless of the size of your query, Drizzle will always generate a SINGLE optimized query.

This efficiency extends to the usage of Prepared Statements, which are fully supported within the Relational Query Builder.

For more info: Prepared Statements in Relational Query Builder

Example of setting one-to-many relations

As you can observe, relations are a distinct concept that coexists alongside the main Drizzle schema. You have the flexibility to opt-in or opt-out of them at any time without affecting the drizzle-kit migrations or the logic for Core API's types and runtime.

import { integer, serial, text, pgTable } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';
import { relations } from 'drizzle-orm';
export const users = pgTable('users', {
	id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
	name: text('name').notNull(),
export const usersConfig = relations(users, ({ many }) => ({
	posts: many(posts),
export const posts = pgTable('posts', {
	id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
	content: text('content').notNull(),
	authorId: integer('author_id').notNull(),
export const postsConfig = relations(posts, ({ one }) => ({
	author: one(users, { fields: [posts.authorId], references: [users.id] }),

Example of querying you database

Step 1: Provide all tables and relations to drizzle function

drizzle import depends on the database driver you're using

import * as schema from './schema';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/...';
const db = drizzle(client, { schema });
await db.query.users.findMany(...);

If you have schema in multiple files

import * as schema1 from './schema1';
import * as schema2 from './schema2';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/...';
const db = drizzle(client, { schema: { ...schema1, ...schema2 } });
await db.query.users.findMany(...);

Step 2: Query your database with Relational Query Builder

Select all users

const users = await db.query.users.findMany();

Select first users

.findFirst() will add limit 1 to the query

const user = await db.query.users.findFirst();

Select all users
Get all posts with just id, content and include comments

const posts = await db.query.posts.findMany({
	columns: {
		id: true,
		content: true,
	with: {
		comments: true,

Select all posts excluding content column

const posts = await db.query.posts.findMany({
	columns: {
		content: false,

For more examples you can check full docs for Relational Queries

Bug fixes

  • 🐛 Fixed partial joins with prefixed tables (#542)

Drizzle Kit updates

New ways to define drizzle config file

You can now specify the configuration not only in the .json format but also in .ts and .js formats.

TypeScript example

import { Config } from "drizzle-kit";

export default {
  schema: "",
  connectionString: process.env.DB_URL,
  out: "",
  breakpoints: true
} satisfies Config;

JavaScript example

/** @type { import("drizzle-kit").Config } */
export default {
    schema: "",
  connectionString: "",
  out: "",
  breakpoints: true

New commands 🎉

drizzle-kit push:mysql

You can now push your MySQL schema directly to the database without the need to create and manage migration files. This feature proves to be particularly useful for rapid local development and when working with PlanetScale databases.

By pushing the MySQL schema directly to the database, you can streamline the development process and avoid the overhead of managing migration files. This allows for more efficient iteration and quick deployment of schema changes during local development.

How to setup your codebase for drizzle-kit push feature?

  1. For this feature, you need to create a drizzle.config.[ts|js|json] file. We recommend using .ts or .js files as they allow you to easily provide the database connection information as secret variables

    You'll need to specify schema and connectionString(or db, port, host, password, etc.) to make drizzle-kit push:mysql work

drizzle.config.ts example

import { Config } from "src";

export default {
  schema: "./schema.ts",
  connectionString: process.env.DB_URL,
} satisfies Config;
  1. Run drizzle-kit push:mysql

  2. If Drizzle detects any potential data-loss issues during a migration, it will prompt you to approve whether the data should be truncated or not in order to ensure a successful migration

  3. Approve or reject the action that Drizzle needs to perform in order to push your schema changes to the database.

  4. Done ✅

drizzle-orm - 0.25.4

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/vercel-postgres';
import { sql } from "@vercel/postgres";

const db = drizzle(sql);

drizzle-orm - 0.25.3

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

  • 🐛 Fix pg imports in ESM mode (#505)
  • 🐛 Add "types" and "default" fields to "exports" entries in package.json (#511)
drizzle-orm - 0.25.2

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

  • 🎉 Documentation improvements (#495, #507)
  • 🎉 Added "sideEffects": false to package.json (#515)
  • 🐛 Fixed AWS Data API driver migrations (#510)
drizzle-orm - 0.25.1

Published by github-actions[bot] over 1 year ago

  • 🐛 Fix package.json exports field