
Modular Python framework for AI agents and workflows with chain-of-thought reasoning, tools, and memory.

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griptape - 0.28.1 Latest Release

Published by collindutter 3 months ago


  • Sending empty system content in PromptTask.
  • Throttling issues with DuckDuckGoWebSearchDriver.
griptape - 0.28.0

Published by collindutter 3 months ago


  • RagEngine is an abstraction for implementing modular RAG pipelines.
    • RagContext is a container object for passing around RAG context.
    • RAG stages:
      • QueryRagStage for parsing and expanding queries.
      • RetrievalRagStage for retrieving content.
      • ResponseRagStage for augmenting and generating outputs.
    • RAG modules:
      • Retrieval:
        • VectorStoreRetrievalRagModule for retrieving text chunks from vector stores.
        • TextLoaderRetrievalRagModule for retrieving data with text loaders in real time.
        • TextChunksRerankRagModule for re-ranking retrieved results.
      • Response:
        • MetadataBeforeResponseRagModule for appending metadata.
        • RulesetsBeforeResponseRagModule for appending rulesets.
        • PromptResponseRagModule for generating responses based on retrieved text chunks.
        • TextChunksResponseRagModule for responding with retrieved text chunks.
        • FootnotePromptResponseRagModule for responding with automatic footnotes from text chunk references.
  • RagClient tool for exposing RagEngines to LLM agents.
  • RagTask task for including RagEngines in any structure.
  • Rerank drivers:
    • CohereRerankDriver for using the Cohere rerank API.
  • utils.execute_futures_list() for executing a list of futures.
  • LocalVectorStoreDriver.persist_file for persisting vectors and chunks in a text file.
  • Entry.to_artifact() for easy vector store entry conversions into Griptape artifacts.
  • BaseVectorStoreDriver.does_entry_exist() to check if an entry exists in the vector store.
  • GoogleWebSearchDriver to web search with the Google Customsearch API.
  • DuckDuckGoWebSearchDriver to web search with the DuckDuckGo search SDK.
  • ProxyWebScraperDriver to web scrape using proxies.
  • Parameter session on AmazonBedrockStructureConfig.
  • Parameter meta on TextArtifact.
  • VectorStoreClient improvements:
    • VectorStoreClient.query_params dict for custom query params.
    • VectorStoreClient.process_query_output_fn for custom query output processing logic.
  • Parameter fail_fast to Structure.
  • BooleanArtifact for handling boolean values.
  • typos to dev dependencies to catch typos in code/docs.
  • Message for storing messages in a PromptStack. Messages consist of a role, content, and usage.
  • DeltaMessage for storing partial messages in a PromptStack. Multiple DeltaMessage can be combined to form a Message.
  • TextMessageContent for storing textual content in a Message.
  • ImageMessageContent for storing image content in a Message.
  • Support for adding TextArtifacts, ImageArtifacts, and ListArtifacts to PromptStack.
  • Support for image inputs to OpenAiChatPromptDriver, AzureOpenAiChatPromptDriver, AmazonBedrockPromptDriver, AnthropicPromptDriver, and GooglePromptDriver.
  • Input/output token usage metrics to all Prompt Drivers.
  • FinishPromptEvent.input_token_count and FinishPromptEvent.output_token_count.
  • Support for storing Artifacts as inputs/outputs in Conversation Memory Runs.
  • Agent.input for passing Artifacts as input.
  • Support for PromptTasks to take TextArtifacts, ImageArtifacts, and ListArtifacts as input.
  • Parameters sort_key and sort_key_value on AmazonDynamoDbConversationMemoryDriver for tables with sort keys.
  • Reference for supporting artifact citations in loaders and RAG engine modules.


  • BREAKING: Moved/renamed griptape.utils.PromptStack to griptape.common.PromptStack.
  • BREAKING: Renamed PromptStack.inputs to PromptStack.messages.
  • BREAKING: Moved PromptStack.USER_ROLE, PromptStack.ASSISTANT_ROLE, and PromptStack.SYSTEM_ROLE to Message.
  • BREAKING: Updated return type of PromptDriver.try_run from TextArtifact to Message.
  • BREAKING: Updated return type of PromptDriver.try_stream from Iterator[TextArtifact] to Iterator[DeltaMessage].
  • BREAKING: Removed BasePromptEvent.token_count in favor of FinishPromptEvent.input_token_count and FinishPromptEvent.output_token_count.
  • BREAKING: Removed StartPromptEvent.prompt. Use StartPromptEvent.prompt_stack instead.
  • BREAKING: Removed Agent.input_template in favor of Agent.input.
  • BREAKING: now returns a Message instead of a TextArtifact. For compatibility, Message.value contains the Message's Artifact value
  • BREAKING: BaseVectorStoreDriver.upsert_text_artifact() and BaseVectorStoreDriver.upsert_text() use artifact/string values to generate vector_id if it wasn't implicitly passed. This change ensures that we don't generate embeddings for the same content every time.
  • BREAKING: Removed VectorQueryEngine in favor of RagEngine.
  • BREAKING: Removed TextQueryTask in favor of RagTask.
  • BREAKING: TextArtifactStorage now requires vector_store_driver and rag_engine in place of vector_query_engine.
  • BREAKING: Moved load_artifacts() from BaseQueryEngine to BaseVectorStoreDriver.
  • BREAKING: Merged BaseVectorStoreDriver.QueryResult into BaseVectorStoreDriver.Entry.
  • BREAKING: Replaced query_engine with vector_store_driver in VectorStoreClient.
  • BREAKING: removed parameters google_api_lang, google_api_key, google_api_search_id, google_api_country on WebSearch in favor of web_search_driver.
  • BREAKING: removed VectorStoreClient.top_n and VectorStoreClient.namespace in favor of VectorStoreClient.query_params.
  • BREAKING: All futures_executor fields renamed to futures_executor_fn and now accept callables instead of futures; wrapped all future submit calls with the with block to address future executor shutdown issues.
  • GriptapeCloudKnowledgeBaseClient migrated to /search api.
  • Default Prompt Driver model in GoogleStructureConfig to gemini-1.5-pro.


  • CoherePromptDriver to properly handle empty history.
  • StructureVisualizer.to_url() by wrapping task IDs in single quotes.
griptape - 0.27.2

Published by andrewfrench 4 months ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

griptape - v0.27.0

Published by collindutter 4 months ago


  • BaseTask.add_child() to add a child task to a parent task.
  • BaseTask.add_children() to add multiple child tasks to a parent task.
  • BaseTask.add_parent() to add a parent task to a child task.
  • BaseTask.add_parents() to add multiple parent tasks to a child task.
  • Structure.resolve_relationships() to resolve asymmetrically defined parent/child relationships. In other words, if a parent declares a child, but the child does not declare the parent, the parent will automatically be added as a parent of the child when running this method. The method is invoked automatically by Structure.before_run().
  • CohereEmbeddingDriver for using Cohere's embeddings API.
  • CohereStructureConfig for providing Structures with quick Cohere configuration.
  • AmazonSageMakerJumpstartPromptDriver.inference_component_name for setting the InferenceComponentName parameter when invoking an endpoint.
  • AmazonSageMakerJumpstartEmbeddingDriver.inference_component_name for setting the InferenceComponentName parameter when invoking an endpoint.
  • AmazonSageMakerJumpstartEmbeddingDriver.custom_attributes for setting custom attributes when invoking an endpoint.
  • ToolkitTask.response_stop_sequence for overriding the default Chain of Thought stop sequence.
  • griptape.utils.StructureVisualizer for visualizing Workflow structures with Mermaid.js
  • BaseTask.parents_outputs to get the textual output of all parent tasks.
  • BaseTask.parents_output_text to get a concatenated string of all parent tasks' outputs.
  • parents_output_text to Workflow context.
  • OllamaPromptModelDriver for using models with Ollama.
  • Parameter output on Structure as a convenience for output_task.output


  • BREAKING: Workflow no longer modifies task relationships when adding tasks via tasks init param, add_tasks() or add_task(). Previously, adding a task would automatically add the previously added task as its parent. Existing code that relies on this behavior will need to be updated to explicitly add parent/child relationships using the API offered by BaseTask.
  • BREAKING: Removed AmazonBedrockPromptDriver.prompt_model_driver as it is no longer needed with the AmazonBedrockPromptDriver Converse API implementation.
  • BREAKING: Removed BedrockClaudePromptModelDriver.
  • BREAKING: Removed BedrockJurassicPromptModelDriver.
  • BREAKING: Removed BedrockLlamaPromptModelDriver.
  • BREAKING: Removed BedrockTitanPromptModelDriver.
  • BREAKING: Removed BedrockClaudeTokenizer, use SimpleTokenizer instead.
  • BREAKING: Removed BedrockJurassicTokenizer, use SimpleTokenizer instead.
  • BREAKING: Removed BedrockLlamaTokenizer, use SimpleTokenizer instead.
  • BREAKING: Removed BedrockTitanTokenizer, use SimpleTokenizer instead.
  • BREAKING: Removed OpenAiChatCompletionPromptDriver as it uses the legacy OpenAi Completions API.
  • BREAKING: Removed BasePromptDriver.count_tokens().
  • BREAKING: Removed BasePromptDriver.max_output_tokens().
  • BREAKING: Moved/renamed PromptStack.add_to_conversation_memory to BaseConversationMemory.add_to_prompt_stack.
  • BREAKING: Moved griptape.constants.RESPONSE_STOP_SEQUENCE to ToolkitTask.
  • BREAKING: Renamed AmazonSagemakerPromptDriver to AmazonSageMakerJumpstartPromptDriver.
  • BREAKING: Removed SagemakerFalconPromptModelDriver, use AmazonSageMakerJumpstartPromptDriver instead.
  • BREAKING: Removed SagemakerLlamaPromptModelDriver, use AmazonSageMakerJumpstartPromptDriver instead.
  • BREAKING: Renamed AmazonSagemakerEmbeddingDriver to AmazonSageMakerJumpstartEmbeddingDriver.
  • BREAKING: Removed SagemakerHuggingfaceEmbeddingModelDriver, use AmazonSageMakerJumpstartEmbeddingDriver instead.
  • BREAKING: Removed SagemakerTensorflowHubEmbeddingModelDriver, use AmazonSageMakerJumpstartEmbeddingDriver instead.
  • BREAKING: AmazonSageMakerJumpstartPromptDriver.model parameter, which gets passed to SageMakerRuntime.Client.invoke_endpoint as EndpointName, is now renamed to AmazonSageMakerPromptDriver.endpoint.
  • BREAKING: Removed parameter template_generator on PromptSummaryEngine and added parameters system_template_generator and user_template_generator.
  • BREAKING: Removed template engines/summary/prompt_summary.j2 and added templates engines/summary/system.j2 and engines/summary/user.j2.
  • ToolkitTask.RESPONSE_STOP_SEQUENCE is now only added when using ToolkitTask.
  • Updated Prompt Drivers to use BasePromptDriver.max_tokens instead of using BasePromptDriver.max_output_tokens().
  • Improved error message when GriptapeCloudKnowledgeBaseClient does not have a description set.
  • Updated AmazonBedrockPromptDriver to use Converse API.
  • Structure.before_run() now automatically resolves asymmetrically defined parent/child relationships using the new Structure.resolve_relationships().
  • Updated HuggingFaceHubPromptDriver to use transformers's apply_chat_template.
  • Updated HuggingFacePipelinePromptDriver to use chat features of transformers.TextGenerationPipeline.
  • Updated CoherePromptDriver to use Cohere's latest SDK.
  • Moved Task reset logic for all Structures to Structure.before_run.
  • Updated default prompt templates for PromptSummaryEngine.
  • Updated template templates/tasks/tool_task/system.j2.


  • Workflow.insert_task() no longer inserts duplicate tasks when given multiple parent tasks.
  • Performance issue in OpenAiChatPromptDriver when extracting unused rate-limiting headers.
  • Streaming not working when using deprecated field.
  • Raw Tool output being lost when being executed by ActionsSubtask.
  • Re-order Workflow tasks on every task execution wave.
  • Web Loader to catch Exceptions and properly return an ErrorArtifact.
  • Conversation Memory entry only added if output_task.output is not None on all Structures
  • TextArtifacts contained in ListArtifact returned by to properly formatted stringified JSON.
  • Structure run args not being set immediately.
  • Input and output logging in BaseAudioInputTasks and BaseAudioGenerationTasks
  • Validation of max_tokens < 0 on BaseChunker
griptape - v0.26.0

Published by collindutter 5 months ago


  • AzureOpenAiStructureConfig for providing Structures with all Azure OpenAI Driver configuration.
  • AzureOpenAiVisionImageQueryDriver to support queries on images using Azure's OpenAI Vision models.
  • AudioLoader for loading audio content into an AudioArtifact.
  • AudioTranscriptionTask and AudioTranscriptionClient for transcribing audio content in Structures.
  • OpenAiAudioTranscriptionDriver for integration with OpenAI's speech-to-text models, including Whisper.
  • Parameter env to BaseStructureRunDriver to set environment variables for a Structure Run.
  • PusherEventListenerDriver to enable sending of framework events over a Pusher WebSocket.


  • BREAKING: Removed StructureConfig.global_drivers. Pass Drivers directly to the Structure Config instead.
  • BREAKING: Removed StructureConfig.task_memory in favor of configuring directly on the Structure.
  • BREAKING: Updated OpenAI-based image query drivers to remove Vision from the name.
  • BREAKING: off_prompt now defaults to False on all Tools, making Task Memory something that must be explicitly opted into.
  • BREAKING: AmazonSageMakerPromptDriver.model parameter, which gets passed to SageMakerRuntime.Client.invoke_endpoint as EndpointName, is now renamed to AmazonSageMakerPromptDriver.endpoint.
  • BREAKING: AmazonSageMakerPromptDriver.model parameter is now optional being passed to SageMakerRuntime.Client.invoke_endpoint as InferenceComponentName (instead of EndpointName).
  • BREAKING: SageMakerLlamaPromptModelDriver modified to exclusively support the Llama 3 Instruct model deployed via SageMaker JumpStart. (Support for Llama 2 models has been removed.)
  • Simplified custom Task Memory configurations by making several TextArtifactStorage Engines optional.
  • Default the value of azure_deployment on all Azure Drivers to the model the Driver is using.
  • Field azure_ad_token on all Azure Drivers is no longer serializable.
  • Default standard OpenAI and Azure OpenAI image query model to gpt-4o.
  • Error message to be more helpful when importing optional dependencies.
griptape - v0.25.1

Published by andrewfrench 5 months ago


  • Honor namespace in RedisVectorStoreDriver.query().
  • Correctly set the meta, score, and vector fields of query result returned from RedisVectorStoreDriver.query().
  • Standardize behavior between omitted and empty actions list when initializing ActionsSubtask.


  • Optional event batching on Event Listener Drivers.
  • id field to all events.


  • Default behavior of Event Listener Drivers to batch events.
  • Default behavior of OpenAiStructureConfig to utilize gpt-4o for prompt_driver.
griptape - v0.25.0

Published by collindutter 6 months ago


  • list_files_from_disk activity to FileManager Tool.
  • Support for Drivers in EventListener.
  • AmazonSqsEventListenerDriver for sending events to an Amazon SQS queue.
  • AwsIotCoreEventListenerDriver for sending events to a topic on AWS IoT Core.
  • GriptapeCloudEventListenerDriver for sending events to Griptape Cloud.
  • WebhookEventListenerDriver for sending events to a webhook.
  • BaseFileManagerDriver to abstract file management operations.
  • LocalFileManagerDriver for managing files on the local file system.
  • Optional BaseLoader.encoding field.
  • BlobLoader for loading arbitrary binary data as a BlobArtifact.
  • model field to StartPromptEvent and FinishPromptEvent.
  • input_task_input and input_task_output fields to StartStructureRunEvent.
  • output_task_input and output_task_output fields to FinishStructureRunEvent.
  • AmazonS3FileManagerDriver for managing files on Amazon S3.
  • MediaArtifact as a base class for ImageArtifact and future media Artifacts.
  • Optional exception field to ErrorArtifact.
  • StructureRunClient for running other Structures via a Tool.
  • StructureRunTask for running Structures as a Task from within another Structure.
  • GriptapeCloudStructureRunDriver for running Structures in Griptape Cloud.
  • LocalStructureRunDriver for running Structures in the same run-time environment as the code that is running the Structure.


  • BREAKING: Secret fields (ex: api_key) removed from serialized Drivers.
  • BREAKING: Remove FileLoader.
  • BREAKING: CsvLoader no longer accepts str file paths as a source. It will now accept the content of the CSV file as a str or bytes object.
  • BREAKING: PdfLoader no longer accepts str file content, Path file paths or IO objects as sources. Instead, it will only accept the content of the PDF file as a bytes object.
  • BREAKING: TextLoader no longer accepts Path file paths as a source. It will now accept the content of the text file as a str or bytes object.
  • BREAKING: FileManager.default_loader is now None by default.
  • BREAKING Bumped pinecone from ^2 to ^3.
  • BREAKING: Removed workdir, loaders, default_loader, and save_file_encoding fields from FileManager and added file_manager_driver.
  • BREAKING: Removed mime_type field from ImageArtifact. mime_type is now a property constructed using the Artifact type and format field.
  • Improved RAG performance in VectorQueryEngine.
  • Moved Griptape Docs to this repository.
  • Updated EventListener.handler's behavior so that the return value will be passed to the EventListenerDriver.try_publish_event_payload's event_payload parameter.


  • Type hint for parameter azure_ad_token_provider on Azure OpenAI drivers to Optional[Callable[[], str]].
  • Missing parameters azure_ad_token and azure_ad_token_provider on the default client for AzureOpenAiCompletionPromptDriver.
griptape - v0.24.1

Published by andrewfrench 7 months ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

griptape - v0.24.0

Published by cjkindel 7 months ago


  • Every subtask in ToolkitTask can now execute multiple actions in parallel.
  • Added BaseActionsSubtaskEvent.subtask_actions.
  • Support for text-embedding-3-small and text-embedding-3-large models.
  • GooglePromptDriver and GoogleTokenizer for use with gemini-pro.
  • GoogleEmbeddingDriver for use with embedding-001.
  • GoogleStructureConfig for providing Structures with Google Prompt and Embedding Driver configuration.
  • Support for claude-3-opus, claude-3-sonnet, and claude-3-haiku in AnthropicPromptDriver.
  • Support for anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0 and anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0 in BedrockClaudePromptModelDriver.
  • top_k and top_p parameters in AnthropicPromptDriver.
  • Added AnthropicImageQueryDriver for Claude-3 multi-modal models
  • Added AmazonBedrockImageQueryDriver along with BedrockClaudeImageQueryDriverModel for Claude-3 in Bedrock support
  • BaseWebScraperDriver allowing multiple web scraping implementations.
  • TrafilaturaWebScraperDriver for scraping text from web pages using trafilatura.
  • MarkdownifyWebScraperDriver for scraping text from web pages using playwright and converting to markdown using markdownify.
  • VoyageAiEmbeddingDriver for use with VoyageAi's embedding models.
  • AnthropicStructureConfig for providing Structures with Anthropic Prompt and VoyageAi Embedding Driver configuration.


  • Improved system prompt in ToolTask to support more use cases.


  • BREAKING: ActionSubtask was renamed to ActionsSubtask.
  • BREAKING: Removed subtask_action_name, subtask_action_path, and subtask_action_input in BaseActionsSubtaskEvent.
  • BREAKING: OpenAiVisionImageQueryDriver field model no longer defaults to gpt-4-vision-preview and must be specified
  • Default model of OpenAiEmbeddingDriver to text-embedding-3-small.
  • Default model of OpenAiStructureConfig to text-embedding-3-small.
  • BaseTextLoader to accept a BaseChunker.
  • Default model of AmazonBedrockStructureConfig to anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0.
  • AnthropicPromptDriver and BedrockClaudePromptModelDriver to use Anthropic's Messages API.
  • OpenAiVisionImageQueryDriver now has a required field max_tokens that defaults to 256
griptape - v0.23.2

Published by collindutter 7 months ago


  • Deprecation warnings not displaying for Structure.prompt_driver, Structure.embedding_driver, and
  • DummyException error message not fully displaying.
  • StructureConfig.task_memory not defaulting to using StructureConfig.global_drivers by default.
griptape - v0.23.1

Published by collindutter 8 months ago


  • Action Subtask incorrectly raising an exception for actions without an input.
  • Incorrect GriptapeCloudKnowledgeBaseClient's API URLs.
  • Issue with Tool Task system prompt causing the LLM to generate an invalid action.
griptape - v0.23.0

Published by andrewfrench 8 months ago

Griptape v0.23.0


  • Image-to-image generation support for OpenAi Dall-E 2 model.
  • Image tools support loading artifacts from Task Memory.
  • AzureMongoDbVectorStoreDriver for using CosmosDB with MongoDB vCore API.
  • vector_path field on MongoDbAtlasVectorStoreDriver.
  • LeonardoImageGenerationDriver supports image to image generation.
  • OpenAiStructureConfig for providing Structures with all OpenAi Driver configuration.
  • AmazonBedrockStructureConfig for providing Structures with all Amazon Bedrock Driver configuration.
  • StructureConfig for building your own Structure configuration.
  • JsonExtractionTask for convenience over using ExtractionTask with a JsonExtractionEngine.
  • CsvExtractionTask for convenience over using ExtractionTask with a CsvExtractionEngine.
  • OpenAiVisionImageQueryDriver to support queries on images using OpenAI's Vision model.
  • ImageQueryClient allowing an Agent to make queries on images on disk or in Task Memory.
  • New ImageQueryTask and ImageQueryEngine.
  • Delete record functionality in Vector Store Drivers.
  • Allow setting optional headers in RestApiClient.


  • BedrockStableDiffusionImageGenerationModelDriver request parameters for SDXLv1.
  • BedrockStableDiffusionImageGenerationModelDriver correctly handles the CONTENT_FILTERED response case.
  • Resolved many Pyright static analysis issues.


  • BREAKING: Make index_name on MongoDbAtlasVectorStoreDriver a required field.
  • BREAKING: Remove create_index() from MarqoVectorStoreDriver, OpenSearchVectorStoreDriver, PineconeVectorStoreDriver, RedisVectorStoreDriver.
  • BREAKING: ImageLoader().load() now accepts image bytes instead of a file path.
  • Deprecated Structure.prompt_driver in favor of Structure.config.global_drivers.prompt_driver.
  • Deprecated Structure.embedding_driver in favor of Structure.config.global_drivers.embedding_driver.
  • Deprecated in favor of
  • TextSummaryTask.summary_engine now defaults to a PromptSummaryEngine with a Prompt Driver default of Structure.config.global_drivers.prompt_driver.
  • TextQueryTask.query_engine now defaults to a VectorQueryEngine with a Prompt Driver default of Structure.config.global_drivers.prompt_driver and Vector Store Driver default of Structure.config.global_drivers.vector_store_driver.
  • PromptImageGenerationTask.image_generation_engine now defaults to a PromptImageGenerationEngine with an Image Generation Driver default of Structure.config.global_drivers.image_generation_driver.
  • VariationImageGenerationTask.image_generation_engine now defaults to a VariationImageGenerationEngine with an Image Generation Driver default of Structure.config.global_drivers.image_generation_driver.
  • InpaintingImageGenerationTask.image_generation_engine now defaults to an InpaintingImageGenerationEngine with an Image Generation Driver default of Structure.config.global_drivers.image_generation_driver.
  • OutpaintingImageGenerationTask.image_generation_engine now defaults to an OutpaintingImageGenerationEngine with an Image Generation Driver default of Structure.config.global_drivers.image_generation_driver.
  • AwsS3Client sets name of returned artifact to downloaded object key.

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

griptape - v0.22.3

Published by collindutter 9 months ago

[0.22.3] - 2024-01-22


  • ToolkitTask's user subtask prompt occasionally causing the Task to end prematurely.
griptape - v0.22.2

Published by collindutter 9 months ago


  • ToolkitTask's user subtask prompt occassionally causing a loop with Chain of Thought.
griptape - v0.22.1

Published by collindutter 9 months ago


  • Action Subtasks incorrectly outputting the Task input after failing to follow the ReAct prompt.
griptape - v0.22.0

Published by collindutter 9 months ago


  • PromptImageGenerationEngine for generating images from text prompts.
  • VariationImageGenerationEngine for generating variations of an input image according to a text prompt.
  • InpaintingImageGenerationEngine for modifying an input image according to a text prompt within the bounds of a mask defined by a mask image.
  • OutpaintingImageGenerationEngine for modifying an input image according to a text prompt outside the bounds of a mask defined by a mask image.
  • PromptImageGenerationClient for enabling an LLM to use the PromptImageGenerationEngine.
  • VariationImageGenerationClient for enabling an LLM to use the VariationImageGenerationEngine.
  • InpaintingImageGenerationClient for enabling an LLM to use the InpaintingImageGenerationEngine.
  • OutpaintingImageGenerationClient for enabling an LLM to use the OutpaintingImageGenerationEngine.
  • OpenAiImageGenerationDriver for use with OpenAI's image generation models.
  • LeonardoImageGenerationDriver for use with Leonoaro AI's image generation models.
  • AmazonBedrockImageGenerationDriver for use with Amazon Bedrock's image generation models; requires a Image Generation Model Driver.
  • BedrockTitanImageGenerationModelDriver for use with Amazon Bedrock's Titan image generation.
  • ImageArtifact for storing image data; used heavily by the image Engines, Tasks, and Drivers.
  • ImageLoader for loading images files into ImageArtifacts.
  • Support for all Tokenizers in OpenAiChatPromptDriver, enabling OpenAI drop-in clients such as Together AI.
  • AmazonSageMakerEmbeddingDriver for using Amazon SageMaker to generate embeddings. Thanks @KaushikIyer16!
  • Claude 2.1 support in AnthropicPromptDriver and AmazonBedrockPromptDriver via BedrockClaudePromptModelDriver.
  • CodeExecutionTask for executing code as a Task without the need for an LLM.
  • BedrockLlamaPromptModelDriver for using Llama models on Amazon Bedrock.


  • MongoDbAtlasVectorStore namespace not being used properly when querying.
  • Miscellaneous type errors throughout the codebase.
  • Remove unused section from ToolTask system prompt template.
  • Structure execution args being cleared after run, preventing inspection of the Structure's input_task's input.
  • Unhandled SqlClient exception. Thanks @michal-repo!


  • BREAKING: Rename input_template field to input in Tasks that take a text input.
  • BREAKING: Rename BedrockTitanEmbeddingDriver to AmazonBedrockTitanEmbeddingDriver.
  • BREAKING: Rename AmazonBedrockStableDiffusionImageGenerationModelDriver to BedrockStableDiffusionImageGenerationModelDriver.
  • BREAKING: Rename AmazonBedrockTitanImageGenerationModelDriver to BedrockTitanImageGenerationModelDriver.
  • BREAKING: Rename ImageGenerationTask to PromptImageGenerationTask.
  • BREAKING: Rename ImageGenerationEngine to PromptImageGenerationEngine.
  • BREAKING: Rename ImageGenerationTool to PromptImageGenerationClient.
  • Improve system prompt generation with Claude 2.0.
  • Improve integration test coverage.
  • BaseTextInputTask to accept a str, TextArtifact or callable returning a TextArtifact.
griptape - v0.21.2

Published by andrewfrench 10 months ago

🔧 Improvements

  • Fixed handling of exceptions in SqlClient (#502)
  • Fixed file output bug in image generation tool/task (#505)
  • Removed unused portion of system prompt (#514)
  • Updated Makefile to reflect release process (#524)
griptape - v0.21.1

Published by collindutter 10 months ago

🔧 Improvements

  • Fixed README link.
  • Fixed missing module file in griptape.schemas.utils.
griptape - v0.21.0

Published by collindutter 10 months ago

🚨 Breaking Changes

  • Renamed to
  • Renamed to
  • Renamed to
  • Moved ProxycurlClient Tool to dedicated repository.

🆕 New Features

  • Added HuggingFaceEmbeddingDriver.
  • Added SimpleTokenizer for use with LLM providers that don't provide tokenization APIs.
  • Added streaming support to Chat util. Thanks @mattma1970!
  • Added Image Generation Drivers (AzureOpenAiDalleImageGenerationDriver, LeonardoImageGenerationDriver, and AmazonBedrockImageGenerationDriver).
  • Added streaming support to HuggingFaceHubPromptDriver.
  • Added prompt_stack and prompt fields to StartPromptEvent to allow for inspection of the prompt before sending to the LLM.
  • Created Tool Template repository.

🔧 Improvements

  • Added python 3.12 support.
  • Updated HuggingFaceHubPromptDriver to use new InferenceClient.
  • Fixed OpenSearchVectorStoreDriver.query argument order. Thanks @igor-2lemetry!
  • Fixed FileManager working directory not updating when using os.cwd().
  • Fixed WebLoader failing when extracting empty pages.
  • Fixed SummaryConversationMemory failing to deserialize.

📖 Docs

  • Updated contribution guidelines for new Tools.
  • Added docs for HuggingFaceEmbeddingDriver.
  • Updated docs to reflect hugging_face -> huggingface rename.
  • Added dedicated page for Tokenizers.
  • Added note to Prompt Drivers page advising users that if they choose to override the Prompt Driver, they should also consider overriding the Embedding Driver.
  • Fixed broken import on Task Memory page.
griptape - v0.20.0

Published by collindutter 11 months ago

🚨 Breaking Changes

  • Removed BaseTask.add_child and BaseTask.add_parent. Use Workflow.add_task(s) and Workflow.insert_task(s) instead.
  • Changed Workflows to always have a single input Task and single output Task; enabling Workflow Conversation Memory.
  • Split dependencies into extras to reduce base installation size. Read more about this change here.
  • Renamed ToolOutputProcessor to TaskMemoryClient.
  • Removed Memory Actions in favor of TaskMemoryClient. If your Tools have data that needs to go to the LLM, you must set either set off_prompt=False on the Tool, or add TaskMemoryClient with off_prompt=False.
  • Changed all to return a Structure. This resolves inconsistencies in the run return values across Agents, Pipelines and Workflows. You can access the output Task value via Structure.output_task.output.value.
  • Renamed AzureOpenAiChatPromptDriver's deployment_id and api_base to azure_deployment and azure_endpoint.
  • Renamed Structure.tool_memory to Structure.task_memory.
  • Renamed ToolMemory to TaskMemory.
  • Renamed Structure.memory to Structure.conversation_memory.
  • Removed TextQueryTask.load method.

🆕 New Features

  • Added seed parameter to OpenAiChatPromptDriver. Read more about this parameter here.
  • Added response_format parameter to OpenAiChatPromptDriver and AzureOpenAiChatPromptDriver. Read more about this parameter here.
  • Added support for gpt-4-1106-preview(gpt-4-turbo) in OpenAiChatPromptDriver.
  • Added new Workflow method insert_tasks. See example usage here.
  • Added Conversation Memory to Workflows.
  • Added off_prompt parameter to all Tools. With the exception of TaskMemoryClient (no default provided), off_prompt defaults to True meaning that the Tool results will go into Task Memory. If you'd like the results to go directly back to the LLM, set off_prompt to False.
  • Added support for Rulesets and Rules to all Tasks.
  • Added namespace parameter to TextQueryTask.
  • Added encoding parameter to TextLoader.
  • Added download_objects parameter to AwsS3Client.
  • Added encoding parameter to TextLoader and TextArtifact.
  • Added to_bytes method to TextArtifact.

🔧 Improvements

  • Updated openai's sdk to ^1.1.0.
  • Renamed Tool Memory to Task Memory. Soon, all Tasks will be able to output Artifacts into Task Memory, giving the ability to share Artifacts across Tasks.
  • Added MetaMemory to store ActionSubtask results to improve the LLM's reasoning when using ToolkitTask. Other applications of MetaMemory will be added in future releases.
  • Flattened Memory Actions and Tool Actions into Actions to improve the LLM's reasoning when using ToolkitTask.
  • Improved system prompt for ToolTask and ToolkitTask to reduce action hallucinations.

📖 Docs

  • Updated examples to reflect Tool Memory to Task Memory rename.
  • Update examples to reflect flattening of Memory Actions and Tool Actions into Actions.
  • Updated Overview and Prompt Driver pages to reflect pip extras changes.
  • Updated Workflow example to use new Workflow.insert_tasks method.
  • Added note to OpenAI Prompt Driver examples regarding seed and response_format parameters.
  • Updated Tool examples to use TaskMemoryClient and off_prompt parameters.