
Syncfusion JavaScript UI controls library offer more than 50+ cross-browser, responsive, and lightweight HTML5 UI controls for building modern web applications.

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ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.2.62

Published by essentialjs2 about 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #I341014, #I341412 - Histogram chart rendering fine while using negative points.
  • #I340071 - Chart zooming is proper now when the axis is inversed.
  • #I341644 - Unwired the resize event for accumulation chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #I340597 - Tooltip template will now render properly when the Circular Gauge size is smaller than the template's width.


Bug Fixes

  • #I341447 - The issue "The historyChange event is not triggered while rotate and move the node" has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with "Draggable cursor not shown properly in the dialog header, when there are nested dialogs" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with keyboard action has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I341137 - Issue with "fixed grouping headers are not updated while scrolling the popup after set the grouping dynamically" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #340421 - In smaller resolution the splitter appeared in wrong position issue has been fixed.
  • #341502 - Indicators disappear when datasource changed dynamically issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F168526 - enablePersistence was not maintained when filtering applied on foreignKey column.
  • #I335206 - Throws script error while adding the stacked columns dynamically is fixed.
  • #I341127 - Excel filter sub menus does not open in mobile device is Fixed.
  • #I340337 - Immutable mode doesn’t work for deep compare data issue has been fixed.
  • #I336801 - Infinite scrolling with editing with checkbox selection issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I340075 - The issue with "Resizing the table columns, is not updated the table cells properly" has been resolved.
  • #I332614 - The issue with "Table row and column are not resizable, when its position in the editor exceeds the height of the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I341648 - The issue with "The resize event is not unwired after destroying the Sidebar component" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • I341489 - Content on cells getting duplicated after removing unique function issue resolved.
  • I321503 - Formula value not updated while changing its dependent cell, Add / delete rows and columns not updated the formula reference, Renamed sheet not updated in formula reference and Alignment issues while switching between sheets issues resolved.
  • I339957 - Copy method not working while pasting the copied data using ctrl+v action issue resolved.
  • I339531 - Insert column and cut / paste column actions not updated the range data issue resolved.
  • I338070 - Merged cells copy and paste the whole row issue has been fixed.
  • I340202 - Filter value by selected cell operation not filtering the data properly issue resolved.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.2.60

Published by essentialjs2 about 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • F168046 - Resolved Template Compilation malfunction when value have hyphen special character.
  • I339954 - Resolved the issue with Template compilation malfunctions when href value is empty.


Bug Fixes

  • #I340525 - Data labels are rendering fine when the background is specified for the chart.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I340416 - Resolved the toolbar reinitialization issue.
  • #I337274 - Resolved the merged cell border rendering issue.
  • #I335107 - Text is not layouted properly when used with floating table.
  • #I336588 - Resolved the RTL text Copy/paste text only mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #340155 - Dialog closes when pressing insert key issue has been fixed.
  • #333851 - Dynamically changing the holidays issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I339334 - exportDetailDataBound event not triggered when export the HierarchyGrid has been fixed.
  • #I339880 - Script error throws when enable textwrap with auto generated columns, issue has been fixed.
  • #FB27674 - Multi column dynamic sorting issue has been resolved.
  • #I340037 - Grid focus out issue has been resolved.
  • #I340122 - Script error while using custom component on boolean menu filter has been resolved.
  • #I339774 - Script error throws while hiding columns in enabled lazyload grid, has been fixed.
  • #I336801 - Infinite scrolling with editing with checkbox selection issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I340470 - The issue with "Kanban dataBound event is not receiving server-side updated data" has been fixed.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #338402 - Now, the extra lines are not shown in PDF documents in the Firefox browser.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #F168308 - The pivot table can now be rendered properly with custom number formats.
  • #339705 - When the virtualization feature is used, the pivot table can now be rendered properly without an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar when the content does not require it.


Bug Fixes

  • #I332614 - Resolved the issue with table row and column are not resizable, when its position exceeds the height of the Rich Text Editor.
  • #I338000 - The issue with actionComplete event triggered twice, when replacing the inserted image using QuickToolbar has been resolved.
  • #I340075 - The issue with "Resizing the table columns not updated the table cells properly" has been resolved.


New Features

  • I329743 - Provided the support to use a defined name as the source for the list type data validation.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I339350 - Text content is displayed properly when allowTextWrap and checkbox column is enabled.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.2.59

Published by essentialjs2 about 3 years ago


  • #I340170 - Resolved console error thrown on mouse move after removing the chart.
  • Accumulation chart explode is now working properly.
  • 339227 - Logarithmic axis is now working fine for data value below 1.


Bug Fixes

  • #I339487 - The issue "The connector drawing object does not snap to near by port" has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I337211 - The issue with "Styles are not properly removed from the body, when open and close the fullscreen non-modal dialog" has been resolved.
  • #I339787 - The issue with "Dialog overlay element is not removed properly from the DOM" has been resolved.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I339105 - Resolved the number formatting color change issue.
  • #I340265 - Text form field default value is preserved in word export.
  • #I336632 - Style names are now properly listed in the drop down.
  • #I338027 - Track changes close icon is now positioned properly in RTL mode.
  • #I337566 - Resolved the table empty paragraph rendering issue.


Bug Fixes

  • #339434 - Issue in tooltip has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F167458 - enablePersistence was not maintained when routing to another page is resolved.
  • #I339406 - Filtering array of values on date column by filterByColum, issue has been fixed.
  • #F168110 - Filter operation is not cleared while clicking the clear button with immediate mode, issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I339811 - The zoom factor set by the zoomToCoordinates method is now correct.
  • #I338403 - When the navigation lines are rendered outside the map area, the marker templates will now be rendered properly.
  • #I339617 - The color and toggle visibility will now work properly when the legend is rendered for markers.


Bug Fixes

  • Improvements in Header Template support.


Bug Fixes

  • #F167103 - The Image is not displayed, when adding next to the hr tag has been resolved.
  • #FB24806 - The issue with "Rich Text Editor height jumps, on input in Iframe mode with custom toolbar configured" has been resolved.
  • #I340017 - The issue with content area is not entirely visible, when expanding the toolbar if the readOnly property is enabled has been resolved.
  • #FB27857 - The issue with "Cannot cancel fullscreen action in the actionBegin event" has been resolved.
  • #I339831 - The issue with "Lists with multiple spans elements would produce new lists, while applying the background-colour" has been resolved.
  • #F168085 - The issue with "Text color is removed for the range nodes, when removing the formats" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I339839 - An issue with the scheduler resize action is not working properly in timeline views has been fixed.
  • #I338473 - An issue with the scheduler showWeekend property set to false appointments missing has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • I338835 - The Hyperlink throws script errors when updating a cell with a hyper link issue resolved.
  • I337839 - Rounding of decimal values not same as Excel issue resolved.
  • I338305 - Formula getting updated in wrong cells while scrolling issue resolved.
  • I338305 - Contents are not visible at the bottom while scrolling issue resolved.
  • I337755 - Copy & paste from one spreadsheet to another not working properly issue resolved.
  • F168160 - Spreadsheet format button performs form submit issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I339402 - An issue with the tab visible property is not working on the initial load has been fixed.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #F168235 - Adding a new row as a child using context menu works fine.


Bug Fixes

  • #F165287 - Issue with "files are not uploaded in the sequential upload while retrying the failed duplicate files" has been resolved.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.2.57

Published by essentialjs2 about 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #337302 - Browser responsive issue while zooming the chart has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F168138 - When the axis' maximum and minimum values are the same, the axis will not be rendered.


Bug Fixes

  • #I338448 - The issue "An exception occurs when save and load the diagram with PreventDefaults as true" has been fixed.
  • #I338105 - The issue "The drawing tool draws multiple node while perform right click" has been fixed.
  • #I339621 - The issue "An exception occurs render a image node with alignment as none and scale as Stretch" has been fixed.
  • #I339619 - The issue "An exception occurs when save and load the swimlane with BPMN children" has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

#I335857 - Resolved the after spacing preservation issue in copy paste.
#I335107 - Resolved the table rendering issue.
#I334046 - Optimized the spell check by page service call in optimized spell check mode.
#I330165, #I327647, #I324515, #I338278 - Resolved the issues in comment delete and history operation.
#I336315 - Resolved the tab issue for the text with floating table.
#I319206 - Resolved issue with horizontal line shape rendering.
#F167416 - Line spacing is now preserved properly in server side export.
#I337720 - Resolved the localization in Document Editor.
#I335145, #I337499 - Resolved the text measuring issue when HTML and Body tag contains styles.


Bug Fixes

  • #339511 - Issue in maintaining resource selection has been resolved.
  • #338206 - Cleared warnings thrown in Firefox browser.


Bug Fixes

  • #I338200 - Searching operation is not working properly in foreignKeyColumn issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F168138 - When the axis' maximum and minimum values are the same, the axis will not be rendered.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #F168163 - The download file name is now set properly in the PDF Viewer.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Rendering issue with PDF Grid pagination into PDF export is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I336931- The issue with "Rich Text Editor character count increased when bold, italic, underline format applied in empty content and accessing using getCharCount() public method has been resolved.
  • #I338261 - The issue with "Rich Text Editor hangs when pasting the word content, after clearing the value" has been resolved.
  • #I339192 - The "Rich Text Editor height is not adjusted to parent element height" issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • I337420 - Top border not updated for merged cells while loading the saved JSON data issue resolved.
  • I337854 - Sorting action not working properly for newly inserted column issue resolved.
  • I337515 - Same style updated all the rows, while copy / paste multiple lines of text issue resolved.
  • I337957 - Formula expression which contains consecutive product and subtract operators throws #VALUE! error issue resolved.
  • F167279 - Merged cells with border not updated properly on copy / paste action issue resolved.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.2.56

Published by essentialjs2 about 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #337487 - Query selector issue fixed for container ID.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I337569 - Resolved the table relayout issue for the document with compatibility mode.
  • #I331349 - Resolved the text content clipping issue.
  • #I336632 - Resolved the next style hierarchy issue .


Bug Fixes

  • #337257 – Now, the annotation resize is working properly if the resize shape is Circle.

File Manager

Bug Fixes

  • #I337431 - The issue with "filterFiles method in file manager component" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #338587 - Issue in assigning empty data to datasource has been resolved.
  • #335677 - Issue in expandAtLevel and collapseAtLevel method with virtual scrolling has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I338201 - tab key issue in details rows has been resolved.
  • #I338152 - Focusing issue after collapsing all grouped records has been fixed.
  • #I336671 - first column cell is not focused properly with keyboard navigation has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I331403 - The issue with "Kanban is not rendering properly when the data does not have the keyField mapping key" has been fixed.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #336843 - Now, the search notification dialog is displaying in the correct position while disabling the toolbar.
  • #337234, #337796 - Now, the stamp annotation will not be removed from the PDF document while removing the annotation comments.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Rendering issue with PDF Grid pagination is fixed.

Pivot Table

New Features

  • #284641,#326945,#327746,#329355 - Through grid settings event, the pivot table's columns can now fit the widest cell’s content without wrapping.


Bug Fixes

  • #I338000 - Resolved the exception raised, when pressing the enter key after changing the font-size in RTL mode in Firefox browser.
  • #I338062 - The issue with "Link is not generated properly, when pasteCleanUpmodule is imported" has been resolved.
  • #I338062 - The issue with "Unable to paste url more than two times, in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I334925 - An issue with the longer appointments in timeline year view UI has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #FB27112 - The issue with "The Sidebar flickering at initial loading" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • I336287 - Filter getting removed on clicking the undo button issue resolved.
  • I336900 - Undo operation with border and formatting not working properly issue resolved.
  • I334797 - Time formatted value is updated without the starting date during editing.
  • I337512 - After setting default cell style, script error occurs on external copy / paste action issue resolved.
  • I337779 - Deleting empty rows not working issue resolved.
  • I335158 - Filter popup is not visible, when scrolling the sheet issue resolved.
  • I337789 - Dropdown values for list data validation are not updated, while referring the other sheet reference issue resolved.
  • I337291 - Formula not calculated properly after loading the saved JSON data issue resolved.
  • I336375 - Row height updated wrongly during scroll action issue resolved.

New Features

  • I336317 - Updated the formula reference, while performing insert and delete operation.


Bug Fixes

  • #F167809 - Tab content item class white space issue is fixed.


New Features

  • Now, the Tooltip will be rendered when providing an ID that starts with an integer type.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I335989 - Resolved the issue of dragged rows getting deleted while using drag and drop.
  • #I337766 - expandAtLevel and collapseAtLevel methods works fine when enableCollapseAll is true.
  • #I334273 - Resolved white space issue while using single root node with Virtualization and enableCollapseAll.
  • #I335120 - Drag and drop of newly added records works fine.
  • #I336436 - RefreshColumns method works properly when we access the column from the getColumnByUid method.
  • #I337393 - Select all checkbox works fine with filtering.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.2.55

Published by essentialjs2 about 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • I335313 - Issue with "select element is displayed while rendering the component with floating label" has been resolved.


New Features

  • #335166 - Provide Fade out support for chart tooltip on touch.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • #I306072 - The Floating issue in Dashboard Layout when the scroll bar is in the middle of the page has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I336316 - The issue "The loaded connectors path is differ from saved connectors" has been fixed.
  • #I335836 - The Default tooltip rendered in the wrong position for the native node issue has been fixed.
  • #I337885 - The issue "Connectors have disappeared in Swim lane at initial rendering" has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I334754, #F167429 - Resolved the localization issue.
  • #I333264 - Resolved the before spacing issue for the paragraph starting in new page.


Bug Fixes

  • #I337016 - Input space not works in DropDownButton if the target is set as text input issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with "incremental search is not working properly while destroying and rendering the component again" has been resolved.

Dropdown Tree

Bug Fixes

  • #F167371 - The performance issue that occurred when destroying the Dropdown Tree with a huge data source and CheckBox support has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #336211 - Issue with Virtual Scrolling in Firefox browse has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I331628 - Clear button issue in filter bar input has been fixed.
  • #I328013 - Copy and paste in mac os issue has been resolved.
  • #I336801 - Adding new record is not working in infinite scroll with frozen grid, has been fixed.
  • #F158244 - filter menu destroyed issue in filter template has been fixed.

New Features

  • #I334322 - Provided exporting headers with image support.
  • #I284744, #I289234 - Provided keyboard navigation support in infinite scroll.
  • #I325175, #I327940 - Provided Sticky header support.


New Features

  • Provided No Record Template support.


Bug Fixes

  • #F167149 - The issue with "Multiple requests are made to the controller when using remote data source with template support in the ListView component" has been resolved.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #I337487 - Now the field's caption can be changed dynamically using the value field settings dialog.
  • #F167449 - Now the fields panel has been refreshed properly with toolbar UI.


Bug Fixes

  • #I335578 - The issue with "alignment mismatching when pasting content from MS Word in the Rich Text Editor" has been fixed.

New Features

  • #I309446, #I336258 - Provided support to paste rare list contents from MS Word in the Rich Text Editor.
  • #I304121 - Improvements with the deleteKey action in the Rich Text Editor.
  • Provided showDialog, closeDialog methods to opens/closes the Link, Image, Table dialogs in the Rich Text Editor.


Bug Fixes

  • #I337733 - An issue with the scheduler events overlapping when start and end times were the same has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • I336304 - Conditional formatting select button enabled while pressing SPACE key without any data issue resolved.
  • I337258 - Script error throws while importing excel file which contains conditional formatting issue resolved.

New Features

  • I327430 - Provided support for updating the defined names range while performing insert and delete operation.
  • I331963 - Number formatting applied while performing copy / paste operation between our different spreadsheets.


Bug Fixes

  • #I335995 - An issue with the touch event not triggering on tab content swipe has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I337237 - Resolved the performance issue that occurred when removing more than 500 nodes from the TreeView using multiple selection.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.2.51

Published by essentialjs2 about 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • I306072 - Resolved Dashboard Layout floating panel issue.

Accumulation chart

Bug Fixes

  • #335684 - Data label positioning properly for pie chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #337240 - Stripline working properly on canvas mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #F167093 - The issue "The HTML nodes in overview takes place at the wrong position while zoom and move the HTML node in diagram "has been fixed.
  • #F166882 - The issue "Accessibility validation error in Diagram" has been fixed.
  • #F167431 - The issue "While decode the exported JPG image it has the PNG Image signature"has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I334754, #F167429 - Resolved the localization issue.
  • #I333264 - Resolved the before spacing issue for the paragraph starting in new page.

Dropdown Tree

Bug Fixes

  • #FB25687 - The issue with "The popup is not opened for the second time in the Dropdown Tree component when it is rendered inside the Accordion" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F167053 - Border misalignment when adding a row in bottom has been fixed.
  • #I336216 - Cell Selection with box mode is not working properly after filtering, has been fixed.
  • #I336097, #I335284 - Virtualization Grid in flex container produce blank space issue has been fixed.

In-place Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I335868 - The issue with "value is not being reset after form validation fails, and the cancel button is pressed" has been resolved.
  • #I335868 - In popup mode, pressing the close-icon on the In-place editor numeric type changes the value to -1 has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #334546 - Now, the provided PDF document is loading correctly in the PDF Viewer.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #F166428 - Issue while resizing column with virtualization in the pivot table has been resolved.
  • #336591,#337082 - When using the virtualization feature, the pivot table columns are now properly displayed when scrolling horizontally.
  • #337082 - The pivot table is now properly displayed when scrolling horizontally while filtering is applied when using the virtualization feature.


Bug Fixes

  • #I337055 - The issue with Tooltip not destroyed while applying reset after validation been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I324790, #I337356 - The issue with "div element is created instead of paragraph element when enter key is pressed twice to exit the list" has been fixed.
  • #I336931 - The issue with "Character count is increased, when formats are being applied in empty content" has been fixed.
  • #I335821 - The issue with "Upload image restriction not working with the paste action" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F167351 - An issue with the scheduler quick popup closes when using multi-select in the popup content has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • I334797 - Passed the cell value by applying its corresponding format on dataSourceChanged changed event.
  • I336261 - Cell alignment while changing dataSource property with wrapped data issue resolved.
  • I336144 - Destroyed the find dialog while destroying the spreadsheet component.
  • I336101 - External copied data which contains string value with date is pasted as ShortDate format in chrome browser issue resolved.
  • I335814 - Removed the Hide item from context menu while right click on hidden selected rows and columns.
  • I331393 - T formula support provided.
  • I336400, I334912 - Undo and selection operation not working properly in the sheet which contains merge cell and freeze pane issue resolved.

New Features

  • I334191, I334175 - Added a getRowData method to get the row data from dataSource with updated cell value.


Bug Fixes

  • #F167176 - An issue with Tab item drag has been fixed.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I334818 - Issue in addRecord method with newRowPosition Child and Virtualization enabled has been resolved.
  • #I334589 - Row drag and drop works fine between the detail template enabled tree grids.
  • #I336758 - Pressing tab key to a non-editable cell works fine in cell edit mode.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.2.49

Published by essentialjs2 about 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • I336794,I336872, I336649 - Resolved the issue with Template Compilation malfunctions when value have special character apostrophe.

Accumulation chart

Bug Fixes

  • #335151 - Console error while selecting point after cancelling a tooltip has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #335336 - Chart series is now rendeirng properly while zooming in canvas mode.
  • #330763 - Tooltip template is now working fine without cropping.


Bug Fixes

  • #I334929 - When the moveToCenter property is enabled, the Circular Gauge will now be in the centre, with a startAngle of 241 to 269 and an endAngle of 150.


Bug Fixes

  • #I335783 - The issue "The tooltip rendered in the wrong position when the node is placed at bottom position" has been fixed.
  • #I334315 - The issue "Update template method is triggered twice"has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I333226 - Resolved the underline issue.
  • #I330233 - Resolved the shape shifting issue in editing.
  • #I332508 - Resolved the tracking of multiline tracking and empty paragraph revision.
  • #I335858, #F148494 - Resolved the script error in component destroy.
  • #F166420 - Resolved the SFDT exporting issue with shape.
  • #I332253 - Resolved the cut paste hyperlink with track changes enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • #FB26500 - copy are hidden in context menu while cell selection mode is resolved.
  • #I334589 - throws script error drag and drop on an expanded row with DetailsTemplate is fixed.
  • #I307521 - Provided a feature to change the cursor indication while dragging.


Bug Fixes

  • #I335874 - The issue with "The additional new element is added in the template element of the List components" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #FB26653 - Issue with "placeholder is not updated properly while updating the placeholder value with special characters" has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #334546 - Now, the stamp annotation size is maintained properly in the saved PDF document once the annotation is moved.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Rendering issue with PDF Grid text pagination into PDF export is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with PDF Grid layout result into PDF export is fixed.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #F167209 - The script error caused by box selection when the mouse is released over a pivot table cell has been resolved.
  • #331835 - The issue with calculated fields values in drill through retrieving inconsistent raw data has been resolved.
  • The pivot chart can now be rendered properly with Blank headers in row fields.
  • The pivot table can now be exported properly with zero values to excel file.


Bug Fixes

  • #I335580 - The issue with the Rich Text Editor toolbar status not updated, once the contents have been removed has been rectified.


Bug Fixes

  • #I331086 - An issue with the drag and drop the spanned events in vertical views has been fixed.
  • #I336108 - An issue with the scheduler import of recurring events has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • I334202 - Merge cell is removed when pasting whole row issue has been fixed.
  • I335255 - Double space is added for some text while pasting from excel issue has been fixed.
  • I334254 - Script error while applying wrap to formatted cell which contains number issue resolved.
  • I335137 - Formula not calculated properly while loading the saved JSON issue resolved.
  • I334796 - Removed the filterCollection property during clear filter action.
  • I332867 - Triggered actionComplete event during filtering actions.
  • I333138 - After loading the JSON, formula not calculated for dynamically rendered rows issue resolved.
  • I334348 - Script error while hiding and unhiding the rows more the number of rows in viewport issue resolved.
  • I333612 - Filter dialog not visible for the bottom cells issue resolved.
  • I327884 - UNIQUE formula support provided.
  • I335296 - Underline and strike through not working on row resize issue resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I333305 - Resolved the script error while rendering tree grid inside a tab.
  • #I335120 - Resolved duplicate records issue while drag and drop records between tree grids.


Bug Fixes

  • TreeMap properly render in React when theme applied.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.2.47

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


  • I327143,I332883 - Resolved the issue with Template Compilation malfunctions when value have special character apostrophe.


Bug Fixes

  • #333145 - Point selection is now working properly, when specifying the selection on load.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with checkbox icon on Mac OS has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I333600 - No script errors are thrown when the same start and end values are set in the range using the setRangeValue() method.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I331763 - Resolve the shifting issue in the table with table positioning property on relayouting
  • #I330233 - Resolved the extra page adding issue when using update field.
  • #I329790, #I331351 - Table is now layouted based on compatibility mode.
  • #I332483 - Resolved the issue on bookmark shifting while removing document content.
  • #I331762 - Table with merged cell is now layouted properly.
  • #I330485 - OlePicture is now preserved as normal picture.
  • #I330776 - Resolved the casing issue in the generated suggestions.
  • #I330982 - Resolved the unexpected characters when pasting using Java server-side library.

New Features

  • #326715 - Added support to preserve "Keep With Next" and "Keep Lines Together" paragraph formatting in the document.


Bug Fixes

  • #331618 - Issue in updating dataSource property has been fixed.
  • #333672 - Issue in calculating duration across DST has been fixed.
  • Issue in tooltip position has been fixed.


Breaking Changes

  • Modified the aria-sort attribute value from Ascending, Descending to ascending, descending.

Bug Fixes

  • #F166398 - Empty column misalignment while using percentage width column with grouping is fixed.
  • #I331505 - Multi Selection issue when enable rowDragAndDrop is fixed.
  • #I333234 - Throws scripts error while hide/show the columns with virtualization is enabled, issue has been fixed.
  • #I325339 - Need to modify the aria-sort attribute value to lower case.
  • #I332233 - searching blank value is not working in filter text box is fixed.
  • #I329930 - Virtual scrolling issue has been fixed while using it with grouping feature.
  • #I334284, #F166423 - Infinite scroll records removed after refreshing issue has been fixed.
  • #I310815, I331546, I326532 - Grid instance retaining memory leak issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F166554 - The problem with the selection that is not maintained in the card after performing CRUD operation has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I331063 - Issue with "popup is not opened while rendering component with HTML select tag and dynamically changing the data source" has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #287792, #335501 - Now, the ExportFormfields as JSON is working properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I332610 - The issue with "Adding a column to a table after resizing a column resets the resized column width" has been resolved.
  • #I326508 - The issue with "Content is pasted outside the edit area of the Rich Text Editor when enableXhtml is set true" has been resolved.
  • #I332614 - The issue with "Columns and row resize not working when there is unequal number columns in all rows" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I333860, #I333664 - An issue with the external drag between two scheduler has been fixed.
  • #F166305 - An issue with dynamically changed minDate and maxDate property in react scheduler has been fixed.
  • #F166752 - An issue with drag and drop doesn't work when enabled the desktop mode in mobile devices has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • I332945 - Image not positioned properly inside the freeze pane issue resolved.
  • I331840 - Border not applied properly on wrapped and merged cells issue resolved.
  • I332879 - Duplicate values in formula bar for list data validation issue resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I328508 - Resolved white space issue while Virtualization and collapse all property is enabled.
  • #334818 - Issue in addRecord method with newRowPosition Child and Virtualization enabled has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I331257 - Labels will be displayed for all the leaf items in the TreeMap.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.2.46

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #332577 - StepArea gets truncated while using canvas mode issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with selectedChips property is not maintained after deletion of Chip items has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I333600 - No script errors are thrown when the same start and end values are set in the range using the setRangeValue() method.
  • #I333600 - When the start and end values of the range are set to the same value, the range's path will be correct now.


  • Role Attribute error in ColorPicker has been fixed.

Context Menu

Bug Fixes

  • Role Attribute issue in context menu has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F166100, #F166081 - The issue "An exception occurs when resizing the diagram page with an overview" has been fixed.
  • #I333468 - The issue "The connectors cannot be grouped using group API" has been fixed.
  • #I332942 - The issue "The nodes that take place above the lane is not selectable" has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I333082 - Provided a new additional argument closedBy, in the beforeClose event of the dialog.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I325741 - Resolved the footnote layouting issue when opening a document.
  • #I331634 - Resolved the issue on updating the table cell width.
  • #I331274 - Table positioning property is now preserved properly.
  • #I331667 - Document with BuildingBlockGallery content control type is now exported properly.
  • #I331452 - Resolved the layout issue on footnote inside the table.
  • #I331606 - Document with content control block saving issue is now exported properly.
  • #I331667, #I332223 - Shape in footer is now preserved properly.
  • #I330686, #I331349, #I310463 - Shape fill is now preserved properly.
  • #I332333 - Zoom value is now updated properly in status bar.
  • #I330165, #I327647, #I324515 - Resolved the worst case scenario issues in comment editing and deleting.
  • #I319210 - The changes and comment tab in the review pane will be visible only if at least one tracked change or comment is present respectively in the document.


Bug Fixes

  • #261558 – Leader length is now working properly in the firefox browser.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • Internet Explorer version 11 Grid to Excel export issue is fixed.
  • Date issue is fixed for CSV export.
  • File corruption issue is fixed in Grid to Excel export.
  • Fixed currency format thousand separator missing issue.


Bug Fixes

  • #331671 - Right Labels are rendered properly in exported PDF document.
  • #332161 - Issue fixed when drag and drop performed after adding record through context menu.


Bug Fixes

  • #I332536 - Persist selection is not working properly when using up/down arrows is fixed.
  • #I331703 - Excel export filter icon misalignment while using the excel export header properties, issue has been fixed.
  • #I331500 - throws script error while clearing initial filter dynamically is fixed.
  • #I328056, #I331256 - RowDeselected event is not triggered after paging while using clearSelction, has been fixed.
  • #I331465 - Focus issue while render dropdown component in the header template, issue has been fixed.
  • #I332058 - Validation rules not working in grouped columns is fixed.
  • #I332503 - throws script error when Adding new record in a empty Grid with infiniteScrolling feature is fixed.
  • #I332932 - Edit focus is not working properly when checkbox column editing is disabled is fixed.
  • #I328508 - When selecting last row in view-port, Grid scrolls up automatically issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I332574 - The issue with "Column headers of the kanban is not updated, with the drag and drop actions" has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #331233 - The Script error will no longer be thrown if we disable the toolbar and navigate the next page from code behind.
  • #331680 - Now, the Annotation toolbar items are aligned properly in the drop-down.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Rendering issue with Line break on multi line text is fixed.
  • Performance issue with true type font is fixed.
  • Preservation issue with PDF colour empty constructor is fixed.
  • Preservation issue with PDF Grid in Angular sample browser is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with exceeded image into PDF export is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with PDF Grid border into PDF export is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with Pdf number style is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with Line break is fixed.
  • Undefined error occurs while getting line width of text content on particular True Type Font.

New Features

  • Added Draw Path support
  • Added Draw Arc support
  • Added support for Linear gradient brush
  • Added support for Radial gradient brush
  • Added support for Tiling brush
  • Added support for PDF Brushes.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • Border alignment issue in "Grouping Bar" UI has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I333679 - The issue with setRules method not works in header template has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I327676 - The issue with "Custom toolbar icons not disabled/enabled, when multiple custom toolbar is configured" has been resolved.
  • #I330909 - The issue with "Inserting table after pressing shit+enter deletes all the content below in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.
  • #F165931 - The issue with "Ordered list number color not changing, when font color is applied to the list in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.
  • #I327566 - The issue with "Image resizing is not working properly when resizeByPercent is set true" has been resolved.
  • #I333070 - The issue with "Scroller doesn't appear with the editor, in the full screen mode" has been resolved.
  • #I332465 - Resolved the script error raised, when Rich Text Editor is destroyed with toolbar disabled.
  • #I331970 - The issue with "Pasting content with length exactly, equal to the maxLength doesn’t paste in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.
  • #FB26351 - The issue with "Accessibility validation errors in Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.

New Features

  • #I304121 - Improvements with the backSpaceKey action in the Rich Text Editor.
  • #I292778, #I308312, #I309446, #I313298 - Provided the List style type and List style image support for the Numbered and Bulleted lists.


Bug Fixes

  • #FB25227 - An issue with the scheduler resize action is not working in timeline views has been fixed.
  • #I331501 - An issue with the scheduler height is not responsive related to the parent container has been fixed.
  • #I332366 - An issue with the toolbar popup is not open properly when multiple schedules are rendered on a single page has been fixed.

New Features

  • Provided option to set the custom months count in year views.


Bug Fixes

  • I331420 - List popup width is not proper while resizing the column issue has been fixed.
  • I332235 - Editing cell address in name box does not navigate to that cell issue has been fixed.
  • I331920 - Formula having only strings not parsed properly issue has been fixed.
  • I328009 - Provided option to get filter collection details in actionComplete event.
  • I332890 - Clearing filter range does not removes filter issue has been fixed.
  • I329431 - Copy / paste into locked and unlocked cells not working properly while preventing alert dialog issue resolved.
  • I321503 - Cross tab formulas with imported excel file having duplicate reference issue resolved.

Stock Chart

New Features

  • The legend feature has been added to the stock chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #I328768 - The issue with "The Tooltip is not opened in the current cursor position while enabling the mouseTrail and openDelay support" has been resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I331724 - Child summary values are updated properly after editing a record.
  • #332604 - Resolved white space issue while using less number of records with Virtualization.
  • #I328508 - Selecting a row using selectRow method at load time works properly with Virtualization.
  • #332847 - Batch Edit mode works properly with custom data binding.
  • #333663 - Cancelling the edit action works properly when using escape key.


Bug Fixes

  • #I331257 - Labels will be displayed for all the leaf items in the TreeMap.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.2.44

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


New Features

  • Provided Optional prefix addition support for Template function.
  • Tailwind CSS theme has been added for all controls.
  • Provided the Typescript 4 version support.


Bug Fixes

  • #331558 - Zooming working fine when the pan element not shown in toolbar.

New Features

  • The "Spline Range Area" interactive chart series is now available.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with selectedChips property is not maintained after deletion of Chip items has been resolved.


New Features

  • #I245933 , #F147808 - Now, you can enable the masked input using enableMask property.


New Features

  • #I299471 - Now, you can enable the masked input using enableMask property.


Bug Fixes

  • #I329576 - The issue While changing the connector flip property the connector's segment path is not updated correctly issue has been fixed.
  • #I327457 - The issue with node gradient is not applied while continuously performing the undo and redo functionality issue has been fixed.
  • #330528 - The issue "Connector horizontal Alignment is not rendered properly at initial rendering" has been fixed.
  • #328156 - The issue "An exception raised when send the swimlane back to the normal node" has been fixed.
  • #324236 - The issue "When exporting the node with gradient color the exported image does not contain proper node gradient " has been fixed.
  • #324541 - This issue "An exception occurs when printing the diagram with a Content security policy tag." has been fixed.
  • #I325640 - The issue "When dynamically adding node and perform the bringToFront method. The order command functionality not working properly" has been resolved.
  • #328132 - The issue "The combination of port constraints is not working" has been fixed.
  • #I327071 - the issue "When node is placed at the bottom position of the diagram component the tooltip position is rendered wrongly" issue has been fixed.
  • #I324251 - The issue "Nodes with SVG shapes have inaccurate positions in the Overview Control" has been fixed.
  • #F166050 - The issue "Context Menu not shown in iPad/android " has been fixed.
  • #I330320 - The issue "The HTML node content gets disappeared when adding the HTML node dynamically in the diagram with an overview" has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I318381 - Resolved the script error while adding comments across two pages.
  • #I318283 - Handled the "Different First Page" in Headers and Footers after section breaks.
  • #I319182 - Selection issue after editing header is resolved.
  • #I315240 - The script error while parsing shape is resolved.
  • #I319182 - Resolved the script error while editing the header/footer.
  • #F163188 - Highlight color is now working properly.
  • #I320821 - Resolved the script error while opening document with table.
  • #I319403, #I317463 - Resolved file corruption issue while exporting the document with shapes.
  • #I319185 - Resolved left border rendering issue in merged cells.
  • #I313943 - Tab character is now displayed properly.
  • #I318786 - The document with footnote is now opened properly.
  • #I318786 - Table column width is now updated properly.
  • #I319991 - Inline form filling is now working properly in Internet Explorer.
  • #I319782 - Resolved script error while deleting the content.
  • #I320821, #I320991 - Table is now displayed with proper line width.
  • #I319987 - Table with merged cells is now displayed properly.
  • #I320513 - Header content is now displayed properly.
  • #I321397 - Table with merged cells is now preserved properly in the exported document.
  • #I317683 - Exported document with footnote is no longer corrupted.
  • #I313465 - Image inserted using API is now displayed properly.
  • #I308899 - Track changes is now listed properly in revision pane.
  • #I320270 - Table changes are now tracked during paste operation.
  • #I313821 - Table with preferred width type as auto is now displayed properly.
  • #F162726 - Line spacing is now updated properly.
  • #I319819 - Undo/Redo for multilevel list is now working properly.
  • #I318381 - Comment is now added properly.
  • #I317743 - Script error on accept track changes is now resolved.
  • #I307321 - Checkbox with tab width is rendered properly.
  • #FB23691 – Resolved changes pane visibility issue in read only mode.
  • #I319397 - Spell checker now works properly for words ending with ‘ies’.
  • #F164367 - Resolved the script error in npm run sass.
  • #I319824 - Resolved the extra page rendering issue.
  • #I319824 - Border displayed properly in the exported word document.
  • #I319421, #F163236 - Resolved the copy/paste issue for content copied from Document editor.
  • #I307321 - Line shape is now preserved properly in the exported document.
  • #I307321 - Exported document is now displayed properly.
  • #I321190 - Resolved the icon issue in material-dark, bootstrap-dark, fabric-dark themes.
  • #I319808 - Document with tab is now displayed properly.
  • #I317303 - Spacing after the numbered list is preserved properly.
  • #I324052 - Added the footnote and endnote locale strings.
  • #I307321 - Table border is now preserved properly in exported word document.
  • #I307321 - List with hanging indent is displayed properly.
  • #I321108 - Script error on tracking the changes is now resolved.
  • #I321923 - Script error on pasting image URL in track change mode is now resolved.
  • #I317358 - Image copy/paste issue in ASP.NET MVC framework is now resolved.
  • #I318843 - Resolved the list formatting issue in copy pasted content.
  • #I319868 - Exported document with image in header is now opened properly in Libre Office.
  • #I324025 - Resolved the font dialog option value in localized mode.
  • #I324223, #I324023 - Resolved the underline issue while exporting word document.
  • #I322402 - Before pane switch event triggering twice issue is resolved.
  • #F163664 - Document editor now opens large size text file properly.
  • #I322548 - Resolved the issue with track changes.
  • #I322561 - Bookmark delete and undo/redo operation is now working properly.
  • #I324028 - Resolved the issue with applying properties in font dialog.
  • #I323597 - Textbox in RTF documents are now displayed properly.
  • #I323603 - Resolved the footnote issue when switching to web layout.
  • #I321745 - Comment is now selected properly.
  • #I322561 - Resolved the script error with bookmark undo/redo operation.
  • #I323670 - Resolved the font size and font family issue during copy paste.
  • #I325291 - Document with alternate chunks is now displayed properly.
  • #I323401, #I323423 - Resolved the page wise footnote content display issue.
  • #I326150 - Resolved issue in updating cross reference field.
  • #F160804 - Styles are now considered properly while deleting the content.
  • #I312306 - Hyperlink content is now retrieved properly.
  • #I325681 - Resolved the Textbox border displaying issue.
  • #I323059 - Resolved the script error when ignore action in spelling dialog.
  • #I323423 - Resolved the issue when moving footnote to next page.
  • #I324169 - Resolved opacity issue in toolbar item.
  • #I322560, #I323516 - Script error in the top and bottom layout is resolved.
  • #I323824 - Resolved the document corruption issue when opening the document in MS Office 2007.
  • #I325554 - Resolved the script error when multiple documents pasted as SFDT.
  • #I327626 - Footnote is now displayed properly.
  • #I326000 - Document content is now displayed properly.
  • #I327097 - Resolved the script error related to square wrapping style.
  • #I327458 - Text overlapping issue is resolved.
  • #I327647 - Issue with removing comment is resolved.
  • #I322560 - Resolved the issue with duplication of page content.
  • #I322560 - Font size is now parsed properly.
  • #I323423 - Footnote is now displayed properly.
  • #I325920 - Selection behavior is now working properly when mouse pointer goes outside the control.
  • #I323608 - Textbox with fill color is now displayed properly.
  • #I326144 - Resolved the issue with multi-line track changes.
  • #I328063 - Document with checkbox form field applied is now displayed properly.
  • #I328067 - Resolved the navigation issue when form filling mode is inline.
  • #F164875, #F163714` - Resolved the border issue when textbox has square border.
  • #I327817 - Resolved the script error when using insert footnote in custom toolbar.
  • #I325320 - Page number is now updated properly.
  • #FB25004 - Exported document with table is opened properly in Libre Office.
  • #I325323 - Textbox shape is now displayed properly.
  • #FB24917 - Document is now exported properly after deleting comment.
  • #F163116 - Hanging indent is now retrieved properly in paragraph dialog.
  • #I327769 - Checkbox is now displayed properly.
  • #I326567 - Nested table with preferred width type percentage is now displayed properly.
  • #I328479 - Resolved script error while deleting merged cells.
  • #I329173, #I330233 - Resolve script error while updating cross reference field.
  • #F165501 - Resolve script error while applying border.
  • #I328310 - Shape is now rendered properly in header and footer.
  • #I325741 - Footnote content is now displayed properly.
  • #I329564 - Accept and reject changes are now disabled properly in read only mode.
  • #F164814 - Character format is now applied properly for RTL text.
  • #I328063 - Resolved script error while scrolling.
  • #I327450 – Resolved the overlapping issue in footnote section when working with text.
  • #I327606 – Font size is now updated properly for the cursor position.
  • #I329354 – Resolved the exception while exporting documents in server-side.
  • #I330375 – Updated the constants for locale constants.
  • #I330047 – Resolved the script error with refresh API.
  • #I329637 – Resoled the issue with deleting comment.
  • #I330918, `#I331136 – Resolved the issue with updating cursor.
  • #I329954 – Resolved the overlapping issue in options pane.
  • #I327635, `#I330160 – Resolved the text overlapping when editing the footnote.
  • Resolved the issue with displaying document footer.
  • Resolved the script error related to Jest framework.
  • Resolved the script error with showRestrictEditingPane API.
  • Resolved the issue with document zooming.

New Features

  • #I278021, #I301809 – Added table paste options.
  • #I165071, #I226674, #I229069, #I231373, #I241445, #I251719, #I251720, #I267474, #I284190, #I287633, #I291766, #I295055, #I295549, #I298036, #I297705, #I301313, #I291964, #I306274, #I305349, #I308409, #I310463, #I311260, #I312302, #I313526, #I314192, #I317340, #I319563 – Added support to preserve image position with square, in-front of text, behind text, top and bottom wrapping styles.
  • #I165071, #I226674, #I229069, #I231373, #I241445, #I251719, #I251720, #I267474, #I284190, #I287633, #I291766, #I295055, #I295549, #I298036, #I297705, #I301313, #I291964, #I306274, #I305349, #I308409, #I310463, #I311260, #I312302, #I313526, #I314192, #I317340, #I319563 - Textbox shape with square, in-front of text, behind text, top and bottom wrapping styles.
  • #I307321 - Added support to preserve table positioning properties.


Bug Fixes

  • #261558 - Leader length is now working properly in the firefox browser.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • Internet Explorer version 11 Grid to Excel export issue is fixed.
  • Date issue is fixed for CSV export.
  • File corruption issue is fixed in Grid to Excel export.
  • Fixed currency format thousand separator missing issue.


New Features

  • #290125 - Provided support to add multiple tasks in Gantt.


Bug Fixes

  • #25509 - Column grouping is not working properly while allowReordering is set true, has been fixed.

New Features

  • Provided support for row reorder with virtual scrolling.

In-place Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I330556 - Resolved the exception raised, when the large value is typed and starting to edit for the second time in In-Place Editor.

New Features

  • #I311906, #FB23798 - Provided the new event endEdit that triggers when the edit action is finished and begin to submit/cancel the current value.


New Features

  • #I293618 - Provided support for swimlane frozen rows while scrolling the Kanban content.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #315264 - Now, the User names in comments are working properly.
  • #317344 - The Script error will no longer be thrown if we add the custom stamp image more than 4MB size.
  • #322799 - The imported stamp annotation position is updated correctly in the MVC platform.
  • #322039 - The Arrow icon is shown properly in the custom stamp dropdown.
  • #325096 - The Script error will no longer be thrown if we add form fields value by code behind.
  • #326083 - Now, the signature is appeared inside of the Signature Field in the PDF Viewer.
  • #326054 - The Script error will no longer be thrown while clicking the provided document hyperlink content.
  • #324660 - Now, the distance annotation can be added after deleting the incompletely drawn distance annotation.
  • #328030 - The dynamic stamp annotation size is maintained properly while importing and exporting the stamp annotation in XFDF format.
  • #328989 - Now, the clear and create button in the signature panel is enabled only on drawing the signature.
  • #328499 - Now, the stamp annotations are downloaded correctly in the PDF document.
  • #329356 - Now, Add comment option icon is shown properly in the toolbar while restricting some toolbar items when the PDF Viewer has the minimum width.

New Features

  • #326021 - hyperlinkClick event must be handled to cancel the navigation or change the URL.
  • Added support to add form fields programmatically and from UI.
  • Added support to add annotations programmatically.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Rendering issue with Line break on multi line text is fixed.
  • Performance issue with true type font is fixed.
  • Preservation issue with PDF colour empty constructor is fixed.
  • Preservation issue with PDF Grid in Angular sample browser is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with exceeded image into PDF export is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with PDF Grid border into PDF export is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with Pdf number style is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with Line break is fixed.
  • Undefined error occurs while getting line width of text content on particular True Type Font.

New Features

  • Added Draw Path support
  • Added Draw Arc support
  • Added support for Linear gradient brush
  • Added support for Radial gradient brush
  • Added support for Tiling brush
  • Added support for PDF Brushes.

Pivot Table

New Features

  • #275959 - Support provided to add fields in the report by grouping bar itself.


Bug Fixes

  • #I327676 - The issue with "Custom toolbar icons not disabled/enabled, when multiple custom toolbar is configured" has been resolved.
  • #I330909 - The issue with "Inserting table after pressing shift + enter deletes all the content below in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.
  • #F165931 - The issue with "Ordered list number color not changing, when font color is applied to the list in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.
  • #I327566 - The issue with "Image resizing is not working properly when resizeByPercent is set true" has been resolved.

New Features

  • #I304121 - Improvements with the backSpaceKey action in the Rich Text Editor.
  • #I292778, #I308312, #I309446, #I313298 - Provided the List style type and List style image support for the Numbered and Bulleted lists.


Bug Fixes

  • #FB25227 - An issue with the scheduler resize action is not working in timeline views has been fixed.
  • #I331501 - An issue with the scheduler height is not responsive related to the parent container has been fixed.
  • #I332366 - An issue with the toolbar popup is not open properly when multiple schedules are rendered on a single page has been fixed.

New Features

  • Provided option to set the custom months count in year views.


Bug Fixes

  • F166035 - List dropdown popup is not positioned properly in android issue has been fixed.
  • I313764 - Issue of copy whole sheet from excel and paste it in spreadsheet with whole sheet selected has been fixed.
  • FB23950, FB22584 - Issue of pasting text from MS Word has been fixed.
  • I309407 - Sorting does not update formula reference issue has been fixed.
  • FB23949 - Row lines are misaligned when segeo font style pasted from excel issue has been fixed.
  • I326128 - Find support not working properly for bigger columns and rows issue resolved.
  • I328868 - Copy / paste the formula applied cells issue resolved.
  • I329167 - Copy / paste a formula from one cell to multiple cells issue resolved.
  • I331717 - Sheet contents are not visible, while setting larger font size in finite mode issue resolved.
  • I330546 - Row header with frozen column not updated properly while setting larger font size in finite mode issue resolved.

New Features

  • I315412 - Provided support to move and duplicate the sheets.

Stock Chart

New Features

  • The legend feature has been added to the stock chart.

Svg Base

Bug Fixes

  • #311306 - Position of Tooltip template has been changed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I330332 - An issue with the tab aria-selected attribute not properly updated has been fixed.


New Features

  • Now, you can enable the masked input using enableMask property.


Bug Fixes

  • #I328768 - The issue with "The Tooltip is not opened in the current cursor position while enabling the mouseTrail and openDelay support" has been resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I329350 - Immutable mode works fine for date values and row reordering.
  • #I329988, #I331155 - Editing a newly added child record works fine with self referential data.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.1.69

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #329311 - Legend text is now rendering properly with ampersand symbol.


Bug Fixes

  • #I329576 - The issue While changing the connector flip property the connector's segment path is not updated correctly issue has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I329173, #I330233 - Resolve script error while updating cross reference field.
  • #F165501 - Resolve script error while applying border.
  • #I328310 - Shape is now rendered properly in header & footer.
  • #I325741 - Footnote content is now layout properly.
  • #I329564 - Disabled accept and reject changes in read only mode.
  • #F164814 - Character format is now applied properly in RTL text.
  • #I328063 - Resolved script error while scrolling.


Bug Fixes

  • #330806 - When using updateTaskId method with predecessor field is not mapped in the taskFields has been fixed.
  • At certain zoom level, both halves of year are H1 has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I329342 - Adding new record through addRecord method with infinite scroll, issue has been fixed.
  • #F162910 - Header checkbox selection issue when enable infinite Scroll and custom binding has been fixed.
  • #I330477 - Pdf Export misalignment while using the stacked header with grouping, issue has been fixed.
  • #I323971 - Pdf Export misalignment while using the stacked header with hidden column, issue has been fixed.
  • #I329350 - Immutable mode doesn’t work for date values issue has been fixed.
  • #I329350 - Update the reordered data in immutable mode re-renders multiple rows issue has been fixed.
  • #I327293 - CPU takes more usage when export the hierarchy grid issue has been fixed.
  • #25510 - Throws script error While grouping the complex columns is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #328767 - Clusters will now be created for the template markers in the Maps.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #329356 - Now, Add comment option icon is shown properly in the toolbar while restricting some toolbar items when the PDF Viewer has the minimum width.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #328394 - Unwanted post request won't be called in server side engine.
  • Filter status of the pivot buttons is now properly updated when defer layout update.

New Features

  • #326739 - Zoom factor can now be set in the pivot chart programmatically.


Bug Fixes

  • #I328089, #I328738 - The issue with "The inline toolbar is not properly positioned and is partially visible" has been resolved.
  • #I328323 - The issue with "Quotation and Headings not applied where there is no content in the Rich Text Editor markdown mode" has been resolved.
  • #I330397 - Resolved the exception raised, when enableXhtml property is enabled and pressing backspace key in the Rich Text Editor.


Bug Fixes

  • #I331194 - An issue with localization for form-validator is not working has been fixed.
  • #I331513 - An issue with add icon shows on mobile when disabled the allowAdding property has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #24686 - Undo for styles on externally pasted table is not working properly issue has been fixed.
  • #F164024 - External pasting for date with applied locale culture is not working issue has been fixed.
  • I328800 - topLeftCell property not updated properly in the non virtual mode issue resolved.
  • I329562 - Formula dependent cells not updated, while clearing the value using DELETE key issue resolved.
  • I328866 - Ignore blank option not working when the data validation type is List issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I330332 - An issue with the tab aria-selected attribute not properly updated has been fixed.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.1.67

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #F165670 - Marker Explode is now rendered properly with image.
  • #328528 - Histogram is rendering properly when the binInterval value is 0.
  • #328780 - multiLevelLabelClick event is now triggering in canvas mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #I327457 - The issue with node gradient is not applied while continuously performing the undo and redo functionality issue has been fixed.
  • #330528 - The issue "Connector horizontal Alignment is not rendered properly at initial rendering" has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I324425, #I329144 - Resolved the issue "API docs not accessible for dialog after Position API".

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #FB25004 - Exported document with table is opened properly in Libre Office.
  • #I325323 - Textbox shape is now rendered properly.
  • #FB24917 - Document is now exporting properly after deleting comment.
  • #F163116 - Hanging indent is now retrieved properly in paragraph dialog.
  • #I327769 - Checkbox is now layout properly.
  • #I326567 - Nested table with preferred width type percent now rendered properly.
  • #I328479 - Resolved script error while deleting merged cells.


Bug Fixes

  • #329581 – Leader length is now working properly in the firefox browser.


Bug Fixes

  • #I329898, #I329726, #I330440, #I330494, #I330714, #I330816, #I331022 - Frozen headers not refreshed while refresh the grid in latest chrome is resolved.
  • #I327857 - Script error throws while save grid with edited state in two child grid is fixed.
  • #I329250 - Adaptive view filter function issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F165595 - The issue with "Card data changed even when the editing is canceled in the dialog(card editing)" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #328767 - Clusters will now be created for the template markers in the Maps.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #328989 - Now, the clear and create button in the signature panel is enabled only on drawing the signature.
  • #328499 - Now, the stamp annotations are downloaded correctly in the PDF document.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #326766 - The column headers can now be scrolled using the mouse wheel.
  • #F165788 - The flickering issue that occurred when the component is refreshed has been fixed.
  • #330494, #330440, #330347, #329726, #330697, #330714 - The issue "Column headers are hidden" that occurred in latest version of Chrome browser has been fixed.

New Features

  • #327931 - "Headers and Footers" can now be set in engine exporting.
  • #325956 - The dependent components of the pivot table can now be localized.
  • #326340, #326432 - Introduced an event to customize the multi-level labels.
  • #326356 - The font of data labels in the pivot chart can now be customized.


Bug Fixes

  • #I327536 - The issue with "Class name MsoNormal being removed when pasting content with link from outlook" has been resolved.
  • #I329734 - The issue with "Image not pasted properly in the Rich Text Editor, when pasting content from outlook" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I327333 - An issue with the scheduler current time indicator position not maintained has been fixed.
  • #I329599 - An issue with the scheduler eventRendered event in agenda view has been fixed.
  • #F165707 - An issue with the external drag between two scheduler has been fixed.
  • #I330676 - An issue with the scheduler more popup is not updated when deleting the event in year view has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I328361 - Resizing row is not proper when the row contains \n in the data source issue has been fixed.
  • I328869, I329122 - Nested IF formula and SUMIF formula negative value issues resolved.
  • I328812 - Finite scrolling in virtual mode issue resolved.
  • I328809 - Sheet content scrolls up on editing issue resolved.

New Features

  • #I307401 - Filter UI updating for insert and delete column actions.
  • I328800 - Provided option for updating the paneTopLeftCell property dynamically.


Bug Fixes

  • #F165830 - An issue with Toolbar template when state of component changed in functional based components has been fixed.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I328708 - Child level aggregate values when using stacked header works fine.
  • #I312347 - Selected row is displayed properly in view port when Virtualization is enabled.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.1.66

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #328156 - The issue "An exception raised when send the swimlane back to the normal node" has been fixed.
  • #324236 - The issue "When exporting the node with gradient color the exported image does not contain proper node gradient " has been fixed.
  • #324541 - This issue "An exception occurs when printing the diagram with a Content security policy tag." has been fixed.
  • #I325640 - The issue "When dynamically adding node and perform the bringToFront method. The order command functionality not working properly" has been resolved.
  • #328132 - The issue "The combination of port constraints is not working" has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F164806 - The issue with "Click event binding not working, when button is rendered as tags(<e-buttons>) in the dialog" has been resolved.

Document Editor

  • #I326144 - Resolved the issue with multi line track changes.
  • #I328063 - Document with checkbox form field applied with to character format is now opened properly.
  • #I328067 - Resoved the navigation issue in inline form field editing.
  • #F164875, #F163714 - Resolved the unsupported textbox border as square border.
  • #I327817 - Resolved the script error in using insert footnote in custom toolbar.
  • #I325320 - Page number is now updated properly.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • Sheet name proper in Grid to Excel export.

File Manager

Bug Fixes

  • #F165213 - The issue with "The Details view path column is not removed when refreshing the File Manager files" has been resolved.
  • #F160683 - The issue with "Error dialog shown while quickly clicking on the folders when enabling drag and drop support" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #328182 - Mismatch between timeline and chart body content has been fixed.
  • #165629 - Notes updated properly in Gantt chart when new task is added.
  • #325331 - Immutable mode issue on data source refresh has been fixed.
  • F163073 - Issue on RemoteSaveAdaptor has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I329121 - Horizontal scrolling in columnVirtualization makes glitch issue has been fixed.
  • #I326727 - Column resize issue with frozen right/left and aggregate has been resolved.
  • #I327237 - Empty row appears while hiding/showing columns in virtualized grouping grid, has been fixed.
  • #I299221 - Frozen part refresh issue with template column has been resolved.
  • #I311142 - Provided internal event to handle queries on custom ExcelFilter dataSource.


Bug Fixes

  • #F165617, #F165618 - The issue with "Kanban edit dialog element not removed when args.cancel is set to true on dialogOpen event" has been resolved.
  • #I328517 - The issue with the "Swimlane template did not render properly when loaded on mobile device" has been resolved.
  • #I326559 - The issue with "Descending order of cards in the column is not maintained when adding a new card" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #322790 - When third-party cookies are disabled in the web browser, Maps will now display correctly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I326704 - Provided an option to close the menu.
  • #I316367 - The issue with Menu Scroll bar using template in angular has been resolved.
  • #I328143 - The issue with Hamburger mode when changing items dynamically has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #328030 - The dynamic stamp annotation size is maintained properly while importing and exporting the stamp annotation in XFDF format.


Bug Fixes

  • #I326779 - The issue with "Image quicktoolbar not show second time when the dialog is opened second time" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I327566 - The issue with "Image resizing is not working properly when resizeByPercent is set true" has been resolved.
  • #I327676 - The issue with "Custom toolbar icons not disabled/enabled on various scenarios" has been resolved.
  • #I327536 - The issue with "Pasting content from outlook doesn't work properly after the first time" has been resolved.
  • #I327087 - The issue with "Clicking backspace of the letter next to the image delete the image" has been resolved.

New Features

  • #I275771, #I275873 - Provided beforePasteCleanUp and afterPasteCleanUp events for customizing pasted content in the Rich Text Editor.


Bug Fixes

  • #F165550 - An issue with script error throws while dragging the scheduler events in IE11 has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I326912 - Image positioned with negative values after drag and drop issue has been fixed.
  • #24970 - Zero value is not copied from spreadsheet and pasted into MS Excel issue has been fixed.
  • #I327232 - Copy and paste issue of conditional formatting for highlight cell rules case has been fixed.
  • #24626 - Pasting merge cell when copied from MS Excel issue has been fixed.
  • #I328300 - Data gets duplicated while apply sorting with hidden columns issue has been fixed.
  • #24231 - Filter is not getting removed from cells after save and load issue has been fixed.
  • I324752 - Horizontal scrolling through touchpad not working issue resolved in chrome, firefox and edge browsers.
  • #24582 - Conditional formatting is not getting refreshed in a cell with formula after editing argument values issue has been fixed.
  • I328018 - Editing is not working in formula bar for unlocked cells issue resolved.
  • I328870 - Hide sheet option in context menu not working issue resolved.
  • I328151 - Clear content option not working properly in hyperlink applied cells issue resolved.
  • I327665 - Provided the CTRL + A and double/triple tap selection support inside the cell.
  • I329132, I329160 - Deleting a row changes the formula values to #REF! issue resolved.
  • I328248 - Charts are not refreshed during filtering issue resolved.
  • I327667 - Match formula does not throw error while no match is found in a given range issue resolved.
  • I306565 - Cross tab formula cell range selection and sheet name reference in formula issues resolved.

New Features

  • #22392 - Added beforeConditionalFormat event which will be triggered before applying or removing the format from a cell based on its condition.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I328329, #I328381 - Adding a new record while using both context menu add Row and toolbar add option works fine.
  • #I328329 - Provided support for adding new row as a child using context menu.


Bug Fixes

  • #I328435 - Added the !default flag to the dark theme definition files.
  • #I326667 - The issue with "The getNode method returns invalid hasChildren attribute value while disabling the loadOnDemand support" has been resolved.
  • #FB24632 - Resolved the issue with "Unable to drop a node as child node while dropping it into the template node text" in the TreeView component.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.1.65

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Sortable helper element issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I327071 - the issue "When node is placed at the bottom position of the diagram component the tooltip position is rendered wrongly" issue has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I325554 - Resolved the script error in multiple document pasted as SFDT.
  • #I327626 - Footnote is rendered now.
  • #I326000 - Resolved the document rendering issue.
  • #I327097 - Resolved the script error in square wrapping style.
  • #I327458 - Text overlapping issue is resolved.
  • #I327647 - Issue with comment removal is resolved.
  • #I322560 - Resolved the page content duplication issue.
  • #I322560 - Resolved the font size parsing issue.
  • #I323423 - Footnote is rendering issue is resolved.
  • #I325920 - Selection behaviour is handled for moving outside the control.
  • #I323608 - Textbox with fill color is rendered.


Bug Fixes

  • #I326169 - Column chooser popup closing issue has been fixed.
  • #I327972 - Script error issue has been fixed while using anchor tag in header template.
  • #I312347 - The selected row is not properly displayed in viewport when virtualization is enabled issue has been fixed.
  • #I328013 - Autofill editing functionality issue has been fixed.
  • #I327316 - Default value as null is not working in numeric column is fixed.
  • #I327294 - Batch edit disregards null value in numeric column is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I287435 - The issue with "number type keyField arguments not supported on showColumn, hideColumn, updateCard and getColumnData public method" has been resolved.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #327239 - The issue on excluding fields has been fixed.
  • #326340 - The font style of the pivot chart tooltip can now be customized.
  • #325094 - The number formatting can now be applied in the drill-through grid.


Bug Fixes

  • #I326410 - The issue with "beforeDialogOpen event is not triggered after the args.cancel is set to true in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.
  • #I327590 - The issue with "Align center in the toolbar option, deletes the image in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.
  • #I327087 - The issue with "Cursor is not displayed after inserting the image in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.
  • #I328008 - The issue with "Two scrollbars are enabled when the source view is enabled" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I317799 - An issue with memory leak while performing navigation action has been fixed.
  • #F165261 - An issue with scheduler dates are not translated based on locale has been fixed.
  • #FB25480 - An issue with the scheduler mobile mode when the readonly property is enabled has been fixed.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I324262 - EllipsisWithTooltip mode of clipMode works fine.
  • #I326030 - CRUD actions works properly while we bind dataSource using DataManager with Offline mode in load event.
  • #I325331 - Immutable mode refresh works properly on dataSource changes.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.1.63

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #I324822 - Provided the accessibility support for current state of accordion items expanded/collapsed when using screen reader.


Bug Fixes

  • #316606 - "Text alignment was not proper with UPCA type barcode" issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #325456 - Highlight and selection issue has been fixed for multiple charts.
  • #F165060 - Accumulation chart with data label is now rendering properly inside the dashboard layout.

New Features

  • #288255 - Improved logarithmic axis to show value less than 1.


Bug Fixes

  • #I322863 - This issue "Node does not drag properly when move inside swimlane" has been fixed.
  • #I326309 - This issue "While drag and move the multiple children of swimlane some children jump from one lane to another lane" has been fixed.
  • #I323817 - This issue "An exception will raise when send the native node back to the group of native nodes" has been fixed.
  • #I323457 - This issue "straight line segment not moved in group while dragging grouping node" has been fixed.
  • #I325103 - This issue "Connector alignment is not rendered properly at initial rendering" has been fixed.
  • F164350 - The issue "Annotation hyper link is not working" has been fixed.
  • #319911 - The issue "Customized style disappears when serializing the BPMN shapes" has been fixed.
  • #321939 - The issue "Swimlane send to back node working" has been fixed.
  • #322854 - The issue "Swimlane children disappear while performing the order commands" has been fixed.
  • #323203 - The issue "Exception occurs when try to redo the node's gradient color" has been fixed.
  • #324238 - The issue "An empty space will take place along with the diagram while exporting the diagram into the image" has been fixed.
  • #321284 - The issue "The loaded layout diagram is differ from the saved diagram" has been fixed.
  • F164274 - The issue "Resize functionality of the lane is not working if the can move is false" has been fixed.
  • #316688 - The issue "Symbol palette component gets rendered on every state change" has been fixed.
  • #317943 - This issue "While render the layout's nodes with the collapsed state, the nodes are not properly aligned " has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F164882 - Resolved the issue "Setting the dialog minHeight property as number is not working properly".
  • #I326833, #F165083- The issue with "When the content is given as a template function, then the content is not rendered in the Dialog" has been resolved.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

#I326717 - Table border is preserved in the exported word document
#I325968 - New line changes are now tracked properly
#I325590 - Context menu beviour for spell check is resolved.
#I325697 - Spell check in tracked changes is now updated properly.
#I324896 - List track changes are now applied properly.
#I322387 - DocumentEditorContainer disposing issue is resolved.
#I324622 - Resolved the chart parsing issue.
#I324911 - Console error when opening document with footnote is resolved.
#I324907 - Nubering list is copied with proper color.
#I323215 - Table is now layout properly after row delete.
#I322560 - Page content duplication issue is resolved.

New Features

#I324911 - Add non-breaking space character on Ctrl + Shift + Space key combination.

File Manager

Bug Fixes

  • #I323484 - Now, the warning dialog will be displayed while dropping the searched file into the same source location in the File Manager component.


Bug Fixes

  • #326155 - Issue in splitting task using public method has been fixed.
  • #325948 - Issue in adding new task with empty string has been fixed.
  • #325585 - Issue while defining columns and dynamically changing the view type has been fixed.

New Features

  • #264444, #296315 - Provided support for managing date with different time zones.
  • #317529, #320843 - Provide support to cancel the merging of split tasks using client-side event.
  • #307881, #309475, #325067 - Improved performance while scrolling, when predecessors are mapped.


Bug Fixes

  • #I324923 - The issue with "Kanban content color not changed, when using the material-dark theme" has been resolved.
  • #F160742 - The issue with "Script error thrown when drag and drop operation performed when swimlane keyField as non-existing field" has been resolved.
  • #322742 - The issue with "Unable to drag and drop the card when WebApiAdaptor used on Kanban" has been resolved.

New Features

  • #287435, #295725 - Support provided for map the keyField in the column as number type.


New Features

  • #315809 - Delay support on hovering the menu.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #323920,#323936,#325138 - Issues in server-side engine have been fixed.
  • #F164323 - The pivot chart is now drawn properly when the height is set as a percentage.

New Features

  • #325971,#325981 - The server-side engine now supports toolbar feature.
  • The number of aggregation menus shown at the start can now be customized.


Bug Fixes

  • #I323687- The issue with "Dropdownlist(popup) flickers on value select, when there is scroller in the page" has been resolved.


Breaking Changes

  • The toolbarStatusUpdate event has been deprecated. Use updatedToolbarStatus new event to get the status of the updated toolbar.

Bug Fixes

  • The issue with "Pasting the table elements from MSword to the editor, removes the empty cells in table" has been resolved.
  • #I324985- The issue with "Pasting the link in the Rich Text Editor doesn't add the target=_blank in the link" has been resolved.
  • #I324430- The issue with "Rich Text Editor not rendered properly when ID is given as a number" has been resolved.
  • #I324041- The issue with "When strong is applied more than one time for an element, un-bold doesn't remove all the bold tags" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I325602: An issue with resizing the appointment to last cell is not working has been fixed.
  • #I315877 - An issue with the scheduler fast dragging in timeline views has been resolved.

New Features

  • Provided scrolling support for all day row when loading huge events.
  • Provided the print option support to print the schedule in a customized way.
  • Provided option to set the different first month in year view.
  • Provided template support for date header in year views.


  • Provided enablePersistence property to persists the component's state between page reloads.
  • Provided enableReversePanes property to reorder the splitter panes.


Bug Fixes

  • I319406 - Date is not updated properly in Ukraine time zone issue resolved.
  • I324752 - Horizontal scroll bar not visible in MAC machine issue resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I317091 - Cell Editing works fine when Virtualization is enabled

New Features

  • #F160234, #I306539 - Provided support for adding parent and child records together using addRecord method.


Bug Fixes

  • #I320504 - The issue with "In IE Browser, the template TreeView throws an error when changing the data source using useState" has been resolved.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.1.59

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #308029 - Console error thrown while using special character in the chart container ID issue has fixed.
  • #F164708 - The white space in the legend icon issue has been fixed.
  • Accumulation chart refresh method removes inner HTML elements issue has been fixed.
  • #325193 - Rotating data label is now working properly

New Features

  • #289399 - Provided support to reverse the legend shape and text.


Bug Fixes

  • #324756 - If numeric content is set, the text style of the annotation content will now be applied correctly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I322813, #I324083 - Batch edit the changes made in server not reflected with RemoteSaveAdaptor, has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I323457 - This issue "straight line segment not moved in group while dragging grouping node" has been fixed.
  • #I325103 - This issue "Connector alignment is not rendered properly at initial rendering" has been fixed.
  • F164350 - The issue "Annotation hyper link is not working" has been fixed.
  • #319911 - The issue "Customized style disappears when serializing the BPMN shapes" has been fixed.
  • #321939 - The issue "Swimlane send to back node working" has been fixed.
  • #322854 - The issue "Swimlane children disappear while performing the order commands" has been fixed.
  • #323203 - The issue "Exception occurs when try to redo the node's gradient color" has been fixed.
  • #324238 - The issue "An empty space will take place along with the diagram while exporting the diagram into the image" has been fixed.
  • #321284 - The issue "The loaded layout diagram is differ from the saved diagram" has been fixed.
  • F164274 - The issue "Resize functionality of the lane is not working if the can move is false" has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I324028 - Resolved the font dialog properties applied in font dialog.
  • #I323597 - Resolved the text box rendering in RTF documents.
  • #I323603 - Resolved the footnote issue when switching to web layout.
  • #I321745 - Resolved the comment selection issue.
  • #I322561 - Resolved the bookmark undo and redo script error.
  • #I323670 - Resolved the font size and font family issue in copy paste.
  • #I325291 - Document with alternate chunks is now loaded properly.
  • #I323401, #I323423 - Resolved the page wise footnote content layout issue.
  • #I326150 - Resolved issue in updating cross reference field.
  • #F160804 - Styles not considered properly while deleting the content.
  • #I324169 - Resolved opacity issue in toolbar item.
  • #I312306 - Hyperlink context is now retrieved properly.
  • Resolved the showRestrictEditingPane API script error.
  • Resolved the document zooming issue.

New Features

  • #I307321 - Added support table positioning properties.


Bug Fixes

  • #325735 - Issue with dynamic update of disable button has been fixed.

File Manager

Bug Fixes

  • #I321258, #I320950 - The issue with "Error as occurred while sorting the path column at second time in File Manager component" has been fixed.
  • #I318476, #I320950 - Resolved the script error that occurred while dragging and dropping an item without selecting it in details view of the File Manager component.


Bug Fixes

  • #325250 - Progress updated properly in manual scheduling.
  • #324644 - Issue on adding records, when Gantt view is changed has been fixed.
  • #325627 - Editing works fine after when holiday is set dynamically.


Bug Fixes

  • #I324695 - Misalignment occurred while doing show or hide in stacked header with frozen is fixed.
  • #I321693 - RowDeselected event data as empty when unchecking the select All checkbox, issue has been resolved.
  • #I295052 - Switch component editing issue in dialog template has been fixed.
  • #I322601 - Header checkbox state is not proper on dynamic data update, issue has been fixed.
  • #I317611 - Warning error thrown when using local data issue has been fixed.
  • #I324294 - Grid checkbox selection performance issue has been fixed in material theme.
  • #F164532 - Column remote data issue with dropdown edit has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #278650 - The issue with "Unable to drag and drop the cards on iPad device" has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #317293 - Listbox event properties descriptions added.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with "Script error occurs while calling the refresh method in angular" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I323182 - Issue with "grouping headers are duplicated and overlapped with popup items while scrolling the popup after selecting the first popup item" has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #322039 - The Arrow icon is shown properly in the custom stamp dropdown.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #325971,#325981 - The toolbar options are now working in the server-side engine.

Range Slider

Bug Fixes

  • #I313394 - The issue with "The Range Slider handle position is moved to the wrong position after performing drag and drop using the range bar" has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I324988- The issue with "Console error occurs when up arrow is pressed, from the table cell when there is space between tr elements" has been resolved.

New Features

  • #I324616- Provided support to generate bulleted list when hyphen(-) and space is pressed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I323778 - An issue with Scheduler Accessibility has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I325477 - The issue with "Spinner label string is not rendered properly when HTML entity given as label" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F163365 - The issue with "When the first pane is collapsed, the size of the second pane is not properly set" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #24579 - Gridlines got disappear while performing horizontal scrolling with showHeaders property as false issue resolved.
  • #23650 - Formula reference not properly updated on copy / paste action issue resolved.
  • I319406 - Date is not updated properly in Ukraine time zone issue resolved.
  • #I314883 - Formula dependent cells not updated after rendering destroyed spreadsheet issue has been fixed.
  • #F164825 - Cell navigation throws script error when allowScrolling set to false issue has been fixed.
  • #23944 - Formula suggestion drop down is not displayed in the cells located in the bottom of the sheet issue has been fixed.
  • I312024 - Sheets property binding not working issue resolved.
  • #24848 - Nested formula issue resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I315811 - Collapse All with Virtualization enabled works fine when using less number of records
  • #I321468 - Column template with stacked header works fine


Bug Fixes

  • #I320271 - The issue with "While performing drag and drop action between two TreeView components, the dataSourceChanged event is not triggered for the source TreeView" has been resolved.
  • #F158127 - The issue with "The TreeView getAllCheckedNodes method returns invalid data while setting invalid IDs to the CheckedNodes property" has been resolved.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.1.58

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #324756 - If numeric content is set, the text style of the annotation content will now be applied correctly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I322813, #I324083 - Batch edit the changes made in server not reflected with RemoteSaveAdaptor, has been fixed.

File Manager

Bug Fixes

  • #I321258, #I320950 - The issue with "Error as occurred while sorting the path column at second time in File Manager component" has been fixed.
  • #I318476, #I320950 - Resolved the script error that occurred while dragging and dropping an item without selecting it in details view of the File Manager component.


Bug Fixes

  • #324141 - Issue in tooltip rendering position has been fixed.
  • #320979 - Issue on changing data source and timeline settings on same time has been fixed.
  • F163357 - Duplicating issue when a task is dropped below an unassigned resource in the resource view has been fixed.
  • F164497 - Issue in editing end date of a task has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I323447 - Grid print dialog hovering issue has been fixed.
  • #I323007 - getRowIndexByPrimaryKey thrown script error while rendering the child grid issue has been fixed.
  • #I322540 - Selected row index property issue with checkbox deselection has been fixed.
  • #I322859, #I323462 - Ignore accent property issue with excel filter has been fixed.
  • #I318995 - Child Grid expand not working properly has been fixed.
  • #I321908 - Throws script error while dragging page number index in Grid is fixed.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #322799 - The imported stamp annotation position is updated correctly in the MVC platform.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #316510 - The pivot table is now scrollable in mobile devices when virtual scrolling is enabled.
  • #322256 - The pivot chart's title can now be dynamically updated.


Bug Fixes

  • #I324040 - An issue with the scheduler multiple appointment selection in IOS device has been resolved.
  • #I324529, #I323448 - An issue with deleting the entire recurrence events with resources has been resolved.
  • #FB23906, #FB23902 - An issue with "Scheduler causing focus loss for text inputs in Android device" has been fixed.
  • #FB23931 - An issue with "Scheduler stealing focus on window resize" has been fixed.
  • #I313715 - An issue with script error throws while resizing the scheduler events has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F163365 - The issue with "When the first pane is collapsed, the size of the second pane is not properly set" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #22087 - Filter icon is removed after refresh issue has been fixed.
  • #24222 - Conditional formatting font color is changed to default color in list data validation issue has been fixed.
  • #23945 - Conditional Formatting is not working properly when range is selected from down to up & right to left issue has been fixed.
  • F163837, F164024 - Number format drop down shows wrong formatted value while setting locale text for the number format items issue resolved.
  • #23856 - Height of the merged cell increases on Alt + Enter action issue resolved.
  • #23644 - Dependent cells not updated after using openFromJson and refresh method issue resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #F163555 - Updating datasource dynamically with Virtualization enabled works fine.
  • #I324405 - Running Tree Grid application in production mode works fine.


Bug Fixes

  • #I320271 - The issue with "While performing drag and drop action between two TreeView components, the dataSourceChanged event is not triggered for the source TreeView" has been resolved.
  • #F158127 - The issue with "The TreeView getAllCheckedNodes method returns invalid data while setting invalid IDs to the CheckedNodes property" has been resolved.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.1.57

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • F163648 - Resolved the day periods not parsing lower case (am/pm) issue.


Bug Fixes

  • F164350 - The issue "Annotation hyper link is not working" has been fixed.
  • #319911 - The issue "Customized style disappears when serializing the BPMN shapes" has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I319397 - Resolved the spell check for certain words ending with ies.
  • #F164367 - Resolved the script error in npm run sass.
  • #I319824 - Resolved the extra page rendering issue.
  • #I319824 - Resolved the border rendering issue in the exported word document.
  • #I319421, #F163236 - Resolved the copy/paste issue for content copied from Document Editor.
  • #I307321 - Document exporting issue with line shape is resolved.
  • #I307321 - Exported document rendering issue in resolved.
  • #I321190 - Resolved the icon issue in material-dark, bootstrap-dark, fabric-dark themes.
  • #I319808 - Document with tab is now rendered properly.
  • #I317303 - Spacing after the numbered list is preserved.
  • #I324052 - Added the footnote and endnote locale strings.
  • #I307321 - Table border issue in exported word document is resolved.
  • #I307321 - List with hanging indent is rendered properly.
  • #I313465 - Resolved the image rendering issue in insert image API.
  • #I321108 - Script error in tracking the changes is resolved.
  • #I321923 - Script error in pasting image URL in track change mode is resolved.
  • #I317358 - Image copy/paste issue in ASP.NET MVC framework is resolved.
  • #I318843 - Resolved the list formatting issue in copy pasted content.
  • #I319868 - Exported document with image in header is opened properly in Libre Office.
  • #I324025 - Resolved the font dialog option value in localized mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #I323673 - Paging issue while deleting records in last page has been fixed.
  • #I321175 - Previous filter value is reappearing on the excel filter input issue has been fixed.
  • #I323060 - Excel custom filter issue has been fixed.
  • #I322391 - Provided the support for rtl in menu filter in dropdown component.
  • #I321693 - RowDeselected event data property issue has been resolved.
  • #I321908 - Throws script error while dragging page number index in Grid is fixed.

In-place Editor

New Features

  • #I320740 - The enableHtmlParse new property provided to enable or disable the parsing of HTML string content as DOM elements.


Bug Fixes

  • #311323 - Issue with 'No Records Found' text occurred twice has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #318561 - When the height property is set to a percentage value, Maps can now render with proper height of the parent element.


Bug Fixes

  • #I316367 - Menu Scroll bar not working when window resized issue fixed.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #317344 - The Script error will no longer be thrown if we add the custom stamp image more than 4MB size.


Bug Fixes

  • #F161003 - ProgressBar label is now rendering properly on live update.


Bug Fixes

  • #F163698 - The issue with 'getRulesFromSql' method for date is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I318379- The issue with "Applying heading to the content in the Rich Text Editor, applies heading to the next element" has been resolved.

New Features

  • #I262768, #I284171, #I285060, #I303859, #I312806, #I322378, #I292004 - The Rich Text Editor Base64 image handling performance has been improved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I312919 - An issue with the scheduler performance with resources has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Custom height not working properly while importing with wrap text, it updates normal height.
  • #24298 - Conditional formatting applied to selected cells even if there is no value given in the dialog issue resolved.
  • Issue with copy data from power point table and paste it in spreadsheet has been fixed.
  • #I314444 - Fixed cell selection issue in different screen resolution.
  • #24295 - Aggregate count is not displayed properly when selected range contains zero value issue has been fixed.
  • #23869 - Paste values only is not working for formula cells issue has been fixed.
  • #23867 - Cancel button is not working in hyperlink dialog when sheet is protected issue has been fixed.
  • #23861 - Unwrapping externally pasted wrap text does not reduce the row height issue has been fixed.
  • #23112 - Match function is not working when cell reference is given as parameter issue has been fixed.
  • #21561 - Unable to type percentage value without autoformat issue has been fixed.

Svg Base

Bug Fixes

  • #I296201 - Shared tooltip crop issue fixed.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I317066 - Right-clicking on the bottom rows in the current view works fine with Virtualization.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.1.56

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved Unwanted Swipe event trigger in Firefox only on Mac machines.


Bug Fixes

  • #316606 - "Text alignment was not proper with UPCA type barcode" issue has been fixed.

Bullet chart

Bug Fixes

  • #318856 - Label for the negative data is now rendering properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #310867 - 100% Stacking area is now working properly on browser resize.
  • #318354 - Scrollbar issue for bar type series is resolved.
  • #319835 - Normal distribution line in histogram series is rendering properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #319856 - The axis with same start and end angle will now render properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I268513 - Wrong $filter issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #316688 - The issue "Symbol palette component gets rendered on every state change" has been fixed.
  • 317943 - This issue "While render the layout's nodes with the collapsed state, the nodes are not properly aligned " has been fixed.


New Features

  • #I307667, #F164363 - In Dialog, Provided the new API isFlat to add or remove the flat appearance of the dialog buttons.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I319991 - Inline form filling is now working properly in Internet Explorer.
  • #319782 - Resolved script error while deleting the content.
  • #I320821, #I320991 - Table is now drawn with proper line width.
  • #I319987 - Table with merged cells now layout properly.
  • #I320513 - Header content is not rendered properly.
  • #I321397 - Table with merged cells is now exported properly.
  • #I317683 - Exported document with footnote is no longer corrupted.
  • #I313465 - Insert image renders the image properly.
  • #I308899 - Track changes is now listed properly in revision pane.
  • #I320270 - Table track changes is now tracked in paste.
  • #I319403, #I317463 - Resolved file corruption issue while exporting the document with shapes.
  • #I319185 - Resolved left border rendering issue in merged cells.
  • #I313943 - Tab character is now layout properly.
  • #I313821 - Fixed layouting issue in table with preferred width type as auto.
  • #F162726 - Line spacing is now updated properly.
  • #I319819 - Issue with Undo/Redo in multilevel list is resolved.
  • #I318381 - Comment is not added properly.
  • #I317743 - Accept track changes script error is resolved.
  • #I307321 - Checkbox with tab width rendered properly.
  • #FB23691 - Updated the track changes behaviour in read only mode.
  • #I307321 - Table borders are now rendered properly.
  • #I307321 - Tab width is now updated properly in list format.
  • #I307321 - Image with wrapping style is now rendered properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #320979 - Provided support to update data source dynamically with collapseAllParentTasks and enableMultiTaskbar enabled mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #I319687 - Child grid row drag and drop issue has been fixed.
  • #I321090 - Throws script error while using hideSearchbox in filter is fixed.
  • #I163579 - Focus issue while render multiple inputs in column template, issue has been fixed.
  • #I320238 - Change content casing of No matches found has been resolved.
  • #I317408 - Warning error thrown when binding a data dynamically by using asyncpipe binding issue has been fixed.
  • #I321142 - Exporting is not working properly in foreignKeyColumn issue has been fixed.
  • #I317066, #I317853 - When we right-click the bottom row in the current view area, the grid automatically scrolls issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #316046 - Action complete event not triggered when sort order property is given issue is fixed.
  • #311323 - DataSource missing while filtering is applied issue has been resolved.
  • #163935 - Previous index is wrong in drag and drop event has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #309268 - Template content of ListView is not updated when updating the props date using useState has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F163539 - The data labels will now render properly when the value of labelPath of dataLabelSettings is different from the value of shapePropertyPath and shapeDataPath.

New Features

  • #315251 - The opacity property for border in shapeSettings is exposed to provide opacity for the border of the shapes.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #315264 - Now, the User names in comments are working properly.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Rendering issue with Line break on multi line text is fixed.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #318017,#318625 - Export customization set in the beforeExport event is now working.
  • #320952 - Members with special characters are now accepted by the member editor.
  • #F163080 - Even if the fields have special characters, calculated fields can now be created.

New Features

  • #321444 - Date/time values in the editing dialog can now be edited using the date/time picker.


Bug Fixes

  • #317381 - The issue with predicate generation for date is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I320430 - Resolved the exception raised when inserting the table, with toolbarSettings disabled initially.
  • #I320606 - The issue with "Pasting list with 'outline level' style in the MS Word not working properly in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.
  • #I322143- The issue with "Console error occurs when deleting the last row of the table" has been resolved.
  • #I318379- The issue with "Applying heading to the content in the Rich Text Editor, applies heading to the next element" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #FB23907 - An issue with the "Scheduler throws the console errors in Android device" has been fixed.
  • #F161048 - An issue with Scheduler quick popup rendered twice when the quickInfoOnSelectionEnd property is enabled has been fixed.
  • #I320954 - An issue with the scheduler rendered twice with a different timezone has been fixed.
  • #I319812 - An issue with the appointment is not created properly in Timeline Year view has been fixed.
  • #I320915 - An issue with Scheduler events height is not rendered properly in the DST timezone has been fixed.
  • #FB23548 - An issue with Keyboard Interaction with Virtual Scrolling has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #320479 - The issue with "addPane public method does not work when rendered with the nested splitter" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

#I323532 - Pressing any key on chart throws script error issue has been fixed.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #321468 - Updating datasource dynamically with column template and stacked header enabled works fine.
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