
Tilezen vector tile service - OpenStreetMap data in several formats

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vector-datasource - v1.0.1

Published by nvkelso almost 8 years ago

vector-datasource - v1.0.0-docs3

Published by nvkelso almost 8 years ago

  • [docs] Adds details on how to migrate to vector tiles 1.0 from earlier releases
  • [docs] Edits to Display page and new 6-up house styles image
vector-datasource - v1.0.0-docs2

Published by nvkelso almost 8 years ago

  • Documentation for Mapzen vector tile keys
  • Fix test failure (upstream OpenStreetMap data change)
vector-datasource - v0.10.5-docs1

Published by nvkelso about 8 years ago

Documentation fixes for v0.10.5 release.

vector-datasource - v1.0.0-docs1

Published by nvkelso about 8 years ago

Updated docs for v1.0.0 public release.

vector-datasource - v1.0.0

Published by nvkelso about 8 years ago

See changelog for v1.0.0-pre1, v1.0.0-pre2, and v1.0.0-pre3.

vector-datasource - v1.0.0-pre3

Published by zerebubuth about 8 years ago

  • Removed "not equals" YAML rule, which can be expressed using the other "equals" and "not" operators. PR #1044.
  • BREAKING Rename sort_key to sort_rank. PR #1049.
  • BREAKING Add /mapzen prefix to tilejson tiles URL. PR #1047.
  • New version of "static" Natural Earth and OSM shapefiles. PR #1046.
  • Restore buildings to zoom 13. PR #1036.
  • BREAKING Fix scalerank 0 region boundaries. Drop name properties on boundaries at zoom <= 6. Add region boundaries sourced from Natural Earth "map_unit" data. PR #1037.
  • Add min_zoom parameter to all features. PR #1031.
  • Allow null refs in shield text. Attempt to sanitize shield text by omitting leading text such as A or M before numeric references. PR #1039.
  • BREAKING Update Natural Earth road properties. Removes level, namealt and namealtt. Adds network and shield_text for some countries. PR #1035.
  • BREAKING Fix filters for national forests and parks. Features are now required to have additional parameters (e.g: operator, protect_class, ...) to classify as a kind: national_park. PR #1034.
  • Fix missing localized names on boundaries. Boundaries now include localized name:left:* and name:right:* where the data is available. PR #1022.
  • Change min zoom for landuse, POIs to be closer to Bubble Wrap. Adds tier parameter to simplify client-side rendering rules. PR #997.
vector-datasource - v1.0.0-pre2

Published by nvkelso about 8 years ago

  • Release date: 2016-08-31 (dev build only as public preview 2016-09-07)

  • See detailed Breaking changes, New features, Bug fixes, and Internal Changes sections below.

  • Requires: tileserver v0.8.0-pre2 and tilequeue v0.11.0-pre2

    BREAKING CHANGES (v1.0.0-pre2)

  • all layers: Revert to 2 letter language codes to remove client 3-char to 2-char shim logic, with better fallbacks. (#972)

  • boundaries, places, and roads layers: Remove raw Natural Earth scalerank (see min_zoom instead) and labelrank properties. (#992)

  • buildings layer: remove label placements from low- and mid-zooms, keep at zoom 16+. (#679)

  • landuse layer: Low- and mid-zoom landuse polygons are now merged within the same kind values to significantly reduce file size. Some properties, like name, id, sport, religion, and surface are dropped, and the area is recalculated for new combo polygons. Planned work will add back some detail by adding scale_rank classes pre-merge (matching buildings layer behavior). (#583)

  • landuse layer: Remove label placements for cemetery, farm, forest, forest, golf_course, grave_yard, military, national_park, natural_forest, natural_wood, nature_reserve, park, pitch, plant, protected_area, quarry, recreation_ground, substation, village_green, wastewater_plant, water_works, winter_sports, wood, works features, moving them to pois layer. Remaining label placements are recommended for text only label treatment.(#742)

  • landuse layer: remove label placements from low- and mid-zooms, keep at zoom 15+. (#679)

  • places layer: Additional locality changes for places layer to normalize place layer kinds: capital changes to country_capital, state_capital changes to region_capital, scientific_station localities get their own kind_detail, and other bug fixes for (#840). (#931)

  • pois layer: Remove the cuisine property (see new kind_detail instead). (#719)

  • pois layer: Modify default min_zoom for gate features. Gates on major roads are now visible at zoom 14, gates on intermediate roads at zoom 15, gates on minor roads at zoom 16, and gates not on roads at zoom 17 (was all zoom 15). (#820)

  • roads layer: Remove aerialway, highway, piste_type, railway, in favor of coalescing their values into a new kind_detail property (and change incorrect subkind reference in documentation to kind_detail). (#970)

  • transit layer: rename root_relation_id property to root_id, matching new building layer configuration. (#969 and #653)

  • water layer: Remove duplicative and poor resolution sea polygons (but keep their label centroids) to save Venice and other cities from early global warming! This also addressed excessive sea labels in most Mapzen house styles. (#951)

    NEW FEATURES (v1.0.0-pre2)

  • tilejson: Major upgrade to reflect all layers and properties. (#938)

  • versioning: Add semantic versioning (semver) document detailing the promises Tilezen makes about major, minor, and patch versions and data model changes. (#948)

  • buildings layer: Building parts may receive a root_id corresponding to the building feature, if any, with which they intersect. (#653)

  • landuse layer: Add graveyard features. (#742)

  • landuse layer: Add camp_site features for camp grounds. (#875)

  • pois layer: Add cemetery, farm, forest, forest, golf_course, military, national_park, natural_forest, natural_wood, nature_reserve, park, pitch, plant, protected_area, quarry, recreation_ground, substation, village_green, wastewater_plant, water_works, winter_sports, wood, works features with adjusted zoom ranges over their previous availability in the landuse layer as label placements. All remaining label placements in the landuse layer are no longer recommended for icon label treatment. (#742)

  • pois layer: Add graveyard features. (#742)

  • pois layer: Add art gallery features. (#990)

  • pois layer: Add kind_detail property sourced from sport for pitch features and sourced from cuisine for biergarten, pub, bar, restaurant, fast_food, cafe kinds (removing the cuisine property). (#719)

  • roads layer: To support highway shields a new shield_text property has been added, network values have been normalized (and bicycle networks are now excluded). An example: for "US 101" we now store network of US:US and shield_text of 101. Multiple shields are supported via optional all_networks and all_shield_texts lists (which work in GeoJSON and TopoJSON but not MVT formats, follow mapbox-vector-tile/#64 for a fix). The ref property remains available but is less useful for shield construction. (#192 and #896)

    BUG FIXES (v1.0.0-pre2)

  • all layers: Support fractional zoom for POIs, places, and other featues which were only appearing at the next whole integer tile, and rounds min_zoom values to 2 decimal places. For example: a feature with min_zoom of 14.8 was only appearing in zoom 15 tiles when it should have appeared in the zoom 14 tile. (#976)

  • boundaries layer: Correct bug where sort_key mapping wasn't updated for new boundary kind values from v1.0.0-pre1. (#1012)

  • places layer: Adjust default zoom ranges for Natural Earth localities at the low-zooms and Natural Earth and OpenStreetMap localities at mid- and high-zooms. (#981 and #982)

  • places layer: Exclude region_capital=false properties. (#1003 and #931)

  • pois layer: Add OpenStreetMap source attribution per feature. (#922)

  • pois layer: Start querying for pois at z4, not z2 (matching the landuse layer). (#994)

  • pois layer: Show large camp_site features at earlier zooms. (#875)

  • pois layer: Removed transit halt, station, stop, and tram_stop features marked as historic. (#661)

  • pois and landuse layers: Normalize operator values for United States National Park Service, United States Forest Service, and National Parks & WildlWildlifeife Service NSW in the U.S.A. and Australia. (#927)

  • roads layer: Pedestrian paths and piers were missing bicycle: designated and related tags. Now that they are exported, they are correctly also decorated as is_bicycle_related: True. (#832)

  • roads layer: Add additional properties sidewalk_left and sidewalk_right to all road layer features. (#605 and #986)

  • roads layer: Remove crossing, sidewalk, sidewalk_left and sidewalk_right properties for road merge. (#993)

  • roads layer: Drop meaningless id property on merged features. (#952)

  • transit layer: Add OpenStreetMap source attribution per feature. (#935)


  • documentation: Update earth layer documentation to reflect additional line and point geometry types. (#808)

  • documentation: Update boundaries and landuse layer documentation to reflect barriers moving into the landuse layer. (#932)

  • documentation: Update places layer documentation to reflect new kind and kind_detail values, locality, suburb, quarter, state, province, region, capital, and other changes. (#934)

  • documentation: Update buildings layer documentation to reflect new kind and kind_detail values and building_part changes. (#933) and related (#842)

  • documentation: Update roads layer documentation to reflect new kind and kind_detail values, and remove erroneous reference to exit. (#936)

  • contributing: Adding a step to create a test_config.yaml file. (#1001)

    INTERNAL CHANGES (v1.0.0-pre2)

  • performance: Move label centroid calculation to database to reduce network pressure on the database (post processing transform needed too much geometry) in landuse, water, earth, and buildings layers. (#965)

  • performance: Add pois indexes for OpenStreetMap polygon and point tables to improve query time. (#983)

  • database: Convert Postgres PostGIS database to utilize osm2pgsql's --hstore-all option. (#876)

  • database: Convert Postgres PostGIS database projection to EPSG:3857. (#908)

  • database: Convert min_zoom properties to REAL from INT to support fractional values. (#976)

  • import: Remove default -W UTF-8 from data import config for shp2pgsql. (#946)

  • import: Add shim in apply non planet sql to better accommodate invalid geometries. Track longer term fix in #979. (#1003)

  • indexes: Update road indexes to refer to mz_road_level alone. (#956)

  • tests: Correct test failure for hotels as upstream data had changed. (#959)

  • tests: Ensure that when config_all_layers is set, the all layer is requested. (#974)

vector-datasource - v0.10.5

Published by nvkelso about 8 years ago

  • Release date: 2016-08-17
  • Backport moving label generation to database. See #965.
vector-datasource - v1.0.0-pre1

Published by nvkelso about 8 years ago


  • Release date: 2016-07-22 on dev as public preview

  • See detailed Breaking changes, New features, Bug fixes, and Internal Changes sections below.

  • Requires: tileserver v0.7.0 and tilequeue v0.10.0

    BREAKING CHANGES (v1.0.0-pre1)

  • new url scheme: Mapzen now offers several different types of tiles in vector and raster formats and we combine data from multiple sources. The URL scheme has been updated to reflect this, and emphasize versions. The old URL will continue to work (~1 year), but updates will stop once v1.0.0 is released to production. (#652)

    • New dev URL:{z}/{x}/{y}.topojson
    • Old dev URL was:{z}/{x}/{y}.topojson
    • New prod URL will be:{z}/{x}/{y}.topojson
    • Old prod URL is still:{z}/{x}/{y}.topojson
    • New dev TileJSON is:
    • New prod TileJSON will be:
    • Old prod TileJSON is still:
  • roads layer: Reclassify airport runway and taxiways as new aeroway kind (was minor_road), and change their sort order to be under equivelant landuse polygons. (#895)

  • roads layer: Reclassify road layer kind values sourced from Natural Earth to use OpenStreetMap style kind values. (#890)

  • roads layer: Normalize several kind values to remove - and replace with _, including drive_through, j_bar, and t_bar. (#843)

  • boundaries layer: Reclassify boundary layer kind values for some OpenStreetMap, including region (was state), locality (was municipality), and many country related kind changes from Natural Earth at low zooms. (#841)

  • places layer: Normalize place layer kinds coming from OpenStreetMap and Natural Earth to more closely match Who's On First (mostly using locality kind, with new kind_detail storing the original OSM and NE values). See this lookup table for details. (#840)

  • places layer: Remove country labels from zoom 0, 1 to reduce tile file size. (#837)

  • places layer: Remove some types of OpenStreetMap neighbourhoods (borough, suburb, and quarter) in favor of Who's On First neighbourhoods. (#744)

  • pois layer: Rename several kinds to distinguish aeroway_gate from gate, specify gas_canister shops (was gas which was confusing with automotive gas stations), and split off ski_rental if a ski feature was primarily a rental facility. (#844)

  • landuse layer: Rename several kinds to distinguish natural_wood from wood parks, natural_forest from forest parks, and natural_park from natural parks. (#844)

  • transit layer: route_name on line geometries is now simply name. (#729)

  • landuse layer: Normalize urban_area landuse kinds from Natural Earth (was urban area). (#713)

  • landuse and boundaries layers: Move barrier lines from boundaries layer into landuse layer. Includes city_wall, dam, fence, retaining_wall, and snow_fence. Watch out for dam which is now both a polygon and line in the same landuse layer. (#857)

  • buildings layer: Reclassify building layer kind values to only have building or building_part, moved the earlier kind values to newnew kind_detail property with a whitelist of values. (#842)

  • buildings layer: Reduce building payloads by merging buildings of similar type at zooms 13, 14, and 15 by dropping some properties like name, addr_housenumber, and addr_street, and quantizing others like height to 10 meters (zoom 13), 5 meters (zoom 14), and nearest meter (zoom 15). Also added new scalerank property with large buildings at 1 and small buildings at 5 to improve client-side style filtering & draw performance. (#845)

  • Remove landuse-labels layer in favor of label placements in landuse layer and pois features. (#852)

  • Use boolean values instead of 'yes' for properties likeosm_relation and label_placement. (#778)

  • Names that have been localized now use the l10n language codes (ala Who's On First) for all data sources. For example: name:en imported from OpenStreetMap is exported as name:eng. (#418)

    NEW FEATURES (v1.0.0-pre1)

  • roads layer: Add racetracks as type of minor_road sourced from OpenStreetMap's highway=raceway. See #664)

  • roads layer: Add indoor corridors as type of path sourced from OpenStreetMap's highway=corridor. (#605)

  • roads layer: Add properties for crossing=*, sidewalk=* to all road layer features. (#605)

  • roads layer: Add bridleway as type of path. (#859)

  • pois layer: Add toll_booth sourced from OpenStreetMap's barrier=toll_booth. (#479)

  • pois and landuse layers: Add rest_area and service_area kinds sourced from OpenStreetMap's highway=rest_area and highway=services. (#480)

  • places layer: Add localized names for Who's On First sourced neighbourhoods using l10n conventions. (#418)

  • places layer: Add borough features from Who's On First (e.g.: Manhattan in New York City). (#654)

    BUG FIXES (v1.0.0-pre1)

  • pois layer: Some walking network points were wrongly classified as rwn when they were actually iwn. (#844)

  • pois and landuse layers: garden kind should win over attraction, and add garden point geometries (was previously limited to polygon features). (#829)

  • pois layer: Show windmill features earlier, especially if they are a tourist attraction. (#830)

  • pois layer: Show lighthouse features earlier, especially if they are a tourist attraction, as lighthouses. (#860)

  • pois layer: Show camp grounds (camp_site) earlier. (#875)

  • Update JSON encoding to handle invalid geometries (use the python round function), improves but does not completely solve invalid geometries in other formats like MVT. (#698)

  • Drop all internal properties with a custom mz prefix, affected mz_is_building in landuse layer, but could have affected more layers. (#622)

    INTERNAL CHANGES (v1.0.0-pre1)

  • pois layer: Remove several redundant filters for boat_storage, firepit, dry_cleaning, toilets, theatre, and picnic_site. (#844)

  • Make pixel size threshold configurable for layers like landuse and water. (#202)

  • For label placements, enable configurable pixel size threshold. (#810)

  • Use json types and functions compatible with postgresql 9.3 to support better hstore tag usage. (#826)

  • Migrate more pois layer transform functions to yaml (leisure, transit station states, aeroway gates). (#754.

  • Add ability to set configurable buffer for MVT format per layer and geometry type. The default MVT config remains clipped (un-buffered), however. (#106)

  • Remove TileStache dependency, moving Python transforms into vector-datasource repo. (#211)

CORRECTION: An earlier version of the release notes stated dev urls used https when they use http (without an API key postfixed). Also added breaking note about localized names now using l10n language codes. Also added label_placement to list of boolean examples.

vector-datasource - v0.10.4

Published by nvkelso over 8 years ago

vector-datasource - v0.10.3

Published by nvkelso over 8 years ago

vector-datasource - v0.10.2

Published by nvkelso over 8 years ago

vector-datasource - v0.10.1

Published by nvkelso over 8 years ago

vector-datasource - v0.10.0

Published by nvkelso over 8 years ago

  • Release date: 2016-05-04.
  • Paths get a significant makeover in the roads layer:
    • Many path, footway, and cycleway features are visible earlier up to zoom 11, based on their designation as or inclusion in walking and cycling networks.
    • If a track, major road, or minor road is part of a walking or cycling network it is also visible earlier.
    • Some footway and stair features are visible later than before at zoom 15.
    • Add footway property to disentangle sidewalk and crossing features from other footways.
    • Add walking_network property with values in iwn, nwn, rwn, and lwn to indicate features's international to local significance.
    • Add other additional properties: bicycle, foot, horse, tracktype, incline, trail_visibility and sac_scale.
    • Most paths are now named on introduction, before they were only available at zoom 14+.
    • See #593, #596, and #775.
  • Add bicycle properties to the roads layer:
    • Add is_bicycle_related property, set to true when road is a cycleway, part of a cycling network, or has bicyle lanes or other cycling related infrastrucure.
    • Add bicycle_network property with values in icn, ncn, rcn, and lcn to indicate features's international to local significance.
    • Add properties for cycleway, cycleway_left, cycleway_right, oneway_bicycle, and segregated.
    • See #647.
  • Add new outdoors related polygons to the landuse layer:
    • battlefield, beach_resort, boat_storage, caravan_site, dam, dog_park, firepit, fishing_area, fort, monument, picnic_site, recreation_track, rock, scree, stone, summer_camp, swimming_area, and water_park.
    • See #663 and #655.
  • Add new natural lines to the landuse layer:
    • tree_row and hedge.
    • See #566.
  • Add outdoor related points to the pois layer:
    • adit, battlefield, bbq, beach_resort, beacon, bicycle_repair_station, boat_rental, boat_storage, caravan_site, communications_tower, cross, dam, dive_centre, dog_park, dune, egress, firepit, fishing_area, fishing, fort, gas, geyser, hazard, hot_spring, hunting, life_ring, mast, mineshaft, monument, motorcycle, observatory, offshore_platform, outdoor, petroleum_well, picnic_site, picnic_table, power_pole, power_tower, put_in_egress, putin, pylon, ranger_station, rapid, recreation_track, rock, saddle, scuba_diving, shower, sinkhole, stone, summer_camp, swimming_area, telescope, trailhead, waterfall, waste_disposal, water_park, water_point, water_tower, water_well, and watering_place.
    • See #594, #599, #602, #657, #662, #663, #671, #674, and #675.
  • Add outdoor related lines to the roads layer.
    • portage_way
    • See #677.
  • Add dam to the boundaries layer, and removed it from the water layer. See #663 and #773.
  • Add waterfall features to the pois layer:
    • Includes height value in integer meters.
    • Zoom visibility is based on waterfall height: taller than 300 meters are visible at zoom 12 and waterfalls with height less than 50 meters are visible at zoom 14.
    • See
  • Modified peak features in the pois layer:
    • Add new elevation value in integer meters.
    • Show some tall peaks at earlier zooms.
    • Add tile_kind_rank for peaks to throttle visibility of dense peak clusters.
    • See #523 and #524.
  • Add intermittent property to water layer features:
    • Value of yes allows styling to distingish streams that do not run year round.
    • See
  • Add whitewater related points to the pois layer:
    • putin, egress, put_in_egress, hazard and rapid.
    • Related: portage_way features added in the roads layer.
    • See #599.
  • Add bicycle_junction features in pois layer:
    • A common European feature in signed bicycle routes with named junctions, these features are added at zoom 16.
    • The cycle network reference point's ref value is derived from one of icn_ref, ncn_ref, rcn_ref or lcn_ref, in descending order and is suitable for naming or use in a shield.
    • See #592.
  • Add cycle_barrier features to the pois layer at zoom 18. See #592.
  • Modify existing bicycle related features in pois layer:
    • bicycle shops are now visible earlier at zoom 15.
    • bicycle_rental is now visible at zoom 16.
    • bicycle_rental_station are split off from bicycle_rental shops and are visible at zoom 17. They include additional properties for capacity (an integer value), network, operator, and ref.
    • Features of kind bicycle_parking gain additional properties for access, capacity, covered, fee, operator, maxstay, and surveillance.
    • See #592.
  • Add features of kind walking_junction to the pois layer:
    • Walking junctions are common in Europe for signed walking routes with named junctions, added at zoom 16.
    • The walking network reference point's ref value is derived from one of iwn_ref, nwn_ref, rwn_ref or lwn_ref, in descending order and is suitable for naming or use in a shield.
    • See #592.
  • Add island, islet, and archipelago label placement points to the earth layer. See #399.
  • Add cliff and arete lines to earth layer. See #601.
  • Add label placement lines for ridge and valley to the earth layer. See #601.
  • Move continent label placements to the earth layer from the places layer, a breaking change. See #703.
  • Move ocean and sea label positions to the water layer from the places layer, a breaking change. See #148.
  • Normalize kind values in the boundaries layer, a breaking change:
    • Match Natural Earth kind values to those coming from OpenStreetMap.
    • Remove junk statistical boundaries.
    • Remove Natural Earth's type property.
    • See #517 and #687.
  • Normalize kind values in the water layer, a breaking change:
    • Match Natural Earth kind valeus to those coming from OpenStreetMap.
    • Example 1: use kind ocean instead of Ocean
    • Example 2: use kind lake with reservoir:yes instead of Reservoir.
    • Example 3: use kind ocean with boundary:yes instead of Coastline.
    • See #628 and
  • Add sources to the earth layer:
    • Indicate,, or as source.
    • See #737
  • Bug fixes:
    • Identify yes kind pois to their respective values, including generic office. See #705.
    • Don't merging lines in the roads layer at zoom 16 (the max zoom). See #766.
    • Line merging in the roads layer should produce long lines, not many 2 segment lines. See #768.
    • Removed reference to non-existant highway=minor and highway=footpath in roads layer queries. See #680.
  • Refactor how we calculate kind values using YAML config files across all layers to provide more determinism and eliminate yes values. Follow on to v0.9 changes in #580 and #282. See #646 and #687
  • Update how we handle OpenStreetMap data updates via planet_osm_rels triggers. See #711.
  • Requires: tileserver v0.6.1 and tilequeue v0.9.0 and TileStache v0.10.0
vector-datasource - v0.9.1

Published by nvkelso over 8 years ago

  • Release date: 2016-03-28.
  • Ensure all transit layer features are included at zoom 16+. See commit.
vector-datasource - v0.9.0

Published by nvkelso over 8 years ago

  • Release date: 2016-03-24. Live in prod: 2015-03-30.
  • Adjust tile rank for station features in the pois layer, emphasizing rail stations over other types of transit. See #506.
  • Remove long tail of less important station features from mid-zooms in the pois layer. See #506.
  • Show more station features in the pois layer by limiting "merging" to zooms less than 15. See #506.
  • Show existing aerialway station & railway tram_stop features in the pois layer earlier at zoom 13. See #587.
  • Add several boolean values to indicate station transit service types in pois layer. See #352.
  • Add state property to station features in the pois layer to indicate planned and under construction features. See #484.
  • Add optional root_relation_id ID value on transit station features in the pois layer. See #590. CORRECTED 9/31: earlier documentation incorrectly said osm_site_relation.
  • Add optional uic_ref to station features in the pois layer.
  • Add additional transit points to pois layer and lines to the transit layer for grab bag of stops, halts, stop areas, and platforms. See #469.
  • Show transit layer features at earlier zoom levels, including international train, subway, light_rail, and tram. See #472.
  • Add funicular and monorail features to the transit layer. See #588.
  • Remove physical railway from the transit layer; they don't have passenger service. See #501.
  • Add service values to transit layer line features to indicate international, national, and regional importance. See #471.
  • Add a new boolean is_bus_route property to features in the roads layer starting at zoom 12 if any bus or trolley_bus route passes along the way. No indication is provided for which bus routes at this time. See #611.
  • Add subway and funicular lines to roads layer as a type of rail. See #549 and #510.
  • Remove disused features from the pois layer, for instance disused railway stations. See #368.
  • Limit visibility of closed and historical features to zoom 17+ in the pois and buildings layers. See #291 and #483.
  • Remove internal mz_is_building property from features in the landuse layer. See #333.
  • Document recommended overlay and underlay sort_key orders. See #586.
  • Move much of the kind calculation logic from pure SQL to CSV spreadsheets for easier config and address outstanding SQL coalesce bugs. See #580 and #282.
  • Normalize source property across all layers. If you have custom place filters, this will be a breaking change. See #503.
  • Requires: tileserver v0.6.1 and tilequeue v0.8.0 and TileStache v0.9.0
vector-datasource -

Published by zerebubuth over 8 years ago

  • Release date: 2016-03-04.
  • Add new label placements in the water layer for bay, strait, and fjord. Issue #400
  • Add new kinds in the pois layer for hardware and trade to capture more types of "big box" stores. Issue #520
  • Additions to the pois layer to celebrate International Women's Day. Issue #526
    • Basic mappings: childcare, clinic, dentist, doctors, kindergarten, midwife, phone, social_facility, and toilets.
    • Most social facility are indicated by their detailed kind. Common kinds: ambulatory_care, assisted_living, food_bank, group_home, outreach, shelter, workshop, see TagInfo for full set.
  • Large hotels and "big box" stores now appear at earlier zooms in the pois layer. Issues 520 and 522
  • The pois layer now inludels all features at zoom 16 that were only available in zoom 17 and 18 previously. But we now include a recommended min_zoom to replicate the earlier behavior. Issue #478
  • Improved station tile_kind_rank values in the pois layer by including more data. Railway route extraction no longer relies on the planet_osm_nodes table, which may be missing if flat nodes is enabled. Issue #507
  • The buildings layer now includes all buildings (no filter) at zoom 16, with min_zoom properties being added at zoom >= 16. Addresses are included at zoom 16 but are marked min_zoom:17. Issue #557
  • In the boundaries layer fences are now included at zoom 16 (was 17). Issue #478
  • The roads and landuse layers receive a significant overhall to sort_key values. The sort_key value is a suggestion for which order to draw features. The value is an integer where smaller numbers suggest that features should be "behind" features with larger numbers. Issues 364 and 546
  • More layers include sort_key values including boundaries, buildings, earth, transit, and water that are compatible with the values in the roads and landuse layers. Issue #550
  • Fixed migration loop to handle the case where there are no explicit migrations to run. Issue #514
  • Requires: tileserver v0.6.0 and tilequeue v0.8.0 and TileStache v0.8.0
vector-datasource - v0.8.0-beta1

Published by nvkelso over 8 years ago

vector-datasource - v0.8.0-alpha3

Published by nvkelso over 8 years ago