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metasfresh - metasfresh 5.94

Published by metas-ts over 5 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4913 Add payment discount when importing discount schema
    • #4961 Chart of Accounts Import
    • #4982 AD_Element_Trl customization
    • #4988 Improve async workpackage logging for shipment schedule and invoice candidate updating
    • #4991 URL csv Importer for BPartner
    • #4997 Handle M_DiscountSchemaBreak with PriceBase=P(ricingSystem) & missing Base_PricingSystem_ID
    • #5001 Create a table for storing product certificate informations
  • metasfresh-webui

    • #1945 "About" action in webui
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2197 Don't show input field for QR reader on mobile


  • metasfresh
    • #4966 Prolonging contract does not working anymore
    • #4975 LastShipmentDate not displayed anymore in Products Proposal
    • #4985 MemorizingSupplier.get returns null while it actually couldn't
    • #4987 M_Attribute_Value is not saved correctly
    • #4989 Problem posting documents with zero-amounts
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.93

Published by metas-ts over 5 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4967 Warehouse Customization: Picking
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1154 Take out "Back" action from quick actions in "More products..." modal
    • #1155 Support providing shortcuts for processes
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2182 Back button for modals
    • #2183 frontend: Scan using camera shall be translatable
    • #2193 View quick actions: provide viewProfileId when calling /quickActions endpoint


  • metasfresh

    • #4964 Services.get(IDocumentNoBuilderFactory.class) calls the wrong constructor
    • #4976 M_DiscountSchemaBreak.PriceBase shall be nullable
  • metasfresh-dist

    • #57 PostgreSQL applying our migration scripts not working anymore
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.92

Published by metas-ts over 5 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4916 Checkbox Newsletter in der Neuaufnahme anzeigen
    • #4952 Implement Campain Pricing Rule
    • #4953 Add taxId to function docs_generics_org_report
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1142 Make Issue CUs from Source HU work for Multi Select
    • #1148 Products proposal: display the prices paid by other customers
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2147 Display process descriptions that are provided by the API
    • #2157 frontend: Document included tab: pluggable actions to start a process


  • metasfresh-webui-frontend
    • #2145 Model view: row no longer refreshed
    • #2160 Selected row not always correctly recognized
    • #2162 View quick actions shall not display scrollbar
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.91

Published by metas-ts over 5 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4941 Add option to not translate words that exist as elements or messages
    • #4935 Create MTransaction when completing cost collector of type issue/receipt
    • #4936 Use latest c3p0 and postgres driver
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2169 Host google fonts locally
    • #2158 Modal view: Cancel button support
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.90

Published by metas-ts over 5 years ago

  • metasfresh

    • #4894 BPartner Product statistics: LastShipmentDate, LastReceiptDate
    • #4903 Introduce AD_Table_Process.AD_Table_Process_ID primary key
    • #4906 Pricing: fallback to base price list version if any
    • #4911 Translate the C_BPartner label fields to German
    • #4915 Improve error handling when ID server is not correctly configured
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1134 Document included tab: provide actions to be displayed in included tab's top lane
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.89

Published by metas-ts over 5 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4881 Different improvements around MSV3 server synchronization
    • #4883 Quickactions in Invoice Candidates Window
    • #4886 Account Schema window: don't allow creating new accounting schemas
    • #4887 New Window Tab: callout to automatically set AD_Element_ID, Name, InternalName when a table is selected
    • #4892 Add inactive product fields for hu tracing and label printing
    • #4894 BPartner Product statistics: LastShipmentDate, LastReceiptDate
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1128 Limit number of products shown in material cockpit
    • #1132 Sales/Purchase order: customer proposal products list
    • #1130 Restrict DocumentCollection cache size


  • metasfresh
    • #4896 Errors in Tax Codes Report
    • #4900 AD_Val_Rule ESR_Import_AD_AttachmentEntry is broken
    • #4902 Process BPartnerOrgLink doesn't set AD_OrgInfo.OrgBP_Location_ID

metasfresh 5.88


  • metasfresh
    • #4866 Create purchase orders: if the vendor is using a gateway then always order directly
    • #4868 Make C_PurchaseCandidate.IsAggregatePO a searchable column


  • metasfresh

    • #4782 Various fixes to import processes
    • #4859 Durchschnittspreise SQL ergibt Fehlerhafte Daten (Preis Abw. nicht berücksichtigt)
    • #4876 Inventory related fixes
    • #4873 Product: The Temperature Field is too short
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1123 Fix process parameter translations
    • #1125 Fix webui window update from remote editing
    • #1127 Cache invalidation failing - null childLinkColumnName
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2148 Tables not fully displayed in windows causing filters and actions not being displayed properly
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.88

Published by metas-ts over 5 years ago


  • metasfresh
    • #4866 Create purchase orders: if the vendor is using a gateway then always order directly
    • #4868 Make C_PurchaseCandidate.IsAggregatePO a searchable column


  • metasfresh

    • #4782 Various fixes to import processes
    • #4859 Durchschnittspreise SQL ergibt Fehlerhafte Daten (Preis Abw. nicht berücksichtigt)
    • #4876 Inventory related fixes
    • #4873 Product: The Temperature Field is too short
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1123 Fix process parameter translations
    • #1125 Fix webui window update from remote editing
    • #1127 Cache invalidation failing - null childLinkColumnName
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2148 Tables not fully displayed in windows causing filters and actions not being displayed properly
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.87

Published by metas-ts over 5 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4798 AD_RefList Description shall be shown in webui
    • #4863 Add created/ updated to asynch workpackage and filter for created
    • #4857 Add PK column AD_OrgInfo_ID
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1119 Max rows loaded in a included tab shall be configurable


  • metasfresh

    • #4862 When deleting a AD_Tab, the AD_Field and AD_Element_Link records shall be deleted
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2119 Screen turns grey for 1 sec sometimes
    • #2120 Tab not always working correctly
    • #2122 Quick actions dropdown covered by pagination in modals
    • #2124 Webcam Foto not working anymore since last chrome update
    • #2130 Header/subheader not working correctly on mobile
    • #2133 Display value description when hovering over field
    • #2135 Sync all contract specs - add contracted vendor and discount schema
    • #2034 Uncaught TypeError: selected.indexOf is not a function
    • #2134 string field is reset in mid-typing
    • #2148 Tables not fully displayed in windows causing filters and actions not being displayed properly
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.86

Published by metas-ts almost 6 years ago


  • metasfresh
    • #4310 WebUI: add Manufacturer field in Pricing Conditions
    • #4820 Categorize Business Partners as "Neukunde", "Stammkunde"
    • #4840 ITableRefInfo - rename "name" to "identifier" and make it more verbose
    • #4842 Implement Excel Open XML format support
    • #4848 mass-invoicing improvements


  • metasfresh

    • #4843 InterfaceWrapperHelper.newInstance(I_AD_OrgInfo.class) returns null
    • #4846 Contract extension does not set date correctly
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #968 Error msg missing when trying to create flatrate term from bpartner window in case of no bpartner location
    • #1113 Generate PO from Sales order not working anymore
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2075 Deselecting lines does not work when clicking everywhere outside of table
      • Improvement of the deselection Handling of Grid Table Rows. Now it's possible to deseclect by clicking any areas outside table.
    • #2104 Show error msg when pricelist is not saved bc of UQ index missing for InternalName and Price system in Price list
      • Shows an error now, when Pricelist Name is not unique.
    • #2111 Additional Dropdown in menu search in latest Chrome
      • Removes the Google Chrome Search result proposal.
    • #2112 Overlays open in narrow window on latest Chrome
    • #2116 Fix specs in cypress/integration/contracts
    • #2117 Barcode scanner looks bad in filters
      • Improvement of the Barcode Scanner Look&Feel in Filter Menu entry.
    • #2128 View: select all no longer works
  • metasfresh-dist

    • #55 introduce a parameter to set the DB seed's URL
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.85

Published by metas-ts almost 6 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4809 Make contact persons's location editable under circumstances
      • Improving the behavior when editing the location of contact persons in some minor cases.
    • #4823 CSV import BP URL
      • Extended Business Partner import, now allowing to import the Businesspartner Website URL aswell.
    • #4825 invoice and async improvements
      • Improvement of logging for skipped asynch Work Packages.
    • #4828 Extend OLCand REST API to allow not to create products on the fly
      • Extended Functionality in Orderlines Candidates REST-API.
    • #4832 Extend Datenaustausch-Config and XML modding
      • Extending the Format of forum-datenaustusche Datenaustausch Configuration and bahavior
    • #4837 Add fiscal year 2019 to our standard calendar
      • Adding the fiscal year 2019 to the default accounting calendar.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2097 Lookup and Dropdown: Empty list entry for non mandatory
      • New Feature, now steering the mandatory Logic of List and Lookup widgets in WebUI.
    • #2098 extract the edit-location code into a command
      • Extracting the edit location into a cypress command, to make it reusable for other tests.


  • metasfresh

    • #4679 Solve print info UI performance problem
      • Improves thje Performance in WebUI for Print Info.
    • #4805 ATP not correct after partial material receipt
      • Fixes the Available to Promise calculation after doing partial Material Receipt.
    • #4827 Forward C_OLCand POReference to C_Invoice_Candidate
      • Bugfix for the PO Reference fowarding from Order Candidates to invoice Candidates.
    • #4829 Add Unique index for InternalName and Price system in Price list
      • Internal improvement of Price List, adding a unique index for internal name and price system.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1114 webui frontend does nothing in latest chrome
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1253 Problem with composed fields with non-mandatory elements
      • Adds None Option to Lookup widget dropdowns, that alows o overwrite already set a selection in a non mandatory field.
    • #2047 Run QR code action: sometimes ESC does not work
      • Improves the handling of escape shortcut in QR Code action.
    • #2103 Chrome feature overwrites country selection in Lookup
      • Fixes the behavior of WebUI after some changes in the latest Chrome update.
    • #2109 Chrome not recognized properly
      • Fixes the behavior of WebUI after some changes in the latest Chrome update.
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.84

Published by metas-ts almost 6 years ago


  • metasfresh-webui-frontend
    • #2077 Make references cypress friendly
      • Now returning the internal name via API to make references more cypress friendly-
    • #2080 Support to create C_Location via cypress
      • Improvement that allows to creates Locations via Cypress Tests.
    • #2082 Show tab description as tool tip
      • New Feature that now shows Tab Descriptions as tooltip when hovering.
    • #2086 Individual Logo shall not have hashsequence added to name
      • Removes the hash sequence from individual Logo Name, now allowing to replace the metasfresh Logo automatically via CI Build.
    • #2090 Update to Node.js 11
      • Updates frontend to Node.js 11.


  • metasfresh

    • #4811 Price using BOM Line's attribute is not calculated correctly
      • Fixes the new BOM Component Attribute Pricec alculation.
    • #4819 Payment allocation posting error for currency gain/loss and discount/writeoff case
      • Bugfix for the posting of Payment Allocation cornercase with currency gain/ loss involved.
    • #4821 export XML validation errors
      • Fixes the validation errors.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2064 Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop logged of type string supplied to Login, expected boolean
      • Fixes a console error that appeared when redirecting to another window via link directly through login.
    • #2066 Changes in tabs in grid view not always patched (e.g. description in orderline)
      • Improves the behavior of Text changing confirmation.
    • #2070 Number changing in order line grid view
      • Improves the behavior of Number changing confirmation.
    • #2086 Individual Logo shall not have hashsequence added to name
      • Improves the Logo Handling in Build process. Now not adding a hash anymore to the logo file, which makes it easier to automate individual logos in Build process.
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.83

Published by metas-ts almost 6 years ago

  • metasfresh

    • #4787 Product Document Note Translation
      • New Feature that allows to translate the Document Notes.
    • #4789 C_BPartner filter for IsActive
      • New Filter in Business Partner window that allowes to show only active Business Partners.
    • #4795 Product No. of customer also with ASI
      • New Feature that makes it possible to define customer Product No. based on Attribute values.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1111 Include internalName in JSONReference
      • Now the internal Name is delivered by API which can be used in Cpress Tests.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2083 Cypress pressDoneButton shall fail if the respective record was not saved
      • Cypress Test that fails if the record was not saved yet when pressing the Done button.


  • metasfresh

    • #4793 View docs_sales_invoice_details_compensation_subgroup: the invoice detail shall be taken from invoice
      • Adjustment of Jasper Invoice Document, now taking further invoice details from invoiceline, instead of orderline.
    • #4797 HU Trace window: filtering by HUTaceType returns no results
      • Fixes the filtering in Handling Unit Trace Window, now able to filter the HU Trace Type again.
    • #4802 Required IfExists parameter 'ifBPartnersExist' is not present
      • Internal fix for Fix for 'ifBPartnersExist' parm.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2073 Failing cypress tests
      • Fixes some failing Cypress Tests.
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.82

Published by metas-ts almost 6 years ago


  • metasfresh
    • #4662 AD_Element based Names and Translations for AD_Tab, Window, Menu
      • New and easier Translation Functionality for Tab, Window and Manu Elements.
    • #4663 Add base language to AD_Element Translation Tables
      • The Base Language of the System is now stored on Element Level too making it much easier to maintain.
    • #4664 New Window "Application Elements"
      • New Window in WebUI that Allows to maintain the Window Element Names and Description in a central place.
    • #4717 Set Order-Checkup printout receiver via AD_Workflow
      • Improvement of the Printing Routing. Now receiving printing Infomration for Manufacturing via workflows, instead of warehouse.
    • #4737 Fix attribute value lookup for webui
      • Minor Improvement of the Attribute alue Lookup in WebUI.
    • #4745 Allow editing attachment descriptions in BPartner-B2C
      • Feature to Edit attachment descriptions in Businesspartner B2C window in WebUI.
    • #4756 order-candidates REST-API - option to just lookup, but not create BPartners
      • New Endpoint in Rest API to lookup Business Partners.
    • #4763 Update material dispo correction from StockChangedEvents
      • Improvement of the Material Disposition. Now updateing adjustment from Dtock Change Events.
    • #4764 Translation of Greetings in WebUI
      • New Window for Greetings Translation in WebUI.
    • #4766 C_OrderLine: ProductDescription - don't add qty from BOM if is one
      • Adjustment of the Orderline Product Description. Not adding the Quantity of 1 Unit in Product description anymore.
    • #4768 ModelAttributeSetInstanceListener for Expired attribute
      • Improves the way, the expired Attribute is set.
    • #4770 Improve ClasspathAnnotatedModelInterceptorTester
      • Internal housekeeping issue.
    • #4771 Fix Fresh_AvailableSingletonServices_Test
      • Internal housekeeping issue.
    • #4777 Import Address GLN via I_BPartner
      • Extends the Business Partner Import, now allowing to import GLN Information too.


  • metasfresh

    • #4740 Swing: "IOException: PDF header signature not found." for invoice print / print preview
      • Bugfix for Printing on metasfresh Swing Client that occurred when using the invoice print and print preview.
    • #4754 Address different stability issues
      • Fixes different stability issues, mostly discovered in material receipt.
    • #4759 Contract Condition Option No Invoice does not prevent Invoicing
      • Fixes the Configuration of No Invoice in Contracts, now not creating invoices when this option is set.
    • #4773 google Reflections not working with maven surefire plugin
      • Internal Bugfix for using google reflections with the maven surefire plugin.
    • #4775 package order line out of sync when order is reactivated and completed again
      • Fixes a Bug in Orderline that occurred with out of sync package material lines after reactivating an Order.
    • #4778 Fix failing tests when running de.metas.fresh all tests suite in eclipse
      • Fixes some failing automated tests.
    • #4779 MD_Stock_Reset process includes planned HUs
      • Removes the Stock calulation for Handling Units with Status planned.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1108 Migration Script Endpoint Improvement
      • Fixes a Bug in the Migration Script Endpoint
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1997 Cypress: Product set Documentnote Test fails
      • Fixes the cypress test on setting Doument Notes.
    • #2048 View: clicking outside of table does not unselect the current selected lines
      • Bugfix for the unselecting of grid selections when clicking outside grid.
    • #2058 Cannot close the HU Editor in manufacturing order anymore
      • Fixes a bug in modal Handling Unit Editor that prevented the unselecting of rows.
    • #2067 Dropdown in bpartner field in order sometimes remains displayed after selecting bpartner
      • Fixes a minor Bug that occurred when selecting dropdown entries with mouse. Now closing the dropdown after selecting again.
    • #2069 Number Inserting in Order Quick Input
      • Fixes the Batch Entry in Sales Order, now reacting creating a new line after presssing enter again.
  • metasfresh-parent

    • #25 jasper reports are compiled with wrong version
      • Fixes the Build Process in jenkins for the compilation of Jasper Reports. Now using the correct Jasper Version.
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.81

Published by metas-ts almost 6 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4734 Shipper transportation identifier shall contain documentNo, date and the shipper name
      • Improvement of the shipper transportation identifiere, now including the documentNo, date and shipper name.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2006 View selection for touch screens
      • Enhancement of selection behavior, now possible for touch screens to select and unselect rows with finger tap.


  • metasfresh

    • #4738 Error creating receipt schedule if order line was created via "add new"
      • Bugfix for the receiept schedule in case the orderline was created via add new button.
    • #4739 Fix context parse errors while using order's product batch entry
      • Fixes product search and add new on orderline for Batch entry.
    • #4741 Process C_Order_VoidWithRelatedDocsAndRecreate hangs
      • Improvement of Order voiding, now reverting the document and related documents too.
    • #4742 Attachment-Download from BPartner B2C window broken
      • Fixes the download of Attachments from the B2C Business Partner window.
    • #4743 C_Invoice_CreateExportData async WP processor runs into error with most "normal" invoices
      • Fixes a Bug that occurred when an Organisation Business Partner does not have a remit-to address nor an ESR account.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1097 "Issue only for what was received" method: Issued HUs remain issued and don't get destroyed
      • Fixes the "Issue only for what was received" Method in manufacturing receipt.
    • #1098 Label Element filters not working
      • Fixes the Filtering of Label Elements/ Attributes.
    • #1099 Zooming into a parent column from a translation window not working
      • Improves the zoom To into the parent column from translation windows.
    • #1102 Document filters: consider empty strings as no filters
      • Empty Strings are now considered as a non set filter criteria.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2008 Business partner field in order: bpartner and location not alligned
      • Minor frontend Fix for Businesspartner Lookup widget dropdown alignment.
    • #2012 Modal view's title is not set when opened from process
      • Improvement of modal overlays, now setting the overlay Title correctly when opened via process.
    • #2015 Make sure Run QR code action process can be executed from everywhere
      • Fixes the QR Code action, so that it can be run from any window.
    • #2029 View quickActions timing issue
      • Fixes a timing issue with Quick Actions in WebUI.
    • #2039 Uncaught TypeError: e.toISO is not a function
      • Bugfix for an error in action "create purchase orders".
    • #2049 quick actions: not refreshed on selection changed in tablet/mobile mode
      • Improvement of the Quickaction refreshing in case of changes selections.
    • #2050 Views: refresh quickActions after GET /byIds shall consider current selected rows
      • Bugfix for the Quickactions in WebUI now considering the selected rows again.
    • #2054 Error while trying to add a new sales order line using batch entry
      • Fixes the Batch entry in Sales Order.
    • #2060 Text widgets are not PATCHED anymore
      • Fixes tha patching of Text widgets. Now these are patched again after change.
    • #2061 Cannot untick filter checkbox
      • Fixes the Filter checkboxes, now it's possible to untick them again.
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.80

Published by metas-ts almost 6 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4690 Picking Terminal v2: filtering options
      • Improved Filterting Options now available in the new Picking Terminal.
    • #4691 Picking Terminal v2: if there is not enough Qty in storage create a new Products To Pick line
      • New Handling Unit line shown in new Picking Terminal, in case the initial Handling Unit does not have enough quantity.
    • #4703 Support XML dunning
      • Support for the swiss helthcare data exchange format of for dunning documents.
    • #4705 Avoid SQL N+1 in HU source queries
      • Performance Improvement for generated SQL Queries in metasfresh backend. Initially popped up during Handling Unit queries performance issues.
    • #4708 webui: Change my password does not work
      • Fix for the "change my password" functionality.
    • #4719 Allow AD_Val_Rule to be auto-applied on new record
      • Application Dictionary Improvement, now allowing Validation Rules to be automatically applied for initial values of a record.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1094 Login: Show a user friendly error when user or password is empty
      • Improvement of the Login workflow, now showing a user friendly info when the password is left empty.


  • metasfresh

    • #4732 Can not create a new order line using 'Add new'
      • Bugfix for the Add new Line Functionality in Sales and Purchase Order window.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1082 Picking from source HU not working
      • Fixes a Bug in Picking workflow, now able to pick from Source Handling Units again.
    • #1083 QtyPicked in first window picking terminal not correct
      • Improvement of the first window shown in Picking Terminal. Now showing the correct picked quantity.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2007 Dropdown fields too small in several places
      • Fixes the Dropdown width and length in Lookup and Dropdown widgets.
    • #2018 Included view: clicking on it's right side space shall not close the included view
      • Navigation improvement in WebUI modal overlay. Now not closing the modal overlay anymore when the user clicks on white space of the included view.
    • #2034 Uncaught TypeError: selected.indexOf is not a function
      • Internal bugfix in WebUI.
    • #2036 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null at windowHandler (windowHandler.js:395)
      • Internal bugfix in WebUI.
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.79

Published by metas-ts almost 6 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4577 New Picking&Packing Workflow
      • Additional/ Alternative Picking and Packing Workflow.
    • #4685 Order checkup with barcode report - add containers as separate fields
      • Improved Barcode Support for order checkup report in Manufacturing.
    • #4687 Introduce and use PInstanceId object
      • Internal Improvement. New Process Instance Object.
    • #4692 RabbitMQ: we shall use guest user by default
      • Improved RabbitMQ usage. Now using a guest user instead of metasfresh user.
    • #4693 Validate ReadonlyLogic, MandatoryLogic and DisplayLogic
      • Application Dictionary improvement, now validating the entries in Readonly-, Mandatory and Display-Logic.
    • #4700 Allow appending additional PDF-attachments to invoice-PDF
      • Extension of the Invoice PDF Document creation. Now it's possible to append an already created PDF to the Invoice PDF.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1933 Frontend shall ALWAYS use server's time zone
      • Switching the frontend behavior, now always using the Server's timezone.
    • #2013 View: don't open row details if it's not allowed
      • Enhancement of frontend row open behavior. It's possible to define if a row shall be opened or not via doubleclick.
    • #2020 View editing: fetch quickActions after PATCH /edit
      • Internal, general enhancement of the fetching of Quick Actions.


  • metasfresh

    • #4177 Performance bottleneck at Cache Invalidation
      • Improvement of Chache invalidation, removing a performance bottleneck.
    • #4652 AD Element Translations leads to wrong fieldname Translations
      • Fixes the Translation update mechanism via Application Dictionary System Elements.
    • #4683 Shipment Schedule does not set QtyToDeliver properly
      • Fix for Shipment Schedule. Now updateing the Quantity to deliver properly for product entries with isStocked = N masterdata configuration.
    • #4696 Follow up #4552 AD_User is wrong in shipment schedule when using isDropShip
      • Further improvement of the Shipment Contact in Document Address generation in Sales Order Confirmation.
    • #4704 Swing Picking Terminal: cannot write upper/lower case passwords when logging to Swing Picking Terminal
      • Bugfix for the Pciking Terminal in Swing Client. Now it's possible to login with upper and lowercase password elements again.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1064 Time switches when setting Preparation Date-Time
      • Improvement in WebUI Frontend for the Date and Timezone relevant data entries.
    • #1074 Process picking action not working
      • Bugfix in Picking workflow, now it's possible to Use the Process picking action again.
    • #1075 Unpick action not working
      • Bugfix in Picking workflow, now it's possible to Use the Unpick action again.
    • #1076 Cannot create a new sales order because "DeliveryViaRule is not set"
      • Fix for the Sales Order creation.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2021 Modal view: fetch quickActions on open; fetch quickActions when no selection
      • Improvement in WebuI Frontend when fetching Quickactions without selected rows.
    • #2030 Errors when opening table views
      • Improving the Handling of missing data in WebUI Frontend.
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.78

Published by metas-ts almost 6 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4621 Support XML invoice
    • #4653 WebUI: Add missing Translations for en_US in Businesspartner Window
      • Switched Translations to ad_element for Business Partner Window.
    • #4665 Show the Product No of Vendor in Purchase Order
    • #4673 Enlarge AD_Process.SQLStatement to fit large SQL queries
    • #4677 Enable zoom to invoice candidates
    • #4547 sales order based process for contract extension
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1033 API for "About" action in webui
    • #1055 Include internalName in JSONDocumentAction
    • #1072 Implement REST endpoints for managing migration scripts
    • #1069 View: have a way to define if views support opening row details
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1989 Hourglass Overlay for pending Posts
      • Now showing a Loading indicator for windows with a large amount of records, to indicate about waiting time.
    • #2005 Allow decimal comma in Qty Fields
      • New Number component that allows to record numbers with decimal point or comma.
    • #2009 Views: Automatically remove view rows if GET /byIds it's not returning the row(s) frontend asked for
      • Improvement in Frontend, removing rows automatically when API does not return them.
    • #2014 Views: refresh quickActions after GET /byIds
      • Improvement in Frontend, now refreshing quickacions after row changes.


  • metasfresh

    • #4671 WebUI Picking does not return filtered HU for selection
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1067 Attributes Filter in Picking shall work on load as before
    • #1068 Cannot add orderline using "Add new", error when selecting product
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #2016 Indicator bar not visible
      • Bugfix and Improvement for the Save Status Indicator.
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.76

Published by metas-ts almost 6 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4582 Excel Export and SQL for Product Specifications
      • New Excel Export for a Product Specifications sheet.
    • #4601 Allow activating spring profiles via AD_SysConfig
      • New Feature that allows to activate Spring Profiles via System Configuration.
    • #4605 Webui: Org window: hide the AD_Org_ID field
      • Hiding the Organisation Field in Organisation Window.
    • #4610 Billto Location and contact override in invoicecandidates
      • New Possibility to overwrite Billto Location and Contact via Invoice Candidates.
    • #4619 de.metas.util - Rename packages to de.metas.util
      • Internal housekeeping improvement.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1049 Pipes/Cabling quick input shall not display the BOM products
      • Improvement of the cable batch entry mode, now not showing the Bill of Materials anymore.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1926 Make window tabs cypress friendly
      • Improvement of WebUI Tab Names, making it easie to use them in Cypress Test instructions.
    • #1957 On password reset, show the error message
      • Enhancing the error messages in Forgot Password workflow.


  • metasfresh

    • #4599 Error when posting a zero-sum invoice
      • Bugfix for the posting of zero-sum invoices.
    • #4622 Requests can not be saved II
      • Bugfix for the saving of Requests in Subtabs.
    • #4624 Invoice candidate not updated after shipment reactivate and complete
      • Fixes the invoice candidate invalidation when reactivating and completing a shipment.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1051 New Org cannot be created anymore
      • Fixes the Org creation in WebUI.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1949 Shortcuts not working properly in Tabs after changing sth in grid view + [Tab]
      • Improvement of Shortcut Handling after Delete in Subtab.
    • #1972 Support active indication for filters without parameters
      • Improvement of Filters in WebUI, now indicating also active Filters without parameters.
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.77

Published by metas-ts almost 6 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4567 Automatic Lot No. Handling into Quarantine Warehouse
      • New Quarantine Handling Feature in Material Receipt.
    • #4609 HUEditor-Tweaks
      • Adjustments to the Handlign Unit Editor window.
    • #4628 Split material dispo for M_Transaction with different attributes
      • Improvement of the ATP Calculation for Transactions that were not fulfilled same as planned.
    • #4633 Generic Process for SQL -> Excel Export
      • New Feature that allows to create SQL Actions and add them to WebUI Menu or Windows for Excel Export.
    • #4636 Support attachments being linked to multiple records
      • New Functionality that allows to add attachments references to multiple records.
    • #4640 Option to remove M_Product_Category_ID from Material Cockpit
      • New Option for Material Cockpit that allows to remove the Product Category in grid and main View.
    • #4646 Rename and extend AD_MigrationScript helper function
      • Internal Improvement for the Migration Script creation and handling.
    • #4646 BPartners FTS shall not be active by default
      • Switching off the new Business Partner Full Text Search by default.
    • #4659 Configurable Mailtext for Documents in DocOutbound
      • New Feature that allows to configure Mailtexts for Outbound Documents.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1063 Global QR Code Actions support
    • #1066 Don't show KPIs if the ElasticSearch system is disabled
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1952 Advanced tooltip support
      • New Feature that allows to show advanced tooltips in WebUI frontend.
    • #1955 Get rid of GET plugins.js 404 Not Found console error
      • Eliminating the error in console log for missing plugins.js.
    • #1958 Use user language for messages and errors in Forgot Password feature (frontend)
      • Improvement of User Messages translation in Forgot Password workflow.
    • #1972 Support active indication for filters without parameters
      • Extended functionality for the new Filter Features. Here improving Filter behavior for Filters with undisplayed filter parms.
    • #1975 GitHub report about security vulnerability in twbs / bootstrap
      • Updating bootstrap to new version because of security issue.
    • #1978 Make actions cypress friendly
      • Improvement of Cypress Testing in metasfresh WebUI.
    • #1981 Make composite widget fields cypress friendly
      • Improvement of Cypress Testing in metasfresh WebUI.
    • #1983 Height of date fields is off
      • Fixing the height of Date Fields.
    • #1985 Make tooltip icons always visible
      • Showing the Lookup Fields Tooltips now also when the Field is readonly.
    • #1987 Adjustments to tooltip widget
      • Layout Improvements for the new Tooltip widget.
    • #1990 QR code support
      • New Feature that allows to scan QR Codes now.
    • #1999 Process execution result action: render QR code


  • metasfresh

    • #4625 Open Items List Reference Date wrong parm
      • Fix for the Open Items Reference Date Parm, now able to select to Open Items to a specific date again.
    • #4632 Swing Picking Terminal: cannot pick
      • Bugfix for a minor case in Picking Workflow.
    • #4644 Clone Quotation, switch Sales Order. Wrong Document No
    • #4650 Elasticsearch shall use slf4j instead of log4j (again)
    • #4657 AD_Message cache in Msg not invalidated on data change
    • #4658 Dunning jasper uses untranslated _trl records
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1060 Allow parent-link relation to be set in AD_Tab
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1975 GitHub report about security vulnerability in twbs / bootstrap
      • Fixes a Vulnerability Report about bootstrap.
    • #1992 Ugly double border when editing in Date Fields
      • Adjustment of the Border Layout for mandatory Date Fields.
    • #1993 Date Icon moved few pixels to left for mandatory
      • Alignment improvement for Calendar Icons in mandatory Date Fields.
    • #1995 Cypress Test: Manufacturing Order Test fails
      • Bugfix for failing Manufacturing Order Test with Cypress.
    • #1998 Open view process action shall support profileId (frontend)
    • #2000 Modal view shall query the quick actions initially
metasfresh - metasfresh 5.74

Published by metas-ts about 6 years ago


  • metasfresh

    • #4411 New Dunning trigger for flatrate terms
      • Extended Dunning Feature, now calculating the invoice due date from flatrate terms due date.
    • #4516 New Action "Copy Window"
      • Enhance Application Dictionary Feature allowing to copy window configurations for webui.
    • #4524 Implement inbound E-Mail support
      • New Feature that supports inbound eMail communication now.
    • #4541 Return also URL using function de_metas_endcustomer_fresh_reports.Docs_Generics_Org_Report
      • Enhancing the function Docs_Generics_Org_Report, now returning the URL too.
    • #4550 Show Pricing Condition Indicator in Purchase Orders
      • Including the Pricing Condition Indicator, known from Sales Orderline, in Purchase Orderline too.
    • #4554 Process to create dunning-PDF with concatenated invoice-PDFs
      • New Process that allows to concatenate Dunning Documents with invoice PDF's.
    • #4561 QueryStatisticsLogger shall use logger instead of stderr
      • Now Logging out SQL infos instead of printing them to stderr.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1035 Implement CORS support
      • New feature, now supporting cross origin resource sharing.
    • #1037 Advanced tooltip support
      • New Functionality now supporting advanced tooltips in webui.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1908 Show multiple lines of a multi line text field in grid tab
      • New feature that expands multiline fields when the row is selected.
    • #1953 Show field-description in tool-tip instead of field-caption
      • New Feature that shows the Field Description instead of Caption when hovering in webui.


  • metasfresh

    • #4528 Can not add new scale price on 5.71
      • Fixes a Bug in Product Prices when recording Scale Prices.
    • #4552 AD_User is wrong in shipment schedule when using isDropShip
      • Fixes the Shipment Contact User when using Drop Shipment in Sales Order.
    • #4560 MSV3 related fixes
      • Fixes different Pharma MSV3 related issues.
    • #4572 Texts missing in cloned sales quotation
      • Bugfix for Document Line descriptions when closing Sales Orders/ Quotations.
  • metasfresh-webui-api

    • #1040 Some views are failing because #AD_User_ID was not found in context
      • Bugfix in WebUI. Views with #AD_User_ID context are now not failing anymore.
    • #1043 Open PDF from Printing Queue stopped working
      • Fixes a Bug when opening a PDF from Printing Queue. Nw the PDF is opened again.
  • metasfresh-webui-frontend

    • #1898 No results when clicking on the looking glass button
      • Fixes the cursor hovering magnifying glass icon. Now shown as default cursor.
    • #1931 Hint for shortcut [alt]+u not displayed anymore when hovering over the resp. button
      • Now shows the Quickaction Tooltip again.
    • #1932 Mandatory Field not filled Error too early
      • Fixes the UI Error Handling for mandatory Fields.
    • #1935 Tab shall be usable to navigate through the dropdown sequence in combined Business Partner Lookups
      • Bugfix for the Tab Handling in combined Lookup Fields. Now it's possible to navigate with [tab] again.
    • #1944 Filter for attributes in picking terminal is not set on Y altough should be
      • Fixes the initial settings of filter parameters in webui.