
Tilezen vector tile service - OpenStreetMap data in several formats

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vector-datasource - v1.9.0 Latest Release

Published by nvkelso over 1 year ago

  • Release date: 2023-03-10

  • Requires: tileserver v2.2.0 and tilequeue v2.5.0 and rawr_tiles v1.1.0 and coanacatl v1.0.0

  • Credits: @travisgrigsby, @jeffdefacto, @peitili, @iandees, and @nvkelso


    • Significant performance improvements to reduce p99 file sizes globally (-45%) at all zooms to under 200 kb, with some improvements for low-zoom p50 sizes. Changes include: geometry simplification at low zooms, pushing some features like unclassified roads to the next zoom, dropping names on short lines and dropping other properties at mid-zooms to also allow more aggressive merges to multi-lines and multi-polygons, and more sophisticated handling of max zoom and overzoom tiles for buildings and addresses. Further reductions can be achieved by configuring Tapalcatl to selectively drop layers and name translations (eg to drop earth and transit layers or only keep English and Urdu names) depending on your business needs.
      (Above) Chart shows sizes in kilobytes, based on commonly requested top 100,000 tiles at 512 pixel zooms. NOTE: all other zooms in this document use nominal 256 pixel zooms, offset by 1.
    • Internationalization is now feature complete by extending disputed boundary point-of-view handling fully into mid- and high-zooms with extensive paired data edits upstream in OpenStreetMap, using Natural Earth as a sanity check for country names, and consideration of common and less common edge cases, including Taiwan and Somaliland.
    • MapLibre support with buffered tiles and connivence properties like pre-calculating shield text length allow Tilezen tiles to more easily be styled in MapLibre and MapboxGL, thus extending support beyond Tangram.
    • boundaries: Add disputed boundary line point-of-view (POV) for mid- and high-zoom features sourced from OpenStreetMap (OSM), including extensive upstream editing in OSM to match Natural Earth's low-zoom disputed area modeling in earlier releases. New unrecognized_dispute kind and disputed_by property. (Issue #1901)
    • boundaries: Add missing Cyprus line-of-control (aka "green line") as it has custom admin_level tagging. (Issue #1898)
    • boundaries: Add Ukraine point-of-view for disputed boundaries. (Issue #1911)
    • boundaries: Add disputed boundary in South China Sea scoped to China's point-of-view (POV). (Issue #1983)
    • boundaries: Mark some Natural Earth low-zoom boundaries as default unrecognized, including for Abkhazia, Donbass, Nagorno-Karabakh, Northern Cyprus, Somaliland, South Ossetia, and Transnistria. (Pull request #2072)
    • buildings: Add additional non-OpenStreetMap buildings from the Microsoft sidecar in Daylight distribution.
    • places: Always validate OpenStreetMap-sourced country, dependency and disputed labels against Natural Earth and new ISO and TLC point-of-views. (Issue #2075, #2076, and #2077 and pull request #2069)
    • places: Add recasted Australia "suburbs" from OpenStreetMap as locality features to match local expectations. (Pull request #2070)
    • places: Improve continuity between Natural Earth and OpenStreetMap (OSM) locality features and their min_zoom grading. (Issue #2020)
    • places: Join OpenStreetMap locality features with Natural Earth (NE), and prefers NE names to improve consistency across the zoom transitions. (Pull request #2088)
    • places: Join OpenStreetMap locality features with Natural Earth (NE), and prefers NE population to calculate population_rank for label grading. (Issue #2048)
    • places: Backfill population estimates for OpenStreetMap-sourced locality features. (Issue #1992)
    • places: Cull locality and neighbourhood features based on grid to right size tile payload to rendered features. (Issue #1999) and issue #2040)
    • pois: Add optional direction property, an integer indicating degrees from 0-359, for viewpoint kind features. Thanks @rwrx. (Issue #598 and pull request #1916)
    • roads: Calculate new shield_text_length property to ease styling of road shields in MapboxGL-based map styles. (Issue #1979)
    • water: Add kind_detail for polygon features, with values including: basin, canal, ditch, drain, lake, river, and stream. (Pull request #2047)
    • water: Mark water polygon feature as kind_detail = lake when upstream OpenStreetMap value is lagoon, oxbow, pond, reservoir, or wastewater. (Pull request #2047)
    • water: Add optional layer property for complicated over-under rendering situations, with adjusted sort_rank for some features. (Issue #1910)
    • all layers: Switch to Daylight distribution for ingesting OpenStreetMap planet files, including building and admin sidecars. WARNING: Some OSM feature IDs may be re-numbered. (Pull request #2085)
    • all layers: Upgrade to Natural Earth to v5.1.2, circa May 2022 (Issue #2074)
    • earth: Upgrade to circa October 2021.
    • places: Upgrade to Who's On First neighbourhood features, circa October 2021.
    • all layers: Add MVT buffer support to enable MapboxGL to render stroked lines at tile boundaries without missing triangles (eg for road casings). Tilequeue #401
    • all layers: Vary the MVT tile extent so 8192 is only used on max_zoom (and 4096 earlier) to optimize file size while preserving overzooming. (Issue #1985)
    • all layers: Are now MVT v2 spec compliant, via related changes in Tilezen's mapbox-vector-tile v2.0.0 release.


    • boundaries: Show all missing disputed lines for point-of-view (POV) in low-zooms (remove min_zoom filter). (Issue #1970)
    • boundaries: French region lines show too early, switch all from funky scale_rank mapping to Natural Earth's min_zoom property. (Issue #2062)
    • boundaries: Drop additional ID and name properties at mid-zooms and merge lines at high-zooms. (Issue #2007)
    • boundaries: Revert poor tolerance config change from earlier release, this improves visual look for 512-pixel tiles in MapboxGL-based styles. (Issue #1980)
    • boundaries: Fix some incorrectly marked maritime boundaries with new buffered land masking file. (Pull request #2073)
    • buildings: Add root_id = id to simplify MapboxGL-based styles. (Issue #2092)
    • buildings: Remove small buildings, reduce building geometry details, and remove some properties at mid- and high-zooms. (Pull request #2052)
    • buildings: Ensure address points always have a min_zoom property (eg of 17 for generated address points). This is paired with a Tilequeue change to drop zoom 17 features from 512-px tile sized zoom 15 tiles to reduce tile size. (Issue #2023) and (issue #2032)
    • landuse: Drop properties at low- and mid-zooms to encourage more feature merging. (Issue #2009)
    • landuse: Show more medium-sized park polygons in cities at mid-zooms. (Issue #1995)
    • landuse: Tunnels for canal should draw under pedestrian plaza so adjust sort_rank for these and some other kinds. (Issue #1910)
    • landuse: Switch sourcing of resort upstream in OpenStreetMap to leisure from tourism.
    • roads: Remove name properties from short road segments where they don't have enough room to label. (Issue #2019)
    • roads: Adjust zooms for regional and local cycle network influenced features one zoom later. Drop more all_networks and all_shield_texts for more zooms. Drop more bus, walking, and bicycle network properties at low- and mid-zooms. Drop general road shield properties at earlier zooms by kind. Drop other properties at earlier zooms. Selectively drop landuse_kind from mid-zooms by kind. Shift unclassified roads min_zoom back to 12 from 11 as that's more common outside the USA than previously explored and negatively affected tile size. (Issue #2008)
    • roads: Remove additional low- and mid-zoom ferry and aeroway properties to enable more line merging. (Issue #2017, issue #2018, and pull request #2056)
    • roads: Revert poor tolerance config change from earlier release, this improves visual look for 512-pixel tiles in MapboxGL-based styles. (Issue #1980)
    • roads: Fix wrong encoding for CA:PE road network in Prince Edward Island, thanks @musculman. (Pull request #1958)
    • places: Adjust min and max zoom of several country labels, including France and Norway to improve visual hierarchy and reduce tile size.
    • places: Ensure Taiwan's country name is generic (and not objectionable to some).
    • pois: Add sanity checks to tz_estimate_parking_capacity to guard against bad data entry for some large parking lots.
    • pois: Switch sourcing of resort upstream in OpenStreetMap to leisure from tourism.
    • transit: Simplify geometries at low- and mid-zooms. (Issue #1980)
    • water: Remove name and other properties from low- and mid-zooms by kind to encourage more feature merging. (Issue #2010 and pull request #2047)
    • water: Delay showing mid-zoom canal features when they don't support boats (and indicate if true with new boat property), instead show them starting at zoom 11. (Pull request #2098)
    • water: Mark intermittent polygons when basin is of type infiltration or detention as OpenStreetMap often skips tagging those intermittent=yes explicitly. (Pull request #2096)
    • water: Mark "reservoir" water polygon feature with a reservoir boolean. (Pull request #2047)
    • water: Mark water polygon feature with a alkaline boolean when upstream OpenStreetMap value is lagoon, salt, or salt_pool. (Pull request #2047)
    • water: Tunnels for canal should draw under pedestrian plaza so adjust sort_rank. (Issue #1910)
    • water: Remove reservoir features that are covered with a "roof". (Issue #1982)
    • water: Remove low- and mid-zoom water labels from small polygons. (Issue #2003)
    • water: Ensure sea labels are visible at mid- and high-zooms, not just the max zoom. (Pull request#2103)
    • all layers: Simplify geometry of low-zoom Natural Earth features in all layers to reduce file size. (Issue #2014)


    • Updated TileJSON for v1.9 schema changes.
    • Updated Layers documentation for v1.9 schema changes.
    • Add definitions and Wikidata ID concordances to poi layer kind list (now a table). (Issue #1939)
    • Resolved some dangling TODOs and documentation, changelog formatting from v1.8.0 and earlier releases.
    • Add to hgv_restriction field an allowed axels, thanks @Nazariii. (Pull request #1938)
    • Add network as an optional property to Traffic Flow and Incidents layers, , thanks @conor-ettinoffe-here. (Pull request #1936)
    • Change of hgv_time_restrictions field to shorter Time Domain from more verbose GDF 5.1, thanks @roman-ianivskyy. (Pull request #2063)
    • Explain Chinese language name properties for traditional and simplified settings. name:zh has been deprecated but is still included. Instead use explicate name:zh-Hans 中文 (Chinese): for primarily simplified (but sometimes traditional) and name:zh-Hant 中文 (Chinese): for primarily traditional (but sometimes simplified) properties. (Pull request #1986, #1956, #1960, and #1961)
    • Add missing documentation for boundaries layer kind values from Natural Earth, including: disputed_breakaway, disputed_claim, disputed_elusive, and disputed_reference_line. (Pull request #1986)
    • Add scripts and documentation for OSM disputed borders. (Pull request #2085)
    • Better document project, tile schema, and documentation licenses. (Issue #1136)
    • Document Mac support for Apple silicon (eg M1 chips). (Pull request #2102)
    • Document Python 2.7 working environment.


    • Introduce pre-commit linters for YAML, JSON, and Python. (Issue #2004 and pull request #2029 and #2113)
    • Add geo indexes and ST_DWithin to limit the amount of work done when calculating transit layer features. (Pull request #1946)
    • Add new pois_direction_int Python transform, thanks @rwrx. (Issue #1916)
    • Add new osm_zh_variants_lookup, wof_zh_variants_lookup and ne_zh_variants_lookup Python options.
    • Add new clean_backfill_zh and post_process_osm_zh Python transforms.
    • Add new keep_n_features_gridded Python transform (used for reducing size of places layer).
    • Add new tags_set_ne_pop_min_max_default Python transform.
    • Remove outdated mz_min_pixels Python transform. (Issue #1917)
    • Add ability to skip broken integration tests with @unittest.skip(BROKEN) decorator, many of these are because of OSM data drift not logic problems.
    • Add support for preprocessed inline geojson layers. (Issue #2095](
    • Tests: changed protocol to https, thanks @MrKrisKrisu. (Issue #1922)
    • Tests: Fix two new water failures. (Issue #2038)
    • Update the way we grab OpenStreetMap assets to Daylight distribution.
    • Switch OpenStreetMap import config as LUA to Postgres. (Pull request #2089)
    • Add ability to fix &/or enrich OSM on import using SQL, eg for US state abbreviations and road tagging. (Pull request #2104)
    • Add SQL script to allow suppressing names in disputed island areas. (Pull request #2067)
    • Update the way we grab tile assets, like buffered_land.
    • Update the way we grab Natural Earth assets to their CDN as versioned assets.
    • Update the way we grab Who's On First assets. (Pull request #1977)
    • Add support for on-the-fly GeoJson layers and a new Mutator Transform. (Pull request #2095 and related tilequeue/414)
    • Add new and missing requirements to requirements.txt (like hanzidentifier).
    • Bump werkzeug dependency from 0.12.2 to 0.15.3. (Issue #1934)
    • Update Werkzeug and urllib3 to account for security patches. (Pull request #1946)
    • Limit setuptools to a version that supports Python 2 until we support Python 3. (Pull request #1946)
vector-datasource - v1.8.0

Published by nvkelso over 5 years ago

  • Release date: 2019-06-27.

  • Requires: tileserver v2.2.0 and tilequeue v2.4.0 and rawr_tiles v1.1.0 and coanacatl v1.0.0.


    • boundaries: Add more kind:* point-of-view (POV) from Natural Earth for low zooms for disputed boundary lines, expanding on the v1.7 effort to also include region boundary disputes. (Issue #1840)
      • tilezen_v1d8_disputed_boundaries
      • To handle disagreements about the location of borders, the kind may be prefixed with unrecognized_, e.g: unrecognized_country (was unrecognized in v1.7), unrecognized_macroregion, unrecognized_region, unrecognized_county for differing viewpoints (see kind:xx below).
      • kind:xx: alternate kind according to the viewpoint of country code xx. If you want to show features according to a particular viewpoint, then use kind:xx if it exists and fall back to kind if not. The range of values is the same as for kind. Note that the viewpoints are either lower-case ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes or the pseudo-code iso.
    • boundaries: Add OSM alternate viewpoints for country, region, and counties boundaries. (Issue #1810)
      • We track two kinds of features from OSM for indicating disputes:
        1. claims, which have boundary=claim, claimed_by=*, admin_level=* tags. These indicate borders which aren't generally recognized, but should appear in the viewpoint of the claimed_by= value. additionally, extra viewpoints which don't make a claim for themselves but still want the claimant's view reflected in their own can be specified in a recognized_by=* tag.
        2. disputes which have dispute=yes or disputed=yes, plus a list of disputant viewpoints in the disputed_by=* tag. when a viewpoint is listed in disputed_by then the boundary will have its kind:xx set to unrecognized_* (where XX is the viewpoint / country code and * is the kind of boundary it is).
    • earth: The former source is now hosted by FOSSGIS at and the source property has been updated. Issues (#1855) and (#1859)
    • landuse: Add kind_detail for aerodrome enhancement and backfill kind_detail on aerodromes with values, public, private, military_public, airfield, international, regional, gliding, and add optional aerodrome_passenger_count property indicating the number of passengers through the aerodrome per year sourced from Wikidata. (Issues #1277 and #1873)
    • places: Backfill country_capital and region_capital booleans from Natural Earth on high-zoom OSM features, including point-of-view. (Issue #1810)
    • places: Add point-of-view (POV) to capitals from Natural Earth data to all zooms. (Issue #1840)
      • country_capital:xx: when present, either true or false to override the country_capital value for XX's viewpoint. Note that the viewpoints are either lower-case ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes or the pseudo-code iso, same as for kind:xx on boundaries.
      • region_capital:xx: when present, either true or false to override the region_capital value for XX's viewpoint. Note that the viewpoints are either lower-case ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes or the pseudo-code iso, same as for kind:xx on boundaries.
    • places: Add wikidata_id Wikidata ID concordance to features. (Issue #858)
    • pois: Add optional Wikidata wikidata_id concordances. (Issue #858)
    • pois: Add kind_detail for aerodrome enhancement and backfill kind_detail on aerodromes with values, public, private, military_public, airfield, international, regional, gliding. (Issues #1277 and #1873)
    • pois: Distinguish military airfield from generic aerodrome. (Issue #1580)
    • roads: Ensure runways get kind_detail polish by intersecting them with landuse aerodrome polygons using new overlap function. (Issue #1852)
    • roads: Add missing railway types of disused, miniature, preserved. (Issue #955)
    • water: Add optional Wikidata wikidata_id concordances. (Issue #858)
    • water: The former source is now hosted by FOSSGIS at and the source property has been updated. Issues (#1855) and (#1859)


    • boundaries: Rename unrecognized to unrecognized_country kind value to disambiguate POV on country, region, county, and other boundary types.
    • buildings: Check that building height is in a sensible range by limiting tallest structures to 1000 meters. (Issue #1850)
    • earth: Add variable min_zoom to low zoom features from Natural Earth. (Issue #1287)
    • places: Update Who's On First dump to reflect new and deprecated neigbourhoods. Issues (#1808) and (#1869)
    • pois: Prefer elevator over subway_entrance when both are true. (Issue #1876)
    • pois: Prefer memorial over plaque when both are true. (Issue #1872)
    • pois: Prefer bus_stop over generic transit platforms. (Issue #1874)
    • pois: Improve the collision_rank of fast_food POIs by adjusting several other's rank. (Issue #1875)
    • pois: Correct generator kind_detail values by using a new OpenStreetMap property. (Issue #1578):
      • The value of the OpenStreetMap generator:source tag or, if that tag is missing, an interpolation from the generator:method tag. Common values include biofuel, biogas, biomass, coal, diesel, gas, geothermal, hydro, nuclear, oil, solar, waste, wind.
    • pois: Only set POI for harbour, port, port_terminal, ferry_terminal, container_terminal when they aren't also tagged as waterway, natural water, or landuse reservoir, basin features. (Issue #1590)
    • roads: Speed up road merging, for dense areas like Japan. (Issue #1847)
    • roads: Drop all name:* variants in addition to basic name to promote more feature merging. (Issue #1847)
    • roads: Remap Natural Earth's "trunk" roads to kind major_road instead of highway. (Issue #1280)
    • roads: Adjust min_zoom of OpenStreetMap highways and major roads to better match Natural Earth's min_zooms. (Issue #1279)
    • roads: min_zooms at zoom 5 are mix of 3, 4 and 5 instead of just 5.x. (Issue #1074)
    • roads: Add low-zoom toll property from Natural Earth to match earlier high-zoom data from OpenStreetMap. (Issue #1817)
    • roads: Add new road construction kind with kind_detail from the usual kind from zoom 12+. (Issue #394)
      • kind_detail: motorway, motorway_link, trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary, trunk_link, unclassified, residential, road, primary_link, secondary_link, living_street, service, pedestrian, track, cycleway, bridleway, tertiary_link, footway, steps, `corridor
    • water: Reduce the marine water labels visible at zoom 8 by limiting number of bays in the tile to the largest 10. (Issue #1838)
      • The kinds bay, strait and fjord are ranked by size and given a kind_tile_rank property that starts from 1 and counts up as the feature gets smaller. Note that the ranking is done on a "metatile", which means that each tile (of size 256px, 512px or other) won't necessarily contain the full range from 1 to N of kind_tile_ranks.
    • water: Water boundary lines now indicate intermittent property (playas), matching their polygons. (Issue #1249)


    • Updated TileJSON for v1.8 schema changes.
    • Updated Layers documentation for v1.8 schema changes.
    • Resolved some dangling TODOs from v1.7.0 documentation release.
    • traffic_incidents: Add road_closure kind to indicate if a road has been closed, e.g. due to police presence. Thanks @conor-ettinoffe-here! (Issue #1857)


    • Add all_name_variants param to drop_properties function which treats name as if it's all name:* and variants. (Issue #1847)
    • Treat NaN and Inf as invalid to deal with bad OpenStreetMap import data. (Issue #1903)
    • Switch Natural Earth zooms to use actual min_zoom instead of scalerank
    • Fix polygon merging failure related to GEOS/Shapely polygon merging routine unary_union. (Issue #1848)
    • Perform faster SQL updates by moving indexes to their own separate parallel step and add 4x sharding over osm_id for updates to planet_osm_* tables. (Issue #1844)
    • Move more tests to generative (from live OSM data), fix a few tests
    • Teach the kind parser to handle all filter expressions
    • Add capital_alternate_viewpoint transform
    • Add major_airport_detector transform
    • Add unpack_viewpoint_claims transform
    • Add a where clause for filtering features based on their properties, with base_where and cutting_where parameters.
    • Add pixel tolerance to polygon merging.
    • Add split_threshold with default of 15,000 features to line merging.
    • Update Who's On First import pipeline by generating WOF neigbourhoods into assets bundle (instead of stale database dump) via new wof_snapshot script
    • Add Wikidata queries to static assets via new wikidata_merge script. (Issue #1878)
    • Switch to Natural Earth v5.0.0-pre5 pre-release data assets for boundaries and places themes to support point-of-view work.
    • Upgrade boto to 2.49.0 (but add and peg urllib3 to 1.24.3 as they interact)
    • Add tqdm 4.31.1 requirement
vector-datasource - v1.7.0

Published by nvkelso over 5 years ago

  • Release date: 2019-02-15.

  • Requires: tileserver v2.2.0 and tilequeue v2.3.0 and rawr_tiles v1.0.0 and coanacatl v1.0.0.


    • all layers: Add collision_rank property for label collisions for pois layer, and other layers for features with name properties, or ref, shield_text, bicycle_shield_text, bus_shield_text, or walking_shield_text. We now recommend colliding labels client side first with min_zoom, and then to tie break with the new collision_rank values. (Issue #988)
    • boundaries: Adds support for alternate points of view in boundaries layer with kind:* properties (like kind:iso). Currently this is only for zooms 5, 6 and 7 from Natural Earth. We plan to add more lower zoom data from Natural Earth, and high-zoom data from OpenStreetMap in the next release. (Issue #1552) The following country and international organizations worldviews are supported:
      • Argentina (ar), Bangladesh (bd), Brazil (br), China (cn), Egypt (eg), France (fr), Germany (de), Greece (gr), India (in), Indonesia (id), Israel (il), Italy (it), Japan (jp), Morocco (ma), Nepal (np), Netherlands (nl), Pakistan (pk), Palestine (ps), Poland (pl), Portugal (pt), Russia (ru), Saudi Arabia (sa), South Korea (ko), Spain (es), Sweden (se), Taiwan (tw), Turkey (tr), United Kingdom (gb), United States (us), Vietnam (vn), ISO (iso)
    • boundaries: Add new disputed boundary lines with kind values of disputed_breakaway, disputed_claim, disputed_elusive, disputed_reference_line, from Natural Earth at low zooms, for alternate points of view (Issue #1552)
    • landuse: Remap landuse kinds at mid- and low-zooms to improve merging. This is similar to what we already did for roads. (Issue #1779)
    • landuse: Additional landuse kind merging at low- and mid-zooms, including to urban_area which was previously low-zoom only. (Issues #1721 and #1795)
    • landuse: Add new kinds for grassland, vineyard, bare_rock, barren (low- and mid-zooms only), desert, heath, sand, shingle, and other natural "landcover" features, starting at zoom 9 (Issue #1259)
    • landuse: Add kind_detail property for wetland features. If available, value will be one of: bog, fen, mangrove, marsh, mud, reedbed, saltern, saltmarsh, string_bog, swamp, tidalflat, wet_meadow. (Issue #1253)
    • landuse: Add low_emission_zone kind data, added to schema in v1.6. (Issue #1553)
    • pois: Add wetland kind, with kind_detail, see landuse item above for values.
    • pois: Add common kind, to match the existing landuse layer polygons.
    • roads: Populate data for truck hgv routing restriction properties and related shields (whitelisted: agricultural, delivery, designated, destination, local, no), added to schema in v1.6, including maxweight, maxheight, maxwidth, maxlength, maxaxleload, hazmat. (Issue #1553)
    • roads: Add toll and toll_hgv boolean properties. (Issue #1553
    • places: Add population_rank property to locality, region, country, and other kinds useful for setting text size and colliding labels. An integar value from 0 (no population) up to 18 (over 1 billion people). See documentation for more details.
    • traffic_flow: Add road_kind_detail property to enable data-driven client-side traffic line offseting, thanks @zaczkows! (Issue #1829)
    • traffic_flow: Add is_hov_lane property to enable client-side filtering, thanks @conor-ettinoffe-here! (PR #1831)
    • traffic_incidents: Add is_hov_lane property to enable client-side filtering, thanks @conor-ettinoffe-here! (PR #1831)


    • landuse: Fix v1.6 regression where aerodrome polygons sorted above runway and taxiway polygons in error, thanks @bcamper! (Issue #1814)
    • landuse: Add additional filter for newer OSM area:aeroway tagging of runway, taxiway, and apron polygons to restore features from prior year's tile builds. (Issue #1814)
    • landuse: Better differentiate between parks that should be common instead of national_park (Issue #1082)
    • landuse: Better differentiate between parks that should be park instead of national_park (Issue #1728)
    • landuse: Features of kind mud now sorts above water and below wetland (Issue #1753)
    • landuse: Deal with US National Forest, US National Park server side performance (Issue #475)
      • Harmonise kind assignment for national_park, forest, and other low-zoom green areas.
      • Add protection_title based filtering for national_park.
      • BLM managed protected_areas are now filtered separately in the United States.
    • landuse: Change area grading of nature_reserve to start zoom 8+, but demote most zoom 10 features to zoom 15. (Issue #1749)
    • landuse: Show all landcover kinds consistently starting at zoom 9. (Issue #1813)
      • Limit generic forest and natural_wood to zoom 9+.
      • Promote some landcover-ish landuses up a few zooms to zoom 9+, like farm and farmland, orchard.
      • Limit residential areas to zoom 9+.
    • landuse: Adjust earliest min_zoom for many landcover kinds (Issue #1794)
      • Pushed dam, prison, fort, range, and danger_area kinds down to z11+.
      • Push down aquarium, recreation_ground, track, sports_centre, wastewater_plant, caravan_site to zoom 12+.
      • Promote some camp_site to zoom 12+, and area grade the rest.
      • Push down harbour, port, port_terminal, ferry_terminal, container_terminal to zoom 13+.
      • Push down enclosure, petting_zoo, aviary, animal, summer_toboggan, winery, allotments, pedestrian, playground to zoom 13+.
      • Push down bridge, tower, breakwater, groyne, dike, cutline to zoom 13+.
      • Push down footway, library, fuel, cinema, theatre, runway, taxiway, apron, trail_riding_station, water_park, dog_park, picnic_site, tree_row, hedge, to zoom 13+.
      • Limit quarry to zoom 13+, area graded down to zoom 16.
      • Limit amusement_ride, carousel, water_slide, roller_coaster to zoom 15+.
      • Limit marsh to z15.
    • landuse: Whitelist kind_detail values:
      • For crane related kinds: portal_crane, gantry_crane, travel_lift, floor-mounted_crane, shiploader, tower_crane.
      • For religion related kinds: animist, bahai, buddhist, caodaism, catholic, christian, confucian, hindu, jain, jewish, multifaith, muslim, pagan, pastafarian, scientologist, shinto, sikh, spiritualist, taoist, tenrikyo, unitarian_universalist, voodoo, yazidi, and zoroastrian.
      • For wall related kinds: dry_stone, noise_barrier, brick, stone, pise, castle_wall, seawall, jersey_barrier, flood_wall, concrete, gabion.
    • pois: Fix junk healthcare values and kinds introduced in v1.5. Added: chiropractor, hospice, occupational_therapist, optometrist, paediatrics, physiotherapist, podiatrist, psychotherapist, rehabilitation, and speech_therapist kinds. (Issue #1596)
    • pois: Better differentiate between parks that should be common instead of national_park (Issue #1082)
    • pois: Better differentiate between parks that should be park instead of national_park (Issue #1728)
    • pois: Deal with US National Forest, US National Park server side performance, same as landcover (Issue #475)
    • pois: Prefer forest labels over wilderness at zoom 7 (Issue #1608)
    • pois: Add public_transport=station with railway=halt as a synonym for station kind. Require names on station features. (Issue #1747)
    • pois: Match new landuse kind and min_zoom changes in landuse layer for "parks" at low-zooms.
    • pois: Clamp POIs with unlimited min_zoom ranges to min 13. Technically affected most kinds, though actual occurrence was rare. (Issue #1750)
    • pois: Limit min_zoom for POIs to at least match their landuse AOIs.
    • pois: POIs for park labels shown too soon (Issue #1767)
    • pois: POI labels for park show up too late / too early (Issue #1081)
    • pois: Too many park and nature_reserve labeled at zoom 10 (Issue #1609)
    • pois: Hide early cafe, restaurant kinds to zoom 15 (Issue #1632)
    • pois: Hide early post_office (Issue #1631)
    • pois: Hide early museums and landmarks, show z12+. (Issue #1630)
    • pois: Hide early prison, show z13+. (Issue #1630)
    • pois: Hide early atm, bus_stop, drinking_water, post_box, telephone to zoom 18. (Issue #1626)
    • pois: Hide early parking when no area, show large parking lots and garages earlier based on estimated capacity (Issue #1625)
    • pois: Modify min_zoom of bicycle to area grades from zoom 15 to 17. (Issue #1627)
    • pois: Push water_tower zoom down depending on height: zoom 15 if taller than 20 meters, zoom 16 if taller than 10 meters, else zoom 17. (Issue #1627)
    • pois: Push theatre down to z15 min. (Issue #1627)
    • pois: Hide early bicycle_parking and car_sharing to z19, unless car_sharing has name (Issue #1624)
    • pois: Hide early military POIs (Issue #1623)
    • pois: Hide early university, college (Issue #1622)
    • pois: Hide early school, kindergarten (default 17 for point geoms, arae grade polyons zoom 13+) (Issue #1621)
    • pois: Hide some earlier golf_course (Issue #1619)
    • pois: Hide early cemetery (Issue #1611)
    • pois: Limit zoom range of range to zoom 11+.
    • pois: Limit zoom range of quarry to zoom 13+ (Issue #1799)
    • pois: Limit zoom range of marsh to zoom 15+ (Issue #1800)
    • pois: Limit zoom range of substations (varies by area) (Issue #1612)
    • pois: Consolidate graveyard and cemetery to share same zoom ranges (Issue #1780)
    • pois: Use same tier 2 zoom range for nature_reserve POIs as the landuse polygons.
    • pois: Fix tier 1, 3, and 4 area thresholds to not duplicate zoom 12 test.
    • pois: Fix tier3 POIs zoom 12 area threshold to 200000 (Issue #1769)
    • pois: Simplify most tier 1 & 2 POI min zooms to area-based thresholds.
    • pois: Default fitness_station to zoom 18 instead of 17.
    • pois: Whitelist kind_detail values:
      • For crane relaed kind: portal_crane, gantry_crane, travel_lift, floor-mounted_crane, shiploader, tower_crane.
      • For cuisine related kinds: american, asian, barbecue, breakfast, burger, cake, chicken, chinese, coffee_shop, crepe, donut, fish, fish_and_chips, french, friture, georgian, german, greek, ice_cream, indian, international, italian, japanese, kebab, korean, lebanese, local, mediterranean, mexican, noodle, pizza, ramen, regional, sandwich, seafood, spanish, steak_house, sushi, tapas, thai, turkish, vegetarian, vietnamese.
      • For health_facility related kinds: CSCom, chemist_dispensing, clinic, counselling_centre, dispensary, first_aid, health_center, health_centre, hospital, laboratory, medical_clinic, office, pharmacy.
      • For religion related kinds: animist, bahai, buddhist, caodaism, catholic, christian, confucian, hindu, jain, jewish, multifaith, muslim, pagan, pastafarian, scientologist, shinto, sikh, spiritualist, taoist, tenrikyo, unitarian_universalist, voodoo, yazidi, and zoroastrian.
      • For sports related kinds: 10pin, 9pin, american_football, archery, athletics, badminton, baseball, basketball, beachvolleyball, billiards, bmx, boules, bowls, canoe, chess, climbing, cricket, cricket_nets, cycling, equestrian, exercise, field_hockey, fitness, football, free_flying, futsal, gaelic_games, golf, gymnastics, handball, hockey, horse_racing, ice_hockey, ice_skating, karting, model_aerodrome, motocross, motor, multi, netball, padel, pelota, rugby, rugby_league, rugby_union, running, scuba_diving, shooting, skateboard, skating, skiing, soccer, soccer;basketball, softball, swimming, table_tennis, team_handball, tennis, trampoline, volleyball, yoga.
      • For wall related kinds: dry_stone, noise_barrier, brick, stone, pise, castle_wall, seawall, jersey_barrier, flood_wall, concrete, gabion.
    • boundaries: Drop name, name:left, and name:right from locality lines at zoom 11 and 12 (Issue #1738)
    • boundaries: Fix boundary name:left and name:right values that were sometimes flipped, especially for country and region features (Issue #1770)
    • boundaries: Made min_zoom of country lines depend on the data.
    • roads: Fix v1.6 regression where runway and taxiway lines were sorted below landuse layer polygons for the same in error, thanks @bcamper! (Issue #1814)
    • roads: Expand is_bridge logic to include viaduct and any other not "no" bridges (Issue #1314)
    • earth: Add min_zoom properties. (Issue #1073)
    • water: 0/0/0 tile has clipped water content (Issues #1806 and #1107)
    • water: Drop all lake name variants zooms 0-4 (again). Drop additional lake names and variants at mid- and high-zooms (zooms 5-15) based on area. (Issue #1730)
    • water: Update min_zoom of label placement points based on their inclusion in tiles, not just their raw NE data value.
    • water: Extract water boundaries at zoom 8, with the switch to OSM data from NE.
    • places: Don't emit area=0 on point labels (Issue #1825)
    • places: Default country labels to zoom 6 instead of 1 when there isn't Natural Earth match (Issue #1826)
    • places: Default region labels to zoom 8 instead of 1 when there isn't Natural Earth match (Issue #1826)


    • Updated TileJSON for v1.7 schema changes.
    • Updated Layers documentation for v1.7 schema changes.
    • Publish docs to
    • Update documentation formatting for Markdown requirements.
    • Restructure some file layout for build system, including: CHANGELOG, LICENSE, CONTRIBUTING, MIGRATION_GUIDE, PERFORMANCE, SEMANTIC-VERSIONING, and TEST files.
    • Corrected order of low_emission_zone in list.
    • Generalized hgv_restriction property units to mostly meters for heavy goods vehicle truck access restrictions.


    • Add gunicorn to dependencies, thanks @rwrx. PR #1690
    • Bump PyYAML version for CVE-2017-18342.
    • Stop using tags-> in YAML (Issue #1199)
    • Add ability to make tests from relations
    • Estimate capacity for parking lots and garages based on area and parking type with new tz_estimate_parking_capacity function.
    • Protect against None shapes in way area calculation.
    • Add all_the_kinds script to output all the kind and kind_detail values per $layer, with their min_zoom from the YAML files.
    • Add whitelists to kind_detail in each layer YAML so that we can enumerate all possible values for the script.
    • Extend Natural Earth test generator to support polygons.
    • Use new drop_names post-process function to drop all the localized names (not just the default name)
    • Add CollisionRanker to support YAML-based spreadsheets for collision_rank logic, including reserved, gaps, and filters across layers.
    • Add safe_int implementation for SQL.
    • Expose a test method that can return the whole tile. Used in new collision_rank tests.
    • Clip to Mercator world bounds before projecting shapefiles.
    • Deal with 'download only' test mode.
    • Skip download only tests after downloading fixtures (if any).
    • Update assets bundle for #1552 & #1809, and updated land, water.
    • Guard against future airport runway polygons in landuse versus runway lines in roads sort_rank errors with a test.
    • Don't create a zero area property on points in SQL templating.
    • Support for multiple shapefiles in a single ZIP for asset bundle creation. (Issue #1809)
    • Add support for == operator in YAML evaluation.
    • Add new drop_names function to drop all name variant properties.
    • Add new remap function to remap landuse kind values at low- and mid-zooms.
    • Add new remap_viewpoint_kinds function remap Natural Earth's points of view to kinds (and drop null values).
    • Add new add_vehicle_restrictions function for hgv (heavy good vehicles) trucks.
    • Add new add_collision_rank function.
    • Add new update_min_zoom function.
    • Refactor order of landuse layer property dropping, and small inner geometry dropping for merging.
vector-datasource - v1.6.0

Published by nvkelso almost 6 years ago

  • Release date: 2018-12-26.

  • Requires: tileserver v2.2.0 and tilequeue v2.2.1 and rawr_tiles v1.0.0 and coanacatl v1.0.0.


    • Significant file size reductions of between 23% (p50) and 30% (p90) globally by additional geometry simplification, dropping features, dropping properties, and more aggressive merging to multi-lines and multi-polygons in low- and mid-zooms. Chart shows sizes in bytes (logarithmic scale), based on top 100,000 tiles from logs at 512 pixel zoom. NOTE: all other zooms in this document use nominal 256 pixel zooms, offset by 1).
    • boundaries: Merge lines with same properties into multi-lines, at most zooms. Issue #1683.
    • boundaries: Strip long name, name:left, and name:right properties from boundaries when geometry length can't fit the text, at mid-zooms (<11), to enable merging. Issue #1683.
    • boundaries: Remove id, id:left and id:right properties at low- and mid-zooms (<13), to enable merging. Issue #1715.
    • boundaries: Push locality lines down to min_zoom 11 (was 10), to reduce file size. Issue #1715.
    • boundaries: Double simplification tolerance. Issue #641 and PR #1718.
    • buildings: Improve polygon merging at zooms 13, 14, and 15 including via aggregation of adjacent features. Remove some mid-zoom content at zoom 13 and 14, and refactor min_zoom. Issues #1686 and #1732 PR #1689, #1704, and PR #1739
    • earth: Simplify at zoom 8 to match the transition from Natural Earth to OpenStreetMap, significantly reducing file size at that zoom. Issue #1477 and PR #1714.
    • earth: Truncate min_zoom floats to tenths place (and often just ints), to improve merging. Issue #1477 and PR #1714.
    • landuse: Add allotments (community gardens), was already in POIs layer. PR #1742
    • landuse: Add boatyard and military firing range polygons, they already had POIs. PR #1720.
    • places: Use the Natural Earth v4.1 min_zoom property to cull more places at low-zooms, and reduce tile overpacking. Issue #1687 and PR #1693 and PR #1734. Issue #1729
    • pois: Add turning_circle and turning_loop, thanks @westnordost. Issue #1695.
    • roads: Add cross-junction and multi-pass merging to remove more vertices and reduce overall feature count, thanks @bcamper. Issue #1227, PR #1703, PR #1706, PR #1708, PR #1718.
    • roads: Double simplification tolerance. Issue #641 and PR #1718.
    • roads: Reduce precision of surface tags at mid-zooms to just paved, compacted, and unpaved to increase road merging. Thanks @matkoniecz. Issue #1716.
    • roads: Drop some properties from minor_road kind features at mid zooms to increase merging, including: colour, cutting, embankment, motor_vehicle, operator, route, route_name, state, symbol, type. Issue #1331 and PR #1710.
    • roads: Drop all_networks and all_shield_texts properties from roads at low- and mid-zooms, to increase merging. Issue #1642.
    • roads: Drop all_bicycle_networks and all_bicyle_shield_texts until the max zoom, for all network types, to increase merging. Issue #1331 and PR #1707.
    • roads: Drop bicycle_network and bicycle_shield_text from some mid-zooms depending on network type, to increase merging. Issue #1331 and PR #1707.
    • water: Merge water lines with same properties to improve labeling and rendering, thanks @sensescape. Issue #1135.
    • water: Simplify at zoom 8 to match the transition from Natural Earth to OpenStreetMap, significantly reducing file size at that zoom. Issue #1477 and PR #1714.
    • water: Drop name property when it doesn't fit on feature at all zooms but max, to improve merging. Issue #1477 and PR #1714.
    • water: Drop smaller water polygons across at all zooms but max. Issue #1477 and PR #1714.
    • water: Truncate min_zoom floats to tenths place (and often just ints), to improve merging. Issue #1477 and PR #1714.


    • boundaries: Drop buffered land polygons from low zooms introduced in v1.5 in error. PR #1699.
    • landuse: Update and/or add sort_rank for airfield, boatyard, container_terminal, danger_area, embankment lines, ferry_terminal, natural_forest, natural_park, natural_wood, naval_base, port_terminal, quay, range, shipyard, wetland, and wharf. Some other kinds are also affected due to sort_rank ordering. Issues #1096, #1588, #1574, and #1569.
    • pois: Allow no-name drinking_water and playground features.
    • pois: Remove bogus service_area and rest_area features at mid zooms. Issue #1698.
    • pois: Refine min_zoom for pitch, playground, and bicycle_parking if they have a name, and push back no-name to a later zoom. Modify min_zoom for drinking_water and traffic_signals. Issue #1638 and PR #1727
    • pois: Modify min_zoom of nursing_home until z15. Issue #1634.
    • pois: Modify default min_zoom of garden, allotments, and university. Issue #1636.
    • pois: Modify default min_zoom of tram stops, railway stops, and railway halts down to zoom 16. Issue #1635
    • pois: Modify default min_zoom of early wood & platform. Issue #1637
    • water: Remove water point labels generated from lines. Issue #1702.



    • Add gunicorn to dependencies, thanks @rwrx. PR #1690
    • Use raw strings for regular expressions containing regular expression. 4b2075.
    • Refactor common properties for {bi|motor}cycle_parking in YAML code.
    • Represent numbers as numbers (not strings), and allow strings not just Unicode strings. PR #1744
    • Update simplification process, address bugs. d66f43
    • NOTE: No database migrations were provided, v1.5 was the last version that included those, as we've migrated to global RAWR tile builds.
vector-datasource - v1.5.0

Published by nvkelso about 6 years ago

  • Release date: 2018-09-21.

  • Requires: tileserver v2.2.1 and tilequeue v2.1.0 and rawr_tiles v1.0.0 and coanacatl v1.0.0.


    • buildings: add entrance points, with optional kind_detail property with values: garage, home, main, private, residence, secondary, service, staircase, or unisex.
    • buildings: add exit points, with optional kind_detail property with values: emergency or fire_exit.
    • buildings: all building polygons are now clipped to tile boundaries, which fixes missing landuse_kind values. Issue #1226 and #1142 and #487.
    • buildings: Add building_material optional property to describe the material covering the outside of the building or building part. Common values are: brick, cement_block, clay, concrete, glass, masonry, metal, mud, other, permanent, plaster, sandstone, semi-permanent, steel, stone, timber-framing, tin, traditional and wood. Issue #1408.
    • landuse: Add new kind values (listed below) to support full compatibility with #1425 map style.
    • landuse: Add kind_detail for wood and forest kinds with values indicating leaftype: broadleaved, leafless, mixed, needleleaved.
    • landuse: Add kind_detail optional property for beach kind to indicate surface values of: grass, gravel, pebbles, pebblestone, rocky, sand.
    • landuse: Add kind_detail optional property for wetland when wetland is bog, fen, mangrove, marsh, mud, reedbed, saltern, saltmarsh, string_bog, swamp, tidalflat, wet_meadow.
    • landuse: Add kind_detail optional property for cemetery and grave_yard kinds, with common values: animist, bahai, buddhist, caodaism, catholic, christian, confucian, hindu, jain, jewish, multifaith, muslim, pagan, pastafarian, scientologist, shinto, sikh, spiritualist, taoist, tenrikyo, unitarian_universalist, voodoo, yazidi, and zoroastrian.
    • landuse: Add denomination optional property for cemetery and grave_yard kinds, with common values: adventist, anglican, armenian_apostolic, assemblies_of_god, baptist, buddhist, bulgarian_orthodox, catholic, christian, church_of_scotland, episcopal, evangelical, greek_catholic, greek_orthodox, iglesia_ni_cristo, jehovahs_witness, lutheran, mennonite, methodist, mormon, new_apostolic, nondenominational, orthodox, pentecostal, presbyterian, protestant, quaker, reformed, roman_catholic, romanian_orthodox, russian_orthodox, salvation_army, serbian_orthodox, seventh_day_adventist, shia, shingon_shu, sunni, theravada, tibetan, united, united_methodist, united_reformed, uniting, and 曹洞宗.
    • landuse: Add airfield kind for military airfields.
    • landuse: Add container_terminal kind.
    • landuse: Add crane kind as line geometry. Issue #1417.
    • landuse: Add cutting kind.
    • landuse: Add danger_area kind for military.
    • landuse: Add ditch kind as line geometry.
    • landuse: Add embankment kind.
    • landuse: Add fence kind lines with optional kind_detail avalanche, barbed_wire, bars, brick, chain, chain_link, concrete, drystone_wall, electric, grate, hedge, metal, metal_bars, net, pole, railing, railings, split_rail, steel, stone, wall, wire, wood.
    • landuse: Add ferry_terminal kind.
    • landuse: Add guard_rail kind as line geometry.
    • landuse: Add harbour kind.
    • landuse: Add kerb kind as line geometry.
    • landuse: Add mud kind.
    • landuse: Add naval_base kind for military.
    • landuse: Add orchard kind with optional kind_detail values: agave_plants, almond_trees, apple_trees, avocado_trees, banana_plants, cherry_trees, coconut_palms, coffea_plants, date_palms, hazel_plants, hop_plants, kiwi_plants, macadamia_trees, mango_trees, oil_palms, olive_trees, orange_trees, papaya_trees, peach_trees, persimmon_trees, pineapple_plants, pitaya_plants, plum_trees, rubber_trees, tea_plants, walnut_trees.
    • landuse: Add pier polygon when's used for mooring.
    • landuse: Add plant_nursery kind.
    • landuse: Add port_terminal kind.
    • landuse: Add port kind.
    • landuse: Add power_line kind as line geometry. Issue #232
    • landuse: Add power_minor_line kind as line geometry. Issue #232
    • landuse: Add quay kind
    • landuse: Add shipyard kind.
    • landuse: Add wall kind as line geometry. Issue #1403.
    • landuse: Add wharf kind
    • places: Add locality name translations for ~21 languages at low zooms from Natural Earth. Issue #977.
    • places: Lookup min_zoom for country, map_unit, and region from Natural Earth while continue sourcing feature names from OpenStreetMap.
    • pois: Add over hundred new kind values (listed below) to support full compatibility with and iD #1425, Maki #1423, and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT) #1424 icon libraries. A continuation of work started in v1.4.3.
    • pois: Add attraction optional property for all kinds.
    • pois: Add drives_on_left optional boolean property for mini_roundabout kind features. Issue #1498.
    • pois: Add exit_to optional property for all kinds.
    • pois: Add kind_detail optional property for kind beach with surface values of: grass, gravel, pebbles, pebblestone, rocky, sand.
    • pois: Add kind_detail optional property for kinds cemetery and grave_yard to indicate the religion. See landuse description above for values.
    • pois: Add denomination optional property for kinds cemetery and grave_yard to indicate the denomination. See landuse description above for values.
    • pois: Add kind_detail optional property for kinds clinic, dentist, doctors, healthcare, hospital, nursing_home, pharmacy, social_facility, and veterinary with values: office, dispensary, clinic, laboratory, health_centre, hospital, health_center, CSCom, first_aid, pharmacy, chemist_dispensing, counselling_centre, medical_clinic.
    • pois: Add kind_detail optional property for kind generator to indicate method of anaerobic_digestion, barrage, combustion, fission, gasification, photovoltaic, run-of-the-river, stream, thermal, water-pumped-storage, water-storage, wind_turbine.
    • pois: Add kind_detail optional property for kind toilet to indicate pit_latrine, flush, chemical, pour_flush, bucket.
    • pois: Add kind_detail optional property for kind water_well with optional values: drinkable_powered, drinkable_manual, drinkable_no_pump, drinkable, not_drinkable_powered, not_drinkable_manual, not_drinkable_no_pump, not_drinkable.
    • pois: Add ref optional property for all kinds.
    • pois: Add sanitary_dump_station optional property on existing marina, camp_site, and caravan_site kind features with values: yes, customers, or public.
    • pois: Add zoo optional property for all kinds.
    • pois: Add adult_gaming_centre kind.
    • pois: Add airfield kind for military features.
    • pois: Add ambulatory_care kind.
    • pois: Add arts_centre kind.
    • pois: Add atv kind for shops.
    • pois: Add baby_hatch kind.
    • pois: Add blood_bank kind.
    • pois: Add boat_lift kind.
    • pois: Add boatyard kind.
    • pois: Add bookmaker kind.
    • pois: Add border_control kind.
    • pois: Add bunker kind for military features, with optional kind_detail values: pillbox, munitions, gun_emplacement, hardened_aircraft_shelter, blockhouse, technical, mg_nest, missile_silo
    • pois: Add bureau_de_change kind.
    • pois: Add camera kind for shops.
    • pois: Add car_parts kind for shops.
    • pois: Add car_rental kind.
    • pois: Add car_wash kind.
    • pois: Add casino kind.
    • pois: Add charging_station kind and indicate boolean properties for bicycle, car, truck, and scooter usage.
    • pois: Add charity kind.
    • pois: Add chemist kind for shops.
    • pois: Add container_terminal kind.
    • pois: Add copyshop kind.
    • pois: Add cosmetics kind for shops.
    • pois: Add crane kind with optional kind_detail to indicate the type of crane, including: container_crane, floor_mounted_crane, gantry_crane, portal_crane, travellift. Issue #1417.
    • pois: Add customs kind.
    • pois: Add danger_area kind for military features.
    • pois: Add defibrillator kind.
    • pois: Add dispensary kind.
    • pois: Add elevator kind.
    • pois: Add field_hospital kind with optional kind_detail to indicate heath care facility type.
    • pois: Add fire_hydrant kind
    • pois: Add fishmonger kind.
    • pois: Add funeral_directors kind.
    • pois: Add gambling kind.
    • pois: Add garden_centre kind.
    • pois: Add golf kind.
    • pois: Add grocery kind.
    • pois: Add harbourmaster kind.
    • pois: Add health_centre kind.
    • pois: Add healthcare_alternative kind.
    • pois: Add healthcare_centre kind.
    • pois: Add healthcare_laboratory kind.
    • pois: Add heliport kind.
    • pois: Add horse_riding kind.
    • pois: Add hunting_stand kind.
    • pois: Add karaoke_box kind.
    • pois: Add karaoke kind.
    • pois: Add lottery kind.
    • pois: Add love_hotel kind at zoom 18+.
    • pois: Add marketplace kind.
    • pois: Add miniature_golf kind.
    • pois: Add money_transfer kind.
    • pois: Add mooring kind with optional kind_detail values of commercial, cruise, customers, declaration, ferry, guest, pile, waiting, yacht, yachts and optional access property with values: private or public.
    • pois: Add motorcycle_parking kind.
    • pois: Add naval_base kind for military features.
    • pois: Add nightclub kind.
    • pois: Add obelisk kind with a variable zoom according to it's height. This kind takes precidence over artwork, monument, and memorial. Optional kind_detail indicates if feature is also a monument or memorial.
    • pois: Add parking_garage kind by subdividing existing parking, when parking type is multi-storey, underground, or rooftop.
    • pois: Add photo kind.
    • pois: Add plaque kind.
    • pois: Add port_terminal kind.
    • pois: Add quay kind.
    • pois: Add range kind for military features.
    • pois: Add sanitary_dump_station kind.
    • pois: Add ship_chandler kind.
    • pois: Add shipyard kind.
    • pois: Add slaughterhouse kind.
    • pois: Add slipway kind with optional mooring property.
    • pois: Add snowmobile kind.
    • pois: Add street_lamp kind.
    • pois: Add studio kind, with optional kind_detail values audio, cinema, photography, radio, television, video.
    • pois: Add taxi kind for taxi stands.
    • pois: Add tyres kind.
    • pois: Add waterway_fuel kind.
    • pois: Add wayside_cross kind.
    • pois: Add wharf kind.
    • pois: Add additional ferry_terminal kind features by expanding upstream filters.
    • pois: Add catchall craft kind when there isn't a more specific kind.
    • pois: Add catchall industrial kind when there isn't a more specific kind.
    • pois: Add catchall office kind when there isn't a more specific kind.
    • pois: Add catchall shop kind when there isn't a more specific kind.
    • pois: Allow additional kind values to show up on the map when they lack a name: boat_lift, boatyard, border_control, bunker, bureau_de_change, car_rental, car_wash, charging_station, crane, customs, defibrillator, field_hospital, fire_hydrant, harbour_master, harbourmaster, health_centre, hunting_stand, karaoke_box, money_transfer, motorcycle_parking, obelisk, power_generator, sanitary_dump_station, street_lamp, taxi, waterway_fuel, and wayside_cross.
    • pois: Modify min_zoom of alpine_hut kind to reveal them two zooms earlier at zoom 13. Issue #1407.
    • pois: Modify min_zoom of lighthouse kind when they are ruins but also attractions.
    • pois: Modify min_zoom of watermill kind when they are ruins but also attractions.
    • pois: Remove abandoned or disused watermill kind features (but keep the majority of features).
    • pois: Stop emitting covered boolean property when the value was false on bicycle_parking and motorcycle_parking kind features.
    • roads: Add access optional property with common values: private, yes, no, permissive, customers, destination. Issue #1273.
    • roads: Add cutting optional property with values: yes, right, and left.
    • roads: Add embankment optional property with values: yes, right, and left.
    • roads: Add mooring optional property for new quay and existing pier kinds with values: ['no', 'yes', commercial, cruise, customers, declaration, ferry, guest, private, public, waiting, yacht, yachts]
    • roads: Add quay kind lines.
    • roads: Major changes to network and shield_text to support localized road shields globally, including (but not limited to), with uppercase 2-char country code prefixes: AM:AM, AR:national, AR:provincial, AsianHighway, AT:A-road, AU:A-road, AU:B-road, AU:C-road, AU:M-road, AU:Metro-road, AU:N-route, AU:R-route, AU:S-route, AU:T-drive, BE:A-road, BE:N-road, BE:R-road, BR:AC, BR:AL, BR:AM, BR:AP, BR:BA, BR:BR, BR:CE, BR:DF, BR:ES, BR:GO, BR:MA, BR:MG:local, BR:MG, BR:MS, BR:MT, BR:PA, BR:PB, BR:PE, BR:PI, BR:PR, BR:RJ, BR:RN, BR:RO, BR:RR, BR:RS, BR:SC, BR:SE, BR:SP:PLN, BR:SP:SCA, BR:SP, BR:TO, BR:Trans-Amazonian, BR, CA:AB:primary, CA:AB:trunk, CA:AB, CA:BC:primary, CA:BC:trunk, CA:BC, CA:MB:PTH, CA:MB, CA:NB2, CA:NB3, CA:NB, CA:NS:R, CA:NS:T, CA:NT, CA:ON:primary, CA:ON:secondary, CA:PEI, CA:QC:A, CA:QC:R, CA:SK:primary, CA:SK:secondary, CA:SK:tertiary, CA:transcanada, CA:yellowhead, CA:YT, CD:RRIG, CH:motorway, CH:national, CH:regional, CL:national, CL:regional, CN:expressway:regional, CN:expressway, CN:JX, CN:road, CZ:national, CZ:regional, DE:BAB, DE:BS, DE:Hamburg:Ring, DE:KS, DE:LS, DE:STS, DE, DK:national, e-road, ES:A-road, ES:autonoma, ES:city, ES:N-road, ES:province, ES, FR:A-road, FR:D-road, FR:N-road, FR, GA:L-road, GA:national, GB:A-road-green, GB:A-road-white, GB:B-road, GB:M-road, GB, GR:motorway, GR:national, GR:provincial, GR, HU:national, ID:national, IN:MDR, IN:NH, IN:SH, IR:freeway, IR:national, IT:A-road, IT:B-road, IT, JP:expressway, JP:national, JP:prefectural, JP, KR:expressway, KR:local, KR:metropolitan, KR:national, KZ:national, KZ:regional, LA:national, MX:AGU, MX:BCN, MX:BCS, MX:CAM, MX:CHH, MX:CHP, MX:CMX:EXT, MX:CMX:INT, MX:COA, MX:COL, MX:DUR, MX:GRO, MX:GUA, MX:HID, MX:JAL, MX:MEX, MX:MIC, MX:MOR, MX:NAY, MX:NLE, MX:OAX, MX:PUE, MX:QUE, MX:ROO, MX:SIN, MX:SLP, MX:SON, MX:TAB, MX:TAM, MX:VER, MX:YUC, MX:ZAC, MY:expressway, MY:federal, MY:JHR, MY:KDH, MY:KTN, MY:MLK, MY:NSN, MY:PHG, MY:PLS, MY:PNG, MY:PRK, MY:SBH, MY:SGR:municipal, MY:SGR, MY:SWK, MY:TRG, NL:A-road, NL:N-road, NO:fylkesvei, NO:oslo:ring, NO:riksvei, NZ:SH, NZ:SR, PE:AM, PE:AN, PE:AP, PE:AR, PE:AY, PE:CA, PE:CU, PE:HU, PE:HV, PE:IC, PE:JU, PE:LA, PE:LI, PE:LM, PE:LO, PE:MD, PE:MO, PE:PA, PE:PE, PE:PI, PE:PU, PE:SM, PE:TA, PE:TU, PE:UC, PH:NHN, PK, PL:expressway, PL:motorway, PL:national, PL:regional, PT:express, PT:motorway, PT:municipal, PT:national, PT:primary, PT:rapid, PT:regional, PT:secondary, PT, RO:county, RO:local, RO:motorway, RO:national, RU:national, RU:regional, SG:expressway, TR:highway, TR:motorway, TR:provincial, UA:international, UA:national, UA:regional, UA:territorial, VN:expressway, VN:national, VN:provincial, VN:road, ZA:kruger, ZA:metropolitan, ZA:national, ZA:provincial, ZA:regional, and ZA:S-road.
    • roads: Major changes to network and shield_text to support fallback international road shields. When no network is provided by a ref is, a 2-char country code will be exported as the network value based on the location of the road, like AM or US. Issue #135.
    • roads: Minor changes to network and shield_text to support USA road shields, including modifier postfix: US:AK, US:AL, US:AR, US:AZ, US:BIA, US:BLM, US:CA, US:CO, US:CT, US:DC, US:DE, US:FL, US:FSH, US:FSR, US:GA, US:HI, US:I:Alternate, US:I:Business, US:I:Bypass, US:I:Connector, US:I:Historic, US:I:Scenic, US:I:Spur, US:I:Toll, US:I:Truck, US:I, US:IA, US:ID, US:IL, US:IN, US:KS, US:KY, US:LA, US:MA, US:MD, US:ME, US:MI, US:MN, US:MO, US:MS, US:MT, US:NC, US:ND, US:NE, US:NH, US:NJ, US:NM, US:NV, US:NY, US:OH, US:OK, US:OR, US:PA, US:RI, US:SC, US:SD, US:TN, US:TX, US:US:Alternate, US:US:Business, US:US:Bypass, US:US:Connector, US:US:Historic, US:US:Scenic, US:US:Spur, US:US:Toll, US:US:Truck, US:US, US:UT, US:VA, US:VT, US:WA, US:WI, US:WV, and US:WY. Issue #1387.
    • roads: Modify min_zoom of track kind to show 1 zooms earlier by default when surface is gravel or tracktype is not grade3, grade4, or grade5. Issue #1251.
    • roads: Modify min_zoom of track kind to show 2 zooms earlier by default when surface is paved, asphalt, concrete or tracktype is grade1 (but not for access private). Issue #1251.
    • roads: Modify min_zoom of unclassified kind to show 1 zoom earlier by default. Issue #1250.
    • roads: Show important cycling and walking routes at earlier zooms by adjusting the min_zoom of path, major_road, and minor_road kinds. This means that min_zoom values are now variable for features of the same kind, depending on their importance in the bicycle and walking networks; in earlier releases they all shared the same min_zoom. See #1172.
    • water: Add fountain kind.
    • water: Add reef kind, with optional kind_detail values of coral, rock, and sand.


    • boundaries: Restore full border to Gaza Strip. Issue #1257.
    • landuse: MVT format now includes many more polygons that were dropped in earlier versions that used different format driver.
    • places: Fix spelling of ~60 locality (city) names at low-zooms in places layer by taking Natural Earth update. #1140.
    • roads: European primary network calculation now prefers local networks instead of e-road. Issue #1483.
    • roads: Add surface property at more zooms. Issue #1252.
    • water: Fix missing ocean water by making Natural Earth ne_10m_ocean features OGC valid in PostGIS.


    • Correct the Greek language 2-char code from gr to el in the Semantic Versioning statement.
    • Change references to Mapzen (RIP) to Tilezen.
    • Update MapboxGL demo, thanks to Apollo Mapping
    • Use service wording changes (Less > Fewer)
    • Updated Layers documentation for v1.5 schema changes.
    • TODO: Updated tilejson/tilejson.json.erb for v1.5 schema changes.


    • Change references to Who's On First gazetteer source to from
    • Refactors to support RAWR tile builds in queries/jinja and elsewhere.
    • Add support for multiple localized names from Natural Earth 4.x by adding new transform convert_ne_l10n_name for 2-char language codes.
    • Use a Tilezen curated country admin polygon layer to determine country codes PIP for intermediate processing (this layer is not exported in final tiles).
    • Add new function to calculate linear overlap with polygons, useful for road in country calculation.
    • Add new function to calculate point in polygon (PIP), useful in POI in country calculation.
    • Updates to Tilezen curated buffered_land layer for marine boundary lines.
    • Be more robust to only add database columns when they don't already exist.
    • Support easier creation of generative tests for points, lines, and polygons.
    • Continued migration to generative tests instead of live-data OpenStreetMap tests via Overpass.
    • Switch to generating MVT format with Coanacatl, which wraps Wagyu and VTZero.
    • Requires Postgresql 9.5. Issue #1319.
    • Upgrade to CircleCI 2.0 for continuous integration.
    • Refactor all OpenStreetMap to Tilezen ETL logic for network and ref > shield_text to support international road shields based on fuzzy data and missing country code data, including specific functions per country.
    • Add max_zoom_filter to remove features with a max_zoom if it's < nominal zoom.
    • Add whitelist for fence kind_detail values.
    • This will be the last set of database migrations provided. All future releases will assume "global" RAWR tile builds.
vector-datasource - v1.4.3

Published by nvkelso about 6 years ago

  • Release date: 2018-01-08.
  • RAWR internal pre-release round 2.
  • Clip buildings to tile boundaries. See #1142.
  • Allow some kinds of non-numeric shield_text. See #1452.
  • Add shops from and iD. See #1447.
  • Clip buildings to tiles. See #1446.
  • Include all name variants. See #1454.
  • Add building material tag to output. See #1455.
  • Add route modifier information to network. See #1460.
  • Add wetland detail to `kind_detail. See #1461.
  • Remove unused wooded area tags + natural=park and add leaf_type kind_detail to wooded areas. See #1459.
  • Guard against TopologicalError. See #1471.
vector-datasource - v1.4.2

Published by zerebubuth almost 7 years ago

  • RAWR internal pre-release.
vector-datasource - v1.4.1

Published by rmarianski about 7 years ago

vector-datasource - v1.4.0-docs2

Published by nvkelso about 7 years ago

  • [docs] Improve 512 pixel tile size documentation and fix Tangram scene file example. See #1393.
  • [docs] Add documentation for TileJSON endpoint. See #1395.
vector-datasource - v1.4.0-docs1

Published by nvkelso over 7 years ago

  • [docs] Update link to pois.jinja2. See #1268.
  • [docs] Update your-mapzen-api-key URL query strings to enable key substitution. See #1275.
  • [docs] Spelling, grammar, writing style fixes. See #1275.
  • [docs] Add documentation for 512 pixel tile sizes. See #1284.
  • [docs] Add documentation to suggest max zoom (per tile size). See #1161.
  • [docs] Add documentation for tile x, y coordinates (versus latitude and longitude). See #1111.
  • [docs] Add documentation for HTTP status codes. See #1266.
  • [tests] Update tests for upstream OpenStreetMap data churn. See #1267, #1282, and #1286.
  • Remove duplicate symbol output. See #1265.
  • Fixed release notes on 2017-07-19 and 2017-07-25 with corrected Requires section.
vector-datasource - v1.4.0

Published by nvkelso over 7 years ago

  • [tests] Add support to capture all test coordinates with -printcoords. This also namespaces all the test assertion functions using test. See #1245.
  • [tests] Publish all test coordinates for master CircleCI builds. See #1246.
  • [docs] Remove rate limiting note (for Mapzen hosted service).
vector-datasource - v1.3.0

Published by nvkelso over 7 years ago

  • Release date: 2017-05-04. Live on prod 2017-05-08.

  • Requires: tileserver v2.0.0 and tilequeue v1.7.0 and mapbox-vector-tile v1.2.0.


    • Show important cycling and walking routes at earlier zooms by adjusting the min_zoom of path, major_road, and minor_road cycling and walking related features in the roads layer. This means that min_zoom values are now variable for features of the same kind, depending on their importance in the bicycle and walking networks; in earlier releases they all shared the same min_zoom. See #1172.
    • Add shields for bicycle, walking, and bus networks with new bicycle_network, walking_network, bus_network, bicycle_shield_text, walking_shield_text, bus_shield_text, and all_* variants onto road layer features. See #775, #1175, and #1214.
    • Add bicycle property to non-path road layer features to more accurately reflect is_bicycle_related routes (eg for ways tagged bicycle=designated). See #1171.
    • Add surface property to roads layer features. See #1020.
    • Add ramp and ramp_bicycle property to roads layer features. See #1147.
    • Remove motor_vehicle, horse and some other properties at low- and mid-zooms in roads layer. See #1224 and #1214.
    • Improve line merging in roads and other layers to reduce tile file size and improve rendering performance. See #1191.
    • Add colour_name property for transit layer features. See #1190.
    • Show large piers earlier in landuse layer. See #1178.
    • Remove many pois layer features when they lack a name (but many others are whitelisted as no-name okay). See #1186 and #1218.


    • Fix spelling of ~60 locality (city) names at low-zooms in places layer. #1140.
    • Small gardens (in Edinburgh and elsewhere) should not be visible at mid-zooms in pois layer. #1185.
    • Some pois layer features were missing their tier property. See #1208.
    • Remove natural_forest, natural_wood, and village_green from pois layer, a documented breaking bug fix associated with the v1.0 release. Their label points are now found in the landuse layer. See #1103.
    • Fix test failures based on upstream OpenStreetMap data changes.
vector-datasource - v1.2.2

Published by rmarianski over 7 years ago

vector-datasource - v1.2.1

Published by nvkelso over 7 years ago

vector-datasource - v1.3.0-docs1

Published by rmarianski over 7 years ago


  • [docs] Delete page
  • [docs] Update page with less Mapzen
  • [docs] Add your_mapzen_api_key URL query strings to URL endpoint examples
  • [changelog] Update mapbox-vector-tile pypi urls
  • [tests] island > islet for OSM data change
vector-datasource - v1.2.0

Published by rmarianski over 7 years ago

  • Release date: 2017-03-23.
  • Requires: tileserver v1.4.0 and tilequeue v1.6.0 and mapbox-vector-tile v1.2.0.
  • Generate less-complex MultiPolygons by limiting the number of features that can be merged into a single MultiPolygon (defaults to 1000). This can have a large impact on geometric topology checks for file formats like MVT. See #1176.
  • Move merging of landuse polygons after roads intercut, to improve intercut performance. See #1177.
  • Drop small inner polygons, to improve downstream performance. See #1180.
  • Fix test failures based on OpenStreetMap data changes and 2x2 metatiles where unit of work for some operations like tile_kind_rank is now 512px instead of 256px. See #1182.
vector-datasource - v1.1.0

Published by rmarianski over 7 years ago

vector-datasource - v1.0.3

Published by nvkelso over 7 years ago

vector-datasource - v1.0.2-docs1

Published by nvkelso almost 8 years ago

  • [docs] Automatic docs precog previews for master and prod go-live for latest tagged release (excluding pre-release).
vector-datasource - v1.0.2

Published by nvkelso almost 8 years ago