
This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for JavaScript (NodeJS & Browser). For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at or our versioned developer docs at

MIT License


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azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3660775

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3660775 (2024-04-02)

  • Test Release Pipeline
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/openai_1.0.0-beta.12

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.0-beta.12 (2024-04-01)

Features Added

  • Adds a new property logprobs in ChatChoice to support log probabilities for this chat choice
  • Adds new properties logprobs and topLogprobs in ChatCompletionsOptions class to support log probabilities for chat completions
  • Adds dimensions in GetEmbeddingsOptions.
    when using Azure OpenAI, specifies the input type to use for embedding search.
  • Updates the default service API version to 2024-03-01-preview
  • Returns content filter results and prompt filter results for image generations through contentFilterResults and promptFilterResults properties

Breaking Changes

  • AzureChatExtensionConfiguration, OnYourDataAuthenticationOptions, OnYourDataVectorizationSource, OnYourDataVectorizationSourceType, ChatCompletionsNamedToolSelection, ChatCompletionsToolDefinition, ChatCompletionsToolCall, ChatMessageContentItem, ChatRequestMessage, ChatFinishDetails are renamed with Union postfix.
  • AzureCognitiveSearchQueryType, ChatMessageImageDetailLevel, ElasticsearchQueryType, FunctionCallPreset, ImageGenerationQuality, ImageGenerationResponseFormat, ImageSize, ImageGenerationStyle, OnYourDataAuthenticationType, OnYourDataVectorizationSourceType union types no longer have fixed values.
  • prompFilterResults property in ChatCompletions, prompFilterResults property in Choice, toolCalls in ChatResponseMessage are now optional

Changes to "bring your own data" features:

  • Introduces a new type: AzureChatExtensionDataSourceResponseCitation
  • For AzureChatExtensionsMessageContext, replaced messages property with citations and added intent as a string
  • Rename AzureCognitiveSearch to AzureSearch
  • embeddingDependency is a required property for AzureCosmosDBChatExtensionConfiguration
  • All extension configuration type properties are changed into snake casing. For example, type AzureCosmosDB is changed into azure_cosmos_dbin AzureCosmosDBChatExtensionConfiguration
  • All authentication type properties are changed into snake casing. For example, type ConnectionString is changed into connection_stringin OnYourDataConnectionStringAuthenticationOptions
  • New properties are added to AzureCosmosDBFieldMappingOptions: contentFields, contentFieldsSeparator, filepathField, titleField, and urlField.
  • Adds additional support for different authentication options, including access token and encoded API key authentication
  • embeddingDependency is required in PineconeChatExtensionConfiguration
  • contentField is required in PineconeFieldMappingOptions

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix a bug where ChatCompletionsFunctionToolCall did not expose the index property for the streaming mode.
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-cosmosdbforpostgresql_1.1.0-beta.1

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.1.0-beta.1 (2024-03-11)


  • Added Interface AuthConfig
  • Added Interface PromoteRequest
  • Added Type Alias ActiveDirectoryAuth
  • Added Type Alias PasswordAuth
  • Added Type Alias PrincipalType
  • Added Type Alias RoleType
  • Interface Cluster has a new optional parameter authConfig
  • Interface Cluster has a new optional parameter databaseName
  • Interface Cluster has a new optional parameter enableGeoBackup
  • Interface ClustersPromoteReadReplicaOptionalParams has a new optional parameter promoteRequest
  • Interface Role has a new optional parameter objectId
  • Interface Role has a new optional parameter principalType
  • Interface Role has a new optional parameter roleType
  • Interface Role has a new optional parameter tenantId
  • Added Enum KnownActiveDirectoryAuth
  • Added Enum KnownPasswordAuth
  • Added Enum KnownPrincipalType
  • Added Enum KnownRoleType
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-migrationdiscoverysap_1.0.0-beta.1

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.0-beta.1 (2024-03-12)

The package of @azure/arm-migrationdiscoverysap is using our next generation design principles. To learn more, please refer to our documentation Quick Start.

azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3657860

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3657860 (2024-04-02)

  • Test Release Pipeline
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3656484

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3656484 (2024-04-01)

  • Test Release Pipeline
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure-tools/test-credential_1.0.4

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3655747

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3655747 (2024-04-01)

  • Test Release Pipeline
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/arm-monitor_8.0.0-beta.5

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

8.0.0-beta.5 (2024-03-28)


  • Added operation group AzureMonitorWorkspaces
  • Added operation group MetricsOperations
  • Added operation group MonitorOperations
  • Added operation group PredictiveMetric
  • Added operation group TenantActionGroups
  • Added operation ActionGroups.beginCreateNotificationsAtActionGroupResourceLevel
  • Added operation ActionGroups.beginCreateNotificationsAtActionGroupResourceLevelAndWait
  • Added operation ActionGroups.getTestNotificationsAtActionGroupResourceLevel
  • Added operation DataCollectionRuleAssociations.listByDataCollectionEndpoint
  • Added operation MetricDefinitions.listAtSubscriptionScope
  • Added Interface AccessModeSettings
  • Added Interface AccessModeSettingsExclusion
  • Added Interface ActionDetailAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface ActionGroup
  • Added Interface ActionGroupPatchBodyAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface ActionGroupResource
  • Added Interface ActionGroupsCreateNotificationsAtActionGroupResourceLevelHeaders
  • Added Interface ActionGroupsCreateNotificationsAtActionGroupResourceLevelOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ActionGroupsGetTestNotificationsAtActionGroupResourceLevelOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ActionList
  • Added Interface Actions
  • Added Interface ActivityLogAlertResource
  • Added Interface ActivityLogAlertsListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ActivityLogAlertsListBySubscriptionIdNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AlertRuleAllOfCondition
  • Added Interface AlertRuleAnyOfOrLeafCondition
  • Added Interface AlertRuleLeafCondition
  • Added Interface AlertRuleList
  • Added Interface AlertRulePatchObject
  • Added Interface AlertRuleResource
  • Added Interface AutoscaleErrorResponse
  • Added Interface AutoscaleErrorResponseError
  • Added Interface AutoscaleSettingResource
  • Added Interface AzureAppPushReceiverAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorPrivateLinkScope
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspace
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspaceDefaultIngestionSettings
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspaceMetrics
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspaceResource
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspaceResourceForUpdate
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspaceResourceListResult
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspaceResourceProperties
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspacesCreateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspacesDeleteHeaders
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspacesDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspacesGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspacesListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspacesListByResourceGroupOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspacesListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspacesListBySubscriptionOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AzureMonitorWorkspacesUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface AzureResourceAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface ColumnDefinition
  • Added Interface Condition
  • Added Interface ConditionFailingPeriods
  • Added Interface CreateNotificationsAtTenantActionGroupResourceLevelOptionalParams
  • Added Interface DataCollectionEndpointConfigurationAccess
  • Added Interface DataCollectionEndpointFailoverConfiguration
  • Added Interface DataCollectionEndpointLogsIngestion
  • Added Interface DataCollectionEndpointMetadata
  • Added Interface DataCollectionEndpointMetricsIngestion
  • Added Interface DataCollectionEndpointNetworkAcls
  • Added Interface DataCollectionEndpointResourceIdentity
  • Added Interface DataCollectionEndpointResourceProperties
  • Added Interface DataCollectionEndpointResourceSystemData
  • Added Interface DataCollectionRuleAssociationMetadata
  • Added Interface DataCollectionRuleAssociationProxyOnlyResourceProperties
  • Added Interface DataCollectionRuleAssociationProxyOnlyResourceSystemData
  • Added Interface DataCollectionRuleAssociationsListByDataCollectionEndpointNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface DataCollectionRuleAssociationsListByDataCollectionEndpointOptionalParams
  • Added Interface DataCollectionRuleDataSources
  • Added Interface DataCollectionRuleDestinations
  • Added Interface DataCollectionRuleMetadata
  • Added Interface DataCollectionRuleResourceIdentity
  • Added Interface DataCollectionRuleResourceProperties
  • Added Interface DataCollectionRuleResourceSystemData
  • Added Interface DataImportSources
  • Added Interface DataImportSourcesEventHub
  • Added Interface DataSourcesSpecDataImports
  • Added Interface DefaultErrorResponse
  • Added Interface DestinationsSpecAzureMonitorMetrics
  • Added Interface DiagnosticSettingsCategoryResource
  • Added Interface DiagnosticSettingsResource
  • Added Interface DynamicMetricCriteria
  • Added Interface EmailReceiverAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface ErrorDetailAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface ErrorResponseAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface ErrorResponseAutoGenerated2
  • Added Interface ErrorResponseAutoGenerated3
  • Added Interface ErrorResponseAutoGenerated4
  • Added Interface EventHubDataSource
  • Added Interface EventHubDestination
  • Added Interface EventHubDirectDestination
  • Added Interface FailoverConfigurationSpec
  • Added Interface GetTestNotificationsAtTenantActionGroupResourceLevelOptionalParams
  • Added Interface Identity
  • Added Interface IisLogsDataSource
  • Added Interface IngestionSettings
  • Added Interface LocalizableStringAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface LocationSpec
  • Added Interface LocationThresholdRuleCondition
  • Added Interface LogFilesDataSource
  • Added Interface LogFilesDataSourceSettings
  • Added Interface LogFileSettings
  • Added Interface LogFileSettingsText
  • Added Interface LogFileTextSettings
  • Added Interface LogProfileResource
  • Added Interface ManagedServiceIdentity
  • Added Interface ManagementEventRuleCondition
  • Added Interface Metadata
  • Added Interface MetricAlertMultipleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria
  • Added Interface MetricAlertResource
  • Added Interface MetricAlertSingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria
  • Added Interface MetricCriteria
  • Added Interface MetricDefinitionsListAtSubscriptionScopeOptionalParams
  • Added Interface Metrics
  • Added Interface MetricsIngestionEndpointSpec
  • Added Interface MetricsListAtSubscriptionScopeOptionalParams
  • Added Interface MetricsListAtSubscriptionScopePostOptionalParams
  • Added Interface MonitorClientCreateNotificationsAtTenantActionGroupResourceLevelHeaders
  • Added Interface MonitoringAccountDestination
  • Added Interface MonitorOperationsListNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface MonitorOperationsListOptionalParams
  • Added Interface OperationAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface OperationDisplayAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface OperationListResultAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface PlatformTelemetryDataSource
  • Added Interface PredictiveAutoscalePolicy
  • Added Interface PredictiveMetricGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface PredictiveResponse
  • Added Interface PredictiveValue
  • Added Interface PrivateEndpoint
  • Added Interface PrivateEndpointAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface PrivateEndpointConnection
  • Added Interface PrivateEndpointConnectionAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface PrivateLinkResource
  • Added Interface PrivateLinkScopedResource
  • Added Interface PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState
  • Added Interface PrometheusForwarderDataSource
  • Added Interface ProxyResourceAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface ResourceAutoGenerated2
  • Added Interface ResourceAutoGenerated3
  • Added Interface ResourceAutoGenerated4
  • Added Interface ResourceAutoGenerated5
  • Added Interface ResourceAutoGenerated6
  • Added Interface ResourceForUpdateIdentity
  • Added Interface RuleEmailAction
  • Added Interface RuleManagementEventDataSource
  • Added Interface RuleMetricDataSource
  • Added Interface RuleResolveConfiguration
  • Added Interface RuleWebhookAction
  • Added Interface ScheduledQueryRuleCriteria
  • Added Interface ScheduledQueryRuleResource
  • Added Interface ScheduledQueryRuleResourceCollection
  • Added Interface ScheduledQueryRuleResourcePatch
  • Added Interface ScheduledQueryRulesListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ScheduledQueryRulesListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams
  • Added Interface ScopedResource
  • Added Interface SmsReceiverAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface StorageBlobDestination
  • Added Interface StorageTableDestination
  • Added Interface StreamDeclaration
  • Added Interface SubscriptionScopeMetricDefinition
  • Added Interface SubscriptionScopeMetricDefinitionCollection
  • Added Interface SubscriptionScopeMetricsRequestBodyParameters
  • Added Interface TenantActionGroupList
  • Added Interface TenantActionGroupResource
  • Added Interface TenantActionGroupsCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface TenantActionGroupsDeleteOptionalParams
  • Added Interface TenantActionGroupsGetOptionalParams
  • Added Interface TenantActionGroupsListByManagementGroupIdOptionalParams
  • Added Interface TenantActionGroupsUpdateOptionalParams
  • Added Interface TenantNotificationRequestBody
  • Added Interface TestNotificationDetailsResponseAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface ThresholdRuleCondition
  • Added Interface TrackedResource
  • Added Interface TrackedResourceAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface UserAssignedIdentity
  • Added Interface UserIdentityProperties
  • Added Interface VMInsightsOnboardingStatus
  • Added Interface VoiceReceiverAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface WebhookReceiverAutoGenerated
  • Added Interface WebtestLocationAvailabilityCriteria
  • Added Interface WindowsFirewallLogsDataSource
  • Added Type Alias AccessMode
  • Added Type Alias ActionGroupsCreateNotificationsAtActionGroupResourceLevelResponse
  • Added Type Alias ActionGroupsGetTestNotificationsAtActionGroupResourceLevelResponse
  • Added Type Alias ActionType
  • Added Type Alias ActivityLogAlertsListByResourceGroupNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ActivityLogAlertsListBySubscriptionIdNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias AzureMonitorWorkspacesCreateResponse
  • Added Type Alias AzureMonitorWorkspacesDeleteResponse
  • Added Type Alias AzureMonitorWorkspacesGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias AzureMonitorWorkspacesListByResourceGroupNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias AzureMonitorWorkspacesListByResourceGroupResponse
  • Added Type Alias AzureMonitorWorkspacesListBySubscriptionNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias AzureMonitorWorkspacesListBySubscriptionResponse
  • Added Type Alias AzureMonitorWorkspacesUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias CreateNotificationsAtTenantActionGroupResourceLevelResponse
  • Added Type Alias DataCollectionRuleAssociationsListByDataCollectionEndpointNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias DataCollectionRuleAssociationsListByDataCollectionEndpointResponse
  • Added Type Alias DimensionOperator
  • Added Type Alias GetTestNotificationsAtTenantActionGroupResourceLevelResponse
  • Added Type Alias IdentityType
  • Added Type Alias Kind
  • Added Type Alias KnownColumnDefinitionType
  • Added Type Alias KnownLocationSpecProvisioningStatus
  • Added Type Alias KnownLogFilesDataSourceFormat
  • Added Type Alias KnownLogFileTextSettingsRecordStartTimestampFormat
  • Added Type Alias KnownPrometheusForwarderDataSourceStreams
  • Added Type Alias ManagedServiceIdentityType
  • Added Type Alias MetricAggregationType
  • Added Type Alias MetricDefinitionsListAtSubscriptionScopeResponse
  • Added Type Alias MetricResultType
  • Added Type Alias MetricsListAtSubscriptionScopePostResponse
  • Added Type Alias MetricsListAtSubscriptionScopeResponse
  • Added Type Alias MonitorOperationsListNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias MonitorOperationsListResponse
  • Added Type Alias Origin
  • Added Type Alias PredictiveAutoscalePolicyScaleMode
  • Added Type Alias PredictiveMetricGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState
  • Added Type Alias PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus
  • Added Type Alias PublicNetworkAccess
  • Added Type Alias ScheduledQueryRulesListByResourceGroupNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias ScheduledQueryRulesListBySubscriptionNextResponse
  • Added Type Alias TenantActionGroupsCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias TenantActionGroupsGetResponse
  • Added Type Alias TenantActionGroupsListByManagementGroupIdResponse
  • Added Type Alias TenantActionGroupsUpdateResponse
  • Added Type Alias TimeAggregation
  • Interface AutoscaleSettingResourcePatch has a new optional parameter predictiveAutoscalePolicy
  • Interface DataCollectionEndpoint has a new optional parameter failoverConfiguration
  • Interface DataCollectionEndpoint has a new optional parameter metadata
  • Interface DataCollectionEndpoint has a new optional parameter metricsIngestion
  • Interface DataCollectionEndpoint has a new optional parameter privateLinkScopedResources
  • Interface DataCollectionEndpointResource has a new optional parameter failoverConfiguration
  • Interface DataCollectionEndpointResource has a new optional parameter identity
  • Interface DataCollectionEndpointResource has a new optional parameter metadata
  • Interface DataCollectionEndpointResource has a new optional parameter metricsIngestion
  • Interface DataCollectionEndpointResource has a new optional parameter privateLinkScopedResources
  • Interface DataCollectionRule has a new optional parameter dataCollectionEndpointId
  • Interface DataCollectionRule has a new optional parameter metadata
  • Interface DataCollectionRule has a new optional parameter streamDeclarations
  • Interface DataCollectionRuleAssociation has a new optional parameter metadata
  • Interface DataCollectionRuleAssociationProxyOnlyResource has a new optional parameter metadata
  • Interface DataCollectionRuleResource has a new optional parameter dataCollectionEndpointId
  • Interface DataCollectionRuleResource has a new optional parameter identity
  • Interface DataCollectionRuleResource has a new optional parameter metadata
  • Interface DataCollectionRuleResource has a new optional parameter streamDeclarations
  • Interface DataFlow has a new optional parameter builtInTransform
  • Interface DataFlow has a new optional parameter outputStream
  • Interface DataFlow has a new optional parameter transformKql
  • Interface DataSourcesSpec has a new optional parameter dataImports
  • Interface DataSourcesSpec has a new optional parameter iisLogs
  • Interface DataSourcesSpec has a new optional parameter logFiles
  • Interface DataSourcesSpec has a new optional parameter platformTelemetry
  • Interface DataSourcesSpec has a new optional parameter prometheusForwarder
  • Interface DataSourcesSpec has a new optional parameter windowsFirewallLogs
  • Interface DestinationsSpec has a new optional parameter eventHubs
  • Interface DestinationsSpec has a new optional parameter eventHubsDirect
  • Interface DestinationsSpec has a new optional parameter monitoringAccounts
  • Interface DestinationsSpec has a new optional parameter storageAccounts
  • Interface DestinationsSpec has a new optional parameter storageBlobsDirect
  • Interface DestinationsSpec has a new optional parameter storageTablesDirect
  • Interface LogSettings has a new optional parameter categoryGroup
  • Interface MetricsListOptionalParams has a new optional parameter autoAdjustTimegrain
  • Interface MetricsListOptionalParams has a new optional parameter rollupby
  • Interface MetricsListOptionalParams has a new optional parameter validateDimensions
  • Interface Operation has a new optional parameter actionType
  • Interface Operation has a new optional parameter isDataAction
  • Interface Operation has a new optional parameter origin
  • Interface OperationDisplay has a new optional parameter description
  • Interface Resource has a new optional parameter systemData
  • Interface ResourceAutoGenerated has a new optional parameter systemData
  • Interface ResourceForUpdate has a new optional parameter identity
  • Added Enum KnownAccessMode
  • Added Enum KnownActionType
  • Added Enum KnownCategoryType
  • Added Enum KnownDimensionOperator
  • Added Enum KnownKind
  • Added Enum KnownKnownColumnDefinitionType
  • Added Enum KnownKnownLocationSpecProvisioningStatus
  • Added Enum KnownKnownLogFilesDataSourceFormat
  • Added Enum KnownKnownLogFileTextSettingsRecordStartTimestampFormat
  • Added Enum KnownKnownPrometheusForwarderDataSourceStreams
  • Added Enum KnownManagedServiceIdentityType
  • Added Enum KnownMetricAggregationType
  • Added Enum KnownMetricResultType
  • Added Enum KnownOrigin
  • Added Enum KnownPrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState
  • Added Enum KnownPrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus
  • Added Enum KnownPublicNetworkAccess
  • Added Enum KnownTimeAggregation
  • Enum KnownKnownDataCollectionEndpointProvisioningState has a new value Canceled
  • Enum KnownKnownDataCollectionRuleAssociationProvisioningState has a new value Canceled
  • Enum KnownKnownDataCollectionRuleProvisioningState has a new value Canceled
  • Enum KnownKnownPublicNetworkAccessOptions has a new value SecuredByPerimeter
  • Enum KnownKnownSyslogDataSourceFacilityNames has a new value Alert
  • Enum KnownKnownSyslogDataSourceFacilityNames has a new value Audit
  • Enum KnownKnownSyslogDataSourceFacilityNames has a new value Clock
  • Enum KnownKnownSyslogDataSourceFacilityNames has a new value Ftp
  • Enum KnownKnownSyslogDataSourceFacilityNames has a new value Nopri
  • Enum KnownKnownSyslogDataSourceFacilityNames has a new value Ntp
  • Enum KnownProvisioningState has a new value Creating
  • Enum KnownProvisioningState has a new value Deleting
  • Added function getContinuationToken

Breaking Changes

  • Removed operation group Metrics
  • Removed operation ActionGroups.beginPostTestNotifications
  • Removed operation ActionGroups.beginPostTestNotificationsAndWait
  • Removed operation ActionGroups.getTestNotifications
  • Operation ActivityLogAlerts.update has a new signature
  • Operation PrivateEndpointConnections.beginCreateOrUpdate has a new signature
  • Operation PrivateEndpointConnections.beginCreateOrUpdateAndWait has a new signature
  • Operation ScheduledQueryRules.createOrUpdate has a new signature
  • Operation ScheduledQueryRules.update has a new signature
  • Class MonitorClient has a new signature
  • Interface ActivityLogsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter select
  • Interface AzureResource no longer has parameter identity
  • Interface AzureResource no longer has parameter kind
  • Interface PrivateEndpointConnectionListResult no longer has parameter nextLink
  • Interface PrivateLinkResourceListResult no longer has parameter nextLink
  • Interface Resource no longer has parameter location
  • Interface Resource no longer has parameter tags
  • Interface ResourceAutoGenerated no longer has parameter etag
  • Interface ResourceAutoGenerated no longer has parameter kind
  • Interface ResourceAutoGenerated no longer has parameter location
  • Interface ResourceAutoGenerated no longer has parameter tags
  • Interface ScheduledQueryRulesListByResourceGroupOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter
  • Interface ScheduledQueryRulesListBySubscriptionOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter
  • Interface TenantActivityLogsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter filter
  • Interface TenantActivityLogsListNextOptionalParams no longer has parameter select
  • Type of parameter operator of interface Dimension is changed from Operator to DimensionOperator
  • Type of parameter error of interface ErrorContract is changed from ErrorResponse to ErrorResponseAutoGenerated
  • Type of parameter error of interface ErrorResponseCommonV2 is changed from ErrorDetail to ErrorDetailAutoGenerated
  • Type of parameter value of interface EventCategoryCollection is changed from LocalizableString[] to LocalizableStringAutoGenerated[]
  • Type of parameter category of interface EventData is changed from LocalizableString to LocalizableStringAutoGenerated
  • Type of parameter eventName of interface EventData is changed from LocalizableString to LocalizableStringAutoGenerated
  • Type of parameter operationName of interface EventData is changed from LocalizableString to LocalizableStringAutoGenerated
  • Type of parameter resourceProviderName of interface EventData is changed from LocalizableString to LocalizableStringAutoGenerated
  • Type of parameter resourceType of interface EventData is changed from LocalizableString to LocalizableStringAutoGenerated
  • Type of parameter status of interface EventData is changed from LocalizableString to LocalizableStringAutoGenerated
  • Type of parameter subStatus of interface EventData is changed from LocalizableString to LocalizableStringAutoGenerated
  • Type of parameter error of interface OperationStatus is changed from ErrorResponseCommon to ErrorDetailAutoGenerated
  • Type of parameter value of interface PrivateEndpointConnectionListResult is changed from PrivateEndpointConnection[] to PrivateEndpointConnectionAutoGenerated[]
  • Class MonitorClient no longer has parameter metrics
  • Removed Enum KnownConditionalOperator
  • Removed Enum KnownEnabled
  • Removed Enum KnownMetricTriggerType
  • Removed Enum KnownQueryType
  • Enum KnownOperator no longer has value Include
  • Enum KnownProvisioningState no longer has value Deploying
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3648097

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3648097 (2024-03-28)

  • Test Release Pipeline
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3647975

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3647975 (2024-03-28)

  • Test Release Pipeline
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3640015

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3640015 (2024-03-26)

  • Test Release Pipeline
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3640012

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3640012 (2024-03-26)

  • Test Release Pipeline
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/notification-hubs_1.2.0

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3640011

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3640011 (2024-03-26)

  • Test Release Pipeline
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3640002

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3640002 (2024-03-26)

  • Test Release Pipeline
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3639997

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3639997 (2024-03-26)

  • Test Release Pipeline
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/monitor-query_1.2.0

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3639989

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3639989 (2024-03-26)

  • Test Release Pipeline
azure-sdk-for-js - @azure/template_1.0.12-beta.3639996

Published by azure-sdk 7 months ago

1.0.12-beta.3639996 (2024-03-26)

  • Test Release Pipeline