
Progressive microservices framework for Node.js

MIT License


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moleculer - v0.12.4

Published by icebob over 6 years ago


Graceful shutdown

Thanks for @rmccallum81, ServiceBroker supports graceful shutdown. You can enable it with trackContext broker option. If you enable it, all services wait for all running contexts before shutdowning. You can also define a timeout value with gracefulStopTimeout broker option.

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    trackContext: true,
    gracefulStopTimeout: 5 * 1000 // waiting max 5 sec

This timeout can be overwrite in service settings with $gracefulStopTimeout property.


  • fix service registry update after reconnecting. #262
  • update index.d.ts
  • update dependencies
  • fix distributed timeout handling
moleculer - v0.12.3

Published by icebob over 6 years ago


  • fix empty service mixins issue (mixins: []).
  • update index.d.ts
moleculer - v0.12.2

Published by icebob over 6 years ago


Latency strategy

This strategy selects a node which has the lowest latency, measured by periodic PING. Notice that the strategy only ping one of nodes from a single host. Due to the node list can be very long, it gets samples and selects the host with the lowest latency from only samples instead of the whole node list.


let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    registry: {
        strategy: "Latency"

Strategy options

Name Type Default Description
sampleCount Number 5 the number of samples. If you have a lot of hosts/nodes, it's recommended to increase the value.
lowLatency Number 10 the low latency (ms). The node which has lower latency than this value is selected immediately.
collectCount Number 5 the number of measured latency per host to keep in order to calculate the average latency.
pingInterval Number 10 ping interval (s). If you have a lot of host/nodes, it's recommended to increase the value.

Usage with custom options

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    registry: {
        strategy: "Latency",
        strategyOptions: {
            sampleCount: 15,
            lowLatency: 20,
            collectCount: 10,
            pingInterval: 15

Thanks for @zllovesuki!

Filemask for Moleculer Runner

There is a new Moleculer Runner option --mask to define filemask when load all services from folders.


$ moleculer-runner.js -r --mask **/user*.service.js examples

Example to load Typescript services

$ node -r ts-node/register node_modules/moleculer/bin/moleculer-runner --hot --repl --mask **/*.service.ts services


  • fix d.ts issues
  • fix event group handling in mixins (#217)
  • move mergeSchemas from utils to Service static method. It can be overwritten in a custom ServiceFactory
  • improve d.ts
  • fix prefix option in Redis Cacher (223)
  • remove nanomatch dependency, use own implementation
  • fix ContextFactory issue (235)
  • expose utility functions as require("moleculer").Utils
  • overwritable mergeSchemas static method in Service class.
  • Moleculer Runner precedence order is changed. The SERVICES & SERVICEDIR env vars overwrites the paths in CLI arguments.
moleculer - v0.12.0

Published by icebob over 6 years ago

This version contains the most changes in the history of Moleculer! More than 200 commits with 17k additions and a lot of new features.

Breaking changes

Github organization is renamed

The Github organization name (Ice Services) has been renamed to MoleculerJS. Please update your bookmarks.

Mixin merging logic is changed

To support #188, mixin merging logic is changed at actions. Now it uses defaultsDeep for merging. It means you can extend the actions definition of mixins, no need to redeclare the handler.

Add extra action properties but handler is untouched

    // mixin.service.js
    module.exports = {
        actions: {
            create(ctx) {
                // Action handler without `params`
    // my.service.js
    module.exports = {
        mixins: [MixinService]
        actions: {
            create: {
                // Add only `params` property to the `create` action
                // The handler is merged from mixin
                params: {
                    name: "string"


Wrapper removed from transporter options

If you are using transporter options, you will need to migrate them. The transporter specific wrapper has been removed from options (nats, redis, mqtt, amqp).


// NATS transporter
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: {
        type: "NATS",
        options: {
            nats: {
                user: "admin",
                pass: "1234"    

// Redis transporter
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: {
        type: "Redis",
        options: {
            redis: {
                port: 6379,
                db: 0

// MQTT transporter
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: {
        type: "MQTT",
        options: {
            mqtt: {
                user: "admin",
                pass: "1234"    

// AMQP transporter
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: {
        type: "AMQP",
        options: {
            amqp: {
                prefetch: 1 


// NATS transporter
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: {
        type: "NATS",
        options: {
            user: "admin",
            pass: "1234"    

// Redis transporter
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: {
        type: "Redis",
        options: {
            port: 6379,
            db: 0

// MQTT transporter
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: {
        type: "MQTT",
        options: {
            user: "admin",
            pass: "1234"    

// AMQP transporter
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: {
        type: "AMQP",
        options: {
            prefetch: 1 

Default nodeID generator changed

When nodeID didn't define in broker options, the broker generated it from hostname (os.hostname()). It could cause problem for new users when they tried to start multiple instances on the same computer. Therefore, the broker generates nodeID from hostname and process PID. The newly generated nodeID looks like server-6874 where server is the hostname and 6874 is the PID.

Protocol changed

The transport protocol is changed. The new version is 3. Check the changes.

It means, the >=0.12.x versions can't communicate with old <=0.11 versions.


  • the RESPONSE packet has a new field meta.
  • the EVENT packet has a new field broadcast.
  • the port field is removed from INFO packet.
  • the INFO packet has a new field hostname.

New features

New ServiceBroker options

There are some new properties in ServiceBroker option: middlewares, created, started, stopped.

They can be useful when you use broker config file and start your project with Moleculer Runner.

// moleculer.config.js
module.exports = {
    logger: true,

    // Add middlewares
    middlewares: [myMiddleware()],

    // Fired when the broker created
    created(broker) {

    // Fired when the broker started
    started(broker) {
        // You can return Promise
        return broker.Promise.resolve();

    // Fired when the broker stopped
    stopped(broker) {
        // You can return Promise
        return broker.Promise.resolve();

Broadcast events with group filter

The broker.broadcast function has a third groups argument similar to broker.emit.

// Send to all "mail" service instances
broker.broadcast("user.created", { user }, "mail");

// Send to all "user" & "purchase" service instances.
broker.broadcast("user.created", { user }, ["user", "purchase"]);

CPU usage-based strategy

There is a new CpuUsageStrategy strategy. It selects a node which has the lowest CPU usage.
Due to the node list can be very long, it gets samples and selects the node with the lowest CPU usage from only samples instead of the whole node list.

There are 2 options for the strategy:

  • sampleCount: the number of samples. Default: 3
  • lowCpuUsage: the low CPU usage percent. The node which has lower CPU usage than this value is selected immediately. Default: 10


const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    registry: {
        strategy: "CpuUsage"

Usage with custom options

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    registry: {
        strategy: "CpuUsage",
        strategyOptions: {
            sampleCount: 3,
            lowCpuUsage: 10

Starting logic is changed

The broker & services starting logic has been changed.

Previous logic: the broker starts transporter connecting. When it's done, it starts all services (calls service started handlers). It has a disadvantage because other nodes can send requests to these services, while they are still starting and not ready yet.

New logic: the broker starts transporter connecting but it doesn't publish the local service list to remote nodes. When it's done, it starts all services (calls service started handlers). Once all services start successfully, broker publishes the local service list to remote nodes. Hence other nodes send requests only after all local service started properly.

Please note: you can make dead-locks when two services wait for each other. E.g.: users service has dependencies: [posts] and posts service has dependencies: [users]. To avoid it remove the concerned service from dependencies and use waitForServices method out of started handler instead.

Metadata is sent back to requester

At requests, ctx.meta is sent back to the caller service. You can use it to send extra meta information back to the caller.
E.g.: send response headers back to API gateway or set resolved logged in user to metadata.

Export & download a file with API gateway:

// Export data
export(ctx) {
    const rows = this.adapter.find({});

    // Set response headers to download it as a file
    ctx.meta.headers = {
        "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        "Content-Disposition": 'attachment; filename=\"book.json\"'

    return rows;


auth(ctx) {
    let user = this.getUserByJWT(ctx.params.token);
    if (ctx.meta.user) {
        ctx.meta.user = user;

        return true;

    throw new Forbidden();

Better ES6 class support

If you like better ES6 classes than Moleculer service schema, you can write your services in ES6 classes.

There are two ways to do it:

  1. Native ES6 classes with schema parsing

    Define actions and events handlers as class methods. Call the parseServiceSchema method in constructor with schema definition where the handlers pointed to these class methods.

    const Service = require("moleculer").Service;
    class GreeterService extends Service {
        constructor(broker) {
                name: "greeter",
                version: "v2",
                meta: {
                    scalable: true
                dependencies: [
                settings: {
                    upperCase: true
                actions: {
                    hello: this.hello,
                    welcome: {
                        cache: {
                            keys: ["name"]
                        params: {
                            name: "string"
                        handler: this.welcome
                events: {
                    "user.created": this.userCreated
                created: this.serviceCreated,
                started: this.serviceStarted,
                stopped: this.serviceStopped,
        // Action handler
        hello() {
            return "Hello Moleculer";
        // Action handler
        welcome(ctx) {
            return this.sayWelcome(;
        // Private method
        sayWelcome(name) {
  "Say hello to", name);
            return `Welcome, ${this.settings.upperCase ? name.toUpperCase() : name}`;
        // Event handler
        userCreated(user) {
  "mail.send", { user });
        serviceCreated() {
  "ES6 Service created.");
        serviceStarted() {
  "ES6 Service started.");
        serviceStopped() {
  "ES6 Service stopped.");
    module.exports = GreeterService;
  2. Use decorators

    Thanks for @ColonelBundy, you can use ES7/TS decorators as well: moleculer-decorators

    Please note, you need to use Typescript or Babel to compile decorators.

    Example service

    const moleculer = require('moleculer');
    const { Service, Action, Event, Method } = require('moleculer-decorators');
    const web = require('moleculer-web');
    const broker = new moleculer.ServiceBroker({
        logger: console,
        logLevel: "debug",
        mixins: [web],
        settings: {
            port: 3000,
            routes: [
    class ServiceName {
        Login(ctx) {
        // With options
            cache: false,
            params: {
                a: "number",
                b: "number"
        Login2(ctx) {
        ''(payload, sender, eventName) {
        authorize(ctx, route, req, res) {
        hello() { // Private
        started() { // Reserved for moleculer, fired when started
        created() { // Reserved for moleculer, fired when created
        stopped() { // Reserved for moleculer, fired when stopped

Event group option

The broker groups the event listeners by group name. The group name is the name of the service where your event handler is declared. You can change it in the event definition.

module.export = {
    name: "payment",
    events: {
        "order.created": {
            // Register handler to "other" group instead of "payment" group.
            group: "other",
            handler(payload) {
                // ...

New experimental TCP transporter with UDP discovery

There is a new built-in zero-config TCP transporter. It uses Gossip protocol to disseminate node info, service list and heartbeats. It has an integrated UDP discovery to detect new nodes on the network. It uses multicast discovery messages.
If the UDP is prohibited on your network, you can use urls option. It is a list of remote endpoints (host/ip, port, nodeID). It can be a static list in your configuration or a file path which contains the list.

Please note you don't need to list all remote nodes. It's enough at least one node which is online. For example, you can create a "serviceless" gossiper node, which does nothing, just shares remote nodes addresses by gossip messages. So all nodes need to know only the gossiper node address to be able to detect all other nodes.

Use TCP transporter with default options

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: "TCP"

Use TCP transporter with static node list

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: "tcp://,"


const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    nodeID: "node-1",
    transporter: {
        type: "TCP",
        options: {
            udpDiscovery: false,
            urls: [

All TCP transporter options with default values

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    logger: true,
    transporter: {
        type: "TCP",
        options: {
            // Enable UDP discovery
            udpDiscovery: true,
            // Reusing UDP server socket
            udpReuseAddr: true,

            // UDP port
            udpPort: 4445,
            // UDP bind address (if null, bind on all interfaces)
            udpBindAddress: null,
            // UDP sending period (seconds)
            udpPeriod: 30,

            // Multicast address.
            udpMulticast: "",
            // Multicast TTL setting
            udpMulticastTTL: 1,

            // Send broadcast (Boolean, String, Array<String>)
            udpBroadcast: false,

            // TCP server port. Null or 0 means random port
            port: null,
            // Static remote nodes address list (when UDP discovery is not available)
            urls: null,
            // Use hostname as preffered connection address
            useHostname: true,

            // Gossip sending period in seconds
            gossipPeriod: 2,
            // Maximum enabled outgoing connections. If reach, close the old connections
            maxConnections: 32,
            // Maximum TCP packet size
            maxPacketSize: 1 * 1024 * 1024            

New experimental transporter for Kafka

There is a new transporter for Kafka. It is a very simple implementation. It transfers Moleculer packets to consumers via pub/sub. There are not implemented offset, replay...etc features.
Please note, it is an experimental transporter. Do not use it in production yet!

To use it, install kafka-node with npm install kafka-node --save command.

Connect to Zookeeper

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    logger: true,
    transporter: "kafka://"

Connect to Zookeeper with custom options

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    logger: true,
    transporter: {
        type: "kafka",
        options: {
            host: "",

            // KafkaClient options. More info:
            client: {
                zkOptions: undefined,
                noAckBatchOptions: undefined,
                sslOptions: undefined

            // KafkaProducer options. More info:
            producer: {},
            customPartitioner: undefined,

            // ConsumerGroup options. More info:
            consumer: {

            // Advanced options for `send`. More info:
            publish: {
                partition: 0,
                attributes: 0

New experimental transporter for NATS Streaming

There is a new transporter for NATS Streaming. It is a very simple implementation. It transfers Moleculer packets to consumers via pub/sub. There are not implemented offset, replay...etc features.
Please note, it is an experimental transporter. Do not use it in production yet!

To use it, install node-nats-streaming with npm install node-nats-streaming --save command.

Connect to NATS Streaming server

// Shorthand to local server
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    logger: true,
    transporter: "STAN"

// Shorthand
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    logger: true,
    transporter: "stan://"

// Shorthand with options
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    logger: true,
    transporter: {
        type: "STAN",
        options: {
            url: "stan://",
            clusterID: "my-cluster"

Define custom REPL commands in broker options

You can define your custom REPL commands in broker options to extend Moleculer REPL commands.

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    logger: true,
    replCommands: [
            command: "hello <name>",
            description: "Call the greeter.hello service with name",
            alias: "hi",
            options: [
                { option: "-u, --uppercase", description: "Uppercase the name" }
            types: {
                string: ["name"],
                boolean: ["u", "uppercase"]
            //parse(command, args) {},
            //validate(args) {},
            //help(args) {},
            allowUnknownOptions: true,
            action(broker, args) {
                const name = args.options.uppercase ? :;
                return"greeter.hello", { name }).then(console.log);



  • MemoryCacher clears all cache entries after the transporter connected/reconnected.
  • broker.loadServices file mask is changed from *.service.js to **/*.service.js in order to load all services from subfolders too.
  • ServiceNotFoundError and ServiceNotAvailableError errors are retryable errors.
  • method gets only available endpoint list.
  • old unavailable nodes are removed from registry after 10 minutes.
  • CPU usage in HEARTBEAT packet is working properly in Windows too.
  • register middlewares before internal service ($node.*) loading.
  • broker.getAction deprecated method is removed.
  • PROTOCOL_VERSION constant is available via broker as ServiceBroker.PROTOCOL_VERSION or broker.PROTOCOL_VERSION
  • serialization functions are moved from transit to transporter codebase.
  • ctx.broadcast shortcut method is created to send broadcast events from action handler.
  • broker.started property is created to indicate broker starting state.


  • handles invalid dependencies value in service schema #164
  • fix event emit error if payload is null,
moleculer - v0.11.10

Published by icebob almost 7 years ago


Built-in clustering in Moleculer Runner #169

By @tinchoz49 Moleculer Runner has a new built-in clustering function. With it, you can start multiple instances from your broker.

Example to start all services from the services folder in 4 instances.

$ moleculer-runner --instances 4 services

Please note, the nodeID will be suffixed with the worker ID.

Context meta & params in metrics events #166

By @dani8art you can set that the broker put some ctx.meta and ctx.params fields to the metrics events.
You can define it in the action definition:

module.exports = {
    name: "test",
    actions: {
        import: {
            cache: true,
            metrics: {
                // Disable to add `ctx.params` to metrics payload. Default: false
                params: false,
                // Enable to add `ctx.meta` to metrics payload. Default: true
                meta: true
            handler(ctx) {
                // ...

If the value is true, it adds all fields. If Array, it adds the specified fields. If Function, it calls with params or metaand you need to return with an Object.

moleculer - v0.11.9

Published by icebob almost 7 years ago


Strategy resolver

ServiceBroker can resolve the strategy from a string.

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    registry: {
        strategy: "Random"
        // strategy: "RoundRobin"

You can set it via env variables as well, if you are using the Moleculer Runner:


Load env files in Moleculer Runner #158

Moleculer runner can load .env file at starting. There are two new cli options to load env file:

  • -e, --env - Load envorinment variables from the '.env' file from the current folder.
  • -E, --envfile <filename> - Load envorinment variables from the specified file.


# Load the default .env file from current directory
$ moleculer-runner --env 

# Load the specified .my-env file
$ moleculer-runner --envfile .my-env


  • fixed hot reloading after broken service files by @askuzminov (#155)
  • allow fallbackResponse to be falsy values
moleculer - v0.11.6

Published by icebob almost 7 years ago


New cacher features

In action cache keys you can use meta keys with # prefix.

    name: "posts",
    actions: {
        list: {
            cache: {
                // Cache key:  "limit" & "offset" from ctx.params, "" from ctx.meta
                keys: ["limit", "offset", ""],
                ttl: 5
            handler(ctx) {...}

You can override the cacher default TTL setting in action definition.

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    cacher: {
        type: "memory",
        options: {
            ttl: 30 // 30 seconds

    name: "posts",
    actions: {
        list: {
            cache: {
                // This cache entries will be expired after 5 seconds instead of 30.
                ttl: 5
            handler(ctx) {...}

You can change the built-in cacher keygen function to your own one.

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    cacher: {
        type: "memory",
        options: {
            keygen(name, params, meta, keys) {
                // Generate a cache key
                return ...;


moleculer - v0.11.5

Published by icebob about 7 years ago


  • strategy option has been fixed in broker option #121
moleculer - v0.11.4

Published by icebob about 7 years ago


  • Moleculer Runner arguments have been fixed (services arg)
  • update AMQP default queue options by @Nathan-Schwartz #119
moleculer - v0.11.3

Published by icebob about 7 years ago


  • The ack handling has been fixed in AMQP transporter.
  • AMQP RCP integration tests are added.
moleculer - v0.11.2

Published by icebob about 7 years ago


Service dependencies #102

The Service schema has a new dependencies property. The serice can wait for other dependening ones when it starts. This way you don't need to call waitForServices in started any longer.

module.exports = {
  name: "posts",
  settings: {
      $dependencyTimeout: 30000 // Default: 0 - no timeout
  dependencies: [
      "likes", // shorthand w/o version
      { name: "users", version: 2 }, // with numeric version
      { name: "comments", version: "staging" } // with string version
  started() {"Service started after the dependent services available.");

The started service handler is called once the likes, users and comments services are registered (on the local or remote nodes).

Pending request queue size limit #111

The ServiceBroker has a new maxQueueSize option under transit key. The broker protects the process to avoid crash during a high load with it. The maxQueueSize default value is 50,000. If pending request queue size reaches it, broker rejects the request with a QueueIsFull (retryable) error.

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
	transporter: "NATS",
	transit: {
		maxQueueSize: 10 * 1000


The waitForServices method supports service versions #112

By @imatefx, the waitForServices broker & service methods support service versions. Use the following formats to define version in a dependency:

module.exports = {
    name: "test",
    dependencies: { name: "users", version: 2 }
moleculer - v0.11.1

Published by icebob about 7 years ago


Service metadata #91

The Service schema has a new metadata property. The Moleculer modules doesn't use it, so you can use it whatever you want.

    name: "posts",
    settings: {},
    metadata: {
        scalable: true,
        priority: 5

    actions: { ... }

The metadata is transferred between nodes, you can access it via $ Or inside service with this.metadata like settings.

NATS transporter supports to use the built-in balancer

The NATS transporter has been changed. It supports to use the NATS built-in balancer instead of Moleculer balancer. In this case every call & emit will be transferred through NATS message broker.

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: "NATS",
    disableBalancer: true


  • ping nodes with broker.sendPing instead of broker.transit.sendPing.
  • index.d.ts updated to v0.11
  • AMQP integration tests has been rewritten.
  • process exit code changed from 2 to 1 in broker.fatal. Reason: 2 is reserved by Bash for builtin misuse. More info
moleculer - v0.11.0

Published by icebob about 7 years ago

Breaking changes

Protocol changed #86

The Moleculer transportation protocol has been changed. It means, the new (>= v0.11) versions can't communicate with the old (<= v0.10.x) ones.
You can find more information about changes in #86 issue.

Balanced events

The whole event handling has been rewritten. By now Moleculer supports event driven architecture. It means that event emits are balanced like action calls are.

For example, you have 2 main services: users & payments. Both subscribe to the user.created event. You start 3 instances from users service and 2 instances from payments service. If you emit the event with broker.emit('user.created'), broker groups & balances the event, so only one users and one payments service receive the event.
You can also send broadcast events with the broker.broadcast('user.created) command. This way every service instance on every node receives the event.
The broker.broadcastLocal('user.created') command sends events only to the local services.

Renamed & new internal events

Every internal event name starts with '$'. These events are not transferred to remote nodes.

Renamed events:

  • node.connected -> $node.connected
  • node.updated -> $node.updated
  • node.disconnected -> $node.disconnected
  • services.changed -> $services.changed. It is called if local or remote service list is changed.
  • circuit-breaker.closed -> $circuit-breaker.closed
  • circuit-breaker.opened -> $circuit-breaker.opened
  • circuit-breaker.half-opened -> $circuit-breaker.half-opened

New events:

  • global circuit breaker events for metrics: metrics.circuit-breaker.closed, metrics.circuit-breaker.opened, metrics.circuit-breaker.half-opened

Switchable built-in load balancer

The built-in Moleculer load balancer is switchable. You can turn it off, if the transporter has internal balancer (currently AMQP has it).

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    disableBalancer: false

Please note! If built-in balancer is disabled, every call & emit (including local ones too) are transferred via transporter.

Removed broker methods

Some internal broker methods have been removed or renamed.

  • broker.bus has been removed.
  • broker.on has been removed. Use events in service schema instead.
  • broker.once has been removed.
  • has been removed.
  • broker.getService has been renamed to broker.getLocalService
  • broker.hasService has been removed.
  • broker.hasAction has been removed.
  • broker.getAction has been deprecated.
  • broker.isActionAvailable has been removed.

Changed local service responses

Internal action ($node.list, $, $node.actions, $ responses are changed. New internal action ($ to list event subscriptiion is added.

Broker option changes

  • heartbeatInterval default value is changed from 10 to 5.
  • heartbeatTimeout default value is changed from 30 to 15.
  • circuitBreaker.maxFailures default value is changed from 5 to 3.
  • logFormatter accepts string. The simple value is a new formatter to show only log level & log messages.


Ping command

New PING & PONG feature has been implemented. Ping remite nodes to measure the network latency and system time differences.

    name: "test",
    events: {
        "$node.pong"({ nodeID, elapsedTime, timeDiff }) {
  `Pong received from '${nodeID}' - Time: ${elapsedTime}ms, System time difference: ${timeDiff}ms`);

broker.start().then(() => broker.transit.sendPing(/*nodeID*/));

Pluggable validator

The Validator in ServiceBroker is plugable. So you can change the built-in fastest-validator to a slower one :) Example Joi validator

Waiting for other services feature

If your services depend on other ones, use the waitForService method to make services wait until dependencies start.

let svc = broker.createService({
    name: "seed",
    started() {
        return this.waitForServices(["posts", "users"]).then(() => {
            // Do work...


this.waitForServices(serviceNames: String|Array<String>, timeout: Number/*milliseconds*/, interval: Number/*milliseconds*/): Promise

New error types

We added some new Moleculer error classes.

  • MoleculerRetryableError - Common Retryable error. Caller retries the request if retryCount > 0.
  • MoleculerServerError - Common server error (5xx).
  • MoleculerClientError - Common client/request error (4xx).
  • ServiceNotAvailable - Raises if the service is registered but isn't available (no live nodes or CB disabled them).
  • ProtocolVersionMismatchError - Raises if connect a node with an older client (<= v0.10.0)).

Other changes

  • The cachers don't listen "cache.clean" event.
moleculer - v0.10.0

Published by icebob about 7 years ago

Breaking changes

No more nodeID == null in local stuff

In all core modules removed the nullable nodeID. Every places (context, events, $node.* results) the nodeID contains a valid (local or remote) nodeID. On local nodes it equals with broker.nodeID.

Migration guide


if (ctx.nodeID == null) { ... }
// ---------
events: {
    "users.created"(payload, sender) {
        if (sender == null) { ... }


if (ctx.nodeID == { ... }
// ---------
events: {
    "users.created"(payload, sender) {
        if (sender == { ... }

internalActions is renamed to internalServices

The internalActions broker option is renamed to internalServices.

Removed broker.createNewContext method

The createNewContext broker method is moved to Contextclass as a static method.

Migration guide:


let ctx = broker.createNewContext(action, nodeID, params, opts);


let ctx = Context.create(broker, action, nodeID, params, opts);
// or better
let ctx = broker.ContextFactory.create(broker, action, nodeID, params, opts);

Removed LOCAL_NODE_ID constant

The recently added LOCAL_NODE_ID constant is removed. If you want to check the nodeID is local, please use the if (nodeID == broker.nodeID) syntax.

Class based pluggable Service registry strategies #75

By @WoLfulus, the service registry balancer strategy is now pluggable.

New syntax:

let Strategies = require("moleculer").Strategies;

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    registry: {        
        strategy: new Strategies.RoundRobin()

Custom strategy

You can create you custom strategy.

let BaseStrategy = require("moleculer").Strategies.Base;

class CustomStrategy extends BaseStrategy {
    select(list) {
        return list[0];

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    registry: {        
        strategy: new CustomStrategy()

Metrics event payloads are changed

The metrics payload contains remoteCall and callerNodeID properties. The remoteCall is true if the request is called from a remote node. In this case the callerNodeID contains the caller nodeID.


    "action": {
        "name": "users.get"
    "id": "123123123",
    "level": 1,
    "parent": 123,
    "remoteCall": true,
    "requestID": "abcdef",
    "startTime": 123456789,
    "nodeID": "node-1",
    "callerNodeID": "node-2"


    "action": {
        "name": "users.get"
    "duration": 45,
    "id": "123123123",
    "parent": 123,
    "requestID": "abcdef",
    "startTime": 123456789,
    "endTime": 123456795,
    "fromCache": false,
    "level": 1,
    "remoteCall": true,
    "nodeID": "node-1",
    "callerNodeID": "node-2"


Hot reload services #82

The ServiceBroker supports hot reloading services. If you enable it broker will watch file changes. If you modify service file, broker will reload it on-the-fly.
Demo video

Note: Hot reloading is only working with Moleculer Runner or if you load your services with broker.loadService or broker.loadServices.


let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    logger: console,
    hotReload: true


Usage with Moleculer Runner

Turn it on with --hot or -H flags.

$ moleculer-runner --hot ./services/test.service.js

Protocol documentation

Moleculer protocol documentation is available in docs/ file.

AMQP transporter #72

By @Nathan-Schwartz, AMQP (for RabbitMQ) transporter added to Moleculer project.

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: "amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq-server:5672"

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: new AmqpTransporter({
        amqp: {
            url: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672",
            eventTimeToLive: 5000,
            prefetch: 1 
moleculer - v0.9.0

Published by icebob about 7 years ago

Breaking changes

Namespace support, removed prefix options #57

The broker has a new namespace option to segment your services. For example, you are running development & production services (or more production services) on the same transporter. If you are using different namespace you can avoid collisions between different environments.

You can reach it in your services as

Thereupon the prefix option in transporters & cachers is removed.


const broker = new ServiceBroker({
    logger: console,
    namespace: "DEV",
    transporter: "NATS",
    cacher: "Redis"

In this case the transporter & cacher prefix will be MOL-DEV.

Renamed internal service settings

The useVersionPrefix is renamed to $noVersionPrefix. The serviceNamePrefix is renamed to $noServiceNamePrefix. Both settings logical state is changed.
The cache setting is renamed to $cache.

Migration guide


    name: "test",
    settings: {
        useVersionPrefix: false,
        serviceNamePrefix: false,
        cache: true


    name: "test",
    settings: {
        $noVersionPrefix: true,
        $noServiceNamePrefix: true,
        $cache: true

Changed versioned action names #58

Based on #58 if service version is a String, the version in action names won't be prefixed with v, expect if it is a Number.


    name: "test",
    version: 3,
    actions: {
        hello(ctx) {}

    name: "test",
    version: "staging",
    actions: {
        hello(ctx) {}

Module log level configuration is removed

The module log level is not supported. The logLevel option can be only String. It is used if the logger is the console. In case of external loggers you have to handle log levels.


Better logging #61

The whole Moleculer logger is rewritten. It supports better the external loggers. The built-in log message format is also changed.

Built-in console logger

const broker = createBroker({ 
    logger: console, 
    logLevel: "info"

New console output:

With custom logFormatter

const broker = new ServiceBroker({ 
    logger: console, 
    logFormatter(level, args, bindings) {
        return level.toUpperCase() + " " + bindings.nodeID + ": " + args.join(" ");
broker.logger.warn("Warn message");
broker.logger.error("Error message");


WARN dev-pc: Warn message
ERROR dev-pc: Error message

External loggers


const pino = require("pino")({ level: "info" });
const broker = new ServiceBroker({ 
    logger: bindings => pino.child(bindings)

Sample output:


const bunyan = require("bunyan");
const logger = bunyan.createLogger({ name: "moleculer", level: "info" });
const broker = new ServiceBroker({ 
    logger: bindings => logger.child(bindings)

Sample output:


const broker = new ServiceBroker({ 
    logger: bindings => new winston.Logger({
        transports: [
            new (winston.transports.Console)({
                timestamp: true,
                colorize: true,
                prettyPrint: true

Winston context

const WinstonContext = require("winston-context");
const winston = require("winston");
const broker = createBroker({ 
    logger: bindings => new WinstonContext(winston, "", bindings)

Please note! Some external loggers have not trace & fatal log methods (e.g.: winston). In this case you have to extend your logger.

const WinstonContext = require("winston-context");
const winston = require("winston");
const { extend } = require("moleculer").Logger;
const broker = createBroker({ 
    logger: bindings => extend(new WinstonContext(winston, "", bindings))

The bindings contains the following properties:

  • ns - namespace
  • nodeID - nodeID
  • mod - type of core module: broker, cacher, transit, transporter
  • svc - service name
  • ver - service version

Please avoid to use these property names when you log an Object. For example: the broker.logger.error({ mod: "peanut" }) overrides the original mod value!

Dynamic service load & destroy

Available to load & destroy services after the broker started. For example you can hot-reload your services in runtime. The remote nodes will be notified about changes and the broker will emit a services.changed event locally.


broker.start().then(() => {

    setTimeout(() => {
        // Create a new service after 5s
            name: "math",
            actions: {
                add(ctx) {
                    return Number(ctx.params.a) + Number(ctx.params.b);

    }, 5000);

    setTimeout(() => {
        // Destroy a created service after 10s
        let svc = broker.getService("math");

    }, 10000);


Multiple service calls #31

With broker.mcall method you can call multiple actions (in parallel).

Example with Array

    { action: "posts.find", params: {limit: 5, offset: 0}, options: { timeout: 500 } },
    { action: "users.find", params: {limit: 5, sort: "username"} }
]).then(results => {
    let posts = results[0];
    let users = results[1];

Example with Object

    posts: { action: "posts.find", params: {limit: 5, offset: 0}, options: { timeout: 500 } },
    users: { action: "users.find", params: {limit: 5, sort: "username"} }
}).then(results => {
    let posts = results.posts;
    let users = results.users;
moleculer - v0.8.4

Published by icebob about 7 years ago


  • fixed Calling error! TypeError : Cannot read property 'requestID' of undefined error when you call a local action from other one directly.
moleculer - v0.8.3

Published by icebob about 7 years ago


Removable actions in mixins

You can remove an existing action when mixing a service.

    name: "test",
    mixins: [OtherService],
    actions: {
        dangerAction: false

In the test service the dangerAction action won't be registered.

Support NPM modules in moleculer-runner

You can load services from NPM module in moleculer-runner.

With CLI arguments

$ moleculer-runner -r npm:moleculer-fake npm:moleculer-twilio

With env

$ SERVICES=posts,users,npm:moleculer-fale,npm:moleculer-twilio

$ moleculer-runner
moleculer - v0.8.2

Published by icebob over 7 years ago


  • fixed Redis cacher option resolver in ServiceBroker. Now it accepts connection string.

    let broker = new ServiceBroker({
        cacher: "redis://localhost"


Validator updated

The fastest-validator is updated to v0.5.0. It supports multi rules & custom validators.

moleculer - v0.8.1

Published by icebob over 7 years ago


Improved mixin's merge logic #50

The mixins merge logic is handle better events & lifecycle events. If you have a created, started, stopped lifecycle event or any other service event handler in your services, but your mixin has the same event, Moleculer will call all of them in your service and in mixins.

Read more about mixins

moleculer - v0.8.0

Published by icebob over 7 years ago


Project runner script

There is a new Moleculer project runner script in the bin folder.
You can use it if you want to create small repos for services. In this case you needn't to create a ServiceBroker with options. Just create a moleculer.config.js or moleculer.config.json file in the root of repo fill it with your options and call the moleculer-runner within the NPM scripts.
Other solution is that you don't put options to file, instead put it to the environment variables.

Read more about runner

Shorthand for transporters, cachers and serializers in broker options

There are implemented some new resolvers in broker options to support shorthand configurations. This feature is enabled to load broker options easily from a JSON file or load from environment variables.

Usage for transporters

// Connect to the NATS default (localhost) server
let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: "NATS"

// Connect to a NATS server with connection string
let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: "nats://nats-server:4222"

// Connect to a NATS server with transporter options
let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: {
        type: "NATS",
        options: {
            prefix: "TEST",
            nats: {
                host: "nats-server",
                user: "admin",
                pass: "nats-pass"

Usage for cachers

// Use a memory cacher
let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    cacher: true
    // or
    // cacher: "Memory"

// Use a Redis cacher with default options
let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    cacher: "Redis"

// Use a Redis cacher with options
let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    cacher: {
        type: "Redis",
        options: {
            ttl: 100

Usage for serializers

// Use the Avro serializer
let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    serializers: "Avro"

// Use the Protocol Buffer serializer
let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    serializers: {
        type: "ProtoBuf"

Built-in circuit breaker #22

Implemented better circuit breaker solution. Now every calls (local and remote) are protected with the built-in circuit breaker.
You only need to enable it in broker options.


let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    circuitBreaker: {
        enabled: true, // Enable this feature
        maxFailures: 5, // Trip breaker on 5 failures
        halfOpenTime: 10 * 1000 // 10 sec to switch to `half-open` state
        failureOnTimeout: true // Failure if request timed out
        failureOnReject: true // Failure if request rejected with error code >= 500

nodeUnavailable method is dropped.

Service Registry module

Created a built-in Service Registry module. It handles actions of services on nodes, circuit breaker logic...etc. In the future it will be perhaps pluggable.

Via broker options you can change the load balancing strategies of Service Registry.


const { STRATEGY_ROUND_ROBIN, STRATEGY_RANDOM } = require("moleculer");

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    registry: {
        strategy: STRATEGY_ROUND_ROBIN, // Load balancing strategy
		preferLocal: true // First call local service if available

REPL mode #30

Broker has an interactive REPL mode. You can load services, call actions, emit events, subscribe & unsubscribe events from your console. You can list registered nodes & actions.

To use REPL mode please install the moleculer-repl module with npm install moleculer-repl --save command.

Start REPL mode

let broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: console });

// Start REPL



    help [command...]                      Provides help for a given command.
    exit                                   Exits application.
    q                                      Exit application
    call <actionName> [params]             Call an action
    dcall <nodeID> <actionName> [params]   Call a direct action
    emit <eventName> [payload]             Emit an event
    load <servicePath>                     Load a service from file
    loadFolder <serviceFolder> [fileMask]  Load all service from folder
    subscribe <eventName>                  Subscribe to an event
    unsubscribe <eventName>                Unsubscribe from an event
    actions [options]                      List of actions
    nodes                                  List of nodes
    info                                   Information from broker

REPL Commands

List nodes

mol $ nodes


List services

mol $ services

List actions

mol $ actions


Show common informations

mol $ info


Call an action

mol $ call "test.hello"

Call an action with params

mol $ call "math.add" '{"a": 5, "b": 4}'

Direct call

mol $ dcall server-2 "$"

Emit an event

mol $ emit "user.created"

Subscribe to an event

mol $ subscribe "user.created"

Unsubscribe from an event

mol $ unsubscribe "user.created"

Load a service

mol $ load "./math.service.js"

Load services from folder

mol $ load "./services"

Direct call

There is available to call an action directly on a specified node. For use, you need to set nodeID in options of call.

Example"user.create", {}, { timeout: 5000, nodeID: "server-12" });

Mergeable schemas in createService

Now there is a second parameter of broker.createService. With it you can override the schema properties. You can use it to use a built-in service & override some props.


broker.createService(apiGwService, {
    settings: {
        // Change port setting
        port: 8080
    actions: {
        myAction() {
            // Add a new action to apiGwService service

    created() {
        // Overwrite apiGwService.created handler

Or you can merge it manually with mergeSchemas method.

let mergedSchema = broker.mergeSchemas(origSchema, modifications);

Service mixins

Similar as mergeable schemas, the service can contain any mixin schemas. The constructor of Service will merge these mixins with the schema of Service. Use it to reuse an other Service in your service. Or you can extend an other Service.


const ApiGwService = require("moleculer-web");

module.exports = {
    name: "api",
    mixins: [ApiGwService]
    settings: {
        // Change port setting
        port: 8080
    actions: {
        myAction() {
            // Add a new action to apiGwService service

New option to protect calling loop

You can protect your app against calling loop with the new maxCallLevel option. If the ctx.level value reaches this limit, will be thrown a MaxCallLevelError error.

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    maxCallLevel: 100

New Service setting

There is a new useVersionPrefix option in settings of Service. If false, Moleculer can't use the version number of service as prefix for action names. The name of service will be users.find instead of v2.users.find. The default is true.


Removed the node.reconnected and node.broken events (breaking)

We merged the node.connected and node.reconnected events. The payload is changed:

    node: {...},
    reconnected: false // it indicates the node is connected or reconnected

We merged also the node.disconnected and node.broken events. The payload is changed:

    node: {...},
    unexpected: true // True: broken, not coming heart-beat, False: received "DISCONNECT" packet

Remove Transporter, Cacher and Serializers dependencies (breaking)

Moleculer doesn't contain dependencies for NATS, Redis, MQTT, MsgPack, Avro and Protobuf. So it need install manually in your project.
If you want to create a Moleculer project which communicates via NATS and your Redis cacher, you have to install npm install moleculer nats redis --save

Changed code of ServiceNotFoundError

The code of ServiceNotFoundError is changed from 501 to 404. More info

Using Nanomatch instead of micromatch

Memory cacher is using nanomatch instead of micromatch. The nanomatch is ~10x faster.

Removed metricsSendInterval option #24

The metricsSendInterval option is removed from broker options. If you want to access statistics & health info, call the $ and $node.stats actions.

Metrics & Statistics separated #24

The metrics & statistics features separated. You can use just metrics or just statistics.

Metrics nodeID

Metrics events contains two nodeID properties.

  • nodeID: the "caller" nodeID
  • targetNodeID: in case of remote call this is the remote nodeID

Response error with stack trace

If an action responses an error on a remote node, the transporter will send back the error to the caller with the stack traces.

// It will print the original error stack trace."account.deposit").catch(err => console.log(err.stack)); 

Type property in custom error

The CustomError class renamed to MoleculerError. It got a type new property. You can store here a custom error type. E.g if you have a Validation error sometimes you don't enough the name & code. With type the client can handle the cause of error programmatically.



    actions: {
        get(ctx) {
            if ( {
                const entity = this.searchEntity(;
                if (entity)
                    return entity;
                    return Promise.reject(new ValidationError("Not found entity!", ERR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND));
            } else
                return Promise.reject(new ValidationError("Please set the ID field!", ERR_MISSING_ID));

Renamed appendServiceName settings to serviceNamePrefix in Service schema

Fatal crash

The ServiceBroker has a new fatal method. If you call it, broker will log the message with fatal level and exit the process with code 2.

broker.fatal(message, err, needExit = true)

If you are running your app in containers and it has restart policy, you can use it to restart your app.


try {
    // Do something dangerous
} catch(err) {
    broker.fatal("Dangerous thing is happened!", err, true);

Low-level changes

  • new output of $node.actions and $
  • In packet INFO & DISCOVER changed the actions property to services and now it contains all services with actions of node
  • splitted broker.registerService to registerLocalService and registerRemoteService
  • new broker.unregisterServicesByNode. It will be called when a node disconnected