
An orchestration platform for the development, production, and observation of data assets.

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dagster - 1.0.9 (core) / 0.16.9 (libraries)

Published by gibsondan about 2 years ago


  • The multi_asset_sensor (experimental) now has improved capabilities to monitor asset partitions via a latest_materialization_records_by_partition method.
  • Performance improvements for the Partitions page in Dagit.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the op_config argument of dagstermill.get_context to be ignored
  • Fixed a bug that caused errors when loading the asset details page for assets with time window partitions definitions
  • Fixed a bug where assets sometimes didn’t appear in the Asset Catalog while in Folder view.
  • [dagit] Opening the asset lineage tab no longer scrolls the page header off screen in some scenarios
  • [dagit] The asset lineage tab no longer attempts to materialize source assets included in the upstream / downstream views.
  • [dagit] The Instance page Run Timeline no longer commingles runs with the same job name in different repositories
  • [dagit] Emitting materializations with JSON metadata that cannot be parsed as JSON no longer crashes the run details page
  • [dagit] Viewing the assets related to a run no longer shows the same assets multiple times in some scenarios
  • [dagster-k8s] Fixed a bug with timeouts causing errors in k8s_job_op
  • [dagster-docker] Fixed a bug with Op retries causing errors with the docker_executor

Community Contributions

  • [dagster-aws] Thanks @Vivanov98 for adding the list_objects method to S3FakeSession!


  • [dagster-airbyte] Added an experimental function to automatically generate Airbyte assets from project YAML files. For more information, see the dagster-airbyte docs.
  • [dagster-airbyte] Added the forward_logs option to AirbyteResource, allowing users to disble forwarding of Airbyte logs to the compute log, which can be expensive for long-running syncs.
  • [dagster-airbyte] Added the ability to generate Airbyte assets for basic normalization tables generated as part of a sync.


dagster - 1.0.8 (core) / 0.16.8 (libraries)

Published by johannkm about 2 years ago


  • With the new cron_schedule argument to TimeWindowPartitionsDefinition, you can now supply arbitrary cron expressions to define time window-based partition sets.
  • Graph-backed assets can now be subsetted for execution via AssetsDefinition.from_graph(my_graph, can_subset=True).
  • RunsFilter is now exported in the public API.
  • [dagster-k8s] The dagster-user-deployments.deployments[].schedulerName Helm value for specifying custom Kubernetes schedulers will now also apply to run and step workers launched for the given user deployment. Previously it would only apply to the grpc server.


  • In some situations, default asset config was ignored when a subset of assets were selected for execution. This has been fixed.
  • Added a pin to grpcio in dagster to address an issue with the recent 0.48.1 grpcio release that was sometimes causing Dagster code servers to hang.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Latest run” column on the Instance Status page sometimes displayed an older run instead of the most recent run.

Community Contributions

  • In addition to a single cron string, cron_schedule now also accepts a sequence of cron strings. If a sequence is provided, the schedule will run for the union of all execution times for the provided cron strings, e.g., ['45 23 * * 6', '30 9 * * 0] for a schedule that runs at 11:45 PM every Saturday and 9:30 AM every Sunday. Thanks @erinov1!
  • Added an optional boolean config install_default_libraries to databricks_pyspark_step_launcher . It allows to run Databricks jobs without installing the default Dagster libraries .Thanks @nvinhphuc!


  • [dagster-k8s] Added additional configuration fields (container_config, pod_template_spec_metadata, pod_spec_config, job_metadata, and job_spec_config) to the experimental k8s_job_op that can be used to add additional configuration to the Kubernetes pod that is launched within the op.
dagster - 1.0.7 (core) / 0.16.7 (libraries)

Published by prha about 2 years ago


  • Several updates to the Dagit run timeline view: your time window preference will now be preserved locally, there is a clearer “Now” label to delineate the current time, and upcoming scheduled ticks will no longer be batched with existing runs.
  • [dagster-k8s] ingress.labels is now available in the Helm chart. Any provided labels are appended to the default labels on each object (helm.sh/chart, app.kubernetes.io/version, and app.kubernetes.io/managed-by).
  • [dagster-dbt] Added support for two types of dbt nodes: metrics, and ephemeral models
  • When constructing a GraphDefinition manually, InputMapping and OutputMapping objects should be directly constructed.
  • [dagit] The launchpad tab is no longer shown for Asset jobs. Asset jobs can be launched via the “Materialize All” button shown on the Overview tab. To provide optional configuration, hold shift when clicking “Materialize”.


  • [dagster-snowflake] Pandas is no longer imported when dagster_snowflake is imported. Instead, it’s only imported when using functionality inside dagster-snowflake that depends on pandas.
  • Recent changes to run status sensors caused sensors that only monitored jobs in external repositories to also monitor all jobs in the current repository. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where "unhashable type" errors could be spawned from sensor executions.
  • [dagit] Clicking between assets in different repositories from asset groups and asset jobs now works as expected.
  • [dagit] The DAG rendering of composite ops with more than one input/output mapping has been fixed.
  • [dagit] Selecting a source asset in Dagit no longer produces a GraphQL error
  • [dagit] Viewing “Related Assets” for an asset run now shows the full set of assets included in the run, regardless of whether they were materialized successfully.
  • [dagit] The Asset Lineage view has been simplified and lets you know if the view is being clipped and more distant upstream/downstream assets exist.
  • Fixed erroneous experimental warnings being thrown when using with_resources alongside source assets.

Breaking Changes

  • The arguments to the (internal) InputMapping and OutputMapping constructors have changed.

Community Contributions

  • The ssh_resource can now accept configuration from environment variables. Thanks @cbini!
  • Spelling corrections in migrations.md. Thanks @gogi2811!
dagster - 1.0.6

Published by Ramshackle-Jamathon about 2 years ago


  • [dagit] nbconvert is now installed as an extra in Dagit.
  • Multiple assets can be monitored for materialization using the multi_asset_sensor (experimental).
  • Run status sensors can now monitor jobs in external repositories.
  • The config argument of define_asset_job now works if the job contains partitioned assets.
  • When configuring sqlite-based storages in dagster.yaml, you can now point to environment variables.
  • When emitting RunRequests from sensors, you can now optionally supply an asset_selection argument, which accepts a list of AssetKeys to materialize from the larger job.
  • [dagster-dbt] load_assets_from_dbt_project and load_assets_from_dbt_manifest now support the exlude parameter, allowing you to more precisely which resources to load from your dbt project (thanks @flvndh!)


  • Previously, types for multi-assets would display incorrectly in Dagit when specified. This has been fixed.
  • In some circumstances, viewing nested asset paths in Dagit could lead to unexpected empty states. This was due to incorrect slicing of the asset list, and has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue in Dagit where the dialog used to wipe materializations displayed broken text for assets with long paths.
  • [dagit] Fixed the Job page to change the latest run tag and the related assets to bucket repository-specific jobs. Previously, runs from jobs with the same name in different repositories would be intermingled.
  • Previously, if you launched a backfill for a subset of a multi-asset (e.g. dbt assets), all assets would be executed on each run, instead of just the selected ones. This has been fixed.
  • [dagster-dbt] Previously, if you configured a select parameter on your dbt_cli_resource , this would not get passed into the corresponding invocations of certain context.resources.dbt.x() commands. This has been fixed.
dagster - 1.0.4

Published by sryza about 2 years ago


  • Assets can now be materialized to storage conditionally by setting output_required=False. If this is set and no result is yielded from the asset, Dagster will not create an asset materialization event, the I/O manager will not be invoked, downstream assets will not be materialized, and asset sensors monitoring the asset will not trigger.
  • JobDefinition.run_request_for_partition can now be used inside sensors that target multiple jobs (Thanks Metin Senturk!)
  • The environment variable DAGSTER_GRPC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS now allows for overriding the default timeout for communications between host processes like dagit and the daemon and user code servers.
  • Import time for the dagster module has been reduced, by approximately 50% in initial measurements.
  • AssetIn now accepts a dagster_type argument, for specifying runtime checks on asset input values.
  • [dagit] The column names on the Activity tab of the asset details page no longer reference the legacy term “Pipeline”.
  • [dagster-snowflake] The execute_query method of the snowflake resource now accepts a use_pandas_result argument, which fetches the result of the query as a Pandas dataframe. (Thanks @swotai!)
  • [dagster-shell] Made the execute and execute_script_file utilities in dagster_shell part of the public API (Thanks Fahad Khan!)
  • [dagster-dbt] load_assets_from_dbt_project and load_assets_from_dbt_manifest now support the exclude parameter. (Thanks @flvndh!)


  • [dagit] Removed the x-frame-options response header from Dagit, allowing the Dagit UI to be rendered in an iframe.
  • [fully-featured project example] Fixed the duckdb IO manager so the comment_stories step can load data successfully.
  • [dagster-dbt] Previously, if a select parameter was configured on the dbt_cli_resource, it would not be passed into invocations of context.resources.dbt.run() (and other similar commands). This has been fixed.
  • [dagster-ge] An incompatibility between dagster_ge_validation_factory and dagster 1.0 has been fixed.
  • [dagstermill] Previously, updated arguments and properties to DagstermillExecutionContext were not exposed. This has since been fixed.


  • The integrations page on the docs site now has a section for links to community-hosted integrations. The first linked integration is @silentsokolov’s Vault integration.
dagster - 1.0.3

Published by clairelin135 about 2 years ago


  • Failure now has an allow_retries argument, allowing a means to manually bypass retry policies.
  • dagstermill.get_context and dagstermill.DagstermillExecutionContext have been updated to reflect stable dagster-1.0 APIs. pipeline/solid referencing arguments / properties will be removed in the next major version bump of dagstermill.
  • TimeWindowPartitionsDefinition now exposes a get_cron_schedule method.


  • In some situations where an asset was materialized and that asset that depended on a partitioned asset, and that upstream partitioned asset wasn’t part of the run, the partition-related methods of InputContext returned incorrect values or failed erroneously. This was fixed.
  • Schedules and sensors with the same names but in different repositories no longer affect each others idempotence checks.
  • In some circumstances, reloading a repository in Dagit could lead to an error that would crash the page. This has been fixed.

Community Contributions

  • @will-holley added an optional key argument to GCSFileManager methods to set the GCS blob key, thank you!
  • Fix for sensors in fully featured example, thanks @pwachira!


dagster - 1.0.2

Published by gibsondan about 2 years ago


  • When the workpace is updated, a notification will appear in Dagit, and the Workspace tab will automatically refresh.


  • Restored the correct version mismatch warnings between dagster core and dagster integration libraries
  • Field.__init__ has been typed, which resolves an error that pylance would raise about default_value
  • Previously, dagster_type_materializer and dagster_type_loader expected functions to take a context argument from an internal dagster import. We’ve added DagsterTypeMaterializerContext and DagsterTypeLoaderContext so that functions annotated with these decorators can annotate their arguments properly.
  • Previously, a single-output op with a return description would not pick up the description of the return. This has been rectified.

Community Contributions

  • Fixed the dagster_slack documentation examples. Thanks @ssingh13-rms!


dagster - 1.0.1

Published by gibsondan about 2 years ago


  • Fixed an issue where Dagster libraries would sometimes log warnings about mismatched versions despite having the correct version loaded.


  • The Dagster Cloud docs now live alongside all the other Dagster docs! Check them out by nagivating to Deployment > Cloud.
dagster - 1.0.0 - Hello

Published by gibsondan about 2 years ago

Major Changes

  • A docs site overhaul! Along with tons of additional content, the existing pages have been significantly edited and reorganized to improve readability.
  • All Dagster examplesare revamped with a consistent project layout, descriptive names, and more helpful README files.
  • A new dagster project CLI contains commands for bootstrapping new Dagster projects and repositories
    • dagster project scaffold creates a folder structure with a single Dagster repository and other files such as workspace.yaml. This CLI enables you to quickly start building a new Dagster project with everything set up.
    • dagster project from-example downloads one of the Dagster examples. This CLI helps you to quickly bootstrap your project with an officially maintained example. You can find the available examples via dagster project list-examples.
    • Check out Create a New Project for more details.
  • A default_executor_def argument has been added to the @repository decorator. If specified, this will be used for any jobs (asset or op) which do not explicitly set an executor_def.
  • A default_logger_defs argument has been added to the @repository decorator, which works in the same way as default_executor_def.
  • A new execute_job function presents a Python API for kicking off runs of your jobs.
  • Run status sensors may now yield RunRequests, allowing you to kick off a job in response to the status of another job.
  • When loading an upstream asset or op output as an input, you can now set custom loading behavior using the input_manager_key argument to AssetIn and In.
  • In the UI, the global lineage graph has been brought back and reworked! The graph keeps assets in the same group visually clustered together, and the query bar allows you to visualize a custom slice of your asset graph.

Breaking Changes and Deprecations

Legacy API Removals

In 1.0.0, a large number of previously-deprecated APIs have been fully removed. A full list of breaking changes and deprecations, alongside instructions on how to migrate older code, can be found in MIGRATION.md. At a high level:

  • The solid and pipeline APIs have been removed, along with references to them in extension libraries, arguments, and the CLI (deprecated in 0.13.0).
  • The AssetGroup and build_asset_job APIs, and a host of deprecated arguments to asset-related functions, have been removed (deprecated in 0.15.0).
  • The EventMetadata and EventMetadataEntryData APIs have been removed (deprecated in 0.15.0).


  • dagster_type_materializer and DagsterTypeMaterializer have been marked experimental and will likely be removed within a 1.x release. Instead, use an IOManager.
  • FileManager and FileHandle have been marked experimental and will likely be removed within a 1.x release.

Other Changes

  • As of 1.0.0, Dagster no longer guarantees support for python 3.6. This is in line with PEP 494, which outlines that 3.6 has reached end of life.
  • [planned] In an upcoming 1.x release, we plan to make a change that renders values supplied to configured in Dagit. Up through this point, values provided to configured have not been sent anywhere outside the process where they were used. This change will mean that, like other places you can supply configuration, configured is not a good place to put secrets: You should not include any values in configuration that you don't want to be stored in the Dagster database and displayed inside Dagit.
  • fs_io_manager, s3_pickle_io_manager, and gcs_pickle_io_manager, and adls_pickle_io_manager no longer write out a file or object when handling an output with the None or Nothing type.
  • The custom_path_fs_io_manager has been removed, as its functionality is entirely subsumed by the fs_io_manager, where a custom path can be specified via config.
  • The default typing_type of a DagsterType is now typing.Any instead of None.

New since 0.15.8

  • [dagster-databricks] When using the databricks_pyspark_step_launcher the events sent back to the host process are now compressed before sending, resulting in significantly better performance for steps which produce a large number of events.
  • [dagster-dbt] If an error occurs in load_assets_from_dbt_project while loading your repository, the error message in Dagit will now display additional context from the dbt logs, instead of just DagsterDbtCliFatalRuntimeError.


  • Fixed a bug that causes Dagster to ignore the group_name argument to AssetsDefinition.from_graph when a key_prefix argument is also present.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause GraphQL errors in Dagit when loading repositories that contained multiple assets created from the same graph.
  • Ops and software-defined assets with the None return type annotation are now given the Nothing type instead of the Any type.
  • Fixed a bug that caused AssetsDefinition.from_graph and from_op to fail when invoked on a configured op.
  • The materialize function, which is not experimental, no longer emits an experimental warning.
  • Fixed a bug where runs from different repositories would be intermingled when viewing the runs for a specific repository-scoped job/schedule/sensor.
  • [dagster-dbt] A regression was introduced in 0.15.8 that would cause dbt logs to show up in json format in the UI. This has been fixed.
  • [dagster-databricks] Previously, if you were using the databricks_pyspark_step_launcher, and the external step failed to start, a RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST error would be surfaced, without helpful context. Now, in most cases, the root error causing the step to fail will be surfaced instead.


  • New guide that walks through seamlessly transitioning code from development to production environments.
  • New guide that demonstrates using Branch Deployments to test Dagster code in your cloud environment without impacting your production data.
dagster - 0.15.8 (2022-07-28)

Published by gibsondan about 2 years ago


  • Software-defined asset config schemas are no longer restricted to dicts.
  • The OpDefinition constructor now accept ins and outs arguments, to make direct construction easier.
  • define_dagstermill_op accepts ins and outs in order to make direct construction easier.


  • Fixed a bug where default configuration was not applied when assets were selected for materialization in Dagit.
  • Fixed a bug where RunRequests returned from run_status_sensors caused the sensor to error.
  • When supplying config to define_asset_job, an error would occur when selecting most asset subsets. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed an error introduced in 0.15.7 that would prevent viewing the execution plan for a job re-execution from 0.15.0 → 0.15.6
  • [dagit] The Dagit server now returns 500 http status codes for GraphQL requests that encountered an unexpected server error.
  • [dagit] Fixed a bug that made it impossible to kick off materializations of partitioned asset if the day_offset, hour_offset, or minute_offset parameters were set on the asset’s partitions definition.
  • [dagster-k8s] Fixed a bug where overriding the Kubernetes command to use to run a Dagster job by setting the dagster-k8s/config didn’t actually override the command.
  • [dagster-datahub] Pinned version of acryl-datahub to avoid build error.

Breaking Changes

  • The constructor of JobDefinition objects now accept a config argument, and the preset_defs argument has been removed.


  • DagsterPipelineRunMetadataValue has been renamed to DagsterRunMetadataValue. DagsterPipelineRunMetadataValue will be removed in 1.0.

Community Contributions

  • Thanks to @hassen-io for fixing a broken link in the docs!


  • MetadataEntry static methods are now marked as deprecated in the docs.
  • PartitionMappings are now included in the API reference.
  • A dbt example and memoization example using legacy APIs have been removed from the docs site.
dagster - 0.15.7 (2022-07-21)

Published by rexledesma about 2 years ago


  • DagsterRun now has a job_name property, which should be used instead of pipeline_name.
  • TimeWindowPartitionsDefinition now has a get_partition_keys_in_range method which returns a sequence of all the partition keys between two partition keys.
  • OpExecutionContext now has asset_partitions_def_for_output and asset_partitions_def_for_input methods.
  • Dagster now errors immediately with an informative message when two AssetsDefinition objects with the same key are provided to the same repository.
  • build_output_context now accepts a partition_key argument that can be used when testing the handle_output method of an IO manager.


  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to load inputs using a DagsterTypeLoader if the InputDefinition had an asset_key set.
  • Ops created with the @asset and @multi_asset decorators no longer have a top-level “assets” entry in their config schema. This entry was unused.
  • In 0.15.6, a bug was introduced that made it impossible to load repositories if assets that had non-standard metadata attached to them were present. This has been fixed.
  • [dagster-dbt] In some cases, using load_assets_from_dbt_manifest with a select parameter that included sources would result in an error. This has been fixed.
  • [dagit] Fixed an error where a race condition of a sensor/schedule page load and the sensor/schedule removal caused a GraphQL exception to be raised.
  • [dagit] The “Materialize” button no longer changes to “Rematerialize” in some scenarios
  • [dagit] The live overlays on asset views, showing latest materialization and run info, now load faster
  • [dagit] Typing whitespace into the launchpad Yaml editor no longer causes execution to fail to start
  • [dagit] The explorer sidebar no longer displays “mode” label and description for jobs, since modes are deprecated.

Community Contributions

  • An error will now be raised if a @repository decorated function expects parameters. Thanks @roeij!


  • The non-asset version of the Hacker News example, which lived inside examples/hacker_news/, has been removed, because it hadn’t received updates in a long time and had drifted from best practices. The asset version is still there and has an updated README. Check it out here

All Changes


  • 57acdd5 - Correct check for pickle s3 io manager (#8834) by @ripplekhera
  • 4114910 - [dagit] Always show “Materialize” instead of “Rematerialize” based on status (#8711) by @bengotow
  • 972274c - [dagster-dbt] make group configurable for load_assets_from_dbt (#8863) by @OwenKephart
  • 05fc596 - asset_partitions_def on InputContext and OutputContext (#8858) by @sryza
  • 2d86c76 - [dagster-dbt] refactor the dbt asset integration (#8793) by @OwenKephart
  • 150bc3e - PartitionMappings when non-partitioned assets depend on partitioned assets (#8866) by @sryza
  • 70a7dbf - [dagster-dbt] seeds and snapshots are assets when using dbt build (#8794) by @OwenKephart
  • e46b9a0 - Document valid names for asset keys (#8765) by @jamiedemaria
  • 2357a02 - [docs] Dagster + dbt guide (#8714) by @OwenKephart
  • dbaed58 - 0.15.6 changelog (#8876) by @yuhan
  • 5bb50c0 - provide description for MAP ConfigType (#8824) by @Jiafi
  • b1aa83a - Retrieve minimal set of asset records for assetsLatestInfo (#8835) by @bengotow
  • b8493f3 - error when duplicate asset keys on a repository (#8874) by @sryza
  • 084c66c - [docs] - Add Airflow Operator to Op Docs (#8875) by @clairelin135
  • 2f15fbf - dagster-datahub Rest and Kafka Emitter integration (#8764) by @Jiafi
  • 0988274 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.15.6 by @elementl-devtools
  • 0e83834 - [1.0] move solid to dagster.legacy (#8843) by @dpeng817
  • bc5e502 - Extract ECS task overrides (#8842) by @jmsanders
  • e3ea175 - [graphql] tolerate empty runConfigData (#8886) by @alangenfeld
  • 56c7023 - [dagit] Fix edge case where “ “ launchpad config is not coerced to an empty object (#8895) by @bengotow
  • ee2e977 - Fix ScheduleRootQuery typo (#8903) by @johannkm
  • 61c1c20 - unloadable shit (#8887) by @prha
  • 711b323 - Change base image for OSS release builds (#8902) by @gibsondan
  • c85e158 - change deprecation warnings to 1.0 (#8892) by @dpeng817
  • cd779b1 - update README for hacker news assets example (#8904) by @sryza
  • e657abd - [hacker news] add missing key prefix to activity analytics python assets (#8817) by @sryza
  • 4da2a9e - [buildkite] Specify internal branch used for compatibility pipeline (#8881) by @smackesey
  • 6c97c75 - [dagit] Remove “mode” label and description in explorer sidebar (#8907) by @bengotow
  • 4cefd84 - remove the non-asset version of the hacker news example (#8883) by @sryza
  • 23a9997 - Error when @repository-decorated function has arguments (#8913) by @roeij
  • f787d6d - [docs] - Correct snippets for dbt (#8923) by @erinkcochran87
  • 1961e51 - [bug] fix input loading regression (#8885) by @OwenKephart
  • ff87738 - [docs] - graph backed assets doc fix (#8927) by @jamiedemaria
  • 18f254d - silence system-originated experimental warning for PartitionMapping (#8931) by @sryza
  • a2df1de - Add partition key to build_output_context, add documentation for partition_key on build_op_context (#8774) by @dpeng817
  • 53287b9 - fix dimensions of screenshot on connecting ops tutorial page (#8908) by @sryza
  • c00de5b - ttv: remove undocumented/legacy example - user in loop (#8934) by @yuhan
  • 31f3283 - [docs] - Clean up graph-backed asset example, put under test (#8893) by @dpeng817
  • 7c60a46 - [docs] - Fix garbled sentence in ops.mdx (#8935) by @schrockn
  • c554461 - enable getting asset partitions def from op context (#8924) by @sryza
  • 7c13e28 - Increase test_docker_monitoring timeout (#8906) by @johannkm
  • 6365996 - PartitionsDefinition.get_partition_keys_in_range (#8933) by @sryza
  • b58d711 - Move pipeline to dagster.legacy (#8888) by @dpeng817
  • 7e11df2 - [dagit] Rename search open event (#8954) by @hellendag
  • f3caeae - [dagit] Adjust shift-selection behavior in asset graphs (#8950) by @bengotow
  • 65caf79 - [dagit] Clean up code around the graph sidebar (#8914) by @bengotow
  • 5bd5c8b - add a job_name property to PipelineRun (#8928) by @sryza
  • 9421f73 - remove partition entries from asset op config schema (#8951) by @sryza
  • 000d37a - avoid pipelines in run status sensor doc snippets (#8929) by @sryza
  • a9b25dd - [bug] Fix issue where 'invalid' asset metadata resulted in an error (#8947) by @OwenKephart
  • 4dadcd4 - [dagster-dbt] fix tagged source asset loading (#8943) by @OwenKephart
  • 065adbd - fix black in run status sensor docs example (#8974) by @sryza
  • 164c585 - [known state] fix build_for_reexecution bug (#8975) by @alangenfeld
  • cc70c88 - Document deprecation of MetadataEntry static constructors (#8984) by @smackesey
  • eed9277 - changelog (#8986) by @jamiedemaria
  • b283b8a - 0.15.7 by @elementl-devtools
dagster - 0.15.6 (2022-07-15)

Published by Ramshackle-Jamathon over 2 years ago


  • When an exception is wrapped by another exception and raised within an op, Dagit will now display the full chain of exceptions, instead of stopping after a single exception level.
  • A default_logger_defs argument has been added to the @repository decorator. Check out the docs on specifying default loggers to learn more.
  • AssetsDefinition.from_graph and AssetsDefinition.from_op now both accept a partition_mappings argument.
  • AssetsDefinition.from_graph and AssetsDefinition.from_op now both accept a metadata_by_output_name argument.
  • define_asset_job now accepts an executor_def argument.
  • Removed package pin for gql in dagster-graphql.
  • You can now apply a group name to assets produced with the @multi_asset decorator, either by supplying a group_name argument (which will apply to all of the output assets), or by setting the group_name argument on individual AssetOuts.
  • InputContext and OutputContext now each have an asset_partitions_def property, which returns the PartitionsDefinition of the asset that’s being loaded or stored.
  • build_schedule_from_partitioned_job now raises a more informative error when provided a non-partitioned asset job
  • PartitionMapping, IdentityPartitionMapping, AllPartitionMapping, and LastPartitionMapping are exposed at the top-level dagster package. They're currently marked experimental.
  • When a non-partitioned asset depends on a partitioned asset, you can now control which partitions of the upstream asset are used by the downstream asset, by supplying a PartitionMapping.
  • You can now set PartitionMappings on AssetIn.
  • [dagit] Made performance improvements to the loading of the partitions and backfill pages.
  • [dagit] The Global Asset Graph is back by popular demand, and can be reached via a new “View global asset lineage ”link on asset group and asset catalog pages! The global graph keeps asset in the same group visually clustered together and the query bar allows you to visualize a custom slice of your asset graph.
  • [dagit] Simplified the Content Security Policy and removed frame-ancestors restriction.
  • [dagster-dbt] load_assets_from_dbt_project and load_assets_from_dbt_manifest now support a node_info_to_group_name_fn parameter, allowing you to customize which group Dagster will assign each dbt asset to.
  • [dagster-dbt] When you supply a runtime_metadata_fn when loading dbt assets, this metadata is added to the default metadata that dagster-dbt generates, rather than replacing it entirely.
  • [dagster-dbt] When you load dbt assets with use_build_command=True, seeds and snapshots will now be represented as Dagster assets. Previously, only models would be loaded as assets.


  • Fixed an issue where runs that were launched using the DockerRunLauncher would sometimes use Dagit’s Python environment as the entrypoint to launch the run, even if that environment did not exist in the container.
  • Dagster no longer raises a “Duplicate definition found” error when a schedule definition targets a partitioned asset job.
  • Silenced some erroneous warnings that arose when using software-defined assets.
  • When returning multiple outputs as a tuple, empty list values no longer cause unexpected exceptions.
  • [dagit] Fixed an issue with graph-backed assets causing a GraphQL error when graph inputs were type-annotated.
  • [dagit] Fixed an issue where attempting to materialize graph-backed assets caused a graphql error.
  • [dagit] Fixed an issue where partitions could not be selected when materializing partitioned assets with associated resources.
  • [dagit] Attempting to materialize assets with required resources now only presents the launchpad modal if at least one resource defines a config schema.

Breaking Changes

  • An op with a non-optional DynamicOutput will now error if no outputs are returned or yielded for that dynamic output.
  • If an Output object is used to type annotate the return of an op, an Output object must be returned or an error will result.

Community Contributions

  • Dagit now displays the path of the output handled by PickledObjectS3IOManager in run logs and Asset view. Thanks @danielgafni


  • The Hacker News example now uses stable 0.15+ asset APIs, instead of the deprecated 0.14.x asset APIs.
  • Fixed the build command in the instructions for contributing docs changes.
  • [dagster-dbt] The dagster-dbt integration guide now contains information on using dbt with Software-Defined Assets.

All Changes


  • 583ce34 - Fold asset_defs submodule into main dagster structure (#8446) by @smackesey
  • b4fa57e - Op that runs a kubernetes job (#8161) by @gibsondan
  • a3a5ccb - add validation for graph backed asset graphs (#8754) by @OwenKephart
  • 5d5dd71 - chore: mark snapshots as generated (#8758) by @rexledesma
  • 4a9718d - [op] fix empty list output bug (#8763) by @alangenfeld
  • 397ad03 - [dagster-dbt] Allow SDAs generated with load_assets_from_dbt* to be partitioned (#8725) by @OwenKephart
  • b007a0c - docs: update config schema descriptions for default executors (#8757) by @rexledesma
  • 58518d9 - Restore sensor daemon yielding when evaluating sensors synchronously (#8756) by @prha
  • c449c0f - bypass bucketed queries for mysql versions that do not support it (#8753) by @prha
  • b1ac8d6 - [dagster-dbt] Fix error that occurs when generating events for tests that depend on sources (#8775) by @OwenKephart
  • 2a237a0 - Specifying executor docs examples (#8530) by @dpeng817
  • eccdac2 - prevent multiple sensor evaluations from multithreaded race conditions (#8720) by @prha
  • 519d77f - Fix config case for default executor (#8777) by @dpeng817
  • daadb5a - Ensure graph inputs/outputs are included in all_dagster_types (#8736) by @smackesey
  • a94210a - improve error for build_schedule_from_partitioned_job with non-partitioned asset job (#8776) by @sryza
  • 0bab6fd - [dagit] Bring back the global asset graph as an “all asset groups” view (#8709) by @bengotow
  • f6987da - fix source asset regression (#8784) by @smackesey
  • 530c321 - fix issue with repos and partitioned scheduled asset jobs (#8779) by @sryza
  • b3ba40c - 0.15.5 Changelog (#8781) by @prha
  • 0e32054 - changelog (#8788) by @prha
  • 1452280 - Option to hide daemon heartbeat timestamp in Dagit (#8785) by @johannkm
  • 1e7691d - Fix bug with how resources are applied in materialize (#8790) by @dpeng817
  • ccd1893 - Add default_logger_defs arg to repository (#8512) by @dpeng817
  • e10b6f3 - update hackernews tests to use asset invocation and materialize_to_memory (#8592) by @dpeng817
  • 5bdd6cf - Add MetaDataEntry.path to PickledObjectS3IOManager (#8732) by @danielgafni
  • 6d19b1d - Automation: versioned docs for 0.15.5 by @elementl-devtools
  • f459da0 - add define_asset_job to __all__ (#8791) by @sryza
  • f1a4612 - eliminate incorrect SDA warnings (#8769) by @sryza
  • 738e7eb - update hacker news assets example for post-0.15.0 APIs (#7904) by @sryza
  • 5938830 - partition mappings on graph-backed assets (#8768) by @sryza
  • b721c70 - Snowflake IO Manager handles pandas timestamps (#8760) by @jamiedemaria
  • cb178b1 - Add Python 3.10 testing to BK and other image adjustments (#7700) by @smackesey
  • f4415aa - Option to skip daemon heartbeats with no errors (#8670) by @johannkm
  • 2d35b84 - Assorted type annotations (#8356) by @smackesey
  • 3e1d539 - Bump urllib3 (#8808) by @dependabot[bot]
  • de366db - Bump rsa (#8807) by @dependabot[bot]
  • 6771e78 - Bump pyyaml (#8806) by @dependabot[bot]
  • 44492db - Change default local grpc behavior to send back "dagster" as the entry point to use, rather than dagit's python environment (#8571) by @gibsondan
  • 776d701 - move Metadata and Tags concept page under jobs section (#8813) by @sryza
  • c142bd9 - updates to multi-assets docs page (#8814) by @sryza
  • 3eb0afd - Update asset ID to contain repository location and name (#8762) by @clairelin135
  • a05f9b1 - unpin gql (#8822) by @prha
  • c89d01e - remove unused old partitions ui (#8796) by @prha
  • 1539cfb - fix broken asset deps in hacker news example (#8809) by @sryza
  • 7f5cd8e - [dagit] Bump TS version (#8704) by @hellendag
  • 8da4644 - fix contributing docs (#8789) by @prha
  • 1714bc9 - Better support for nested causes in dagit (#8823) by @gibsondan
  • 641c707 - [easy] Fix docs link for RetryPolicy (#8830) by @gibsondan
  • 04fb5c1 - Remove the "cronjobs" permission from the helm chart (#8827) by @gibsondan
  • e7111f9 - fix gql resolver for graph-backed assets resources (#8825) by @smackesey
  • 418952d - refactor run storage to enable backfill status queries (#8695) by @prha
  • 3eae463 - refactor backfill / partition pages to stop run fetching (#8696) by @prha
  • 47238c2 - add multi_or_in_process_executor to __all__ (#8831) by @smackesey
  • a3ec60b - avoid apollo cache collision for partition/backfill status (#8841) by @prha
  • f741443 - distinguish between [] and None for asset queries (#8838) by @prha
  • 9906c4b - override batch loader to use asset records instead of legacy event materialization method (#8839) by @prha
  • e523dad - [dagit] Add analytics.group (#8832) by @hellendag
  • 52d4fdf - [dagster-io/ui] Fix disabled Button (#8844) by @hellendag
  • 633d6b4 - Fix issue where partitioned assets with resources fail materialization in dagit (#8837) by @smackesey
  • 652d12e - [dagit] Tweak analytics function sigs (#8851) by @hellendag
  • 7cd7de8 - [asset-defs] allow multi assets to have group names (#8847) by @OwenKephart
  • acf8c4d - Refactor op return checking code (#8755) by @dpeng817
  • df5833e - [dagit] Remove frame-ancestors restriction (#8850) by @hellendag
  • e5aca1b - adjust error messages (#8853) by @dpeng817
  • fb89b1f - [dagit] Update CRA, simplify CSP (#8854) by @hellendag
  • 50dbd6a - key_prefix for AssetsDefinition from_graph and from_op (#8859) by @jamiedemaria
  • 105ad88 - easy: fix dagster pandas link (#8862) by @yuhan
  • 1d33b3f - executor_definition on define_asset_job (#8856) by @sryza
  • c9cc22b - include airflow_operator_to_op in apidoc (#8860) by @sryza
  • 0fc21f5 - add metdata_by_output_name (#8861) by @OwenKephart
  • 3916741 - [dagster-dbt] make group configurable for load_assets_from_dbt (#8863) by @OwenKephart
  • 7eded6b - asset_partitions_def on InputContext and OutputContext (#8858) by @sryza
  • 2dfcff7 - [dagster-dbt] refactor the dbt asset integration (#8793) by @OwenKephart
  • 915948e - [dagster-dbt] seeds and snapshots are assets when using dbt build (#8794) by @OwenKephart
  • e7a82d0 - PartitionMappings when non-partitioned assets depend on partitioned assets (#8866) by @sryza
  • a555b22 - [docs] Dagster + dbt guide (#8714) by @OwenKephart
  • 6e4dfcb - 0.15.6 by @elementl-devtools
dagster - 0.15.5 (2022-07-07)

Published by jmsanders over 2 years ago


  • Added documentation and helm chart configuration for threaded sensor evaluations.
  • Added documentation and helm chart configuration for tick retention policies.
  • Added descriptions for default config schema. Fields like execution, loggers, ops, and resources are now documented.
  • UnresolvedAssetJob objects can now be passed to run status sensors.
  • [dagit] A new global asset lineage view, linked from the Asset Catalog and Asset Group pages, allows you to view a graph of assets in all loaded asset groups and filter by query selector and repo.
  • [dagit] A new option on Asset Lineage pages allows you to choose how many layers of the upstream / downstream graph to display.
  • [dagit] Dagit's DAG view now collapses large sets of edges between the same ops for improved readability and rendering performance.


  • Fixed a bug with materialize that would cause required resources to not be applied correctly.
  • Fixed issue that caused repositories to fail to load when build_schedule_from_partitioned_job and define_asset_job were used together.
  • Fixed a bug that caused auto run retries to always use the FROM_FAILURE strategy
  • Previously, it was possible to construct Software-Defined Assets from graphs whose leaf ops were not mapped to assets. This is invalid, as these ops are not required for the production of any assets, and would cause confusing behavior or errors on execution. This will now result in an error at definition time, as intended.
  • Fixed issue where the run monitoring daemon could mark completed runs as failed if they transitioned quickly between STARTING and SUCCESS status.
  • Fixed stability issues with the sensor daemon introduced in 0.15.3 that caused the daemon to fail heartbeat checks if the sensor evaluation took too long.
  • Fixed issues with the thread pool implementation of the sensor daemon where race conditions caused the sensor to fire more frequently than the minimum interval.
  • Fixed an issue with storage implementations using MySQL server version 5.6 which caused SQL syntax exceptions to surface when rendering the Instance overview pages in Dagit.
  • Fixed a bug with the default_executor_def argument on repository where asset jobs that defined executor config would result in errors.
  • Fixed a bug where an erroneous exception would be raised if an empty list was returned for a list output of an op.
  • [dagit] Clicking the "Materialize" button for assets with configurable resources will now present the asset launchpad.
  • [dagit] If you have an asset group and no jobs, Dagit will display it by default rather than directing you to the asset catalog.
  • [dagit] DAG renderings of software-defined assets now display only the last component of the asset's key for improved readability.
  • [dagit] Fixes a regression where clicking on a source asset would trigger a GraphQL error.
  • [dagit] Fixed issue where the “Unloadable” section on the sensors / schedules pages in Dagit were populated erroneously with loadable sensors and schedules
  • [dagster-dbt] Fixed an issue where an exception would be raised when using the dbt build command with Software-Defined Assets if a test was defined on a source.


  • Removed the deprecated dagster-daemon health-check CLI command

Community Contributions

  • TimeWindow is now exported from the dagster package (Thanks @nvinhphuc!)
  • Added a fix to allow customization of slack messages (Thanks @solarisa21!)
  • [dagster-databricks] The databricks_pyspark_step_launcher now allows you to configure the following (Thanks @Phazure!):
    • the aws_attributes of the cluster that will be spun up for the step.
    • arbitrary environment variables to be copied over to databricks from the host machine, rather than requiring these variables to be stored as secrets.
    • job and cluster permissions, allowing users to view the completed runs through the databricks console, even if they’re kicked off by a service account.


  • [dagster-k8s] Added k8s_job_op to launch a Kubernetes Job with an arbitrary image and CLI command. This is in contrast with the k8s_job_executor, which runs each Dagster op in a Dagster job in its own k8s job. This op may be useful when you need to orchestrate a command that isn't a Dagster op (or isn't written in Python). Usage:

    from dagster_k8s import k8s_job_op
    my_k8s_op = k8s_job_op.configured({
     "image": "busybox",
     "command": ["/bin/sh", "-c"],
     "args": ["echo HELLO"],
  • [dagster-dbt] The dbt asset-loading functions now support partitions_def and partition_key_to_vars_fn parameters, adding preliminary support for partitioned dbt assets. To learn more, check out the Github issue!

All Changes


  • 5192aa0 - Remove unused check_heartbeats arg (#8673) by @johannkm
  • 45e5019 - docs: use dagster brand colors for README (#8660) by @rexledesma
  • a09234a - fix: use absolute url for README images (#8676) by @rexledesma
  • 7a34e49 - Expose TimeWindow in dagster package (#8643) by @nvinhphuc
  • 9842ba8 - hold shift to force asset config modal (#8668) by @smackesey
  • d0ffb1e - add helm values for configuring instance sensor config (#8657) by @prha
  • b335d19 - [dagit] If you have no jobs, prefer routing to asset group over asset catalog (#8613) by @bengotow
  • 44bac29 - [dagit] Add control for graph depth on the Asset Lineage page, default to 5 (#8531) by @bengotow
  • 593cfc4 - [assets] Fix issue with graph backed assets + partitions (#8682) by @OwenKephart
  • eeb23e6 - [dagster-dbt] rework dagster dbt logging, cleanup (#8681) by @OwenKephart
  • b6396aa - Yield run requests from run status sensors (#8635) by @jamiedemaria
  • f53d5f4 - fix docs build (#8688) by @OwenKephart
  • 62801c8 - apidoc for AssetSelection and AssetsDefinition (#8618) by @sryza
  • 17b5233 - Materialize has resources arg, materialize_to_memory sets mem_io_manager for all io managers (#8659) by @dpeng817
  • 44d95b1 - Load asset launchpad for assets with configurable resources (#8677) by @smackesey
  • 01cfe05 - docs: update external links for github issues (#8661) by @rexledesma
  • c1cb62b - docs: convert github issue templates to forms (#8663) by @rexledesma
  • d338a0e - switch unloadable states to dedupe by selector id (#8656) by @prha
  • d3678bc - 0.15.3 changelog (#8690) by @dpeng817
  • e0d5dcb - Automation: versioned docs for 0.15.3 by @elementl-devtools
  • dc91a2d - docs: remove extra cruft from issue form (#8701) by @rexledesma
  • ca432f7 - docs: improve left nav for items with children DREL-359 (#8693) by @yuhan
  • b88b33e - docs: fix prev/next pagination (#8697) by @yuhan
  • 47118bb - docs: docs test should capture Next Image broken links and fix broken links (#8702) by @yuhan
  • 293db00 - [dagit] Display last asset key component on DAG rather than truncated full path (#8692) by @bengotow
  • 0d65304 - [dagit] Collapsed DAG rendering of multiple edges between the same ops (#8479) by @bengotow
  • 7d5bcc8 - [dagit] Add Analytics context (#8674) by @hellendag
  • 3e2fe7e - order the backfill partitions before creating (#8703) by @prha
  • 0533455 - skip threadpool sensor daemon tests (#8717) by @prha
  • 863ba80 - skip threaded sensor tests in py36 (#8726) by @prha
  • dc0fbe8 - Allow run status sensors to support unresolved asset jobs (#8689) by @smackesey
  • 979d644 - [dagster_databricks] - support configuration of job / cluster permissions (#8683) by @Phazure
  • a9ff7ca - [dagster_databricks] support aws_attributes (#8684) by @Phazure
  • 150a06b - [Job Log perf] Use rAF to call throttleSetNodes (#8735) by @salazarm
  • 33f059f - [dagster_databricks] support arbitrary env variables (#8685) by @Phazure
  • c72634c - minor changes to make dev_install (#8745) by @smackesey
  • bc227bb - Remove deprecated daemon health-check cli (#8751) by @johannkm
  • a57caf3 - Add reexecution strategy to auto run retries (#8718) by @johannkm
  • d90fc4a - Fix for blocks_fn option (#8448) by @clairelin135
  • 2d9a9e7 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.15.4 by @elementl-devtools
  • d4735dc - Improve race condition in run monitor (#8729) by @brad-alexander
  • 6f4b300 - Add get_daemon_statuses instance method (#8752) by @johannkm
  • b974184 - 0.15.4 changelog here (#8766) by @prha
  • bdca087 - add retention helm values (#8724) by @prha
  • 823a5d8 - Op that runs a kubernetes job (#8161) by @gibsondan
  • 62f41c4 - [op] fix empty list output bug (#8763) by @alangenfeld
  • 4d88332 - [dagster-dbt] Allow SDAs generated with load_assets_from_dbt* to be partitioned (#8725) by @OwenKephart
  • 874a368 - add validation for graph backed asset graphs (#8754) by @OwenKephart
  • 38ae84b - docs: update config schema descriptions for default executors (#8757) by @rexledesma
  • 0779ab7 - [dagster-dbt] Fix error that occurs when generating events for tests that depend on sources (#8775) by @OwenKephart
  • 5f92ca1 - Restore sensor daemon yielding when evaluating sensors synchronously (#8756) by @prha
  • 4176e42 - bypass bucketed queries for mysql versions that do not support it (#8753) by @prha
  • fd1a3d9 - prevent multiple sensor evaluations from multithreaded race conditions (#8720) by @prha
  • 4058bb5 - Fold asset_defs submodule into main dagster structure (#8446) by @smackesey
  • 87e291e - Fix config case for default executor (#8777) by @dpeng817
  • 1544643 - Ensure graph inputs/outputs are included in all_dagster_types (#8736) by @smackesey
  • eeeb82c - [dagit] Bring back the global asset graph as an “all asset groups” view (#8709) by @bengotow
  • e40122e - fix source asset regression (#8784) by @smackesey
  • 2fe13df - improve error for build_schedule_from_partitioned_job with non-partitioned asset job (#8776) by @sryza
  • a42146f - fix issue with repos and partitioned scheduled asset jobs (#8779) by @sryza
  • 798e9c1 - 0.15.5 Changelog (#8781) by @prha
  • 39fecd4 - Fix bug with how resources are applied in materialize (#8790) by @dpeng817
  • 8f9f0d0 - 0.15.5 by @elementl-devtools
dagster - 0.15.4 (2022-07-06)

Published by prha over 2 years ago


  • Reverted sensor threadpool changes from 0.15.3 to address daemon stability issues.

All Changes


  • d0bc0b4 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.15.3 by @elementl-devtools
  • 73ca70a - Revert "bump timeout for large sensor test (#8671)" by @johannkm
  • c988915 - Revert "Add a threadpool to the sensor daemon (#8642)" by @johannkm
  • 9441ce3 - 0.15.4 by @elementl-devtools
dagster - 0.15.3 (2022-06-30)

Published by rexledesma over 2 years ago


  • When loading an upstream asset or op output as an input, you can now set custom loading behavior using the input_manager_key argument to AssetIn and In
  • The list of objects returned by a repository can now contain nested lists.
  • Added a data retention instance setting in dagster.yaml that enables the automatic removal of sensor/schedule ticks after a certain number of days.
  • Added a sensor daemon setting in dagster.yaml that enables sensor evaluations to happen in a thread pool to increase throughput.
  • materialize_to_memory and materialize now both have the partition_key argument.
  • Output and DynamicOutput objects now work with deep equality checks:
Output(value=5, name="foo") == Output(value=5, name="foo") # evaluates to True
  • RunRequest can now be returned from run status sensors
  • Added resource_defs argument to AssetsDefinition.from_graph. Allows for specifying resources required by constituent ops directly on the asset.
  • When adding a tag to the Run search filter in Dagit by clicking the hover menu on the tag, the tag will now be appended to the filter instead of replacing the entire filter state.


  • [dagster-dbt] An exception is now emitted if you attempt to invoke the library without having dbt-core installed. dbt-core is now also added as a dependency to the library.
  • Asset group names can now contain reserved python keywords
  • Fixed a run config parsing bug that was introduced in 0.15.1 that caused Dagit to interpret datetime strings as datetime objects and octal strings as integers.
  • Runs that have failed to start are now represented in the Instance Timeline view on Dagit.
  • Fixed an issue where the partition status was missing for partitioned jobs that had no runs.
  • Fixed a bug where op/resource invocation would error when resources were required, no context was used in the body of the function, and no context was provided when invoking.
  • [dagster-databricks] Fixed an issue where an exception related to the deprecated prior_attempts_count field when using the databricks_pyspark_step_launcher.
  • [dagster-databricks] Polling information logged from the databricks_pyspark_step_launcher is now emitted at the DEBUG level instead of INFO.
  • In the yaml editor in Dagit, the typeahead feature now correctly shows suggestions for nullable schema types.
  • When editing asset configuration in Dagit, the “Scaffold config” button in the Dagit launchpad sometimes showed the scaffold dialog beneath the launchpad. This has been fixed.
  • A recent change added execution timezones to some human-readable cron strings on schedules in Dagit. This was added incorrectly in some cases, and has now been fixed.
  • In the Dagit launchpad, a config state containing only empty newlines could lead to an error that could break the editor. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed issue that could cause partitioned graph-backed assets to attempt to load upstream inputs from the incorrect path when using the fs_io_manager (or other similar io managers).
  • [dagster-dbt] Fixed issue where errors generated from issuing dbt cli commands would only show json-formatted output, rather than a parsed, human-readable output.
  • [dagster-dbt] By default, dagster will invoke the dbt cli with a --log-format json flag. In some cases, this may cause dbt to report incorrect or misleading error messages. As a workaround, it is now possible to disable this behavior by setting the json_log_format configuration option on the dbt_cli_resource to False.
  • materialize_to_memory erroneously allowed non-in-memory io managers to be used. Now, providing io managers to materialize_to_memory will result in an error, and mem_io_manager will be provided to all io manager keys.

All Changes


dagster - 0.15.2 (2022-06-24)

Published by Ramshackle-Jamathon over 2 years ago


  • Fixed an issue where asset dependency resolution would break when two assets in the same group had the same name

All Changes


  • f78b5ee - Automation: versioned docs for 0.15.1 by @elementl-devtools
  • d13e6b4 - fix asset dep resolution bug when two assets in group have same name (#8609) by @sryza
  • 552cb44 - 0.15.2 by @elementl-devtools
dagster - 0.15.1 (2022-06-23)

Published by benpankow over 2 years ago


  • When Dagster loads an event from the event log of a type that it doesn’t recognize (for example, because it was created by a newer version of Dagster) it will now return a placeholder event rather than raising an exception.
  • AssetsDefinition.from_graph() now accepts a group_name parameter. All assets created by from_graph are assigned to this group.
  • You can define an asset from an op via a new utility method AssetsDefinition.from_op. Dagster will infer asset inputs and outputs from the ins/outs defined on the @op in the same way as @graphs.
  • A default executor definition can be defined on a repository using the default_executor_def argument. The default executor definition will be used for all op/asset jobs that don’t explicitly define their own executor.
  • JobDefinition.run_request_for_partition now accepts a tags argument (Thanks @jburnich!)
  • In Dagit, the graph canvas now has a dotted background to help it stand out from the rest of the UI.
  • @multi_asset now accepts a resource_defs argument. The provided resources can be either used on the context, or satisfy the io manager requirements of the outs on the asset.
  • In Dagit, show execution timezone on cron strings, and use 12-hour or 24-hour time format depending on the user’s locale.
  • In Dagit, when viewing a run and selecting a specific step in the Gantt chart, the compute log selection state will now update to that step as well.
  • define_asset_job and to_job now can now accept a partitions_def argument and a config argument at the same time, as long as the value for the config argument is a hardcoded config dictionary (not a PartitionedConfig or ConfigMapping)


  • Fixed an issue where entering a string in the launchpad that is valid YAML but invalid JSON would render incorrectly in Dagit.
  • Fixed an issue where steps using the k8s_job_executor and docker_executor would sometimes return the same event lines twice in the command-line output for the step.
  • Fixed type annotations on the @op decorator (Thanks Milos Tomic!)
  • Fixed an issue where job backfills were not displayed correctly on the Partition view in Dagit.
  • UnresolvedAssetJobDefinition now supports the run_request_for_partition method.
  • Fixed an issue in Dagit where the Instance Overview page would briefly flash a loading state while loading fresh data.

Breaking Changes

  • Runs that were executed in newer versions of Dagster may produce errors when their event logs are loaded in older versions of Dagit, due to new event types that were recently added. Going forward, Dagit has been made more resilient to handling new events.


  • Updated deprecation warnings to clarify that the deprecated metadata APIs will be removed in 0.16.0, not 0.15.0.


  • If two assets are in the same group and the upstream asset has a multi-segment asset key, the downstream asset doesn’t need to specify the full asset key when declaring its dependency on the upstream asset - just the last segment.


  • Added dedicated sections for op, graph, and job Concept docs in the sidenav
  • Moved graph documentation from the jobs docs into its own page
  • Added documentation for assigning asset groups and viewing them in Dagit
  • Added apidoc for AssetOut and AssetIn
  • Fixed a typo on the Run Configuration concept page (Thanks Wenshuai Hou!)
  • Updated screenshots in the software-defined assets tutorial to match the new Dagit UI
  • Fixed a typo in the Defining an asset section of the software-defined assets tutorial (Thanks Daniel Kim!)

All Contributors


  • 67147f6 - [docs] - Asset grouping [CON-295] (#8375) by @erinkcochran87
  • 0b1c33c - Run retries docs (#8367) by @johannkm
  • 6bdeec7 - [dagit] Update the linking between asset groups + jobs (#8377) by @bengotow
  • f1bda18 - [docs] - New Jobs & Graphs structure [CON-289] (#8035) by @erinkcochran87
  • 6e9a5b1 - remove old asset lineage from docs (#8382) by @sryza
  • 1ac7d04 - fix docs lint (#8387) by @gibsondan
  • 6b597ff - Patch op definition resolution for assets in GQL (#8384) by @smackesey
  • cf7b79f - Remove broken/unused examples from dbt guide (#8383) by @erinkcochran87
  • a94ba57 - chore(graphql): remove description linter (#8376) by @rexledesma
  • c497b70 - Make asset invocation error if resources conflict (#8390) by @dpeng817
  • 5388559 - materialize_in_process -> materialize_to_memory (#8391) by @dpeng817
  • c4da0da - apidoc for AssetOut and AssetIn (#8388) by @sryza
  • f20939c - Fix problems from "remove old asset lineage from docs (#8382)" (#8389) by @sryza
  • ee2dd3e - Changelog 0.15.0 (#8395) by @clairelin135
  • ea3023c - [docs] - Update config docs with assets (#8370) by @smackesey
  • 09b35ed - [dagit] Fix launch parameters when an asset is partitioned and a graph (#8393) by @bengotow
  • 41ea0be - Automation: versioned docs for 0.15.0 by @elementl-devtools
  • e7d5c2c - Migration guide 0.15.0 (#8392) by @smackesey
  • 04471ad - fix type error (#8379) by @salazarm
  • a93c447 - add tags in run_request_for_partition (#8344) by @jburnich
  • 46aa277 - Add example asset groups (#8371) by @clairelin135
  • 3381d24 - [docs] - Update types to contain assets (#8341) by @clairelin135
  • 993ffae - [dagit] Change compute log op when selecting in Gantt (#8397) by @hellendag
  • a790cd3 - docs: default to master version when vercel env is not prod (#8396) by @yuhan
  • bf5d8be - docs: when gh discussion dont use Link and open in a new tab (#8402) by @yuhan
  • d32d2e5 - Add redirect (#8412) by @erinkcochran87
  • 390a70c - [ui] Add optional joined prop for buttons (#7491) by @benpankow
  • a8598f2 - Fix deserialization of RunsFilter (#8415) by @johannkm
  • 06f9a6e - docs: fix slack hooks example (#8403) by @rexledesma
  • c4c68ad - Handle errors with an empty stack trace in dagit error viewer (#8427) by @gibsondan
  • 200b87f - [dagster-io/ui] Move ConfigEditor to ui (#8413) by @hellendag
  • 514f2e0 - [dagster-io/ui] Release v1.0.5 (#8433) by @hellendag
  • 2f1f0e5 - [ui] Ensure JoinedButtons works with nested Buttons (#8419) by @benpankow
  • c33f1c1 - bump target deprecation versions (#8386) by @sryza
  • dc6f99a - [docs] - Add SDA upgrade guide to sidenav (#8437) by @erinkcochran87
  • 5721e2f - swap string run config parser from JSON to YAML (#8436) by @gibsondan
  • 473fe82 - [dagit] Send YAML insead of parsed JSON (#8443) by @hellendag
  • dc10e4d - fix some grammar (#8435) by @prha
  • 57d0d70 - add types-proto pin (#8447) by @gibsondan
  • 3b26aae - [docs] - Clarify the relationship between ops and assets on op concept page (#8409) by @sryza
  • 70e2512 - [dagit] Repair loading state on Instance Overview (#8450) by @hellendag
  • 20a5c9f - fix typo (#8451) by @clairelin135
  • ffbdb0a - Update runtime type checks in resource definition invocation (#8432) by @gibsondan
  • af50d0c - remove dagster io repo mention (#8459) by @yuhan
  • 154e77f - Update docs/content/concepts/configuration/configured.mdx (#8464) by @wenhoujx
  • 3bb4e92 - fix(dagster/decorators): op_decorator documentation update (#8179) by @mict0
  • 3dc36d0 - [dagit] “Canvas” dots on the DAGs 🎨 (#8455) by @bengotow
  • 196f6e4 - [dbt-python-assets] demo repository (#8460) by @OwenKephart
  • 642196b - [dagit] Fix UI issues around graph backed assets (#8458) by @bengotow
  • 65730eb - [dagit] Repair empty config case in Launchpad (#8483) by @hellendag
  • d1c75c5 - [dagster-io/ui] MaybeTooltip (#8445) by @hellendag
  • afc44ef - add backfills for jobs (#8496) by @prha
  • 1c94d14 - fix lint error in types concepts page (#8495) by @sryza
  • ec8b6d1 - post-0.15.0 docs fixups (#8470) by @sryza
  • bbf601d - [hopefully easy] annotations of resource_defs become mapping (#8501) by @dpeng817
  • 18d8c82 - remove unsupported python version for python dbt example (#8503) by @sryza
  • 3beed66 - Accept a group_name in AssetsDefinition.from_graph() (#8406) by @shalabhc
  • bfb0ea4 - Clarify points in direct operation section (#8497) by @erinkcochran87
  • fb489ea - [dagit] Remove code for a disabled layout feature (#8478) by @bengotow
  • 49f7e2b - [dagit] Loosen the state machine expectations around run steps (#8480) by @bengotow
  • 73cdf31 - Add constant for default io manager key (#8506) by @dpeng817
  • 906aa43 - annotations of logger_defs become mapping (#8502) by @dpeng817
  • 2e8f365 - [dagit] Add timezone and 24h format to humanCronString (#8520) by @hellendag
  • 26f7fec - Fix module structure on deploying docs examples (#8511) by @dpeng817
  • 283d643 - Make default_executor_def on repo work on jobs (#8490) by @dpeng817
  • 8ba8735 - refactor stephandler API to support the same yield+write pattern as other executors (#8357) by @gibsondan
  • b5db3ef - graphql test case for a memoization job (#8442) by @gibsondan
  • 71b6d4f - [dagit] Collapse assets in Run header if many of them (#8533) by @hellendag
  • 830cfba - Fallback to a placeholder event on a new event type that we don't recognize instead of raising an exception (#8542) by @gibsondan
  • c2d5da3 - solid to op in graph error (#8539) by @sryza
  • 483c276 - new typed events for step process start/end and resource init/teardown (#8368) by @gibsondan
  • 2e15db4 - Use status column for reading runs from sql storage (#8528) by @johannkm
  • b480254 - [ui] Add ability to supply TokenizingField with raw tokens (#8444) by @benpankow
  • c578e58 - resources_init mypy (#8536) by @dpeng817
  • aca896d - fix executor test (#8566) by @gibsondan
  • 0446281 - AssetsDefinition.from_op (#8508) by @clairelin135
  • 3373106 - Add resource_defs arg to multi_assets (#8529) by @dpeng817
  • c695fe1 - Add run_request_for_partition to UnresolvedAssetJobDefinition (#8441) by @smackesey
  • 14f32bc - [docs] - Update screenshots in tutorials (#8494) by @erinkcochran87
  • eb0b3c1 - group-based asset dependency resolution (#8517) by @sryza
  • 534a619 - enable setting partitions_def and config at the same time (#8581) by @sryza
  • fa7acc5 - changelog for 0.15.1 (#8582) by @sryza
  • d66a5fe - 0.15.1 by @elementl-devtools
dagster - 0.15.0 - Cool for the Summer (2022-06-14)

Published by clairelin135 over 2 years ago

Major Changes

  • Software-defined assets are now marked fully stable and are ready for prime time - we recommend using them whenever your goal using Dagster is to build and maintain data assets.
  • You can now organize software defined assets into groups by providing a group_name on your asset definition. These assets will be grouped together in Dagit.
  • Software-defined assets now accept configuration, similar to ops. E.g.
    from dagster import asset
    @asset(config_schema={"iterations": int})
    def my_asset(context):
        for i in range(context.op_config["iterations"]):
  • Asset definitions can now be created from graphs via AssetsDefinition.from_graph:
    @graph(out={"asset_one": GraphOut(), "asset_two": GraphOut()})
    def my_graph(input_asset):
    graph_asset = AssetsDefinition.from_graph(my_graph)
  • execute_in_process and GraphDefinition.to_job now both accept an input_values argument, so you can pass arbitrary Python objects to the root inputs of your graphs and jobs.
  • Ops that return Outputs and DynamicOutputs now work well with Python type annotations. You no longer need to sacrifice static type checking just because you want to include metadata on an output. E.g.
    from dagster import Output, op
    def my_op() -> Output[int]:
        return Output(5, metadata={"a": "b"})
  • You can now automatically re-execute runs from failure. This is analogous to op-level retries, except at the job level.
  • You can now supply arbitrary structured metadata on jobs, which will be displayed in Dagit.
  • The partitions and backfills pages in Dagit have been redesigned to be faster and show the status of all partitions, instead of just the last 30 or so.
  • The left navigation pane in Dagit is now grouped by repository, which makes it easier to work with when you have large numbers of jobs, especially when jobs in different repositories have the same name.
  • The Asset Details page for a software-defined asset now includes a Lineage tab, which makes it easy to see all the assets that are upstream or downstream of an asset.

Breaking Changes and Deprecations

Software-defined assets

This release marks the official transition of software-defined assets from experimental to stable. We made some final changes to incorporate feedback and make the APIs as consistent as possible:

  • Support for adding tags to asset materializations, which was previously marked as experimental, has been removed.
  • Some of the properties of the previously-experimental AssetsDefinition class have been renamed. group_names is now group_names_by_key, asset_keys_by_input_name is now keys_by_input_name, and asset_keys_by_output_name is now keys_by_output_name, asset_key is now key, and asset_keys is now keys.
  • Removes previously experimental IO manager fs_asset_io_manager in favor of merging its functionality with fs_io_manager. fs_io_manager is now the default IO manager for asset jobs, and will store asset outputs in a directory named with the asset key. Similarly, removed adls2_pickle_asset_io_manager, gcs_pickle_asset_io_manager , and s3_pickle_asset_io_manager. Instead, adls2_pickle_io_manager, gcs_pickle_io_manager, and s3_pickle_io_manager now support software-defined assets.
  • (deprecation) The namespace argument on the @asset decorator and AssetIn has been deprecated. Users should use key_prefix instead.
  • (deprecation) AssetGroup has been deprecated. Users should instead place assets directly on repositories, optionally attaching resources using with_resources. Asset jobs should be defined using define_assets_job (replacing AssetGroup.build_job), and arbitrary sets of assets can be materialized using the standalone function materialize (replacing AssetGroup.materialize).
  • (deprecation) The outs property of the previously-experimental @multi_asset decorator now prefers a dictionary whose values are AssetOut objects instead of a dictionary whose values are Out objects. The latter still works, but is deprecated.
  • The previously-experimental property on OpExecutionContext called output_asset_partition_key is now deprecated in favor of asset_partition_key_for_output

Event records

  • The get_event_records method on DagsterInstance now requires a non-None argument event_records_filter. Passing a None value for the event_records_filter argument will now raise an exception where previously it generated a deprecation warning.
  • Removed methods events_for_asset_key and get_asset_events, which have been deprecated since 0.12.0.

Extension libraries

  • [dagster-dbt] (breaks previously-experimental API) When using the load_assets_from_dbt_project or load_assets_from_dbt_manifest , the AssetKeys generated for dbt sources are now the union of the source name and the table name, and the AssetKeys generated for models are now the union of the configured schema name for a given model (if any), and the model name. To revert to the old behavior: dbt_assets = load_assets_from_dbt_project(..., node_info_to_asset_key=lambda node_info: AssetKey(node_info["name"]).
  • [dagster-k8s] In the Dagster Helm chart, user code deployment configuration (like secrets, configmaps, or volumes) is now automatically included in any runs launched from that code. Previously, this behavior was opt-in. In most cases, this will not be a breaking change, but in less common cases where a user code deployment was running in a different kubernetes namespace or using a different service account, this could result in missing secrets or configmaps in a launched run that previously worked. You can return to the previous behavior where config on the user code deployment was not applied to any runs by setting the includeConfigInLaunchedRuns.enabled field to false for the user code deployment. See the Kubernetes Deployment docs for more details.
  • [dagster-snowflake] dagster-snowflake has dropped support for python 3.6. The library it is currently built on, snowflake-connector-python, dropped 3.6 support in their recent 2.7.5 release.


  • The prior_attempts_count parameter is now removed from step-launching APIs. This parameter was not being used, as the information it held was stored elsewhere in all cases. It can safely be removed from invocations without changing behavior.
  • The FileCache class has been removed.
  • Previously, when schedules/sensors targeted jobs with the same name as other jobs in the repo, the jobs on the sensor/schedule would silently overwrite the other jobs. Now, this will cause an error.

New since 0.14.20

  • A new define_asset_job function allows you to define a selection of assets that should be executed together. The selection can be a simple string, or an AssetSelection object. This selection will be resolved into a set of assets once placed on the repository.

    from dagster import repository, define_asset_job, AssetSelection
    string_selection_job = define_asset_job(
        name="foo_job", selection="*foo"
    object_selection_job = define_asset_job(
        name="bar_job", selection=AssetSelection.groups("some_group")
    def my_repo():
        return [
  • [dagster-dbt] Assets loaded with load_assets_from_dbt_project and load_assets_from_dbt_manifest will now be sorted into groups based on the subdirectory of the project that each model resides in.

  • @asset and @multi_asset are no longer considered experimental.

  • Adds new utility methods load_assets_from_modules, assets_from_current_module, assets_from_package_module, and assets_from_package_name to fetch and return a list of assets from within the specified python modules.

  • Resources and io managers can now be provided directly on assets and source assets.

    from dagster import asset, SourceAsset, resource, io_manager
    def foo_resource():
    @asset(resource_defs={"foo": foo_resource})
    def the_resource(context):
        foo = context.resources.foo
    def the_manager():
    def the_asset():

    Note that assets provided to a job must not have conflicting resource for the same key. For a given job, all resource definitions must match by reference equality for a given key.

  • A materialize_to_memory method which will load the materializations of a provided list of assets into memory:

    from dagster import asset, materialize_to_memory
    def the_asset():
        return 5
    result = materialize_to_memory([the_asset])
    output = result.output_for_node("the_asset")
  • A with_resources method, which allows resources to be added to multiple assets / source assets at once:

    from dagster import asset, with_resources, resource
    def requires_foo(context):
    def also_requires_foo(context):
    def foo_resource():
    requires_foo, also_requires_foo = with_resources(
        [requires_foo, also_requires_foo], 
        {"foo": foo_resource},
  • You can now include asset definitions directly on repositories. A default_executor_def property has been added to the repository, which will be used on any materializations of assets provided directly to the repository.

    from dagster import asset, repository, multiprocess_executor
    def my_asset():
    def repo():
        return [my_asset]
  • The run_storage, event_log_storage, and schedule_storage configuration sections of the dagster.yaml can now be replaced by a unified storage configuration section. This should avoid duplicate configuration blocks with your dagster.yaml. For example, instead of:

    # dagster.yaml
    module: dagster_postgres.run_storage
    class: PostgresRunStorage
        postgres_url: { PG_DB_CONN_STRING }
    module: dagster_postgres.event_log
    class: PostgresEventLogStorage
        postgres_url: { PG_DB_CONN_STRING }
    module: dagster_postgres.schedule_storage
    class: PostgresScheduleStorage
        postgres_url: { PG_DB_CONN_STRING }

    You can now write:

        postgres_url: { PG_DB_CONN_STRING }
  • All assets where a group_name is not provided are now part of a group called default.

  • The group_name parameter value for @asset is now restricted to only allow letters, numbers and underscore.

  • You can now set policies to automatically retry Job runs. This is analogous to op-level retries, except at the job level. By default the retries pick up from failure, meaning only failed ops and their dependents are executed.

  • [dagit] The new repository-grouped left navigation is fully launched, and is no longer behind a feature flag.

  • [dagit] The left navigation can now be collapsed even when the viewport window is wide. Previously, the navigation was collapsible only for small viewports, but kept in a fixed, visible state for wide viewports. This visible/collapsed state for wide viewports is now tracked in localStorage, so your preference will persist across sessions.

  • [dagit] Queued runs can now be terminated from the Run page.

  • [dagit] The log filter on a Run page now shows counts for each filter type, and the filters have higher contrast and a switch to indicate when they are on or off.

  • [dagit] The partitions and backfill pages have been redesigned to focus on easily viewing the last run state by partition. These redesigned pages were previously gated behind a feature flag — they are now loaded by default.

  • [dagster-k8s] Overriding labels in the K8sRunLauncher will now apply to both the Kubernetes job and the Kubernetes pod created for each run, instead of just the Kubernetes pod.


  • [dagster-dbt] In some cases, if Dagster attempted to rematerialize a dbt asset, but dbt failed to start execution, asset materialization events would still be emitted. This has been fixed.
  • [dagit] On the Instance Overview page, the popover showing details of overlapping batches of runs is now scrollable.
  • [dagit] When viewing Instance Overview, reloading a repository via controls in the left navigation could lead to an error that would crash the page due to a bug in client-side cache state. This has been fixed.
  • [dagit] When scrolling through a list of runs, scrolling would sometimes get stuck on certain tags, specifically those with content overflowing the width of the tag. This has been fixed.
  • [dagit] While viewing a job page, the left navigation item corresponding to that job will be highlighted, and the navigation pane will scroll to bring it into view.
  • [dagit] Fixed a bug where the “Scaffold config” button was always enabled.

Community Contributions

  • You can now provide dagster-mlflow configuration parameters as environment variables, thanks @chasleslr!


  • Added a guide that helps users who are familiar with ops and graphs understand how and when to use software-defined assets.
  • Updated and reorganized docs to document software-defined assets changes since 0.14.0.
  • The Deploying in Docker example now includes an example of using the docker_executor to run each step of a job in a different Docker container.
  • Descriptions for the top-level fields of Dagit GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscriptions have been added.

All Changes


  • fcba344 - add fallback error state for snapshot types (#6671) by @prha
  • 43835eb - Getting Started and Basic Tutorial fixes (#6673) by @jmsanders
  • 5db89f5 - run timeline blank state (#6674) by @prha
  • 7b0b436 - [multiproc] default to spawn (#6676) by @alangenfeld
  • c71062f - Asset Observations Doc (#6630) by @clairelin135
  • d2117a4 - Restore missing repo.py file (#6677) by @gibsondan
  • 85aff95 - [dagster-aws] Fix bug when logging records from pyspark_step_launcher (#6680) by @OwenKephart
  • 360f7b2 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.0 by @elementl-devtools
  • a4fd446 - Changelog (#6667) by @clairelin135
  • 67b0426 - Fix formatting on schedules feature in changelog (#6686) by @gibsondan
  • fb38c93 - Pin grpcio-health-checking (#6685) by @johannkm
  • eb65568 - fix changelog page in docs (#6694) by @yuhan
  • 1f79613 - redirect ecs page (#6695) by @yuhan
  • 93b0bf9 - Remove crons from our example dockerfiles (#6645) by @gibsondan
  • 787c7ca - pin markupsafe (#6713) by @alangenfeld
  • 95333ec - add cursor label to tick timeline (#6712) by @prha
  • 3583858 - whitelist_for_serdes WorkerStatus enum (#6716) by @johannkm
  • e81374a - docstrings for AssetGroup and AssetGroup.build_job (#6696) by @dpeng817
  • b65900c - 0.14.1 changelog (#6720) by @alangenfeld
  • fe61ba5 - Remove bad invariant from back when sensor status was a fixed status, not a default status (#6711) by @gibsondan
  • be11e4a - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.1 by @elementl-devtools
  • 9eba0d0 - Add a check in run execution that the run actually exists, just like in step execution (#6689) by @gibsondan
  • 19b106c - add back mutation tests for sensor/schedules with default status (#6721) by @prha
  • 47e8533 - Export build_reconstructable_target to match cragified docs (#6317) by @prha
  • 46c3e0b - add build_run_status_sensor_context (#6543) by @jamiedemaria
  • f55ef00 - Rename metadata (remove "Event") in graphql/dagit (#6656) by @smackesey
  • 8cba839 - Speed up get_assets_for_run_id when there are a lot of events (#6735) by @gibsondan
  • ef56abe - undefined (#6742) by @alangenfeld
  • fe88147 - Fix invariant check in databricks job/pipeline path (#6718) by @iswariyam
  • cded56d - make Content Gap an issue label instead of part of title (#6745) by @sryza
  • 229578c - 0.14.0 migration.md (#6715) by @clairelin135
  • 091702a - Move bollinger example to AssetGroup and add README (#6749) by @sryza
  • d7d1351 - move software-defined assets toy to asset collection (#6643) by @sryza
  • 640aa5d - rename conditional branching example to nyt and add README (#6757) by @sryza
  • b2b2672 - [docs infra] remove old versions from versioned_navigation (#6704) by @yuhan
  • 0c55d96 - fix typo in ops rst (#6758) by @yuhan
  • e83b11c - update error messages for ExternalAssetDependency/ExternalAssetDependedBy (#6748) by @OwenKephart
  • 38b8283 - [Docs] Upgrade Next.js to 12.1.0 (#6722) by @keyz
  • e602e45 - [docs infra] fix changelog's On This Page (#6706) by @yuhan
  • da26522 - fix(helm): remove registry field (#6744) by @rexledesma
  • 2b6ded6 - docs(helm): update chart metadata (#6778) by @rexledesma
  • e53dec4 - respect default_value in loadable input check (#6771) by @alangenfeld
  • f470ea9 - display non-sda assets in asset catalog (#6779) by @prha
  • b26ba51 - replace EventMetadata in docs (#6774) by @smackesey
  • a360bbd - Migrate user event docs to use log_event, various docs cleanups (#6772) by @dpeng817
  • 5cec1c8 - [dagster-dbt] fix issues with dbt asset integration (#6777) by @OwenKephart
  • 0ed9ad7 - Filter custom events from stats_for_run query (#6781) by @johannkm
  • 90faed0 - [Dagit] Fix missing op name in the asset sidebar (#6765) by @bengotow
  • 83643b2 - add validate_run_config to api docs (#6782) by @prha
  • 472c4dc - add api doc for op_def, graph_def (#6776) by @prha
  • 64095bd - [examples] dbt -> dbt-core in dbt_example (#6786) by @OwenKephart
  • 5f3966f - [dagit] Show full asset paths on details pages, tweak filter interactions (#6764) by @bengotow
  • 7495fea - Add small toggles to Asset Details graphs, consolidate localStorage-backed state (#6762) by @bengotow
  • f700471 - [dagster-shell] Fix deadlock with large output (#6435) (#6490) by @kbd
  • e574200 - [dagster-dbt] pin some stuff (#6791) by @OwenKephart
  • 50eda7a - deflake test_retry_policy (#6644) by @alangenfeld
  • f17a1fa - 0.14.2 changelog (#6789) by @sryza
  • d90d1dd - add run_request_for_partition for job definition (#6790) by @prha
  • 4d89075 - Add a "log framework error" hook to execute_step invocations, similar to the one in execute_run (#6690) by @gibsondan
  • 82c80c3 - fix up reexecution api example docs (#6787) by @prha
  • 7b3dde3 - reorganize dagster.check module (#6750) by @smackesey
  • 1a3f5c1 - Adjustments/condensing of dagster.check (#6751) by @smackesey
  • b4a1715 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.2 by @elementl-devtools
  • 308429b - fix: use run status to determine success for an in-process result (#6784) by @rexledesma
  • 47b9a68 - namedtuple to NamedTuple (1st batch) (#6752) by @smackesey
  • 44f4f2a - corrected export message from "~/dagster_home" to ~"/dagster_home" (#6327) by @Proteusiq
  • a1acd3f - docs: remove duplicate entries under integrations (#6724) by @kahnwong
  • 032f442 - namedtuple to NamedTuple (2nd batch) (#6753) by @smackesey
  • e0c66db - namedtuple to NamedTuple (3rd batch) (#6767) by @smackesey
  • 6327300 - namedtuple to NamedTuple (4th batch) (#6785) by @smackesey
  • 1f5a7ec - [docs infra] speed up vercel build with ISR (#6773) by @yuhan
  • ce7441c - [docs infra] no s3 when pulling versioned content (#6705) by @yuhan
  • ee07c9c - Still write cursors even when a sensor tick fails (#6807) by @gibsondan
  • ef3ad62 - Direct invocation of assets for unit testing (#6761) by @jamiedemaria
  • 6098bf0 - Partition docs updates (#6814) by @jamiedemaria
  • 779e27f - fix pandera link on integrations page (#6813) by @smackesey
  • 6ac6349 - [docs] regenerate yarn.lock (#6815) by @alangenfeld
  • ea19544 - [events] remove message field (#6769) by @alangenfeld
  • c157260 - [dagster-postgres] improve connection retry (#6831) by @alangenfeld
  • ca94d8d - set ErrorSource when retry request limit exceeded (#6806) by @alangenfeld
  • 4dbfa80 - Update black, isort (#6714) by @smackesey
  • 9dd063a - Exclude materializing run from materialization warning run count (#6692) by @clairelin135
  • 63556df - rename PipelineRunsFilter => RunsFilter (#6811) by @prha
  • c1a6018 - assorted function type annotations (batch 1) (#6800) by @smackesey
  • ab08410 - restore old metadata name deprecation warnings (#6688) by @smackesey
  • a3ecc86 - Also override cpu/memory in containerOverrides (#6836) by @jmsanders
  • f330e26 - move toys from build_assets_job to AssetGroup (#6801) by @sryza
  • 3408263 - Simplify IWorkspace API (#6821) by @gibsondan
  • 0158c07 - [dagster-aws] Add secretsmanager resources (#6802) by @benpankow
  • d98aa5c - chore(daemon): retrieve daemon heartbeats in batch (#6843) by @rexledesma
  • 5b10719 - Revert isort Makefile config to use git ls-files (#6845) by @smackesey
  • 6092f3e - fix: query heartbeats db once (#6854) by @rexledesma
  • 42d2d72 - [examples] Modern Data Stack + SDA Example (#6862) by @OwenKephart
  • f0323af - add table api doc page (#6840) by @smackesey
  • de1b5ef - [dagit] Avoid copying definition-time tags into launchpad state (#6851) by @bengotow
  • 7269df9 - [dagit] Replace black tag tooltips with as-needed, selectable ones (#6844) by @bengotow
  • 4d4d6a7 - default to fs_asset_io_manager in AssetGroup (#6859) by @sryza
  • e9834b4 - move slack apidoc example to op/job (#6855) by @sryza
  • 0ac9e1c - Remove @abstractproperty (#6867) by @johannkm
  • fe4a530 - gate bucketing queries on sqlalchemy version (#6841) by @prha
  • 8f29bf9 - Don't carry forward all container definitions (#6850) by @jmsanders
  • 8b7b27d - when multiple repos have the same asset, have graphql return the non-source one (#6856) by @sryza
  • 3067d32 - [dagit] Add a helper for building instance/runs paths, resolved #6847 (#6848) by @bengotow
  • e6fb91b - [dagster-fivetranAdd Fivetran Resync Op (#6868) by @dwallace0723
  • 9b08239 - [dagit] Use a custom hook to manage query polling (#6805) by @bengotow
  • cbc48e8 - enable cross-job asset partitions (#6865) by @sryza
  • c808d3b - [dagit] Add a gradient behind the Gantt chart step selector now by @souterjk
  • e33302a - remove gitignore setting from isort (#6872) by @smackesey
  • 7601eab - Random formatting fixes (#6888) by @dpeng817
  • 8467f5c - AssetGroup.from_modules (#6884) by @sryza
  • 6299284 - isort dagster-aws conftest (#6892) by @sryza
  • c14ac93 - fix expansion so its shell-neutral (#6894) by @smackesey
  • 6b57eb6 - build_assets_job -> AssetGroup in SDA guide (#6879) by @sryza
  • 4b27d8b - Changelog (#6908) by @dpeng817
  • c577ec5 - add entries to 0.14.3 changelog (#6909) by @sryza
  • d894501 - Rename build_run_status_sensor_context in changelog (#6904) by @gibsondan
  • e4fabe9 - make EventLogEntry.message change safe to downgrade (#6912) by @alangenfeld
  • f8319ea - For those whome detest wordwrap in vscode (#6887) by @dpeng817
  • e3e2143 - Solid error message migration (#6883) by @dpeng817
  • 919fb31 - Error when amultiple asset groups are used in one repo, when a job is passed in with the asset group reserved name (#6891) by @dpeng817
  • 498b261 - assorted sensor and schedule fixes (#6759) by @jamiedemaria
  • 7f35164 - [examples] For modern_data_stack_assets, more detailed README, helper script (#6914) by @OwenKephart
  • 28fe827 - fix bug with subset selection (#6921) by @OwenKephart
  • 7fa5308 - enable vixie-style cron strings (#6810) by @prha
  • 66bdcff - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.3 by @elementl-devtools
  • 66f5ce6 - In run status sensors, snapshot the status in a PipelineRunReaction rather than pulling it from the PipelineRun object (#6931) by @gibsondan
  • 7ea0c61 - [dagster-airbyte][examples] fix bug with empty prefix (#6932) by @OwenKephart
  • c52b495 - RFC: resolve k8s job and ops tag entirely using k8s_model_from_dict (#6205) by @gibsondan
  • 096a17d - revert stray dagster[lint] for BK mypy (#6936) by @smackesey
  • bfcc59b - Migrate reference to solid in error message (#6935) by @dpeng817
  • 8b5a4ca - dagit-debug fix in-mem daemon heartbeats (#6943) by @alangenfeld
  • 9168e73 - [docs] details on mapping dynamic outputs (#6140) by @alangenfeld
  • 66ae1c0 - [docs] op retries concepts section (#6818) by @alangenfeld
  • 4145d10 - fix makefile issue with check_black/check_isort (#6944) by @smackesey
  • cf3f6d2 - change query to be compatible with sqlalchemy 1.3 (#6930) by @prha
  • c4fe9a6 - add a blank state message for the asset table (#6792) by @prha
  • 81fdc76 - fix black by @alangenfeld
  • ca7aedf - Remove update_doc_snapshot from root Makefile (#6837) by @smackesey
  • d1d6003 - namedtuple to NamedTuple (5th batch) (#6917) by @smackesey
  • 3c2a0b5 - function type annotations (batch 2) (#6933) by @smackesey
  • cddc63c - when building AssetGroups from modules, gather lists of assets (#6967) by @sryza
  • 5bfadb9 - remove legacy version of hacker news schedule (#6797) by @sryza
  • c193ccd - ungate run batching (#6966) by @prha
  • 803063e - Use AssetGroup in hacker news demo (#6965) by @sryza
  • 4262be1 - AssetGroup.from_current_module (#6959) by @sryza
  • 3f5aeb7 - [Dagit] Nits and polish based on user feedback (#6799) by @bengotow
  • 9dc310c - add support for filtering ticks by status (#6919) by @prha
  • 2910338 - [dagit] Only warn about the backfill daemon when backfills are present (#6846) by @bengotow
  • ed210ae - switch arg name for metadata value class (#6675) by @smackesey
  • 3df7e14 - [dagit] Use a virtualized list in <SuggestWIP /> to fix launchpad partition picker perf (#6852) by @bengotow
  • 63f6048 - Fix missing partition bars in large partition data-sets (#6877) by @souterjk
  • 07f2386 - Quote selection to avoid grabbing downstreams with the same name prefix when viewing upstream graph, fix react table unhappy log (#6907) by @souterjk
  • 37be307 - make all optional params explicit (#6934) by @smackesey
  • 2649808 - Adds pez popover as requested in #6470 (#6871) by @souterjk
  • e703ac6 - fix pylint for modern data stack example (#6975) by @smackesey
  • 73ec3a2 - dev_install tweaks (#6970) by @smackesey
  • 9e1fa57 - partitioned assets toy (#6960) by @sryza
  • a242d6b - Update create-new-project.mdx (#6898) by @frcode
  • e0dc13b - Add short-circuit in run start time if run failed to start (#6991) by @gibsondan
  • 02679a1 - Allow PathMetadataValue to accept os.PathLike input (#6920) by @abkfenris
  • 68b2746 - Raise run_task errors (#6993) by @jmsanders
  • fae347c - [dagit] React.FunctionComponent -> React.FC (#7002) by @hellendag
  • b86b0f1 - Fix partitioned asset jobs with double downstream non-partitioned (#6986) by @sryza
  • 7542130 - add ipython_genutils as dagit, dagstermill dep (#7016) by @smackesey
  • 64033df - Set up graphql mutation for setting a sensor cursor value (#6922) by @prha
  • 02524aa - [dagit] Fix warning icon tests, add one for present-but-stopped schedule (#7026) by @bengotow
  • 06f6fa8 - Stop building duplicate downstream asset dependencies (#7001) (#7012) by @bengotow
  • 5d5d2b0 - [dagit] Add error handling to Asset "Rematerialize Partitions" modal (#7011) by @bengotow
  • 07ce468 - [dagit] Fix tooltips in Gantt chart, use monospace font and middle truncation (#7025) by @bengotow
  • 16b7b4d - [dagit] Fix right Asset Graph panel missing if saved "explorer" state is absent (#7013) by @bengotow
  • 1dc6cf5 - Fix dagster k8s typo (#7028) by @johannkm
  • 1cb6d56 - Add sequence and mapping check functions (#7006) by @smackesey
  • b0a0dc2 - change backcompat pin to nbconvert (#7027) by @smackesey
  • 57f44c0 - [dagit] Hide the asset group job on the instance overview (#7019) by @bengotow
  • 3d22aef - [dagit] When materializing assets, link to run instead of showing it (#7014) by @bengotow
  • feb1c5e - Assorted typing additions and adjustments (#7007) by @smackesey
  • ce4b5ae - remove unneeded deps from dagit tox file (#7022) by @gibsondan
  • daa1188 - Switch sensor/schedule view to show tick list instead of run list (#6861) by @prha
  • 336ee6b - update AssetGraph dedup logic (#7021) by @smackesey
  • b2df1b0 - Make parse_run_config_input more defensive (#7003) by @gibsondan
  • 809665e - Expose metadata on AssetNode (and source assets) directly (#6900) by @smackesey
  • 94c8e7f - adds source asset metadata to dagit (#7015) by @smackesey
  • 1244427 - Adllow telemetry URL to be overridden with env var (#6946) by @dpeng817
  • 79827ef - Remove space from dbt example notebook path (#7038) by @smackesey
  • 52b1527 - add tick batching to schedule storage (#6995) by @prha
  • 6e7cd25 - add batch tick loader for repository-scoped schedule/sensor ticks (#6997) by @prha
  • b60c070 - K8s executor filter down to dagster events (#7000) by @johannkm
  • 8e6bccd - Allow the use of environment variables in k8s_job_executor (#7031) by @johannkm
  • c7bfb9c - [bug] hacky fix for step launcher behavior (#6866) by @OwenKephart
  • 1327a6d - make resource config available when loading from assets outside job (#7029) by @sryza
  • a88e658 - Rename step jobs 'dagster-step' in k8s and docker (#6982) by @johannkm
  • 756527a - minor improvements to check (#7036) by @smackesey
  • 28d74c3 - test raising exceptions in AssetGroup in deterministic order (#6945) by @jamiedemaria
  • 07c3887 - SDA docs fixes (#6905) by @jamiedemaria
  • d9b79ec - skip test_giant_external_repository_streaming_grpc (#7049) by @alangenfeld
  • 43cf866 - Fault tolerance docs (#5432) by @johannkm
  • 396da6c - Silence experimental warnings triggered by internal code (#6873) by @jamiedemaria
  • 8ad1195 - K8s docs ignore tag and show executor (#7053) by @johannkm
  • aa5712e - Assorted fixes to the hackernews assets demo (#7030) by @sryza
  • b2fe162 - Support the same Secrets config syntax as ECS (#6985) by @jmsanders
  • 8045d57 - fix the sqlite gating logic (#7058) by @prha
  • 8d0319a - [dagster-airbyte] [dagster-fivetran] cleanup + tests (#7056) by @OwenKephart
  • 07e3403 - Reuse ECS task definitions (#7009) by @jmsanders
  • 6bbfce2 - Update last_materialization_timestamp to also update on observation (#6885) by @clairelin135
  • d906c85 - Optimize Latest Runs Query (#7066) by @clairelin135
  • 8a611ae - [dagit] Remove default InstanceWarning mocks injecting randomness (#7054) by @bengotow
  • 7a78835 - fix tag batching with tag-based filters (#7055) by @prha
  • 75b48ea - Fix #6512 (#6969) by @petehunt
  • ee146ef - K8s check run health test (#7070) by @johannkm
  • 0f61c12 - hn local repo that uses duckdb as warehouse (#6968) by @sryza
  • b3e776b - fix bug in fetch_assets.get_asset_nodes_by_asset_key (#7063) by @sryza
  • 9941cbc - Clear out 'dependsOn' when creating a default ECS task definition (#6929) by @gibsondan
  • f6baac7 - [dagit] Render status page navigation when factory floor loading (#7079) by @benpankow
  • adcf93f - run mypy on dagster-graphql (#7075) by @prha
  • 2e2029d - fix logic for turning schedule ticks into hour boundaries when there's an offset (#7071) by @gibsondan
  • 3df4da6 - Fixes #7082 (#7086) by @smackesey
  • 61c43eb - Fix failing check.path test on windows (#7077) by @smackesey
  • 15b5ad9 - [dagit] refactor graphql execute methods (#7065) by @alangenfeld
  • 47f8fbc - dagster-snowflake drop 3.6 support (#7092) by @alangenfeld
  • 862fe7e - [dagit] Fix Gantt chart layout hang on certain graph structures #6942 (#7085) by @bengotow
  • 69f5e3b - Log failed compute log to event log rather than buried in a logging output (#7093) by @gibsondan
  • e282d44 - [dagit] Disallow use of gql from graphql.macro (#7042) by @bengotow
  • 72807a1 - [dagit] Add sensors/schedules to the asset details page (#7041) by @bengotow
  • 7bcdd05 - [dagit] Keep user-entered tags when changing presets / partitions (#7068) by @bengotow
  • 17313fe - Add gitpod.yml (#7088) by @petehunt
  • f32802e - [dagit] Lower factory floor timeline fidelity to seconds from ms (#7091) by @benpankow
  • d07a108 - [dagit] Show job failures on asset graph, fix in-progress runs on global graph (#7067) by @bengotow
  • 5765c38 - Optionally use sidecars (#7087) by @jmsanders
  • aa1dc4a - Fix kwarg case with invocation (#7095) by @dpeng817
  • 3f6458c - Return an empty secrets list for task definitions (#7096) by @jmsanders
  • eff26c4 - Fixup ECS secrets docs (#7097) by @jmsanders
  • 8c3cfd2 - 0.14.4 changelog (#7099) by @yuhan
  • ffd8318 - refetch the backfill before updating, to avoid clobbering cancels (#7094) by @prha
  • 0c72a16 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.4 by @elementl-devtools
  • 1c7f030 - fix perms in dagit (#7115) by @prha
  • 24290ad - Remove hard failure if missing inputs (#7116) by @dpeng817
  • 5c2d0bf - Fix internal code metadata warnings (#7112) by @smackesey
  • 40fdc1e - 0.14.5 Changelog (#7119) by @jmsanders
  • e1209fa - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.5 by @elementl-devtools
  • b0a885f - batch run fetches in sensor daemon (#6950) by @prha
  • 8063405 - gcs asset io manager (#7081) by @jamiedemaria
  • 62883d7 - Don't give up if the terminate() call raises an exception during force-termination (#7110) by @gibsondan
  • 8b3ad9f - [dagit] Add optional close button to Alert component (#7107) by @benpankow
  • 5efccff - Add dagit test to make sure Permission flags stay in sync (#7117) by @prha
  • 8aaa2e6 - expose compute_kind tag value on gql AssetNode (#7120) by @smackesey
  • dfeff6c - replace internal uses of MetadataEntry static api (#7126) by @smackesey
  • 4812f93 - dynamic out bug fix (#6780) by @alangenfeld
  • 821d3e0 - Create oss-issues.yml (#7132) by @yuhan
  • cd90176 - fix docs search: js_render shouldnt be true (#7146) by @yuhan
  • 3509c98 - mypy version bump (#7149) by @smackesey
  • 98e99c8 - docs(sda): fix typos and edit wording (#7136) by @rexledesma
  • 3ee5790 - add permissions guard for schedule mutations (#7133) by @prha
  • b17183e - enable saving run key for ticks that skip runs because of run key idempotence (#7130) by @prha
  • 291fbf5 - add tick tooltip info for skipped ticks due to run key idempotence (#7131) by @prha
  • bfb8978 - Rename the InstanceMigratedError to be less pushy about migrating (#7141) by @gibsondan
  • f426230 - [postgres] share db engine with watcher_thread (#7143) by @alangenfeld
  • 01294b4 - Add Map to config type API docs (#7154) by @gibsondan
  • 6f10ab0 - Pass on PythonError handling that should be using PythonErrorFragment (#7152) by @gibsondan
  • 2cffa49 - [oss telemetry] Get rid of telemetry version (#6760) by @dpeng817
  • 35f5f7e - only show warning when force termination checkbox is checked (#7157) by @prha
  • ff8d594 - rename several internal submodules (#7134) by @smackesey
  • dc994c9 - Remove another cron from example dockerfile (#7155) by @gibsondan
  • 0f75e1a - Be more willing to return serialized errors in schedule/sensor/grpc partition methods (#7164) by @gibsondan
  • 4f91896 - docs: fix spelling (#7166) by @antquinonez
  • b986894 - [multiprocess] tweak preload modules logic (#7142) by @alangenfeld
  • 0c7f490 - feat(dagster-k8s): add run id label to run/step workers (#7167) by @rexledesma
  • bcc1fd7 - docs(logging): remove example about capturing from the root logger (#7168) by @rexledesma
  • 070610d - docs: fix typo in job/graph concepts page (#7172) by @antquinonez
  • a3b44e7 - [docs] fix dynamic graph examples (#7174) by @alangenfeld
  • e8f1745 - Fix inclusion of tests in our published packages (#7169) by @smackesey
  • 0fc9ba4 - RFC: add partition tags to partitioned config (#7111) by @prha
  • 2bb2da5 - add gcs pickle asset manager to api docs (#7177) by @jamiedemaria
  • 1fff21f - [dagster-databricks] better retry support for step launchers (#7171) by @OwenKephart
  • c1d674d - fix lint/mypy failures (#7183) by @prha
  • 0c1fea5 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.6 by @elementl-devtools
  • a892e0d - 0.14.6 changelog (#7184) by @jamiedemaria
  • efa9363 - update docs on Dict type (#7179) by @jamiedemaria
  • 7c69b8e - docs: use word "op" instead of "solid" (#7195) by @joe-hdai
  • e642465 - refactor: rename is_failure to is_failure_or_canceled (#7200) by @rexledesma
  • 8378c0c - Time window partitions with custom minute, hour, day offsets (#7125) by @jamiedemaria
  • d0188e4 - Fixup ECS docs (#7193) by @jmsanders
  • fd7189a - Update version placeholder "dev" to "0+dev" (#7175) by @smackesey
  • 7abf706 - fix: prevent runs filter from accepting an empty list of run ids (#7217) by @rexledesma
  • 3800687 - refactor: remove screenshots (#7225) by @rexledesma
  • a7989b7 - refactor: remove scala modules (#7226) by @rexledesma
  • 9444b2f - get MetadataValue.dagster_run to show up in apidoc (#7231) by @sryza
  • 1fc1bbc - Azure asset IO Manager (#7201) by @jamiedemaria
  • ff9596f - PartitionedConfig testing helpers (#7216) by @jamiedemaria
  • e66faf9 - [postgres] dont dispose engine in watch thread (#7241) by @alangenfeld
  • 404a7c1 - feat(helm): add configuration for Dagster telemetry (#7190) by @rexledesma
  • 847889d - add some type annotations for code loading (#7244) by @sryza
  • 7024d7c - feat: add alert failure event (#7238) by @rexledesma
  • 81360ce - [dagit] Remove the Asset Node context menu (#7151) by @bengotow
  • 6550409 - Only consider repos defining the asset with a corresponding op for multiple repo notice (#7186) by @bengotow
  • 6ecb496 - [dagit] Fix Gantt chart layout hang on certain graphs, round 2 #6942 (#7188) by @bengotow
  • 8f271ef - [dagit] If re-executing from failure fails, default to from failure again #5019 (#7189) by @bengotow
  • f064389 - [dagit] Ignore source assets for “Materialize All” button (#7196) by @bengotow
  • 4588b22 - [dagit] Load “Launch Asset partitions” modal when it’s opened + every time (#7207) by @bengotow
  • b9284ce - [dagit] Explicitly add the dagster/step_selection tag to asset runs (#7213) by @bengotow
  • dd6f57e - Remove redundant k8s launcher event (#7250) by @johannkm
  • 0831538 - Allow asset observations in IO Managers (#6653) by @clairelin135
  • 023adc4 - update docs for adls2 asset io manager (#7252) by @jamiedemaria
  • 42b65dd - 0.14.7 changelog (#7256) by @OwenKephart
  • ca369c4 - Update CHANGES.md by @prha
  • 14204d5 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.7 by @elementl-devtools
  • 99d40dd - fix typecheck for In.dagster_type (#7242) by @smackesey
  • b61db9d - [dagit] RunTimeline: Fix overlap with ongoing run (#7245) by @hellendag
  • c997aa3 - [dagster-io/ui] Remove WIP suffixes (#7229) by @hellendag
  • 5c7ec2e - [dagit] Modify "Open in Launchpad" from Run (#7263) by @hellendag
  • 60059f9 - RFC: Add register_run_asset event (#7098) by @clairelin135
  • 8503e6a - Add table to keep track of schedule data migrations 1/5 (#7182) by @prha
  • ae93b45 - add schema for instigators table, keyed by selector 2/5 (#7185) by @prha
  • 6262a51 - double-write selector_id to ticks, jobs, instigators 3/5 (#7191) by @prha
  • 8b8ce0d - add tick selector index migration (#7198) by @prha
  • 2e6eabd - Read instigator state / ticks off of selector_id instead of origin id 5/5 (#7268) by @prha
  • 4115505 - [dagster-io/ui] Declaration files for TS, Rollup for built JS (#7220) by @hellendag
  • 96d2a25 - Ensure telemetry logging dir is created before using logger (#7192) by @dpeng817
  • ec6402d - cross-repo assets toy (#7210) by @sryza
  • da2205e - update apidoc for non_argument_deps (#7271) by @clairelin135
  • 79235ab - enable loaded_input metadata entries to display in Dagit (#7255) by @clairelin135
  • 38cbd24 - [@dagster-io/ui] Cleanup for publish (#7270) by @hellendag
  • de5f244 - Remove empty k8s_job_task file (#7286) by @johannkm
  • 298d8b1 - Add MenuLink shim for internal compatibility (#7297) by @hellendag
  • ce69cc1 - Avoid mentioning pipelines in Dagit empty state (#7288) by @sryza
  • 052bf22 - fix invariant in batch tick loader (#7280) by @prha
  • e965190 - [dagster-airbyte] fix airbyte materializations without streamStats (#7281) by @OwenKephart
  • 34ed951 - point top-level workspace to latest toys (#6876) by @sryza
  • 36b189f - [dagster-io/ui] Eliminate RR dependency (#7285) by @hellendag
  • 21c8a12 - fix selector injection for k8s-celery test (#7307) by @prha
  • ef95e46 - remove experimental warning for mysql storage (#7290) by @prha
  • 4996767 - make some edits to changelog (#7264) by @prha
  • 0692f86 - [@dagster-io/ui] Clean up deps (#7302) by @hellendag
  • f7f2b0f - [dagit] Fix config refresh when reloading repo (#7325) by @hellendag
  • 84550f6 - [@dagster-io/ui] Prepare for 1.0.3 (#7326) by @hellendag
  • 504c65f - Add run_id as execute_in_process arg (#7317) by @dpeng817
  • 8dca877 - Fixes to root input manager memoization and no context provided (#7316) by @dpeng817
  • 2e900d5 - add apple m1 instructions to contributor guide (#7279) by @jamiedemaria
  • 1860b3a - Fix celery docker executor failing on None metadata (#7330) by @jamiedemaria
  • e073b6f - replace old celery docs site (#7331) by @jamiedemaria
  • 48f07e9 - [dagster-dbt] fix issue w/ conflicting dbt op names for assets (#7311) by @OwenKephart
  • e80494f - docs infra: remove github/slack bot from docs site (#7315) by @yuhan
  • 98c41b4 - [dagit] Fix CodeMirror show-hint error (#7334) by @hellendag
  • 7551d4f - 0.14.8 Release Notes (#7336) by @clairelin135
  • 8c85ad3 - add email icon (#7346) by @salazarm
  • 4ebba64 - [dagit] Don't show instigation switch for assets (#7347) by @hellendag
  • 4f2b613 - [dagit] Add "Copy config" button to "View tags and config" dialog (#7348) by @hellendag
  • f1441de - [dagit] Allow toggling repos in bulk (#7344) by @hellendag
  • 8e7d7d6 - [dagit] Store whitespace state in localStorage (#7350) by @hellendag
  • a7bf12e - [dagit] Adjust details in Run header (#7345) by @hellendag
  • 3039616 - [dagit] Add feature flag to collapse the left Jobs navigation by default (#7204) by @bengotow
  • 793aeda - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.8 by @elementl-devtools
  • 4cb70cc - update README - include github discussion (#7339) by @yuhan
  • a515c58 - [@dagster-io/eslint-config] Create shared config (#7328) by @hellendag
  • ff2f632 - [@dagster-io/eslint-config] Fix dependencies (#7354) by @hellendag
  • d344eed - Add Slack icon (#7355) by @salazarm
  • ca8a616 - support container kwargs for celery-docker (#7335) by @jamiedemaria
  • c444420 - [dagster-dbt] Add /runs method to DbtCloudResourceV2 (#7258) by @kstennettlull
  • e0dc0a4 - [dagster-dbt] add "build" to DBT_RUN_RESULTS_COMMANDS (#7362) by @OwenKephart
  • 4a0adb3 - [dagit] Show timestamps for “failed to start” runs, other metadata tweaks (#7359) by @bengotow
  • 60840ac - Fix contention bug in windows (#7353) by @dpeng817
  • bdd4dd7 - fix dagster-ge library (#7369) by @prha
  • 3d82da9 - have fs io manager record path metadata entry (#7261) by @sryza
  • bdb1192 - AssetGroup.materialize_in_process (#7260) by @sryza
  • 7ecd4b3 - Add authenticator field to conn_args (#6983) by @swotai
  • d52463c - Make shell ops inherit env vars from outside environment (#6513) by @kbd
  • 4e9ee2e - Allow jobs to be passed in lazily to repository definitions (#7382) by @gibsondan
  • fac5a5f - [dagit] Make the “Latest Run” tag on the Job page auto-refresh (#7360) by @bengotow
  • 6d5eae5 - [dagit] Move data fetching for the asset graph into hooks (#7363) by @bengotow
  • 7472843 - autodiscover assets at module scope (#7247) by @sryza
  • 00bde2b - [hacker news] pin duckdb (#7390) by @alangenfeld
  • 38625ae - Let InProcessRepositoryLocationOrigin take in multiple repos (#7386) by @gibsondan
  • 7acd90e - [dagster-fivetran] Fix format strings (#6436) by @mgasner
  • 96a6762 - [dagster-airbyte] Handle 204 reponse in Airbyte Library (#7209) by @HAMZA310
  • 4f77c97 - run materializations (#7394) by @prha
  • 72e5b85 - [dagit] Fix default Dagit page in single repo, multiple jobs case (#7368) by @bengotow
  • 104e780 - Add grpc server timeout config to instance settings (#7387) by @gibsondan
  • 0ba3b4e - infer resource descriptions from docstrings (#7309) by @sryza
  • 3f5011b - [dagit] Async layout of large asset graphs (#7366) by @bengotow
  • bdb8126 - [dagit] Align terminology and data structures in asset / op graph layout (#7372) by @bengotow
  • 925ddbc - [dagit] Move asset-graph out of workspace dir, non-graph code to /assets (#7373) by @bengotow
  • f23a00b - Update AssetKeyTable.last_run_id upon materialization planned (#7319) by @clairelin135
  • 1600323 - asset tutorial (#7269) by @sryza
  • 9f1d04e - Add a field to the now-somewhat-poorly-named RepositoryPythonOrigin that can add 'deployment target' information within a repo location (#6925) by @gibsondan
  • 9f8e68f - Add EcsContainerContext (just with secrets for now) (#7176) by @gibsondan
  • 1a3a76e - Add K8sContainerContext for configuring k8s pods from the repository location (#7203) by @gibsondan
  • 71661a7 - Fixed typo in deploying-with-helm.mdx (#7416) by @LeoHuckvale
  • ec89e79 - [dagit] Use [email protected] (#7393) by @hellendag
  • 94f7984 - [dagit] Add arrow key and double click interactions to asset graph #6407 (#7374) by @bengotow
  • 8120421 - [dagit] Allow colon in run tag value (#7409) by @hellendag
  • e2de0b7 - Re-execute run instance method (#7417) by @johannkm
  • afe0492 - skip adls test (#7420) by @jamiedemaria
  • 95aea0a - add open launch pad to run details page (#7304) by @salazarm
  • 0e46052 - Fix prerequisite typos in docs (#7424) by @johannkm
  • 9f9db4e - [@dagster-io/eslint-config] Enable object-shorthand (#7423) by @hellendag
  • 6d1cf77 - Filter out asset_materialization_planned event logs client-side (#7397) by @clairelin135
  • 8e75a98 - Make user repo filters per deployment (#7376) by @salazarm
  • cb642cb - [postgres] urlquote usernames as well (#7430) by @alangenfeld
  • e615623 - [toys] squelch warnings (#7419) by @alangenfeld
  • f38e1c3 - docs for gRPC sever timeout flag (#7400) by @gibsondan
  • 7a9e8c9 - Fix master and add DagsterEventType import (#7435) by @clairelin135
  • 6cf75eb - avoid extra experimental warning when asset has partitions def (#7431) by @sryza
  • 90ac1b5 - Add option to disable max_concurrent_runs (#7327) by @johannkm
  • a5c2854 - RFC: Fetch Cross-Repo Asset Deps (#7259) by @clairelin135
  • 7aef716 - make k8s container context volumes and volume mounts use snake case, not camel case (#7437) by @gibsondan
  • b09c8e1 - move expensive tests out of core_tests (#7436) by @gibsondan
  • 3b55c4e - allow AssetGroups to have assets with different partitions defs (#7388) by @sryza
  • be2469b - Update key for saving data in useExecutionSessionStorage (#7333) by @salazarm
  • bb27b2d - asset partitioned io manager (#7413) by @sryza
  • 0bc57e9 - Unbreak stopping unloadable schedules/sensors (#7446) by @gibsondan
  • e0b991b - [dagit] Check for asset group job prefix to support multiple groups per repo (#7418) by @bengotow
  • 5a27fcd - changelog for 0.14.9 (#7450) by @sryza
  • 7ad594b - update isort comment formatting (#7448) by @smackesey
  • a0a321d - bump black to 22.3.0 (#7449) by @smackesey
  • 1bdb802 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.9 by @elementl-devtools
  • 12b87c3 - Typo in the create a new project doc (#7441) by @ascrookes
  • 2e8136d - Fix issue with blank telemetry instance id file (#7433) by @dpeng817
  • 1ec9318 - Show repo selector in unloadable schedules/sensors instead of repo location metadata (#7444) by @gibsondan
  • a0cc868 - Split up screenshot specs (#7460) by @sryza
  • 9ad8f54 - resource dependencies for root input managers (#7459) by @sryza
  • 920c759 - avoid framework code triggering metadata_entries warning (#7412) by @sryza
  • a744f84 - allow combining memoization with step selection (#6431) by @sryza
  • 53b4f09 - refactor: remove local storage file that was committed (#7440) by @rexledesma
  • 74dafde - [dagster-graphql] remove gevent (#7402) by @alangenfeld
  • 2a9b06f - [dagit] Apply middle truncation to long asset nodes, hide run info (#7187) by @bengotow
  • 7f8f9d8 - [dagit] Use CodeMirror for all config displays (#7467) by @hellendag
  • f22619d - Add container_context to gRPC server and Helm chart (#7236) by @gibsondan
  • d1a1e44 - Add asset metadata to one of the dagster_test asset groups (#7462) by @bengotow
  • 2c54844 - Fix back-compat for new helm chart param for container context (#7476) by @gibsondan
  • 39c853a - [graph] use the correct input definition for type checks (#7453) by @alangenfeld
  • b94eeb0 - [dagit] Repair async graph layout for path-prefix (#7480) by @hellendag
  • e781ce6 - Add docs to k8s docs about includeConfigInLaunchedRuns (#7477) by @gibsondan
  • 98cdc50 - Acquire leases when using ADLS (#7410) by @jamiedemaria
  • 83bfccf - Update Materialization Warning (#7265) by @clairelin135
  • ad6c38a - [dagit] Fix Suggest (#7489) by @hellendag
  • cca4169 - Make the scheduler/sensor daemons key the schedules that it inspects by selector ID, not origin ID (#7492) by @gibsondan
  • a34a9e6 - Add right of search bar prop to top nav (#7500) by @salazarm
  • d57d83b - add flag argument to backfill all partitions in launch backfill graphql mutation (#7499) by @prha
  • 725e6d9 - [dagit] Fix job header “View assets” link, add missing graphQL types (#7493) by @bengotow
  • 4572857 - fix sqlite gating logic for batch tick queries (#7505) by @prha
  • 017bd49 - [dagster-census] Census Integration Library (#7249) by @dehume
  • 768c1b3 - [dagit] Show a better error on invalid run filters (#7494) by @hellendag
  • 13a420a - Add log message to grpc health check (#7506) by @johannkm
  • 8fc5c61 - refactor: remove duplicate solids in event log test (#7511) by @johannkm
  • a4618b4 - correct workspaces icon (#7504) by @salazarm
  • d7ff7bc - [dagit] More cleanup of query callsites performing background polling (#7508) by @bengotow
  • f5bdb5e - [dagit] Avoid resetting hidden repos on each page load #7519 (#7520) by @bengotow
  • 4181eba - [dagit] Allow disabling keyboard shortcuts (#7515) by @hellendag
  • eab1d7d - Update pylint and associated config (#6517) by @smackesey
  • b258c47 - 0.14.10 Changelog (#7521) by @johannkm
  • 36f51f4 - fix asset partitions runtime check (#7525) by @smackesey
  • fc57d23 - [dagit] Tiny fix for “asset graph search, dropdown stops showing when ">" character is used” (#7514) by @bengotow
  • 078d828 - [dagit] Move yarn analyze to packages/app (#7523) by @hellendag
  • 45d9c92 - [dagit] Clean up lodash imports (#7526) by @hellendag
  • 1f1e233 - [dagit] Display repositories in a stable order (#7518) by @bengotow
  • 81e7cba - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.10 by @elementl-devtools
  • 460e482 - [hooks] fix resource reqs in nested graphs (#7529) by @alangenfeld
  • 610745b - [instigator] dont throw in start/stop if already in desired state (#7483) by @alangenfeld
  • 772afa6 - [dagit] Fix InstigationTick "Skipped" message if zero runs (#7527) by @hellendag
  • d9b523d - Get rid of mode in JobDefinition constructor (#7497) by @dpeng817
  • 45db8cd - Fix issue where we were calling the partition function n times, where n is the number of partitions returned by the function (#7539) by @gibsondan
  • 3f1f0fd - [bugfix] Check that oldData is defined before trying to migrate (#7537) by @salazarm
  • 697e701 - Assorted tox updates (#6971) by @smackesey
  • 1052405 - 0.14.11 changelog (#7543) by @gibsondan
  • f160f7d - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.11 by @elementl-devtools
  • 19dff51 - Reexecute run mutation using just parent run (#7510) by @johannkm
  • 942c995 - Updated changelog for 0.14.12 (#7545) by @gibsondan
  • 5bf224a - Revert "[bugfix] Check that oldData is defined before trying to migrate (#7537)" and "Update key for saving data in useExecutionSessionStorage (#7333)" (#7551) by @gibsondan
  • ade2be8 - [graphql] subscription handle_graphql_errors (#7482) by @alangenfeld
  • 501d053 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.12 by @elementl-devtools
  • 812f0b9 - [dagit] Add bulk re-execution dialog to Runs page (#7451) by @hellendag
  • 3bb37d3 - Downgrade tox pip for Python 3.6 (#7547) by @smackesey
  • 7599886 - annotate dagster.builtins.Nothing with correct type (#7546) by @smackesey
  • 1756b97 - Pylint: Add encoding to open() (#7548) by @johannkm
  • e9f0ebc - asset op tags (#7472) by @sryza
  • 65b8cbd - [dagit] Show asset “compute kind” in the global asset graph (#7516) by @bengotow
  • 91ced9c - [dagit] Hide __asset_group partition sets from search bar (#7556) by @bengotow
  • 7452ec3 - Add typing-extensions >=3.10 as dependency. (#7555) by @smackesey
  • a141905 - validate tags in partition sets (to turn dicts into strings) (#7554) by @gibsondan
  • 5480b04 - [dagit] Feature flag for disabling WebSocket usage (#7557) by @hellendag
  • 2f7ccad - [dagit] Add opNames field to AssetNode (#7565) by @hellendag
  • c31de97 - add DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSIONS env var for BK (#7553) by @smackesey
  • 922d786 - add DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSIONS env var for BK (#7553) by @smackesey
  • fdb2274 - [1/n] Interop Stack: Use AssetJobInfo at runtime instead of OutputDefinition (#7473) by @OwenKephart
  • 4d44a79 - [2/n] Interop Stack: Use AssetJobInfo to construct ExternalAssetNodes (#7475) by @OwenKephart
  • 65f15cd - [dagit] Introduce sticky table headers (#7568) by @hellendag
  • 36e7e6a - [dagit] Truncate global search result list (#7569) by @hellendag
  • 38c650e - Test test_create_reexecuted_run_from_failure (#7566) by @johannkm
  • bb87a40 - Tag behavior option for reexecute method (#7574) by @johannkm
  • 6e12f83 - add setuptools as dep (#7576) by @smackesey
  • b87ef89 - fix errors (#7577) by @smackesey
  • b49aadc - Register a new task definition for IAM changes (#7564) by @jmsanders
  • 69546e9 - Improve typing of schedule/sensor and hooks (#7560) by @smackesey
  • 7ef7384 - All steps option for rexecute method (#7575) by @johannkm
  • e9af45b - [docs] fix multi asset sensor example (#7583) by @alangenfeld
  • 5926b2c - Create runs during event log tests (#7502) by @johannkm
  • 22e0267 - [dagit] Refactor ExecutionSessionStorage (#7559) by @hellendag
  • 4516740 - fix(helm): support numeric type image tags (#7579) by @jrouly
  • fc4358e - [dagit] Add bulk re-execution of all steps (#7591) by @hellendag
  • 0b25e62 - ResourceDefinition.none_resource instead of no_step_launcher (#7381) by @sryza
  • db0bf2b - Remove unused imports from event log tests (#7592) by @johannkm
  • 81a09ff - [dagit] Fix asset graph navigation edge cases (#6955, #7208) (#7532) by @bengotow
  • 2a3595b - fullbuild in branch name for full BK build (#7595) by @smackesey
  • 5a85d2c - document partitioned assets (#7466) by @sryza
  • 61a6861 - fix secretsmanager example doc (#7593) by @prha
  • f8f87f6 - Add ConfigSchema type alias (#7596) by @smackesey
  • 8ecaadf - lint dagster_tests (#7594) by @alangenfeld
  • 7ed2dbd - add dialect-specific update logic (#7572) by @prha
  • d0d4d5d - fix volumes example for docker run launcher (#7607) by @gibsondan
  • 0620355 - [tests] set platform on docker build (#7603) by @alangenfeld
  • ed8323c - Use explicitly set env vars rather than autoenvvar prefixes for the grpc command (#7611) by @gibsondan
  • 0a1616b - Fixes for running the user-code-deployment helm chart in a different namespace than the system namespace (#7597) by @gibsondan
  • e947de9 - standardize additional_message kwarg in check methods (#7605) by @smackesey
  • 0cbc38b - [3/n] Interop Stack: Remove asset key from inputs/outputs (#7550) by @OwenKephart
  • cc2060a - fix(helm): allow max concurrent runs to be 0 (#7618) by @rexledesma
  • 6d27f54 - [4/n] Interop Stack: node_def on AssetsDefinition can be graph (#7573) by @OwenKephart
  • 3bcb757 - Asset key to node handle mapping (#7599) by @clairelin135
  • 00fa234 - [dagster-aws] update emr pyspark step launcher (#7604) by @OwenKephart
  • 00d8e1c - Make dagster-user-deployments service account set up a role and role binding by default, like the main dagster chart service account (#7622) by @gibsondan
  • 4cb262c - Add resources to K8sContainerContext (#7619) by @gibsondan
  • d71cb6f - [dagit] Add "shared key path" outlines, experimental asset graph flag (#7608) by @bengotow
  • ee4cb0e - [@dagster-io/ui] Separate tsconfig for build (#7584) by @hellendag
  • 98fe635 - Fixup XXXSource docs (#7629) by @gibsondan
  • febd18f - Changelog 0.14.13 (#7631) by @dpeng817
  • ba9d867 - AssetGroup.prefixed (#7395) by @sryza
  • b8be100 - AssetsDefinition.from_graph (#7620) by @clairelin135
  • b9be0d4 - [Testing] Support for resolvers in ApolloTestProvider (#7612) by @salazarm
  • 9345ebc - [dagit] Show default value for config (#7598) by @hellendag
  • aa37ece - [docker] improve test time (#7589) by @alangenfeld
  • b9b9d97 - Update mypy config and bump version (#7625) by @smackesey
  • 67547d0 - [dagster-ge] drop 3.6 (#7638) by @alangenfeld
  • b12af8c - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.13 by @elementl-devtools
  • 6e52818 - Unify all alembic scripts into single directory, creating single history (#7411) by @prha
  • 8ab7bfb - enable mypy checking on dagit (#7626) by @smackesey
  • 5870039 - [dagit] Add dummy graphName field to AssetNode (#7637) by @hellendag
  • 3630d97 - [RFC] lighter weight pull request template (#7538) by @alangenfeld
  • cc07c17 - [dagit] AssetView: Don't show historical view message if it's not (#7639) by @hellendag
  • a83f387 - allow flexible types for SourceAsset key arg (#7633) by @sryza
  • 1cfcac3 - add graphql fields to quickly query partition status (#7614) by @prha
  • b0da1bf - add option to GraphQueryInput to apply changes without hitting enter (#7635) by @prha
  • 8f80e59 - Refactors the PartitionGraph component to be divorced from the actual graphql query (#7616) by @prha
  • 6003fdb - Adds a new partition page behind a feature flag (#7617) by @prha
  • a953214 - enable adding asset groups together (#7634) by @sryza
  • 8fbd524 - Fix mypy config for dagster main package (#7644) by @smackesey
  • 596515d - allow multiple asset groups on a repository (#7649) by @sryza
  • f7e85ff - refactor: remove airline demo (#7653) by @rexledesma
  • 4c65d82 - to_source_assets (#7643) by @sryza
  • d543f82 - adding a Terminate Run method for in-progress execution to the Python GraphQL client (#7443) by @Javier162380
  • 87c0f27 - fix apidoc for fs io manager (#7671) by @sryza
  • 90b4739 - Fix celery docker jobs that involve writing directly to command-line output (#7665) by @gibsondan
  • f46fc50 - Fix docs lib links (#7680) by @johannkm
  • 9941f61 - Fix configmaps that need to be manually set when running the user deployments helm chart in a different namespace (#7660) by @gibsondan
  • 37d9629 - Add all repos to hacker_news __init__.py (#7677) by @gibsondan
  • dbbeadf - remove primitive types from apidoc (#7674) by @sryza
  • 7b54c30 - Add py.typed to dagster and all extension libs (#7561) by @smackesey
  • c6ff832 - [eslint-config] Bump dependencies (#7681) by @hellendag
  • faad5ea - [dagster-airbyte] terminate airbyte sync w python process (#7687) by @OwenKephart
  • c99184c - [dagster-dbt] remove annoying color formatting strings from log output (#7688) by @OwenKephart
  • d79bb7b - Pull out PostgresEventWatcher into its own module and parameterize it more (#7666) by @gibsondan
  • 0422087 - graph and job apidoc fixes (#7673) by @sryza
  • 7bdffdb - docs: fix example for multiprocess run config (#7693) by @rexledesma
  • 2db9bd1 - finish dagster-fivetran types (#7563) by @smackesey
  • 636decb - finish dagster-airbyte types (#7562) by @smackesey
  • e9dd228 - chore(graphql): add linter to ensure docstrings on graphene graphql objects (#7669) by @rexledesma
  • acf8f9f - docs(graphql): add docstrings to mutations.py (#7691) by @rexledesma
  • 1bb7112 - Move EventSpecificData out of TYPE_CHECKING (#7697) by @smackesey
  • 441f5ba - Add ability to set mapping key on op/solid invocation context (#7364) by @dpeng817
  • 671cea6 - Make Output generic (#7202) by @dpeng817
  • c55e3f4 - update fake adls resource to work with leases (#7587) by @jamiedemaria
  • de0eae9 - add core partition status storage query (#7662) by @prha
  • 439b4d5 - docs: specify the correct mysql event log module (#7703) by @rexledesma
  • 8566057 - Revert "Make Output generic (#7202)" (#7715) by @dpeng817
  • 11f9496 - Add bool metadata type (#7694) by @clairelin135
  • 52ff71f - Add platform arg and other improvements to dagster-docker CLI (#7698) by @smackesey
  • d4293b8 - Add a guard around dagit's JSON parsing of incoming requests (#7714) by @gibsondan
  • d32fcff - Switch new partition page to use more efficient partition status query (#7663) by @prha
  • bc2e62d - [docs] retry policy invocation example (#7716) by @alangenfeld
  • 756540e - docs: fix example with lazy loading repository (#7704) by @rexledesma
  • 2a579a6 - update slack api call in op hook docs (#7712) by @jamiedemaria
  • 2f828aa - Improve Buildkite test version specification API (#7699) by @smackesey
  • 64c6d85 - use ">" for multi-component selection in AssetGroup.build_job (#7661) by @sryza
  • d6af7e1 - finish dagster-pagerduty types (#7668) by @smackesey
  • 857079d - enable providing asset_key to build_output_context (#7696) by @sryza
  • 7504407 - [dagit] Support special cron strings (#7717) by @hellendag
  • 5fac185 - solid -> op in dagster-slack (#7684) by @sryza
  • 6e467c5 - Typing additions (#7039) by @smackesey
  • 84cc1a4 - [instance] rm get_addresses_for_step_output_versions (#7601) by @alangenfeld
  • e90d8d9 - Add run tags for repository/location names (#6893) by @prha
  • c81a825 - Surface retried error in Dagit (#7692) by @johannkm
  • 504aa08 - RFC: Keep firing hooks even if a framework exception is raised mid-execution (#7652) by @gibsondan
  • 948499e - combine validate_tags and check_tags to JSONify nested tags (#7720) by @gibsondan
  • ae55df0 - test dynamic_output output for node (#7718) by @clairelin135
  • 5e32caa - [postgres] dont use urlquote_plus (#7723) by @alangenfeld
  • d9cc191 - [docs] fix jobs from graphs example (#7722) by @alangenfeld
  • 4c57949 - Make output generic (#7719) by @dpeng817
  • 2155bf5 - Missed changes for Dagit surface retry error (#7731) by @johannkm
  • ed04dab - Change head_bucket to list_objects. (#7485) by @trevenrawr
  • fbb1abb - RFC: include schema in default dbt asset keys (#7645) by @sryza
  • 59a9915 - populate op names and graph name for ExternalAssetNode (#7721) by @OwenKephart
  • 69c57d3 - add extra sensor state fetch to minimize chance of clobber state (#7738) by @prha
  • 97ed20f - Workaround for mypy cache bug (#7732) by @smackesey
  • 8cc4bdc - fix run list for new partitions view (#7742) by @prha
  • 81a0421 - 0.14.14 changelog (#7743) by @prha
  • ee3081f - Make Output and DynamicOutput no longer be tuple types (#7740) by @dpeng817
  • de65762 - [dagit] Use a CSP header instead of meta tag (#7727) by @hellendag
  • 0260b0f - Add a test with various wait/act use cases (#7728) by @hellendag
  • da15d8d - Add job/op equivalents to execution context (#7734) by @johannkm
  • 30e7ced - Rename ReexecutionPolicy -> ReexecutionStrategy (#7746) by @johannkm
  • 9beeff4 - [dagit] Update tsconfig to es2022, update browserslist (#7749) by @hellendag
  • 2930507 - [dagit] Use Array flat (#7754) by @hellendag
  • a4ffde0 - remove usable_as_dagster_type from integrations (#7682) by @sryza
  • 41f705c - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.14 by @elementl-devtools
  • 1d35e58 - enable returning lists of run requests from sensor/schedule evaluation functions (#7755) by @prha
  • db8f725 - remove usable_as_dagster_type from types concept page (#7758) by @sryza
  • f305b65 - [easy] fix missing space in error message for util function (#7761) by @gibsondan
  • f85b25d - [dagit] Add more security headers (#7764) by @hellendag
  • 89efb37 - Additional asset graph improvements (#7707) by @bengotow
  • 9f73f3f - [dagit] Add Reload All button to the asset catalog, remove repo filter (#7708) by @bengotow
  • 6e50207 - [dagit] Better indentation guide in our CodeMirrors (#7765) by @hellendag
  • afe23af - Allow python objects to be passed as top-level inputs to job (#7032) by @dpeng817
  • 9366a7e - Add a static method on DefaultRunLauncher that launches a run without a workspace (#7777) by @gibsondan
  • 68a99d6 - Revert "Allow python objects to be passed as top-level inputs to job (#7032)" (#7779) by @dpeng817
  • cba9144 - Allow repositories to contain asset definitions and source assets for the same asset key (#7781) by @sryza
  • 8e25adc - fix error message when can't find upstream asset for dep (#7648) by @sryza
  • 8e05a7d - Allow TextInput to have a type of number (#7778) by @salazarm
  • 1b08360 - fix error with inferring description from empty docstring (#7788) by @sryza
  • 8096b17 - [dagit] Add hover actions to run Tags (#7751) by @hellendag
  • 42e00e1 - Fixes to the apidocs page (#7729) by @sryza
  • 9cf7cde - [dagit] Show asset nodes on Asset Details (#7689) by @hellendag
  • 7055f90 - [dagit] Make log filter input clearable (#7805) by @hellendag
  • 10d9fc5 - [eslint-config] Add recommended jest lint (#7807) by @hellendag
  • 64cf6a2 - pin xmltodict to fix aws test failures, until moto 3.1.9 (#7806) by @prha
  • 5f1e9fb - update s3 sensor docs to use context.cursor instead of context.last_run_key (#7748) by @prha
  • 8cfa136 - Add namespaces / prefixes to the hacker news assets demo (#7782) by @sryza
  • 742ba2b - toposort frozenset workaround (#7793) by @smackesey
  • 4462e81 - Increase executor event log poll interval (#7803) by @johannkm
  • abd59f6 - Add a few __init__.py in test packages (#7809) by @smackesey
  • b4115ef - remove TableSchema experimental warnings (#7799) by @smackesey
  • 1f0d9fb - snowflake io manager (#7726) by @sryza
  • ccb2fd1 - Change the fake repo that simulates an import error while loading dagster code (#7816) by @gibsondan
  • e6c5bb0 - remove jinja / nbconvert pin (#7819) by @prha
  • 9ca7fdd - [dagit] Use /instead of> for displaying asset paths (#7818) by @bengotow
  • b0e3ca2 - fix snowflake io manager tests on python 3.7 (#7824) by @sryza
  • 35a198b - link to examples in concepts pages (#7753) by @jamiedemaria
  • 0540339 - [docs] job execution (#7776) by @alangenfeld
  • 14947c2 - [dagit] Clean up my todos (#7810) by @hellendag
  • 99259a7 - [dagit] Fix global search for repeated item keys (#7827) by @hellendag
  • cd7de4d - sys.meta_path import mapping layer (#7040) by @smackesey
  • 629a689 - Allow passing posargs to tox commands (#7822) by @smackesey
  • 2572d66 - Rename check > _check (#7808) by @smackesey
  • 62b2ffb - context.partition_time_window (#7795) by @sryza
  • 7abbdb6 - take out airline demo from make dev_install (#7839) by @sryza
  • 27ca0c0 - [dagit] Make schedule/sensor tags more prominent in RunTags (#7834) by @hellendag
  • 106dca2 - add BoolMetadataValue to __all__ in dagster/__init__.py (#7838) by @sryza
  • 42e35af - [dagit server] guard on async websocket send (#7833) by @alangenfeld
  • 03c8691 - [top-level inputs 1/2] Move InvalidSubsetError try-catch up a level (#7780) by @dpeng817
  • 8cb4101 - docs design update (#7531) by @yuhan
  • bb75f3b - Remove test-connection pod (#7842) by @gibsondan
  • d60c3c8 - remove validate_asset_key_string (#7811) by @sryza
  • 3125227 - partitioned assets from graphs (#7837) by @sryza
  • 15e9eb5 - fallback logic for resolvers (#7766) by @OwenKephart
  • d099e43 - migrate concept docs code snippet paths to graph/job/op (#6775) by @sryza
  • 0356320 - [rfc] generic + returnable dynamic outputs (#7744) by @dpeng817
  • 923342e - [dagster-dbt] dbt build + AssetObservations from tests (#7783) by @OwenKephart
  • 77dff37 - [dagit] New “folder grid” asset view behind experimental flag (#7767) by @bengotow
  • 7207a6e - Handle backcompat asset observation (#7831) by @clairelin135
  • 2238f8b - [dagit] Remove search item key (#7830) by @hellendag
  • 0ba6b2a - use generic Output type annotations in hacker news (#7600) by @sryza
  • 5e8f310 - changelog 0.14.15 (#7850) by @yuhan
  • 773cf30 - [dagit] add log-level flag (#7853) by @alangenfeld
  • b71f150 - [changelog][skip ci] dagit line and autofmt (#7857) by @alangenfeld
  • 61afd9a - [dagit] tweak websocket disable (#7860) by @alangenfeld
  • 21237cf - Limit pods per run with k8s_job_executor (#7846) by @johannkm
  • d917df5 - additions to the 0.14.15 changelog (#7856) by @sryza
  • c0f86a3 - fix asset key prefixes in MDS assets example (#7855) by @sryza
  • 042d3d2 - [helm] dagit.logLevel (#7862) by @alangenfeld
  • f06689b - warn for instance.get_event_records calls without an event type filter (#7848) by @prha
  • 8455843 - [top-level inputs 2/2] top level inputs on job and execute_in_process (#7786) by @dpeng817
  • e362fad - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.15 by @elementl-devtools
  • 632cc79 - rm duplicate changelog entry from navigation (#7873) by @gibsondan
  • b5d52ea - Fix error message assertions in Helm tests (#7858) by @johannkm
  • 6732a87 - Toxfile adjustments (adding mypy) (#7867) by @smackesey
  • 993a3aa - [resources on repos 1/n] Reorganize job/pipeline/graph duplication error logic in repository (#7817) by @dpeng817
  • a4d79e3 - docs: fix vercel build (#7876) by @yuhan
  • bfbfa62 - enable @asset-decorated functions to accept kwargs (#7871) by @sryza
  • 21b6a5e - fix type error (#7887) by @smackesey
  • 78d4b57 - dagster-dbt types (#7878) by @smackesey
  • 272b250 - Add health check for ECS tasks (#7695) by @jamiedemaria
  • 91b6c0f - [cloud dagit] Add optional nav tabs parameter for settings root page (#7892) by @benpankow
  • ea27cdc - feat(helm): support custom configmap for workspace (#7882) by @johannkm
  • 9e786a1 - add data migration for run repo tags (#7815) by @prha
  • c71b117 - make docker_compose_cm a contextmanager rather than a fixture (#7905) by @gibsondan
  • 727c059 - [@dagster-io/eslint-config] v1.0.4 (#7913) by @hellendag
  • 5897837 - docs: fix flash white box (#7877) by @yuhan
  • fe59b68 - InputContext.upstream_output is missing key when source asset (#7919) by @sryza
  • 80153e0 - remove handle_schema_errors that wrap db errors with schema outdated exceptions (#7886) by @prha
  • c95cfd1 - Enable asset partitioning support for @multi_asset defined assets (#7908) by @aroig
  • 5e22b7b - update multiple dynamic outs example (#7917) by @jamiedemaria
  • 6e15dfb - dagster-databricks mypy (#7879) by @smackesey
  • 252f285 - [1/n] Subsetting Stack: use subset_selector for AssetGoup.build_job (#7796) by @OwenKephart
  • 06149b6 - Don't call it a 'framework error' when a run worker unexpectedly restarts (#7885) by @gibsondan
  • 17fa439 - chore(helm): remove local from compute log manager options (#7924) by @rexledesma
  • f6d63d1 - Executor and dagster-docker typing (#7881) by @smackesey
  • a7e0b69 - remove markupsafe pin (#7898) by @bollwyvl
  • 1564c9f - [2/n] Subsetting Stack: AssetsDefinition subsetting (#7797) by @OwenKephart
  • 3b5c135 - fix docstring (#7948) by @OwenKephart
  • d0524c2 - RFC: Better error handling when an ExternalRepository grpc call fails (#7929) by @gibsondan
  • f27ee8b - Use correct configured link in resources (#7949) by @gibsondan
  • 445194b - add CLI command to print the storage schema version (#7910) by @prha
  • 2d219f4 - [dagit] Present location reload errors after “Workspace > Reload All” (#7907) by @bengotow
  • 943ab6c - [dagit] Asset details: Graph/op links (#7655) by @hellendag
  • 448ca76 - Fix detection of parent process death (#7914) by @aroig
  • 15887bc - Merge identical get_location and get_repository_location methods (#7952) by @gibsondan
  • 0d90a3c - add missing check to AssetsDefinition.from_graph (#7960) by @sryza
  • f7b14c4 - Fix issue where azure IO manager was sometimes failing on recursive deletes (#7956) by @gibsondan
  • 780f771 - make input defs deterministic (#7957) by @clairelin135
  • b8f3816 - [events] can_load mitigation (#7955) by @alangenfeld
  • 2cbf3cd - fix slack image link on Getting Started (#7964) by @yuhan
  • 1bd83e4 - Typing for automation package (#7812) by @smackesey
  • 205d811 - make StepLauncher and friends public (#7945) by @smackesey
  • fb025dc - feat(helm): bump minimum supported kubernetes version to 0.19 (#7925) by @rexledesma
  • 422fa71 - Asset Subselection (#7835) by @clairelin135
  • d6b4eaf - various fixes for new partition page (#7950) by @prha
  • 0424134 - [dagster-airbyte] don't cancel completed syncs (#7888) by @OwenKephart
  • 2a56fa2 - [dagster-dbt] small tweaks (#7967) by @OwenKephart
  • e168466 - Error rather than warn when an event log query comes in that tries to use an int cursor on an event log DB that needs a RunShardedEventsCursor (#7970) by @gibsondan
  • c7b2387 - Still make cursor editable if it is not set (#7969) by @gibsondan
  • 738799d - [daemon] tweak per-thread instance/workspace setup (#7965) by @alangenfeld
  • b66a915 - Revert "feat(helm): bump minimum supported kubernetes version to 0.19 (#7925)" (#7968) by @rexledesma
  • 50ac89f - 0.14.16 Changelog (#7976) by @johannkm
  • abc35c0 - fix reexecution (#7980) by @clairelin135
  • 129a8d6 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.16 by @elementl-devtools
  • b49cfe4 - [dagit] Fix SearchBootstrapQuery to be lazy (#7981) by @hellendag
  • 7a72d66 - split graphql query for the backfill page (#7986) by @prha
  • a8d3526 - Remove can_terminate from run launchers and run coordinators, use a status check instead in graphql (#7983) by @gibsondan
  • 6afdaf9 - style(helm): remove unnecessary pylint suppressions (#7923) by @rexledesma
  • 8f375c4 - provide job_timeout_in_seconds in dataproc resource config (#7941) by @3cham
  • 605d274 - [dagit] Replace opName with opNames everywhere (#7977) by @hellendag
  • d910d23 - Set default hour of day and minute of hour in build_schedule_from_partitioned_job based on the offsets of the parittioned job (#7954) by @gibsondan
  • 4293e7c - WIP: Don't fetch every single run in the InstanceBackfillsQuery (#7985) by @gibsondan
  • cbd7da9 - [dagit] Show assets on run pages in more scenarios (#7874) by @bengotow
  • 5ae7d32 - [dagit] Do not display the partition_set, step_selection tags on asset group runs (#7953) by @bengotow
  • f51d7e6 - [dagit] WebSocketProvider: Time out and fall back to disabled (#7978) by @hellendag
  • 515e194 - Coerce asset_key on AssetIn (#8009) by @aroig
  • d19ec31 - Fix issue where we added the run ID repeatedly to the runs for the tick during scheduler failure recovery (#8003) by @gibsondan
  • 58230bf - Load fewer backfills on each page (#7998) by @gibsondan
  • f625b6d - add loading indicator for job backfills (#8004) by @prha
  • abac74a - Remove duplicate count_resume_run_attempts method (#7915) by @johannkm
  • d9133bb - Make asset related checks more robust (#8008) by @aroig
  • c4d844d - Fix relative path for pytest fixture in backcompat tests (#7999) by @dpeng817
  • 60e8774 - feat(helm): allow name override for Dagit deployment (#8005) by @rexledesma
  • be20db5 - Add a __main__.py to dagster/daemon (#8012) by @gibsondan
  • 07210b9 - dagster-buildkite refactor (#7813) by @smackesey
  • d5d7068 - Fix unsightly scrollbar in custom alert (#8018) by @gibsondan
  • 1bda005 - create get_records_for_run for event log storage, using an opaque string cursor (#7973) by @prha
  • 7cc7681 - Fix error when dagit passes in a non-dict string to run config valiation (#8020) by @gibsondan
  • bf78a28 - [dagster-io/ui] Fix Dialog header/footer alignment (#7975) by @hellendag
  • 8c6a8fe - [dagit] Disable unloadables if no permissions (#8021) by @hellendag
  • 71802bd - use mkdir -p in migration guide by @johannkm
  • aebfe43 - [dagit] Sectioned left nav (#8017) by @hellendag
  • e385dec - Handle InvalidSubsetError in launch run results (#8014) by @gibsondan
  • 08ef634 - Use dagster-postgres in alembic migration guide (#7992) by @johannkm
  • 0b50cc2 - Generate buildkite headers inside dagster-buildkite (#7987) by @smackesey
  • 3ac0dd2 - bug fix: should allow re-executing all dynamic steps generated from mapper step (#7979) by @yuhan
  • 654a748 - refactor: has_index for migrations (#8034) by @johannkm
  • 08e37e3 - In-progress indicator for graph-backed assets (#8015) by @clairelin135
  • b1ab74b - resource defs on asset def (#7918) by @dpeng817
  • 9d98be1 - Load all code artifacts on grpc server startup, not just pipelines/jobs (#8040) by @gibsondan
  • 4062bca - Accept string values for non_argument_deps (#8023) by @shalabhc
  • 49aa991 - add example Python incompatibilities on Py 3.6 (#8036) by @smackesey
  • 31e1f3d - Add missing deps for docs-snippets and skip 36 in BK (#8048) by @smackesey
  • e7fca20 - docs: update readme with social links (#8046) by @rexledesma
  • 4e1a53f - OpExecutionContext.output_asset_key (#7961) by @sryza
  • 10b9225 - Add missing method to SnowflakePandasTypeHandler (#8051) by @gibsondan
  • 10d8e65 - [dagit] Flip section arrow in left nav (#8056) by @hellendag
  • b5604ce - [dagster-io/ui] Make disabled+checked Switch state more obvious (#8033) by @hellendag
  • 9122968 - [dagit] Enable sectioned left nav by default (#8039) by @hellendag
  • 407e698 - [3/n] Subsetting Stack: dbt assets can be subset (#7798) by @OwenKephart
  • 84ccc32 - Raise error upon incomplete graph-backed asset subset (#8041) by @clairelin135
  • ac6007c - throw error for empty asset key (#8069) by @smackesey
  • 71a85ba - [dagit] Use dialog for multiple schedules/sensors in left nav (#8065) by @hellendag
  • f8ff6f6 - remove dynamic mapping and collect section from jobs concepts page (#7844) by @sryza
  • 307b363 - grammar (#7984) by @dwinston
  • 71872c3 - Pass in engine rather than connection in SnowflakePandasTypeHandler (#8070) by @gibsondan
  • b6caeaf - [dagit] Launchpad: Show disabled "Scaffold" and "Remove" buttons instead of hiding them (#8066) by @hellendag
  • 220e74d - chore(buildkite): mention user in private channel (#8071) by @rexledesma
  • d7129a5 - [dagster-dbt] allow for static manifest.json-based selection (#8047) by @OwenKephart
  • 03b24cd - [asset-resources 2/n][rfc] io manager defs directly on asset defs (#7920) by @dpeng817
  • 1e411ad - adding a FromSourceAsset StepInputSource (#7942) by @OwenKephart
  • 284e912 - Add protobuf pin to dagster (#8078) by @gibsondan
  • 0e0bf21 - Skip flaky snowflake+pandas tests (#8081) by @gibsondan
  • e557f0e - docs: revamp the README (#8052) by @rexledesma
  • 28f9930 - 0.14.17 changelog (#8083) by @smackesey
  • 8e8ee85 - Fix upstream context handling in fs_asset_io_manager (#8007) by @aroig
  • 3e68731 - KnownState.ready_outputs (#8016) by @alangenfeld
  • d072b41 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.17 by @elementl-devtools
  • aad66c0 - chore: mark FileCache for deprecation in 0.15.0 (#7922) by @rexledesma
  • d980112 - remove step stats query (#8089) by @clairelin135
  • f733499 - Revert "throw error for empty asset key (#8069)" (#8093) by @gibsondan
  • c7427a0 - migrate from deprecated sqlalchemy methods (#7864) by @alangenfeld
  • 67ca747 - fix typos (#8090) by @OwenKephart
  • e9771fd - Add skip for flaky grpc server test (#8097) by @gibsondan
  • 1e9ac3d - chore(buildkite): ignore notifications on canceled builds (#8099) by @rexledesma
  • 46722df - [dagit] Break apart LaunchpadSessionContainer (#8101) by @hellendag
  • 003c161 - [dagit] Small changes to the asset catalog (#7993) by @bengotow
  • bea40a4 - [dagit] Track partition set sort order for Launchpad (#8104) by @hellendag
  • 08fad28 - Lint rule to make sure queries requiring QueryVariables have them (#8102) by @salazarm
  • aa6d4ba - Make dagster-images build work when it is called outside of a git repo (#8088) by @gibsondan
  • 18624a9 - Fix configuration schema for k8s executor (#8107) by @fahadkh
  • f921f04 - [dagit] Clean up some yarn peer deps (#8108) by @hellendag
  • 8551940 - Add latestRun resolver to AssetsLatestInfo (#8072) by @clairelin135
  • 6b8f907 - Handle op outputs in default asset IO manager (#8074) by @clairelin135
  • 35e8a66 - [dagit] Add last materialization, latest run columns to the asset table (#7996) by @bengotow
  • 8f1d403 - fix(mypy): refine types (#8129) by @rexledesma
  • cc7360a - [dagit] Remove the global asset graph in preparation for asset group graphs (#8125) by @bengotow
  • dbae025 - [dagit] Rename isAssetGroup => isHiddenAssetGroupJob for clarity (#8124) by @bengotow
  • 72c4e50 - fix(helm): allow numeric quoted strings as image tags (#8120) by @rexledesma
  • 1429ac2 - docs: add a button to copy/paste code snippets (#8106) by @yuhan
  • 9af83ae - [asset-resources 4/n][rfc] Refactor resource requirement checking code (#7947) by @dpeng817
  • 0d4dd5a - fix(helm): use templated comment (#8137) by @rexledesma
  • cd3f69e - docs(helm): add doc hint for dagster-user-deployments.imagePullSecrets (#8112) by @ceefour
  • dc922f9 - Added group_name to asset (#8110) by @shalabhc
  • a3cf6c9 - Fix invocation on ops that use generic dynamic outputs (#8133) by @dpeng817
  • 48507e9 - [dagit] Show more information for last run on Schedules/Sensors (#8130) by @hellendag
  • bc3fde4 - [dagit] Remove asset graph bundling based on path prefixes, experimental flag (#8127) by @bengotow
  • ac59da6 - KnownState parent run info (#8030) by @alangenfeld
  • cfe0766 - add metadata to jobs (#7849) by @jamiedemaria
  • 0e6f9a9 - fix dagit-debug (#8148) by @alangenfeld
  • 64bd480 - add kwargs to pipeline snapshot from storage (#8149) by @jamiedemaria
  • 8fc3838 - Fix label sanitization for strings that end in a period (#8151) by @gibsondan
  • 1d216c5 - [dagit] Show counts next to log filter tags (#8141) by @hellendag
  • 5112ead - increase test_ping timeout (#8150) by @alangenfeld
  • 0c1dc58 - [dagit] Fix duplicate styled-components (#8144) by @hellendag
  • 992e271 - Basic asset config (#7590) by @smackesey
  • f2beff3 - Avoid launching ECS runs with large overrides (#8152) by @jmsanders
  • 217f636 - Optionally tag images as latest (#8132) by @jmsanders
  • bc038fe - chore(helm): christen the code server service port name as grpc (#8142) by @calebfornari
  • b4b4e33 - feat(helm): allow the postgresql scheme to be configurable (#8126) by @peay
  • 1936f23 - [dagit] Remove clear-site-data header (#8134) by @hellendag
  • 35b5241 - [dagit] Allow run termination on queued run (#8157) by @hellendag
  • 6fddda8 - [dagit] Add active state to left nav items (#8147) by @hellendag
  • 6324cc4 - [asset-resources 5/n] io manager defs on source assets (#8105) by @dpeng817
  • 59ae56b - [dagster-io/eslint-config] v1.0.5 (#8121) by @hellendag
  • a0aeb78 - fix(helm): use pre-2022 bitnami repository (#8166) by @rexledesma
  • 04f9c4e - Asset config gql resolver (#8163) by @smackesey
  • 67e4b01 - Allow environment variables in dagster-mlflow schema (#7997) by @chasleslr
  • 09fddd9 - changes (#8169) by @OwenKephart
  • 5c35d39 - [dagit] asset Config (#8154) by @smackesey
  • 974af9f - clean up create_pg_connection (#8165) by @alangenfeld
  • ccab3c0 - [dagit] Add a Lineage tab to the Asset Details page (#8143) by @bengotow
  • 11f5f1b - [easy] 0.14.18 => 0.14.19 in changelog (#8180) by @gibsondan
  • c6f7fba - revert "Scaffold Config" always enabled (#8181) by @smackesey
  • 6e684e1 - Add asset groups to graphql (#8140) by @shalabhc
  • cca4561 - [0.15.0] remove attempt count from step launching APIs (#8068) by @alangenfeld
  • c8e5fa4 - [dagit] Make the left nav stay open/closed (#8173) by @hellendag
  • 6fee2dc - step launcher fix up (#8186) by @alangenfeld
  • b47f6ee - Explicit asset key args to assetsLatestInfo (#8178) by @clairelin135
  • 5f7d322 - Improve documentation around Output objects and op output annotations. (#8139) by @dpeng817
  • 102e9e5 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.19 by @elementl-devtools
  • a217002 - Revert "Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.19" (#8190) by @gibsondan
  • ac4a1d8 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.19 by @elementl-devtools
  • efae88a - [docs] - RFC: add a Learning More section to the asset tutorial [CON-17] (#8031) by @sryza
  • 585eeaf - Merge Asset IO functionality with Library IO managers (#8189) by @clairelin135
  • d2e058a - let tag inherit pointer style (#8208) by @salazarm
  • bd32fae - extract event connection to top-level graphql query (#8077) by @prha
  • ad8a0a2 - Fixes for asset graphql tests to make them easier to generalize and call with other graphql context fixtures (#8199) by @gibsondan
  • b89f4d0 - [instance] rm events_for_asset_key and get_asset_events (#7602) by @alangenfeld
  • 62cbc10 - Restrict group names to VALID_NAME_REGEX_STR (#8214) by @shalabhc
  • 18af5e7 - [asset-resources 6/n] with_resources method (#8019) by @dpeng817
  • 75e295d - fix encoding for windows test (#8227) by @prha
  • 1b20e2e - Migration: add columns action_type and selector_id to bulk_actions (#7995) by @johannkm
  • a5a1c0b - Create unified storage configuration for dagster.yaml (#7283) by @prha
  • 076fb86 - Add image pull secrets to k8s container context (#8221) by @gibsondan
  • 73d459b - [dagit] Update MenuLink to support a disabled state (#8200) by @bengotow
  • ef928a4 - [docs] - Document partitioned IO managers [CON-37] (#8191) by @smackesey
  • a34abb7 - ungate new partitions backfill (#8224) by @prha
  • 7fa711e - [dagit] Add top level Asset Group pages, Asset Groups in left nav (#8203) by @bengotow
  • b1aa959 - Fix upgrade story for new scheme field in postgres (#8220) by @gibsondan
  • 148e3e5 - fix workspace.yaml formatting (#8182) by @smackesey
  • 8cc09fe - docs: improve search 1/ (#8229) by @yuhan
  • cc31c77 - [dagit] Add asset group filter to the Asset Catalog (#8204) by @bengotow
  • be6d055 - ``assets_from_module methods [1/2] (#8225) by @clairelin135
  • b2c3741 - Graph-backed asset IO Fix (#8171) by @clairelin135
  • b434a3e - bring back source asset metadata (#8195) by @sryza
  • 7dfdfe1 - [dagit] Asset graph GraphQL query audit + cleanup (#8205) by @bengotow
  • 5733b39 - [dagit] Remove flat left nav (#8231) by @hellendag
  • b34f04d - [assets] cycle resolution (#8222) by @OwenKephart
  • 85e9c3a - [docs] add multi_assets docs page [CON-33] (#8192) by @OwenKephart
  • 660cd52 - Assets now have a default group name (#8226) by @shalabhc
  • 6498f34 - Move config editor to core so we can reuse in admin portal (#8237) by @salazarm
  • 20f5889 - Renamed the prefix for auto created jobs from '__ASSET_GROUP' to '__ASSET_JOB'. (#8235) by @shalabhc
  • 38b71a2 - Derive origin from pipeline run instead of the arg to ExecuteRunArgs (#8156) by @gibsondan
  • c48efb2 - unique name for assets in adls2 tests (#8232) by @jamiedemaria
  • 4b691da - docs: improve search 2/ (#8244) by @yuhan
  • f7718fa - AssetSelection (#8202) by @smackesey
  • 4ee0b99 - [for 0.15.0] default includeConfigInLaunchedRuns in helm chart to true (#7488) by @gibsondan
  • 9894016 - [dagit] Don't block scroll when mouse hits custom tooltip (#8242) by @hellendag
  • 5f833e8 - [dagit] Switch asset group pages to /list and /lineage instead of ?tab= (#8250) by @bengotow
  • 0215e82 - [docs] Asset Job Schedules/Sensors [CON-28, CON-29] (#8155) by @clairelin135
  • 3c8d1bf - [docs] - Document asset metadata [CON-31] (#8084) by @erinkcochran87
  • 872c2a8 - [docs] - Upstream changes for assets [CON-36] (#8175) by @erinkcochran87
  • d759550 - add data migration to bulk actions table for backfill jobs (#8153) by @prha
  • 2e236b2 - [docs] - Asset config [CON-89] (#8119) by @erinkcochran87
  • 1804af5 - [docs] - Update Ops & Asset pages for release [CON-21] (#8158) by @erinkcochran87
  • e9ebf8f - Override resource defs when invoking assets (#8217) by @dpeng817
  • a1a31d4 - Add resource defs to source asset, handle transitive dependencies (#8223) by @dpeng817
  • eea9a77 - asset defs directly on repository (#8197) by @sryza
  • 003bfc0 - [docs] - Graph-backed assets [CON-34] (#8174) by @erinkcochran87
  • 833c7a1 - ``assets_from_module methods [2/2] (#8236) by @clairelin135
  • 198053a - [assets] UnresolvedAssetJobDefinition (#8207) by @OwenKephart
  • 8e6b70f - [dagster-dbt] update dbt keys (#8228) by @OwenKephart
  • ca009fc - with_resources top level export (#8264) by @dpeng817
  • 90fd674 - chore(buildkite): separate docs only changes (#8261) by @rexledesma
  • db7fb76 - [docs] Asset storage description in filesystem IO Manager docs (#8240) by @clairelin135
  • 08b4fcf - [dagit] Add Materialize button to the Asset Catalog (#8206) by @bengotow
  • df10793 - Added the default group name for assets defined using Out(...) (#8259) by @shalabhc
  • 455096b - [assets] Allow graph_name to be None when not specified (#8247) by @bengotow
  • f6ab196 - [dagit] Asset group styling adjustments, polish (#8246) by @bengotow
  • c6aa327 - add backfill blank state (#8267) by @prha
  • 9567e1e - Fix descriptor that only references solid (#8159) by @dpeng817
  • ff3392a - add an "environment" key to EcsRunLauncher / EcsContainerContext that sets env vars (#8243) by @gibsondan
  • ec409c2 - [dagit] Add a Materialize All button to Asset Details > Lineage (#8248) by @bengotow
  • 6552e43 - [assets] Update modern-data-stack assets (#8271) by @OwenKephart
  • b54ed41 - [assets] fix tests (#8275) by @OwenKephart
  • 43e5d1a - docs: improve search 3/ handle GH discussion entries in search results (#8252) by @yuhan
  • 44c3075 - [docs] - Cross-repository assets [CON-32] (#8075) by @erinkcochran87
  • e8f256e - Fix hackernews after change to AssetGroup behavior (#8269) by @dpeng817
  • a2d7861 - [docs] - Document non-argument deps for assets [CON-16] (#7962) by @erinkcochran87
  • d99815d - assets_from_package_module -> load_assets_from_package_module (#8280) by @dpeng817
  • 40d8268 - validate resources for assets passed directly to a repository (#8270) by @dpeng817
  • 66ea7c9 - Standalone materialize method (#8268) by @dpeng817
  • fc5f07e - [0.15.0] move from warnings to errors for sensor/schedule target duplication (#7861) by @dpeng817
  • c3f4d36 - refactor: remove FileCache (#7701) by @rexledesma
  • d684848 - [assets] add partition_def and config to define_asset_job (#8282) by @OwenKephart
  • b86fe4d - Add docs for top level job inputs (#8212) by @dpeng817
  • f0b7346 - default executor on repo (#8272) by @dpeng817
  • 947a9f6 - Deprecate asset namespace (#8274) by @smackesey
  • d14ae4c - Fix black (#8288) by @johannkm
  • e34d9ca - Add kvs table to oss (#8213) by @johannkm
  • a03ccb8 - [dagit] Hold the lineage graph zoom level constant as you navigate (#8251) by @bengotow
  • b9de066 - Add max_retries to user editable tags (#8285) by @johannkm
  • 19a4d6e - fix is_subclass bug where issubclass(list[str], DagsterType) throws a surprising exception (#8287) by @gibsondan
  • 079bdd9 - take experimental decorators off of asset APIs (#8260) by @sryza
  • c52c203 - fix group_name in to_source_assets (#8279) by @sryza
  • 9fc1b11 - KVS storage methods (#8249) by @johannkm
  • 3b8c1e6 - [dagster-dbt] Fix bug where a dbt invocation that did not successfully start could emit materialization events. (#8293) by @OwenKephart
  • 04e2a7a - Fix typo in multi_asset docstring (#8292) by @johannkm
  • 028eb42 - Make dagster/reexecution_strategy tag editable (#8286) by @johannkm
  • 33d6a38 - asset selection tweaks (#8290) by @smackesey
  • 406b501 - Revert "KVS storage methods (#8249)" by @johannkm
  • a896660 - only return config field for solids (#8278) by @clairelin135
  • 09194c3 - docs: fix white box flashing when navigating between pages (#8281) by @yuhan
  • 79ea5d9 - [dagit] Fix JS error on repo reload (#8297) by @hellendag
  • 02e9d20 - [docs] - Move assets into intro tutorial + up in sidenav [CON-18] (#8241) by @erinkcochran87
  • 0e1fc50 - un-asset-group-ify SDA guide (#8283) by @dpeng817
  • 3954423 - asset concepts page without AssetGroups (#7901) by @sryza
  • b6a8f2f - 0.14.20 Changelog (#8301) by @johannkm
  • a6107b7 - solid -> op in message for omitted outputs (#7903) by @sryza
  • e0879bf - [docs] - Resources in assets [CON-27] (#8168) by @erinkcochran87
  • 82d510b - [docs] - SDA guide for existing Dagster users [CON-30] (#8188) by @sryza
  • 3f55bd2 - fix subclass test on py36 (#8302) by @gibsondan
  • e61fc61 - [dagit] Repair issue where last ten runs are missing for job (#8305) by @hellendag
  • a8bc2a2 - Deprecate AssetGroup (#8276) by @smackesey
  • 6ec3af6 - remove experimental materialization tags (#6650) by @prha
  • f6acfdc - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.20 by @elementl-devtools
  • e2f3342 - [docs] - Remove advanced tutorials [CON-290] (#8298) by @erinkcochran87
  • 2fbac77 - RFC: asset tutorial without AssetGroups (#7909) by @sryza
  • 8ea1a15 - [dagit] Don’t let description overflow on asset details page (#8309) by @bengotow
  • c881f12 - [dagit] Small left-nav design adjustments (#8307) by @bengotow
  • b3d063e - [dagit] Make the warning icon optional in AppTopNav (#8294) by @hellendag
  • 2623403 - Add docker executor example to deploy_docker (#8219) by @gibsondan
  • e6fad5b - AssetSelection.assets (#8316) by @sryza
  • 8b0d51c - upload backcompat artifacts to bk (#8184) by @jamiedemaria
  • 81de3d9 - [dagster-io/ui] Expose some text input styles (#8318) by @hellendag
  • 70558e1 - output_asset_partition_key -> asset_partition_key_for_output (#8327) by @sryza
  • e4a00e3 - [dagit] Fix text overflow behavior in the left nav, keep open if one repo (#8324) by @bengotow
  • bca8b6a - [dagit] Run timeline: make popover scrollable (#8319) by @hellendag
  • 3a1d95b - docs: make sidenav sticky [DREL-329] (#8310) by @yuhan
  • ab62a16 - use DisplayableEvent in dagit log viewer (#8323) by @gibsondan
  • 5ba7a9f - uniform prefix parsing (#8332) by @OwenKephart
  • 1fbce53 - docs: fix link from Kubernetes example (#8335) by @rexledesma
  • e97cc73 - [dagster-dbt] group names on dbt assets (#8303) by @OwenKephart
  • d46e5d8 - Attempt to speed up query for existing run keys for a given sensor (#8329) by @gibsondan
  • ffb3ddc - [docs] - Getting Started/quick start updates [CON-39] (#8187) by @erinkcochran87
  • 7a86d60 - in load_assets_from_... functions, make key_prefix docstring consistent with group (#8333) by @sryza
  • 2dc2d9c - reorder concept super-sections in left nav (#8315) by @sryza
  • 510bf07 - docs: improve search 4/ house cleaning - remove unused config/cmd (#8273) by @yuhan
  • 632ea3d - [dagit] Repair font-sizes on Safari (#8351) by @hellendag
  • 9d11ca4 - [assets] fix issues with job selection (#8340) by @OwenKephart
  • 7bdf0ce - AssetsDefinition.asset_keys -> keys and similar (#8325) by @sryza
  • b9ac2a3 - require get_event_records to have filter arg (#8284) by @prha
  • 5db2182 - Revert "Revert "KVS storage methods (#8249)"" (#8296) by @johannkm
  • 8f43d56 - Allow number type for id in ButtonGroup (#8352) by @salazarm
  • de10b7f - [dagit] Resolve redundant tag buttons on Launchpad (#8353) by @hellendag
  • c32caa0 - test(graphql): ensure type names do not leak graphene (#8345) by @rexledesma
  • 1ed9846 - docs(graphql): ensure descriptions for all mutation fields (#8346) by @rexledesma
  • 426a17a - docs(graphql): ensure descriptions for all query fields (#8347) by @rexledesma
  • 2e50477 - docs(graphql): ensure descriptions for all subscription fields (#8348) by @rexledesma
  • d8992f3 - docs(graphql): ensure descriptions for all types with opt-in enforcement (#8349) by @rexledesma
  • 2e46b28 - fix 0.14.20 versioned_navigation entry (#8360) by @yuhan
  • 233575a - Event log methods for event log consumer (#8253) by @johannkm
  • ff22edd - [docs] - Clarify explanation of graph-backed assets (#8328) by @sryza
  • 227a336 - AssetOut (#8359) by @sryza
  • 8b3770c - [docs] - Update IO Manager docs to contain Asset IO management (#8337) by @clairelin135
  • 511e5ec - Auto run reexecution daemon for oss (#8254) by @johannkm
  • 13f7f16 - Toggle to enable auto run reexecution daemon (#8277) by @johannkm
  • 8d5806e - [with_resources changes 1/n] with_resources docstring, config argument (#8322) by @dpeng817
  • fc6fdeb - Update k8s docs to reflect new includeConfigInLaunchedRuns default (#8361) by @gibsondan
  • d954334 - Simplify execute_in_process result (#8365) by @gibsondan
  • 142cd80 - [docs] - Graph-backed asset examples (#8339) by @clairelin135
  • 56fa984 - Run retries helm config (#8369) by @johannkm
  • c212e85 - [with-resources changes 2/n] If resources collide when using with_resources, error. (#8330) by @dpeng817
  • 8856374 - AssetsDefinition property name changes (#8317) by @sryza
  • d679440 - pass on partitions page for assets (#8355) by @sryza
  • 17ba710 - Type annotations for IOManager (#8308) by @smackesey
  • 3c618ed - materialize_in_process method (#8364) by @dpeng817
  • a661b5f - [assets] assorted bugfixes (#8372) by @OwenKephart
  • 42d4903 - [docs] - Update repository concept doc with asset info (#8373) by @smackesey
  • a20b02b - asset apiref improvements (#8374) by @sryza
  • c97ddaa - add custom k8s labels to dagster k8s jobs, not just dagster k8s pods (#8381) by @gibsondan
  • a7e75eb - asset apiref improvements (#8374) by @sryza
  • b5106af - Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster into release-0.15.0 by @clairelin135
  • 662f47a - [dagit] Update the linking between asset groups + jobs (#8377) by @bengotow
  • 0889686 - [docs] - Asset grouping [CON-295] (#8375) by @erinkcochran87
  • 13b8735 - [docs] - New Jobs & Graphs structure [CON-289] (#8035) by @erinkcochran87
  • fd3eae4 - fix docs lint (#8387) by @gibsondan
  • 2a2653e - Patch op definition resolution for assets in GQL (#8384) by @smackesey
  • 14696ae - Run retries docs (#8367) by @johannkm
  • e03eefe - Make asset invocation error if resources conflict (#8390) by @dpeng817
  • a60e889 - materialize_in_process -> materialize_to_memory (#8391) by @dpeng817
  • db08e07 - remove old asset lineage from docs (#8382) by @sryza
  • 531e5da - Fix problems from "remove old asset lineage from docs (#8382)" (#8389) by @sryza
  • bc1fa3e - apidoc for AssetOut and AssetIn (#8388) by @sryza
  • 3f051e4 - 0.15.0 by @elementl-devtools
dagster - 0.14.20 (June 9, 2022)

Published by gibsondan over 2 years ago


  • [dagster-aws] Added an env_vars field to the EcsRunLauncher that allows you to configure environment variables in the ECS task for launched runs.
  • [dagster-k8s] The env_vars field on K8sRunLauncher and k8s_job_executor can now except input of the form ENV_VAR_NAME=ENV_VAR_VALUE, and will set the value of ENV_VAR_NAME to ENV_VAR_VALUE. Previously, it only accepted input of the form ENV_VAR_NAME, and the environment variable had to be available in the pod launching the job.
  • [dagster-k8s] setting ‘includeConfigInLaunchedRuns’ on a user code deployment will now also include any image pull secrets from the user code deployment in the pod for the launched runs.


  • A recent change had made it so that, when IOManager.load_input was called to load an asset that was not being materialized as part of the run, the provided context would not include the metadata for that asset. context.upstream_output.metadata now correctly returns the metadata on the upstream asset.
  • Fixed an issue where using generic type aliases introduced in Python 3.9 (like list[str]) as the type of an input would raise an exception.
  • [dagster-k8s] Fixed an issue where upgrading the Helm chart version without upgrading your user code deployment version would result in an “Received unexpected config entry "scheme" at path root:postgres_db" error.

All Changes


  • b6cf5d2 - 0.14.20rc0 by @elementl-devtools
  • d421a1b - Fixes for asset graphql tests to make them easier to generalize and call with other graphql context fixtures (#8199) by @gibsondan
  • 58fa8ca - bring back source asset metadata (#8195) by @sryza
  • 561b81a - fix is_subclass bug where issubclass(list[str], DagsterType) throws a surprising exception (#8287) by @gibsondan
  • de28811 - Add max_retries to user editable tags (#8285) by @johannkm
  • 37d0062 - Derive origin from pipeline run instead of the arg to ExecuteRunArgs (#8156) by @gibsondan
  • cb800cc - add an "environment" key to EcsRunLauncher / EcsContainerContext that sets env vars (#8243) by @gibsondan
  • ed1b9b0 - Fix upgrade story for new scheme field in postgres (#8220) by @gibsondan
  • 455fb97 - Add image pull secrets to k8s container context (#8221) by @gibsondan
  • d1319e2 - extract event connection to top-level graphql query (#8077) by @prha
  • 5e2badf - Create unified storage configuration for dagster.yaml (#7283) by @prha
  • 601a9cb - [dagster-dbt] Fix bug where a dbt invocation that did not successfully start could emit materialization events. (#8293) by @OwenKephart
  • aa5d8ca - Move config editor to core so we can reuse in admin portal (#8237) by @salazarm
  • 8f9294a - Make dagster/reexecution_strategy tag editable (#8286) by @johannkm
  • 2a8d755 - only return config field for solids (#8278) by @clairelin135
  • 5f13fcd - clean up create_pg_connection (#8165) by @alangenfeld
  • b6c65e4 - 0.14.20 Changelog (#8301) by @johannkm
  • a44bb67 - 0.14.20 by @elementl-devtools
dagster - 0.14.19 (June 3, 2022)

Published by gibsondan over 2 years ago


  • Metadata can now be added to jobs (via the metadata parameter) and viewed in dagit. You can use it to track code owners, link to docs, or add other useful information.
  • In the Dagit launchpad, the panel below the config editor now shows more detailed information about the state of the config, including error state and whether the config requires further scaffolding or the removal of extra config.
  • FileCache is now marked for deprecation in 0.15.0.
  • In Dagit, the asset catalog now shows the last materialization for each asset and links to the latest run.
  • Assets can now have a config_schema. If you attempt to materialize an asset with a config schema in Dagit, you'll be able to enter the required config via a modal.


  • [helm] Fixed an issue where string floats and integers were not properly templated as image tags.
  • [dagster-k8s] Fixed an issue when using the k8s_job_executor where ops with long names sometimes failed to create a pod due to a validation error with the label names automatically generated by Dagster.
  • [dagster-aws] Fixed an issue where ECS tasks with large container contexts would sometimes fail to launch because their request to the ECS RunTask API was too large.

Breaking Changes

  • fs_asset_io_manager has been removed in favor of merging its functionality with fs_io_manager. fs_io_manager is now the default IO manager for asset jobs, and will store asset outputs in a directory named with the asset key.

Community Contributions

  • Fixed a bug that broke the k8s_job_executor’s max_conccurent configuration. Thanks @fahadkh!
  • Fixed a bug that caused the fs_io_manager to incorrectly handle assets associated with upstream assets. Thanks @aroig!


  • [helm] Add documentation for code server image pull secrets in the main chart.
  • The Dagster README has been revamped with documentation and community links.

All Changes


  • 9d14055 - Automation: versioned docs for 0.14.17 by @elementl-devtools
  • d52d4cb - Revert "throw error for empty asset key (#8069)" (#8093) by @gibsondan
  • fab2e6e - [dagit] Launchpad: Show disabled "Scaffold" and "Remove" buttons instead of hiding them (#8066) by @hellendag
  • b763dab - chore(buildkite): mention user in private channel (#8071) by @rexledesma
  • 3d9ac9d - [asset-resources 2/n][rfc] io manager defs directly on asset defs (#7920) by @dpeng817
  • b31b849 - docs: revamp the README (#8052) by @rexledesma
  • 82a7a0c - 0.14.17 changelog (#8083) by @smackesey
  • 9a14f45 - Fix upstream context handling in fs_asset_io_manager (#8007) by @aroig
  • a558f1b - KnownState.ready_outputs (#8016) by @alangenfeld
  • 5e6ba12 - chore: mark FileCache for deprecation in 0.15.0 (#7922) by @rexledesma
  • c1fae94 - remove step stats query (#8089) by @clairelin135
  • 1e06847 - migrate from deprecated sqlalchemy methods (#7864) by @alangenfeld
  • c43efa9 - fix typos (#8090) by @OwenKephart
  • 798eedc - Add skip for flaky grpc server test (#8097) by @gibsondan
  • 2d3275c - chore(buildkite): ignore notifications on canceled builds (#8099) by @rexledesma
  • beba51d - [dagit] Break apart LaunchpadSessionContainer (#8101) by @hellendag
  • c53fe10 - [dagit] Small changes to the asset catalog (#7993) by @bengotow
  • fa58bbf - [dagit] Track partition set sort order for Launchpad (#8104) by @hellendag
  • 170fff0 - Lint rule to make sure queries requiring QueryVariables have them (#8102) by @salazarm
  • adf8de6 - Make dagster-images build work when it is called outside of a git repo (#8088) by @gibsondan
  • e2e5dfa - Fix configuration schema for k8s executor (#8107) by @fahadkh
  • c42fa90 - [dagit] Clean up some yarn peer deps (#8108) by @hellendag
  • 1108dfd - Add latestRun resolver to AssetsLatestInfo (#8072) by @clairelin135
  • d3b00eb - Handle op outputs in default asset IO manager (#8074) by @clairelin135
  • 6fde698 - [dagit] Add last materialization, latest run columns to the asset table (#7996) by @bengotow
  • c36c26c - fix(mypy): refine types (#8129) by @rexledesma
  • ad3a0f9 - fix(helm): allow numeric quoted strings as image tags (#8120) by @rexledesma
  • fbc8477 - docs: add a button to copy/paste code snippets (#8106) by @yuhan
  • 0f7417c - [asset-resources 4/n][rfc] Refactor resource requirement checking code (#7947) by @dpeng817
  • 6855ea4 - fix(helm): use templated comment (#8137) by @rexledesma
  • 9318254 - docs(helm): add doc hint for dagster-user-deployments.imagePullSecrets (#8112) by @ceefour
  • 8bba00e - Added group_name to asset (#8110) by @shalabhc
  • e254b76 - Fix invocation on ops that use generic dynamic outputs (#8133) by @dpeng817
  • 6b6a7b7 - [dagit] Show more information for last run on Schedules/Sensors (#8130) by @hellendag
  • 0240beb - KnownState parent run info (#8030) by @alangenfeld
  • 7fb6ddb - add metadata to jobs (#7849) by @jamiedemaria
  • 3901e47 - fix dagit-debug (#8148) by @alangenfeld
  • 92f6fcd - add kwargs to pipeline snapshot from storage (#8149) by @jamiedemaria
  • efe448e - Fix label sanitization for strings that end in a period (#8151) by @gibsondan
  • c05b98d - [dagit] Fix duplicate styled-components (#8144) by @hellendag
  • 02a17a5 - Basic asset config (#7590) by @smackesey
  • 357022a - chore(helm): christen the code server service port name as grpc (#8142) by @calebfornari
  • e5de6a3 - feat(helm): allow the postgresql scheme to be configurable (#8126) by @peay
  • 10dc973 - Avoid launching ECS runs with large overrides (#8152) by @jmsanders
  • 45e5a3e - [dagit] Remove clear-site-data header (#8134) by @hellendag
  • b5c625e - fix(helm): use pre-2022 bitnami repository (#8166) by @rexledesma
  • 3b69d5c - Asset config gql resolver (#8163) by @smackesey
  • 163bc40 - Merge branch 'release-0.14.18' of https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster into release-0.14.18 by @OwenKephart
  • 36ff292 - changes (#8169) by @OwenKephart
  • 85fadac - [dagit] asset Config (#8154) by @smackesey
  • bf4aaf3 - 0.14.18 by @elementl-devtools
  • 612d82e - 0.14.18rc5 by @elementl-devtools
  • e84ed05 - 0.14.18rc6 by @elementl-devtools
  • bda8c50 - [easy] 0.14.18 => 0.14.19 in changelog (#8180) by @gibsondan
  • 8a028c2 - 0.14.19 by @elementl-devtools