
The official PHP SDK for Sentry (

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sentry-php - 4.7.0 Latest Release

Published by getsentry-bot 6 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v4.7.0.


  • Improve debugging experience by emitting more logs from the SDK (#1705)
  • Handle metric_bucket rate limits (#1726) & (#1728)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix deprecation notice when trying to serialize a callable (#1732)


  • Deprecated SpanStatus::resourceExchausted(). Use SpanStatus::resourceExhausted() instead (#1725)
  • Update metric normalization (#1729)
sentry-php - 4.6.1

Published by getsentry-bot 7 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v4.6.1.

Bug Fixes

  • Always add the sampled flag to the W3C traceparent header (#1713)
  • Add JSON_ERROR_NON_BACKED_ENUM to allowed JSON::encode() errors. (#1707)
sentry-php - 4.6.0

Published by getsentry-bot 8 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v4.6.0.


  • Add the PHP SAPI to the runtime context (#1700)

Bug Fixes

  • Correctly apply properties/options in ClientBuilder::class (#1699)
  • Attach _metrics_summary to transactions (#1702)


  • Remove final from Metrics::class (#1697)
  • Return early when using ignore_exceptions (#1701)
  • Attach exceptions to the log message from FrameContextifierIntegration::class (#1678)
sentry-php - 4.5.0

Published by getsentry-bot 9 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v4.5.0.


  • Add before_send_check_in and before_send_metrics (#1690)

        'before_send_check_in' => function (\Sentry\Event $event) {
            $checkIn = $event->getCheckIn(),
            // modify the check-in or return null to not send it
        'before_send_metrics' => function (\Sentry\Event $event) {
            $metrics = $event->getMetrics(),
            // modify the metrics or return null to not send it

Bug Fixes

  • Fix _metrics_summary formatting (#1682)

  • Fix DebugFileLogger and DebugStdOutLogger to be usable with PHP 7.2 and up (#1691)

  • Allow whitespace in metric tag values (#1692)

sentry-php - 4.4.0

Published by getsentry-bot 9 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v4.4.0.


  • Add metrics()->timing() (#1670)

    This allows you to emit a distribution metric based on the duration of the provided callback.

    use function Sentry\metrics;
        key: 'my-metric',
        callback: fn() => doSomething(),
  • Add withMonitor() (#1679)

    This wraps a callback into monitor check-ins.

    use function Sentry\withMonitor;
        slug: 'my-monitor',
        callback: fn () => doSomething(),
        monitorConfig: new MonitorConfig(...),
  • Add new failure_issue_threshold and recovery_threshold configuration to MonitorConfig (#1685)

  • Add TransactionContext::make() and SpanContext::make() (#1684)

    use Sentry\Tracing\SpanContext;
    $spanCpntext = SpanContext::make()
  • Add support for fluent use of Transaction::setName() (#1687)

  • Add support for the W3C traceparent header (#1680)

Bug Fixes

  • Do not send an empty event if no metrics are in the bucket (#1676)

  • Fix the http_ssl_verify_peer option to set the correct value to CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER (#1686)


  • Depreacted UserDataBag::getSegment() and UserDataBag::setSegment(). You may use a custom tag or context instead (#1681)
sentry-php - 4.3.1

Published by getsentry-bot 10 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v4.3.1.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix tags not being serialized correctly for metrics (#1672)


  • Remove @internal annotation from MetricsUnit class (#1671)
sentry-php - 4.3.0

Published by getsentry-bot 10 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v4.3.0.


  • Add support for Sentry Developer Metrics (#1619)

    use function Sentry\metrics;
    // Add 4 to a counter named hits
    metrics()->increment(key: 'hits', value: 4);
    // Add 25 to a distribution named response_time with unit milliseconds
    metrics()->distribution(key: 'response_time', value: 25, unit: MetricsUnit::millisecond());
    // Add 2 to gauge named parallel_requests, tagged with type: "a"
    metrics()->gauge(key: 'parallel_requests, value: 2, tags: ['type': 'a']);
    // Add a user's email to a set named users.sessions, tagged with role: "admin"
    metrics()->set('users.sessions, '[email protected]', null, ['role' => User::admin()]);
    // Add 2 to gauge named `parallel_requests`, tagged with `type: "a"`
    Sentry.metrics.gauge('parallel_requests', 2, { tags: { type: 'a' } });
    // Flush the metrics to Sentry
    // We recommend registering the flushing in a shutdown function
    register_shutdown_function(static fn () => metrics()->flush());

    To learn more about Sentry Developer Merics, join the discussion at

Bug Fixes

  • Disallow to seralize the HubAdapter::class (#1663)
  • Do not overwrite trace context on event (#1668)
  • Serialize breadcrumb data to display correct in the Sentry UI (#1669)


  • Remove the final keyword from Hub::class, Client::class and Scope::class (#1665)
sentry-php - 4.2.0

Published by getsentry-bot 10 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v4.2.0.


  • Add a config option to allow overriding the Spotlight url (#1659)

        'spotlight_url' => 'http://localhost:8969',

Bug Fixes

  • Restore setting the logger value on the event payload (#1657)

  • Only apply the sample_rate on error/message events (#1662)

    This fixes an issue where Cron Check-Ins were wrongly sampled out if a sample_rate lower than 1.0 is used.


  • Remove the @internal annotation from ClientBuilder::class (#1661)
sentry-php - 4.1.0

Published by getsentry-bot 11 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v4.1.0.


  • Add support for Spotlight (#1647)

    Spotlight is Sentry for Development. Inspired by an old project, Django Debug Toolbar. Spotlight brings a rich debug overlay into development environments, and it does it by leveraging the existing power of Sentry's SDKs.

    To learn more about Spotlight, go to


  • Normalize response status (#1644)
sentry-php - 4.0.1

Published by getsentry-bot 11 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v4.0.1.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix capturing out-of-memory errors when memory-constrained (#1636)
  • Check if the cURL extension is installed (#1632)
sentry-php - 3.22.1

Published by getsentry-bot 11 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v3.22.1.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix capturing out-of-memory errors when memory-constrained (#1633)
sentry-php - 4.0.0

Published by getsentry-bot 12 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v4.0.0.

Breaking Change

Please refer to the guide for a complete list of breaking changes.

  • This version exclusively uses the envelope endpoint to send event data to Sentry.

    If you are using, no action is needed.
    If you are using an on-premise/self-hosted installation of Sentry, the minimum requirement is now version >= v20.6.0.

  • You need to have ext-curl installed to use the SDK.

  • The IgnoreErrorsIntegration integration was removed. Use the ignore_exceptions option instead.

        'ignore_exceptions' => [BadThingsHappenedException::class],

    This option performs an is_a check now, so you can also ignore more generic exceptions.


  • Add new fluent APIs (#1601)

    // Before
    $transactionContext = new TransactionContext();
    $transactionContext->setName('GET /example');
    // After
    $transactionContext = (new TransactionContext())
        ->setName('GET /example');
  • Simplify the breadcrumb API (#1603)

    // Before
        new \Sentry\Breadcrumb(
            'auth',                // category
            'User authenticated',  // message (optional)
            ['user_id' => $userId] // data (optional)
    // After
        category: 'auth', 
        message: 'User authenticated', // optional
        metadata: ['user_id' => $userId], // optional
        level: Breadcrumb::LEVEL_INFO, // set by default
        type: Breadcrumb::TYPE_DEFAULT, // set by default
  • New logger option (#1625)

    To make it easier to debug the internals of the SDK, the logger option now accepts a Psr\Log\LoggerInterface instance.
    We do provide two implementations, Sentry\Logger\DebugFileLogger and Sentry\Logger\DebugStdOutLogger.

    // This logs messages to the provided file path
        'logger' => new DebugFileLogger(filePath: ROOT . DS . 'sentry.log'),
    // This logs messages to stdout
        'logger' => new DebugStdOutLogger(),
  • New default cURL HTTP client (#1589)

    The SDK now ships with its own HTTP client based on cURL. A few new options were added.

        'http_proxy_authentication' => 'username:password', // user name and password to use for proxy authentication
        'http_ssl_verify_peer' => false, // default true, verify the peer's SSL certificate
        'http_compression' => false, // default true, http request body compression

    To use a different client, you may use the http_client option.

    use Sentry\Client;
    use Sentry\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;
    use Sentry\HttpClient\Request;
    use Sentry\HttpClient\Response;
    use Sentry\Options;
    $httpClient = new class() implements HttpClientInterface {
        public function sendRequest(Request $request, Options $options): Response
            // your custom implementation
            return new Response($response->getStatusCode(), $response->getHeaders(), '');
        'http_client' => $httpClient,

    To use a different transport, you may use the transport option. A custom transport must implement the TransportInterface.
    If you use the transport option, the http_client option has no effect.


  • The abandoned package php-http/message-factory was removed.
sentry-php - 3.22.0

Published by getsentry-bot 12 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v3.22.0.


  • Adopt Starfish HTTP attributes in spans and breadcrumbs (#1581)

Bug Fixes

  • Don't add empty HTTP fragment or query strings to breadcrumb data (#1588)


  • Remove obsolete tags option depreaction (#1588)
  • Run CI on PHP 8.3 (1591)
  • Add support for symfony/options-resolver: ^7.0 (1597)
sentry-php - 3.21.0

Published by getsentry-bot about 1 year ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v3.21.0.


  • Add Sentry::captureCheckIn() (#1573)

    Sending check-ins from the SDK is now simplified.

    $checkInId = Sentry\captureCheckIn(
        slug: 'monitor-slug',
        status: CheckInStatus::inProgress()
    // do something
        checkInId: $checkInId,
        slug: 'monitor-slug',
        status: CheckInStatus::ok()

    You can also pass in a monitorConfig object as well as the duration.

  • Undeprecate the tags option (#1561)

    You can now set tags that are applied to each event when calling Sentry::init().

        'tags' => [
            'foo' => 'bar',
  • Apply the prefixesoption to profiling frames (#1568)

    If you added the prefixes option when calling Sentry::init(), this option will now also apply to profile frames.

        'prefixes' => ['/var/www/html'],


  • Deduplicate profile stacks and frames (#1570)

    This will decrease the payload size of the profile event payload.

  • Add the transaction's sampling decision to the trace envelope header (#1562)

sentry-php - 3.20.1

Published by getsentry-bot over 1 year ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v3.20.1.

Bug Fixes

  • Use the result of isTracingEnabled() to determine the behaviour of getBaggage() and getTraceparent() (#1555)


  • Always return a TransactionContext from continueTrace() (#1556)
sentry-php - 3.20.0

Published by getsentry-bot over 1 year ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v3.20.0.


  • Tracing without Performance (#1516)

    You can now set up distributed tracing without the need to use the performance APIs.
    This allows you to connect your errors that hail from other Sentry instrumented applications to errors in your PHP application.

    To continue a trace, fetch the incoming Sentry tracing headers and call \Sentry\continueTrace() as early as possible in the request cycle.

    $sentryTraceHeader = $request->getHeaderLine('sentry-trace');
    $baggageHeader = $request->getHeaderLine('baggage');
    continueTrace($sentryTraceHeader, $baggageHeader);

    To continue a trace outward, you may attach the Sentry tracing headers to any HTTP client request.
    You can fetch the required header values by calling \Sentry\getBaggage() and \Sentry\getTraceparent().

  • Upserting Cron Monitors (#1511)

    You can now create and update your Cron Monitors programmatically with code.
    Read more about this in our docs.

sentry-php - 3.19.1

Published by getsentry-bot over 1 year ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v3.19.1.

Bug Fixes

  • Use HTTP/1.1 when compression is enabled (#1542)
sentry-php - 3.19.0

Published by getsentry-bot over 1 year ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v3.19.0.


  • Add support for guzzlehttp/promises v2 (#1536)
sentry-php - 3.18.2

Published by getsentry-bot over 1 year ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v3.18.2.

Bug Fixes

  • Require php-http/message-factory (#1534)
sentry-php - 3.18.1

Published by getsentry-bot over 1 year ago

The Sentry SDK team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v3.18.1.

Bug Fixes

  • Guard against empty profiles (#1528)
  • Ignore empty context values (#1529)