
Short and sweet LISP editing


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lispy - lispy 0.26.0 Latest Release

Published by abo-abo over 9 years ago


  • C-k should delete the whole multi-line string.
  • y should work for all parens, not just (.
  • p should actually eval in other window for dolist.
  • Prevent pairs inserting an extra space when at minibuffer start.
  • ol works properly for active region.

New Features


  • xf will pretty-print the macros for Elisp.
  • M-m works better when before ).
  • Fix ', ^ after a ,.
  • Improve / (splice) for quoted regions.
  • Z works with &key arguments.
  • The new M is used in xf.
  • Allow to flatten Elisp defsubst.
  • c should insert an extra newline for top-level sexps.

Paredit key bindings

You can have only Paredit + special key bindings by using this composition of key themes:

(lispy-set-key-theme '(special paredit))

The default setting is:

(lispy-set-key-theme '(special lispy c-digits))

New algorithm for multi-lining

M is now bound to lispy-alt-multiline instead of lispy-multiline. It has a much better and more customizable algorithm.

See these variables for customization:

  • lispy-multiline-threshold
  • lispy--multiline-take-3
  • lispy--multiline-take-3-arg
  • lispy--multiline-take-2
  • lispy--multiline-take-2-arg

They are set to reasonable defaults. But you can customize them if you feel that a particular form should be multi-lined in a different way.

lispy-multiline-threshold is a bit of ad-hoc to make things nice. Set this to nil if you want a completely rigorous multi-line. With the default setting of 32, expressions shorter than this won't be multi-lined. This makes 95% of the code look really good.

The algorithm has a safety check implemented for Elisp: if read on the transformed expression returns something different than read on the original expression, an error will be signaled and no change will be made. For expressions that can't be read, like buffers/markers/windows/cyclic lists/overlays, only a warning will be issued (lispy can read them, unlike read).

d and > give priority to lispy-right

For the expression (a)|(b), (a) will be considered the sexp at point, instead of (b). This is consistent with show-paren-mode. If a space is present, all ambiguities are resolved anyway.

b works fine even if the buffer changes

I've switched the point and mark history to markers instead of points. When the buffer is changed, the markers are updated, so b will work fine.

Extend Clojure reader

In order for i (prettify code) to work for Clojure, it must be able to read the current expression. I've been extending the Elisp reader to understand Clojure. In the past commits, support was added for:

  • empty sets
  • commas
  • auto-symbols, like p1__7041#

Extend Elisp reader

It should be possible to read any #<...> form, as well as #1-type forms.

g and G get a persistent action for ivy

This is a powerful feature that the helm back end has had for a long time. When you press g, C-n and C-p will change the current selection. But C-M-n and C-M-p will change the current selection and move there, without exiting the completion.

This also means that you can call ivy-resume to resume either g (lispy-goto) or
G (lispy-goto-local).

e works with defvar-local

As you might know, the regular C-x C-e or eval-buffer will not reset the values of defvar, defcustom and such (you need C-M-x instead). But e does it, now also for defvar-local.

Improve faces for dark backgrounds

I normally use a light background, so I didn't notice before that the faces looked horrible with a dark background.

The ` will quote the region

If you have a region selected, pressing ` will result in:


Customize the file selection back end for V

V (lispy-visit) allows to open a file in current project. Previously, it used projectile.
Now it uses find-file-in-project by default, with the option to customize to projectile.

Fixup calls to looking-back

Apparently, looking-back isn't very efficient, so it's preferable to avoid it or at least add a search bound to improve efficiency. Also the bound became mandatory in 25, while it was optional before.

M-m will work better in strings and comments.

See the relevant test:

(should (string= (lispy-with "\"See `plu|mage'.\"" (kbd "M-m"))
                 "\"See ~`plumage'|.\""))

Thanks to this, to e.g. get the value of a quoted var in a docstring or a comment, or jump to its definition, you can M-m. Then, you can step-in with i to select the symbol without quotes.

Update the tags strategy

A much better algorithm with caching an examining of file modification time is used now. This means that the tags should be up-to-date 99% of the time, even immediately after a save, and no necessary re-parsing will be done. And it all works fine with the lispy-tag-arity modifications.

1% of the time, lispy-tag-arity stops working, I don't know why, since it's hard to reproduce. You can then pass a prefix arg to refresh tags bypassing the cache, e.g 2g or 2G.

Also a bug is fixed in Clojure tag navigation, where the tag start positions were off by one char.

The fetched tags retrieval is fast: less than 0.15s on Emacs' lisp/ directory to retrieve 21256 tags from 252 files. Which means it's lightning fast on smaller code bases (lispy has only 651 tags).

xj can also step into macros

lispy-debug-step-in, bound to xj locally and C-x C-j globally can now step into macros, as well as into functions. This command is very useful for Edebug-less debugging. Stepping into macros with &rest parameters should work fine as well.

p can now lax-eval function and macro arguments

When positioned at function or macro args, p will set them as if the function or macro was called with empty args, or the appropriate amount of nils. If the function is interned and interactive, use its interactive form to set the arguments appropriately.

Again, this is very useful for debugging.

Allow to paste anywhere in the list using a numeric arg

As you might know, P (lispy-paste) is a powerful command that:

  • Replaces selection with current kill when the region is active.
  • Yanks the current kill before or after the current list otherwise.

Now, you can:

  • Yank the current kill to become the second element of the list with 2P
  • Yank the current kill to become the third element of the list with 3P
  • ...

It's OK to pass a larger arg than the length of the current list. In that case, the paste will be made into the last element of the list.

Update the way / (lispy-splice) works

When there's no next element within parent, jump to parent from appropriate side. When the region is active, don't deactivate it. When splicing region, remove random quotes at region bounds.

This change makes the splice a lot more manageable. For example, starting with this Clojure code, with
| marking the current point:

(defn read-resource
  "Read a resource into a string"
   |(slurp ( path))))

A double splice // will result in:

(defn read-resource
  "Read a resource into a string"
   slurp path))

After xR (reverse list), 2 SPC (same as C-f), -> (plain insert), [M (back to parent and multi-line), the final result:

(defn read-resource
  "Read a resource into a string"
  |(-> path

This also shows off xR - lispy-reverse, which reverses the current list. Finally, reverting from the last code to the initial one can be done simply with xf - it will flatten the -> macro call.

lispy - lispy 0.25.0

Published by abo-abo over 9 years ago


  • Add minibuffer-inactive-mode to the lispy-elisp-modes list. It means that you can eval there if you want.
  • V (lispy-visit) should turn on projectile-global-mode if it's not on.
  • M (lispy-multiline) works better for Clojure: the regexes for vectors, maps and sets have been improved.
  • C-k should not delete only the string when located at start of string.
  • M will not turn vectors into lists any more.
  • the backquote bug for i and M was fixed.
  • you can flatten Elisp closures as well, at least the plain ones.

New Features

b calls lispy-back

The movement commands, such as:

  • the arrows hjkl (lispy-left, lispy-down etc.)
  • f (lispy-flow)
  • q (lispy-ace-paren)
  • i (lispy-tab), only when called for an active region

will not store each movement in the point-and-mark history. You can press b to go back in
history. This is especially useful for h, l, and f, since they are
not trivially reversible.

b was previously bound to lispy-store-region-and-buffer, so you could do Ediff with
b and B. Now it's bound to xB.

Hungry comment delete

C-d (lispy-delete) when positioned at the start of a comment, and with only whitespace
before the start of the line, will delete the whole comment.

If you want to un-comment, just use C-u ; from any point in the comment.

Added flatten operation for Clojure

xf (lispy-flatten) now also works for Clojure, before it was only for Elisp.

Example 1 (flatten a macro):

|(->> [1 2 3 4 5]
     (map sqr)
     (filter odd?))

When you press xf you get this:

|(filter odd? (map sqr [1 2 3 4 5]))

Example 2 (flatten a standard function):

Start with:

|(map odd? [1 2 3 4 5])

After xf:

(let [f odd? coll [1 2 3 4 5]]
  (lazy-seq (when-let [s (seq coll)]
              (if (chunked-seq? s)
                (let [c (chunk-first s)
                      size (int (count c))
                      b (chunk-buffer size)]
                  (dotimes [i size]
                    (chunk-append b (f (.nth c i))))
                  (chunk-cons (chunk b)
                              (map f (chunk-rest s))))
                (cons (f (first s))
                      (map f (rest s)))))))

A bit of a gibberish, but at least we can confirm that map is indeed lazy.

Example 3 (flatten your own function):

Example function:

(defn sqr [x]
  (* x x))

This one requires the function to be properly loaded with C-c C-l (cider-load-file),
otherwise Clojure will not know the location of the function.

Example statement:

(+ |(sqr 10) 20)

After xf:

(+ |(let [x 10]
     (* x x)) 20)

Added lax eval for Clojure

This is similar to the lax eval for Elisp. If you mark an expression with a region:

asdf [1 2 3]

and press e, you will actually eval this:

(do (def asdf [1 2 3])

You can do this for let bindings, it's super-useful for debugging. The rule is that if the first
element of the region is a symbol, and there's more stuff in the region besides the symbol, a lax
eval will be performed.

e will auto-start CIDER

If CIDER isn't live, e will start it and properly eval the current statement.

2F will search for variables first

Since Elisp is a LISP-2, there can be a function and a variable with the same name. F
(lispy-follow) prefers functions, but now 2F will prefer variables.

2e will eval and insert the commented result

Starting with:

|(filter odd? (map sqr [1 2 3 4 5]))

Pressing 2e gives:

(filter odd? (map sqr [1 2 3 4 5]))
;; =>
;; (1 9 25)

This works for all dialects, so you can also have:

(symbol-function 'exit-minibuffer)
;; =>
;; (closure (t)
;;          nil "Terminate this minibuffer argument." (interactive)
;;          (setq deactivate-mark nil)
;;          (throw (quote exit)
;;            nil))


;; =>

To do the last eval you need to be in special. So first mark the symbol *MODULES* with a region.
A convenient function to mark the current symbol is M-m (lispy-mark-symbol).

y (lispy-occur) now has an ivy back end

lispy-occur launches an interactive search within the current top-level expression, usually a
defun. This is useful to see where a variable is used in a function, or to quickly navigate to a

You can customize lispy-occur-backend to either ivy (the default) or helm (if you have it,
since it's no longer a dependency of lispy).

Add ivy back end to lispy-completion-method

Now it's the default one for navigating to tags. You can select alternatively helm or ido if you

Remove the dependency on ace-jump-mode

Instead the dependency on ace-window will be re-used. This allows for a lot of code
simplifications and better tests.

New custom variables:

  • lispy-avy-style-char: choose where the overlay appears for Q (lispy-ace-char)
  • lispy-avy-style-paren: choose where the overlay appears for q (lispy-ace-paren)
  • lispy-avy-style-symbol: choose where the overlay appears for a (lispy-ace-symbol)
    and - (lispy-ace-subword) and H (ace-symbol-replace).

There's also lispy-avy-keys, which is a ... z by default.

Add lispy-compat

This is a list of compatibility features with other packages, such as edebug and god-mode.
They add overhead, so you might want to turn them off if you don't use the mentioned packages.

F works for Scheme

You can navigate to a symbol definition in Scheme with F. This feature was already
in place for Elisp, Clojure and CL.

lispy - lispy 0.24.0

Published by abo-abo over 9 years ago


  • DEL behaves properly after a string and one space.
  • C-k works better for expressions preceded with "#".
  • 3 should not add a space when there is one already.
  • # will not add a space after a comma.
  • C-j works better in comments after a quote.
  • lispy--eval-elisp-form first arg is now named lispy-form instead of form. It was impossible
    to evaluate an unrelated form variable with the previous behavior.
  • F again works properly when jumping to a jar (e.g. to defn) from Clojure source.
  • C-k won't call delete-region in some obscure branches.


  • P (lispy-paste) will add a newline when called from start of line. This way,
    nP becomes equivalent to c (lispy-clone). Of course, it's more flexible: you
    can do e.g. nkP.
  • xb (lispy-bind-variable) now works on regions as well. Use it to bind the current
    sexp or region as a let-bound variable: it will put you in iedit. When you're done with iedit, press
    M-m (lispy-mark-symbol) to exit iedit. If you need to move the let binding around, use
    a combination of C (lispy-convolute) and h (lispy-left).
  • g will ignore loaddefs.el for Elisp.
  • M-m works better in unbalanced buffers, which should be an rare thing.
  • add defhydra to lispy-tag-arity: now g will recognize defhydra statements.
  • The tag logic was improved to do less parsing.
  • lispy-outline was updated to match the standard ^;;; outline regex. Try pressing I
    in e.g. org.el, it's quite beautiful.
  • All lispy-eval functions will preserve the match data.
  • > will delete the extra whitespace while slurping.
  • Added undercover/Coveralls test coverage report.
  • H (lispy-ace-symbol-replace) is now a Hydra: type h to delete more, type
    u to undo.
  • Q (lispy-ace-char) now uses avy to jump. This change allows to cover this
    function with a test.

New features

p can now iterate dolist variables in Elisp.

(defun range (a b)
  (message "called range")
  (number-sequence a b))
(dolist |(i (range 1 3))
  (message "i=%d" i))

Pressing p with point where | is, will

  • call range and set i to 1
  • set i to 2
  • set i to 3
  • set i to nil
  • call range and set i to 1

This is another step toward edebug-less debugging, adding to special behavior for let, cond
and labels.

Incompatible changes

  • lispy-helm-columns is now a list '(60 80). The first number is the width of the tag name
    column, the second number is the width of both tag name and tag file.
  • j and k should now move to outline when at beginning of comment. The previous
    behavior was to look for the first sexp in the direction. You can still do that with f.
  • I (lispy-shiftab) is now a two-way cycle, instead of three-way, like org-mode.
    The contents can be obtained with C-u I or C-u C-TAB.
lispy - lispy 0.23.0

Published by abo-abo over 9 years ago


  • M-DEL improved in strings; it doesn't leave the string after kill; whitespace issue is fixed.
  • fix () in (eq (char-before) ?\() being interpreted as nil by lispy--read
  • F is fixed for Clojure after breaking with a CIDER update
  • M-RET inserts an outline of at least level 1
  • M-m fixed near a string
  • p will not modify whitespace
  • C-g will not jumble ace commands


  • j and k don't switch list side when they can't go any further
  • C-d is even less whitespace-hungry
  • e will treat , as identity for eval purposes: it's now possible to eval e.g.
    (list (list ,foo)|), which will return the result of (list foo).
  • C-3 will try to expand abbrevs
  • DEL will treat a comment as a sexp, when at start of comment: extra whitespace will be deleted.
  • p is greatly improved for when there are more that 2 windows: you will select the target window
    with ace-window. Afterwards, if the window configuration doesn't change, the target window will stay the same
    and you don't need to select anymore.

New features

  • 4 SPC will amend current sexp with a newline
  • M-left and M-right move outlines, just like in org-mode
  • C-a will call lispy-move-beginning-of-line which either moves to beginning of line,
    or back to indentation when already there. It will also reveal a hidden outline when appropriate.

Completion methods aplenty for g

A new custom variable lispy-completion-method can now take 3 values:

  • helm - completes with helm. Yep.
  • ido
    • completes with ido, strings don't include filename to save space
    • when ido-vertical-mode is on, gives strings same as for helm
  • default - falls back to other completion methods:
    • icomplete-mode, when it's on
    • icy-mode, when it's on
    • plain-old completing-read when nothing else is on

Updated outline shortcuts

When at outline:

  • l will promote
  • h will demote
  • M-RET will not leave special when adding an outline
  • a forwards to M-RET now
  • L will go to the outline's first child sexp
  • t is bound to `end-of-line' when at outline. Use
    e.g. at to immediately edit the outline name. Or use
    alt to promote it once before editing etc.
  • DEL can delete the previous outline.

Incompatible changes

  • h doesn't jump between top-level sexp and the outline anymore.
lispy - lispy 0.22.0

Published by abo-abo over 9 years ago


  • n will not throw when the kill ring is empty.
  • ' will not add a space when preceeded by ~.
  • h and l don't deactivate mark on failure (when can't move further)
  • i changes '( ) to '() instead of 'nil.


  • C-j works for `cider-clojure-interaction-mode', as does E
  • ## will first attempt to start a map or set literal in Clojure, then do a gensym literal.
  • a will not select select empty parens and symbols can
    start with "~,@".
  • RET and C-j carry the quotes with them and
    re-indent. If you don't want to carry the quotes, you can press a
    space beforehand.
  • M-j will behave better when at eol inside a string

New features

  • 2 SPC will now exit special and insert a space in front of the list.
  • 3 SPC will now exitspecial and insert a space in back of the list.
  • M-d calls lispy-kill-word. Similar to kill-word, but
    takes care of matching the list and string delimiters.
  • M-DEL calls lispy-backward-kill-word. Similar to backward-kill-word, but
    takes care of matching the list and string delimiters.
  • M-k calls lispy-kill-sentence. Similar to
    kill-sentence, but the sentence now the current list.
  • lispy-forward is bound to C-M-n, in addition to ]
  • lispy-backward is bound to C-M-p, in addition to [

Incompatible changes

The obsolete aliases lispy-out-forward, lispy-out-backward and
lispy-out-forward-nostring were removed.

lispy-clockwise and lispy-counterclockwise have been marked as
obsolete and will be removed in 0.23.0. There's no need to replace
them, since they don't do much.

lispy - lispy 0.21.0

Published by abo-abo over 9 years ago


  • ( adds a space when wrapping region
  • w/s work for files indented with both tabs and spaces (but this doesn't
    mean that anyone should do that)
  • p doesn't change the whitespace
  • fix the issue of dynamic variable cmd in lispy--insert-or-call
  • i will fall back to the default indent-sexp if the thing to indent is too large
  • '' will not insert an extra space
  • F (follow) and M-. (goto-symbol) now unfold a hidden outline if they end up there.
  • mm (mark-list) will not trigger company-mode completion.


  • xh (describe) now describes variables in addition to functions.

  • y (occur) pre-select was improved.

  • y (occur) will deactivate mark.

  • C (convolute) now works from both sides, not just from the front.

  • t (teleport) will now work only within the current defun. This will make it more consistent, since
    it will not depend on the window scroll amount.

  • e (eval) is greatly improved for Clojure. It will now concatenate both the output
    and the eval result, with output colored as string.

  • i (indent) now works also with Clojure map literals.

  • B (ediff-bounds) the ediff will try re-use the current window configuration.

  • C-4 C-h or C-h F1 will describe the bindings

  • C-d and DEL are now less whitespace-hungry and more intuitive

  • xj (debug-step-in) now works for adviced functions

  • A (beginning-of-defun) will restore point and mark when called twice

  • S (stringify) or C-u " (quote) don't move the point.

  • S (stringify) will keep the region.

  • ' (tick) will unquote if the current region is a string. So now you can
    quote/unquote region with "/'.

  • m and M-m will mark the full sexp, i.e. together with ,@' stuff.

  • i now works for marked quoted symbols, so if you have

    |(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(\"\\\\.cache\\\\'\" . emacs-lisp-mode))

you can eval auto-mode-alist with mijie.

New features

  • xb now calls lispy-bind-variable: the current expression will be moved to
    a let binding and you will write down the binding name with iedit. You can use M-m
    to exit iedit and to mark the newly created name. Then, if you want to move the let, just use
    a combination of C and h.
  • C-return now calls lispy-open-line: it's useful to add a new line after the current
    expression without moving the point.
  • lispy-alt-line is the alternative newline. It might be a bit confusing, so it's not bound.
    However, it's very useful: see the tests. You can bind it to one of C-j or C-m
    or return, as they all don't have to do the same thing.
  • you can now enable lispy-mode for cider-repl-mode and slime-repl-mode, RET will work.
  • p (eval-other-window) now works for cl-labels: it will appropriately bind the function at point.
  • 0m (mark-list) now marks the inner part of the list, i.e. without parens.
  • # (hash) now works in a similar way to other keys that add one extra space:
    `, : etc.
  • c (clone) is now improved for region selection. You can now generate a function call
    from function definition with 2mcol( or mijcol(.
  • ~ (tilde) is a new function that, besides inserting tilde can toggle it at the start
    of the region when the region is active.

Extended outline support

The outline style was changed, to allow for nested outlines.

  • j: If at outline, move to next outline.
  • k: If at outline, move to previous outline.
  • h: If at top-level, move to parent outline. Go back when called the second time.
  • l: If at outline, move to the first child sexp.
  • i: If at outline, fold/unfold it with org-mode (3-way cycle)
  • I: fold/unfold all outlines with org-mode (3-way cycle)
  • M-return: Add an outline, just like in org-mode.
  • v: works for outlines
  • a: If at outline, add a new outline and move there.
  • M-j (split) and M-J (join) were improved a lot for strings and lists. See tests.
  • + (join) will no longer exit the list, instead keeping the position.

You can easily view tests now

  • the testing support was improved, so now the tests look more clear.
  • xv (view-test): You can position the point at a (should statement in lispy-test.el,
    and this function will should you in an overlay:
    • initial state of the code, with point and mark
    • the key to trigger the transformation
    • the expected final state of the code


Here's another preview, with special handling of point, mark, region and show-paren-mode:


Incompatible changes

In an effort to simplify the notation, lispy-out-forward was renamed to lispy-right; and lispy-out-backward was renamed to lispy-left.
The old names are retained as obsolete aliases for the current functions. They will be removed in the next release.

lispy - lispy 0.20.0

Published by abo-abo almost 10 years ago


  • w/s can move quoted sexps, e.g. moving these will work as expected:

     '(inhibit-startup-screen t)|
     '(initial-scratch-message "")
     '(scroll-bar-mode nil)
     '(show-paren-mode t)
     '(tool-bar-mode nil)
     '(menu-bar-mode nil))
  • DEL will delete the preceding comment in this situation:

    ;; bar


  • the preselect option of g works better
  • g now gives additional info for add-advice, cl-defun and define-derived-mode.
  • g now highlights Elisp user-visible functions (i.e. commands) with lispy-command-name-face
  • M-i (iedit) now also works from left paren
  • M-m can now mark a string when the point is at the last quote of the string.

New features

  • y now calls lispy-occur. Halfway through implementing
    it, I realized that it's basically just helm-swoop restricted to current defun.
    Still, it's very convenient to navigate to a function call by name within the current top-level
    sexp, or to see variable's usage with current function.
  • xu now calls lispy-unbind-variable.

See screencast for the detailed demo of these two features.

New bindings

  • D is now pop-tag-mark (was lispy-describe). Now the
    follow-go back combo is very ergonomic at F/D.
    The global bindings for follow-go back are still M-./M-,
  • xh is now lispy-describe (was unbound).
lispy - lispy 0.19.0

Published by abo-abo almost 10 years ago


  • w/s now works even if the next symbol isn't a list

    (foo |(bar) baz)
    (foo baz |(bar))
  • C-k now considers braces and brackets in addition to parens

  • no more compilation errors on Emacs-24.3

  • i will pretty-print Clojure better


  • xr works on region as well
  • DEL deletes quotation chars (e.g. quote, quasi-quote) along with the list
  • C-y obeys delete-selection-mode
  • " works better with region
  • DEL and C-d have been largely overhauled
  • DEL calls recenter if it deleted a lot of text
  • m marks/unmarks comment when called from comment start
  • p works also for cond branches: just aim at the cond
    branch and it will call the branch test and, if it's true, the
    branch body.
  • the repo has been shrunk with, so it takes
    less time to clone now.
  • M works better for Clojure

New bindings

  • M-q calls lispy-fill, which will re-print current expression,
    taking fill-column into consideration
  • o g calls lispy-goto-mode
  • o g p calls lispy-goto-projectile
  • 0 g calls lispy-goto-projectile
  • ' and ` insert an extra space when necessary
lispy - lispy 0.18.0

Published by abo-abo almost 10 years ago


  • " (lispy-quote) doesn't add extra space when at eol
  • navigation commands don't try to re-indent read-only buffers
  • C-k will not delete in one case instead of killing


  • C-7 (lispy-cursor-down) deactivates itself
  • p (lispy-eval-other-window) does a setq when asked to eval the
    definition part of a let statement
  • xf (lispy-flatten) gives a warning when trying to extract body
    from e.g. Emacs C code
  • xr (lispy-eval-and-replace) ends in special now
  • r (lispy-raise) obeys prefix arg, i.e. 2r, 3r does what you
  • C-4 (previously synonym for x - lispy-x) is now just a
    standard Emacs map, so things like C-4 ? are given for free
  • m now takes a prefix arg, e.g. 2m will mark the second element
    of the list.

New bindings

  • xj now calls lispy-debug-step-in
  • M-. now calls lispy-goto-symbol
  • M-, now calls pop-tag-mark (reverse of M-,)
lispy - lispy 0.17.0

Published by abo-abo almost 10 years ago


  • oj, ok, oh and ol will no longer select region if it wasn't selected before
  • i can now handle Clojure's lambda syntax
  • xd will not move the point in case of failure
  • o will work with multiple-cursors


  • E now supports pretty-printing for Clojure (use 2E for that)
  • - will mark the first part of the symbol if only one symbol is selected