
Syncfusion JavaScript UI controls library offer more than 50+ cross-browser, responsive, and lightweight HTML5 UI controls for building modern web applications.

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ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.1.55

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #319856 - The axis with same start and end angle will now render properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #F163538, #I320452 - Blank row issue while adding new record with RemoteSaveAdaptor has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #320882 - Issue on expand/collapse icon in Resource view has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #317381 - The issue with predicate generation for date is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F17228 - An issue with scheduler input field focus not working in iPad device with external keyboard has been fixed.
  • #I317983 - An issue with the height of the TimelineMonth view is not properly applied when the rowAutoHeight property is enabled with scheduler height auto has been fixed.
  • #I321711 - Duplicate events rendered in year view of schedule issue has been fixed.
  • #I320945 - An issue with scheduler multiple cell selection by holding shift and mouse click throws script error has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #320479 - The issue with "addPane public method does not work when rendered with the nested splitter" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Sort formula not working properly issue resolved.
  • Clipboard style issue resolved.
  • I316103 - Resolved the selection misalignment issue in non virtual mode.
  • #I316931 - Selection alignment for wrap cell having border on 150 resolution issue has been fixed.
  • #I321143 - Warning message is not showing while deleting locked cells issue has been fixed.
  • #I319204 - Skipped query property while saving as JSON.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #318449 - Expand/Collapse works properly while using enableImmutableMode property with Remote Data.
  • #320432 - Initial Filter with showColumnMenu works properly.
  • #317928 - Rendering Grid and Tree Grid in the same page with Virtualization works fine.
  • #315665, #318515, #320888 - Row Drag and Drop within treegrid and to another treegrid works fine.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v19.1.54

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


New Features

  • Provided Optional prefix addition support for Template function.


Breaking Changes

  • The following properties type was changed.
Property Previous Type Current Type
Disabled anonymous boolean
Expanded anonymous boolean
Visible anonymous boolean


Bug Fixes

  • #313827 - Fixed stripline fails issue on canvas mode.
  • #304737 - Remove child of null console error thrown while using canvas mode issue has been fixed.
  • #F162046 - Dynamic indicator change using useState issue resolved.

New Features

  • Range color mapping feature added.


New Features

  • #290958 - When startValue and endValueproperties are not set, the linear gradient will follow the circular path in the ranges.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • #312164 - The issue with "Newly added dashboard panels hide while switch between mobile mode to normal mode" has been resolved.
  • #310199 - The issue "Unable to resize when rendering multiple panels" has been resolved.


New Features

  • Provided CustomDataAdaptor support.


Bug Fixes

  • #316429 - This issue "Nodes are not updating properly for the swim lane in the DOM during save and load" has been fixed.
  • #304194 - This issue "Straight line segments are not moved while dragging " has been fixed.
  • #309543 - This issue "overview's preview is not updated when update the diagram's size " has been fixed.
  • #311751 - This issue "when drag and drop from the palette the symbol preview not disappear " has been fixed.
  • #312744 - This issue "Exception occurs when mouse over the node with many connector " has been fixed.
  • #301792 - This issue "Alignment of connector is misplaced in balanced layout " has been fixed.
  • #311219 - This issue "z order Commands not working for child node in group " has been fixed.
  • #312725 - This issue "Expand collapse icon cannot export properly " has been fixed.
  • #314224 - This issue "Shapes getting disappear after adding Swimlane shape " has been fixed.
  • F162436 - This issue "While set the node's isExpanded property true at initial rendering unwanted scroll is take placed" has been fixed.
  • #314664 - This issue "Exception occurs when drag and drop the node and perform undo " has been fixed.
  • F161997 - This issue "Context menu disappear while mouseover the item which has subitems " has been fixed.
  • #316472 - This issue "Strange snapping behaviors with swimlane " has been fixed.
  • #317149 - This issue "Exception occurs when drag and drop a lane on connector in swimlane " has been fixed.
  • F23048 - This issue "When change style of group at runtime the same is applied to its child too " has been fixed.
  • 317728 - This issue "Line routing is not working if the connection end point of the connector has two or more nodes " has been fixed.

New Features

  • #285393 - Support to avoid connector overlapping with complex hierarchical layout has been added.
  • #314220 - Support for Auto scrolling feature while using drawing tool has been added.

Document Editor

Breaking Changes

  • The SpellChecker(List<SpellCheckDictionary> dictItem) is marked as obsolete. Please use the alternate new constructor SpellChecker(List<DictionaryData> dictItem, string customDicPath) in Syncfusion.EJ2.SpellChecker spell checker.

New Features

  • #303736, #295965 - Added support for row based re-layout while editing table to improve editing performance.
  • #307648,#317930,#318105 Added support for change casing of the selected text.
  • #307568, #307321, #292530, #312844 Added support for EMF image preservation in ASP.NET MVC.
  • Added support for Text box shape with Top and Bottom wrapping style.

Bug Fixes

  • #315096 - Selection behaviour is updated properly, while pasting a URL and clicking enter after the URL.
  • #315413, #317463 - Table cell is now rendered properly.
  • #314467 - Find and replace is now working properly.
  • #315441 - While inserting same bookmark multiple times and deleting, bookmarks were preserved properly now.
  • #316532 - ParagraphFormat is now preserved while pasting with text only option.
  • #314193 - Document with charts were now preserved properly on exporting.
  • #161908, #318321 - Added API to show/hide restrict editing pane.
  • #315435 - Table cell width now preserved properly on editing.
  • #162638 - Table background color was now updated properly on updating borders and shading.
  • #163116, #317496, #315005 - Implemented the line spacing Hanging similar to MS word.
  • #317691 - Resolve the Number formatting after applying bullet formats.
  • #317524 - Replace all with empty string is now working.
  • #317605 - Shape with line format value null was now preserved properly.
  • #317150 - Can press 'p' key in Firefox after control + a and then backspace.
  • Resolve hanging issue while opening document.
  • #315656 - Resolve script error when importing document.


Bug Fixes

  • #261558 – Leader length is now working properly in the firefox browser.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • Internet Explorer version 11 Grid to Excel export issue is fixed.
  • Date issue is fixed for CSV export.
  • File corruption issue is fixed in Grid to Excel export.
  • Fixed currency format thousand separator missing issue.


New Features

  • #298361 - Provided Observable data binding support in Gantt.
  • #300136 - Provided support for tab like behaviour on cell navigation for cell edit mode.


New Features

  • #266164, #298390, #298305, #317536, #197245 - Provided mobile view support for responsive Grid.
  • #243700, #255673, #145292, #312122, #316185, #162746, #162824 - Provided exporting image and hyper link to Excel and PDF file formats.
  • #297861 - Provided option for rendering checkbox items in menu filter dialog.
  • #308524 - Provided autofilter support in Grid to Excel export.
  • #297263 - Provided complex column filtering and sorting support with IQueryable.
  • #307522 - Provided the target indicator support for drag and drop with different Grid.


Bug Fixes

  • #287830 - The issue with using setState in the HeatMap has been resolved.
  • #299279 - The issue "API level styles was not taken as important for HeatMap" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #317594 - An issue with "script error thrown when dynamically add new card with new swimlane key" issue has been fixed.

New Features

  • F160742 - Support to drag and drop the card from kanban to an external source and vice versa has been provided.


Bug Fixes

  • #304129,#304247 - The issue "ActionBegin event does not trigger before/after switching to new views in the nested ListView" has been fixed.
  • #310143 - The script error with refreshItemHeight method in ListView component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #312465 - When the zoomFactor property is set as 0 in the tile maps, it now renders properly.
  • #311273 - The imageUrlValuePath property now correctly renders markers as images.
  • #312865 - Markers will now render properly when they are added dynamically in the click event with "Normal" geometry type maps.
  • #317398 - shapeSelection method will now work properly with multi-layers on the Maps.


New Features

  • #284609 - Now, the cursor will position based on the value present in the input element while focusing the component.

PDF Viewer

New Features

  • #F158073, #291648 - Exposed the annotation UnSelect event in PDF Viewer.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Performance issue with true type font is fixed.
  • Preservation issue with PDF colour empty constructor is fixed.
  • Preservation issue with PDF Grid in Angular sample browser is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with exceeded image into PDF export is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with PDF Grid border into PDF export is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with Pdf number style is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with Line break is fixed.
  • Undefined error occurs while getting line width of text content on particular True Type Font.

New Features

  • Added Draw Path support
  • Added Draw Arc support
  • Added support for Linear gradient brush
  • Added support for Radial gradient brush
  • Added support for Tiling brush
  • Added support for PDF Brushes.

Pivot Table

Breaking Changes

  • The chartSettings.enableMultiAxis property is deprecated and will no longer to be used. Use chartSettings.enableMultipleAxis to achieve the same.

New Features

  • #294982,#F157008 - In addition to existing aggregation types, a median type has been included.
  • #293740,#294851,#295251,#310709,#F158140 - Multiple values (i.e. measures) can now be displayed in a single axis.
  • Hyperlink can now be set based on caption of measure field.
  • #316689 - Data from the data manager can now be retrieved using a custom query.


Bug Fixes

  • #F159325 - ProgressBar renders inside the Grid with out any console error.


New Features

  • Provided Complex data binding Support
  • Provided Header Template Support
  • Provided model support for fields, operators and values.

Bug Fixes

  • #F162988 - The issue when field has space is fixed.
  • #317381 - The issue with predicate generation for date is fixed.
  • #317355 - The issue with disable the condition option when that group has single group is fixed.

Recurrence Editor

Breaking Changes

  • The following properties type was changed.
Property Previous Type Current Type
selectedType anonymous int
value anonymous string


Bug Fixes

  • #318815- The issue with "Resize grip of the image freezes, after resizing for the first time" has been resolved.
  • #317508- The issue with "Resize icon of an image is not positioned properly, when height is set to the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.
  • F163544- The issue with "Pressing the 'cmd+z' in mac after deleting all contents, deletes the first paragraph of the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.
  • F163545- The issue with "'cmd+z' is not working after pasting the content in Mac machine" has been resolved.
  • #313508 - The issue with "event 'afterImageDelete' triggers two times when removing the image using the backspace key" has been resolved.
  • #313508 - The issue with "Console error is thrown, when updating the selected image with another image" has been resolved.

New Features

  • #257889, #264792, #280064, #305551, #316177, - Provided support for the table cell merge and split in Rich Text Editor table properties.


New Features

  • Multiple events drag and drop - This feature allows to select multiple events and reschedule them quickly by drag-and-drop. Multiple selections can be done by pressing the CTRL key with a click.
  • Time Format - This feature allows users to set 24-hour or 12-hour time formats in the scheduler. By default, the time format applies from the schedule's current culture configuration.


Bug Fixes

  • #315820, #313937, #316711 - The issue with "Console error occurs on resizing when the splitter is rendered" has been resolved.
  • #F163365 - The issue with "When the first pane is collapsed, the size of the second pane is not properly set" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Copy / paste the merge cells not working properly issue resolved.
  • #I316931 - Selection misalignment issue when applying border on wrap text has been resolved.

New Features

  • Freeze pane: Allows users to keep the specified rows and columns always visible at the top and left side of the sheet while scrolling through the sheet.
  • PDF Export: Allows users to save the spreadsheet data as a PDF document.
  • Password protection: Allows users to protect the workbook with a password.

Svg Base

Bug Fixes

  • #311306 - Position of Tooltip template has been changed.


Bug Fixes

  • 308530 - The issue with "Toast elements are not destroyed properly when open and hide the toast" has been fixed.

Tree Grid

New Features

  • #274416, #274607, #313192, #F159014 - Provided Infinite Scrolling support for Tree Grid which allows you to lazy load data when scroller reaches the near end.
  • #280065 - Provided support to maintain Expand/Collapse state of Tree Grid while exporting the data.


Bug Fixes

  • #310875 - The issue with "The isChecked attribute is not working when using the sortOrder property in TreeView" has been resolved.
  • #282214 - Now the isChecked attribute value is updated properly in the NodeChecked event arguments in the TreeView component.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.49

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #317061 - The merged cell table border rendering issue is resolved.
  • #318283 - Resolved script error while editing the last section header.
  • #310874 - The table with the merged cell is exporting properly.
  • #162017 - Restart page numbering is now preserved properly on exporting.
  • #316810 - Spell check script error is now resolved for layout type change.
  • #163236 - Strike through and underline content are now copy-pasted properly.


New Features

  • #317550 - Provided support to define valueAccessor as string.


Bug Fixes

  • #317578 - Throws script error while updating the template column in Batch edit mode issue has been fixed.
  • #316684, #319594 - Script error when drag rows from grid to other components issue has been fixed.
  • #317534 - Custom filtering not working when using filter template, has been fixed.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #306927 - The exception will no longer be thrown while exporting the existing custom stamp annotations.


Bug Fixes

  • #318815- The issue with "Resize grip of the image freezes, after resizing for the first time" has been resolved.
  • #317508- The issue with "Resize icon of an image is not positioned properly, when height is set to the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F22773 - An issue with editor freezes when saving a task to repeat yearly on the last day of a month has been fixed.
  • #F163215 - An issue with one day block event renders for two days has been fixed.
  • #I316945 - An issue with recurrence events are not deleted properly in overview sample has been fixed.
  • #I317560 - An issue with Schedule events getting overlapped issue has been fixed.
  • #I313557 - An issue with scheduler resource header when enabled rowAutoHeight and height properties has been fixed.
  • #317799 - An issue with memory leak in Scheduler has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #315820, #313937, #316711 - The issue with "Console error occurs on resizing when the splitter is rendered" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #317991 - Filter action works properly while using query property.
  • #318515 - Primary key column missing warning message shows properly.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.48

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #304737 - Remove child of null console error thrown while using canvas mode issue has been fixed.
  • #F157327 - Fixed the data labels are overlapped issue in chart.
  • #314894 - Stripline is not working in datetime for core platform issue fixed.
  • #F162046 - Dynamic indicator change using useState issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #316472 - This issue "Strange snapping behaviors with swimlane " has been fixed.
  • #317149 - This issue "Exception occurs when drag and drop a lane on connector in swimlane " has been fixed.
  • F23048 - This issue "When change style of group at runtime the same is applied to its child too " has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #163116, #317496, #315005 - Implemented the line spacing Hanging similar to MS word.
  • #317691 - Resolve the Number formatting after applying bullet formats.
  • #317524 - Replace all with empty string is now working.
  • #317605 - Shape with line format value null was now preserved properly.
  • #317150 - Can press 'p' key in Firefox after control + a and then backspace.
  • Resolve hanging issue while opening document.
  • #315656 - Resolve script error when importing document.


Bug Fixes

  • #315782 - Virtualization with grouping issue has been fixed.
  • #19156 - Scroll is prevented with infinite scroll's cache mode issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I313966 - An issue with scheduler toolbar popup items are hidden in iPhone has been fixed.
  • #I313459 - An issue with scheduler content width is not properly adjusted while loading large number of resources in IOS device has been fixed.
  • #I315617 - An issue with scheduler refreshDataManager method invokes before active view has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#I316931 - Selection misalignment issue when applying border on wrap text has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #317066 - Resolved auto scroll issue while context menu item opens when Virtualization is enabled.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.47

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #316606 - "UPC-A does not render some code value" issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #313827 - Fixed stripline fails issue on canvas mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #316541 - This issue "Drag and Drop into the swimlane for multiple nodes is not work as expected while enabling the Linerouting " has been fixed.
  • #316429 - This issue "When drag and drop connector into the swimlane not updated properly " has been fixed.
  • F163118 - This issue "Swimlane is removable even if the delete constraints are excluded" has been fixed.

Form Validator

Bug Fixes

  • #315294 - Now, you can use the complex name attribute to add the validation rules.


Bug Fixes

  • 316898 - Maintained additional fields in segments on zooming action.


  • #315085 - Script error with custom format in server side exporting has been fixed.
  • #22476 - getRowIndexByPrimarykey method returns incorrect index with complex data has been fixed.
  • #292594 - Preventing the row deselection issue has been resolved.
  • #316299 - Previous data is not properly return while save action, issue has been fixed.
  • #315859 - Script error while using using the textbox component in the filter template has been fixed.
  • #311142 - Provided the support for custom datasource in excel filter.
  • #314870 - Checkbox Filter true/false locale text issue has been resolved.
  • #315677 - Horizontal scroll bar is hide while filtering the column with frozen columns issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#317598 - Issue with "selected values are not posted properly while clicking on the select all option with predefined value" has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #312055 - The opacity value is applied properly for the free text annotation when importing the annotations.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Undefined error occurs while getting line width of text content on particular True Type Font.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with tooltip has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #317795- The issue with "Pasting the block node contents in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I303694 - An issue with scheduler toolbar items are not rendered as mobile view in iPad has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #310875 - The issue with "The isChecked attribute is not working when using the sortOrder property in TreeView" has been resolved.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.46

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #156827 - Axis line break label alignment issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • 312017 - RemoteSaveAdaptor with batch editing issue has been fixed has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • F162436 - This issue "While set the node's isExpanded property true at initial rendering unwanted scroll is take placed" has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #311796, #316639, #308845, #316676, #162561 - All the pages in the document were now loaded properly.
  • #309052, #315953 - Footnote now layouts properly.
  • #307997 - Resolved issue on updating the bullet list.
  • #314313, #316278 - When copy pasting the merge field, merge field was now preserved properly.
  • #315435 - Table cells layouts properly now.
  • #315413, #317463 - Table cells renders to preferred width now.


Bug Fixes

  • #313780 - Infinite Scroll invoked while moving the horizontal scrollbar issue has been fixed.
  • #314929 - Maximum call stack exceeds issue when pressing tab key has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I311076 - An issue with templates is cleared when refresh the header using the public method has been fixed.
  • #I315242 - An issue with drag and drop is not working properly when add columns dynamically has been fixed.
  • #I315596 - An issue with drag and drop is not working properly when dataSource change dynamically has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Provided tooltip support for Add button.


Bug Fixes

  • #309809 - The issue with "Unable to resize the image in the Rich Text Editor when width is set" is resolved.
  • #314678 - Resolved the script error raised, when pasting the content after pressing the shift-enter key.
  • F161914 - The issue with "Bold format removed for the content previous to the selection in the Rich Text Editor" is resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I306554 - Events are overlapping each other if multiple appointments having duration less than a day in same cell in year view issue has been fixed.
  • #I292642 - An issue with today date is not selected properly in header calendar with different timezone has been fixed.
  • #I315273 - An issue with clone element position place is mismatched while perform resize action with different resize interval has been fixed.
  • #I316544 - An issue with locale word are not displayed in all day row expand and collapse section has been fixed.
  • #I315617, #I315568 - An issue with script error throws while refresh the scheduler before loads the active view has been fixed.
  • #I315462 - An issue with appointments are not rendered when removing the resource dynamically has been fixed.
  • #F162676 - An issue with resource and content area gets misaligned when rowAutoHeight is enabled in virtual scrolling has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Copy / paste the merge cells not working properly issue resolved.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.44

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • I309800 - Resolved Events are not properly triggered when using EJ2 controls with the Windows web browser.


New Features

  • #253348 - Icon support for legend space has been provided.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with destroy has been fixed.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • I310199 - The issue with resize event in the bottom most panel while multiple panels get rendered has been resolved.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #313564, #314479 - Bookmark co ordinates were now updated properly.
  • #162017 - Restart page number behaviour was implemented also for page break now.
  • #310874 - Table with merged cells were exported properly now.
  • #162017 - Page number was now updated properly based on page index.
  • #313821 - Table column were now layout properly.
  • #311371 - While deleting the bookmark extra spaces between the text were now removed properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #315501 - Error on closing filter menu while focusing out has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #314800 - filter dialog position when rtl is enabled issue has been fixed.
  • #314860 - Grouped icon drag and drop issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #315107 - The issue with "cards are hidden when multiple cards are dragged and dropped to their original position" has been fixed.


New Features

  • #283275, #289148, #296652 - Now, selection and deselection performance is improved while providing the large data to the component.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #306927, #312149 - The FreeText annotation modified text updated properly in the exported annotation collections.
  • #309983 - The Script error will no longer be thrown when you set the FitToWidth zoom mode in the Blazor.
  • #312754 - Now, the Form fields are editable when updating the form fields values programmatically.


Bug Fixes

  • #314104 - The issue with the "Rich Text Editor's table width is not set properly if values are configured higher" is resolved.
  • F161887 - The issue with "Removing the italic format removes the underline format in the Rich Text Editor" is resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I314589 - An issue with week number not shown properly in timeline views has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • The getData method is not working when range is passed without sheet name issue fixed.

Svg Base

Bug Fixes

  • #311306 - Position of Tooltip template has been changed.


Bug Fixes

  • #311688 - An issue with getting console error in tab navigation has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with "e-mappinguid attribute is added to textarea element while rendering the multiline textbox" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #314373 - Treegrid refresh method works fine when we enable Virtualization and enableCollapseAll.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.43

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • I309628, I314101 - Resolved unwanted Swipe event trigger in Firefox.

Accumulation chart

Bug Fixes

  • #308019 - Accumulation chart data labels are rendering over the chart issue has been fixed.
  • #308020 - The labels to each slice of the pie chart are not reactive issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #308967 - Chart horizontal strip line position changes issue has been fixed.
  • #21006 - Render fail using point color mapping if datasource array is empty issue fixed.

New Features

  • #281265 - Support for spacing between axis labels & axis title and padding for legend container implemented


Bug Fixes

  • #314224 - This issue "Shapes getting disappear after adding Swimlane shape " has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #160804, #160805 - Line space was now considered properly on exporting.
  • #161513 - Properties pane was now disabled while enabling restrict editing.
  • #311371 - While deleting a text extra spaces between the text were now removed properly.
  • #311884 - Document with table was imported properly now.
  • #310754 - Hebrew text was now layout properly with spaces and numbers renders properly.
  • Resolved performance lagging issue while editing.

Dropdown Tree

Bug Fixes

  • #310244 - The issue on changing the treeSettings.autoCheck property dynamically in the Box mode has been resolved in the Dropdown Tree component.


Bug Fixes

  • #F162275 - Issue with "validation message shows while setting required as false in the rules property" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #311841 - Duplicating records issue while indent action has been resolved.
  • F160722 - Error on rendering editing tooltip has been resolved.
  • F161444 - Error while hiding context menu items has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #310507 - Frozen layout issue while changing pagesizes issue has been resolved.
  • #306030 - Filtering numeric columns through enter key issue has been resolved.
  • #311829 - Records are repeated while doing virtual scrolling when selection or focus applied issue has been fixed.
  • #312581 - Header aria-colindex attribute issue has been fixed.
  • #313556 - ExcelFilter dialog position issue has been fixed.
  • #308792 - Filter icon update when enable foreignKey column, issue has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #311659, #309125 - The Script error will no longer be thrown when we switch or press the back button before the PDF Viewer component not fully rendered.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #298311 - CSS issue of calculated field dialog in dark theme has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #311116 - Disable range selector is not working issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#F161227 - Prevented deleting range which contains lock cells.
#F162534 - Issue on editing a cell that depend on other cell after addition of date using Plus (+) operator issue fixed.
#313009 - Delete rows and columns using delete method issues resolved.
#313000 - The insertSheet method will now prevent the sheet with duplicate name from inserting.
#I312853 - Provided the actionBegin and actionComplete event for sheet rename action in spreadsheet


Bug Fixes

  • #313099 - Issue with "script error throws when disable the clear button dynamically" has been resolved.


New Features

  • #306971 - In Tooltip, support for enableHtmlParse property has been provided to enable or disable the parsing of HTML string content as DOM elements.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with "dot present in the end of file name while rendering the preload files without type of file" has been resolved.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.42

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved Drag and Drop malfunction when setting top margin.
  • Resolved Drag and Drop malfunction while scrolling beyond screen size.
  • I310147 - Provided Maximum fraction digit support for Number Parser.


Bug Fixes

  • #312744 - This issue "Exception occurs when mouse over the node with many connector " has been fixed.
  • #301792 - This issue "Alignment of connector is misplaced in balanced layout " has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #311518 - Vertical scrollbar was now updated properly on container resize.
  • #161047 - Document with tab stop was now exported properly.
  • #310258 - All the contents were preserved on pasting now.
  • #307321, #309396 - Line shape was now rendered properly.
  • #307321, #313943 - Tab stops were now rendered properly.
  • #311296 - Odd headers were added to all odd pages now.
  • #307321, #313948 - Straight connectors were now rendered properly.
  • #309565 - When enable track changes is false changes tab is hide in review pane now.


Bug Fixes

  • #311841 - Duplicating records issue while indent action has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #310158 - Selected records reorder issue has been fixed.
  • #311583 - rowSelected event issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with angular template is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • F160581 - The issue with "The RichTextEditor table toolbar popup is hidden inside the higher Z-Index elements" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I312058 - An issue with Appointments not rendered in vertical timeline year view issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #309065 - The issue with "The Sidebar destroy method throws error when continuously called two times" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • External paste for cell style is not working properly when spreadsheet has common style issue has been fixed.
  • Ribbon items are not updated during external paste issue has been fixed.
  • External paste is not working for strikethrough style issue has been fixed.
  • Wrap with Resize, text align issue fixed.
  • Formula range with more than AA issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #299892 - An issue with the Tab destroy method throws error has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #312347 - selectRow method works fine with Virtualization.
  • #311453 - Expanding rows works fine when we enabled frozenColumns and enableCollapseAll property.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.41

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved unwanted window variable addition while iterating for template.

  • provided support for Negative number in EJ2 Template conditions.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with click event has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

New Features

  • #285393 - Support to avoid connector overlapping with complex hierarchical layout has been added.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #264813 - List tab element now layouts properly.
  • #309425 - Paragraph formats were considered while creating a new table.
  • #309976 - List was not updated properly from level 1 to level 2.
  • #306480 - Review pane was now updated properly on resizing.
  • #309052 - Document with footnote now rendered properly without overlap.
  • #309565 - When enable comment is false comment tab is hide in review pane now.
  • #307321 - Table with no cell border now rendered properly.
  • #307860 - While pasting no extra paragraph was added now.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • Auto filter corruption issue fixed in Grid to Excel export.

File Manager

Bug Fixes

  • #305138 - The issue with "Incorrect message is displayed in delete dialog for File Manager Component" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #298884 - Error on reorder rows method has been fixed.

New Features

  • #306342 - Included target element in actionBegin, taskbarEditing, contextMenuOpen events.


Bug Fixes

  • #309585 - copy with header in clipboard issue has been resolved.
  • #299892 - script error when calling refresh method issue has been resolved.
  • #310296 - Parent level group footer not visible in excel export issue has been fixed.
  • #309731 - Persist Checkbox selection issue while show/hide column, has been fixed.
  • #310699 - column width is set as 'auto' works properly while exporting in excel.
  • #310989 - filtered value retained properly in the filterbar when persistence enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • #F161568 - An issue when scrollbar is disappears the column became misaligned issue has been resolved.
  • #I311076 - Provided a public method as renderHeader to refresh the header template.
  • #309763 - The issue with "Unable to drag and drop the cards within the column when setting the sortBy property as Index" has been resolved.
  • #F161669 - The issue with "Duplicate card rendering while searching the text after drag and drop operation is performed" has been fixed.
  • #287431 - An issue with the card has rendered at column last position when using updateCard method has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • 291781 - The issue with caret icon alignment is fixed.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #298311 - CSS issue of calculated field dialog in dark theme has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I309044 - An issue with year view months rendered incorrectly issue has been fixed.

New Features

  • #304701, #305038 - Provided the persistence support for scroll bar position.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with destroy has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#I311925 - Event cellSave is not triggered when list value changes issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #298848 - The issue with "The openDelay property is not effective in the Tooltip while enabling the mouseTrail property" has been resolved.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.39

Published by essentialjs2 over 3 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #308150 - Fixed the data label issue for label instersect action.


Bug Fixes

  • #293761 - The range with different start and end width will now render properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #308695 - This issue "Port's InEdges and outEdges are not updated properly while copy and paste " has been fixed.
  • #306529 - This issue "Node does not drop properly on swimlane " has been fixed.
  • #309041 - This issue "Nodes are not getting cleared when add new page in the diagram" has been fixed.
  • #305708 - This issue "Console error occur while save and load the diagram with swimlane nodes" has been fixed.
  • #308109 - This issue "Can't change flowshape to other basic shape" has been fixed.
  • #301792 - This issue "Child nodes are not rendered properly in Organizational chart" has been fixed.
  • #306310 - This issue "Symbol description gets rendered from middle of symbol" has been fixed.
  • #304447 - This issue "Restrict click event for nodes when zoompan tool is enabled" has been fixed.
  • #295443 - This issue "Bottom level nodes are not visible in overview" has been fixed.
  • #305992 - This issue "When drag and drop the node swimlane lane header position gets changed" has been fixed.
  • #304558 - This issue "Exception occurs when use getDiagramContent method" has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #160177 - The document with tables were now rendered properly without page unresponsive error.
  • #305777 - Selection was now updated properly on zooming for web layout.
  • #297705 - Handled behaviour similar to MS Word if page and section break in same paragraph.
  • #305110 - The document with large tables were now rendered properly without page unresponsive error.
  • #307321 - Table borders now renders properly if the border color is none.
  • #303643 - Edit hyperlink now works properly on image with hyperlink.


Bug Fixes

  • F161492 - Console error on converting milestone to task has been fixed.

New Features

  • #306342 - Included target element in actionBegin, taskbarEditing, contextMenuOpen events.
  • #291192 - Provided Immutable Support to refresh specific rows while performing Gantt actions.


Bug Fixes

  • #310077 - Persist Checkbox selection with frozen columns issue has been fixed.
  • #309205 - Script error While sorting in excel filter when more than one grid is rendered issue has been resolved.

New Features

  • #247931, #251431 - Provided the server side Excel and PDF export support.


Bug Fixes

  • #307853 - The property in the JSON for the maps shape data can now be displayed in the tooltip template.

New Features

  • #306094 - borderWidthValuePath and borderColorValuePath properties are exposed to set border width and color to individual shapes using data source values.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #309198, #309230 - The Form field's position is now updated properly in the print preview and printed documents.
  • #308703, #308960 - The cut, copy, and paste actions are working properly for the custom stamp annotations.
  • #306586 - The annotationAdd event is now triggered properly while adding the custom stamp annotation.
  • #309594 - The Form field position is now updated properly for the provided PDF documents.
  • #308213 - The page height is now updated properly on resizing the window in the fitToPage mode.
  • #303825 - The propertyChangeEvent is now trigged properly for the respective property changes.
  • #301513 - The isProgrammaticSelection property is returned properly in the annotation select event.
  • #309981 - The PDF Viewer localization tooltip content is updated properly in the German culture.
  • #309983 - Exception will no longer be thrown while selecting the zoom mode from the zoom combo box in the localization environment.
  • #309238 - Now, the render page requests are not being sent on zooming when the restrictZoomRequest property is enabled.

New Features

  • #303978 - Provided the support to add the default stamp annotations programmatically.
  • #305688 - Exposed the formFieldClick event in the PDF Viewer.

Pivot Table


  • #294982,#F157008 - "Median" aggregation is now supported.


Bug Fixes

  • #296208 - Resolved the issue with the Placeholder blinks when pressing the enter key in the editor.
  • #310044 - The issue with the resize grip alignment when the toolbar is disabled state has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I306474 - An issue when rowAutoHeight is enabled the events are overlapping to each other in month view issue has been fixed.
  • #I309996 - An issue with resouceHeaderTemplate is not rendering, while navigating the date via swipe actions has been fixed.
  • F161271 - An issue with script errors throws when editing the block appointments manually using open editor has been fixed.
  • #I292642 - An issue when timezone is set the calendar today date is not updated properly issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#F161227 - Lock cell delete issue prevented.
#I311230 - Sorting for number is not working after editing issue has been fixed.
#I311230 - Pasting within the copied range is not working properly issue has been fixed.

Stock Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #306698 - Visible property in series is not working properly for stock chart issue fixed.


New Features

  • I307310 - Provided the 'progressDirection' property to customize the progress bar direction from left-to-right or right-to-left.


New Features

  • #280065 - Provided support to maintain Tree Grid state(expand/collapse) while on Exporting.


Bug Fixes

  • #302025 - The issue with "The TreeView template node content disappears while calling the refreshNode method" has been resolved.
  • #300093 - Now, the TreeView template node custom events will be triggered after using the refreshNode method.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.35

Published by essentialjs2 almost 4 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #293761 - The range with different start and end width will now render properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #305708 - This issue "Console error occur while save and load the diagram with swimlane nodes" has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #160177 - The document with tables were now rendered properly without page unresponsive error.
  • #305777 - Selection was now updated properly on zooming for web layout.
  • #297705 - Handled behaviour similar to MS Word if page and section break in same paragraph.
  • #305110 - The document with large tables were now rendered properly without page unresponsive error.
  • #307321 - Table borders now renders properly if the border color is none.
  • #303643 - Edit hyperlink now works properly on image with hyperlink.


Bug Fixes

  • F161492 - Console error on drag and drop action has been fixed.
  • F161492 - Issue on indent action has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #310607 - Script error while excel filtering with Blank value has been fixed.
  • #308259 - Row deselect event not triggered when clicking on the row has been fixed.
  • #160944 - Autofit issue while double clicking has been fixed.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #309238 - Now, the render page requests are not being sent on zooming when the restrictZoomRequest property is enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • #I306474 - An issue when rowAutoHeight is enabled the events are overlapping to each other in month view issue has been fixed.
  • #I309996 - An issue with resouceHeaderTemplate is not rendering, while navigating the date via swipe actions has been fixed.
  • F161271 - An issue with script errors throws when editing the block appointments manually using open editor has been fixed.
  • #I292642 - An issue when timezone is set the calendar today date is not updated properly issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#I308657 - Hyperlink issue with the colon specified address is fixed.

Stock Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #306698 - Visible property in series is not working properly for stock chart issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #309151 - childMapping property is properly generated in hierarchy dataSource.


Bug Fixes

  • #307712 - The issue in getting the invalid isChecked attribute value in the getTreeData method for the dynamically added nodes has been resolved.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.34

Published by essentialjs2 almost 4 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved Drag and Drop malfunction when setting top margin.
  • Resolved Drag and Drop malfunction while scrolling beyond screen size.


Bug Fixes

  • #309133 - Accordion item is automatically closed when the onChange is raised in input element has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #308003 - Issue with 'highlight search is not working while rendering component along with iconCss property' has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #293532 - Chart gets crash while using small values issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with destroy has been fixed.


  • F160947 - Unwanted parent selector removed from the top level selector.

Context Menu

Bug Fixes

  • F160329 - The issue with template item focus in ContextMenu is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • DataManager lazy load grouping script error issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #309143 - Issue with "timepicker popup is not opened when render component with openOnFocus as true and click on the time icon" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #308695 - This issue "Port's InEdges and outEdges are not updated properly while copy and paste " has been fixed.
  • #306529 - This issue "Node does not drop properly on swimlane " has been fixed.
  • #309041 - This issue "Nodes are not getting cleared when add new page in the diagram" has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #306130 - The document content now renders properly while pasting the contents after inserting header with maximum header distance.
  • #307321 - Top borders of table with merged cell were rendered properly now.
  • #307746, #307748 - Auto fit tables were rendered properly now.
  • #309747 - Resolved spelling issue on default font family collection.
  • #295084, #291801 - Charts were now rendered properly on pasting.
  • #307318, #307327 - Creation of new comment was now restricted until existing comment was posted or discarded.
  • #307321 - Tab stop was rendered properly now.
  • #299850 - Auto fit table with preferred width and cell width was now rendered properly.
  • #308899 - Track changes revision was now preserved properly for justified paragraph.


Bug Fixes

  • #304837 - Issue with "value property is not updated properly while rendering dropdown with select tag and list has empty string as field value" has been resolved.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • Auto filter support is provided in Grid to Excel export.


Bug Fixes

  • #298884 - Issue on reorder rows method in virtual scroll support has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #309059 - The horizontal scroll bar is not displayed while using Frozen column issue has been fixed.
  • #308465 - Filtering Foreign key column issue has been fixed.
  • #309205 - Script error while using Excel Filter issue has been resolved.
  • #160945 - Rendering wrong page records issue after deleting with Group has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #308798 - The issue with "Script error thrown when drag and drop the cards in swimlane layout with responsive mode" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with remote data has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F159331 - The issue with β€œThe list items are not being checked, when using the checkItem method” has been resolved.
  • #304129,#304247 - The issue "ActionBegin event does not trigger before/after switching to new views in the nested ListView" has been fixed.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #301753 - Now, the stamp annotation can be added in the page when the firefox browser language is german.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #301448 - The pivot table now displays no unnecessary scrollbars when the browser is resized.

New Features

  • #298512 - The drill-through grid can now be exported, like the pivot table.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with template destroy is fixed.


Bug Fixes

#305379 - The issue with "Images getting removed when pasting images along with contents from the MS Word in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.

#301635 - The issue with "Pasting bulleted or numbered list from the MS Word doesn't maintain the font size and font styles in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I307462 - An issue when editing date time and End as until the last event not rendered has been fixed.
  • #F159141 - An issue when enable persistence is true selected resource not rendered issue has been fixed.
  • #I304107 - An issue when request to return current view or view model issue has been resolved.
  • #I306554, #I307686 - An issue when rendering the appointments in timeline year view has been fixed.
  • #F20602 - An issue with the position of the more event popup window is calculating wrongly when we setting the timescale interval has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#I309395 - Merge method for different sheet is not working issue fixed.
#I309076 - Formula parsing issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #301347 - An issue with refreshActiveTab public method has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • 308530 - The issue with "Toast elements are not destroyed properly when open and hide the toast" has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #308605, #308426 - Row drag and drop works properly when allowTextWrap is enabled.
  • #309562 - refresh method works fine when invoked from the recordDoubleClick event with allowEditing set as false.


Bug Fixes

  • #307778 - Now, the Expanded attribute value will be updated properly in the nodeCollapsed event.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.33

Published by essentialjs2 almost 4 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #308003 - Issue with 'highlight search is not working while rendering component along with iconCss property' has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with destroy has been fixed.


  • F160947 - Unwanted parent selector removed from the top level selector.

Context Menu

Bug Fixes

  • F160329 - The issue with template item focus in ContextMenu is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • DataManager lazy load grouping script error issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #308109 - This issue "Can't change flowshape to other basic shape" has been fixed.
  • #301792 - This issue "Child nodes are not rendered properly in Organizational chart" has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #297703, #160488 - Cursor was now updated properly for RTL languages.
  • #307715 - Table with merged cells were now exported properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #304837 - Issue with "value property is not updated properly while rendering dropdown with select tag and list has empty string as field value" has been resolved.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • Font size is set correctly in Grid to Excel export.


Bug Fixes

  • #298884 - Issue on reorder rows method in virtual scroll support has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #306851 - Virtualization with selectRow method issue has been fixed.
  • #297879 - Alignment issue has been fixed when we have the hidden frozen column with empty data set.
  • #160660 - Grid query included in foreign key column issue has been resolved.
  • #306162 - Pager dropdown overlap issue has been resolved.
  • #307973 - The isInteracted property issue in row deselect events has been fixed.
  • #160548 - Frozen grid duplicate template rendering issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #308798 - The issue with "Script error thrown when drag and drop the cards in swimlane layout with responsive mode" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F159331 - The issue with β€œThe list items are not being checked, when using the checkItem method” has been resolved.
  • #304129,#304247 - The issue "ActionBegin event does not trigger before/after switching to new views in the nested ListView" has been fixed.

PDF Viewer

New Features

  • #297887 - Provided the support to render the images inside the button fields.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with template destroy is fixed.


Bug Fixes

#306799 - The issue with "deleting any rows in the table removes the first row of the table in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.

New Features

  • F160594 - Provided new event beforeImageDrop that triggers before drop a image in Rich Text Editor component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I307462 - An issue when editing date time and End as until the last event not rendered has been fixed.
  • #F159141 - An issue when enable persistence is true selected resource not rendered issue has been fixed.
  • #I304107 - An issue when request to return current view or view model issue has been resolved.
  • #I306554, #I307686 - An issue when rendering the appointments in timeline year view has been fixed.
  • #F20602 - An issue with the position of the more event popup window is calculating wrongly when we setting the timescale interval has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#I308693 - Editing merge cell shows text two times issue has been fixed.
#I308693 - Undo & redo is not working for background color issue has been fixed.
#I293654 - Nested formula issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #306302 - The original event parameter is exposed in tab selecting event.
  • #306228 - An issue with closing the tab item clear the content of all the tab items has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #308346 - expandAll and collapseAll works fine with Virtualization enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • #307778 - Now, the Expanded attribute value will be updated properly in the nodeCollapsed event.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.32

Published by essentialjs2 almost 4 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #308003 - Issue with 'highlight search is not working while rendering component along with iconCss property' has been resolved.


  • F160947 - Unwanted parent selector removed from the top level selector.


Bug Fixes

  • #308109 - This issue "Can't change flowshape to other basic shape" has been fixed.
  • #301792 - This issue "Child nodes are not rendered properly in Organizational chart" has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #306939 - Table with merged cells were now exported properly.
  • #302508 - List format was now preserved properly after pasting some content in list line.
  • #299511 - On discarding the comment, comment tag was removed properly on file level now.


Bug Fixes

  • #304837 - Issue with "value property is not updated properly while rendering dropdown with select tag and list has empty string as field value" has been resolved.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • Font size is set correctly in Grid to Excel export.


Bug Fixes

  • F160722 - Issue on editing tooltip template has been fixed.
  • #306971 - HTML encoder issue with notes column has been fixed.
  • #306928 - Timeline width issue on zoom to fit action has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #160497 - PageSizes dropdown showing empty string issue has been resolved.
  • #308117 - Changing PageSettings dynamically issue has been fixed.
  • #305463, #307312 - Filter icon updated issue has been resolved.
  • #307775, #307812, #306656 - Script error throws when update the react state value issue has been fixed.
  • #308510 - where property type changed to Predicate in dataStateChangeEventArgs.


Bug Fixes

  • #F159331 - The issue with β€œThe list items are not being checked, when using the checkItem method” has been resolved.
  • #304129,#304247 - The issue "ActionBegin event does not trigger before/after switching to new views in the nested ListView" has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with validation is fixed.


Bug Fixes

#306799 - The issue with "deleting any rows in the table removes the first row of the table in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

#I308504 - Added missed text in the localization file.
#I305131 - Unlocking cells is not working for the defined columns in the view in ASP.NET Core issue has been fixed.

ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.31

Published by essentialjs2 almost 4 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved unwanted window variable addition while iterating for template.


Bug Fixes

  • #306310 - This issue "Symbol description gets rendered from middle of symbol" has been fixed.
  • #304447 - This issue "Restrict click event for nodes when zoompan tool is enabled" has been fixed.
  • #295443 - This issue "Bottom level nodes are not visible in overview" has been fixed.
  • #305992 - This issue "When drag and drop the node swimlane lane header position gets changed" has been fixed.
  • #304558 - This issue "Exception occurs when use getDiagramContent method" has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #305640 - Track changes is now preserved properly on exported document.
  • #305804 - Document scrolling is now working properly when document contains clipped image.
  • #305804 - In IE, Ctrl+ P is now working properly without text insertion in cursor position.
  • #299850 - Paragraph format was now applied properly inside the table.
  • #304588 - Application level formats were now preserved properly.
  • #305834, #302444 - Comment tab is also visible now while clicking on the track changes.
  • #301314 - Resolved the script error thrown on entering a new line and backspace sequentially.


Bug Fixes

  • #306741 - Issue on closing filter menu while focusing out has been fixed.
  • #306556 - Issue on duration field of add dialog has been fixed.
  • #305822 - Issue on updating height on browser resizing has been fixed.
  • #307295 - Issue on updating data source dynamically has been fixed.
  • #305728 - Issue on loading large number of records in resource tab has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #303869 - Event argument type issue has been fixed.
  • #160246 - Sorting column not removed while changing groupSettings issue has been resolved.
  • #296093 - Grouping with virtualization hide column issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with 'drag and drop' has been fixed.
  • Issue with toolbar option has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • An issue with menu closing has been fixed.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #302213 - Pixel size is updated properly while using ExportAsImage API.
  • #300096 - Font Styles are applied properly for free text annotation.
  • #303827 - Annotation customData properties are mapped properly in PDF Viewer.
  • #305663 - Ink annotation is added properly while adding programmatically.
  • #F159732 - FreeText annotation is now added properly on clicked positions.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

-#298296 - Columns are now properly stretched when resizing the browser.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with setting content property in begin event has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #301175 - An issue with the appointment top value in timeline views for the appointment rendered in the last resource has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#I296802 - Provided proper error support and if formula issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #301365- Template rendering for the tree column works fine.
  • #304800- Exporting of data while using RemoteSaveAdaptor works fine.
  • #306549- Expand collapse of multiple levels of the same parent works fine while using custom binding.
  • #307187- Hierarchy level maintains properly while perform drag and drop between Tree Grid in self-referential data binding.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.4.30

Published by essentialjs2 almost 4 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • #293532 - Chart gets crash while using small values issue fixed.
  • #300644 - Data label template console error in canvas mode issue fixed.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • F159402 - The issue with "The Syncfusion components are not rendered inside the Dashboard Layout while using the selector template" has been resolved.
  • F159797 - Now, the Dashboard Layout component is also available in the Theme studio.


Bug Fixes

  • #304641 - This issue "Node does not gets selected on slight movement of mouse when drag constraints disabled for node " has been fixed.
  • #301443 - This issue "update annotation for BPMN node, the node position gets changed " has been fixed.
  • #301441 - This issue "BPMN Nodes dropped in wrong position " has been fixed.
  • #304047 - This issue "Exception occurs when drag and drop the SVG node into diagram " has been fixed.
  • #301792 - This issue "Child Node Rendering issue in organization chart " has been fixed.
  • #300529 - This issue "Exception occurs while change the datasource for layout at runtime" has been fixed.
  • #302274 - This issue "Mindmap layout does not render properly" has been fixed.
  • #300499 - This issue "PositionChange event does not gets triggered for completed state" has been fixed.
  • #298898 - This issue "When save and load Bpmn subprocess node not loads properly" has been fixed.
  • F158465 - This issue "Context Menu items does not gets change at run time" has been fixed.
  • #285393 - This issue "Connector Target Point connection is not connected properly in line distribution" has been fixed.
  • #297343 - This issue "While undo and redo with line routing exception occurs" has been fixed.
  • F159245 - This issue "Node z index behaves incorrectly" has been fixed.
  • #300316 - This issue "Exception occurs when try to save diagram with prevent defaults set as true" has been fixed.
  • #292439 - The issue "Exception occurs when try to draw the connector using user handle" has been fixed.

New Features

  • #285393 - Line distribution functionality has been added.
  • Support added to arrange the child nodes in linear way.


New Features

  • #274382, #282351 - Provided the support to resize the dialog in all directions from all the edges and borders.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #294075 - Resolved table bottom border rendering issue when table contains merged cell.
  • #292515 - Resolved context menu position issue in IE11.
  • Strike through button now toggles properly.
  • #297703 - Resolved issue on exporting a RTL document.
  • #291766, #293053 - Resolved the page unresponsive error while selecting the image.
  • #301016 - Multiple server calls on optimized spell checking was now optimized to single call per page.
  • #300330 - Document with comment can be opened without any script errors now.
  • #292912, #293388 - Document with empty comment is now exported properly.
  • #299940 - Table with center alignment is now rendered properly and footer contents are rendered properly now on zooming.
  • #290277 - Navigating to bookmark now works properly without script error.
  • #301035, #300947 - Changes were tracked properly now on pasting.
  • 302151 - Vertical alignment for cell now working properly in header and footer.
  • 304069 - Table cell spacing now exported properly.
  • 304048, 294075 - Auto fit table is now layout properly if table has preferred width.
  • 305508 - Resolved page unresponsive error while selecting field.
  • 302470 - Chart series color now applied properly.
  • 292515 - Resolved paste option issue on IE.
  • #296222 - Resolved table rendering issue when table contains merged cell.
  • #297479 - Field result text with multiple lines are now inserted properly when track changes enabled.
  • #296863 - Resolved script error when field code contains table.
  • #281339 - Resolved paragraph renders outside the page in RTL format document issue.
  • Resolved script error Navigating to the specified bookmark.
  • #296222 - Resolved exporting issue when exporting document with shape.
  • #294306 - Resolved page number update issue when page contains page field.
  • #295176 - Ctrl + V now works properly in Edge.
  • #296782, #296781 - Resolved issue on cursor visibility when cursor is in editable region.
  • #293369 - Document with merged cell is now exported properly.
  • #294261 - Accepting or rejecting changes were now preserved in restrict editing.
  • #292726 - Row header was now repeated properly for each page.
  • #281339 - Numbered list in the RTL was now rendered properly.
  • #295753 - Sections with restart page number now updated properly.
  • #293980 - Skipped form field insertion in header and footer similar to MS Word.
  • #294075,#293472 - Resolved table border rendering issue.
  • #291766 - Resolved file picker not opening issue in IE.
  • #296842 - Resolved issue on selecting a merge field.
  • #292515 - Polish characters are now working properly in IE.
  • #291766 - Resolved script error on loading a document with text wrapped image.
  • #292515 - Resolved toolbar rendering issue in IE.
  • #289186,#293172 - Text box with none style is now exported properly.
  • #291766 - Resolved issue on table rendering black.
  • #293342,#295176 - Ctrl + V now works properly in IE.

New Features

  • 227250, 143540, 234463, 252453, 267474, 67852, 268213, 273871, 285146, 288507, 290372, 295055, 295548 - Added support for Footnote and Endnote.
  • #281067, #279595 - Added partial lock and edit support.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • Internet Explorer version 11 Grid to Excel export issue is fixed.
  • Date issue is fixed for CSV export.
  • File corruption issue is fixed in Grid to Excel export.
  • Fixed currency format thousand separator missing issue.


Bug Fixes

  • #306090 - Issue on pressing delete key when add/edit dialog is opened has been fixed.
  • #306342 - Included additional field in taskData.segments.
  • #305420 - Issue on triggering rowSelected event while opening context menu has been fixed.

New Features

  • #298884 - Provided Virtual Scroll support for Gantt.


Breaking Changes

  • In Frozen Grid, we have moved the vertical scroller from movable content div to its parent element and also rendered a separate div in grid content element to perform the horizontal scroll action. This changes improves scrolling smoothness and avoid delayed scrolling between the frozen and movable content.

Bug Fixes

  • #301599 - Editing issue in frozen Grid with virtualization has been fixed.

New Features

  • #284110 - Provided support for sorting in excel filter dialog.
  • #295348, #159594 - Provided support for Grid column selection.
  • #202824 , #199899, #138469, #263330, #151661, #271993, #158735 - Provided support for freeze column to the right of Grid.
  • #10632 - Provided support for specifying 'items' type in grid pager.
  • #294082 - Provided support for row reorder refresh support in Grid component.

In-place Editor

Bug Fixes

#292832 - The issue with Validation is not working when template has more then two input elements" has been resolved.


Breaking Changes

  • In sortSettings the default value of sortBy property has changed to Index from DataSourceOrder.

New Features

  • Provided workflow support that determines transitions of card from one column to another in Kanban.
  • Provided support to prevent dragging and dropping the cards on particular column.
  • Provided auto scroll support when drag and drop the cards between columns.
  • Provided custom sorting option for swimlane rows based on user choice.

PDF Viewer

Breaking Changes

  • Client side Methods
  • The importAnnotations() and exportAnnotations() methods are renamed to importAnnotation() and exportAnnotation()
  • Server side Methods
  • The GetAnnotations() and ExportXfdfAnnotation() methods are removed , and the alternative method is ExportAnnotation().
  • The ImportAnnotationFromXfdf() method is removed , and the alternative method is ImportAnnotation().

Bug Fixes

  • #F155593 - Exception will no longer be thrown while exporting the form fields.
  • #299497, #301943 - Triggered the event on updating the value in the free text annotation.
  • #301759, #303702 - Now, the document is rendered correctly in the Mobile device.
  • #299797, #298544 - Now, the signature is saved correctly in the signature panel.
  • #300917 - Now, the read-only text box field background color is maintained correctly.
  • #301513 - The isProgrammaticSelection property is returned properly in the annotation select event.
  • #299303 - Now, the waiting pop is visible on the page on applying the Zoom mode property.
  • #301753 - The ExportAnnotationAsObject is now working properly.
  • #286360 - The PDF document is now perfectly rendered with the free text annotation on a mobile device.
  • #300141 - The extra character is not displayed in the textbox field for the PDF document.
  • #296491 - Now, the format is included in the exported file in IE.

New Features

  • #F159868 - Expose the Created event for the PDF Viewer component.
  • #297447 - Provided the support for adding the custom text in the notification popup.
  • #298336 - Provided the support to clear the text in the search box on opening it again in our PDF Viewer control.
  • #293756 - Exposed the comments select and status update event.
  • #298173 - Expose a property for removing the save signature checkbox in the signature dialog.
  • #277299, #278926 - Provided the support to customize the Signature Field properties.
  • #293920 - Provided the support to change the date-time format dynamically from the code behind.
  • #300570 - Provided the support to clear the annotation selection.
  • #299501 - Exposed the event before adding the free text annotations.
  • #297337, #298646, #298723, #301996 - Expose an event on focus out of the form field.
  • #288134 - Provided the support to lock the comments of the annotations.
  • #293561 - Exposed a property to show or hide a desktop toolbar in the mobile devices.
  • #293367, #300818 - Provided the support for opening the bookmark panel initially.
  • #F155788, #296389, #297432 - Provided the support for importing and exporting the annotation in XFDF format.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Performance issue with true type font is fixed.
  • Preservation issue with PDF colour empty constructor is fixed.
  • Preservation issue with PDF Grid in Angular sample browser is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with exceeded image into PDF export is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with PDF Grid border into PDF export is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with Pdf number style is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with Line break is fixed.

New Features

  • Added Draw Path support
  • Added Draw Arc support
  • Added support for Linear gradient brush
  • Added support for Radial gradient brush
  • Added support for Tiling brush
  • Added support for PDF Brushes.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #300162 - The pivot chart now works properly with height as a percentage..


Bug Fixes

  • #160214 - Range navigator cursor style issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

#296208 - The issue with "the placeholder blinks when pressing enter key in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.

New Features

  • File Manager: F144048, #234755, #261368, #261882, #150871, #270549 - This feature allows the editor to browse and insert the images from FileManager using various remote service.
  • F149800 - Provided new property removeUrl in insertImageSettings API to trigger the image remove operation in server, when image removed from editor.
  • #301980 - Provided the support to return the Xhtml value in the value property when the enableXtml property is enabled in the Rich Text Editor.
  • #264791, #295032, #299905, #F159588 - Provided the support to retain all the styles from MS Excel while pasting the content in the Rich Text Editor.


Bug Fixes

  • #159985 - An issue with scrollToResource public method not working properly has been fixed.
  • #159896- An issue with the appointments are misaligned when rowAutoHeight is true has been fixed.
  • #18946 - An issue with displaying date twice for DST time-zones when switching between summer and winter time, has been fixed.
  • #300527 - An issue with loose shadow event once new week opens issue has been fixed.
  • #292074 - An issue with Schedule event dragging is not working fine when set up the eventDragArea property has been fixed.
  • #303564 - An issue with Editor window throws script error has been fixed.
  • #304988 - An issue with Scheduler throws script error when navigate form the scheduler to other component has been fixed.

New Features

  • Provided the event Drag and Drop and Resize support for Timeline Year view.


New Features

  • #299063 - Provided support to remove the items in split button using item id.


Bug Fixes

#I301769 - Entered date value changes for Eastern European Standard Time issue has been fixed.
#I301769 - Sorting whole column show empty rows first issue has been fixed.

New Features

  • Chart: Transforms your Spreadsheet data to an intuitive overview for better understanding and to make smart business decisions.
  • #I298335 - Provided support to paste content inside a cell while editing.
  • #I301769 - Provided support for short date formats dd/MM/yyyy and yyyy-MM-dd.


Bug Fixes

  • #F157882- After editing the row using updateRow method, getCurrentViewRecords method updated properly.
  • #F157882- When editing with a double click, it works fine when we only have one record.
  • #289600 - Records get expanded properly after collapsing all records using collapseAtLevel method in observable binding.
  • #F157099 - Virtualization with Aggregates works fine with large number of records.
  • #296233 - Row Drag and Drop within treegrid works fine.
  • #297986 - Row Drag and drop within treegrid works fine with checkbox enabled.
  • #F158886 - Cell editing with frozen columns works fine.
  • #299761 - Treegrid column width renders fine in Internet Explorer when Virtualization is enabled.
  • #301861 - Tree Grid dataSource updated properly while using setCellValue method.
  • #F159697 - Order of child records are displayed correctly after editing in remote data binding.
  • 292453 - Treegrid refresh method works fine after updating the data.

New Features

  • #294082 - Provided Immutable Support to refresh specific rows while perform Tree Grid actions.
  • #283491 - Provided error handling support to easily rectify errors in sample side.
  • #298682, #299561 - Added getVisibleRecords API to get the visible records based on collapsed rows state.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.3.53

Published by essentialjs2 almost 4 years ago

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • #I303968 - The issue with "Script error occur in DashboardLayout, when updating its parent props using setState method in React platform" has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #301443 - This issue "update annotation for BPMN node, the node position gets changed " has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • 305508 - Resolved page unresponsive error while selecting field.
  • 302470 - Chart series color now applied properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #304497 - Initial filtering sends two request issue has been resolved.
  • #18774 - Footer aggregate with frozen columns in rtl mode alignment issue has been resolved.
  • #160297 - opening excel filter through column menu issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #159897 - An issue with Dialog template not working has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #302538 - The issue with "The space key is not accepted in input text while using inside of Listview Template" has been fixed.
  • #305040 - The template issue in ListView component when using AddItem method has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with value template is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #286035 - An issue with theme mapping has been fixed.
  • #299009, #305259 - An issue with the resourceHeaderTemplate shows empty content when changing the properties of schedule if tooltip enabled has been fixed.
  • #159749 - An issue with Scheduler is not refreshed properly while navigating has been fixed.
  • #305387 - An issue with events not displayed on proper time has been fixed.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.3.52

Published by essentialjs2 almost 4 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Script error throws on expanding node in TreeView while using HTML id contains # has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #304117,#304560 - EJ1 and EJ2 controls theme compatibility issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #304117,#304560 - EJ1 and EJ2 controls theme compatibility issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #304117,#304560 - EJ1 and EJ2 controls theme compatibility issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #304117,#304560 - EJ1 and EJ2 controls theme compatibility issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #304117,#304560 - EJ1 and EJ2 controls theme compatibility issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #304117,#304560 - EJ1 and EJ2 controls theme compatibility issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #301441 - This issue "BPMN Nodes dropped in wrong position " has been fixed.
  • #304047 - This issue "Exception occurs when drag and drop the SVG node into diagram " has been fixed.
  • #301792 - This issue "Child Node Rendering issue in organization chart " has been fixed.
  • #300529 - This issue "Exception occurs while change the datasource for layout at runtime" has been fixed.
  • #302274 - This issue "Mindmap layout does not render properly" has been fixed.
  • #300499 - This issue "PositionChange event does not gets triggered for completed state" has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #302310 - The issue with "The modal dialog position is not working properly with scrollable content in the IE11 browser" has been resolved.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • 302151 - Vertical alignment for cell now working properly in header and footer.
  • 304069 - Table cell spacing now exported properly.
  • 304048, 294075 - Auto fit table is now layout properly if table has preferred width.


Bug Fixes

  • #304117,#304560 - EJ1 and EJ2 controls theme compatibility issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • F159625 - Console error on indent action after adding record has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #304090 - Checkbox selection issue with filtering actions has been fixed.
  • #159766 - Dialog footer content issue has been fixed.
  • #303904 - Grid columns is Auto Scroll issue while clicking the first column has been fixed.
  • #299643 - Provided the support for rtl in excel export.
  • #302342 - Whiling dragging header, cursor not following issue has been resolved.
  • #159701 - Currency format not applied while exporting pdf issue has been resolved.
  • #159725 - Sorting icon displayed over the header in fabric theme issue has been fixed.
  • #296476 - AutoFit columns issue with hierarchy Grid has been resolved.
  • #304389 - foreignKey columns grouping issue has been fixed.

New Features

  • #284110 - Provided support for sorting in excel filter dialog.


Bug Fixes

  • #300968, #302271 - An issue with the dragStart event maintained previous changed value in argument has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with 'removeItem' method has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #304117,#304560 - EJ1 and EJ2 controls theme compatibility issue resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #299497, #301943 - Triggered the event on updating the value in the free text annotation.
  • #301759, #303702 - Now, the document is rendered correctly in the Mobile device.
  • #300917 - Now, the read-only text box field background color is maintained correctly.
  • #301513 - The isProgrammaticSelection property is returned properly in the annotation select event.
  • #299303 - Now, the waiting pop is visible on the page on applying the Zoom Mode property.
  • #301753 - The ExportAnnotationAsObject is now working properly.
  • #286360 - The PDF document is now perfectly rendered with the free text annotation on a mobile device.

New Features

  • #300570 - Provided the Support to clear the annotation selection.
  • #299501 - Exposed the event before adding the free text annotations.


Bug Fixes

  • #297963 - Click action prevented while the spinner is in progress.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with Date Picker with null value is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #294999 - Range navigator rendering properly for Date type.
  • #297551 - Text Wrap support added for chart axis title.


Bug Fixes

  • #F140345, F159759 - The issue with "Unable to configure multiple CSS classes using the cssClass API in the Rich Text Editor" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Paste is not working when clicking on paste button in the ribbon tab.


Bug Fixes

  • #304117,#304560 - EJ1 and EJ2 controls theme compatibility issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #304117,#304560 - EJ1 and EJ2 controls theme compatibility issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #300136 - Dynamic changing of allowEditing property works fine in Cell Edit mode.
ej2-javascript-ui-controls - v18.3.51

Published by essentialjs2 almost 4 years ago


Bug Fixes

  • Script error throws on expanding node in TreeView while using HTML id contains # has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #295143 - Mouse wheel zooming issue has been fixed.
  • #299281 - Parent element CSS override issue has been fixed.
  • #291907, #296201, #296570 - Tooltip position support added.
  • #298154 - Update the color dynamically on pie chart has been fixed.
  • #298291 - The label issue of sum index value has been fixed.
  • #300936 - Histogram not rendering properly on duplicate data has been fixed.
  • #300428 - visibleRange value has been added in zoomComplete event.
  • #296739 - In multi color line type, segment values are not applied for multiple series issue fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Circular gauge will now be destroyed properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #294581 - ContextMenu with items more than the window size closes automatically while opening issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #301613 - Issue with "week number is not updated properly in first week of the year" has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #298898 - This issue "When save and load Bpmn subprocess node not loads properly" has been fixed.
  • F158465 - This issue "Context Menu items does not gets change at run time" has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #291766, #293053 - Resolved the page unresponsive error while selecting the image.
  • #301016 - Multiple server calls on optimized spell checking was now optimized to single call per page.
  • #300330 - Document with comment can be opened without any script errors now.
  • #292912, #293388 - Document with empty comment is now exported properly.
  • #299940 - Table with center alignment is now rendered properly and footer contents are rendered properly now on zooming.
  • #290277 - Navigating to bookmark now works properly without script error.
  • #301035, #300947 - Changes were tracked properly now on pasting.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • RTL support is provided.


Bug Fixes

  • 301606 - Issue in template column when use it as treeColumnIndex has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #302178 - Grid does not destroyed issue has been resolved.
  • #301357,#302019 - frozen Grid layout issue when change the empty datasource has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • 301355 - The balloon marker will now select properly with initialMarkerSelection.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #299496 - Now the ajaxRequestFailed event triggered on every retry count.


Bug Fixes

  • #290596 - Validation working improperly with column template issue resolved.
  • Issue with template destroy is fixed


Bug Fixes

  • #292642 - An issue with the event rendering with StartTimezone and EndTimezone fields at the time of initial loading alone has been fixed.
  • #292642 - An issue with date navigation from calendar with different timezone has been fixed.
  • #F16947 - An issue with events on same day and time overlap in readable way has been fixed.
  • #F159110 - An issues with Scheduler timeline year view has been fixed.
  • #F159666 - An issue with wrong element in renderCell event has been fixed.
  • #F159432 - An issue with customizing the dragging interval time of the events has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#I301708 - Border is removed when pasting values adjacent to border contained cells issue has been fixed.

New Features

#I300338 - Provided support to link the whole column or row data to the list validation.
#I300657 - Provided support for custom alert message to the validation dialog.

Svg Base

Bug Fixes

  • #299281 - Parent element CSS override issue has been fixed.
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